export const dataStructure = () => ({ id: '', // Key will contain a mixture of ID and path // it can also contain a prefix `pending-` for files opened in review mode key: '', type: '', projectId: '', branchId: '', name: '', url: '', path: '', tempFile: false, tree: [], loading: false, opened: false, active: false, changed: false, staged: false, lastCommitPath: '', lastCommitSha: '', lastCommit: { id: '', url: '', message: '', updatedAt: '', author: '', }, blamePath: '', commitsPath: '', permalink: '', rawPath: '', binary: false, html: '', raw: '', content: '', parentTreeUrl: '', renderError: false, base64: false, editorRow: 1, editorColumn: 1, fileLanguage: '', eol: '', viewMode: 'editor', previewMode: null, size: 0, parentPath: null, lastOpenedAt: 0, mrChange: null, }); export const decorateData = entity => { const { id, projectId, branchId, type, url, name, path, renderError, content = '', tempFile = false, active = false, opened = false, changed = false, parentTreeUrl = '', base64 = false, previewMode, file_lock, html, parentPath = '', } = entity; return { ...dataStructure(), id, projectId, branchId, key: `${name}-${type}-${id}`, type, name, url, path, tempFile, opened, active, parentTreeUrl, changed, renderError, content, base64, previewMode, file_lock, html, parentPath, }; }; export const findEntry = (tree, type, name, prop = 'name') => tree.find(f => f.type === type && f[prop] === name); export const findIndexOfFile = (state, file) => state.findIndex(f => f.path === file.path); export const setPageTitle = title => { document.title = title; }; export const createCommitPayload = ({ branch, getters, newBranch, state, rootState }) => ({ branch, commit_message: state.commitMessage || getters.preBuiltCommitMessage, actions: rootState.stagedFiles.map(f => ({ action: f.tempFile ? 'create' : 'update', file_path: f.path, content: f.content, encoding: f.base64 ? 'base64' : 'text', last_commit_id: newBranch ? undefined : f.lastCommitSha, })), start_branch: newBranch ? rootState.currentBranchId : undefined, }); export const createNewMergeRequestUrl = (projectUrl, source, target) => `${projectUrl}/merge_requests/new?merge_request[source_branch]=${source}&merge_request[target_branch]=${target}`; const sortTreesByTypeAndName = (a, b) => { if (a.type === 'tree' && b.type === 'blob') { return -1; } else if (a.type === 'blob' && b.type === 'tree') { return 1; } if (a.name < b.name) return -1; if (a.name > b.name) return 1; return 0; }; export const sortTree = sortedTree => sortedTree .map(entity => Object.assign(entity, { tree: entity.tree.length ? sortTree(entity.tree) : [], }), ) .sort(sortTreesByTypeAndName); export const filePathMatches = (f, path) => f.path.replace(new RegExp(`${f.name}$`), '').indexOf(`${path}/`) === 0; export const getChangesCountForFiles = (files, path) => files.filter(f => filePathMatches(f, path)).length;