How to update you old Suse Image (Suse 12.1 or sooner) ****************************************************** Procedure --------- Run this whole command as root ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # wget ;zypper remove -y slapos.node ; rm -f /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.node-0.88-28.1.x86_64.rpm ;tar -xzf slapprepare.tar.gz ; cd slapprepare; python install; cd .. ; rm -r slapprepare* ; slapprepare -u ; Check your config ----------------- Check your config file and your cron file +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Run: # slaptest This script will check your config file for missing section or parameters You can use the slapos.cfg.example config file as reference. Check dedicated cron file +++++++++++++++++++++++++ # less /etc/cron.d/slapos It should contain a call to slapupdate Check your configuration directory ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # ls /etc/opt/slapos/ It should only contain your slapos configuration files and *-needed files Configuring your machine: ------------------------- LXC ++++ If you want to run lxc on you machine run these command: # touch /etc/opt/slapos/SlapContainer-needed ; systemctl restart slapos-boot-dedicated.service openvpn +++++++ Openvpn by vifib for ipv6 is forced by default in the package. If you want to deactivate it run # rm /etc/opt/slapos/openvpn-needed