# Copyright (c) 2002, 2004 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#                    Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <jp@nexedi.com>
#                    Romain Courteaud <romain@nexedi.com>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

from Globals import InitializeClass
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo

from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, Constraint, Interface
from Products.ERP5Type.XMLObject import XMLObject
from Products.ERP5Type.XMLMatrix import XMLMatrix
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import cartesianProduct
from Products.ERP5Type.Base import TempBase

from Products.ERP5.Document.Amount import Amount
from Products.ERP5.Document.Transformation import AggregatedAmountList

from Products.CMFCore.Expression import Expression
from Products.ERP5.Document.Predicate import Predicate

from zLOG import LOG

class TransformedResource(Predicate, XMLObject, XMLMatrix, Amount):
        TransformedResource defines which
        resource is being transformed

        - variation
        - quantity

        Maybe defined by mapped values inside the transformed resource

      XXX Transformation works only for a miximum of 3 variation base category...
      Matrixbox must be rewrite for a clean implementation of n base category


    meta_type = 'ERP5 Transformed Resource'
    portal_type = 'Transformed Resource'

    # Declarative security
    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    # Declarative properties
    property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.Base
                      , PropertySheet.SimpleItem
                      , PropertySheet.CategoryCore
                      , PropertySheet.Amount
                      , PropertySheet.TransformedResource

    # Declarative interfaces
    __implements__ = ( Interface.Variated, )

    ### Variation matrix definition
    def updateVariationCategoryList(self):
        Check if variation category list of the resource changed and 
        update transformed resource by doing a set cell range

    def _updateQMatrixCellRange(self):
      # XXX use base_id parameter instead
      cell_range =  self.TransformedResource_asCellRange('quantity')
      # XXX TransformedResource works only for a maximum of 3 variation
      # base category...
      # Matrixbox must be rewrite for a clean implementation of n base
      # category
      if len(cell_range) <= 3:
        self.setCellRange(base_id='quantity', *cell_range)
        raise MoreThan3VariationBaseCategory

    def _setQVariationBaseCategoryList(self, value):
        Defines the possible base categories which Quantity value (Q)
        variate on
      # XXX calling updatecellRange is better

    def setQVariationBaseCategoryList(self, value):
        Defines the possible base categories which Quantity value (Q)
        variate on and reindex the object

    def _updateVMatrixCellRange(self):
      # XXX use base_id parameter instead
      cell_range =  self.TransformedResource_asCellRange('variation')
      # XXX TransformedResource works only for a maximum of 3 variation
      # base category...
      # Matrixbox must be rewrite for a clean implementation of n base
      # category
      if len(cell_range) <= 3:
        self.setCellRange(base_id='variation', *cell_range)
        raise MoreThan3VariationBaseCategory

    def _setVVariationBaseCategoryList(self, value):
        Defines the possible base categories which Variation value (V)
        variate on
      # XXX calling updatecellRange is better

    def setVVariationBaseCategoryList(self, value):
        Defines the possible base categories which Variation value (V)
        variate on and reindex the object

    def getVariationRangeCategoryItemList(self, base_category_list = (),
                                          omit_individual_variation=1, base=1,
                                          display_id='title', **kw):

          Returns possible variation category values for the
          transformation according to the default resource.
          Possible category values is provided as a list of
          tuples (id, title). This is mostly
          useful in ERP5Form instances to generate selection
          Display is left...
        resource = self.getResourceValue()
        result = []
        if resource != None:
          if base_category_list is ():
            base_category_list = resource.getVariationBaseCategoryList()
          result = resource.getVariationCategoryItemList(
        return result

    def getVariationRangeCategoryList(self, base_category_list=()):
          Returns possible variation category values for the
          transformation according to the default resource.
        return map(lambda x: x[1],
        return result

    def getAggregatedAmountList(self, context=None, REQUEST=None, **kw):
        Get all interesting amount value and return AggregatedAmountList
      context = self.asContext(context=context, REQUEST=REQUEST, **kw)
      # Create the result object
      aggregated_amount_list = AggregatedAmountList()
      test_result = self.test(context)
      if test_result:
        # The line must match the context
        # If no predicate is defined on line, the result of the test 
        # must be true
        # Create temporary object to store amount
        from Products.ERP5Type.Document import newTempAmount
        tmp_amount = newTempAmount(self.getPortalObject(), self.getId())
        # Create error string
        error_string = ''
        # Add resource relation
        resource = self.getDefaultResourceValue()
        if resource != None:
          error_string += 'No resource defined on %s' % self.getRelativeUrl()
        # First, we set initial values for quantity and variation
        # Currently, we only consider discrete variations
        # Continuous variations will be implemented in a future version 
        # of ERP5
        # Set quantity unit
        quantity_unit = self.getQuantityUnit()
        if quantity_unit is not None:
        # Set efficiency
        efficiency =  self.getEfficiency()
        if efficiency is None or efficiency is '' or efficiency == 0.0:
          efficiency = 1.0
          efficiency = float(efficiency)
### current get quantity comportment exemple ###
# We define on transformation line:
#   default_quantity = q
#   quantity matrix
#     |   Child | Child/32 | Child/34 | Men | Women |
#     |   a     |          |   b      | c   |       |
# Result from getAggregatedAmountList:
#               context   |    quantity
#              _________________________
#               Child     |       a
#               Child/32  |       a      => acquired from Child
#               Child/34  |       a or b => we do not know which cell will be choosed
#               Child/36  |       a      => acquired from Child 
#               Men       |       c
#               Women     |       Error  => no cell found
#               noContext |       Error  => cell exist, but no context given

### comportment that JPS want ?? ###
# We define on transformation line:
#   default_quantity = q
#   quantity matrix
#     |   Child | Child/32 | Child/34 | Men | Women |
#     |   a     |          |   b      | c   |       |
# Result from getAggregatedAmountList:
#               context   |    quantity
#              _________________________
#               Child     |       a
#               Child/32  |       a      => acquired from Child
#               Child/34  |       a or b => we do not know which cell will be choosed
#               Child/36  |       Error  => no such key in matrixbox cell range
#               Men       |       c
#               Women     |       Error  => no cell found
#               noContext |       Error  => cell exist, but no context given

# futur cool get quantity comportment exemple 
# We define on transformation line:
#   default_quantity = q
#   quantity matrix
#     |   Child | Child/32 | Child/34 | Men | Women |
#     |   a     |          |   b      | c   |       |
# Result from getAggregatedAmountList:
#               context   |    quantity
#              _________________________
#               Child     |       a
#               Child/32  |       a      => acquired from Child
#               Child/34  |       b      =>   test method must return a priority to choose between Child and Child/34
#               Child/36  |       Error  => no such key in matrixbox cell range
#               Men       |       c
#               Women     |       q      =>   acquired from default quantity
#               noContext |       q      =>   acquired from default quantity

        # get Quantity
        quantity_defined_by = None
        quantity = None
        # We will browse the mapped values and determine which apply
        cell_key_list = self.getCellKeyList(base_id='quantity')
        if cell_key_list not in [(),[]]: 
          if context == None:
            raise KeyError, \
                  "No context defined on TransformedResource '%s'" % \
                      (self.getRelativeUrl(), )
          for key in cell_key_list:
            if self.hasCell(base_id='quantity', *key):
              mapped_value = self.getCell(base_id='quantity', *key)
              if mapped_value.test(context):
                if 'quantity' in mapped_value.getMappedValuePropertyList():
                  quantity = mapped_value.getProperty('quantity')
                  quantity_defined_by = mapped_value.getRelativeUrl()
          if quantity in [None,'']:
            raise KeyError, \
                  "No cell quantity matching on TransformedResource '%s' for \
                   current context" % ( self.getRelativeUrl() ,   )
          quantity = self.getQuantity()
          quantity_defined_by = self.getRelativeUrl()
        if quantity in [None,'']:
          raise KeyError, \
                "No quantity defined on TransformedResource '%s' for \
                 current context" % (self.getRelativeUrl(), )
        # If we have to do this, then there is a problem....
        # We'd better have better API for this, 
        # like an update function in the mapped_value
          quantity = float(quantity)
        except ValueError:
          error_string += 'Quantity is not a float.'
        # Get the variation category list
        variation_category_list_defined_by = None
        variation_category_list = None
        # We will browse the mapped values and determine which apply
        cell_key_list = self.getCellKeyList( base_id = 'variation')
        if cell_key_list not in [(),[]]: 
          if context == None:
            raise KeyError, \
                  "No context defined on TransformedResource '%s'" % \
                      (self.getRelativeUrl(), )
          for key in cell_key_list:
            if self.hasCell(base_id='variation', *key):
              mapped_value = self.getCell(base_id='variation', *key)
              if mapped_value.test(context):
                vcl = mapped_value.getCategoryList()
                if vcl != []:
                  variation_category_list = vcl
                  variation_category_list_defined_by = \
          if variation_category_list in [None,'',[], ()]:
            if quantity == 0:
              return aggregated_amount_list
              raise KeyError, \
                    "No cell variation matching on TransformedResource '%s' \
                     for current context" % (self.getRelativeUrl(), )
          variation_category_list = self._getVariationCategoryList()
          variation_category_list_defined_by = self.getRelativeUrl()
        # Store values in Amount
          # Properties define on transformation line
          description =  self.getDescription(),
          efficiency = efficiency,
          quantity = quantity,
          # This fields only store some informations for debugging if necessary
          quantity_defined_by  = quantity_defined_by,
          variation_category_list_defined_by = variation_category_list_defined_by, 
          error_string = error_string
        # Variation property dict
      return aggregated_amount_list