require 'spec_helper' describe API::API, api: true do include ApiHelpers let(:user) { create(:user) } let!(:project) { create(:project, namespace: user.namespace ) } let!(:closed_issue) { create(:closed_issue, author: user, assignee: user, project: project, state: :closed) } let!(:issue) { create(:issue, author: user, assignee: user, project: project) } let!(:label) do create(:label, title: 'label', color: '#FFAABB', project: project) end let!(:label_link) { create(:label_link, label: label, target: issue) } before { << [user, :reporter] } describe "GET /issues" do context "when unauthenticated" do it "should return authentication error" do get api("/issues") response.status.should == 401 end end context "when authenticated" do it "should return an array of issues" do get api("/issues", user) response.status.should == 200 json_response.should be_an Array json_response.first['title'].should == issue.title end it "should add pagination headers" do get api("/issues?per_page=3", user) response.headers['Link'].should == '<>; rel="first", <>; rel="last"' end it 'should return an array of closed issues' do get api('/issues?state=closed', user) response.status.should == 200 json_response.should be_an Array json_response.length.should == 1 json_response.first['id'].should == end it 'should return an array of opened issues' do get api('/issues?state=opened', user) response.status.should == 200 json_response.should be_an Array json_response.length.should == 1 json_response.first['id'].should == end it 'should return an array of all issues' do get api('/issues?state=all', user) response.status.should == 200 json_response.should be_an Array json_response.length.should == 2 json_response.first['id'].should == json_response.second['id'].should == end it 'should return an array of labeled issues' do get api("/issues?labels=#{label.title}", user) response.status.should == 200 json_response.should be_an Array json_response.length.should == 1 json_response.first['labels'].should == [label.title] end it 'should return an array of labeled issues when at least one label matches' do get api("/issues?labels=#{label.title},foo,bar", user) response.status.should == 200 json_response.should be_an Array json_response.length.should == 1 json_response.first['labels'].should == [label.title] end it 'should return an empty array if no issue matches labels' do get api('/issues?labels=foo,bar', user) response.status.should == 200 json_response.should be_an Array json_response.length.should == 0 end it 'should return an array of labeled issues matching given state' do get api("/issues?labels=#{label.title}&state=opened", user) response.status.should == 200 json_response.should be_an Array json_response.length.should == 1 json_response.first['labels'].should == [label.title] json_response.first['state'].should == 'opened' end it 'should return an empty array if no issue matches labels and state filters' do get api("/issues?labels=#{label.title}&state=closed", user) response.status.should == 200 json_response.should be_an Array json_response.length.should == 0 end end end describe "GET /projects/:id/issues" do it "should return project issues" do get api("/projects/#{}/issues", user) response.status.should == 200 json_response.should be_an Array json_response.first['title'].should == issue.title end it 'should return an array of labeled project issues' do get api("/projects/#{}/issues?labels=#{label.title}", user) response.status.should == 200 json_response.should be_an Array json_response.length.should == 1 json_response.first['labels'].should == [label.title] end it 'should return an array of labeled project issues when at least one label matches' do get api("/projects/#{}/issues?labels=#{label.title},foo,bar", user) response.status.should == 200 json_response.should be_an Array json_response.length.should == 1 json_response.first['labels'].should == [label.title] end it 'should return an empty array if no project issue matches labels' do get api("/projects/#{}/issues?labels=foo,bar", user) response.status.should == 200 json_response.should be_an Array json_response.length.should == 0 end end describe "GET /projects/:id/issues/:issue_id" do it "should return a project issue by id" do get api("/projects/#{}/issues/#{}", user) response.status.should == 200 json_response['title'].should == issue.title json_response['iid'].should == issue.iid end it "should return 404 if issue id not found" do get api("/projects/#{}/issues/54321", user) response.status.should == 404 end end describe "POST /projects/:id/issues" do it "should create a new project issue" do post api("/projects/#{}/issues", user), title: 'new issue', labels: 'label, label2' response.status.should == 201 json_response['title'].should == 'new issue' json_response['description'].should be_nil json_response['labels'].should == ['label', 'label2'] end it "should return a 400 bad request if title not given" do post api("/projects/#{}/issues", user), labels: 'label, label2' response.status.should == 400 end it 'should return 400 on invalid label names' do post api("/projects/#{}/issues", user), title: 'new issue', labels: 'label, ?' response.status.should == 400 json_response['message']['labels']['?']['title'].should == ['is invalid'] end it 'should return 400 if title is too long' do post api("/projects/#{}/issues", user), title: 'g' * 256 response.status.should == 400 json_response['message']['title'].should == [ 'is too long (maximum is 255 characters)' ] end end describe "PUT /projects/:id/issues/:issue_id to update only title" do it "should update a project issue" do put api("/projects/#{}/issues/#{}", user), title: 'updated title' response.status.should == 200 json_response['title'].should == 'updated title' end it "should return 404 error if issue id not found" do put api("/projects/#{}/issues/44444", user), title: 'updated title' response.status.should == 404 end it 'should return 400 on invalid label names' do put api("/projects/#{}/issues/#{}", user), title: 'updated title', labels: 'label, ?' response.status.should == 400 json_response['message']['labels']['?']['title'].should == ['is invalid'] end end describe 'PUT /projects/:id/issues/:issue_id to update labels' do let!(:label) { create(:label, title: 'dummy', project: project) } let!(:label_link) { create(:label_link, label: label, target: issue) } it 'should not update labels if not present' do put api("/projects/#{}/issues/#{}", user), title: 'updated title' response.status.should == 200 json_response['labels'].should == [label.title] end it 'should remove all labels' do put api("/projects/#{}/issues/#{}", user), labels: '' response.status.should == 200 json_response['labels'].should == [] end it 'should update labels' do put api("/projects/#{}/issues/#{}", user), labels: 'foo,bar' response.status.should == 200 json_response['labels'].should include 'foo' json_response['labels'].should include 'bar' end it 'should return 400 on invalid label names' do put api("/projects/#{}/issues/#{}", user), labels: 'label, ?' response.status.should == 400 json_response['message']['labels']['?']['title'].should == ['is invalid'] end it 'should allow special label names' do put api("/projects/#{}/issues/#{}", user), labels: 'label:foo, label-bar,label_bar,label/bar' response.status.should == 200 json_response['labels'].should include 'label:foo' json_response['labels'].should include 'label-bar' json_response['labels'].should include 'label_bar' json_response['labels'].should include 'label/bar' end it 'should return 400 if title is too long' do put api("/projects/#{}/issues/#{}", user), title: 'g' * 256 response.status.should == 400 json_response['message']['title'].should == [ 'is too long (maximum is 255 characters)' ] end end describe "PUT /projects/:id/issues/:issue_id to update state and label" do it "should update a project issue" do put api("/projects/#{}/issues/#{}", user), labels: 'label2', state_event: "close" response.status.should == 200 json_response['labels'].should include 'label2' json_response['state'].should eq "closed" end end describe "DELETE /projects/:id/issues/:issue_id" do it "should delete a project issue" do delete api("/projects/#{}/issues/#{}", user) response.status.should == 405 end end end