Commit 7d7a59d6 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak Committed by Łukasz Nowak

stack/cacuase: Make rerequest updatable

It will generate new csr and key if the template changes, also if beacuse of
some reason key or csr is not present anymore.

This change makes the part resist to cases when it is becoming uninstalled and
installed again, so that it will not shoot its own foot and leaving the macro
user in inconsistent state.
parent e0b1a5d7
......@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
filename = caucase.jinja2.library
md5sum = 0c9b50ff49e0ca0e8e2bc70ec0fd9431
md5sum = 5cf324ea1beb593738339f3d20d60a44
......@@ -108,5 +108,15 @@ command-line = '{{ buildout_bin_directory }}/caucase-updater'
{% macro rerequest(prefix, buildout_bin_directory, template, csr, key) -%}
[{{ prefix }}]
recipe = plone.recipe.command
command = '{{ buildout_bin_directory }}/caucase-rerequest' --template '{{ template }}' --csr '{{ csr }}' --key '{{ key }}'
checksum-file = '{{ template }}.md5'
command =
set -e
md5_current=$(${buildout:executable} -c "import hashlib ; hashlib.md5(open('{{ template }}').read()).hexdigest()")
md5_old=$([ -f ${:checksum-file} ] && cat ${:checksum-file} || echo none)
if [ "$md5_current" != "$md5_old" ] || [ ! -f '{{ csr }}' ] || [ ! -f '{{ key }}' ] ; then
'{{ buildout_bin_directory }}/caucase-rerequest' --template '{{ template }}' --csr '{{ csr }}' --key '{{ key }}'
echo $md5_current > ${:checksum-file}
update-command = ${:command}
stop-on-error = True
{%- endmacro %}
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