From 21897347934b8edb36213e5b962a57c3175778d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robert Bradshaw <>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 22:42:27 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Fix type inferance for constructors with keyword

This commit seems to break the py3k build.

This reverts commit b50c6792eb3e154fa8e4cefbd2c1fff8b8225a92.
 Cython/Compiler/ | 42 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 tests/run/type_inference.pyx | 12 -----------
 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cython/Compiler/ b/Cython/Compiler/
index d1ee54390..85b44b255 100755
--- a/Cython/Compiler/
+++ b/Cython/Compiler/
@@ -3232,27 +3232,6 @@ class CallNode(ExprNode):
     # allow overriding the default 'may_be_none' behaviour
     may_return_none = None
-    def infer_type(self, env):
-        function = self.function
-        func_type = function.infer_type(env)
-        if isinstance(self.function, NewExprNode):
-            return PyrexTypes.CPtrType(self.function.class_type)
-        if func_type.is_ptr:
-            func_type = func_type.base_type
-        if func_type.is_cfunction:
-            return func_type.return_type
-        elif func_type is type_type:
-            if function.is_name and function.entry and function.entry.type:
-                result_type = function.entry.type
-                if result_type.is_extension_type:
-                    return result_type
-                elif result_type.is_builtin_type:
-                    if == 'float':
-                        return PyrexTypes.c_double_type
-                    elif in Builtin.types_that_construct_their_instance:
-                        return result_type
-        return py_object_type
     def may_be_none(self):
         if self.may_return_none is not None:
             return self.may_return_none
@@ -3330,6 +3309,27 @@ class SimpleCallNode(CallNode):
         # the case of function overloading.
         return self.function.type_dependencies(env)
+    def infer_type(self, env):
+        function = self.function
+        func_type = function.infer_type(env)
+        if isinstance(self.function, NewExprNode):
+            return PyrexTypes.CPtrType(self.function.class_type)
+        if func_type.is_ptr:
+            func_type = func_type.base_type
+        if func_type.is_cfunction:
+            return func_type.return_type
+        elif func_type is type_type:
+            if function.is_name and function.entry and function.entry.type:
+                result_type = function.entry.type
+                if result_type.is_extension_type:
+                    return result_type
+                elif result_type.is_builtin_type:
+                    if == 'float':
+                        return PyrexTypes.c_double_type
+                    elif in Builtin.types_that_construct_their_instance:
+                        return result_type
+        return py_object_type
     def analyse_as_type(self, env):
         attr = self.function.as_cython_attribute()
         if attr == 'pointer':
diff --git a/tests/run/type_inference.pyx b/tests/run/type_inference.pyx
index 1b088524f..61ec7c8e7 100644
--- a/tests/run/type_inference.pyx
+++ b/tests/run/type_inference.pyx
@@ -513,18 +513,6 @@ def common_extension_type_base():
     w = CC()
     assert typeof(w) == "Python object", typeof(w)
-cdef class AcceptsKeywords:
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
-        pass
-def constructor_call():
-    """
-    >>> constructor_call()
-    """
-    x = AcceptsKeywords(a=1, b=2)
-    assert typeof(x) == "AcceptsKeywords", typeof(x)
 def large_literals():