diff --git a/product/ERP5/Document/BusinessProcess.py b/product/ERP5/Document/BusinessProcess.py
index fe3d551f3c9458606cee2b679da268ebb501cd65..9eaacac28bc838fe5c68481ea2dcf179b33261e4 100644
--- a/product/ERP5/Document/BusinessProcess.py
+++ b/product/ERP5/Document/BusinessProcess.py
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
 from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, interfaces
+from Products.ERP5Type.TransactionalVariable import getTransactionalVariable
 from Products.ERP5Type.XMLObject import XMLObject
 from Products.ERP5.Document.Path import Path
 from Products.ERP5.ExplanationCache import _getExplanationCache, _getBusinessLinkClosure
@@ -594,8 +595,9 @@ class BusinessProcess(Path, XMLObject):
         return False
     return True
-  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getRemainingTradePhaseList')
-  def getRemainingTradePhaseList(self, explanation, business_link, trade_phase_list=None):
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
+                            'getRemainingTradePhaseList')
+  def getRemainingTradePhaseList(self, business_link):
     """Returns the list of remaining trade phases which to be achieved
     as part of a business process. This list is calculated by analysing 
     the graph of business link and trade states, starting from a given
@@ -608,11 +610,6 @@ class BusinessProcess(Path, XMLObject):
     business_link -- a Business Link document
-    trade_phase_list -- if provided, the result is filtered by it after
-                        being collected - XXX-JPS - is this really useful ?
-    NOTE: this code has not been reviewed and needs review
     NOTE: explanation is not involved here because we consider here that
     self is the result of asUnionBusinessProcess and thus only contains
     applicable Business Link to a given simulation subtree. Since the list
@@ -622,25 +619,39 @@ class BusinessProcess(Path, XMLObject):
     remaining_trade_phase_list = []
     trade_state = business_link.getSuccessor()
-    for link in [x for x in self.objectValues(portal_type="Business Link") \
-        if x.getPredecessor() == trade_state]:
-      # XXX When no simulations related to link, what should link.isCompleted return?
-      #     if True we don't have way to add remaining trade phases to new movement
-      if not (link.getRelatedSimulationMovementValueList(explanation) and
-              link.isCompleted(explanation)):
-        remaining_trade_phase_list += link.getTradePhaseValueList()
+    tv = getTransactionalVariable(self)
+    # We might need a key which depends on the explanation
+    key = 'BusinessProcess_predecessor_successor_%s' % self.getRelativeUrl()
+    predecessor_successor_dict = tv.get(key, None)
+    if predecessor_successor_dict is None:
+      predecessor_successor_dict = {'predecessor':{},
+                                    'successor':{}}
+      for business_link in self.objectValues(portal_type="Business Link"):
+        for property_name in ('predecessor', 'successor'):
+          property_value = business_link.getProperty(property_name)
+          if property_value:
+            business_link_list = predecessor_successor_dict[property_name].\
+                setdefault(property_value, [])
+            business_link_list.append(business_link)
+      tv[key] = predecessor_successor_dict
+    business_link_list = predecessor_successor_dict['predecessor'].\
+                           get(trade_state, [])
+    assert len(business_link_list) <= 1, \
+        "code is not able yet to manage this case"
+    for link in business_link_list:
+      remaining_trade_phase_list += link.getTradePhaseValueList()
       # collect to successor direction recursively
-      state = link.getSuccessorValue()
+      state = link.getSuccessor()
       if state is not None:
+        next_business_link_list = predecessor_successor_dict['successor'].\
+                                    get(state, [])
+        assert len(next_business_link_list) == 1, \
+            "code is not able yet to manage this case"
-          self.getRemainingTradePhaseList(explanation, state, None))
-    # filter just at once if given
-    if trade_phase_list is not None:
-      remaining_trade_phase_list = filter(
-        lambda x : x.getLogicalPath() in trade_phase_list,
-        remaining_trade_phase_list)
+          self.getRemainingTradePhaseList(
+          next_business_link_list[0]))
     return remaining_trade_phase_list
diff --git a/product/ERP5/interfaces/business_process.py b/product/ERP5/interfaces/business_process.py
index 80ea0a31edf8428a20fb2723c2f878d781771486..de0c073f5cc24ca9b2056b42ca26ecb7d9655f44 100644
--- a/product/ERP5/interfaces/business_process.py
+++ b/product/ERP5/interfaces/business_process.py
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ class ITradePhaseProcess(Interface):
     trade_phase -- a Trade Phase category
-  def getRemainingTradePhaseList(business_link, trade_phase_list=None):
+  def getRemainingTradePhaseList(business_link):
     """Returns the list of remaining trade phases which to be achieved
     as part of a business process. This list is calculated by analysing 
     the graph of business link and trade states, starting from a given
@@ -366,9 +366,6 @@ class ITradePhaseProcess(Interface):
     business_link -- a Business Link document
-    trade_phase_list -- if provided, the result is filtered by it after
-                        being collected - ???? useful ? XXX-JPS ?
     NOTE: explanation is not involved here because we consider here that
     self is the result of asUnionBusinessProcess and thus only contains
     applicable Business Link to a given simulation subtree. Since the list
@@ -491,4 +488,4 @@ class IBusinessProcess(ITradeModelPathProcess, IBusinessLinkProcess, IBuildableB
     include_partially_buildable -- if set to True, also build partially
                                    buildable business link. Else
                                    only build strictly buildable link.
-    """
\ No newline at end of file
+    """
diff --git a/product/ERP5/tests/testBPMCore.py b/product/ERP5/tests/testBPMCore.py
index efc5a4c97b35e2f32424d20575da8262a13fdbd3..e4e1284ee0fe9195e474b7f2d3f7a42e3341537a 100644
--- a/product/ERP5/tests/testBPMCore.py
+++ b/product/ERP5/tests/testBPMCore.py
@@ -302,129 +302,42 @@ class TestBPMImplementation(TestBPMMixin):
       business_path.getSource(context=context_movement, default='something'))
-  @newSimulationExpectedFailure
   def test_BusinessState_getRemainingTradePhaseList(self):
-    This test case is described for what trade_phase is remaining after the state.
-    In this case, root explanation is path of between "b" and "d", and
-    path of between "a" and "b" has a condition which simulation state of
-    explanation must be "ordered" to pass the path. (*1)
-    But this test case will be passed the condition.
-                            (root explanation)
-       default/discount     default/invoicing     default/accounting
-    a ------------------ b ------------------- d -------------------- e
-       (cond="ordered")   \                   /
-                           \                 /
-          default/delivery  \               / default/payment
-                             \             /
-                              \           /
-                               \         /
-                                \       /
-                                 \     /
-                                  \   /
-                                   \ /
-                                    c
+    This test case is described for what trade_phase is remaining after the
+    given business link.
     # define business process
     category_tool = self.getCategoryTool()
     business_process = self.createBusinessProcess()
-    business_link_a_b = self.createBusinessLink(business_process)
-    business_link_b_c = self.createBusinessLink(business_process)
-    business_link_b_d = self.createBusinessLink(business_process)
-    business_link_c_d = self.createBusinessLink(business_process)
-    business_link_d_e = self.createBusinessLink(business_process)
-    business_state_a = category_tool.trade_state.state_a
-    business_state_b = category_tool.trade_state.state_b
-    business_state_c = category_tool.trade_state.state_c
-    business_state_d = category_tool.trade_state.state_d
-    business_state_e = category_tool.trade_state.state_e
-    business_link_a_b.setPredecessorValue(business_state_a)
-    business_link_b_c.setPredecessorValue(business_state_b)
-    business_link_b_d.setPredecessorValue(business_state_b)
-    business_link_c_d.setPredecessorValue(business_state_c)
-    business_link_d_e.setPredecessorValue(business_state_d)
-    business_link_a_b.setSuccessorValue(business_state_b)
-    business_link_b_c.setSuccessorValue(business_state_c)
-    business_link_b_d.setSuccessorValue(business_state_d)
-    business_link_c_d.setSuccessorValue(business_state_d)
-    business_link_d_e.setSuccessorValue(business_state_e)
-    # set title for debug
-    business_link_a_b.edit(title="a_b")
-    business_link_b_c.edit(title="b_c")
-    business_link_b_d.edit(title="b_d")
-    business_link_c_d.edit(title="c_d")
-    business_link_d_e.edit(title="d_e")
-    # set trade_phase
-    business_link_a_b.edit(trade_phase=['default/discount'],
-                           completed_state=['ordered']) # (*1)
-    business_link_b_c.edit(trade_phase=['default/delivery'])
-    business_link_b_d.edit(trade_phase=['default/invoicing'])
-    business_link_c_d.edit(trade_phase=['default/payment'])
-    business_link_d_e.edit(trade_phase=['default/accounting'])
-    # mock order
-    order = self.portal.sale_order_module.newContent(portal_type="Sale Order")
-    order_line = order.newContent(portal_type="Sale Order Line", quantity=1)
-    # make simulation
-    order.order()
-    self.stepTic()
-    applied_rule = order.getCausalityRelatedValue()
-    sm = applied_rule.contentValues(portal_type="Simulation Movement")[0]
-    sm.edit(causality_value=business_link_a_b)
-    # make other movements for each business path
-    applied_rule.newContent(portal_type="Simulation Movement",
-                            causality_value=business_link_b_c,
-                            order_value=order_line)
-    applied_rule.newContent(portal_type="Simulation Movement",
-                            causality_value=business_link_b_d,
-                            order_value=order_line)
-    applied_rule.newContent(portal_type="Simulation Movement",
-                            causality_value=business_link_c_d,
-                            order_value=order_line)
-    applied_rule.newContent(portal_type="Simulation Movement",
-                            causality_value=business_link_d_e,
-                            order_value=order_line)
-    self.stepTic()
-    trade_phase = self.portal.portal_categories.trade_phase.default
-    # assertion which getRemainingTradePhaseList must return category which will be passed
-    # discount is passed, business_link_a_b is already completed, because simulation state is "ordered"
-    self.assertEquals(set([trade_phase.delivery,
-                           trade_phase.invoicing,
-                           trade_phase.payment,
-                           trade_phase.accounting]),
-                      set(business_process.getRemainingTradePhaseList(order,
-                          business_state_a)))
-    self.assertEquals(set([trade_phase.delivery,
-                           trade_phase.invoicing,
-                           trade_phase.payment,
-                           trade_phase.accounting]),
-                      set(business_process.getRemainingTradePhaseList(order,
-                          business_state_b)))
-    self.assertEquals(set([trade_phase.payment,
-                           trade_phase.accounting]),
-                      set(business_process.getRemainingTradePhaseList(order,
-                          business_state_c)))
-    self.assertEquals(set([trade_phase.accounting]),
-                      set(business_process.getRemainingTradePhaseList(order,
-                          business_state_d)))
-    # when trade_phase_list is defined in arguments, the result is filtered by base category.
-    self.assertEquals(set([trade_phase.delivery,
-                           trade_phase.accounting]),
-                      set(business_process\
-                          .getRemainingTradePhaseList(order, business_state_a,
-                                                      trade_phase_list=['default/delivery',
-                                                                        'default/accounting'])))
+    business_link_order = self.createBusinessLink(business_process,
+                                 title='order', id='order',
+                                 trade_phase='default/order')
+    business_link_deliver = self.createBusinessLink(business_process,
+                                 title='deliver', id='deliver',
+                                 trade_phase='default/delivery')
+    business_link_invoice = self.createBusinessLink(business_process,
+                                 title='invoice', id='invoice',
+                                 trade_phase='default/invoicing')
+    trade_state = category_tool.trade_state
+    business_link_order.setSuccessorValue(trade_state.ordered)
+    business_link_deliver.setPredecessorValue(trade_state.ordered)
+    business_link_deliver.setSuccessorValue(trade_state.delivered)
+    business_link_invoice.setPredecessorValue(trade_state.delivered)
+    business_link_invoice.setSuccessorValue(trade_state.invoiced)
+    trade_phase = category_tool.trade_phase.default
+    self.assertEquals([trade_phase.delivery,
+                       trade_phase.invoicing],
+                      business_process.getRemainingTradePhaseList(
+                       business_process.order))
+    self.assertEquals([trade_phase.invoicing],
+                      business_process.getRemainingTradePhaseList(
+                       business_process.deliver))
+    self.assertEquals([],
+                      business_process.getRemainingTradePhaseList(
+                       business_process.invoice))
   def test_BusinessLink_calculateExpectedDate(self):