diff --git a/lib/gitlab/conflict/file.rb b/lib/gitlab/conflict/file.rb
index 3560fae5b091a96654cdced3ccf28713a65722b0..926b65d46fc93e1f473758a1234784b1df604909 100644
--- a/lib/gitlab/conflict/file.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab/conflict/file.rb
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module Gitlab
         @our_mode = conflict[:ours][:mode]
         @merge_request = merge_request
         @repository = merge_request.project.repository
+        @match_line_headers = {}
       # Array of Gitlab::Diff::Line objects
@@ -71,13 +72,6 @@ module Gitlab
       def sections
         return @sections if @sections
-        # Any line beginning with a letter, an underscore, or a dollar can be used in a
-        # match line header. Only context sections can contain match lines, as match lines
-        # have to exist in both versions of the file.
-        candidate_match_headers = lines.map do |line|
-          " #{line.text}" if line.text.match(/\A[A-Za-z$_]/) && line.type.nil?
-        end
         chunked_lines = lines.chunk { |line| line.type.nil? }
         match_line = nil
@@ -98,7 +92,7 @@ module Gitlab
                 # Ensure any existing match line has text for all lines up to the last
                 # line of its context.
-                update_match_line_text(match_line, head_lines.last, candidate_match_headers)
+                update_match_line_text(match_line, head_lines.last)
                 # Insert a new match line after the created gap.
                 match_line = create_match_line(tail_lines.first)
@@ -128,7 +122,7 @@ module Gitlab
           # We want to update the match line's text every time unless we've already
           # created a gap and its corresponding match line.
-          update_match_line_text(match_line, lines.last, candidate_match_headers) unless section
+          update_match_line_text(match_line, lines.last) unless section
           section ||= { conflict: !no_conflict, lines: lines }
           section[:id] = line_code(lines.first) unless no_conflict
@@ -144,13 +138,32 @@ module Gitlab
         Gitlab::Diff::Line.new('', 'match', line.index, line.old_pos, line.new_pos)
+      # Any line beginning with a letter, an underscore, or a dollar can be used in a
+      # match line header. Only context sections can contain match lines, as match lines
+      # have to exist in both versions of the file.
+      def find_match_line_header(index)
+        return @match_line_headers[index] if @match_line_headers.key?(index)
+        @match_line_headers[index] = begin
+          if index >= 0
+            line = lines[index]
+            if line.type.nil? && line.text.match(/\A[A-Za-z$_]/)
+              " #{line.text}"
+            else
+              find_match_line_header(index - 1)
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
       # Set the match line's text for the current line. A match line takes its start
       # position and context header (where present) from itself, and its end position from
       # the line passed in.
-      def update_match_line_text(match_line, line, headers)
+      def update_match_line_text(match_line, line)
         return unless match_line
-        header = headers.first(match_line.index).compact.last
+        header = find_match_line_header(match_line.index - 1)
         match_line.text = "@@ -#{match_line.old_pos},#{line.old_pos} +#{match_line.new_pos},#{line.new_pos} @@#{header}"
diff --git a/spec/lib/gitlab/conflict/file_spec.rb b/spec/lib/gitlab/conflict/file_spec.rb
index 643c5b317916f9759c9687208d369cc8f5da1aee..60020487061b849dcda0dd40dea6ca0c783eea37 100644
--- a/spec/lib/gitlab/conflict/file_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/gitlab/conflict/file_spec.rb
@@ -142,6 +142,110 @@ describe Gitlab::Conflict::File, lib: true do
       expect(section_ids.uniq).to eq(section_ids)
+    context 'with an example file' do
+      let(:file) do
+        <<FILE
+  # Ensure there is no match line header here
+  def username_regexp
+    default_regexp
+  end
+<<<<<<< files/ruby/regex.rb
+def project_name_regexp
+  /\A[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\. ]*\z/
+def name_regexp
+  /\A[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\. ]*\z/
+def project_name_regex
+  %r{\A[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\. ]*\z}
+def name_regex
+  %r{\A[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\. ]*\z}
+>>>>>>> files/ruby/regex.rb
+# Some extra lines
+# To force a match line
+# To be created
+def path_regexp
+  default_regexp
+<<<<<<< files/ruby/regex.rb
+def archive_formats_regexp
+  /(zip|tar|7z|tar\.gz|tgz|gz|tar\.bz2|tbz|tbz2|tb2|bz2)/
+def archive_formats_regex
+  %r{(zip|tar|7z|tar\.gz|tgz|gz|tar\.bz2|tbz|tbz2|tb2|bz2)}
+>>>>>>> files/ruby/regex.rb
+def git_reference_regexp
+  # Valid git ref regexp, see:
+  # https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-check-ref-format.html
+  %r{
+    (?!
+       (?# doesn't begins with)
+       \/|                    (?# rule #6)
+       (?# doesn't contain)
+       .*(?:
+          [\/.]\.|            (?# rule #1,3)
+          \/\/|               (?# rule #6)
+          @\{|                (?# rule #8)
+          \\                  (?# rule #9)
+       )
+    )
+    [^\000-\040\177~^:?*\[]+  (?# rule #4-5)
+    (?# doesn't end with)
+    (?<!\.lock)               (?# rule #1)
+    (?<![\/.])                (?# rule #6-7)
+  }x
+<<<<<<< files/ruby/regex.rb
+def default_regexp
+  /\A[.?]?[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]*(?<!\.git)\z/
+def default_regex
+  %r{\A[.?]?[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]*(?<!\.git)\z}
+>>>>>>> files/ruby/regex.rb
+      end
+      let(:conflict_file) { Gitlab::Conflict::File.new({ data: file }, conflict, merge_request: merge_request) }
+      let(:sections) { conflict_file.sections }
+      it 'sets the correct match line headers' do
+        expect(sections[0][:lines].first).to have_attributes(type: 'match', text: '@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@')
+        expect(sections[3][:lines].first).to have_attributes(type: 'match', text: '@@ -19,26 +19,26 @@ def path_regexp')
+        expect(sections[6][:lines].first).to have_attributes(type: 'match', text: '@@ -47,52 +47,52 @@ end')
+      end
+      it 'does not add match lines where they are not needed' do
+        expect(sections[1][:lines].first.type).not_to eq('match')
+        expect(sections[2][:lines].first.type).not_to eq('match')
+        expect(sections[4][:lines].first.type).not_to eq('match')
+        expect(sections[5][:lines].first.type).not_to eq('match')
+        expect(sections[7][:lines].first.type).not_to eq('match')
+      end
+      it 'creates context sections of the correct length' do
+        expect(sections[0][:lines].reject(&:type).length).to eq(3)
+        expect(sections[2][:lines].reject(&:type).length).to eq(3)
+        expect(sections[3][:lines].reject(&:type).length).to eq(3)
+        expect(sections[5][:lines].reject(&:type).length).to eq(3)
+        expect(sections[6][:lines].reject(&:type).length).to eq(3)
+        expect(sections[8][:lines].reject(&:type).length).to eq(1)
+      end
+    end
   describe '#as_json' do