#! /bin/bash export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/bin:$PATH if ! source /usr/share/csih/cygwin-service-installation-helper.sh ; then echo "Error: Download the csih package at first, I need this file:" echo " /usr/share/csih/cygwin-service-installation-helper.sh" exit 1 fi # Check Administrator rights csih_get_system_and_admins_ids if [[ ! " $(id -G) " == *\ $csih_ADMINSUID\ * ]] ; then echo echo "You haven't right to run this script. " echo "Please login as Administrator to run it, or right-click this script" echo "then click Run as administrator." echo exit 1 fi # ====================================================================== # Constants # ====================================================================== slapos_client_home=~/.slapos client_configure_file=$slapos_client_home/slapos.cfg client_certificate_file=$slapos_client_home/certificate client_key_file=$slapos_client_home/key client_template_file=/etc/slapos/slapos-client.cfg.example node_certificate_file=/etc/opt/slapos/ssl/computer.crt node_key_file=/etc/opt/slapos/ssl/computer.key node_configure_file=/etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg node_template_file=/etc/slapos/slapos.cfg.example slapos_ifname=re6stnet-lo # Change it if it confilcts with your local network ipv4_local_network= openvpn_tap_driver_inf=/etc/slapos/driver/OemWin2k.inf openvpn_tap_driver_hwid=tap0901 re6stnet_configure_file=/etc/re6stnet/re6stnet.conf re6stnet_service_name=re6stnet slapos_cron_config=/usr/bin/slapos-cron-config slaprunner_startup_file=/etc/slapos/scripts/slap-runner.html slapos_run_key='\HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' slapos_run_entry=slapos-configure slapos_admin=slaproot # ====================================================================== # Routine: check_cygwin_service # Check cygwin service is install or not, running state, and run by # which account # ====================================================================== function check_cygwin_service() { ret=0 name=$1 echo Checking cygwin service $name ... if [[ ! -e /usr/bin/cygrunsrv.exe ]] ; then echo "Error: Download the cygrunsrv package to start the $name daemon as a service." exit 1 fi if ! cygrunsrv --query $name > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Error: No cygwin service $name installed, please run Configure SlapOS to install it." return 1 fi account=$(cygrunsrv -VQ $name | sed -n -e 's/^Account[ :]*//p') state=$(cygrunsrv --query $name | sed -n -e 's/^Current State[ :]*//p') [[ "$state" == "Running" ]] || cygrunsrv --start $name state=$(cygrunsrv --query $name | sed -n -e 's/^Current State[ :]*//p') cygrunsrv --query $name --verbose echo Check cygwin service $name OVER. [[ "$state" == "Running" ]] || ret=1 return "${ret}" } # === check_cygwin_service() === # # ====================================================================== # Routine: check_network_configure # Check slapos network configure # ====================================================================== function check_network_configure() { echo Checking slapos network ... if ! netsh interface ipv6 show interface | grep -q "\\b$slapos_ifname\\b" ; then echo "Error: No connection name $slapos_ifname found, please " echo "run Configure SlapOS to install it." return 1 fi echo Check slapos network Over. } # === check_network_configure() === # # ====================================================================== # Routine: check_node_configure # Check slapos node configure # ====================================================================== function check_node_configure() { echo Checking slapos node configure ... [[ ! -r $node_certificate_file ]] && \ ( echo "Computer certificate file $node_certificate_file" ; echo "doesn't exists, or you haven't right to visit." ) && \ return 1 openssl x509 -noout -in $node_certificate_file || return 1 openssl rsa -noout -in $node_key_file -check || return 1 computer_guid=$(grep "CN=COMP" $node_certificate_file | \ sed -e "s/^.*, CN=//g" | sed -e "s%/emailAddress.*\$%%g") [[ ! "$computer_guid" == COMP-+([0-9]) ]] && \ ( echo "Invalid computer id '$computer_guid' specified." ; echo "It should look like 'COMP-XXXX'" ) && \ return 1 echo Check slapos node configure Over. } # === check_node_configure() === # # ====================================================================== # Routine: check_client_configure # Check slapos client configure # ====================================================================== function check_client_configure() { echo Checking slapos client confiure ... echo Check slapos client configure Over. } # === check_client_configure() === # # ====================================================================== # Routine: check_cron_configure # Check slapos cron configure # ====================================================================== function check_cron_configure() { echo Checking slapos cron confiure ... echo Check slapos cron configure Over. } # === check_cron_configure() === # # ====================================================================== # Routine: check_re6stnet_configure # Check slapos re6stnet configure # ====================================================================== function check_re6stnet_configure() { echo Checking slapos re6stnet confiure ... ! which re6stnet > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo "No re6stnet installed, please run Configure SlapOS first." && return 1 echo Check slapos re6stnet configure Over. } # === check_re6stnet_configure() === # # ====================================================================== # Routine: check_re6stnet_needed # Check re6stnet required or not # ====================================================================== function check_re6stnet_needed() { # This doesn't work in the cygwin now, need hack ip script # re6st-conf --registry http://re6stnet.nexedi.com/ --is-needed if netsh interface ipv6 show route | grep -q " ::/0 " ; then return 1 fi # re6stnet is required return 0 } # === check_re6stnet_needed() === # # ====================================================================== # Routine: reset_slapos_connection # Remove all ipv4/ipv6 addresses in the connection re6stnet-lo # ====================================================================== function reset_slapos_connection() { ifname=${1-re6stnet-lo} netsh interface ip set address $ifname source=dhcp } # === reset_slapos_connection() === # # ====================================================================== # Routine: show_error_exit # Show error message and wait for user to press any key to exit # ====================================================================== function show_error_exit() { echo ${1-Error: configure SlapOS failed.} read -n 1 -p "Press any key to exit..." exit 1 } # === show_error_exit() === # # ====================================================================== # Routine: start_cygwin_service # Start cygwin service if required # ====================================================================== function start_cygwin_service() { name=$1 state=$(cygrunsrv --query $name | sed -n -e 's/^Current State[ :]*//p') [[ "$state" == "Running" ]] || net start $name state=$(cygrunsrv --query $name | sed -n -e 's/^Current State[ :]*//p') [[ "$state" == "Running" ]] || return 1 } # === start_cygwin_service() === # # ====================================================================== # Routine: slapos_request_password # Get slaproot password, save it to _password # ====================================================================== slapos_request_password() { local username="${1-slaproot}" csih_inform "$2" csih_get_value "Please enter the password:" -s _password="${csih_value}" if [ -z "${_password}" ] then csih_error_multi "Exiting configuration." "I don't know the password of ${username}." fi csih_PRIVILEGED_PASSWORD="${_password}" } # === slapos_request_password() === # # ====================================================================== # Routine: slapos_create_privileged_user # # Copied from csih_check_and_create_privileged_user, just create fix account: # slaproot # ====================================================================== slapos_check_and_create_privileged_user() { csih_stacktrace "${@}" $_csih_trace local username_in_sam local username="${1-slaproot}" local admingroup local dos_var_empty local _password local password_value="$2" local passwd_has_expiry_flags local ret=0 local username_in_admingroup local username_got_all_rights local pwd_entry local username_in_passwd local entry_in_passwd local tmpfile1 local tmpfile2 _csih_setup csih_PRIVILEGED_USERNAME="${username}" if ! csih_privileged_account_exists "$csih_PRIVILEGED_USERNAME" then username_in_sam=no dos_var_empty=$(/usr/bin/cygpath -w ${LOCALSTATEDIR}/empty) while [ "${username_in_sam}" != "yes" ] do if [ -z "${password_value}" ] then _password="${password_value}" csih_inform "Please enter a password for new user ${username}. Please be sure" csih_inform "that this password matches the password rules given on your system." csih_inform "Entering no password will exit the configuration." csih_get_value "Please enter the password:" -s _password="${csih_value}" if [ -z "${_password}" ] then csih_error_multi "Exiting configuration. No user ${username} has been created," \ "and no services have been installed." fi fi tmpfile1=$(csih_mktemp) || csih_error "Could not create temp file" csih_call_winsys32 net user "${username}" "${_password}" /add /fullname:"SlapOS Administraoter" \ "/homedir:${dos_var_empty}" /yes > "${tmpfile1}" 2>&1 && username_in_sam=yes if [ "${username_in_sam}" != "yes" ] then csih_warning "Creating the user '${username}' failed! Reason:" /usr/bin/cat "${tmpfile1}" echo fi /usr/bin/rm -f "${tmpfile1}" done csih_PRIVILEGED_PASSWORD="${_password}" csih_inform "User '${username}' has been created with password '${_password}'." csih_inform "If you change the password, please remember also to change the" csih_inform "password for the installed services which use (or will soon use)" csih_inform "the '${username}' account." echo "" csih_inform "Also keep in mind that the user '${username}' needs read permissions" csih_inform "on all users' relevant files for the services running as '${username}'." csih_inform "In particular, for the sshd server all users' .ssh/authorized_keys" csih_inform "files must have appropriate permissions to allow public key" csih_inform "authentication. (Re-)running ssh-user-config for each user will set" csih_inform "these permissions correctly. [Similar restrictions apply, for" csih_inform "instance, for .rhosts files if the rshd server is running, etc]." echo "" if ! passwd -e "${username}" then csih_warning "Setting password expiry for user '${username}' failed!" csih_warning "Please check that password never expires or set it to your needs." fi else # ${username} already exists. Use it, and make no changes. # use passed-in value as first guess csih_PRIVILEGED_PASSWORD="${password_value}" fi # username did NOT previously exist, but has been successfully created. # set group memberships, privileges, and passwd timeout. if [ "$username_in_sam" = "yes" ] then # always try to set group membership and privileges admingroup=$(/usr/bin/mkgroup -l | /usr/bin/awk -F: '{if ( $2 == "S-1-5-32-544" ) print $1;}') if [ -z "${admingroup}" ] then csih_warning "Cannot obtain the Administrators group name from 'mkgroup -l'." ret=1 elif csih_call_winsys32 net localgroup "${admingroup}" | /usr/bin/grep -Eiq "^${username}.?$" then true else csih_call_winsys32 net localgroup "${admingroup}" "${username}" /add > /dev/null 2>&1 && username_in_admingroup=yes if [ "${username_in_admingroup}" != "yes" ] then csih_warning "Adding user '${username}' to local group '${admingroup}' failed!" csih_warning "Please add '${username}' to local group '${admingroup}' before" csih_warning "starting any of the services which depend upon this user!" ret=1 fi fi if ! csih_check_program_or_warn /usr/bin/editrights editrights then csih_warning "The 'editrights' program cannot be found or is not executable." csih_warning "Unable to ensure that '${username}' has the appropriate privileges." ret=1 else /usr/bin/editrights -a SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege -u ${username} && /usr/bin/editrights -a SeCreateTokenPrivilege -u ${username} && /usr/bin/editrights -a SeTcbPrivilege -u ${username} && /usr/bin/editrights -a SeDenyRemoteInteractiveLogonRight -u ${username} && /usr/bin/editrights -a SeServiceLogonRight -u ${username} && username_got_all_rights="yes" if [ "${username_got_all_rights}" != "yes" ] then csih_warning "Assigning the appropriate privileges to user '${username}' failed!" ret=1 fi fi fi # ! username_in_sam # we just created the user, so of course it's in the local SAM, # and mkpasswd -l is appropriate pwd_entry="$(/usr/bin/mkpasswd -l -u "${username}" | /usr/bin/sed -n -e '/^'${username}'/s?\(^[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:\).*?\1'${LOCALSTATEDIR}'/empty:/bin/false?p')" /usr/bin/grep -Eiq "^${username}:" "${SYSCONFDIR}/passwd" && username_in_passwd=yes && /usr/bin/grep -Fiq "${pwd_entry}" "${SYSCONFDIR}/passwd" && entry_in_passwd=yes if [ "${entry_in_passwd}" != "yes" ] then if [ "${username_in_passwd}" = "yes" ] then tmpfile2=$(csih_mktemp) || csih_error "Could not create temp file" /usr/bin/chmod --reference="${SYSCONFDIR}/passwd" "${tmpfile2}" /usr/bin/chown --reference="${SYSCONFDIR}/passwd" "${tmpfile2}" /usr/bin/getfacl "${SYSCONFDIR}/passwd" | /usr/bin/setfacl -f - "${tmpfile2}" # use >> instead of > to preserve permissions and acls /usr/bin/grep -Ev "^${username}:" "${SYSCONFDIR}/passwd" >> "${tmpfile2}" && /usr/bin/mv -f "${tmpfile2}" "${SYSCONFDIR}/passwd" || return 1 fi echo "${pwd_entry}" >> "${SYSCONFDIR}/passwd" || ret=1 fi return "${ret}" } # === End of csih_check_and_create_privileged_user() === # readonly -f slapos_check_and_create_privileged_user # ====================================================================== # Routine: create_template_configure_file # Generate the template file for node and client # ====================================================================== function create_template_configure_file() { wget http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/slapos.core.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/slapos-client.cfg.example -O $client_template_file || return 1 sed -i -e "/^alias/,\$d" $client_template_file echo "alias = apache_frontend http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/slapos.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/software/apache-frontend/software.cfg erp5 http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/slapos.git/blob_plain/refs/heads/cygwin-share:/software/erp5/software.cfg erp5_branch http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/slapos.git/blob_plain/refs/heads/erp5:/software/erp5/software.cfg mariadb http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/slapos.git/blob_plain/refs/heads/cygwin-share:/software/mariadb/software.cfg memcached http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/slapos.git/blob_plain/refs/heads/cygwin-share:/software/memcached/software.cfg mysql http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/slapos.git/blob_plain/refs/heads/cygwin-share:/software/mysql-5.1/software.cfg postgresql http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/slapos.git/blob_plain/refs/heads/cygwin-share:/software/postgres/software.cfg slaposwebrunner http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/slapos.git/blob_plain/refs/heads/cygwin-share:/software/slaprunner/software.cfg slaposwebrunner_lite http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/slapos.git/blob_plain/refs/heads/cygwin-share:/software/slaprunner-lite/software.cfg wordpress http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/slapos.git/blob_plain/refs/heads/cygwin-share:/software/wordpress/software.cfg netdrive_reporter http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/slapos.git/blob_plain/refs/heads/cygwin-share:/software/netdrive-reporter/software.cfg" \ >> $client_template_file echo Got $client_template_file. wget http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/slapos.core.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/slapos.cfg.example -O $node_template_file || return 1 echo Got $node_template_file. } # === create_template_configure_file() === #