<script> /* global Flash */ import Visibility from 'visibilityjs'; import Poll from '../../lib/utils/poll'; import eventHub from '../event_hub'; import Service from '../services/index'; import Store from '../stores'; import titleComponent from './title.vue'; import descriptionComponent from './description.vue'; import formComponent from './form.vue'; export default { props: { endpoint: { required: true, type: String, }, canUpdate: { required: true, type: Boolean, }, canDestroy: { required: true, type: Boolean, }, issuableRef: { type: String, required: true, }, initialTitle: { type: String, required: true, }, initialDescriptionHtml: { type: String, required: false, default: '', }, initialDescriptionText: { type: String, required: false, default: '', }, issuableTemplates: { type: Array, required: false, default: () => [], }, }, data() { const store = new Store({ titleHtml: this.initialTitle, descriptionHtml: this.initialDescriptionHtml, descriptionText: this.initialDescriptionText, }); return { store, state: store.state, showForm: false, }; }, computed: { formState() { return this.store.formState; }, }, components: { descriptionComponent, titleComponent, formComponent, }, methods: { openForm() { this.showForm = true; this.store.formState = { title: this.state.titleText, }; }, closeForm() { this.showForm = false; }, updateIssuable() { this.service.updateIssuable(this.store.formState) .then(() => { eventHub.$emit('close.form'); }) .catch(() => { eventHub.$emit('close.form'); return new Flash('Error updating issue'); }); }, deleteIssuable() { this.service.deleteIssuable() .then(res => res.json()) .then((data) => { // Stop the poll so we don't get 404's with the issue not existing this.poll.stop(); gl.utils.visitUrl(data.path); }) .catch(() => { eventHub.$emit('close.form'); return new Flash('Error deleting issue'); }); }, }, created() { this.service = new Service(this.endpoint); this.poll = new Poll({ resource: this.service, method: 'getData', successCallback: (res) => { this.store.updateState(res.json()); }, errorCallback(err) { throw new Error(err); }, }); if (!Visibility.hidden()) { this.poll.makeRequest(); } Visibility.change(() => { if (!Visibility.hidden()) { this.poll.restart(); } else { this.poll.stop(); } }); eventHub.$on('delete.issuable', this.deleteIssuable); eventHub.$on('update.issuable', this.updateIssuable); eventHub.$on('close.form', this.closeForm); eventHub.$on('open.form', this.openForm); }, beforeDestroy() { eventHub.$off('delete.issuable', this.deleteIssuable); eventHub.$off('update.issuable', this.updateIssuable); eventHub.$off('close.form', this.closeForm); eventHub.$off('open.form', this.openForm); }, }; </script> <template> <div> <form-component v-if="canUpdate && showForm" :form-state="formState" :can-destroy="canDestroy" /> <div v-else> <title-component :issuable-ref="issuableRef" :title-html="state.titleHtml" :title-text="state.titleText" /> <description-component v-if="state.descriptionHtml" :can-update="canUpdate" :description-html="state.descriptionHtml" :description-text="state.descriptionText" :updated-at="state.updatedAt" :task-status="state.taskStatus" /> </div> </div> </template>