# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
import logging
from slapos.recipe.librecipe import wrap, JSON_SERIALISED_MAGIC_KEY
import json
from slapos import slap as slapmodule
import slapos.recipe.librecipe.generic as librecipe
import traceback

DEFAULT_SOFTWARE_TYPE = 'RootSoftwareInstance'

class Recipe(object):
  Request a partition to a slap master.
  Can provide parameters to that partition and fetches its connection

    key-file (optional)
    cert-file (optional)
      Used to contact slap master.

      Current partition's identifiers.
      Must match key's credentials if given.

    name (optional, defaults to section name)
      Name (reference) of requested partition.

      URL of a software definition to request an instance of.

      Software type of requested instance, among those provided by the
      definition from software-url.

    slave (optional, defaults to false)
      Set to "true" when requesting a slave instance, ie just setting a set of
      parameters in an existing instance.

    sla (optional)
      Whitespace-separated list of Service Level Agreement names.
      Each name must correspond to a "sla-<name>" option.
      Used to specify what a suitable partition would be.
      Possible names depend on master's capabilities.

    config (optional)
      Whitespace-separated list of partition parameter names.
      Each name must correspond to a "config-<name>" option.
      Possible names depend on requested partition's software type.

    return (optional)
      Whitespace-separated list of expected partition-published value names.
      Options will be created from them, in the form of "connection-<name>"
      As long as requested partition doesn't publish all those values,
      installation of request section will fail.
      Possible names depend on requested partition's software type.

      See "return" input key.
  failed = None

  def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
    self.logger = logging.getLogger(name)
    software_url = options['software-url']
    name = options['name']
    return_parameters = options.get('return', '').split()
    if not return_parameters:
      self.logger.debug("No parameter to return to main instance."
        "Be careful about that...")
    software_type = options.get('software-type', DEFAULT_SOFTWARE_TYPE)
    filter_kw = dict(
      (x, options['sla-' + x]) for x in options.get('sla', '').split()
      if options['sla-' + x]
    partition_parameter_kw = self._filterForStorage(dict(
      (x, options['config-' + x])
      for x in options.get('config', '').split()
    slave = options.get('slave', 'false').lower() in \
    slap = slapmodule.slap()
    request = slap.registerComputerPartition(
    self._raise_request_exception = None
    self._raise_request_exception_formatted = None
    self.instance = None
    # Try to do the request and fetch parameter dict...
      self.instance = request(software_url, software_type,
          name, partition_parameter_kw=partition_parameter_kw,
          filter_kw=filter_kw, shared=slave)
      return_parameter_dict = self._getReturnParameterDict(self.instance,
      if not slave:
          options['instance-guid'] = self.instance.getInstanceGuid()
          # XXX: deprecated, to be removed
          options['instance_guid'] = self.instance.getInstanceGuid()
        except slapmodule.ResourceNotReady:
          # Backward compatibility. Old SlapOS masters don't know this.
          self.logger.warning("Impossible to fetch instance GUID.")
    except (slapmodule.NotFoundError, slapmodule.ServerError, slapmodule.ResourceNotReady) as exc:
      self._raise_request_exception = exc
      self._raise_request_exception_formatted = traceback.format_exc()
      return_parameter_dict = {}

    # Then try to get all the parameters. In case of problem, put empty string.
    for param in return_parameters:
      options['connection-%s' % param] = ''
        options['connection-%s' % param] = return_parameter_dict[param]
      except KeyError:
        if self.failed is None:
          self.failed = param

  def _filterForStorage(self, partition_parameter_kw):
    return partition_parameter_kw

  def _getReturnParameterDict(self, instance, return_parameter_list):
    result = {}
    for param in return_parameter_list:
        result[param] = str(instance.getConnectionParameter(param))
      except slapmodule.NotFoundError:
    return result

  def install(self):
    if self._raise_request_exception:
      raise self._raise_request_exception

    if self.failed is not None:
      # Check instance status to know if instance has been deployed
        if self.instance._computer_id is not None:
          status = self.instance.getState()
          status = 'not ready yet'
      except (slapmodule.NotFoundError, slapmodule.ServerError, slapmodule.ResourceNotReady):
        status = 'not ready yet'
      except AttributeError:
        status = 'unknown'
      error_message = 'Connection parameter %s not found. '\
          'Status of requested instance is: %s. If this error persists, '\
          'check status of this instance.' % (self.failed, status)
      raise KeyError(error_message)
    return []

  update = install

class RequestOptional(Recipe):
  Request a SlapOS instance. Won't fail if request failed or is not ready.
  Same as slapos.cookbook:request, but won't raise in case of problem.
  def install(self):
    if self._raise_request_exception_formatted:
      self.logger.warning('Optional request failed.')
      if not isinstance(self._raise_request_exception, slapmodule.NotFoundError):
        # full traceback for optional 'not found' is too verbose and confusing
    elif self.failed is not None:
      # Check instance status to know if instance has been deployed
        if self.instance._computer_id is not None:
          status = self.instance.getState()
          status = 'not ready yet'
      except (slapmodule.NotFoundError, slapmodule.ServerError):
        status = 'not ready yet'
      except AttributeError:
        status = 'unknown'
      error_message = 'Connection parameter %s not found. '\
          'Requested instance is currently %s. If this error persists, '\
          'check status of this instance.' % (self.failed, status)
    return []

  update = install

class Serialised(Recipe):
  def _filterForStorage(self, partition_parameter_kw):
    return wrap(partition_parameter_kw)

  def _getReturnParameterDict(self, instance, return_parameter_list):
      return json.loads(instance.getConnectionParameter(JSON_SERIALISED_MAGIC_KEY))
    except slapmodule.NotFoundError:
      return {}


class RequestEdge(Recipe):
  For each country in country-list, do a request.
  def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
    self.logger = logging.getLogger(name)
    self.options = options
    self.request_dict = {}
    # Keep a copy of original options dict
    original_options = options.copy()
    for country in options['country-list'].split(','):
      # Request will have its own copy of options dict
      local_options = original_options.copy()
      local_options['name'] = '%s-%s' % (country, name)
      self.request_dict[country] = Recipe(buildout, name, local_options)
      # "Bubble" all connection parameters
      for option, value in local_options.iteritems():
        if option.startswith(CONNECTION_PARAMETER_STRING):
          self.options['%s-%s' % (option, country)] = value

  def install(self):
    for country, request in self.request_dict.iteritems():
    return []

  update = install