Commit a6990434 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #2627 from mattip/check_size2

 ENH: add check_size option to ctypedef class for external classes 
parents ba9d273a 9e7fdef1
......@@ -85,6 +85,10 @@ Features added
* Constants in ``libc.math`` are now declared as ``const`` to simplify their handling.
* An additional ``check_size`` clause was added to the ``ctypedef class`` name
specification to allow suppressing warnings when importing modules with
backward-compatible `PyTypeObject`` size changes.
Bugs fixed
......@@ -3059,10 +3059,24 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
code.put('sizeof(%s), ' % objstruct)
code.putln('%i); if (!%s) %s' % (
not type.is_external or type.is_subclassed,
# check_size
if not type.is_external or type.is_subclassed:
if type.check_size != 'min':
raise AttributeError("unexpected check_size value '%s' when "
"compiling %s.%s" % (type.check_size, module_name,
cs = 0
elif type.check_size == 'min':
cs = 1
elif type.check_size == True:
cs = 0
elif type.check_size == False:
cs = 2
raise AttributeError("invalid value for check_size '%s' when compiling "
"%s.%s" % (type.check_size, module_name,
code.putln('%d);' % cs)
code.putln(' if (!%s) %s' % (type.typeptr_cname, error_code))
def generate_type_ready_code(self, entry, code):
Nodes.CClassDefNode.generate_type_ready_code(entry, code)
......@@ -4629,6 +4629,7 @@ class CClassDefNode(ClassDefNode):
# bases TupleNode Base class(es)
# objstruct_name string or None Specified C name of object struct
# typeobj_name string or None Specified C name of type object
# check_size 'min' or boolean What to do if tp_basicsize does not match
# in_pxd boolean Is in a .pxd file
# decorators [DecoratorNode] list of decorators or None
# doc string or None
......@@ -4645,6 +4646,7 @@ class CClassDefNode(ClassDefNode):
api = False
objstruct_name = None
typeobj_name = None
check_size = 'min'
decorators = None
shadow = False
......@@ -4680,6 +4682,7 @@ class CClassDefNode(ClassDefNode):
check_size = self.check_size,
......@@ -4765,6 +4768,7 @@ class CClassDefNode(ClassDefNode):
......@@ -3471,6 +3471,7 @@ def p_c_class_definition(s, pos, ctx):
objstruct_name = None
typeobj_name = None
bases = None
check_size = 'min'
if == '(':
positional_args, keyword_args = p_call_parse_args(s, allow_genexp=False)
if keyword_args:
......@@ -3482,7 +3483,7 @@ def p_c_class_definition(s, pos, ctx):
if == '[':
if ctx.visibility not in ('public', 'extern') and not ctx.api:
error(s.position(), "Name options only allowed for 'public', 'api', or 'extern' C class")
objstruct_name, typeobj_name = p_c_class_options(s)
objstruct_name, typeobj_name, check_size = p_c_class_options(s)
if == ':':
if ctx.level == 'module_pxd':
body_level = 'c_class_pxd'
......@@ -3521,6 +3522,7 @@ def p_c_class_definition(s, pos, ctx):
bases = bases,
objstruct_name = objstruct_name,
typeobj_name = typeobj_name,
check_size = check_size,
in_pxd = ctx.level == 'module_pxd',
doc = doc,
body = body)
......@@ -3528,6 +3530,7 @@ def p_c_class_definition(s, pos, ctx):
def p_c_class_options(s):
objstruct_name = None
typeobj_name = None
check_size = 'min'
while 1:
if != 'IDENT':
......@@ -3538,11 +3541,22 @@ def p_c_class_options(s):
elif s.systring == 'type':
typeobj_name = p_ident(s)
elif s.systring == 'check_size':
check_size = p_ident(s)
if check_size == 'False':
check_size = False
elif check_size == 'True':
check_size = True
elif check_size == 'min':
s.error('Expected False, True, or min, not %r' % check_size)
if != ',':
s.expect(']', "Expected 'object' or 'type'")
return objstruct_name, typeobj_name
return objstruct_name, typeobj_name, check_size
def p_property_decl(s):
......@@ -1345,14 +1345,15 @@ class PyExtensionType(PyObjectType):
# vtable_cname string Name of C method table definition
# early_init boolean Whether to initialize early (as opposed to during module execution).
# defered_declarations [thunk] Used to declare class hierarchies in order
# check_size 'min' or boolean What to do if tp_basicsize does not match
is_extension_type = 1
has_attributes = 1
early_init = 1
objtypedef_cname = None
def __init__(self, name, typedef_flag, base_type, is_external=0):
def __init__(self, name, typedef_flag, base_type, is_external=0,
check_size='min'): = name
self.scope = None
self.typedef_flag = typedef_flag
......@@ -1368,6 +1369,7 @@ class PyExtensionType(PyObjectType):
self.vtabptr_cname = None
self.vtable_cname = None
self.is_external = is_external
self.check_size = check_size
self.defered_declarations = []
def set_scope(self, scope):
......@@ -1481,7 +1481,8 @@ class ModuleScope(Scope):
def declare_c_class(self, name, pos, defining = 0, implementing = 0,
module_name = None, base_type = None, objstruct_cname = None,
typeobj_cname = None, typeptr_cname = None, visibility = 'private', typedef_flag = 0, api = 0,
typeobj_cname = None, typeptr_cname = None, visibility = 'private',
typedef_flag = 0, api = 0, check_size='min',
buffer_defaults = None, shadow = 0):
# If this is a non-extern typedef class, expose the typedef, but use
# the non-typedef struct internally to avoid needing forward
......@@ -1514,7 +1515,8 @@ class ModuleScope(Scope):
# Make a new entry if needed
if not entry or shadow:
type = PyrexTypes.PyExtensionType(name, typedef_flag, base_type, visibility == 'extern')
type = PyrexTypes.PyExtensionType(name, typedef_flag, base_type,
visibility == 'extern', check_size=check_size)
type.pos = pos
type.buffer_defaults = buffer_defaults
if objtypedef_cname is not None:
......@@ -308,15 +308,22 @@ set_path:
/////////////// TypeImport.proto ///////////////
static PyTypeObject *__Pyx_ImportType(PyObject* module, const char *module_name, const char *class_name, size_t size, int strict); /*proto*/
static PyTypeObject *__Pyx_ImportType(PyObject* module, const char *module_name, const char *class_name, size_t size, int check_size); /*proto*/
/////////////// TypeImport ///////////////
#ifndef __PYX_HAVE_RT_ImportType
#define __PYX_HAVE_RT_ImportType
static PyTypeObject *__Pyx_ImportType(PyObject *module, const char *module_name, const char *class_name,
size_t size, int strict)
size_t size, int check_size)
* check_size tells what to do if tp_basicsize is different from size:
* 0 - Error (originates in check_size=True)
* 1 - Error if tp_basicsize is smaller, warn if larger (originates in check_size='min')
* 2 - Error if tp_basicsize is smaller (originates in check_size=False)
PyObject *result = 0;
char warning[200];
Py_ssize_t basicsize;
......@@ -345,18 +352,28 @@ static PyTypeObject *__Pyx_ImportType(PyObject *module, const char *module_name,
if (basicsize == (Py_ssize_t)-1 && PyErr_Occurred())
goto bad;
if (!strict && (size_t)basicsize > size) {
PyOS_snprintf(warning, sizeof(warning),
"%s.%s size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected %zd, got %zd",
module_name, class_name, basicsize, size);
if (PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, warning, 0) < 0) goto bad;
if ((size_t)basicsize < size) {
"%.200s.%.200s size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. "
"Expected %zd from C header, got %zd from PyObject",
module_name, class_name, size, basicsize);
goto bad;
else if ((size_t)basicsize != size) {
if (check_size == 0 && (size_t)basicsize != size) {
"%.200s.%.200s has the wrong size, try recompiling. Expected %zd, got %zd",
module_name, class_name, basicsize, size);
"%.200s.%.200s size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. "
"Expected %zd from C header, got %zd from PyObject",
module_name, class_name, size, basicsize);
goto bad;
else if (check_size == 1 && (size_t)basicsize > size) {
PyOS_snprintf(warning, sizeof(warning),
"%s.%s size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. "
"Expected %zd from C header, got %zd from PyObject",
module_name, class_name, size, basicsize);
if (PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, warning, 0) < 0) goto bad;
/* check_size == 2 does not warn nor error */
return (PyTypeObject *)result;
......@@ -736,6 +736,14 @@ built-in complex object.::
} PyComplexObject;
At runtime, a check will be performed when importing the Cython
c-extension module that ``__builtin__.complex``'s ``tp_basicsize``
matches ``sizeof(`PyComplexObject)``. This check can fail if the Cython
c-extension module was compiled with one version of the
``complexobject.h`` header but imported into a Python with a changed
header. This check can be tweaked by using ``check_size`` in the name
specification clause.
2. As well as the name of the extension type, the module in which its type
object can be found is also specified. See the implicit importing section
......@@ -756,11 +764,23 @@ The part of the class declaration in square brackets is a special feature only
available for extern or public extension types. The full form of this clause
[object object_struct_name, type type_object_name ]
[object object_struct_name, type type_object_name, check_size cs_option]
- ``object_struct_name`` is the name to assume for the type's C struct.
- ``type_object_name`` is the name to assume for the type's statically
declared type object.
- ``cs_option`` is ``min`` (the default), ``True``, or ``False`` and is only
used for external extension types. If ``True``, ``sizeof(object_struct)`` must
match the type's ``tp_basicsize``. If ``False``, or ``min``, the
``object_struct`` may be smaller than the type's ``tp_basicsize``, which
indicates the type allocated at runtime may be part of an updated module, and
that the external module's developers extended the object in a
backward-compatible fashion (only adding new fields to the end of the
object). If ``min``, a warning will be emitted.
where ``object_struct_name`` is the name to assume for the type's C struct,
and type_object_name is the name to assume for the type's statically declared
type object. (The object and type clauses can be written in either order.)
The clauses can be written in any order.
If the extension type declaration is inside a :keyword:`cdef` extern from
block, the object clause is required, because Cython must be able to generate
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ PYTHON -c "import runner"
######## ########
from Cython.Build.Dependencies import cythonize
from Cython.Compiler.Errors import CompileError
from distutils.core import setup
# force the build order
......@@ -11,6 +12,12 @@ setup(ext_modules= cythonize("check_size.pyx"))
setup(ext_modules = cythonize("_check_size*.pyx"))
setup(ext_modules= cythonize("check_size6.pyx"))
assert False
except CompileError as e:
######## check_size_nominal.h ########
#include <Python.h>
......@@ -116,6 +123,58 @@ cdef extern from "check_size_smaller.h":
int f9
cpdef public int testme(Foo f) except -1:
return f.f9
######## _check_size3.pyx ########
cdef extern from "check_size_smaller.h":
# make sure missing check_size is equivalent to min
ctypedef class check_size.Foo [object FooStructSmall, check_size min]:
int f9
cpdef public int testme(Foo f) except -1:
return f.f9
######## _check_size4.pyx ########
cdef extern from "check_size_smaller.h":
# Disable size check
ctypedef class check_size.Foo [object FooStructSmall, check_size False]:
int f9
cpdef public int testme(Foo f) except -1:
return f.f9
######## _check_size5.pyx ########
cdef extern from "check_size_smaller.h":
# Strict checking, will raise an error
ctypedef class check_size.Foo [object FooStructSmall, check_size True]:
int f9
cpdef public int testme(Foo f) except -1:
return f.f9
######## check_size6.pyx ########
cdef extern from "check_size_smaller.h":
# Raise Compilerror when using bad value
ctypedef class check_size.Foo [object FooStructSmall, check_size max]:
int f9
cpdef public int testme(Foo f) except -1:
return f.f9
......@@ -137,19 +196,36 @@ try:
import _check_size1
assert False
except ValueError as e:
assert str(e).startswith('check_size.Foo has the wrong size, try recompiling')
assert str(e).startswith('check_size.Foo size changed')
# Warining since check_size.Foo's tp_basicsize is larger than what is needed
# for FooStructSmall. There is "spare", accessing FooStructSmall's fields will
# never access invalid memory. This can happen, for instance, when using old
# headers with a newer runtime, or when using an old _check_size2 with a newer
# headers with a newer runtime, or when using an old _check_size{2,3} with a newer
# check_size, where the developers of check_size are careful to be backward
# compatible.
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
import _check_size2
assert len(w) == 1, 'expected one warning, got %d' % len(w)
assert str(w[-1].message).startswith('check_size.Foo size changed')
import _check_size3
assert len(w) == 2, 'expected two warnings, got %d' % len(w)
assert str(w[0].message).startswith('check_size.Foo size changed')
assert str(w[1].message).startswith('check_size.Foo size changed')
ret = _check_size2.testme(foo)
assert ret == 23
ret = _check_size3.testme(foo)
assert ret == 23
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
# No warning, runtime vendor must provide backward compatibility
import _check_size4
assert len(w) == 0
# Enforce strict checking
import _check_size5
assert False
except ValueError as e:
assert str(e).startswith('check_size.Foo size changed')
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