Commit 4d8abc29 authored by Boxiang Sun's avatar Boxiang Sun

erp5_user_tutorial: Update user-Howto.Generate.Report

parent da326616
<section class=""> <h1>How to create Accounting Report</h1>
<h1>How to create Accounting Report</h1>
<footer> <footer>by the <a href="">OSOE Project</a>.</footer>
by the <a href="">OSOE Project</a>. </section>
</section><section> <section>
<h1>Agenda</h1> <h1>Agenda</h1>
<li>Which reports you can generate</li> <ul>
<li>How to generate a report</li> <li>Which reports you can generate</li>
</ul> <li>How to generate a report</li>
<details open="open"> </ul>
<p>In this guide, you will learn which type of report you can generate with ERP5, and how to generate them.</p>
</details> <details open="open">
</section><section class="screenshot"> <p>In this guide, you will learn which type of report you can generate with ERP5, and how to generate them.</p>
<h1>The Reports tab in ERP5 home page</h1> </details>
<img src="" type="image/png" title="The Reports tab" alt="The Reports tab"> </section>
<details open="open">
<p> <section class="screenshot">
In order to see the list of reports available to generate, click on the Reports tab of your ERP5 instance. On the left, you can see the Accounting area displaying a list of the reports you are able to generate: Import Report, Trial Balance, Account Statement, Journal, Third Parties, General Ledger, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, and Invoices Report. In order to create a report, <strong>simply click on the line of the report you want to create</strong> <h1>The Reports tab in ERP5 home page</h1>
. In our example, we will create an Account Statement. <img alt="The Reports tab" src="" title="The Reports tab" type="image/png" />
</p> <details open="open">
</details> <p>In order to see the list of reports available to generate, click on the Reports tab of your ERP5 instance. On the left, you can see the Accounting area displaying a list of the reports you are able to generate: Import Report, Trial Balance, Account Statement, Journal, Third Parties, General Ledger, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, and Invoices Report. In order to create a report, <strong>simply click on the line of the report you want to create</strong> . In our example, we will create an Account Statement.</p>
</section><section class="screenshot"> </details>
<h1>Example: Account Statement</h1> <test>
<img src="" type="image/png" title="Account Statement" alt="Account Statement"> <table class="test" style="display: none;">
<details open="open"> <tbody>
<p>Here is an example of an Account Statement report Creation. As you can see in the screenshot, please follow the steps to set the following information.</p><p> <tr style="opacity: 1;">
Firstly, in the red area, the <strong>Section Category</strong> <td colspan="3">&lt;span metal:use-macro=&quot;container/Zuite_viewTestMacroLibrary/macros/init_test_environment&quot;&gt;init&lt;/span&gt;</td>
is the group your company belongs to, you will have only one choice here; </tr>
<strong>From Date</strong> <tr style="opacity: 1; z-index: 0;">
and <td>openAndWait</td>
<strong>At Date (end date)</strong> <td>${base_url}/Zuite_createFunctionalTestUser</td>
are the dates delimiting your report. <td>&nbsp;</td>
<strong>The At Date is compulsory</strong> </tr>
. <tr style="opacity: 1; z-index: 0;">
</p><p> <td>verifyTextPresent</td>
Secondly, in the blue area, you can choose which <strong>Simulation State(s)</strong> <td>Done.</td>
you want to display in your report, and the <td>&nbsp;</td>
<strong>Transaction Type</strong> </tr>
you need to display. <tr style="opacity: 1; z-index: 0;">
</p><p> <td colspan="3">&lt;span metal:use-macro=&quot;container/Zuite_viewTestMacroLibrary/macros/wait_for_activities&quot;&gt; Wait for activities &lt;/span&gt;</td>
Thirdly, in the yellow area, you have to <strong>choose an Account, this is compulsory</strong> </tr>
, and then you can choose one of your <tr style="opacity: 1;">
<strong>Bank Accounts</strong> <td colspan="3">&lt;span metal:use-macro=&quot;container/Zuite_viewTestMacroLibrary/macros/login_as_functional_test_user&quot;&gt;Login As Functional Test User&lt;/span&gt;</td>
if you have several ones. </tr>
</p><p> </tbody>
Then, in the green area, you can choose to display the <strong>Detailed Beginning Balance</strong> </table>
, and to </test></section>
<strong>Omit Grouped References</strong>
. You can also choose the <section class="screenshot">
<strong>Format</strong> <h1>Example: Account Statement</h1>
of your report. As you will see in this item list, many formats are already supported by ERP5. <img alt="Account Statement" src="" title="Account Statement" type="image/png" />
</p><p> <details open="open">
Finally, when you are done editing, click the <strong>"Account Statement"</strong> <p>Here is an example of an Account Statement report Creation. As you can see in the screenshot, please follow the steps to set the following information.</p>
button. Then you can
<strong>save or print</strong> <p>Firstly, in the red area, the <strong>Section Category</strong> is the group your company belongs to, you will have only one choice here; <strong>From Date</strong> and <strong>At Date (end date)</strong> are the dates delimiting your report. <strong>The At Date is compulsory</strong> .</p>
this Account Statement.
</p> <p>Secondly, in the blue area, you can choose which <strong>Simulation State(s)</strong> you want to display in your report, and the <strong>Transaction Type</strong> you need to display.</p>
</section><section class="screenshot"> <p>Thirdly, in the yellow area, you have to <strong>choose an Account, this is compulsory</strong> , and then you can choose one of your <strong>Bank Accounts</strong> if you have several ones.</p>
<h1>Account Statement example</h1>
<img src="" type="image/png" title="Account Statement example" alt="Account Statement example"> <p>Then, in the green area, you can choose to display the <strong>Detailed Beginning Balance</strong> , and to <strong>Omit Grouped References</strong> . You can also choose the <strong>Format</strong> of your report. As you will see in this item list, many formats are already supported by ERP5.</p>
<details open="open">
<p>Here is an example of the Account Statement report we have just created.</p> <p>Finally, when you are done editing, click the <strong>&quot;Account Statement&quot;</strong> button. Then you can <strong>save or print</strong> this Account Statement.</p>
</details> </details>
</section><section class="screenshot"> </section>
<h1>Another example: Profit and Loss</h1>
<img src="" type="image/png" title="Another example: Profit and Loss" alt="Another example: Profit and Loss"> <section class="screenshot">
<details open="open"> <h1>Account Statement example</h1>
<p>As you can see in the picture, this is an other example of a report: Profit and Loss. The details requested by ERP5 are different from the Account Statement, as the report itself is different.</p> <img alt="Account Statement example" src="" title="Account Statement example" type="image/png" />
</details> <details open="open">
</section><section class="screenshot"> <p>Here is an example of the Account Statement report we have just created.</p>
<h1>Profit and Loss</h1> </details>
<img src="" type="image/png" title="Profit and Loss" alt="Profit and Loss"> <test>
<details open="open"> <table class="test" style="display: none;">
<p>Here is the Profit and Loss Report we have just created.</p> <tbody>
</details> <tr>
</section> <td colspan="3">&lt;tal:block tal:define=&quot;click_configuration python: {&#39;text&#39;: &#39;Site Reports&#39;}&quot;&gt; &lt;tal:block metal:use-macro=&quot;here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/click_on_panel_link&quot; /&gt; &lt;/tal:block&gt;</td>
\ No newline at end of file <tr>
<td>//a[text()=&quot;Account Statement&quot;]</td>
<td>//a[text()=&quot;Account Statement&quot;]</td>
<section class="screenshot">
<h1>Another example: Profit and Loss</h1>
<img alt="Another example: Profit and Loss" src="" title="Another example: Profit and Loss" type="image/png" />
<details open="open">
<p>As you can see in the picture, this is an other example of a report: Profit and Loss. The details requested by ERP5 are different from the Account Statement, as the report itself is different.</p>
<section class="screenshot">
<h1>Profit and Loss</h1>
<img alt="Profit and Loss" src="" title="Profit and Loss" type="image/png" />
<details open="open">
<p>Here is the Profit and Loss Report we have just created.</p>
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