from __future__ import print_function import argparse import os import glob from time import gmtime, strftime, time, sleep from erp5.util import taskdistribution, testsuite import logging import sys import tempfile import json SLEEP_TIME = 10 TRY_AMOUNT = 3600 def waitForSite(partition_path): status_dict = {'command': 'file not found'} # find test result, wait 10h try_num = 1 start = time() result_found = False while 1: finished = False try_info = 'Try %s/%s: ' % (try_num, TRY_AMOUNT) test_result_glob = os.path.join( partition_path, '..', '*', 'srv', 'public', 'test-script-result', ) print(try_info + 'Waiting for data in %r.' % (test_result_glob,)) result_list = glob.glob(test_result_glob) if len(result_list) > 0: result_path = result_list[0] print(try_info + 'Data directory %r found, looking for results.' % ( result_path,)) result_file_list = list(( os.path.join(dirname, filename) for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(result_path) for filename in filenames )) if len(result_file_list): print(try_info + 'No result posted, will check next try.') for result_file in result_file_list: print(try_info + 'Data found.') result_found = True result_file = os.path.abspath(result_file) status_dict['command'] = result_file result = open(result_file).read() # remove result, as it is not required anymore os.unlink(result_file) print(try_info + 'Analysis of result %r:' % (result_file,)) print(try_info + result) status_dict['stderr'] = 'Last result:\n%s' % (result,) if 'FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting' in result: # failed status_dict.update( success=False ) finished = False status_dict['stdout'] = try_info + 'Build not yet successful.' print(try_info + '%r: Found not yet finished run.' % (result_file,)) elif "Build successful, connect to:" in result: # success status_dict.update( success=True ) finished = True print(try_info + '%r: Found finished successful run.' % ( result_file,)) status_dict['stdout'] = try_info + 'Build successful.' break else: # unknown status_dict.update( success=False ) status_dict['stdout'] = \ try_info + 'Cannot find success nor failure result in the output' print(try_info + '%r: Found unknown run.' % (result_file,)) finished = False if finished: break if try_num >= TRY_AMOUNT: msg = try_info + 'Time exceeded, success not found.' print(msg) status_dict.setdefault('stdout', '') status_dict['stdout'] = '\n'.join([status_dict['stdout'], msg]) break try_num += 1 print(try_info + 'Sleeping for %ss.' % (SLEEP_TIME,)) sleep(SLEEP_TIME) if not result_found: status_dict['stdout'] = try_info + 'Test timed out and no result found.' status_dict.update( success=False ) end = time() status_dict.update( date=strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(end)), duration=end - start, ) print(try_info + 'status_dict %r' % (status_dict,)) return status_dict def main(): logger = logging.getLogger() logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run a test suite.') parser.add_argument('--test_suite', help='The test suite name') parser.add_argument('--test_suite_title', help='The test suite title') parser.add_argument('--test_node_title', help='The test node title') parser.add_argument('--project_title', help='The project title') parser.add_argument('--revision', help='The revision to test', default='dummy_revision') parser.add_argument('--node_quantity', type=int, help='Number of CPUs to use for the VM') parser.add_argument('--master_url', help='The Url of Master controlling test suites') # SlapOS and deploy test specific parser.add_argument( '--partition_path', help="Path of a partition", default=os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())) parser.add_argument( '--test_reference', help="Reference of the test", default="missing" ) parser.add_argument( '--partition_ipv4', help="IPv4 of a partition" ) parser.add_argument( '--test_location', help="Location of the tests" ) parser.add_argument( '--python_interpreter', help="Path to python interpreter used to run the test suite" ) args = parser.parse_args() revision = args.revision test_suite_title = args.test_suite_title or args.test_suite suite = testsuite.EggTestSuite( 1, test_suite=args.test_suite, node_quantity=args.node_quantity, python_interpreter=args.python_interpreter, egg_test_path_dict={ os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(path)): path for path in args.test_location.split(',')}, revision=revision) access_url_http = None access_url_https = None if args.partition_ipv4: access_url_http = 'http://%s:10080' % (args.partition_ipv4,) access_url_https = 'https://%s:10443' % (args.partition_ipv4,) os.environ['TEST_ACCESS_URL_HTTP'] = access_url_http os.environ['TEST_ACCESS_URL_HTTPS'] = access_url_https distributor = taskdistribution.TaskDistributor( args.master_url, logger=logger) test_result = distributor.createTestResult( revision, suite.getTestList(), args.test_node_title, suite.allow_restart, test_suite_title, args.project_title) if test_result is None: return # Create the site status_dict = waitForSite(args.partition_path) status_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() status_file.write(json.dumps(status_dict)) status_file.flush() os.fsync(status_file.fileno()) os.environ['TEST_SITE_STATUS_JSON'] = assert revision == test_result.revision, (revision, test_result.revision) while suite.acquire(): test = test_result.start(suite.running.keys()) if test is not None: suite.start(, lambda status_dict, __test=test: __test.stop(**status_dict)) elif not suite.running: break return if __name__ == "__main__": main()