diff --git a/software/slapos-master/buildout.hash.cfg b/software/slapos-master/buildout.hash.cfg
index b36e067287abbe9514c9d1aeaf0b77ba81175827..05e01b5d6ff1aa8c9155a256825ed0b0393cd529 100644
--- a/software/slapos-master/buildout.hash.cfg
+++ b/software/slapos-master/buildout.hash.cfg
@@ -23,3 +23,7 @@ md5sum = 4998e62351f54700ee23a2ca8cd89329
 filename = apache-backend.conf.in
 md5sum = 9d7104ce18f79a7a84988efc11f5ed23
+filename = haproxy.cfg.in
+md5sum = fec6a312e4ef84b02837742992aaf495
diff --git a/software/slapos-master/haproxy.cfg.in b/software/slapos-master/haproxy.cfg.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..87dbc9123f96123d5b43ac52578ece9ad7192b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/software/slapos-master/haproxy.cfg.in
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+{% set server_check_path = parameter_dict['server-check-path'] -%}
+  maxconn 4096
+  stats socket {{ parameter_dict['socket-path'] }} level admin
+  mode http
+  retries 1
+  option redispatch
+  maxconn 2000
+  cookie SERVERID rewrite
+  balance roundrobin
+  stats uri /haproxy
+  stats realm Global\ statistics
+  # it is useless to have timeout much bigger than the one of apache.
+  # By default apache use 300s, so we set slightly more in order to
+  # make sure that apache will first stop the connection.
+  timeout server 305s
+  # Stop waiting in queue for a zope to become available.
+  # If no zope can be reached after one minute, consider the request will
+  # never succeed.
+  timeout queue 60s
+  # The connection should be immediate on LAN,
+  # so we should not set more than 5 seconds, and it could be already too much
+  timeout connect 5s
+  # As requested in haproxy doc, make this "at least equal to timeout server".
+  timeout client 305s
+  # Use "option httpclose" to not preserve client & server persistent connections
+  # while handling every incoming request individually, dispatching them one after
+  # another to servers, in HTTP close mode. This is really needed when haproxy
+  # is configured with maxconn to 1, without this option browsers are unable
+  # to render a page
+  option httpclose
+{% for name, (port, backend_list) in sorted(parameter_dict['backend-dict'].iteritems()) -%}
+listen {{ name }}
+  bind {{ parameter_dict['ip'] }}:{{ port }}
+  http-request set-header X-Balancer-Current-Cookie SERVERID
+{%   set has_webdav = [] -%}
+{%   for address, connection_count, webdav in backend_list -%}
+{%     if webdav %}{% do has_webdav.append(None) %}{% endif -%}
+{%     set server_name = name ~ '-' ~ loop.index0 -%}
+  server {{ server_name }} {{ address }} cookie {{ server_name }} check inter 3s rise 1 fall 2 maxqueue 5 maxconn {{ connection_count }}
+{%   endfor -%}
+{%-  if not has_webdav and server_check_path %}
+  option httpchk GET {{ server_check_path }}
+{%   endif -%}
+{% endfor %}
diff --git a/software/slapos-master/software.cfg b/software/slapos-master/software.cfg
index 93e83c4bfb5d59b978516e00aed7b9192ad32f56..e13975c2ab9b94fb3da8fc54719268f6e597d4cc 100644
--- a/software/slapos-master/software.cfg
+++ b/software/slapos-master/software.cfg
@@ -63,7 +63,9 @@ filename = instance-balancer.cfg.in
 url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename}
-filename = apache-backend.conf.in 
+url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename}
 python-memcached = 1.47