diff --git a/product/ERP5Type/patches/DateTimePatch.py b/product/ERP5Type/patches/DateTimePatch.py
index 71b076f22472f9832b58128d75213bbd198ff2b2..2797d8aa7f7da3a50dd98ebd942602b4deb7b851 100644
--- a/product/ERP5Type/patches/DateTimePatch.py
+++ b/product/ERP5Type/patches/DateTimePatch.py
@@ -31,20 +31,18 @@ from DateTime import DateTime as DateTimeKlass
 STATE_KEY = 'str'
 def DateTime__setstate__(self, state):
-  if len(state) != 1 or STATE_KEY not in state:
+  if isinstance(state, tuple):
+    self._parse_args(*state)
+  elif len(state) != 1 or STATE_KEY not in state:
+    # For original pickle representation
-    # For backward compatibility
+    # For r15569 implementation
 DateTimeKlass.__setstate__ = DateTime__setstate__
-# This below is disabled, because this loses information at
-# millisecond level, and it breaks the simulation due to
-# divergency tests. I will not disable the above for backward
-# compatibility. -yo
-# def DateTime__getstate__(self):
-#   return {STATE_KEY: str(self)}
-# DateTimeKlass.__getstate__ = DateTime__getstate__
+def DateTime__getstate__(self):
+  return (self._t, self._tz)
+DateTimeKlass.__getstate__ = DateTime__getstate__