Commit 58204ee8 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

Limit number of client tunnels if NAT is not configured properly

If too many nodes create client tunnels without serving any, working servers
saturate and the network collapses.
parent 3a9e668c
......@@ -314,10 +314,12 @@ class TunnelManager(object):
# Get the candidates to killing
peer_set = set(self._connection_dict)
count = len(peer_set) - self._client_count + 1
if count > 0:
for prefix in sorted(peer_set, key=self._tunnelScore)[:count]:
self._killing[prefix] = TunnelKiller(prefix, self, True)
# Keep only a small number of tunnels if server is not reachable
# (user should configure NAT properly).
if (self._client_count if self._served or self._disconnected else
min(2, self._client_count)) <= len(peer_set):
prefix = min(peer_set, key=self._tunnelScore)
self._killing[prefix] = TunnelKiller(prefix, self, True)
def _abortTunnelKiller(self, prefix):
tunnel_killer = self._killing.get(prefix)
......@@ -419,6 +421,11 @@ class TunnelManager(object):
elif len(distant_peers) < count or 0 < self._disconnected < time.time():
return True
if distant_peers:
if count and not self._served:
# Limit number of client tunnels if server is not reachable
# from outside.
count = max(0, min(2, self._client_count)
- len(self._connection_dict))
# Normal operation. Choose peers to connect to by looking at the
# routing table.
while count and distant_peers:
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