# frozen_string_literal: true # Interface to the Redis-backed cache store for keys that use a Redis set module Gitlab class RepositorySetCache attr_reader :repository, :namespace, :expires_in def initialize(repository, extra_namespace: nil, expires_in: 2.weeks) @repository = repository @namespace = "#{repository.full_path}:#{repository.project.id}" @namespace = "#{@namespace}:#{extra_namespace}" if extra_namespace @expires_in = expires_in end def cache_key(type) [type, namespace, 'set'].join(':') end def expire(key) with { |redis| redis.del(cache_key(key)) } end def exist?(key) with { |redis| redis.exists(cache_key(key)) } end def read(key) with { |redis| redis.smembers(cache_key(key)) } end def write(key, value) full_key = cache_key(key) with do |redis| redis.multi do redis.del(full_key) # Splitting into groups of 1000 prevents us from creating a too-long # Redis command value.in_groups_of(1000, false) { |subset| redis.sadd(full_key, subset) } redis.expire(full_key, expires_in) end end value end def fetch(key, &block) if exist?(key) read(key) else write(key, yield) end end def include?(key, value) with { |redis| redis.sismember(cache_key(key), value) } end private def with(&blk) Gitlab::Redis::Cache.with(&blk) # rubocop:disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord end end end