# Tests the buffer access syntax functionality by constructing # mock buffer objects. # # Note that the buffers are mock objects created for testing # the buffer access behaviour -- for instance there is no flag # checking in the buffer objects (why test our test case?), rather # what we want to test is what is passed into the flags argument. # from __future__ import unicode_literals cimport stdlib cimport python_buffer cimport stdio cimport cython from python_ref cimport PyObject __test__ = {} setup_string = u""" >>> A = IntMockBuffer("A", range(6)) >>> B = IntMockBuffer("B", range(6)) >>> C = IntMockBuffer("C", range(6), (2,3)) >>> E = ErrorBuffer("E") """ def testcase(func): __test__[func.__name__] = setup_string + func.__doc__ return func def testcas(a): pass # # Buffer acquire and release tests # def nousage(): """ The challenge here is just compilation. """ cdef object[int, 2] buf def printbuf(): """ Just compilation. """ cdef object[int, 2] buf print buf @testcase def acquire_release(o1, o2): """ >>> acquire_release(A, B) acquired A released A acquired B released B >>> acquire_release(None, None) >>> acquire_release(None, B) acquired B released B """ cdef object[int] buf buf = o1 buf = o2 @testcase def acquire_raise(o): """ Apparently, doctest won't handle mixed exceptions and print stats, so need to circumvent this. >>> A.resetlog() >>> acquire_raise(A) Traceback (most recent call last): ... Exception: on purpose >>> A.printlog() acquired A released A <BLANKLINE> """ cdef object[int] buf buf = o raise Exception("on purpose") @testcase def acquire_failure1(): """ >>> acquire_failure1() acquired working 0 3 0 3 released working """ cdef object[int] buf buf = IntMockBuffer("working", range(4)) print buf[0], buf[3] try: buf = ErrorBuffer() assert False except Exception: print buf[0], buf[3] @testcase def acquire_failure2(): """ >>> acquire_failure2() acquired working 0 3 0 3 released working """ cdef object[int] buf = IntMockBuffer("working", range(4)) print buf[0], buf[3] try: buf = ErrorBuffer() assert False except Exception: print buf[0], buf[3] @testcase def acquire_failure3(): """ >>> acquire_failure3() acquired working 0 3 released working acquired working 0 3 released working """ cdef object[int] buf buf = IntMockBuffer("working", range(4)) print buf[0], buf[3] try: buf = 3 assert False except Exception: print buf[0], buf[3] @testcase def acquire_failure4(): """ >>> acquire_failure4() acquired working 0 3 released working acquired working 0 3 released working """ cdef object[int] buf = IntMockBuffer("working", range(4)) print buf[0], buf[3] try: buf = 2 assert False except Exception: print buf[0], buf[3] @testcase def acquire_failure5(): """ >>> acquire_failure5() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Buffer acquisition failed on assignment; and then reacquiring the old buffer failed too! """ cdef object[int] buf buf = IntMockBuffer("working", range(4)) buf.fail = True buf = 3 @testcase def acquire_nonbuffer1(first, second=None): """ >>> acquire_nonbuffer1(3) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: 'int' does not have the buffer interface >>> acquire_nonbuffer1(type) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: 'type' does not have the buffer interface >>> acquire_nonbuffer1(None, 2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: 'int' does not have the buffer interface """ cdef object[int] buf buf = first buf = second @testcase def acquire_nonbuffer2(): """ >>> acquire_nonbuffer2() acquired working 0 3 released working acquired working 0 3 released working """ cdef object[int] buf = IntMockBuffer("working", range(4)) print buf[0], buf[3] try: buf = ErrorBuffer assert False except Exception: print buf[0], buf[3] @testcase def as_argument(object[int] bufarg, int n): """ >>> as_argument(A, 6) acquired A 0 1 2 3 4 5 END released A """ cdef int i for i in range(n): print bufarg[i], print 'END' @testcase def as_argument_defval(object[int] bufarg=IntMockBuffer('default', range(6)), int n=6): """ >>> as_argument_defval() acquired default 0 1 2 3 4 5 END released default >>> as_argument_defval(A, 6) acquired A 0 1 2 3 4 5 END released A """ cdef int i for i in range(n): print bufarg[i], print 'END' @testcase def cdef_assignment(obj, n): """ >>> cdef_assignment(A, 6) acquired A 0 1 2 3 4 5 END released A """ cdef object[int] buf = obj cdef int i for i in range(n): print buf[i], print 'END' @testcase def forin_assignment(objs, int pick): """ >>> forin_assignment([A, B, A, A], 2) acquired A 2 released A acquired B 2 released B acquired A 2 released A acquired A 2 released A """ cdef object[int] buf for buf in objs: print buf[pick] @testcase def cascaded_buffer_assignment(obj): """ >>> cascaded_buffer_assignment(A) acquired A acquired A released A released A """ cdef object[int] a, b a = b = obj @testcase def tuple_buffer_assignment1(a, b): """ >>> tuple_buffer_assignment1(A, B) acquired A acquired B released A released B """ cdef object[int] x, y x, y = a, b @testcase def tuple_buffer_assignment2(tup): """ >>> tuple_buffer_assignment2((A, B)) acquired A acquired B released A released B """ cdef object[int] x, y x, y = tup @testcase def explicitly_release_buffer(): """ >>> explicitly_release_buffer() acquired A released A After release """ cdef object[int] x = IntMockBuffer("A", range(10)) x = None print "After release" # # Getting items and index bounds checking # @testcase def get_int_2d(object[int, 2] buf, int i, int j): """ >>> get_int_2d(C, 1, 1) acquired C released C 4 Check negative indexing: >>> get_int_2d(C, -1, 0) acquired C released C 3 >>> get_int_2d(C, -1, -2) acquired C released C 4 >>> get_int_2d(C, -2, -3) acquired C released C 0 Out-of-bounds errors: >>> get_int_2d(C, 2, 0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: Out of bounds on buffer access (axis 0) >>> get_int_2d(C, 0, -4) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: Out of bounds on buffer access (axis 1) """ return buf[i, j] @testcase def get_int_2d_uintindex(object[int, 2] buf, unsigned int i, unsigned int j): """ Unsigned indexing: >>> get_int_2d_uintindex(C, 0, 0) acquired C released C 0 >>> get_int_2d_uintindex(C, 1, 2) acquired C released C 5 """ # This is most interesting with regards to the C code # generated. return buf[i, j] @testcase def set_int_2d(object[int, 2] buf, int i, int j, int value): """ Uses get_int_2d to read back the value afterwards. For pure unit test, one should support reading in MockBuffer instead. >>> set_int_2d(C, 1, 1, 10) acquired C released C >>> get_int_2d(C, 1, 1) acquired C released C 10 Check negative indexing: >>> set_int_2d(C, -1, 0, 3) acquired C released C >>> get_int_2d(C, -1, 0) acquired C released C 3 >>> set_int_2d(C, -1, -2, 8) acquired C released C >>> get_int_2d(C, -1, -2) acquired C released C 8 >>> set_int_2d(C, -2, -3, 9) acquired C released C >>> get_int_2d(C, -2, -3) acquired C released C 9 Out-of-bounds errors: >>> set_int_2d(C, 2, 0, 19) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: Out of bounds on buffer access (axis 0) >>> set_int_2d(C, 0, -4, 19) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: Out of bounds on buffer access (axis 1) """ buf[i, j] = value @testcase def list_comprehension(object[int] buf, len): """ >>> list_comprehension(IntMockBuffer(None, [1,2,3]), 3) 1|2|3 """ cdef int i print "|".join([str(buf[i]) for i in range(len)]) # # Buffer type mismatch examples. Varying the type and access # method simultaneously, the odds of an interaction is virtually # zero. # @testcase def fmtst1(buf): """ >>> fmtst1(IntMockBuffer("A", range(3))) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Buffer datatype mismatch (expected 'f', got 'i') """ cdef object[float] a = buf @testcase def fmtst2(object[int] buf): """ >>> fmtst2(FloatMockBuffer("A", range(3))) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Buffer datatype mismatch (expected 'i', got 'f') """ @testcase def ndim1(object[int, 2] buf): """ >>> ndim1(IntMockBuffer("A", range(3))) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Buffer has wrong number of dimensions (expected 2, got 1) """ # # Test which flags are passed. # @testcase def readonly(obj): """ >>> R = UnsignedShortMockBuffer("R", range(27), shape=(3, 3, 3)) >>> readonly(R) acquired R 25 released R >>> [str(x) for x in R.recieved_flags] # Works in both py2 and py3 ['FORMAT', 'INDIRECT', 'ND', 'STRIDES'] """ cdef object[unsigned short int, 3] buf = obj print buf[2, 2, 1] @testcase def writable(obj): """ >>> R = UnsignedShortMockBuffer("R", range(27), shape=(3, 3, 3)) >>> writable(R) acquired R released R >>> [str(x) for x in R.recieved_flags] # Py2/3 ['FORMAT', 'INDIRECT', 'ND', 'STRIDES', 'WRITABLE'] """ cdef object[unsigned short int, 3] buf = obj buf[2, 2, 1] = 23 @testcase def strided(object[int, 1, 'strided'] buf): """ >>> A = IntMockBuffer("A", range(4)) >>> strided(A) acquired A released A 2 >>> [str(x) for x in A.recieved_flags] # Py2/3 ['FORMAT', 'ND', 'STRIDES'] Check that the suboffsets were patched back prior to release. >>> A.release_ok True """ return buf[2] # # Test compiler options for bounds checking. We create an array with a # safe "boundary" (memory # allocated outside of what it published) and then check whether we get back # what we stored in the memory or an error. @testcase def safe_get(object[int] buf, int idx): """ >>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(10), shape=(3,), offset=5) Validate our testing buffer... >>> safe_get(A, 0) 5 >>> safe_get(A, 2) 7 >>> safe_get(A, -3) 5 Access outside it. This is already done above for bounds check testing but we include it to tell the story right. >>> safe_get(A, -4) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: Out of bounds on buffer access (axis 0) >>> safe_get(A, 3) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: Out of bounds on buffer access (axis 0) """ return buf[idx] @testcase @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.boundscheck(True) def unsafe_get(object[int] buf, int idx): """ Access outside of the area the buffer publishes. >>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(10), shape=(3,), offset=5) >>> unsafe_get(A, -4) 4 >>> unsafe_get(A, -5) 3 >>> unsafe_get(A, 3) 8 """ return buf[idx] @testcase def mixed_get(object[int] buf, int unsafe_idx, int safe_idx): """ >>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(10), shape=(3,), offset=5) >>> mixed_get(A, -4, 0) (4, 5) >>> mixed_get(A, 0, -4) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: Out of bounds on buffer access (axis 0) """ with cython.boundscheck(False): one = buf[unsafe_idx] with cython.boundscheck(True): two = buf[safe_idx] return (one, two) # # Coercions # @testcase def coercions(object[unsigned char] uc): """ TODO """ print type(uc[0]) uc[0] = -1 print uc[0] uc[0] = <int>3.14 print uc[0] cdef char* ch = "asfd" cdef object[object] objbuf objbuf[3] = ch # # Testing that accessing data using various types of buffer access # all works. # def printbuf_int(object[int] buf, shape): # Utility func cdef int i for i in range(shape[0]): print buf[i], print 'END' @testcase def printbuf_int_2d(o, shape): """ Strided: >>> printbuf_int_2d(IntMockBuffer("A", range(6), (2,3)), (2,3)) acquired A 0 1 2 END 3 4 5 END released A >>> printbuf_int_2d(IntMockBuffer("A", range(100), (3,3), strides=(20,5)), (3,3)) acquired A 0 5 10 END 20 25 30 END 40 45 50 END released A Indirect: >>> printbuf_int_2d(IntMockBuffer("A", [[1,2],[3,4]]), (2,2)) acquired A 1 2 END 3 4 END released A """ # should make shape builtin cdef object[int, 2] buf buf = o cdef int i, j for i in range(shape[0]): for j in range(shape[1]): print buf[i, j], print 'END' @testcase def printbuf_float(o, shape): """ >>> printbuf_float(FloatMockBuffer("F", [1.0, 1.25, 0.75, 1.0]), (4,)) acquired F 1.0 1.25 0.75 1.0 END released F """ # should make shape builtin cdef object[float] buf buf = o cdef int i, j for i in range(shape[0]): print buf[i], print "END" # # Test assignments # @testcase def inplace_operators(object[int] buf): """ >>> buf = IntMockBuffer(None, [2, 2]) >>> inplace_operators(buf) >>> printbuf_int(buf, (2,)) 0 3 END """ cdef int j = 0 buf[1] += 1 buf[j] *= 2 buf[0] -= 4 # # Typedefs # # Test three layers of typedefs going through a h file for plain int, and # simply a header file typedef for floats and unsigned. ctypedef int td_cy_int cdef extern from "bufaccess.h": ctypedef td_cy_int td_h_short # Defined as short, but Cython doesn't know this! ctypedef float td_h_double # Defined as double ctypedef unsigned int td_h_ushort # Defined as unsigned short ctypedef td_h_short td_h_cy_short @testcase def printbuf_td_cy_int(object[td_cy_int] buf, shape): """ >>> printbuf_td_cy_int(IntMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,)) 0 1 2 END >>> printbuf_td_cy_int(ShortMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Buffer datatype mismatch (rejecting on 'h') """ cdef int i for i in range(shape[0]): print buf[i], print 'END' @testcase def printbuf_td_h_short(object[td_h_short] buf, shape): """ >>> printbuf_td_h_short(ShortMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,)) 0 1 2 END >>> printbuf_td_h_short(IntMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Buffer datatype mismatch (rejecting on 'i') """ cdef int i for i in range(shape[0]): print buf[i], print 'END' @testcase def printbuf_td_h_cy_short(object[td_h_cy_short] buf, shape): """ >>> printbuf_td_h_cy_short(ShortMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,)) 0 1 2 END >>> printbuf_td_h_cy_short(IntMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Buffer datatype mismatch (rejecting on 'i') """ cdef int i for i in range(shape[0]): print buf[i], print 'END' @testcase def printbuf_td_h_ushort(object[td_h_ushort] buf, shape): """ >>> printbuf_td_h_ushort(UnsignedShortMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,)) 0 1 2 END >>> printbuf_td_h_ushort(ShortMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Buffer datatype mismatch (rejecting on 'h') """ cdef int i for i in range(shape[0]): print buf[i], print 'END' @testcase def printbuf_td_h_double(object[td_h_double] buf, shape): """ >>> printbuf_td_h_double(DoubleMockBuffer(None, [0.25, 1, 3.125]), (3,)) 0.25 1.0 3.125 END >>> printbuf_td_h_double(FloatMockBuffer(None, [0.25, 1, 3.125]), (3,)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Buffer datatype mismatch (rejecting on 'f') """ cdef int i for i in range(shape[0]): print buf[i], print 'END' # # Object access # from python_ref cimport Py_INCREF, Py_DECREF def addref(*args): for item in args: Py_INCREF(item) def decref(*args): for item in args: Py_DECREF(item) def get_refcount(x): return (<PyObject*>x).ob_refcnt @testcase def printbuf_object(object[object] buf, shape): """ Only play with unique objects, interned numbers etc. will have unpredictable refcounts. ObjectMockBuffer doesn't do anything about increfing/decrefing, we to the "buffer implementor" refcounting directly in the testcase. >>> a, b, c = "globally_unique_string_23234123", {4:23}, [34,3] >>> get_refcount(a), get_refcount(b), get_refcount(c) (2, 2, 2) >>> A = ObjectMockBuffer(None, [a, b, c]) >>> printbuf_object(A, (3,)) 'globally_unique_string_23234123' 2 {4: 23} 2 [34, 3] 2 """ cdef int i for i in range(shape[0]): print repr(buf[i]), (<PyObject*>buf[i]).ob_refcnt @testcase def assign_to_object(object[object] buf, int idx, obj): """ See comments on printbuf_object above. >>> a, b = [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6] >>> get_refcount(a), get_refcount(b) (2, 2) >>> addref(a) >>> A = ObjectMockBuffer(None, [1, a]) # 1, ...,otherwise it thinks nested lists... >>> get_refcount(a), get_refcount(b) (3, 2) >>> assign_to_object(A, 1, b) >>> get_refcount(a), get_refcount(b) (2, 3) >>> decref(b) """ buf[idx] = obj # # Testcase support code (more tests below!, because of scope rules) # available_flags = ( ('FORMAT', python_buffer.PyBUF_FORMAT), ('INDIRECT', python_buffer.PyBUF_INDIRECT), ('ND', python_buffer.PyBUF_ND), ('STRIDES', python_buffer.PyBUF_STRIDES), ('WRITABLE', python_buffer.PyBUF_WRITABLE) ) cdef class MockBuffer: cdef object format, offset cdef void* buffer cdef int len, itemsize, ndim cdef Py_ssize_t* strides cdef Py_ssize_t* shape cdef Py_ssize_t* suboffsets cdef object label, log cdef readonly object recieved_flags, release_ok cdef public object fail def __init__(self, label, data, shape=None, strides=None, format=None, offset=0): # It is important not to store references to data after the constructor # as refcounting is checked on object buffers. self.label = label self.release_ok = True self.log = "" self.offset = offset self.itemsize = self.get_itemsize() if format is None: format = self.get_default_format() if shape is None: shape = (len(data),) if strides is None: strides = [] cumprod = 1 rshape = list(shape) rshape.reverse() for s in rshape: strides.append(cumprod) cumprod *= s strides.reverse() strides = [x * self.itemsize for x in strides] suboffsets = [-1] * len(shape) datashape = [len(data)] p = data while True: p = p[0] if isinstance(p, list): datashape.append(len(p)) else: break if len(datashape) > 1: # indirect access self.ndim = len(datashape) shape = datashape self.buffer = self.create_indirect_buffer(data, shape) suboffsets = [0] * (self.ndim-1) + [-1] strides = [sizeof(void*)] * (self.ndim-1) + [self.itemsize] self.suboffsets = self.list_to_sizebuf(suboffsets) # printf("%ld; %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld", i0, s0, o0, i1, s1, o1); else: # strided and/or simple access self.buffer = self.create_buffer(data) self.ndim = len(shape) self.suboffsets = NULL self.format = format self.len = len(data) * self.itemsize self.strides = self.list_to_sizebuf(strides) self.shape = self.list_to_sizebuf(shape) def __dealloc__(self): stdlib.free(self.strides) stdlib.free(self.shape) if self.suboffsets != NULL: stdlib.free(self.suboffsets) # must recursively free indirect... else: stdlib.free(self.buffer) cdef void* create_buffer(self, data): cdef char* buf = <char*>stdlib.malloc(len(data) * self.itemsize) cdef char* it = buf for value in data: self.write(it, value) it += self.itemsize return buf cdef void* create_indirect_buffer(self, data, shape): cdef void** buf assert shape[0] == len(data) if len(shape) == 1: return self.create_buffer(data) else: shape = shape[1:] buf = <void**>stdlib.malloc(len(data) * sizeof(void*)) for idx, subdata in enumerate(data): buf[idx] = self.create_indirect_buffer(subdata, shape) return buf cdef Py_ssize_t* list_to_sizebuf(self, l): cdef Py_ssize_t* buf = <Py_ssize_t*>stdlib.malloc(len(l) * sizeof(Py_ssize_t)) for i, x in enumerate(l): buf[i] = x return buf def __getbuffer__(MockBuffer self, Py_buffer* buffer, int flags): if self.fail: raise ValueError("Failing on purpose") if buffer is NULL: print u"locking!" return self.recieved_flags = [] cdef int value for name, value in available_flags: if (value & flags) == value: self.recieved_flags.append(name) buffer.buf = <void*>(<char*>self.buffer + (<int>self.offset * self.itemsize)) buffer.len = self.len buffer.readonly = 0 buffer.format = <char*>self.format buffer.ndim = self.ndim buffer.shape = self.shape buffer.strides = self.strides buffer.suboffsets = self.suboffsets buffer.itemsize = self.itemsize buffer.internal = NULL if self.label: msg = "acquired %s" % self.label print msg self.log += msg + "\n" def __releasebuffer__(MockBuffer self, Py_buffer* buffer): if buffer.suboffsets != self.suboffsets: self.release_ok = False if self.label: msg = "released %s" % self.label print msg self.log += msg + "\n" def printlog(self): print self.log def resetlog(self): self.log = "" cdef int write(self, char* buf, object value) except -1: raise Exception() cdef get_itemsize(self): print "ERROR, not subclassed", self.__class__ cdef get_default_format(self): print "ERROR, not subclassed", self.__class__ cdef class IntMockBuffer(MockBuffer): cdef int write(self, char* buf, object value) except -1: (<int*>buf)[0] = <int>value return 0 cdef get_itemsize(self): return sizeof(int) cdef get_default_format(self): return b"=i" cdef class ShortMockBuffer(MockBuffer): cdef int write(self, char* buf, object value) except -1: (<short*>buf)[0] = <short>value return 0 cdef get_itemsize(self): return sizeof(short) cdef get_default_format(self): return b"h" # Try without endian specifier cdef class UnsignedShortMockBuffer(MockBuffer): cdef int write(self, char* buf, object value) except -1: (<unsigned short*>buf)[0] = <unsigned short>value return 0 cdef get_itemsize(self): return sizeof(unsigned short) cdef get_default_format(self): return b"=1H" # Try with repeat count cdef class FloatMockBuffer(MockBuffer): cdef int write(self, char* buf, object value) except -1: (<float*>buf)[0] = <float>value return 0 cdef get_itemsize(self): return sizeof(float) cdef get_default_format(self): return b"f" cdef class DoubleMockBuffer(MockBuffer): cdef int write(self, char* buf, object value) except -1: (<double*>buf)[0] = <double>value return 0 cdef get_itemsize(self): return sizeof(double) cdef get_default_format(self): return b"d" cdef extern from *: void* addr_of_pyobject "(void*)"(object) cdef class ObjectMockBuffer(MockBuffer): cdef int write(self, char* buf, object value) except -1: (<void**>buf)[0] = addr_of_pyobject(value) return 0 cdef get_itemsize(self): return sizeof(void*) cdef get_default_format(self): return b"=O" cdef class IntStridedMockBuffer(IntMockBuffer): cdef __cythonbufferdefaults__ = {"mode" : "strided"} cdef class ErrorBuffer: cdef object label def __init__(self, label): self.label = label def __getbuffer__(MockBuffer self, Py_buffer* buffer, int flags): raise Exception("acquiring %s" % self.label) def __releasebuffer__(MockBuffer self, Py_buffer* buffer): raise Exception("releasing %s" % self.label) # # Typed buffers # @testcase def typedbuffer1(obj): """ >>> typedbuffer1(IntMockBuffer("A", range(10))) acquired A released A >>> typedbuffer1(None) >>> typedbuffer1(4) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Cannot convert int to bufaccess.IntMockBuffer """ cdef IntMockBuffer[int, 1] buf = obj @testcase def typedbuffer2(IntMockBuffer[int, 1] obj): """ >>> typedbuffer2(IntMockBuffer("A", range(10))) acquired A released A >>> typedbuffer2(None) >>> typedbuffer2(4) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Argument 'obj' has incorrect type (expected bufaccess.IntMockBuffer, got int) """ pass # # Test __cythonbufferdefaults__ # @testcase def bufdefaults1(IntStridedMockBuffer[int, 1] buf): """ For IntStridedMockBuffer, mode should be "strided" by defaults which should show up in the flags. >>> A = IntStridedMockBuffer("A", range(10)) >>> bufdefaults1(A) acquired A released A >>> [str(x) for x in A.recieved_flags] ['FORMAT', 'ND', 'STRIDES'] """ pass