############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2002,2006 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Yoshinori Okuji <yo@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## import sys from OFS.Traversable import NotFound from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Products.Formulator.DummyField import fields from Products.Formulator import Widget, Validator from Products.Formulator.Field import ZMIField from Products.Formulator.Errors import FormValidationError, ValidationError from Selection import Selection, DomainSelection from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import getPath from Products.ERP5Type.Document import newTempBase from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.ZSQLCatalog.zsqlbrain import ZSQLBrain from Products.ERP5Type.Message import Message from Acquisition import aq_base, aq_self from zLOG import LOG, WARNING from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError from Globals import InitializeClass, Acquisition, get_request from Products.PythonScripts.Utility import allow_class from Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplateFile import PageTemplateFile import md5 import cgi import types # For compatibility with Python 2.3. try: set except NameError: from sets import Set as set class ObjectValuesWrapper: """This class wraps objectValues so that objectValues behaves like portal_catalog. """ method_name = __name__ = 'objectValues' def __init__(self, context): self.context = context def __call__(self, *args, **kw): brain_list = [] for obj in self.context.objectValues(*args, **kw): brain = ZSQLBrain(None, None).__of__(obj) brain.uid = obj.getUid() brain.path = obj.getPath() brain_list.append(brain) return brain_list class ReportTree: """This class describes a report tree. """ def __init__(self, obj = None, is_pure_summary = False, depth = 0, is_open = False, domain_selection = None, exception_uid_list = None, base_category = None): self.obj = obj self.is_pure_summary = is_pure_summary self.depth = depth self.is_open = is_open self.domain_selection = domain_selection self.exception_uid_list = exception_uid_list if exception_uid_list is None: self.exception_uid_set = None else: self.exception_uid_set = set(exception_uid_list) self.base_category = base_category relative_url = obj.getRelativeUrl() if base_category is not None and not relative_url.startswith(base_category + '/'): self.domain_url = '%s/%s' % (base_category, relative_url) else: self.domain_url = relative_url allow_class(ReportTree) class ReportSection: """This class describes a report section. """ def __init__(self, is_summary = False, object_list = (), object_list_len = 0, is_open = False, domain_selection = None, context = None, offset = 0, depth = 0): self.is_summary = is_summary self.object_list = object_list self.object_list_len = object_list_len self.is_open = is_open self.domain_selection = domain_selection self.context = context self.offset = offset self.depth = depth class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget): """ ListBox widget The ListBox widget allows to display a collection of objects in a form. The ListBox widget can be used for many applications: 1- show the content of a folder by providing a list of meta_types and eventually a sort order 2- show the content of a relation by providing the name of the relation, a list of meta_types and eventually a sort order 3- show the result of a search request by selecting a query and providing parameters for that query (and eventually a sort order) In all 3 cases, a parameter to hold the current start item must be stored somewhere, typically in a selection object. Parameters in case 3 should stored in a selection object which allows a per user per PC storage. ListBox uses the following control variables - sort_by -- the id to sort results - sort_order -- the order of sorting """ # Define Properties for ListBoxWidget. property_names = list(Widget.Widget.property_names) # Default has no meaning in ListBox. property_names.remove('default') lines = fields.IntegerField('lines', title='Lines', description=( "The number of lines of this list. Required."), default=20, required=1) property_names.append('lines') columns = fields.ListTextAreaField('columns', title="Columns", description=( "A list of attributes names to display. Required."), default=[], required=1) property_names.append('columns') all_columns = fields.ListTextAreaField('all_columns', title="More Columns", description=( "An optional list of attributes names to display."), default=[], required=0) property_names.append('all_columns') search_columns = fields.ListTextAreaField('search_columns', title="Searchable Columns", description=( "An optional list of columns to search."), default=[], required=0) property_names.append('search_columns') sort_columns = fields.ListTextAreaField('sort_columns', title="Sortable Columns", description=( "An optional list of columns to sort."), default=[], required=0) property_names.append('sort_columns') sort = fields.ListTextAreaField('sort', title='Default Sort', description=('The default sort keys and order'), default=[], required=0) property_names.append('sort') list_method = fields.MethodField('list_method', title='List Method', description=('The method to use to list' 'objects'), default='', required=0) property_names.append('list_method') count_method = fields.MethodField('count_method', title='Count Method', description=('The method to use to count' 'objects'), default='', required=0) property_names.append('count_method') stat_method = fields.MethodField('stat_method', title='Stat Method', description=('The method to use to stat' 'objects'), default='', required=0) property_names.append('stat_method') selection_name = fields.StringField('selection_name', title='Selection Name', description=('The name of the selection to store' 'params of selection'), default='', required=0) property_names.append('selection_name') meta_types = fields.ListTextAreaField('meta_types', title="Meta Types", description=( "Meta Types of objects to list. Required."), default=[], required=0) property_names.append('meta_types') portal_types = fields.ListTextAreaField('portal_types', title="Portal Types", description=( "Portal Types of objects to list. Required."), default=[], required=0) property_names.append('portal_types') # XXX Do we still need this? default_params = fields.ListTextAreaField('default_params', title="Default Parameters", description=( "Default Parameters for the List Method."), default=[], required=0) property_names.append('default_params') search = fields.CheckBoxField('search', title='Search Row', description=('Search Row'), default='', required=0) property_names.append('search') select = fields.CheckBoxField('select', title='Select Column', description=('Select Column'), default='', required=0) property_names.append('select') editable_columns = fields.ListTextAreaField('editable_columns', title="Editable Columns", description=( "An optional list of columns which can be modified."), default=[], required=0) property_names.append('editable_columns') stat_columns = fields.ListTextAreaField('stat_columns', title="Stat Columns", description=( "An optional list of columns which can be used for statistics."), default=[], required=0) property_names.append('stat_columns') url_columns = fields.ListTextAreaField('url_columns', title="URL Columns", description=( "An optional list of columns which can provide a custom URL."), default=[], required=0) property_names.append('url_columns') # XXX do we still need this? global_attributes = fields.ListTextAreaField('global_attributes', title="Global Attributes", description=( "An optional list of attributes which are set by hidden fields and which are applied to each editable column."), default=[], required=0) property_names.append('global_attributes') domain_tree = fields.CheckBoxField('domain_tree', title='Domain Tree', description=('Selection Tree'), default='', required=0) property_names.append('domain_tree') domain_root_list = fields.ListTextAreaField('domain_root_list', title="Domain Root", description=( "A list of domains which define the possible root."), default=[], required=0) property_names.append('domain_root_list') report_tree = fields.CheckBoxField('report_tree', title='Report Tree', description=('Report Tree'), default='', required=0) property_names.append('report_tree') report_root_list = fields.ListTextAreaField('report_root_list', title="Report Root", description=( "A list of domains which define the possible root."), default=[], required=0) property_names.append('report_root_list') list_action = fields.StringField('list_action', title='List Action', description=('The id of the object action' ' to display the current list'), default='list', required=1) property_names.append('list_action') page_template = fields.StringField('page_template', title='Page Template', description=('The id of a Page Template' ' to render the ListBox'), default='', required=0) property_names.append('page_template') def render_view(self, field, value, REQUEST=None, render_format='html', key='listbox'): """ Render a ListBox in read-only. """ if REQUEST is None: REQUEST=get_request() return self.render(field, key, value, REQUEST, render_format=render_format) def render(self, field, key, value, REQUEST, render_format='html'): """ This is where most things happen. This method renders a list of items render_format allows to produce either HTML (default) or produce a generic 'list' format which can be converted by page templates or dtml into various formats (ex. PDF, CSV, OpenOffice, etc.) the 'list' format includes additional metainformation - depth in a report tree (ex. 0, 1, 2, etc.) - nature of the line (ex. stat or nonstat) - identification of the tree (ex. relative_url) - uid if any (to allow future import) - etc. which is intended to simplify operation with a spreadsheet or a pagetemplate """ if render_format == 'list': renderer = ListBoxListRenderer(self, field, REQUEST) else: renderer = ListBoxHTMLRenderer(self, field, REQUEST) return renderer() ListBoxWidgetInstance = ListBoxWidget() class VolatileCachingMethod: """This class caches the result of a callable object, and behaves like a method. Unlike ERP5Type's CachingMethod, this cache is volatile, namely, the cached data is removed immediately when an object which stores the cached data is deleted. Naturally, the object (self) should not be a persistent object. """ def __init__(self, callable_object): """Generate the key for the cache. """ self.method = callable_object self.key = '_cache_' + str(id(callable_object)) def __call__(self, instance): """Call the callable object passed to __init__, if the result is not cached. For now, this does not take any extra argument, because it is not necessary at the moment. """ try: return getattr(instance, self.key) except AttributeError: result = self.method(instance) setattr(instance, self.key, result) return result class InstanceMethod: """This class makes it possible to pass an instance object implicitly to a method. """ def __init__(self, instance, method): self.instance = instance self.method = method def __call__(self): return self.method(self.instance) class ListBoxRenderer: """This class deals with rendering of a ListBox field. In ListBox, rendering is not only viewing but also setting parameters in a selection and a request object. """ def __init__(self, widget = None, field = None, REQUEST = None, **kw): """Store the parameters for later use. """ self.widget = widget self.field = field self.request = REQUEST # Because it is not easy to pass an instance object implicitly to a method # with no side effect, tweak VolatileCachingMethod objects here for this instance. for k in dir(self): v = getattr(self, k) if isinstance(v, VolatileCachingMethod): setattr(self, k, InstanceMethod(self, v)) def getLineClass(self): """Return a class object for a line. This must be overridden. """ raise NotImplementedError, "getLineClass must be overridden in a subclass" # Here, define many getters which cache the results for better performance. def getContext(self): """Return the context of rendering this ListBox. """ return self.request['here'] getContext = VolatileCachingMethod(getContext) def getForm(self): """Return the form which contains the ListBox. """ return self.field.aq_parent getForm = VolatileCachingMethod(getForm) def getEncoding(self): """Retutn the encoding of strings in the fields. Default to UTF-8. """ return self.getPortalObject().getProperty('management_page_charset', 'utf-8') getEncoding = VolatileCachingMethod(getEncoding) def isReset(self): """Determine if the ListBox should be reset. """ reset = self.request.get('reset', 0) return (reset not in (0, '0')) isReset = VolatileCachingMethod(isReset) def getFieldErrorDict(self): """Return a dictionary of errors. """ return self.request.get('field_errors', {}) getFieldErrorDict = VolatileCachingMethod(getFieldErrorDict) def getUrl(self): """Return a requested URL. """ return self.request.URL getUrl = VolatileCachingMethod(getUrl) def getRequestedSelectionName(self): """Return a selection name which may be passed by a request. If not present, return "default". This selection can be different from the selection defined in the ListBox. """ selection_name = self.request.get('selection_name', 'default') # This is a workaround, as selection_name becomes a list or tuple sometimes. # XXX really? why? if not isinstance(selection_name, str): selection_name = selection_name[0] return selection_name getRequestedSelectionName = VolatileCachingMethod(getRequestedSelectionName) def getSelectionIndex(self): """Return the index of a requested selection, or None if not specified. """ return self.request.get('selection_index', None) getSelectionIndex = VolatileCachingMethod(getSelectionIndex) def getReportDepth(self): """Return the depth of reports, or None if not specified. """ return self.request.get('report_depth', None) getReportDepth = VolatileCachingMethod(getReportDepth) def getPortalObject(self): """Return the portal object. """ return self.getContext().getPortalObject() getPortalObject = VolatileCachingMethod(getPortalObject) def getPortalUrlString(self): """Return the URL of the portal as a string. """ return self.getPortalObject().portal_url() getPortalUrlString = VolatileCachingMethod(getPortalUrlString) def getCategoryTool(self): """Return the Category Tool. """ return self.getPortalObject().portal_categories getCategoryTool = VolatileCachingMethod(getCategoryTool) def getDomainTool(self): """Return the Domain Tool. """ return self.getPortalObject().portal_domains getDomainTool = VolatileCachingMethod(getDomainTool) def getCatalogTool(self): """Return the Catalog Tool. """ return self.getPortalObject().portal_catalog getCatalogTool = VolatileCachingMethod(getCatalogTool) def getSelectionTool(self): """Return the Selection Tool. """ return self.getPortalObject().portal_selections getSelectionTool = VolatileCachingMethod(getSelectionTool) def getId(self): """Return the id of the field. Usually, "listbox". """ return self.field.id getId = VolatileCachingMethod(getId) def getTitle(self): """Return the title. Make sure that it is in unicode. """ return unicode(self.field.get_value('title'), self.getEncoding()) getTitle = VolatileCachingMethod(getTitle) def getMaxLineNumber(self): """Return the maximum number of lines shown in a page. This must be overridden in subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError, "getMaxLineNumber must be overridden in a subclass" def showSearchLine(self): """Return a boolean that represents whether a search line is displayed or not. """ return self.field.get_value('search') showSearchLine = VolatileCachingMethod(showSearchLine) def showSelectColumn(self): """Return a boolean that represents whether a select column is displayed or not. """ return self.field.get_value('select') showSelectColumn = VolatileCachingMethod(showSelectColumn) def showStat(self): """Return a boolean that represents whether a stat line is displayed or not. FIXME: This is not very correct, because stat columns may define their own stat method independently. """ return (self.getStatMethod() is not None) and (len(self.getStatColumnList()) > 0) showStat = VolatileCachingMethod(showStat) def isDomainTreeSupported(self): """Return a boolean that represents whether a domain tree is supported or not. """ return (self.field.get_value('domain_tree') and len(self.getDomainRootList()) > 0) isDomainTreeSupported = VolatileCachingMethod(isDomainTreeSupported) def isReportTreeSupported(self): """Return a boolean that represents whether a report tree is supported or not. """ return (self.field.get_value('report_tree') and len(self.getReportRootList()) > 0) isReportTreeSupported = VolatileCachingMethod(isReportTreeSupported) def isDomainTreeMode(self): """Return whether the current mode is domain tree mode or not. """ return self.isDomainTreeSupported() and self.getSelection().domain_tree_mode isDomainTreeMode = VolatileCachingMethod(isDomainTreeMode) def isReportTreeMode(self): """Return whether the current mode is report tree mode or not. """ return self.isReportTreeSupported() and self.getSelection().report_tree_mode isReportTreeMode = VolatileCachingMethod(isReportTreeMode) def getDefaultParamList(self): """Return the list of default parameters. """ return self.field.get_value('default_params') getDefaultParamList = VolatileCachingMethod(getDefaultParamList) def getListMethodName(self): """Return the name of the list method. If not defined, return None. """ list_method = self.field.get_value('list_method') try: name = getattr(list_method, 'method_name') except AttributeError: name = list_method return name or None getListMethodName = VolatileCachingMethod(getListMethodName) def getCountMethodName(self): """Return the name of the count method. If not defined, return None. """ count_method = self.field.get_value('count_method') try: name = getattr(count_method, 'method_name') except AttributeError: name = count_method return name or None getCountMethodName = VolatileCachingMethod(getCountMethodName) def getStatMethodName(self): """Return the name of the stat method. If not defined, return None. """ stat_method = self.field.get_value('stat_method') try: name = getattr(stat_method, 'method_name') except AttributeError: name = stat_method return name or None getStatMethodName = VolatileCachingMethod(getStatMethodName) def getSelectionName(self): """Return the selection name. """ return self.field.get_value('selection_name') getSelectionName = VolatileCachingMethod(getSelectionName) def getMetaTypeList(self): """Return the list of meta types for filtering. Return None when empty. """ meta_types = [c[0] for c in self.field.get_value('meta_types')] return meta_types or None getMetaTypeList = VolatileCachingMethod(getMetaTypeList) def getPortalTypeList(self): """Return the list of portal types for filtering. Return None when empty. """ portal_types = [c[0] for c in self.field.get_value('portal_types')] return portal_types or None getPortalTypeList = VolatileCachingMethod(getPortalTypeList) def getColumnList(self): """Return the columns. Make sure that the titles are in unicode. """ columns = self.field.get_value('columns') return [(str(c[0]), unicode(c[1], self.getEncoding())) for c in columns] getColumnList = VolatileCachingMethod(getColumnList) def getAllColumnList(self): """Return the all columns. Make sure that the titles are in unicode. """ all_column_list = list(self.getColumnList()) all_column_id_set = set([c[0] for c in all_column_list]) all_column_list.extend([(str(c[0]), unicode(c[1], self.getEncoding())) \ for c in self.field.get_value('all_columns') \ if c[0] not in all_column_id_set]) return all_column_list getAllColumnList = VolatileCachingMethod(getAllColumnList) def getStatColumnList(self): """Return the stat columns. Fall back to all the columns if empty. """ stat_columns = self.field.get_value('stat_columns') if stat_columns: stat_column_list = [(str(c[0]), unicode(c[1], self.getEncoding())) for c in stat_columns] else: stat_column_list = [(c[0], c[0]) for c in self.getAllColumnList()] return stat_column_list getStatColumnList = VolatileCachingMethod(getStatColumnList) def getUrlColumnList(self): """Return the url columns. Make sure that it is an empty list, when not defined. """ url_columns = self.field.get_value('url_columns') return url_columns or [] getUrlColumnList = VolatileCachingMethod(getUrlColumnList) def getDefaultSortColumnList(self): """Return the default sort columns. """ return self.field.get_value('sort') getDefaultSortColumnList = VolatileCachingMethod(getDefaultSortColumnList) def getDomainRootList(self): """Return the domain root list. Make sure that the titles are in unicode. """ domain_root_list = self.field.get_value('domain_root_list') return [(str(c[0]), unicode(c[1], self.getEncoding())) for c in domain_root_list] getDomainRootList = VolatileCachingMethod(getDomainRootList) def getReportRootList(self): """Return the report root list. Make sure that the titles are in unicode. """ report_root_list = self.field.get_value('report_root_list') return [(str(c[0]), unicode(c[1], self.getEncoding())) for c in report_root_list] getReportRootList = VolatileCachingMethod(getReportRootList) def getSearchColumnIdSet(self): """Return the set of the ids of the search columns. Fall back to the catalog schema, if not defined. """ search_columns = self.field.get_value('search_columns') if search_columns: search_column_id_list = [c[0] for c in search_columns] else: search_column_id_list = self.getCatalogTool().schema() return set(search_column_id_list) getSearchColumnIdSet = VolatileCachingMethod(getSearchColumnIdSet) def getSortColumnIdSet(self): """Return the set of the ids of the sort columns. Fall back to search column ids, if not defined. """ sort_columns = self.field.get_value('sort_columns') if sort_columns: sort_column_id_set = set([c[0] for c in sort_columns]) else: sort_column_id_set = self.getSearchColumnIdSet() return sort_column_id_set getSortColumnIdSet = VolatileCachingMethod(getSortColumnIdSet) def getEditableColumnIdSet(self): """Return the set of the ids of the editable columns. """ editable_columns = self.field.get_value('editable_columns') return set([c[0] for c in editable_columns]) getEditableColumnIdSet = VolatileCachingMethod(getEditableColumnIdSet) def getListActionUrl(self): """Return the URL of the list action. """ list_action_part_list = [self.getContext().getUrl(), '/', self.field.get_value('list_action')] if '?' in list_action_part_list[-1]: list_action_part_list.append('&reset=1') else: list_action_part_list.append('?reset=1') return ''.join(list_action_part_list) getListActionUrl = VolatileCachingMethod(getListActionUrl) # Whether the selection object is initialized. is_selection_initialized = False def getSelection(self): """FIXME: Tweak a selection and return the selection object. This code depends on the implementation of Selection too much. In the future, the API of SelectionTool should be refactored and ListBox should not use Selection directly. """ selection_tool = self.getSelectionTool() selection_name = self.getSelectionName() selection = selection_tool.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST = self.request) if self.is_selection_initialized: return selection # Create a selection, if not present, with the default sort order. if selection is None: selection = Selection(params = self.getDefaultParamList(), default_sort_on = self.getDefaultSortColumnList()) # Or make sure all sort arguments are valid. else: # Reset the selection, if specified. if self.isReset(): selection_tool.setSelectionToAll(selection_name) selection_tool.setSelectionSortOrder(selection_name, sort_on = []) # Modify the default sort index every time, because it may change immediately. selection.edit(default_sort_on = self.getDefaultSortColumnList()) # Filter out non-sortable items. sort_column_id_set = self.getSortColumnIdSet() sort_list = [c for c in selection.sort_on if c[0] in sort_column_id_set] if len(selection.sort_on) != len(sort_list): selection.sort_on = sort_list if getattr(selection, 'flat_list_mode', None) is None: # Initialize the render mode. Choose flat list mode by default. selection.edit(flat_list_mode = 1, domain_tree_mode = 0, report_tree_mode = 0) # Remember if the items have to be displayed for report tree mode. is_report_opened = self.request.get('is_report_opened', selection.isReportOpened()) selection.edit(report_opened = is_report_opened) self.is_selection_initialized = True return selection getSelection = VolatileCachingMethod(getSelection) def getCheckedUidList(self): """Return the list of checked uids. """ return self.getSelection().getCheckedUids() getCheckedUidList = VolatileCachingMethod(getCheckedUidList) def getCheckedUidSet(self): """Return the set of checked uids. """ return set(self.getCheckedUidList()) getCheckedUidSet = VolatileCachingMethod(getCheckedUidSet) def getSelectedColumnList(self): """Return the list of selected columns. """ return self.getSelectionTool().getSelectionColumns(self.getSelectionName(), columns = self.getColumnList(), REQUEST = self.request) getSelectedColumnList = VolatileCachingMethod(getSelectedColumnList) def getColumnAliasList(self): """Return the list of column aliases for SQL, because SQL does not allow a symbol to contain dots. """ alias_list = [] for sql, title in self.getSelectedColumnList(): alias_list.append(sql.replace('.', '_')) return alias_list getColumnAliasList = VolatileCachingMethod(getColumnAliasList) def getParamDict(self): """Return a dictionary of parameters. """ params = self.getSelection().getParams() if self.getListMethodName(): # Update parameters, only if list_method is defined. # (i.e. do not update parameters in listboxes intended to show a previously defined selection. params.update(self.request.form) for k, v in self.getDefaultParamList(): params.setdefault(k, v) search_prefix = 'search_%s_' % (self.getId(), ) for k, v in params.items(): if k.startswith(search_prefix): params[k[len(search_prefix):]] = v # Set parameters, depending on the list method. list_method_name = self.getListMethodName() meta_type_list = self.getMetaTypeList() portal_type_list = self.getPortalTypeList() if list_method_name == 'objectValues': if meta_type_list is not None: params.setdefault('spec', meta_type_list) else: if portal_type_list is not None: params.setdefault('portal_type', portal_type_list) elif meta_type_list is not None: params.setdefault('meta_type', meta_type_list) # Remove useless parameters. for k, v in params.items(): if v in (None, '') or hasattr(v, 'read'): del params[k] # Set the columns. The idea behind this is that, instead of selecting all columns, # ListBox can specify only required columns, in order to reduce the data transferred # from a SQL Server to Zope. sql_column_list = [] for (sql, title), alias in zip(self.getSelectedColumnList(), self.getColumnAliasList()): if sql != alias: sql_column_list.append('%s AS %s' % (sql, alias)) else: sql_column_list.append(alias) # XXX why is this necessary? For compatibility? for sql, title in self.getAllColumnList(): if sql in ('catalog.path', 'path'): alias = sql.replace('.', '_') if sql != alias: sql_column_list.append('%s AS %s' % (sql, alias)) else: sql_column_list.append(alias) break params['select_columns'] = ', '.join(sql_column_list) # XXX Remove selection_expression if present. # This is necessary for now, because the actual selection expression in # search catalog does not take the requested columns into account. If # select_expression is passed, this can raise an exception, because stat # method sets select_expression, and this might cause duplicated column # names. # # In the future, this must be addressed in a clean way. selection_expression # should be used for search catalog, and search catalog should not use # catalog.* but only selection_expression. But this is a bit difficult, # because there is no simple way to distinguish queried columns from callable # objects in the current ListBox configuration. if 'select_expression' in params: del params['select_expression'] return params getParamDict = VolatileCachingMethod(getParamDict) def getListMethod(self): """Return the list method object. """ list_method_name = self.getListMethodName() if list_method_name == 'objectValues': list_method = ObjectValuesWrapper(self.getContext()) elif list_method_name is not None: try: list_method = getattr(self.getContext(), list_method_name) except AttributeError, KeyError: list_method = None else: list_method = None return list_method getListMethod = VolatileCachingMethod(getListMethod) def getCountMethod(self): """Return the count method object. """ count_method_name = self.getCountMethodName() if count_method_name == 'objectValues': # Get all objects anyway in this case. count_method = None if count_method_name == 'portal_catalog': count_method = self.getCatalogTool().countResults elif count_method_name is not None: try: count_method = getattr(self.getContext(), count_method_name) except AttributeError, KeyError: count_method = None else: count_method = None return count_method getCountMethod = VolatileCachingMethod(getCountMethod) def getStatMethod(self): """Return the stat method object. """ stat_method_name = self.getStatMethodName() if stat_method_name == 'objectValues': # Nothing to do in this case. stat_method = None if stat_method_name == 'portal_catalog': stat_method = self.getCatalogTool().countResults elif stat_method_name is not None: try: stat_method = getattr(self.getContext(), stat_method_name) except AttributeError, KeyError: stat_method = None else: stat_method = None return stat_method getStatMethod = VolatileCachingMethod(getStatMethod) def getDomainSelection(self): """Return a DomainSelection object wrapped with the context. """ portal_object = self.getPortalObject() selection = self.getSelection() domain_list = selection.getDomainList() if len(domain_list) > 0: category_tool = self.getCategoryTool() domain_tool = self.getDomainTool() root_dict = {} for domain in domain_list: # XXX workaround for a past bug in Selection if not isinstance(domain, str): continue root = None base_domain = domain.split('/', 1)[0] if category_tool is not None: root = category_tool.restrictedTraverse(domain, None) if root is not None : root_dict[base_domain] = root elif domain_tool is not None: root = domain_tool.getDomainByPath(domain) if root is not None: # FIXME: this is a bad hack. DomainSelection should use # portal_type to determine the type of the object instead # of whether it is a string or not. root_dict[base_domain] = domain if root is None: try: root_dict[None] = portal_object.restrictedTraverse(domain) except KeyError: pass return DomainSelection(domain_dict = root_dict).__of__(self.getContext()) getDomainSelection = VolatileCachingMethod(getDomainSelection) def getStatSelectExpression(self): """Return a string which expresses the information retrieved by SELECT for the statistics. """ select_expression_list = [] if self.showStat(): stats = self.getSelectionTool().getSelectionStats(self.getSelectionName(), REQUEST = self.request) stat_column_list = self.getStatColumnList() for index, ((sql, title), alias) in enumerate(zip(self.getSelectedColumnList(), self.getColumnAliasList())): # XXX This might be slow. for column in stat_column_list: if column[0] == sql: break else: column = None if (column is not None) and (column[0] == column[1]): try: if stats[index] != ' ': select_expression_list.append('%s(%s) AS %s' % (stats[index], sql, alias)) else: select_expression_list.append("'' AS %s" % alias) except IndexError: select_expression_list.append("'' AS %s" % alias) return ', '.join(select_expression_list) getStatSelectExpression = VolatileCachingMethod(getStatSelectExpression) def makeReportTreeList(self, root_dict = None, report_path = None, base_category = None, depth = 0, unfolded_list = (), is_report_opened = True, sort_on = (('id', 'ASC'),)): """Return a list of report trees. """ if isinstance(report_path, str): report_path = report_path.split('/') if base_category is None and len(report_path): base_category = report_path[0] category_tool = self.getCategoryTool() domain_tool = self.getDomainTool() portal_object = self.getPortalObject() report_depth = self.getReportDepth() if root_dict is None: root_dict = {} # Find the root object. is_empty_level = 1 category = base_category while is_empty_level: if not root_dict.has_key(category): root = None if category_tool is not None: try: obj = category_tool[category] if category == 'parent': # parent has a special treatment root = root_dict[category] = root_dict[None] = self.getContext() report_path = report_path[1:] else: root = root_dict[category] = root_dict[None] = obj report_path = report_path[1:] except KeyError: pass if root is None and domain_tool is not None: try: obj = domain_tool[category] root = root_dict[category] = root_dict[None] = obj report_path = report_path[1:] except KeyError: pass if root is None: try: root = root_dict[None] = portal_object.unrestrictedTraverse(report_path) except KeyError: pass report_path = () else: root = root_dict[None] = root_dict[category] report_path = report_path[1:] is_empty_level = (root is None or root.objectCount() == 0) and (len(report_path) != 0) if is_empty_level: category = report_path[0] tree_list = [] if root is None: return tree_list # Get the list of objects in the root. Use getChildDomainValueList, if defined, # to generate child domains dynamically. getChildDomainValueList = getattr(aq_base(root), 'getChildDomainValueList', None) contentValues = getattr(aq_base(root), 'contentValues', None) if getChildDomainValueList is not None and base_category != 'parent': obj_list = root.getChildDomainValueList(root, depth = depth) elif contentValues is not None: obj_list = root.contentValues(sort_on = sort_on) else: obj_list = () for obj in obj_list: new_root_dict = root_dict.copy() new_root_dict[None] = new_root_dict[base_category] = obj domain_selection = DomainSelection(domain_dict = new_root_dict) if base_category == 'parent': exception_uid_list = [] else: exception_uid_list = None #LOG('ListBox', 0, 'depth = %r, report_depth = %r, unfolded_list = %r, obj.getRelativeUrl() = %r' % (depth, report_depth, unfolded_list, obj.getRelativeUrl())) if (report_depth is not None and depth <= (report_depth - 1)) or obj.getRelativeUrl() in unfolded_list: # If the base category is parent, do not display sub-objects # which can be used as a part of the report tree. Otherwise, # sub-objects are displayed twice unnecessarily. if base_category == 'parent': for sub_obj in obj.contentValues(sort_on = sort_on): if getattr(aq_base(sub_obj), 'objectValues', None) is not None: exception_uid_list.append(sub_obj.getUid()) # Summary (open) tree_list.append(ReportTree(obj = obj, is_pure_summary = True, depth = depth, base_category = base_category, is_open = True, domain_selection = domain_selection, exception_uid_list = exception_uid_list)) if is_report_opened: # List (contents, closed, must be strict selection) tree_list.append(ReportTree(obj = obj, is_pure_summary = False, depth = depth, base_category = base_category, is_open = False, domain_selection = domain_selection, exception_uid_list = exception_uid_list)) tree_list.extend(self.makeReportTreeList(root_dict = new_root_dict, report_path = report_path, base_category = base_category, depth = depth + 1, unfolded_list = unfolded_list, is_report_opened = is_report_opened, sort_on = sort_on)) else: # Summary (closed) tree_list.append(ReportTree(obj = obj, is_pure_summary = True, depth = depth, base_category = base_category, is_open = False, domain_selection = domain_selection, exception_uid_list = exception_uid_list)) return tree_list def getLineStart(self): """Return where the first line should start from. Note that this is simply a requested value, so the real value can be different from this. For example, if the value exceeds the total number of lines, the start number is forced to fit into somewhere. This must be overridden in subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError, "getLineStart must be overridden in a subclass" def getSelectedDomainPath(self): """Return a selected domain path. """ domain_path = self.getSelection().getDomainPath() if domain_path == ('portal_categories',): try: # Default to the first domain. domain_path = self.getDomainRootList()[0][0] except IndexError: domain_path = None return domain_path getSelectedDomainPath = VolatileCachingMethod(getSelectedDomainPath) def getSelectedReportPath(self): """Return a selected report path. """ category_tool = self.getCategoryTool() domain_tool = self.getDomainTool() report_root_list = self.getReportRootList() selection = self.getSelection() default_selection_report_path = report_root_list[0][0].split('/', 1)[0] if (category_tool is None or category_tool._getOb(default_selection_report_path, None) is None) \ and (domain_tool is None or domain_tool._getOb(default_selection_report_path, None) is None): default_selection_report_path = report_root_list[0][0] return selection.getReportPath(default = default_selection_report_path) getSelectedReportPath = VolatileCachingMethod(getSelectedReportPath) def getLabelValueList(self): """Return a list of values, where each value is a tuple consisting of an property id, a title and a string which describes the current sorting order, one of ascending, descending and None. If a value is not sortable, the id is set to None, otherwise to a string. """ sort_list = self.getSelectionTool().getSelectionSortOrder(self.getSelectionName()) sort_dict = dict(sort_list) sort_column_id_set = self.getSortColumnIdSet() value_list = [] for c in self.getSelectedColumnList(): if c[0] in sort_column_id_set: value_list.append((c[0], c[1], sort_dict.get(c[0]))) else: value_list.append((None, c[1], None)) return value_list def getSearchValueList(self): """Return a list of values, where each value is a tuple consisting of an alias, a current value and a search field. If a column is not searchable, the alias is set to None, otherwise to a string. If a search field is not present, it is set to None. """ search_column_id_set = self.getSearchColumnIdSet() param_dict = self.getParamDict() value_list = [] for (sql, title), alias in zip(self.getSelectedColumnList(), ['search_%s_%s' % (self.getId(), alias) for alias in self.getColumnAliasList()]): if sql in search_column_id_set: # Get the current value and encode it in unicode. param = param_dict.get(alias, u'') if isinstance(param, str): param = unicode(param, self.getEncoding()) # Obtain a search field, if any. if self.getForm().has_field(alias): search_field = self.getForm().get_field(alias) else: search_field = None value_list.append((alias, param, search_field)) else: value_list.append((None, None, None)) return value_list def getStatValueList(self): """Return a list of values, where each value is a tuple consisting of an original value and a processed value. A processed value is always an unicode object, and it may differ from the original value, for instance, a processed value may describe an error, when an original value is None. """ # First, get the statitics by the global stat method. param_dict = self.getParamDict() new_param_dict = param_dict.copy() new_param_dict['select_expression'] = self.getStatSelectExpression() selection = self.getSelection() selection.edit(params = new_param_dict) result = selection(method = self.getStatMethod(), context = self.getContext(), REQUEST = self.request) # For each column, check the presense of a specific stat method. If not present, # use the result obtained above. value_list = [] stat_column_dict = dict(self.getStatColumnList()) for (sql, title), alias in zip(self.getSelectedColumnList(), self.getColumnAliasList()): original_value = None processed_value = None # Get a specific stat method, if any. stat_method_id = stat_column_dict.get(sql) if stat_method_id is not None and stat_method_id != sql: stat_method = getattr(self.getContext(), stat_method_id) else: stat_method = None if stat_method_id is None: original_value = None processed_value = u'' elif stat_method is None: try: original_value = getattr(result[0], alias) processed_value = original_value except (IndexError, AttributeError, KeyError, ValueError): original_value = None processed_value = u'' else: if callable(stat_method): try: original_value = stat_method(selection = selection) processed_value = original_value except (ConflictError, RuntimeError): raise except: LOG('ListBox', WARNING, 'could not call %r with %r' % (stat_method, self.getContext()), error = sys.exc_info()) original_value = None processed_value = u'' else: original_value = stat_method processed_value = original_value if not isinstance(processed_value, unicode): processed_value = unicode(str(processed_value), self.getEncoding()) value_list.append((original_value, processed_value)) return value_list def getReportSectionList(self): """Return a list of report sections. """ param_dict = self.getParamDict() category_tool = self.getCategoryTool() domain_tool = self.getDomainTool() report_depth = self.getReportDepth() selection = self.getSelection() selection_tool = self.getSelectionTool() report_list = selection.getReportList() stat_select_expression = self.getStatSelectExpression() stat_method = self.getStatMethod() count_method = self.getCountMethod() list_method = self.getListMethod() context = self.getContext() selection_name = self.getSelectionName() start = self.getLineStart() max_lines = self.getMaxLineNumber() report_section_list = [] if self.isReportTreeMode(): # In report tree mode, there are three types of lines: # # - summary line with statistics # - summary line with the first object in a domain # - object line # # These lines are compiled into report sections for convenience. selection_report_path = self.getSelectedReportPath() #LOG('ListBox', 0, 'report_depth = %r' % (report_depth,)) if report_depth is not None: selection_report_current = () else: selection_report_current = report_list report_tree_list = self.makeReportTreeList(report_path = selection_report_path, unfolded_list = selection_report_current, is_report_opened = selection.isReportOpened(), sort_on = selection.sort_on) # Update report list if report_depth was specified. This information is used # to store what domains are unfolded by clicking on a depth. if report_depth is not None: report_list = [t.obj.getRelativeUrl() for t in report_tree_list if t.is_open] selection.edit(report_list = report_list) for report_tree in report_tree_list: # Prepare query by defining selection report object. # FIXME: this code needs optimization. The query should be delayed # as late as possible, because this code queries all data, even if # it is not displayed. selection.edit(report = report_tree.domain_selection) if report_tree.is_pure_summary and self.showStat(): # Push a new select_expression. new_param_dict = param_dict.copy() new_param_dict['select_expression'] = stat_select_expression selection.edit(params = new_param_dict) # Query the stat. stat_brain = selection(method = stat_method, context = context, REQUEST = self.request) stat_result = {} for index, (k, v) in enumerate(self.getSelectedColumnList()): try: stat_result[k] = str(stat_brain[0][index + 1]) except IndexError: stat_result[k] = '' stat_context = report_tree.obj.asContext(**stat_result) # XXX yo thinks that this code below is useless, so disabled. #absolute_url_txt = report_tree.obj.absolute_url() #stat_context.absolute_url = lambda: absolute_url_txt stat_context.domain_url = report_tree.domain_url report_section_list.append(ReportSection(is_summary = True, object_list = [stat_context], object_list_len = 1, is_open = report_tree.is_open, domain_selection = report_tree.domain_selection, context = stat_context, depth = report_tree.depth)) else: selection.edit(params = param_dict) if list_method is not None: # FIXME: this should use a count method, if present, and obtain objects, only if necessary. object_list = selection(method = list_method, context = context, REQUEST = self.request) else: # If list_method is None, use already selected values. object_list = self.getSelectionTool().getSelectionValueList(selection_name, context = context, REQUEST = self.request) if report_tree.exception_uid_set is not None: # Filter folders if this is a parent tree. new_object_list = [] for o in object_list: if o.getUid() not in report_tree.exception_uid_set: new_object_list.append(o) object_list = new_object_list object_list_len = len(object_list) #LOG('ListBox', 0, 'report_tree.__dict__ = %r, object_list = %r, object_list_len = %r' % (report_tree.__dict__, object_list, object_list_len)) if not report_tree.is_pure_summary: if not self.showStat(): report_section_list.append(ReportSection(is_summary = False, object_list = object_list, object_list_len = object_list_len, is_open = report_tree.is_open, domain_selection = report_tree.domain_selection, depth = report_tree.depth)) else: stat_context = report_tree.obj.asContext() #absolute_url_txt = s[0].absolute_url() #stat_context.absolute_url = lambda : absolute_url_txt stat_context.domain_url = report_tree.domain_url if object_list_len and report_tree.is_open: # Display the first object at the same level as a category selector, # if this selector is open. report_section_list.append(ReportSection(is_summary = False, object_list = [object_list[0]], object_list_len = 1, is_open = True, domain_selection = report_tree.domain_selection, context = stat_context, depth = report_tree.depth)) report_section_list.append(ReportSection(is_summary = False, object_list = object_list, object_list_len = object_list_len - 1, is_open = True, domain_selection = report_tree.domain_selection, offset = 1, depth = report_tree.depth)) else: if report_tree.exception_uid_list is not None: # Display current parent domain. report_section_list.append(ReportSection(is_summary = False, object_list = [report_tree.obj], object_list_len = 1, is_open = report_tree.is_open, domain_selection = report_tree.domain_selection, context = stat_context, depth = report_tree.depth)) else: # No data to display report_section_list.append(ReportSection(is_summary = False, object_list = [None], object_list_len = 1, is_open = report_tree.is_open, domain_selection = report_tree.domain_selection, context = stat_context, depth = report_tree.depth)) # Reset the report parameter. selection.edit(report = None) else: # Flat list mode or domain tree mode. selection.edit(params = param_dict, report = None) if self.isDomainTreeMode(): selection.edit(domain = self.getDomainSelection()) if list_method is not None: if count_method is not None and not selection.invert_mode and max_lines > 0: # If the count method is available, get only required objects. count = selection(method = count_method, context = context, REQUEST = self.request) object_list_len = int(count[0][0]) # Tweak the line start. if start >= object_list_len: start = max(object_list_len - 1, 0) start -= (start % max_lines) # Obtain only required objects. new_param_dict = param_dict.copy() new_param_dict['limit'] = (start, max_lines) selection.edit(params = new_param_dict) object_list = selection(method = list_method, context = context, REQUEST = self.request) selection.edit(params = param_dict) # XXX Necessary? # Add padding for convenience. report_section_list.append(ReportSection(is_summary = False, object_list_len = start)) report_section_list.append(ReportSection(is_summary = False, object_list = object_list, object_list_len = len(object_list))) report_section_list.append(ReportSection(is_summary = False, object_list_len = object_list_len - len(object_list) - start)) else: object_list = selection(method = list_method, context = context, REQUEST = self.request) object_list_len = len(object_list) report_section_list.append(ReportSection(is_summary = False, object_list = object_list, object_list_len = object_list_len)) else: # If list_method is None, use already selected values. object_list = selection_tool.getSelectionValueList(selection_name, context = context, REQUEST = self.request) object_list_len= len(object_list) report_section_list.append(ReportSection(is_summary = False, object_list = object_list, object_list_len = object_list_len)) return report_section_list def query(self): """Get report sections and construct a list of lines. Note that this method has a side effect in the selection, and the renderer object itself. """ start = self.getLineStart() max_lines = self.getMaxLineNumber() report_section_list = self.getReportSectionList() param_dict = self.getParamDict() # Set the total number of objects. self.total_size = sum([s.object_list_len for s in report_section_list]) # Calculuate the start and the end offsets, and set the page numbers. if max_lines == 0: end = self.total_size self.total_pages = 1 self.current_page = 0 else: self.total_pages = int(max(self.total_size - 1, 0) / max_lines) + 1 if start >= self.total_size: start = max(self.total_size - 1, 0) start -= (start % max_lines) self.current_page = int(start / max_lines) end = min(start + max_lines, self.total_size) param_dict['list_start'] = start param_dict['list_lines'] = max_lines selection = self.getSelection() selection.edit(params = param_dict) # Make a list of lines. line_class = self.getLineClass() line_list = [] try: section_index = 0 current_section_base_index = 0 current_section = report_section_list[0] current_section_size = current_section.object_list_len for i in range(start, end): # Make sure we go to the right section. while current_section_base_index + current_section_size <= i: current_section_base_index += current_section_size section_index += 1 current_section = report_section_list[section_index] current_section_size = current_section.object_list_len offset = i - current_section_base_index + current_section.offset if current_section.is_summary: index = None elif self.isReportTreeMode(): index = offset else: index = i #LOG('ListBox', 0, 'current_section.__dict__ = %r' % (current_section.__dict__,)) line = line_class(renderer = self, obj = current_section.object_list[offset], index = index, is_summary = current_section.is_summary, context = current_section.context, is_open = current_section.is_open, domain_selection = current_section.domain_selection, depth = current_section.depth) line_list.append(line) except IndexError: # If the report section list is empty, nothing to do. pass return line_list def render(self, **kw): """Render the data. This must be overridden. """ raise NotImplementedError, "render must be overridden in a subclass" def __call__(self, **kw): """Render the ListBox. The real rendering must be done the method "render" which should be defined in subclasses. """ return self.render(**kw) class ListBoxRendererLine: """This class describes a line in a ListBox to assist ListBoxRenderer. """ def __init__(self, renderer = None, obj = None, index = 0, is_summary = False, context = None, is_open = False, domain_selection = None, depth = 0): """In reality, the object is a brain or a brain-like object. """ self.renderer = renderer self.obj = obj self.index = index self.is_summary = is_summary self.context = context self.is_open = is_open self.domain_selection = domain_selection self.depth = depth # Because it is not easy to pass an instance object implicitly to a method # with no side effect, tweak VolatileCachingMethod objects here for this instance. for k in dir(self): v = getattr(self, k) if isinstance(v, VolatileCachingMethod): setattr(self, k, InstanceMethod(self, v)) def getBrain(self): """Return the brain. This can be identical to a real object. """ return self.obj def getObject(self): """Return a real object. """ try: return self.obj.getObject() except AttributeError: return self.obj getObject = VolatileCachingMethod(getObject) def getUid(self): """Return the uid of the object. """ return getattr(aq_base(self.obj), 'uid', None) getUid = VolatileCachingMethod(getUid) def isSummary(self): """Return whether this line is a summary or not. """ return self.is_summary def getContext(self): """Return the context of a line. This is used only for a summary line. """ return self.context def isOpen(self): """Return whether this line is open or not. This is used only for a summary line. """ return self.is_open def getDomainUrl(self): """Return the URL of a domain. Used only for a summary line. """ return getattr(self.getContext(), 'domain_url', '') def getDepth(self): """Return the depth of a domain. Used only for a summary line. """ return self.depth def getDomainSelection(self): """Return the domain selection. Used only for a summary line. """ return self.domain_selection def getValueList(self): """Return the list of values corresponding to selected columns. The format of a return value is [(original_value, processed_value), ...], where the original value means a raw result, while the processed value stands for a value more comprehensive for human, such as an error message. Every processed value is guaranteed to be encoded in unicode. """ # If this is a report line without statistics, just return an empty result. if self.getObject() is None: return [(None, '')] * len(self.renderer.getSelectedColumnList()) # Otherwise, evaluate each column. stat_column_dict = dict(self.renderer.getStatColumnList()) _marker = [] value_list = [] selection = self.renderer.getSelection() param_dict = self.renderer.getParamDict() # Embed the selection index. selection.edit(index = self.index) for (sql, title), alias in zip(self.renderer.getSelectedColumnList(), self.renderer.getColumnAliasList()): editable_field = None original_value = None processed_value = None if self.isSummary(): # Use a stat method for a summary. stat_method_id = stat_column_dict.get(sql) if stat_method_id == sql: stat_method_id = None context = self.getContext() if getattr(aq_base(context), alias, _marker) is not _marker and stat_method_id is None: # If a stat method is not specified, use the result in the context itself. original_value = getattr(context, alias) processed_value = original_value else: stat_method = getattr(context, stat_method_id) if callable(stat_method): try: new_param_dict = param_dict.copy() new_param_dict['closed_summary'] = not self.isOpen() selection.edit(params = new_param_dict, report = self.getDomainSelection()) try: original_value = stat_method(selection = selection) processed_value = original_value except (ConflictError, RuntimeError): raise except: LOG('ListBox', WARNING, 'could not call %r with %r' % (stat_method, new_param_dict), error = sys.exc_info()) processed_value = 'Could not evaluate %s' % (stat_method_id,) finally: selection.edit(params = param_dict, report = None) else: original_value = stat_method processed_value = original_value else: # This is an usual line. obj = self.getObject() # Use a widget, if any. editable_field_id = '%s_%s' % (self.renderer.getId(), alias) tales = False form = self.renderer.getForm() if form.has_field(editable_field_id): editable_field = form.get_field(editable_field_id) tales = editable_field.tales.get('default', '') if tales: original_value = editable_field.__of__(obj).get_value('default', cell = obj) processed_value = original_value # If a tales expression is not defined, get a skin, an accessor or a property. if not tales: brain = self.getBrain() if hasattr(aq_self(brain), alias): original_value = getattr(brain, alias) processed_value = original_value elif obj is not None: try: # Get the trailing part. try: property_id = sql[sql.rindex('.') + 1:] except ValueError: property_id = sql try: original_value = obj.getProperty(property_id, _marker) if original_value is _marker: raise AttributeError, property_id processed_value = original_value except AttributeError: original_value = getattr(obj, property_id, None) processed_value = original_value except (AttributeError, KeyError): original_value = None processed_value = 'Could not evaluate %s' % property_id else: original_value = None processed_value = 'Object does not exist' # If the value is callable, evaluate it. if callable(original_value): try: try: original_value = original_value(brain = self.getBrain(), selection = selection) processed_value = original_value except TypeError: original_value = original_value() processed_value = original_value except (ConflictError, RuntimeError): raise except: processed_value = 'Could not evaluate %s' % (original_value,) LOG('ListBox', WARNING, 'could not evaluate %r' % (original_value,), error = sys.exc_info()) original_value = None # Process the value. if processed_value is None: processed_value = u'' elif not isinstance(processed_value, unicode): processed_value = unicode(str(processed_value), self.renderer.getEncoding()) value_list.append((original_value, processed_value)) return value_list class ListBoxHTMLRendererLine(ListBoxRendererLine): """This class is specialized to the HTML renderer. """ def render(self): """Render the values obtained by getValueList. The result is a list of tuples, where each tuple consists of a piece of HTML, the original value and a boolean value which represents an error status. If the status is true, an error is detected. """ editable_column_id_set = self.renderer.getEditableColumnIdSet() field_id = self.renderer.getId() form = self.renderer.getForm() error_dict = self.renderer.getFieldErrorDict() brain = self.getBrain() encoding = self.renderer.getEncoding() url_column_dict = dict(self.renderer.getUrlColumnList()) selection = self.renderer.getSelection() selection_name = self.renderer.getSelectionName() html_list = [] for (original_value, processed_value), (sql, title), alias \ in zip(self.getValueList(), self.renderer.getSelectedColumnList(), self.renderer.getColumnAliasList()): # By default, no error. error = False # Embed the selection index. selection.edit(index = self.index) # If a field is editable, generate an input form. # XXX why don't we generate an input form when a widget is not defined? editable_field_id = '%s_%s' % (field_id, alias) if not self.isSummary() and form.has_field(editable_field_id): editable_field = form.get_field(editable_field_id) else: editable_field = None # Prepare link value - we now use it for both static and field rendering no_link = False url_method = None url = None # Find an URL method. if url_column_dict.has_key(sql): url_method_id = url_column_dict.get(sql) if url_method_id != sql: if url_method_id not in (None, ''): url_method = getattr(brain, url_method_id, None) if url_method is None: LOG('ListBox', WARNING, 'could not find the url method %s' % (url_method_id,)) no_link = True else: # If the URL Method is empty, generate no link. no_link = True if url_method is not None: try: url = url_method(brain = brain, selection = selection) except (ConflictError, RuntimeError): raise except: LOG('ListBox', WARNING, 'could not evaluate the url method %r with %r' % (url_method, brain), error = sys.exc_info()) elif not no_link: # XXX For compatibility? # Check if this object provides a specific URL method. if getattr(brain, 'getListItemUrl', None) is not None: try: url = brain.getListItemUrl(alias, self.index, selection_name) except (ConflictError, RuntimeError): raise except: LOG('ListBox', WARNING, 'could not evaluate the url method getListItemUrl with %r' % (brain,), error = sys.exc_info()) else: try: url = '%s/view?selection_index=%s&selection_name=%s&reset:int=1' % (brain.absolute_url(), self.index, selection_name) except AttributeError: pass if editable_field is not None and sql in editable_column_id_set: # XXX what if the object does not have uid? key = '%s_%s' % (editable_field_id, self.getUid()) if error_dict.has_key(key): error = True error_text = error_dict[key].error_text error_text = cgi.escape(error_text) if isinstance(error_text, str): error_text = unicode(error_text, encoding) error_message = u'<br />' + error_text processed_value = self.renderer.request.get('field_%s' % key, processed_value) else: error_message = u'' # XXX Formulator should be able to accept unicode. if isinstance(processed_value, unicode): display_value = processed_value.encode(encoding) else: display_value = processed_value # XXX this is a horrible hack. if editable_field.meta_type in ('DateTimeField', 'ProxyField', ): # XXX Some fields prefer None to ''. cell_html = editable_field.render( \ value = original_value , REQUEST = brain.asContext( \ REQUEST = self.renderer.request , form = self.renderer.request.form ) , key = key ) else: # We use REQUEST which is not so good here. # This prevents from using standard display process. # XXX what does the above comment mean exactly? why don't we fix Formulator? # XXX (JPS) - render_view does not get REQUEST - this breaks so many possibilities REQUEST = get_request() # Dirtymax hack by JPS - render_view API update required REQUEST.cell = self.getObject() cell_html = editable_field.render( value = original_value , REQUEST = brain , key = key ) if isinstance(cell_html, str): cell_html = unicode(cell_html, encoding) if url is None: html = cell_html + error_message else: if editable_field.get_value('editable'): html = u'%s' % cell_html else: html = u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, cell_html) if error_message not in ('', None): html += u' <span class="error">%s</span>' % error_message else: # If not editable, show a static text with a link, if enabled. processed_value = cgi.escape(processed_value) if url is None: html = processed_value else: html = u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, processed_value) html_list.append((html, original_value, error, editable_field)) return html_list allow_class(ListBoxHTMLRendererLine) class ListBoxRendererContext(Acquisition.Explicit): """This class helps making a context for a Page Template, because Page Template requires an acquisition context. """ def __init__(self, renderer): self.renderer = renderer # XXX this is a workaround for GlobalTranslationService. self.Localizer = renderer.getContext().Localizer def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.renderer, name) class ListBoxHTMLRenderer(ListBoxRenderer): """This class implements HTML rendering for ListBox. """ def getLineClass(self): """Return the line class. """ return ListBoxHTMLRendererLine def getLineStart(self): """Return a requested start number. """ try: start = self.request.get('list_start') start = int(start) except (TypeError, KeyError): param_dict = self.getParamDict() start = param_dict.get('list_start', 0) if isinstance(start, list): start = start[0] start = int(start) start = max(start, 0) return start getLineStart = VolatileCachingMethod(getLineStart) def getMaxLineNumber(self): """Return the maximum number of lines shown in a page. """ return self.field.get_value('lines') getMaxLineNumber = VolatileCachingMethod(getMaxLineNumber) def getMD5Checksum(self): """Generate a MD5 checksum against checked uids. This is used to confirm that selected values do not change between a display of a dialog and an execution. FIXME: this should only use getCheckedUidList, but Folder_deleteObjectList does not use the feature that checked uids are used when no list method is specified. """ checked_uid_list = self.request.get('uids') if checked_uid_list is None: checked_uid_list = self.getCheckedUidList() if checked_uid_list is not None: checked_uid_list = [str(uid) for uid in checked_uid_list] checked_uid_list.sort() md5_string = md5.new(str(checked_uid_list)).hexdigest() else: md5_string = None return md5_string def getPhysicalRoot(self): """Return the physical root (an Application object). This method is required for Page Template to make a context. """ return self.getContext().getPhysicalRoot() asHTML = PageTemplateFile('www/ListBox_asHTML', globals()) def getPageTemplate(self): """Return a Page Template to render. """ context = ListBoxRendererContext(self) # If a specific template is specified, use it. method_id = self.field.get_value('page_template') if method_id not in (None, ''): try: return getattr(context, method_id) except AttributeError: return getattr(context.getPortalObject(), method_id).__of__(context) return aq_base(getattr(self.getContext(), method_id)).__of__(context) # Otherwise, use the default one. return context.asHTML def render(self, **kw): """Render the data in HTML. """ # Make it sure to store the current selection, only if a list method is defined. list_method = self.getListMethod() selection = self.getSelection() if list_method is not None: method_path = getPath(self.getContext()) + '/' + self.getListMethodName() list_url = '%s?selection_name=%s' % (self.getUrl(), self.getRequestedSelectionName()) selection_index = self.getSelectionIndex() if selection_index is not None: list_url += '&selection_index=%s' % selection_index selection.edit(method_path = method_path, list_url = list_url) self.getSelectionTool().setSelectionFor(self.getSelectionName(), selection, REQUEST = self.request) pt = self.getPageTemplate() return pt() def original_render(self, **kw): """This is just a reference. Not used any longer. """ # Make it sure to store the current selection, only if a list method is defined. list_method = self.getListMethod() selection = self.getSelection() if list_method is not None: method_path = getPath(self.getContext()) + '/' + self.getListMethodName() list_url = '%s?selection_name=%s' % (self.getUrl(), self.getRequestedSelectionName()) selection_index = self.getSelectionIndex() if selection_index is not None: list_url += '&selection_index=%s' % selection_index selection.edit(method_path = method_path, list_url = list_url) self.getSelectionTool().setSelectionFor(self.getSelectionName(), selection, REQUEST = self.request) # Obtain the list of lines. line_list = self.query() # Start rendering. # FIXME: This part should be replaced with Page Templates. html_list = [] ui_domain = 'erp5_ui' context_domain = 'erp5_context' param_dict = self.getParamDict() # Prepare format parameters. format_dict = dict(portal_url_string = self.getPortalUrlString(), list_action = self.getListActionUrl(), selection_name = self.getSelectionName(), field_id = self.getId(), field_title = unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = self.getTitle())), record_number = unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = '${number} record(s)', mapping = dict(number = str(self.total_size)))), item_number = unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = '${number} item(s) selected', mapping = dict(number = str(len(self.getCheckedUidList()))))), flat_list_title = unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = 'Flat List')), report_tree_title = unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = 'Report Tree')), domain_tree_title = unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = 'Domain Tree')), change_page_title = unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = 'Change Page')), previous_page_title = unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = 'Previous Page')), next_page_title = unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = 'Next Page')), check_all_title = unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = 'Check All')), uncheck_all_title = unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = 'Uncheck All')), ascending_display_title = unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = 'Ascending Display')), descending_display_title = unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = 'Descending Display')), action_title = unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = 'Action')), context_url = self.getContext().getUrl()) # This is the start of HTML. Embed a selection name. html_list.append("""\ <!-- ListBox %(field_id)s starts here. --> <input type="hidden" name="list_selection_name" value="%(selection_name)s" /> """ % format_dict) # If the MD5 checksum is valid, embed it. md5_string = self.getMD5Checksum() if md5_string is not None: html_list.append(""" <input type="hidden" name="md5_object_uid_list" value="%s" /> """ % md5_string) # Create a domain tree selector. Note that this creates one more table, so # the table must be terminated at the end. if self.isDomainTreeMode(): html_list.append("""\ <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%%"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <select name="domain_root_url" onChange="submitAction(this.form, '%(context_url)s/portal_selections/setDomainRoot')"> """ % format_dict) selected_domain_path = self.getSelectedDomainPath() for c in self.getDomainRootList(): if c[0] == selected_domain_path: selected = 'selected' else: selected = '' html_list.append("""\ <option %s value="%s">%s</option> """ % (selected, c[0], unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = c[1])))) html_list.append("""\ </select> <table id="%(field_id)s_domain_tree_table" cellpadding="0" border="0"> """ % format_dict) # Render a domain tree. try: report_tree_list = self.makeReportTreeList(report_path = selected_domain_path, unfolded_list = selection.getDomainList(), is_report_opened = False) total_depth = max([report_tree.depth for report_tree in report_tree_list] + [-1]) for report_tree in report_tree_list: html_list.append("""\ <tr> """) html_list.append("""\ <td width="16" nowrap> </td> """ * report_tree.depth) relative_url = report_tree.obj.getRelativeUrl() if report_tree.base_category is not None and not relative_url.startswith(report_tree.base_category + '/'): domain_url = '%s/%s' % (report_tree.base_category, relative_url) else: domain_url = relative_url if report_tree.is_open: method_id = 'foldDomain' content = u'- <b>%s</b>' % unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = report_tree.obj.getTitleOrId())) else: method_id = 'unfoldDomain' content = u'+ %s' % unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = report_tree.obj.getTitleOrId())) html_list.append("""\ <td nowrap valign="top" align="left" colspan="%d"> <a href="portal_selections/%s?domain_url=%s&form_id=%s&list_selection_name=%s&domain_depth:int=%d">%s</a> </td> </tr> """ % (total_depth - report_tree.depth + 1, method_id, domain_url, self.getForm().id, self.getSelectionName(), report_tree.depth, content)) except KeyError: pass html_list.append("""\ </table> </td> <td valign="top"> """) # Create the title line. html_list.append(""" <div class="ListSummary"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr height="10"> <td height="10"><img src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/Left.png" border="0"/></td> <td class="Top" colspan="2" height="10"> <img src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/spacer.png" width="5" height="10" border="0" alt="spacer"/></td> <td class="Top" colspan="3" height="10"> <img src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/spacer.png" width="5" height="10" border="0" alt="spacer"/> </td> </tr> <tr id="%(field_id)s_title_line"> <td class="Left" width="17"> <img src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/spacer.png" width="5" height="5" border="0" alt="spacer"/> </td> <td valign="middle" nowrap> """ % format_dict) # Embed icons for flat list mode, report tree mode and domain tree mode, only if applicable. if self.isReportTreeSupported() or self.isDomainTreeSupported(): html_list.append(""" <input type="image" src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/text_block.png" id="%(field_id)s_flat_list_mode" title="%(flat_list_title)s" name="portal_selections/setFlatListMode:method" value="1" border="0" alt="img" /> """ % format_dict) if self.isReportTreeSupported(): html_list.append(""" <input type="image" src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/view_tree.png" id="%(field_id)s_report_tree_mode" title="%(report_tree_title)s" name="portal_selections/setReportTreeMode:method" value="1" border="0" alt="img" /> """ % format_dict) if self.isDomainTreeSupported(): html_list.append(""" <input type="image" src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/view_choose.png" id="%(field_id)s_domain_tree_mode" title="%(domain_tree_title)s" name="portal_selections/setDomainTreeMode:method" value="1" border="0" alt="img" /> """ % format_dict) # Add information about simple statistics. html_list.append(""" </td> <td width="100%%" valign="middle"> <a id="listbox_title" href="%(list_action)s">%(field_title)s</a>: <span id="listbox_record_number">%(record_number)s</span> - <span id="listbox_item_number">%(item_number)s</span> </td> <td nowrap valign="middle" align="center"> """ % format_dict) # Embed a previous page button, only if applicable. if self.current_page > 0: html_list.append(""" <input id="%(field_id)s_previous_page" type="image" src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/1leftarrowv.png" title="%(previous_page_title)s" name="portal_selections/previousPage:method" border="0" /> """ % format_dict) # Make page selectors. html_list.append(""" </td> <td nowrap valign="middle" align="center"> <select id="%(field_id)s_page_selection" name="list_start" title="%(change_page_title)s" size="1" onChange="submitAction(this.form, '%(context_url)s/portal_selections/setPage')"> """ % format_dict) for p in xrange(0, self.total_pages): if p == self.current_page: selected = 'selected' else: selected = '' html_list.append("""\ <option %s value="%d">%s</option> """ % (selected, p * self.getMaxLineNumber(), unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = '${page} of ${total_pages}', mapping = dict(page = p + 1, total_pages = self.total_pages))))) html_list.append("""\ </select> </td> <td nowrap valign="middle" align="center"> """) # Embed a next page button, only if applicable. if self.current_page < self.total_pages - 1: html_list.append("""\ <input id="%(field_id)s_next_page" type="image" src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/1rightarrowv.png" title="%(next_page_title)s" name="portal_selections/nextPage:method" border="0" /> """ % format_dict) # Create the label line. html_list.append("""\ </td> </tr> </table> </div> <!-- List Content --> <div class="ListContent"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr id="%(field_id)s_label_line"> """ % format_dict) # Make a report tree selection, if applicable. if self.isReportTreeMode(): html_list.append("""\ <td class="Data" width="50" align="left" valign="middle"> <select name="report_root_url" onChange="submitAction(this.form, '%(context_url)s/portal_selections/setReportRoot')"> """ % format_dict) for c in self.getReportRootList(): if c[0] == self.getSelectedReportPath(): selected = 'selected' else: selected = '' html_list.append("""\ <option %s value="%s">%s</option> """ % (selected, c[0], c[1])) html_list.append("""\ </select> </td> """) # Show check and uncheck icons, if applicable. if self.showSelectColumn(): html_list.append("""\ <td class="Data" width="50" align="center" valign="middle"> <input id="%(field_id)s_check_all" type="image" name="portal_selections/checkAll:method" value="1" src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/checkall.png" border="0" alt="Check All" title="%(check_all_title)s" />\ <input id="%(field_id)s_uncheck_all" type="image" name="portal_selections/uncheckAll:method" value="1" src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/decheckall.png" border="0" alt="Uncheck All" title="%(uncheck_all_title)s" /> </td> """ % format_dict) # Show labels with quick sort links when appropriate. for sql, title, sort_order in self.getLabelValueList(): html_list.append("""\ <td class="Data">\ """) if sql is not None: html_list.append("""\ <a href="portal_selections/setSelectionQuickSortOrder?selection_name=%s&sort_on=%s&form_id=%s">%s</a>\ """ % (self.getSelectionName(), sql, self.getForm().id, unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = title)))) if sort_order == 'ascending': html_list.append("""\ <img src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/1bottomarrow.png" alt="Ascending Display" title="%(ascending_display_title)s" />\ """ % format_dict) elif sort_order == 'descending': html_list.append("""\ <img src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/1toparrow.png" alt="Descending Display" title="%(descending_display_title)s" />\ """ % format_dict) else: html_list.append('%s' % (unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = title),))) html_list.append("""\ </td> """) html_list.append("""\ </tr> """) # Make the search line, if enabled. Or, make a report depth selector only in report tree mode. if self.showSearchLine() or self.isReportTreeMode(): if self.showSearchLine(): html_list.append("""\ <tr id="%(field_id)s_search_line"> """ % format_dict) else: html_list.append("""\ <tr id="%(field_id)s_report_depth_line"> """ % format_dict) # Make a report depth selector, if applicable. if self.isReportTreeMode(): if self.showSearchLine(): colspan = 1 else: colspan = len(self.getSelectedColumnList()) + self.showSelectColumn() + 1 html_list.append("""\ <td class="Data" width="50" align="left" valign="middle" colspan="%d">\ """ % colspan) # XXX isn't it better to make this configurable? for i in xrange(0, 6): html_list.append("""\ <a href="%s?selection_name=%s&selection_index=%s&report_depth:int=%d">%d</a>\ """ % (self.getUrl(), self.getRequestedSelectionName(), self.getSelectionIndex(), i, i)) is_report_opened = self.getSelection().isReportOpened() html_list.append("""\ - <a href="%s?selection_name=%s&selection_index=%s&is_report_opened:int=%d">%s</a>\ """ % (self.getUrl(), self.getRequestedSelectionName(), self.getSelectionIndex(), not is_report_opened, unicode(Message(domain = ui_domain, message = is_report_opened and 'Hide' or 'Show')))) html_list.append("""\ </td> """) # Put a select icon, if enabled. if self.showSelectColumn() and self.showSearchLine(): html_list.append("""\ <td class="Data" width="50" align="center" valign="middle"> <input id="%(field_id)s_select" type="image" src="%(portal_url_string)s/images/exec16.png" title="%(action_title)s" alt="Action" name="Base_doSelect:method" /> </td> """ % format_dict) # Add search fields. if self.showSearchLine(): for alias, param, search_field in self.getSearchValueList(): html_list.append("""\ <td class="DataB"> """) if alias is not None: # Render the search field by a widget, if any. if search_field is not None: search_field_html = search_field.render(value = param, key = alias) else: search_field_html = """<input name="%s" size="8" value="%s" />""" % (alias, cgi.escape(param)) # FIXME: The font size should be defined in the CSS. html_list.append("""\ <font size="-3">%s</font> """ % search_field_html) html_list.append("""\ </td> """) # Terminate the search line. html_list.append("""\ </tr> """) # Add data lines. selection = self.getSelection() checked_uid_set = self.getCheckedUidSet() for i, line in enumerate(line_list): # Change the appearance of each line for visibility. if (i % 2) == 0: tr_css = 'DataA' else: tr_css = 'DataB' # For now, use the same class name for td as well. td_css = tr_css html_list.append("""\ <tr id="%s_data_line_%d" class="%s"> """ % (self.getId(), i, tr_css)) # Embed the uid of the object. html_list.append("""\ <input type="hidden" value="%s" name="%s_uid:list" /> """ % (line.getUid() or '', self.getId())) # Show a report section column in report tree mode. if self.isReportTreeMode(): # Get the title or the id of the context. if line.getContext() is not None: section_name = unicode(Message(domain = context_domain, message = line.getContext().getTitleOrId())) else: section_name = '' # Select the prefix for the section name. if len(section_name): if line.isOpen(): section_char = '- ' else: section_char = '+ ' else: section_char = '' if line.isOpen(): method_id = 'foldReport' else: method_id = 'unfoldReport' domain_url = line.getDomainUrl() html_list.append("""\ <td class="%s" align="left" valign="middle"> <a href="portal_selections/%s?report_url=%s&form_id=%s&list_selection_name=%s">%s%s%s</a> </td> """ % (td_css, method_id, domain_url, self.getForm().id, self.getSelectionName(), ' ' * line.getDepth(), section_char, section_name)) # Show a select column, if enabled. if self.showSelectColumn(): html_list.append("""\ <td class="%s" width="50" align="center" valign="middle"> """ % td_css) if not line.isSummary() and line.getObject() is not None: if line.getUid() in checked_uid_set: selected = 'checked' else: selected = '' html_list.append("""\ <input type="checkbox" %s value="%s" id="%s_cb_%s" name="uids:list" /> """ % (selected, line.getUid(), self.getId(), line.getUid())) else: html_list.append(' ') html_list.append("""\ </td> """) # Add data columns. for html, original_value, error in line.render(): # Depending on the type of the original value, determine an alignment. # FIXME: should use a CSS class instead of "align". if isinstance(original_value, (float, int, long)): td_align = 'right' else: td_align = 'left' if error: td_css = td_css + 'Error' html_list.append("""\ <td class="%s" align="%s">%s</td> """ % (td_css, td_align, html)) # Terminate the line. html_list.append("""\ </tr> """) # Show a stat line, if enabled. if self.showStat(): html_list.append("""\ <tr id="%(field_id)s_stat_line"> """ % format_dict) if self.isReportTreeMode(): html_list.append("""\ <td class="Data"> </td> """) if self.showSelectColumn(): html_list.append("""\ <td class="Data"> </td> """) for original_value, processed_value in self.getStatValueList(): # XXX Determine the alignment. if isinstance(original_value, (float, int, long)): td_align = 'right' else: td_align = 'left' processed_value = cgi.escape(processed_value) html_list.append("""\ <td class="Data" align="%s">%s</td> """ % (td_align, processed_value)) html_list.append("""\ </tr> """) html_list.append("""\ </table> </div> """) # In domain tree mode, an extra table is used, so terminate the table here. if self.isDomainTreeMode(): html_list.append("""\ </td> </tr> </table> """) html_list.append("""\ <!-- ListBox %(field_id)s ends here. --> """ % format_dict) return ''.join(html_list) allow_class(ListBoxHTMLRenderer) class ListBoxListRenderer(ListBoxRenderer): """This class implements list rendering for ListBox. """ def getLineClass(self): """Return the line class. For now, ListBoxListRenderer uses the generic class. """ return ListBoxRendererLine def getLineStart(self): """Return always 0. """ return 0 def getMaxLineNumber(self): """Return always 0 (infinite). """ return 0 def render(self, **kw): """Render the data in a list of ListBoxLine objects. """ listboxline_list = [] # Make a title line. title_listboxline = ListBoxLine() title_listboxline.markTitleLine() for c in self.getSelectedColumnList(): title_listboxline.addColumn(c[0], c[1].encode(self.getEncoding())) listboxline_list.append(title_listboxline) # Obtain the list of lines. checked_uid_set = set(self.getCheckedUidList()) for line in self.query(): listboxline = ListBoxLine() listboxline.markDataLine() listboxline.setSectionDepth(line.getDepth()) if line.isSummary(): listboxline.markSummaryLine() # XXX What is this "+ 1"? listboxline.setSectionDepth(line.getDepth() + 1) context = line.getContext() if context is not None: section_name = context.getTitleOrId() or None else: section_name = None listboxline.setSectionName(section_name) listboxline.setSectionFolded(not line.isOpen()) if line.getBrain() is not None: uid = line.getUid() listboxline.setObjectUid(uid) listboxline.checkLine(uid in checked_uid_set) for (original_value, processed_value), (sql, title) in zip(line.getValueList(), self.getSelectedColumnList()): if isinstance(original_value, unicode): value = original_value.encode(self.getEncoding()) else: value = original_value if isinstance(value, str): value = value.replace(' ', ' ') listboxline.addColumn(sql, value) listboxline_list.append(listboxline) # Make a stat line, if enabled. if self.showStat(): stat_listboxline = ListBoxLine() stat_listboxline.markStatLine() for (original_value, processed_value), (sql, title) in zip(self.getStatValueList(), self.getSelectedColumnList()): if isinstance(original_value, unicode): value = original_value.encode(self.getEncoding()) else: value = original_value if isinstance(value, str): value = value.replace(' ', ' ') stat_listboxline.addColumn(sql, value) listboxline_list.append(stat_listboxline) return listboxline_list class ListBoxValidator(Validator.Validator): property_names = Validator.Validator.property_names def validate(self, field, key, REQUEST): form = field.aq_parent # We need to know where we get the getter from # This is coppied from ERP5 Form here = getattr(form, 'aq_parent', REQUEST) columns = field.get_value('columns') editable_columns = field.get_value('editable_columns') column_ids = map(lambda x: x[0], columns) editable_column_ids = map(lambda x: x[0], editable_columns) selection_name = field.get_value('selection_name') #LOG('ListBoxValidator', 0, 'field = %s, selection_name = %s' % (repr(field), repr(selection_name))) selection = here.portal_selections.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST) params = selection.getParams() portal_url = getToolByName(here, 'portal_url') portal = portal_url.getPortalObject() result = {} error_result = {} MARKER = [] listbox_uids = REQUEST.get('%s_uid' % field.id, MARKER) if listbox_uids is MARKER: raise KeyError, 'Field %s is not present in request object.' % (field.id, ) #LOG('ListBox.validate: REQUEST',0,REQUEST) errors = [] object_list = [] # We have two things to do in the case of temp objects, # the first thing is to create a list with new temp objects # then try to validate some data, and then create again # the list with a listbox as parameter. Like this we # can use tales expression for uid in listbox_uids: if str(uid).find('new') == 0: list_method = field.get_value('list_method') list_method = getattr(here, list_method.method_name) #LOG('ListBoxValidator', 0, 'call %s' % repr(list_method)) object_list = list_method(REQUEST=REQUEST, **params) break listbox = {} for uid in listbox_uids: if str(uid).find('new') == 0: o = None for object in object_list: if object.getUid()==uid: o = object if o is None: # First case: dialog input to create new objects o = newTempBase(portal, uid[4:]) # Arghhh - XXX acquisition problem - use portal root o.uid = uid listbox[uid[4:]] = {} # We first try to set a listbox corresponding to all things # we can validate, so that we can use the same list # as the one used for displaying the listbox for sql in editable_column_ids: alias = '_'.join(sql.split('.')) if '.' in sql: property_id = '.'.join(sql.split('.')[1:]) # Only take trailing part else: property_id = alias my_field_id = '%s_%s' % (field.id, alias) if form.has_field( my_field_id ): my_field = form.get_field(my_field_id) key = 'field_' + my_field.id + '_%s' % o.uid error_result_key = my_field.id + '_%s' % o.uid REQUEST.cell = o try: value = my_field.validator.validate(my_field, key, REQUEST) # We need cell # Here we set the property listbox[uid[4:]][sql] = value except ValidationError, err: # XXXX import missing pass # Here we generate again the object_list with listbox the listbox we # have just created if len(listbox)>0: list_method = field.get_value('list_method') list_method = getattr(here, list_method.method_name) REQUEST.set('listbox',listbox) object_list = list_method(REQUEST=REQUEST,**params) for uid in listbox_uids: if str(uid).find('new') == 0: # First case: dialog input to create new objects #o = newTempBase(here, uid[4:]) # Arghhh - XXX acquisition problem - use portal root #o.uid = uid o = None for object in object_list: if object.getUid()==uid: o = object if o is None: # First case: dialog input to create new objects o = newTempBase(portal, uid[4:]) # Arghhh - XXX acquisition problem - use portal root o.uid = uid result[uid[4:]] = {} for sql in editable_column_ids: alias = '_'.join(sql.split('.')) if '.' in sql: property_id = '.'.join(sql.split('.')[1:]) # Only take trailing part else: property_id = alias my_field_id = '%s_%s' % (field.id, alias) if form.has_field( my_field_id ): my_field = form.get_field(my_field_id) REQUEST.cell = o if my_field.get_value('editable',REQUEST=REQUEST) and field.need_validate(REQUEST): key = 'field_' + my_field.id + '_%s' % o.uid error_result_key = my_field.id + '_%s' % o.uid try: value = my_field.validator.validate(my_field, key, REQUEST) # We need cell result[uid[4:]][sql] = value except ValidationError, err: #LOG("ListBox ValidationError",0,str(err)) err.field_id = error_result_key errors.append(err) else: # Second case: modification of existing objects #try: if 1: #try: # We must try this # because sometimes, we can be provided bad uids try : o = here.portal_catalog.getObject(uid) except (KeyError, NotFound, ValueError): o = None if o is None: # It is possible that this object is not catalogged yet. So # the object must be obtained from ZODB. if not object_list: list_method = field.get_value('list_method') list_method = getattr(here, list_method.method_name) object_list = list_method(REQUEST=REQUEST,**params) for object in object_list: try: if object.getUid() == int(uid): o = object break except ValueError: if str(object.getUid()) == uid: o = object break for sql in editable_column_ids: alias = '_'.join(sql.split('.')) if '.' in sql: property_id = '.'.join(sql.split('.')[1:]) # Only take trailing part else: property_id = alias my_field_id = '%s_%s' % (field.id, alias) if form.has_field( my_field_id ): my_field = form.get_field(my_field_id) REQUEST.cell = o # We need cell if my_field.get_value('editable',REQUEST=REQUEST) and field.need_validate(REQUEST): tales_expr = my_field.tales.get('default', "") key = 'field_' + my_field.id + '_%s' % o.uid error_result_key = my_field.id + '_%s' % o.uid try: value = my_field.validator.validate(my_field, key, REQUEST) # We need cell error_result[error_result_key] = value if not result.has_key(o.getUrl()): result[o.getUrl()] = {} result[o.getUrl()][sql] = value except ValidationError, err: #LOG("ListBox ValidationError",0,str(err)) err.field_id = error_result_key errors.append(err) #except: else: LOG("ListBox WARNING",0,"Object uid %s could not be validated" % uid) if len(errors) > 0: LOG("ListBox FormValidationError",0,str(error_result)) LOG("ListBox FormValidationError",0,str(errors)) raise FormValidationError(errors, error_result) return result ListBoxValidatorInstance = ListBoxValidator() class ListBox(ZMIField): meta_type = "ListBox" widget = ListBoxWidgetInstance validator = ListBoxValidatorInstance security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareProtected('Access contents information', 'get_value') def get_value(self, id, **kw): if (id == 'default'): if (kw.get('render_format') in ('list', )): return self.widget.render(self, self.generate_field_key(), None, kw.get('REQUEST'), render_format=kw.get('render_format')) else: return None else: return ZMIField.get_value(self, id, **kw) security.declareProtected('Access contents information', 'getListMethodName') def getListMethodName(self): """Return the name of the list method. If not defined, return None. XXX - Is this method really necessary - I am not sure - JPS Why not use Formulator API instead ? """ list_method = self.get_value('list_method') try: name = getattr(list_method, 'method_name') except AttributeError: name = list_method return name or None class ListBoxLine: meta_type = "ListBoxLine" security = ClassSecurityInfo() #security.declareObjectPublic() def __init__(self): """ Initialize the line and set the default values Selected columns must be defined in parameter of listbox.render... """ self.is_title_line = 0 self.is_data_line = 1 self.is_stat_line = 0 self.is_summary_line = 0 self.is_section_folded = 1 self.config_dict = { 'is_checked' : 0, 'uid' : None, 'section_name' : None, 'section_depth' : 0, 'content_mode' : 'DataLine' } self.config_display_list = [] self.column_dict = {} self.column_id_list = [] security.declarePublic('__getitem__') def __getitem__(self, column_id): return self.getColumnProperty(column_id) #security.declarePublic('View') def setConfigProperty(self, config_id, config_value): self.config_dict[config_id] = config_value #security.declarePublic('View') def getConfigProperty(self, config_id): return self.config_dict[config_id] #security.declarePublic('View') def setListboxLineContentMode(self, content_mode): """ Toogle the content type of the line content_mode can be 'TitleLine' 'StatLine' 'DataLine' Default value is 'DataLine' """ content_mode_dict = { 'TitleLine':(1,0,0,0), 'DataLine':(0,1,0,0), 'StatLine':(0,0,1,0), 'SummaryLine':(0,0,0,1) } self.is_title_line,\ self.is_data_line,\ self.is_stat_line,\ self.is_summary_line = content_mode_dict[content_mode] self.setConfigProperty('content_mode',content_mode) #security.declarePublic('View') def markTitleLine(self): """ Set content of the line to 'TitleLine' """ self.setListboxLineContentMode('TitleLine') security.declarePublic('isTitleLine') def isTitleLine(self): """ Returns 1 is this line contains no data but only title of columns """ return self.is_title_line #security.declarePublic('View') def markStatLine(self): """ Set content of the line to 'StatLine' """ self.setListboxLineContentMode('StatLine') security.declarePublic('isStatLine') def isStatLine(self): """ Returns 1 is this line contains no data but only stats """ return self.is_stat_line #security.declarePublic('View') def markDataLine(self): """ Set content of the line to 'DataLine' """ self.setListboxLineContentMode('DataLine') security.declarePublic('isDataLine') def isDataLine(self): """ Returns 1 is this line contains data """ return self.is_data_line #security.declarePublic('View') def markSummaryLine(self): """ Set content of the line to 'SummaryLine' """ self.setListboxLineContentMode('SummaryLine') security.declarePublic('isSummaryLine') def isSummaryLine(self): """ Returns 1 is this line is a summary line """ return self.is_summary_line #security.declarePublic('View') def checkLine(self, is_checked): """ Set line to checked if is_checked=1 Default value is 0 """ self.setConfigProperty('is_checked',is_checked) security.declarePublic('isLineChecked') def isLineChecked(self): """ Returns 1 is this line is checked """ return self.getConfigProperty('is_checked') #security.declarePublic('View') def setObjectUid(self, object_uid): """ Define the uid of the object Default value is None """ self.setConfigProperty('uid',object_uid) security.declarePublic('getObjectUid') def getObjectUid(self): """ Get the uid of the object related to the line """ return self.getConfigProperty('uid') #security.declarePublic('View') def setSectionName(self, section_name): """ Set the section name of this line Default value is None """ self.setConfigProperty('section_name',section_name) security.declarePublic('getSectionName') def getSectionName(self): """ Returns the section name of this line Default value is None """ return self.getConfigProperty('section_name') #security.declarePublic('View') def setSectionDepth(self, depth): """ Set the section depth of this line default value is 0 and means no depth """ self.setConfigProperty('section_depth',depth) security.declarePublic('getSectionDepth') def getSectionDepth(self): """ Returns the section depth of this line 0 means no depth """ return self.getConfigProperty('section_depth') #security.declarePublic('View') def setSectionFolded(self, is_section_folded): """ Set the section mode of this line to 'Folded' if is_section_folded=1 """ self.is_section_folded = is_section_folded security.declarePublic('isSectionFolded') def isSectionFolded(self): """ Returns 1 if section is in 'Folded' Mode """ return self.is_section_folded #security.declarePublic('View') def addColumn(self, column_id, column_value): """ Add a new column """ self.column_dict[column_id] = column_value self.column_id_list.append(column_id) security.declarePublic('getColumnProperty') def getColumnProperty(self, column_id): """ Returns the property of a column """ return self.column_dict[column_id] security.declarePublic('getColumnPropertyList') def getColumnPropertyList(self, column_id_list = None): """ Returns a list of the property column_id_list selects the column_id returned """ if column_id_list == None: column_id_list = self.column_id_list if self.isTitleLine(): config_column = [None] * len(self.config_display_list) else: config_column = [self.config_dict[column_id] for column_id in self.config_display_list] return config_column + [self.column_dict[column_id] for column_id in column_id_list] security.declarePublic('getColumnItemList') def getColumnItemList(self, column_id_list = None ): """ Returns a list of property tuple column_id_list selects the column_id returned """ if column_id_list == None: column_id_list = self.column_id_list """ if self.isTitleLine(): config_column = [None] * len(self.config_display_list) else: config_column = [(config_id, self.config_dict[column_id]) for config_id in self.config_display_list] """ config_column = [(config_id, self.config_dict[config_id]) for config_id in self.config_display_list] return config_column + [(column_id , self.column_dict[column_id]) for column_id in column_id_list] security.declarePublic('setListboxLineDisplayListMode') def setListboxLineDisplayListMode(self, display_list): """ Set the config columns displayable display_list can content the key of self.config_dict Default value of display_list is [] """ self.config_display_list = display_list InitializeClass(ListBoxLine) allow_class(ListBoxLine) # Psyco import psyco #psyco.bind(ListBoxWidget.render) psyco.bind(ListBoxValidator.validate)