Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate BusinessTemplate _Modify_portal_content_Permission Manager __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _action_item AAAAAAAAAAI= _catalog_method_item AAAAAAAAAAM= _catalog_related_key_item AAAAAAAAAAQ= _catalog_result_key_item AAAAAAAAAAU= _catalog_result_table_item AAAAAAAAAAY= _category_item AAAAAAAAAAc= _count AAAAAAAAAAg= _document_item AAAAAAAAAAk= _extension_item AAAAAAAAAAo= _local_properties id template_product_id_list type string id template_document_class_list type string _message_translation_item AAAAAAAAAAs= _module_item AAAAAAAAAAw= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAA0= _owner nexedi acl_users romain _path_item AAAAAAAAAA4= _portal_type_item AAAAAAAAAA8= _product_item AAAAAAAAABA= _property_sheet_item AAAAAAAAABE= _role_item AAAAAAAAABI= _site_property_item AAAAAAAAABM= _skin_item AAAAAAAAABQ= _test_item AAAAAAAAABU= _tree AAAAAAAAABY= _workflow_item AAAAAAAAABc= change_log 2005-07-26 Romain\n \n Added industrial_phase as a variation of Resource.\n Modify DeliveryLine_viewPrice, DeliveryLine_viewQuantity.\n Add DeliveryLine_viewIndustrialPhase, DeliveryCell_asPredicate.\n \n 2005-07-21 Romain\n Modified some forms and scripts in order to make option variation working.\n \n Option are not part of the matrix dimension (use parameter omit_option_base_category).\n DeliveryLine_asCellRange\n OrderLine_asCellRange\n \n Display option variation with DeliveryLine_hashVariationCategoryItemList, but they are not required.\n \n Modified matrixbox_variation_category_list on DeliveryLine_viewPrice and\n DeliveryLine_viewQuantity, in order not to erase option saved on cell.\n \n 2005-07-19 Mika\xc3\xabl\n - Changed\n ContainerLine_asCellRange\n DeliveryLine_asCellRange\n InventoryLine_asCellRange\n InvoiceLine_asCellRange\n OrderLine_asCellRange\n SupplyLine_asCellRange\n with **kw as very last script\'s parameter\n \n 2005-07-10 J\xc3\xa9rome\n \n - Moved simulation_movement_interaction_workflow to erp5_core\n \n 2005-07-08 Romain\n \n - Add simulation_movement_interaction_workflow from Guillaume.\n \n 2005-07-06 Seb\n \n - Added SectionPathMovementGroup to builders\n \n 2005-06-23 Kevin\n \n - Add InventoryLine_zGetTotal\n \n 2005-06-23 yo\n \n - Add Supply Module, Supply, supply_module.\n \n - Add my_resource_title into SupplyLine_view.\n \n 2005-06-20\n \n Added script SupplyLine_asCellRange\n \n 2005-06-16\n \n Fix problem in SupplyLine_asCellRange\n \n 2005-06-16\n \n Added script for the asPredicate method\n for supply line and cells, and also\n trade condition\n \n 2005-06-13\n \n Add base category aggregate.\n \n 2005-06-09\n \n Add Internal Packing List and Inventory modules.\n \n 2005-06-08\n \n Add permissions setting for some workflows.\n Remove container workflow on Purchase Packing List.\n \n 2005-06-02\n \n Updated everything about Supply Lines and Cells\n \n 2005-06-02\n \n Modify some workflow scripts in order to index objects immediately.\n \n 2005-05-31\n \n Add packing list workflows.\n Modify Delivery_zGetTotal.\n \n 2005-05-11\n \n Add causality workflows.\n \n 2005-05-09\n \n Modify configuration of Delivery Builder.\n \n 2005-05-04\n \n Add packing list workflow.\n \n 2005-04-22\n \n Modify security settings.\n \n 2005-04-19\n \n Change my_title field on all forms (name become Title, and not required anymore).\n Order_zSelectMovement must use ZSQLBrain.\n \n 2005-04-18\n \n Add DeliveryBuilder.\n Use explanation_uid in movement table.\n Correct Order_zSelectMovement.\n \n 2005-04-07\n \n Finish some Form\n \n 2005-04-06\n \n Modify TradeCondition_viewPayment\n \n 2005-04-06\n \n Move base categories to erp5_core:\n destination_administration\n destination_decision\n destination_payment\n source_administration\n source_decision\n source_payment\n \n Remove base categories:\n target_destination\n target_destination_section\n target_source\n target_source_section description id erp5_trade portal_type Business Template template_action_path template_base_category payment_mode incoterm segmentation delivery_mode trade_date aggregate template_catalog_method_id erp5_mysql/z_related_parent_specialise_portal_type template_catalog_related_key parent_specialise_portal_type | category,catalog/portal_type/z_related_parent_specialise_portal_type template_catalog_result_key template_catalog_result_table template_document_class_list template_document_id template_message_translation template_module_id inventory_module purchase_trade_condition_module sale_trade_condition_module sale_packing_list_module supply_module sale_order_module internal_packing_list_module purchase_order_module purchase_packing_list_module template_path portal_rules/default_delivery_rule portal_deliveries/sale_packing_list_builder portal_categories/order/supply portal_categories/resource/packing portal_rules/default_order_rule portal_categories/origin/order portal_deliveries/purchase_packing_list_builder template_portal_type_id Sale Order Purchase Order Line Container Order Rule Internal Packing List Module Inventory Purchase Packing List Module Purchase Trade Condition Module Sale Packing List Module Sale Order Line Purchase Packing List Sale Packing List Supply Module Invoice Cell Sale Trade Condition Module Discount Delivery Rule Purchase Trade Condition Delivery Cell Sale Packing List Line Purchase Packing List Line Inventory Module Internal Packing List Inventory Line Purchase Order Sale Trade Condition Sale Order Module Purchase Order Module Supply Container Cell Invoice Line Inventory Cell Supply Cell Container Line Payment Condition Invoice Transaction Line Supply Line Internal Packing List Line template_product_id template_product_id_list template_property_sheet_id template_role template_site_property_id template_skin_id erp5_trade template_test_id template_workflow_id order_workflow packing_list_interaction_workflow packing_list_container_workflow order_interaction_workflow packing_list_causality_workflow internal_packing_list_workflow packing_list_workflow trade_matrix_workflow title erp5_trade uid 1991372679 version 1.0rc11 workflow_history AAAAAAAAABg= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate ActionTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAABk= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate CatalogMethodTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAABo= _filter_expression_archive AAAAAAAAABs= _filter_expression_instance_archive AAAAAAAAABw= _filter_type_archive AAAAAAAAAB0= _is_catalog_list_method_archive AAAAAAAAAB4= _is_catalog_method_archive AAAAAAAAAB8= _is_clear_method_archive AAAAAAAAACA= _is_filtered_archive AAAAAAAAACE= _is_uncatalog_method_archive AAAAAAAAACI= _is_update_method_archive AAAAAAAAACM= tool_id portal_catalog Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate CatalogRelatedKeyTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACQ= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate CatalogResultKeyTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACU= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate CatalogResultTableTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACY= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate CategoryTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACc= tool_id BTrees.Length Length 0 Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate DocumentTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACg= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate ExtensionTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACk= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate MessageTranslationTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACo= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate ModuleTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACs= BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate PathTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACw= _path_archive AAAAAAAAAC0= tool_id Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate PortalTypeTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAAC4= _workflow_chain_archive AAAAAAAAAC8= tool_id portal_types Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate ProductTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADA= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate PropertySheetTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADE= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate RoleTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADI= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate SitePropertyTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADM= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate SkinTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADQ= tool_id portal_skins Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate TestTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADU= BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate WorkflowTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADY= tool_id portal_workflow Persistence PersistentMapping _container business_template_building_workflow building_action build building_actor romain building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Fri _amon Jul _d 38174.3302548 _day 8 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon July _hour 3 _millis 1120809334014 _minute 55 _month 7 _nearsec 34.0 _pday Fri. _pm am _pmhour 3 _pmon July _second 34.014 _t 1120809334.01 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.330254791668 building_action edit building_actor jerome building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Sun _amon Jul _d 38176.4154769 _day 10 _dayoffset 0 _fday Sunday _fmon July _hour 5 _millis 1120989497205 _minute 58 _month 7 _nearsec 17.0 _pday Sun. _pm am _pmhour 5 _pmon July _second 17.205 _t 1120989497.2 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.415476909722 building_action edit building_actor jerome building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Sun _amon Jul _d 38176.4154771 _day 10 _dayoffset 0 _fday Sunday _fmon July _hour 5 _millis 1120989497219 _minute 58 _month 7 _nearsec 17.0 _pday Sun. _pm am _pmhour 5 _pmon July _second 17.219 _t 1120989497.22 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.415477071758 building_action build_action building_actor jerome building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Sun _amon Jul _d 38176.4202064 _day 10 _dayoffset 0 _fday Sunday _fmon July _hour 6 _millis 1120989905832 _minute 5 _month 7 _nearsec 5.0 _pday Sun. _pm am _pmhour 6 _pmon July _second 5.832 _t 1120989905.83 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.420206388888 building_action build building_actor jerome building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Sun _amon Jul _d 38176.4202236 _day 10 _dayoffset 0 _fday Sunday _fmon July _hour 6 _millis 1120989907319 _minute 5 _month 7 _nearsec 7.0 _pday Sun. _pm am _pmhour 6 _pmon July _second 7.319 _t 1120989907.32 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.42022359954 building_action build building_actor jerome building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Sun _amon Jul _d 38176.4202236 _day 10 _dayoffset 0 _fday Sunday _fmon July _hour 6 _millis 1120989907322 _minute 5 _month 7 _nearsec 7.0 _pday Sun. _pm am _pmhour 6 _pmon July _second 7.322 _t 1120989907.32 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.420223634261 building_action edit building_actor jerome building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Sun _amon Jul _d 38176.4238618 _day 10 _dayoffset 0 _fday Sunday _fmon July _hour 6 _millis 1120990221657 _minute 10 _month 7 _nearsec 21.0 _pday Sun. _pm am _pmhour 6 _pmon July _second 21.657 _t 1120990221.66 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.423861770832 building_action edit building_actor jerome building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Sun _amon Jul _d 38176.4238619 _day 10 _dayoffset 0 _fday Sunday _fmon July _hour 6 _millis 1120990221665 _minute 10 _month 7 _nearsec 21.0 _pday Sun. _pm am _pmhour 6 _pmon July _second 21.665 _t 1120990221.66 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.423861863426 building_action build_action building_actor jerome building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Sun _amon Jul _d 38176.4239427 _day 10 _dayoffset 0 _fday Sunday _fmon July _hour 6 _millis 1120990228647 _minute 10 _month 7 _nearsec 28.0 _pday Sun. _pm am _pmhour 6 _pmon July _second 28.647 _t 1120990228.65 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.423942673617 building_action build building_actor jerome building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Sun _amon Jul _d 38176.4239583 _day 10 _dayoffset 0 _fday Sunday _fmon July _hour 6 _millis 1120990229996 _minute 10 _month 7 _nearsec 29.0 _pday Sun. _pm am _pmhour 6 _pmon July _second 29.996 _t 1120990230.0 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.423958287043 building_action build building_actor jerome building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Sun _amon Jul _d 38176.4239583 _day 10 _dayoffset 0 _fday Sunday _fmon July _hour 6 _millis 1120990229999 _minute 10 _month 7 _nearsec 29.0 _pday Sun. _pm am _pmhour 6 _pmon July _second 29.999 _t 1120990230.0 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.423958321757 building_action edit building_actor jerome building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Sun _amon Jul _d 38176.5659804 _day 10 _dayoffset 0 _fday Sunday _fmon July _hour 9 _millis 1121002500707 _minute 35 _month 7 _nearsec 0.0 _pday Sun. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon July _second 0.707 _t 1121002500.71 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.565980405088 building_action edit building_actor jerome building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Sun _amon Jul _d 38176.5659805 _day 10 _dayoffset 0 _fday Sunday _fmon July _hour 9 _millis 1121002500715 _minute 35 _month 7 _nearsec 0.0 _pday Sun. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon July _second 0.715 _t 1121002500.71 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.565980497689 building_action build_action building_actor jerome building_comment z_related_parent_specialise_portal_type have not been included ... building_state modified building_time _aday Sun _amon Jul _d 38176.566286 _day 10 _dayoffset 0 _fday Sunday _fmon July _hour 9 _millis 1121002527113 _minute 35 _month 7 _nearsec 27.0 _pday Sun. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon July _second 27.113 _t 1121002527.11 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.566286030094 building_action build building_actor jerome building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Sun _amon Jul _d 38176.5663035 _day 10 _dayoffset 0 _fday Sunday _fmon July _hour 9 _millis 1121002528625 _minute 35 _month 7 _nearsec 28.0 _pday Sun. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon July _second 28.625 _t 1121002528.62 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.566303530089 building_action build building_actor jerome building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Sun _amon Jul _d 38176.5663036 _day 10 _dayoffset 0 _fday Sunday _fmon July _hour 9 _millis 1121002528628 _minute 35 _month 7 _nearsec 28.0 _pday Sun. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon July _second 28.628 _t 1121002528.63 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.566303564818 building_action edit building_actor mikael building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Tue _amon Jul _d 38185.6113229 _day 19 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon July _hour 10 _millis 1121784018302 _minute 40 _month 7 _nearsec 18.0 _pday Tue. _pm am _pmhour 10 _pmon July _second 18.302 _t 1121784018.3 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.611322939818 building_action build_action building_actor mikael building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Tue _amon Jul _d 38185.6115906 _day 19 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon July _hour 10 _millis 1121784041430 _minute 40 _month 7 _nearsec 41.0 _pday Tue. _pm am _pmhour 10 _pmon July _second 41.43 _t 1121784041.43 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.611590625005 building_action build building_actor mikael building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Tue _amon Jul _d 38185.611615 _day 19 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon July _hour 10 _millis 1121784043534 _minute 40 _month 7 _nearsec 43.0 _pday Tue. _pm am _pmhour 10 _pmon July _second 43.534 _t 1121784043.53 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.61161497685 building_action build building_actor mikael building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Tue _amon Jul _d 38185.611615 _day 19 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon July _hour 10 _millis 1121784043538 _minute 40 _month 7 _nearsec 43.0 _pday Tue. _pm am _pmhour 10 _pmon July _second 43.538 _t 1121784043.54 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.611615023146 building_action edit building_actor romain building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Thu _amon Jul _d 38187.5803068 _day 21 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon July _hour 9 _millis 1121954138508 _minute 55 _month 7 _nearsec 38.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon July _second 38.508 _t 1121954138.51 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.580306805554 building_action build_action building_actor romain building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Thu _amon Jul _d 38187.580714 _day 21 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon July _hour 9 _millis 1121954173687 _minute 56 _month 7 _nearsec 13.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon July _second 13.687 _t 1121954173.69 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.58071396991 building_action build building_actor romain building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Thu _amon Jul _d 38187.5810155 _day 21 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon July _hour 9 _millis 1121954199736 _minute 56 _month 7 _nearsec 39.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon July _second 39.736 _t 1121954199.74 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.581015462965 building_action build building_actor romain building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Thu _amon Jul _d 38187.5810155 _day 21 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon July _hour 9 _millis 1121954199742 _minute 56 _month 7 _nearsec 39.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon July _second 39.742 _t 1121954199.74 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.581015532407 building_action edit building_actor jerome building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Fri _amon Jul _d 38188.8823348 _day 22 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon July _hour 17 _millis 1122066633731 _minute 10 _month 7 _nearsec 33.0 _pday Fri. _pm pm _pmhour 5 _pmon July _second 33.731 _t 1122066633.73 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.882334849535 building_action build_action building_actor jerome building_comment bug fix : add the missing catalog method building_state modified building_time _aday Fri _amon Jul _d 38188.8825682 _day 22 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon July _hour 17 _millis 1122066653891 _minute 10 _month 7 _nearsec 53.0 _pday Fri. _pm pm _pmhour 5 _pmon July _second 53.891 _t 1122066653.89 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.882568182868 building_action build building_actor jerome building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Fri _amon Jul _d 38188.8825924 _day 22 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon July _hour 17 _millis 1122066655980 _minute 10 _month 7 _nearsec 55.0 _pday Fri. _pm pm _pmhour 5 _pmon July _second 55.98 _t 1122066655.98 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.882592361115 building_action build building_actor jerome building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Fri _amon Jul _d 38188.8825924 _day 22 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon July _hour 17 _millis 1122066655983 _minute 10 _month 7 _nearsec 55.0 _pday Fri. _pm pm _pmhour 5 _pmon July _second 55.983 _t 1122066655.98 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.882592395828 building_action edit building_actor romain building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Tue _amon Jul _d 38192.6524144 _day 26 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon July _hour 11 _millis 1122392368601 _minute 39 _month 7 _nearsec 28.0 _pday Tue. _pm am _pmhour 11 _pmon July _second 28.601 _t 1122392368.6 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.652414363423 building_action build_action building_actor romain building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Tue _amon Jul _d 38192.6525537 _day 26 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon July _hour 11 _millis 1122392380641 _minute 39 _month 7 _nearsec 40.0 _pday Tue. _pm am _pmhour 11 _pmon July _second 40.641 _t 1122392380.64 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.652553715277 building_action build building_actor romain building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Tue _amon Jul _d 38192.6525692 _day 26 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon July _hour 11 _millis 1122392381979 _minute 39 _month 7 _nearsec 41.0 _pday Tue. _pm am _pmhour 11 _pmon July _second 41.979 _t 1122392381.98 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.652569201389 building_action build building_actor romain building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Tue _amon Jul _d 38192.6525692 _day 26 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon July _hour 11 _millis 1122392381982 _minute 39 _month 7 _nearsec 41.0 _pday Tue. _pm am _pmhour 11 _pmon July _second 41.982 _t 1122392381.98 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.652569236117 business_template_installation_workflow edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /nexedi/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3680378 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118911798463 _minute 49 _month 6 _nearsec 58.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 58.463 _t 1118911798.46 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.368037766209 Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_catalog/erp5_mysql/z_related_parent_specialise_portal_type AAAAAAAAADc= Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container z_related_parent_specialise_portal_type 0 Persistence PersistentMapping _container z_related_parent_specialise_portal_type 0 Persistence PersistentMapping _container z_related_parent_specialise_portal_type 0 Persistence PersistentMapping _container z_related_parent_specialise_portal_type 0 Persistence PersistentMapping _container z_related_parent_specialise_portal_type 0 Persistence PersistentMapping _container z_related_parent_specialise_portal_type 0 Persistence PersistentMapping _container parent_specialise_portal_type | category,catalog/portal_type/z_related_parent_specialise_portal_type Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_categories/aggregate AAAAAAAAADg= portal_categories/delivery_mode AAAAAAAAADk= portal_categories/incoterm AAAAAAAAADo= portal_categories/payment_mode AAAAAAAAADs= portal_categories/segmentation AAAAAAAAADw= portal_categories/trade_date AAAAAAAAAD0= Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container internal_packing_list_module AAAAAAAAAD4= inventory_module AAAAAAAAAD8= purchase_order_module AAAAAAAAAEA= purchase_packing_list_module AAAAAAAAAEE= purchase_trade_condition_module AAAAAAAAAEI= sale_order_module AAAAAAAAAEM= sale_packing_list_module AAAAAAAAAEQ= sale_trade_condition_module AAAAAAAAAEU= supply_module AAAAAAAAAEY= Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_categories/order/supply AAAAAAAAAEc= portal_categories/origin/order AAAAAAAAAEg= portal_categories/resource/packing AAAAAAAAAEk= portal_deliveries/purchase_packing_list_builder AAAAAAAAAEo= portal_deliveries/sale_packing_list_builder AAAAAAAAAEs= portal_rules/default_delivery_rule AAAAAAAAAEw= portal_rules/default_order_rule AAAAAAAAAE0= Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_categories/order/supply portal_categories/origin/order portal_categories/resource/packing portal_deliveries/purchase_packing_list_builder portal_deliveries/sale_packing_list_builder portal_rules/default_delivery_rule portal_rules/default_order_rule Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_types/Container AAAAAAAAAE4= portal_types/Container Cell AAAAAAAAAE8= portal_types/Container Line AAAAAAAAAFA= portal_types/Delivery Cell AAAAAAAAAFE= portal_types/Delivery Rule AAAAAAAAAFI= portal_types/Discount AAAAAAAAAFM= portal_types/Internal Packing List AAAAAAAAAFQ= portal_types/Internal Packing List Line AAAAAAAAAFU= portal_types/Internal Packing List Module AAAAAAAAAFY= portal_types/Inventory AAAAAAAAAFc= portal_types/Inventory Cell AAAAAAAAAFg= portal_types/Inventory Line AAAAAAAAAFk= portal_types/Inventory Module AAAAAAAAAFo= portal_types/Invoice Cell AAAAAAAAAFs= portal_types/Invoice Line AAAAAAAAAFw= portal_types/Invoice Transaction Line AAAAAAAAAF0= portal_types/Order Rule AAAAAAAAAF4= portal_types/Payment Condition AAAAAAAAAF8= portal_types/Purchase Order AAAAAAAAAGA= portal_types/Purchase Order Line AAAAAAAAAGE= portal_types/Purchase Order Module AAAAAAAAAGI= portal_types/Purchase Packing List AAAAAAAAAGM= portal_types/Purchase Packing List Line AAAAAAAAAGQ= portal_types/Purchase Packing List Module AAAAAAAAAGU= portal_types/Purchase Trade Condition AAAAAAAAAGY= portal_types/Purchase Trade Condition Module AAAAAAAAAGc= portal_types/Sale Order AAAAAAAAAGg= portal_types/Sale Order Line AAAAAAAAAGk= portal_types/Sale Order Module AAAAAAAAAGo= portal_types/Sale Packing List AAAAAAAAAGs= portal_types/Sale Packing List Line AAAAAAAAAGw= portal_types/Sale Packing List Module AAAAAAAAAG0= portal_types/Sale Trade Condition AAAAAAAAAG4= portal_types/Sale Trade Condition Module AAAAAAAAAG8= portal_types/Supply AAAAAAAAAHA= portal_types/Supply Cell AAAAAAAAAHE= portal_types/Supply Line AAAAAAAAAHI= portal_types/Supply Module AAAAAAAAAHM= Persistence PersistentMapping _container Container edit_workflow Container Cell packing_list_interaction_workflow, edit_workflow Container Line packing_list_interaction_workflow, trade_matrix_workflow, edit_workflow Delivery Cell packing_list_interaction_workflow Delivery Rule (Default) Discount edit_workflow Internal Packing List internal_packing_list_workflow, edit_workflow Internal Packing List Line trade_matrix_workflow, edit_workflow Internal Packing List Module Inventory validation_workflow, edit_workflow Inventory Cell (Default) Inventory Line trade_matrix_workflow, edit_workflow Inventory Module Invoice Cell edit_workflow Invoice Line trade_matrix_workflow, edit_workflow Invoice Transaction Line Order Rule (Default) Payment Condition edit_workflow Purchase Order order_workflow, edit_workflow, order_interaction_workflow Purchase Order Line trade_matrix_workflow, edit_workflow Purchase Order Module Purchase Packing List packing_list_workflow, packing_list_causality_workflow, packing_list_interaction_workflow, edit_workflow Purchase Packing List Line trade_matrix_workflow, packing_list_interaction_workflow, edit_workflow Purchase Packing List Module Purchase Trade Condition edit_workflow Purchase Trade Condition Module Sale Order order_workflow, edit_workflow, order_interaction_workflow Sale Order Line trade_matrix_workflow, edit_workflow Sale Order Module Sale Packing List packing_list_workflow, packing_list_container_workflow, packing_list_causality_workflow, packing_list_interaction_workflow, edit_workflow Sale Packing List Line trade_matrix_workflow, packing_list_interaction_workflow, edit_workflow Sale Packing List Module Sale Trade Condition edit_workflow Sale Trade Condition Module Supply edit_workflow Supply Cell Supply Line Supply Module (Default) Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_skins/erp5_trade AAAAAAAAAHQ= Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_workflow/internal_packing_list_workflow AAAAAAAAAHU= portal_workflow/order_interaction_workflow AAAAAAAAAHY= portal_workflow/order_workflow AAAAAAAAAHc= portal_workflow/packing_list_causality_workflow AAAAAAAAAHg= portal_workflow/packing_list_container_workflow AAAAAAAAAHk= portal_workflow/packing_list_interaction_workflow AAAAAAAAAHo= portal_workflow/packing_list_workflow AAAAAAAAAHs= portal_workflow/trade_matrix_workflow AAAAAAAAAHw= Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _arg _data table_0 table_1 _keys table_0 table_1 _owner nexedi acl_users jerome allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src table_0\r\n table_1 cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id z_related_parent_specialise_portal_type max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src .uid = .category_uid\n AND .base_category_uid = \n AND .uid = catalog.parent_uid\n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw .uid = .category_uid\n AND .base_category_uid = \n AND .uid = catalog.parent_uid\n \n ]]> title Products.ERP5Type.Document.BaseCategory BaseCategory __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _count AAAAAAAAAH0= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAH4= _owner nexedi acl_users romain _tree AAAAAAAAAH8= acquisition_portal_type python: [] categories aggregate description id aggregate portal_type Base Category title uid 1991371762 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAIA= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BaseCategory BaseCategory __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _count AAAAAAAAAIE= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAII= _owner nexedi acl_users romain _tree AAAAAAAAAIM= acquisition_portal_type python: [] categories delivery_mode id delivery_mode last_id 1 portal_type Base Category uid 1991371779 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAIQ= Products.ERP5.Tool.Category BaseCategory __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _count AAAAAAAAAIU= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAIY= _owner nexedi acl_users romain _properties description Local ID of the object in its enclosing container id id mode type string description Unique ID of the object in the ZSQLCatalog id uid mode type int catalog_index COUNT catalog_metadata 1 default description id title mode w type string default description id description mode w type text default 0 description Determines if acquired value should be copied id acquisition_copy_value mode w type boolean default 1 description Determines if the local value have priority id acquisition_mask_value mode w type boolean default 0 description Determines if the acquired value should be appended id acquisition_append_value mode w type boolean default 0 description Determines if the acquired value should be synced id acquisition_sync_value mode w type boolean base_id acquisition_object_id default description The default contained object id to look up id acquisition_object_id_list mode w type lines base_id acquisition_base_category default description The base categories to browse id acquisition_base_category_list mode w type tokens base_id acquisition_portal_type default description The portal types to browse id acquisition_portal_type_list mode w multivalued 1 type tales base_id fallback_base_category default description another base category to get if everything else fails id fallback_base_category_list mode w type tokens _tree AAAAAAAAAIc= acquisition_append_value 0 acquisition_base_category acquisition_copy_value 0 acquisition_mask_value 1 acquisition_object_id acquisition_portal_type python: [] acquisition_sync_value 0 categories incoterm incoterm incoterm incoterm incoterm incoterm incoterm incoterm incoterm description fallback_base_category id incoterm title uid 1991371768 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAIg= Products.ERP5.Tool.Category BaseCategory __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _count AAAAAAAAAIk= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAIo= _owner nexedi acl_users romain _properties description Local ID of the object in its enclosing container id id mode type string description Unique ID of the object in the ZSQLCatalog id uid mode type int catalog_index COUNT catalog_metadata 1 default description id title mode w type string default description id description mode w type text default 0 description Determines if acquired value should be copied id acquisition_copy_value mode w type boolean default 1 description Determines if the local value have priority id acquisition_mask_value mode w type boolean default 0 description Determines if the acquired value should be appended id acquisition_append_value mode w type boolean default 0 description Determines if the acquired value should be synced id acquisition_sync_value mode w type boolean base_id acquisition_object_id default description The default contained object id to look up id acquisition_object_id_list mode w type lines base_id acquisition_base_category default description The base categories to browse id acquisition_base_category_list mode w type tokens base_id acquisition_portal_type default description The portal types to browse id acquisition_portal_type_list mode w multivalued 1 type tales base_id fallback_base_category default description another base category to get if everything else fails id fallback_base_category_list mode w type tokens _tree AAAAAAAAAIs= acquisition_append_value 0 acquisition_base_category acquisition_copy_value 0 acquisition_mask_value 1 acquisition_object_id acquisition_portal_type python: [] acquisition_sync_value 0 description fallback_base_category id payment_mode title uid 1991371776 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAIw= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BaseCategory BaseCategory __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _count AAAAAAAAAI0= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAI4= _owner nexedi acl_users romain _tree AAAAAAAAAI8= acquisition_portal_type python: [] categories segmentation id segmentation last_id 1 portal_type Base Category uid 1991371761 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAJA= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BaseCategory BaseCategory __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _count AAAAAAAAAJE= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAJI= _owner nexedi acl_users romain _tree AAAAAAAAAJM= acquisition_portal_type python: [] categories trade_date id trade_date last_id 1 portal_type Base Category uid 1991371772 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAJQ= Persistence PersistentMapping _container id internal_packing_list_module permission_list Access Transient Objects Manager Access arbitrary user session data Manager Access contents information SalesManager Access future portal content Manager Access inactive portal content Manager Access session data Manager AccessContentsInformation Manager Add Accelerated HTTP Cache Managers Manager Add BTreeFolder2s Manager Add Base18 Tools Manager Add Browser Id Manager Manager Add CMF Active Processs Manager Add CMF Base Categorys Manager Add CMF Caching Policy Managers Manager Add CMF Categorys Manager Add CMF Core Tools Manager Add CMF Report Tools Manager Add CMF Sites Manager Add CMFActivity Tools Manager Add CMFCalendar Tools Manager Add CMFCategory Tools Manager Add CMFDefault Tools Manager Add CMFMailIn Tools Manager Add CMFWiki Comment Manager Add Content Type Registrys Manager Add Cookie Crumblers Manager Add Database Methods Manager Add Documents, Images, and Files Manager Add ERP5 Filesystem Formulator Forms Manager Add ERP5 Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Templates Manager Add ERP5 Publications Manager Add ERP5 Reports Manager Add ERP5 Sites Manager Add ERP5 Subscriptions Manager Add ERP5 Tools Manager Add ERP5Catalog Tools Manager Add ERP5Form Tools Manager Add ERP5Shop Tools Manager Add ERP5SyncML Tools Manager Add ERP5Type Tools Manager Add ExtFiles Manager Add ExtImages Manager Add External Methods Manager Add Filesystem Directory Views Manager Add Folders Manager Add Formulator Forms Manager Add LocalContents Manager Add LocalFolders Manager Add Localizers Manager Add MMM Shop Toolss Manager Add MailHost objects Manager Add MessageCatalogs Manager Add Page Templates Manager Add Photo Folders Manager Add Photos Manager Add Pluggable Index Manager Add Python Scripts Manager Add RAM Cache Managers Manager Add ReStructuredText Documents Manager Add Session Data Manager Manager Add Site Roots Manager Add Temporary Folder Manager Add Transient Object Container Manager Add User Folders Manager Add Versions Manager Add Virtual Host Monsters Manager Add Vocabularies Manager Add Z Gadfly Database Connections Manager Add Z MySQL Database Connections Manager Add ZCatalogs Manager Add ZMailIn Clients Manager Add ZMailMessages Manager Add ZODB Mount Points Manager Add Zope Tutorials Manager Add portal content SalesManager Add portal events Manager Add portal folders Manager Add portal member Manager Add portal topics Manager Add shop category Manager Change Browser Id Manager Manager Change CMFWiki Regulations Manager Change DTML Documents Manager Change DTML Methods Manager Change Database Connections Manager Change Database Methods Manager Change ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Change External Methods Manager Change Formulator Fields Manager Change Formulator Forms Manager Change Images and Files Manager Change Lock Information Manager Change Page Templates Manager Change Photo Manager Change Python Scripts Manager Change Session Data Manager Manager Change Versions Manager Change ZMailIn Manager Change ZMailMessages Manager Change bindings Manager Change cache managers Manager Change cache settings Manager Change configuration Manager Change permissions Manager Change portal events Manager Change portal topics Manager Change proxy roles Manager Checkout shopping cart Manager Copy or Move Manager Create CMFWiki Page Manager Create Transient Objects Manager Create class instances Manager Define permissions Manager Delete objects Manager Download ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Download Product Manager Edit CMFWiki Page Manager Edit Factories Manager Edit ReStructuredText Manager FTP access Manager Import/Export objects Manager Join/leave Versions Manager List folder contents Manager List portal members Manager List undoable changes Manager Log Site Errors Manager Log to the Event Log Manager Mail forgotten password Manager Manage Access Rules Manager Manage Transient Object Container Manager Manage Translation Services Manager Manage Vocabulary Manager Manage WebDAV Locks Manager Manage Z Classes Manager Manage ZCatalog Entries Manager Manage ZCatalogIndex Entries Manager Manage currencies Manager Manage extensions Manager Manage languages Manager Manage messages Manager Manage portal Manager Manage properties Manager Manage shop Manager Manage shop catalog Manager Manage shop category Manager Manage users Manager Manage_messages Modify Cookie Crumblers Manager Modify portal content Manager Move CMFWiki Page Manager Open/Close Database Connection Manager Open/Close Database Connections Manager Post mail to ZMailIn Manager Query Vocabulary Manager Reply to item Manager Request review Manager Review portal content Manager Save/discard Version changes Manager Search ZCatalog Manager Set own password Manager Set own properties Manager Take ownership Manager Test Database Connections Manager Translate Content Manager Undo changes Manager Use Database Methods Manager Use Factories Manager Use mailhost services Manager View Manager View History Manager View ZMailMessage Manager View management screens SalesManager WebDAV Lock items Manager WebDAV Unlock items Manager WebDAV access Manager ZopeProfiler: manage Manager ZopeProfiler: view Manager portal_type Internal Packing List Module title Internal Packing List Persistence PersistentMapping _container id inventory_module permission_list Access Transient Objects Manager Access arbitrary user session data Manager Access contents information Manager Access future portal content Manager Access inactive portal content Manager Access session data Manager AccessContentsInformation Manager Add Accelerated HTTP Cache Managers Manager Add BTreeFolder2s Manager Add Base18 Tools Manager Add Browser Id Manager Manager Add CMF Active Processs Manager Add CMF Base Categorys Manager Add CMF Caching Policy Managers Manager Add CMF Categorys Manager Add CMF Core Tools Manager Add CMF Report Tools Manager Add CMF Sites Manager Add CMFActivity Tools Manager Add CMFCalendar Tools Manager Add CMFCategory Tools Manager Add CMFDefault Tools Manager Add CMFMailIn Tools Manager Add CMFWiki Comment Manager Add Content Type Registrys Manager Add Cookie Crumblers Manager Add Database Methods Manager Add Documents, Images, and Files Manager Add ERP5 Filesystem Formulator Forms Manager Add ERP5 Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Templates Manager Add ERP5 Publications Manager Add ERP5 Reports Manager Add ERP5 Sites Manager Add ERP5 Subscriptions Manager Add ERP5 Tools Manager Add ERP5Catalog Tools Manager Add ERP5Form Tools Manager Add ERP5Shop Tools Manager Add ERP5SyncML Tools Manager Add ERP5Type Tools Manager Add ExtFiles Manager Add ExtImages Manager Add External Methods Manager Add Filesystem Directory Views Manager Add Folders Manager Add Formulator Forms Manager Add LocalContents Manager Add LocalFolders Manager Add Localizers Manager Add MMM Shop Toolss Manager Add MailHost objects Manager Add MessageCatalogs Manager Add Page Templates Manager Add Photo Folders Manager Add Photos Manager Add Pluggable Index Manager Add Python Scripts Manager Add RAM Cache Managers Manager Add ReStructuredText Documents Manager Add Session Data Manager Manager Add Site Roots Manager Add Temporary Folder Manager Add Transient Object Container Manager Add User Folders Manager Add Versions Manager Add Virtual Host Monsters Manager Add Vocabularies Manager Add Z Gadfly Database Connections Manager Add Z MySQL Database Connections Manager Add ZCatalogs Manager Add ZMailIn Clients Manager Add ZMailMessages Manager Add ZODB Mount Points Manager Add Zope Tutorials Manager Add portal content Manager Add portal events Manager Add portal folders Manager Add portal member Manager Add portal topics Manager Add shop category Manager Change Browser Id Manager Manager Change CMFWiki Regulations Manager Change DTML Documents Manager Change DTML Methods Manager Change Database Connections Manager Change Database Methods Manager Change ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Change External Methods Manager Change Formulator Fields Manager Change Formulator Forms Manager Change Images and Files Manager Change Lock Information Manager Change Page Templates Manager Change Photo Manager Change Python Scripts Manager Change Session Data Manager Manager Change Versions Manager Change ZMailIn Manager Change ZMailMessages Manager Change bindings Manager Change cache managers Manager Change cache settings Manager Change configuration Manager Change permissions Manager Change portal events Manager Change portal topics Manager Change proxy roles Manager Checkout shopping cart Manager Copy or Move Manager Create CMFWiki Page Manager Create Transient Objects Manager Create class instances Manager Define permissions Manager Delete objects Manager Download ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Download Product Manager Edit CMFWiki Page Manager Edit Factories Manager Edit ReStructuredText Manager FTP access Manager Import/Export objects Manager Join/leave Versions Manager List folder contents Manager List portal members Manager List undoable changes Manager Log Site Errors Manager Log to the Event Log Manager Mail forgotten password Manager Manage Access Rules Manager Manage Transient Object Container Manager Manage Translation Services Manager Manage Vocabulary Manager Manage WebDAV Locks Manager Manage Z Classes Manager Manage ZCatalog Entries Manager Manage ZCatalogIndex Entries Manager Manage currencies Manager Manage extensions Manager Manage languages Manager Manage messages Manager Manage portal Manager Manage properties Manager Manage shop Manager Manage shop catalog Manager Manage shop category Manager Manage users Manager Manage_messages Modify Cookie Crumblers Manager Modify portal content Manager Move CMFWiki Page Manager Open/Close Database Connection Manager Open/Close Database Connections Manager Post mail to ZMailIn Manager Query Vocabulary Manager Reply to item Manager Request review Manager Review portal content Manager Save/discard Version changes Manager Search ZCatalog Manager Set own password Manager Set own properties Manager Take ownership Manager Test Database Connections Manager Translate Content Manager Undo changes Manager Use Database Methods Manager Use Factories Manager Use mailhost services Manager View Manager View History Manager View ZMailMessage Manager View management screens Manager WebDAV Lock items Manager WebDAV Unlock items Manager WebDAV access Manager ZopeProfiler: manage Manager ZopeProfiler: view Manager portal_type Inventory Module title Inventory Persistence PersistentMapping _container id purchase_order_module permission_list Access Transient Objects Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor Access arbitrary user session data Manager Access contents information Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor Access future portal content Manager Access inactive portal content Manager Access session data Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor AccessContentsInformation Manager Add Accelerated HTTP Cache Managers Manager Add BTreeFolder2s Manager Add Base18 Tools Manager Add Browser Id Manager Manager Add CMF Active Processs Manager Add CMF Base Categorys Manager Add CMF Caching Policy Managers Manager Add CMF Categorys Manager Add CMF Core Tools Manager Add CMF Report Tools Manager Add CMF Sites Manager Add CMFActivity Tools Manager Add CMFCalendar Tools Manager Add CMFCategory Tools Manager Add CMFDefault Tools Manager Add CMFMailIn Tools Manager Add CMFWiki Comment Manager Add Content Type Registrys Manager Add Cookie Crumblers Manager Add Database Methods Manager Add Documents, Images, and Files Manager Add ERP5 Filesystem Formulator Forms Manager Add ERP5 Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Templates Manager Add ERP5 Publications Manager Add ERP5 Reports Manager Add ERP5 Sites Manager Add ERP5 Subscriptions Manager Add ERP5 Tools Manager Add ERP5Catalog Tools Manager Add ERP5Form Tools Manager Add ERP5Shop Tools Manager Add ERP5SyncML Tools Manager Add ERP5Type Tools Manager Add ExtFiles Manager Add ExtImages Manager Add External Methods Manager Add Filesystem Directory Views Manager Add Folders Manager Add Formulator Forms Manager Add LocalContents Manager Add LocalFolders Manager Add Localizers Manager Add MMM Shop Toolss Manager Add MailHost objects Manager Add MessageCatalogs Manager Add Page Templates Manager Add Photo Folders Manager Add Photos Manager Add Pluggable Index Manager Add Python Scripts Manager Add RAM Cache Managers Manager Add ReStructuredText Documents Manager Add Session Data Manager Manager Add Site Roots Manager Add Temporary Folder Manager Add Transient Object Container Manager Add User Folders Manager Add Versions Manager Add Virtual Host Monsters Manager Add Vocabularies Manager Add Z Gadfly Database Connections Manager Add Z MySQL Database Connections Manager Add ZCatalogs Manager Add ZMailIn Clients Manager Add ZMailMessages Manager Add ZODB Mount Points Manager Add Zope Tutorials Manager Add portal content Assignor Author Manager Add portal events Manager Add portal folders Manager Add portal member Manager Add portal topics Manager Add shop category Manager Change Browser Id Manager Manager Change CMFWiki Regulations Manager Change DTML Documents Manager Change DTML Methods Manager Change Database Connections Manager Change Database Methods Manager Change ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Change External Methods Manager Change Formulator Fields Manager Change Formulator Forms Manager Change Images and Files Manager Change Lock Information Manager Change Page Templates Manager Change Photo Manager Change Python Scripts Manager Change Session Data Manager Manager Change Versions Manager Change ZMailIn Manager Change ZMailMessages Manager Change bindings Manager Change cache managers Manager Change cache settings Manager Change configuration Manager Change permissions Manager Change portal events Manager Change portal topics Manager Change proxy roles Manager Checkout shopping cart Manager Copy or Move Manager Create CMFWiki Page Manager Create Transient Objects Manager Create class instances Manager Define permissions Manager Delete objects Manager Download ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Download Product Manager Edit CMFWiki Page Manager Edit Factories Manager Edit ReStructuredText Manager FTP access Manager Import/Export objects Manager Join/leave Versions Manager List folder contents Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor List portal members Manager List undoable changes Manager Log Site Errors Manager Log to the Event Log Manager Mail forgotten password Manager Manage Access Rules Manager Manage Transient Object Container Manager Manage Translation Services Manager Manage Vocabulary Manager Manage WebDAV Locks Manager Manage Z Classes Manager Manage ZCatalog Entries Manager Manage ZCatalogIndex Entries Manager Manage currencies Manager Manage extensions Manager Manage languages Manager Manage messages Manager Manage portal Manager Manage properties Manager Manage shop Manager Manage shop catalog Manager Manage shop category Manager Manage users Manager Manage_messages Modify Cookie Crumblers Manager Modify portal content Assignor Manager Move CMFWiki Page Manager Open/Close Database Connection Manager Open/Close Database Connections Manager Post mail to ZMailIn Manager Query Vocabulary Manager Reply to item Manager Request review Manager Review portal content Manager Save/discard Version changes Manager Search ZCatalog Manager Set own password Manager Set own properties Manager Take ownership Manager Test Database Connections Manager Translate Content Manager Undo changes Manager Use Database Methods Manager Use Factories Manager Use mailhost services Manager View Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor View History Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor View ZMailMessage Manager View management screens Manager WebDAV Lock items Manager WebDAV Unlock items Manager WebDAV access Manager ZopeProfiler: manage Manager ZopeProfiler: view Manager portal_type Purchase Order Module title Purchase Order Persistence PersistentMapping _container id purchase_packing_list_module permission_list Access Transient Objects Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor Access arbitrary user session data Manager Access contents information Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor Access future portal content Manager Access inactive portal content Manager Access session data Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor AccessContentsInformation Manager Add Accelerated HTTP Cache Managers Manager Add BTreeFolder2s Manager Add Base18 Tools Manager Add Browser Id Manager Manager Add CMF Active Processs Manager Add CMF Base Categorys Manager Add CMF Caching Policy Managers Manager Add CMF Categorys Manager Add CMF Core Tools Manager Add CMF Report Tools Manager Add CMF Sites Manager Add CMFActivity Tools Manager Add CMFCalendar Tools Manager Add CMFCategory Tools Manager Add CMFDefault Tools Manager Add CMFMailIn Tools Manager Add CMFWiki Comment Manager Add Content Type Registrys Manager Add Cookie Crumblers Manager Add Database Methods Manager Add Documents, Images, and Files Manager Add ERP5 Filesystem Formulator Forms Manager Add ERP5 Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Templates Manager Add ERP5 Publications Manager Add ERP5 Reports Manager Add ERP5 Sites Manager Add ERP5 Subscriptions Manager Add ERP5 Tools Manager Add ERP5Catalog Tools Manager Add ERP5Form Tools Manager Add ERP5Shop Tools Manager Add ERP5SyncML Tools Manager Add ERP5Type Tools Manager Add ExtFiles Manager Add ExtImages Manager Add External Methods Manager Add Filesystem Directory Views Manager Add Folders Manager Add Formulator Forms Manager Add LocalContents Manager Add LocalFolders Manager Add Localizers Manager Add MMM Shop Toolss Manager Add MailHost objects Manager Add MessageCatalogs Manager Add Page Templates Manager Add Photo Folders Manager Add Photos Manager Add Pluggable Index Manager Add Python Scripts Manager Add RAM Cache Managers Manager Add ReStructuredText Documents Manager Add Session Data Manager Manager Add Site Roots Manager Add Temporary Folder Manager Add Transient Object Container Manager Add User Folders Manager Add Versions Manager Add Virtual Host Monsters Manager Add Vocabularies Manager Add Z Gadfly Database Connections Manager Add Z MySQL Database Connections Manager Add ZCatalogs Manager Add ZMailIn Clients Manager Add ZMailMessages Manager Add ZODB Mount Points Manager Add Zope Tutorials Manager Add portal content Assignor Author Manager Add portal events Manager Add portal folders Manager Add portal member Manager Add portal topics Manager Add shop category Manager Change Browser Id Manager Manager Change CMFWiki Regulations Manager Change DTML Documents Manager Change DTML Methods Manager Change Database Connections Manager Change Database Methods Manager Change ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Change External Methods Manager Change Formulator Fields Manager Change Formulator Forms Manager Change Images and Files Manager Change Lock Information Manager Change Page Templates Manager Change Photo Manager Change Python Scripts Manager Change Session Data Manager Manager Change Versions Manager Change ZMailIn Manager Change ZMailMessages Manager Change bindings Manager Change cache managers Manager Change cache settings Manager Change configuration Manager Change permissions Manager Change portal events Manager Change portal topics Manager Change proxy roles Manager Checkout shopping cart Manager Copy or Move Manager Create CMFWiki Page Manager Create Transient Objects Manager Create class instances Manager Define permissions Manager Delete objects Manager Download ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Download Product Manager Edit CMFWiki Page Manager Edit Factories Manager Edit ReStructuredText Manager FTP access Manager Import/Export objects Manager Join/leave Versions Manager List folder contents Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor List portal members Manager List undoable changes Manager Log Site Errors Manager Log to the Event Log Manager Mail forgotten password Manager Manage Access Rules Manager Manage Transient Object Container Manager Manage Translation Services Manager Manage Vocabulary Manager Manage WebDAV Locks Manager Manage Z Classes Manager Manage ZCatalog Entries Manager Manage ZCatalogIndex Entries Manager Manage currencies Manager Manage extensions Manager Manage languages Manager Manage messages Manager Manage portal Manager Manage properties Manager Manage shop Manager Manage shop catalog Manager Manage shop category Manager Manage users Manager Manage_messages Modify Cookie Crumblers Manager Modify portal content Assignor Manager Move CMFWiki Page Manager Open/Close Database Connection Manager Open/Close Database Connections Manager Post mail to ZMailIn Manager Query Vocabulary Manager Reply to item Manager Request review Manager Review portal content Manager Save/discard Version changes Manager Search ZCatalog Manager Set own password Manager Set own properties Manager Take ownership Manager Test Database Connections Manager Translate Content Manager Undo changes Manager Use Database Methods Manager Use Factories Manager Use mailhost services Manager View Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor View History Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor View ZMailMessage Manager View management screens Manager WebDAV Lock items Manager WebDAV Unlock items Manager WebDAV access Manager ZopeProfiler: manage Manager ZopeProfiler: view Manager portal_type Purchase Packing List Module title Purchase Packing List Persistence PersistentMapping _container id purchase_trade_condition_module permission_list Access Transient Objects Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor Access arbitrary user session data Manager Access contents information Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor Access future portal content Manager Access inactive portal content Manager Access session data Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor AccessContentsInformation Manager Add Accelerated HTTP Cache Managers Manager Add BTreeFolder2s Manager Add Base18 Tools Manager Add Browser Id Manager Manager Add CMF Active Processs Manager Add CMF Base Categorys Manager Add CMF Caching Policy Managers Manager Add CMF Categorys Manager Add CMF Core Tools Manager Add CMF Report Tools Manager Add CMF Sites Manager Add CMFActivity Tools Manager Add CMFCalendar Tools Manager Add CMFCategory Tools Manager Add CMFDefault Tools Manager Add CMFMailIn Tools Manager Add CMFWiki Comment Manager Add Content Type Registrys Manager Add Cookie Crumblers Manager Add Database Methods Manager Add Documents, Images, and Files Manager Add ERP5 Filesystem Formulator Forms Manager Add ERP5 Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Templates Manager Add ERP5 Publications Manager Add ERP5 Reports Manager Add ERP5 Sites Manager Add ERP5 Subscriptions Manager Add ERP5 Tools Manager Add ERP5Catalog Tools Manager Add ERP5Form Tools Manager Add ERP5Shop Tools Manager Add ERP5SyncML Tools Manager Add ERP5Type Tools Manager Add ExtFiles Manager Add ExtImages Manager Add External Methods Manager Add Filesystem Directory Views Manager Add Folders Manager Add Formulator Forms Manager Add LocalContents Manager Add LocalFolders Manager Add Localizers Manager Add MMM Shop Toolss Manager Add MailHost objects Manager Add MessageCatalogs Manager Add Page Templates Manager Add Photo Folders Manager Add Photos Manager Add Pluggable Index Manager Add Python Scripts Manager Add RAM Cache Managers Manager Add ReStructuredText Documents Manager Add Session Data Manager Manager Add Site Roots Manager Add Temporary Folder Manager Add Transient Object Container Manager Add User Folders Manager Add Versions Manager Add Virtual Host Monsters Manager Add Vocabularies Manager Add Z Gadfly Database Connections Manager Add Z MySQL Database Connections Manager Add ZCatalogs Manager Add ZMailIn Clients Manager Add ZMailMessages Manager Add ZODB Mount Points Manager Add Zope Tutorials Manager Add portal content Assignor Author Manager Add portal events Manager Add portal folders Manager Add portal member Manager Add portal topics Manager Add shop category Manager Change Browser Id Manager Manager Change CMFWiki Regulations Manager Change DTML Documents Manager Change DTML Methods Manager Change Database Connections Manager Change Database Methods Manager Change ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Change External Methods Manager Change Formulator Fields Manager Change Formulator Forms Manager Change Images and Files Manager Change Lock Information Manager Change Page Templates Manager Change Photo Manager Change Python Scripts Manager Change Session Data Manager Manager Change Versions Manager Change ZMailIn Manager Change ZMailMessages Manager Change bindings Manager Change cache managers Manager Change cache settings Manager Change configuration Manager Change permissions Manager Change portal events Manager Change portal topics Manager Change proxy roles Manager Checkout shopping cart Manager Copy or Move Manager Create CMFWiki Page Manager Create Transient Objects Manager Create class instances Manager Define permissions Manager Delete objects Manager Download ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Download Product Manager Edit CMFWiki Page Manager Edit Factories Manager Edit ReStructuredText Manager FTP access Manager Import/Export objects Manager Join/leave Versions Manager List folder contents Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor List portal members Manager List undoable changes Manager Log Site Errors Manager Log to the Event Log Manager Mail forgotten password Manager Manage Access Rules Manager Manage Transient Object Container Manager Manage Translation Services Manager Manage Vocabulary Manager Manage WebDAV Locks Manager Manage Z Classes Manager Manage ZCatalog Entries Manager Manage ZCatalogIndex Entries Manager Manage currencies Manager Manage extensions Manager Manage languages Manager Manage messages Manager Manage portal Manager Manage properties Manager Manage shop Manager Manage shop catalog Manager Manage shop category Manager Manage users Manager Manage_messages Modify Cookie Crumblers Manager Modify portal content Assignor Manager Move CMFWiki Page Manager Open/Close Database Connection Manager Open/Close Database Connections Manager Post mail to ZMailIn Manager Query Vocabulary Manager Reply to item Manager Request review Manager Review portal content Manager Save/discard Version changes Manager Search ZCatalog Manager Set own password Manager Set own properties Manager Take ownership Manager Test Database Connections Manager Translate Content Manager Undo changes Manager Use Database Methods Manager Use Factories Manager Use mailhost services Manager View Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor View History Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor View ZMailMessage Manager View management screens Manager WebDAV Lock items Manager WebDAV Unlock items Manager WebDAV access Manager ZopeProfiler: manage Manager ZopeProfiler: view Manager portal_type Purchase Trade Condition Module title Purchase Trade Condition Persistence PersistentMapping _container id sale_order_module permission_list Access Transient Objects Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor Access arbitrary user session data Manager Access contents information Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor Access future portal content Manager Access inactive portal content Manager Access session data Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor AccessContentsInformation Manager Add Accelerated HTTP Cache Managers Manager Add BTreeFolder2s Manager Add Base18 Tools Manager Add Browser Id Manager Manager Add CMF Active Processs Manager Add CMF Base Categorys Manager Add CMF Caching Policy Managers Manager Add CMF Categorys Manager Add CMF Core Tools Manager Add CMF Report Tools Manager Add CMF Sites Manager Add CMFActivity Tools Manager Add CMFCalendar Tools Manager Add CMFCategory Tools Manager Add CMFDefault Tools Manager Add CMFMailIn Tools Manager Add CMFWiki Comment Manager Add Content Type Registrys Manager Add Cookie Crumblers Manager Add Database Methods Manager Add Documents, Images, and Files Manager Add ERP5 Filesystem Formulator Forms Manager Add ERP5 Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Templates Manager Add ERP5 Publications Manager Add ERP5 Reports Manager Add ERP5 Sites Manager Add ERP5 Subscriptions Manager Add ERP5 Tools Manager Add ERP5Catalog Tools Manager Add ERP5Form Tools Manager Add ERP5Shop Tools Manager Add ERP5SyncML Tools Manager Add ERP5Type Tools Manager Add ExtFiles Manager Add ExtImages Manager Add External Methods Manager Add Filesystem Directory Views Manager Add Folders Manager Add Formulator Forms Manager Add LocalContents Manager Add LocalFolders Manager Add Localizers Manager Add MMM Shop Toolss Manager Add MailHost objects Manager Add MessageCatalogs Manager Add Page Templates Manager Add Photo Folders Manager Add Photos Manager Add Pluggable Index Manager Add Python Scripts Manager Add RAM Cache Managers Manager Add ReStructuredText Documents Manager Add Session Data Manager Manager Add Site Roots Manager Add Temporary Folder Manager Add Transient Object Container Manager Add User Folders Manager Add Versions Manager Add Virtual Host Monsters Manager Add Vocabularies Manager Add Z Gadfly Database Connections Manager Add Z MySQL Database Connections Manager Add ZCatalogs Manager Add ZMailIn Clients Manager Add ZMailMessages Manager Add ZODB Mount Points Manager Add Zope Tutorials Manager Add portal content Assignor Author Manager Add portal events Manager Add portal folders Manager Add portal member Manager Add portal topics Manager Add shop category Manager Change Browser Id Manager Manager Change CMFWiki Regulations Manager Change DTML Documents Manager Change DTML Methods Manager Change Database Connections Manager Change Database Methods Manager Change ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Change External Methods Manager Change Formulator Fields Manager Change Formulator Forms Manager Change Images and Files Manager Change Lock Information Manager Change Page Templates Manager Change Photo Manager Change Python Scripts Manager Change Session Data Manager Manager Change Versions Manager Change ZMailIn Manager Change ZMailMessages Manager Change bindings Manager Change cache managers Manager Change cache settings Manager Change configuration Manager Change permissions Manager Change portal events Manager Change portal topics Manager Change proxy roles Manager Checkout shopping cart Manager Copy or Move Manager Create CMFWiki Page Manager Create Transient Objects Manager Create class instances Manager Define permissions Manager Delete objects Manager Download ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Download Product Manager Edit CMFWiki Page Manager Edit Factories Manager Edit ReStructuredText Manager FTP access Manager Import/Export objects Manager Join/leave Versions Manager List folder contents Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor List portal members Manager List undoable changes Manager Log Site Errors Manager Log to the Event Log Manager Mail forgotten password Manager Manage Access Rules Manager Manage Transient Object Container Manager Manage Translation Services Manager Manage Vocabulary Manager Manage WebDAV Locks Manager Manage Z Classes Manager Manage ZCatalog Entries Manager Manage ZCatalogIndex Entries Manager Manage currencies Manager Manage extensions Manager Manage languages Manager Manage messages Manager Manage portal Manager Manage properties Manager Manage shop Manager Manage shop catalog Manager Manage shop category Manager Manage users Manager Manage_messages Modify Cookie Crumblers Manager Modify portal content Assignor Manager Move CMFWiki Page Manager Open/Close Database Connection Manager Open/Close Database Connections Manager Post mail to ZMailIn Manager Query Vocabulary Manager Reply to item Manager Request review Manager Review portal content Manager Save/discard Version changes Manager Search ZCatalog Manager Set own password Manager Set own properties Manager Take ownership Manager Test Database Connections Manager Translate Content Manager Undo changes Manager Use Database Methods Manager Use Factories Manager Use mailhost services Manager View Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor View History Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor View ZMailMessage Manager View management screens Manager WebDAV Lock items Manager WebDAV Unlock items Manager WebDAV access Manager ZopeProfiler: manage Manager ZopeProfiler: view Manager portal_type Sale Order Module title Sale Order Persistence PersistentMapping _container id sale_packing_list_module permission_list Access Transient Objects Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor Access arbitrary user session data Manager Access contents information Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor Access future portal content Manager Access inactive portal content Manager Access session data Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor AccessContentsInformation Manager Add Accelerated HTTP Cache Managers Manager Add BTreeFolder2s Manager Add Base18 Tools Manager Add Browser Id Manager Manager Add CMF Active Processs Manager Add CMF Base Categorys Manager Add CMF Caching Policy Managers Manager Add CMF Categorys Manager Add CMF Core Tools Manager Add CMF Report Tools Manager Add CMF Sites Manager Add CMFActivity Tools Manager Add CMFCalendar Tools Manager Add CMFCategory Tools Manager Add CMFDefault Tools Manager Add CMFMailIn Tools Manager Add CMFWiki Comment Manager Add Content Type Registrys Manager Add Cookie Crumblers Manager Add Database Methods Manager Add Documents, Images, and Files Manager Add ERP5 Filesystem Formulator Forms Manager Add ERP5 Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Templates Manager Add ERP5 Publications Manager Add ERP5 Reports Manager Add ERP5 Sites Manager Add ERP5 Subscriptions Manager Add ERP5 Tools Manager Add ERP5Catalog Tools Manager Add ERP5Form Tools Manager Add ERP5Shop Tools Manager Add ERP5SyncML Tools Manager Add ERP5Type Tools Manager Add ExtFiles Manager Add ExtImages Manager Add External Methods Manager Add Filesystem Directory Views Manager Add Folders Manager Add Formulator Forms Manager Add LocalContents Manager Add LocalFolders Manager Add Localizers Manager Add MMM Shop Toolss Manager Add MailHost objects Manager Add MessageCatalogs Manager Add Page Templates Manager Add Photo Folders Manager Add Photos Manager Add Pluggable Index Manager Add Python Scripts Manager Add RAM Cache Managers Manager Add ReStructuredText Documents Manager Add Session Data Manager Manager Add Site Roots Manager Add Temporary Folder Manager Add Transient Object Container Manager Add User Folders Manager Add Versions Manager Add Virtual Host Monsters Manager Add Vocabularies Manager Add Z Gadfly Database Connections Manager Add Z MySQL Database Connections Manager Add ZCatalogs Manager Add ZMailIn Clients Manager Add ZMailMessages Manager Add ZODB Mount Points Manager Add Zope Tutorials Manager Add portal content Assignor Author Manager Add portal events Manager Add portal folders Manager Add portal member Manager Add portal topics Manager Add shop category Manager Change Browser Id Manager Manager Change CMFWiki Regulations Manager Change DTML Documents Manager Change DTML Methods Manager Change Database Connections Manager Change Database Methods Manager Change ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Change External Methods Manager Change Formulator Fields Manager Change Formulator Forms Manager Change Images and Files Manager Change Lock Information Manager Change Page Templates Manager Change Photo Manager Change Python Scripts Manager Change Session Data Manager Manager Change Versions Manager Change ZMailIn Manager Change ZMailMessages Manager Change bindings Manager Change cache managers Manager Change cache settings Manager Change configuration Manager Change permissions Manager Change portal events Manager Change portal topics Manager Change proxy roles Manager Checkout shopping cart Manager Copy or Move Manager Create CMFWiki Page Manager Create Transient Objects Manager Create class instances Manager Define permissions Manager Delete objects Manager Download ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Download Product Manager Edit CMFWiki Page Manager Edit Factories Manager Edit ReStructuredText Manager FTP access Manager Import/Export objects Manager Join/leave Versions Manager List folder contents Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor List portal members Manager List undoable changes Manager Log Site Errors Manager Log to the Event Log Manager Mail forgotten password Manager Manage Access Rules Manager Manage Transient Object Container Manager Manage Translation Services Manager Manage Vocabulary Manager Manage WebDAV Locks Manager Manage Z Classes Manager Manage ZCatalog Entries Manager Manage ZCatalogIndex Entries Manager Manage currencies Manager Manage extensions Manager Manage languages Manager Manage messages Manager Manage portal Manager Manage properties Manager Manage shop Manager Manage shop catalog Manager Manage shop category Manager Manage users Manager Manage_messages Modify Cookie Crumblers Manager Modify portal content Assignor Manager Move CMFWiki Page Manager Open/Close Database Connection Manager Open/Close Database Connections Manager Post mail to ZMailIn Manager Query Vocabulary Manager Reply to item Manager Request review Manager Review portal content Manager Save/discard Version changes Manager Search ZCatalog Manager Set own password Manager Set own properties Manager Take ownership Manager Test Database Connections Manager Translate Content Manager Undo changes Manager Use Database Methods Manager Use Factories Manager Use mailhost services Manager View Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor View History Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor View ZMailMessage Manager View management screens Manager WebDAV Lock items Manager WebDAV Unlock items Manager WebDAV access Manager ZopeProfiler: manage Manager ZopeProfiler: view Manager portal_type Sale Packing List Module title Sale Packing List Persistence PersistentMapping _container id sale_trade_condition_module permission_list Access Transient Objects Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor Access arbitrary user session data Manager Access contents information Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor Access future portal content Manager Access inactive portal content Manager Access session data Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor AccessContentsInformation Manager Add Accelerated HTTP Cache Managers Manager Add BTreeFolder2s Manager Add Base18 Tools Manager Add Browser Id Manager Manager Add CMF Active Processs Manager Add CMF Base Categorys Manager Add CMF Caching Policy Managers Manager Add CMF Categorys Manager Add CMF Core Tools Manager Add CMF Report Tools Manager Add CMF Sites Manager Add CMFActivity Tools Manager Add CMFCalendar Tools Manager Add CMFCategory Tools Manager Add CMFDefault Tools Manager Add CMFMailIn Tools Manager Add CMFWiki Comment Manager Add Content Type Registrys Manager Add Cookie Crumblers Manager Add Database Methods Manager Add Documents, Images, and Files Manager Add ERP5 Filesystem Formulator Forms Manager Add ERP5 Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Templates Manager Add ERP5 Publications Manager Add ERP5 Reports Manager Add ERP5 Sites Manager Add ERP5 Subscriptions Manager Add ERP5 Tools Manager Add ERP5Catalog Tools Manager Add ERP5Form Tools Manager Add ERP5Shop Tools Manager Add ERP5SyncML Tools Manager Add ERP5Type Tools Manager Add ExtFiles Manager Add ExtImages Manager Add External Methods Manager Add Filesystem Directory Views Manager Add Folders Manager Add Formulator Forms Manager Add LocalContents Manager Add LocalFolders Manager Add Localizers Manager Add MMM Shop Toolss Manager Add MailHost objects Manager Add MessageCatalogs Manager Add Page Templates Manager Add Photo Folders Manager Add Photos Manager Add Pluggable Index Manager Add Python Scripts Manager Add RAM Cache Managers Manager Add ReStructuredText Documents Manager Add Session Data Manager Manager Add Site Roots Manager Add Temporary Folder Manager Add Transient Object Container Manager Add User Folders Manager Add Versions Manager Add Virtual Host Monsters Manager Add Vocabularies Manager Add Z Gadfly Database Connections Manager Add Z MySQL Database Connections Manager Add ZCatalogs Manager Add ZMailIn Clients Manager Add ZMailMessages Manager Add ZODB Mount Points Manager Add Zope Tutorials Manager Add portal content Assignor Author Manager Add portal events Manager Add portal folders Manager Add portal member Manager Add portal topics Manager Add shop category Manager Change Browser Id Manager Manager Change CMFWiki Regulations Manager Change DTML Documents Manager Change DTML Methods Manager Change Database Connections Manager Change Database Methods Manager Change ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Change External Methods Manager Change Formulator Fields Manager Change Formulator Forms Manager Change Images and Files Manager Change Lock Information Manager Change Page Templates Manager Change Photo Manager Change Python Scripts Manager Change Session Data Manager Manager Change Versions Manager Change ZMailIn Manager Change ZMailMessages Manager Change bindings Manager Change cache managers Manager Change cache settings Manager Change configuration Manager Change permissions Manager Change portal events Manager Change portal topics Manager Change proxy roles Manager Checkout shopping cart Manager Copy or Move Manager Create CMFWiki Page Manager Create Transient Objects Manager Create class instances Manager Define permissions Manager Delete objects Manager Download ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Download Product Manager Edit CMFWiki Page Manager Edit Factories Manager Edit ReStructuredText Manager FTP access Manager Import/Export objects Manager Join/leave Versions Manager List folder contents Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor List portal members Manager List undoable changes Manager Log Site Errors Manager Log to the Event Log Manager Mail forgotten password Manager Manage Access Rules Manager Manage Transient Object Container Manager Manage Translation Services Manager Manage Vocabulary Manager Manage WebDAV Locks Manager Manage Z Classes Manager Manage ZCatalog Entries Manager Manage ZCatalogIndex Entries Manager Manage currencies Manager Manage extensions Manager Manage languages Manager Manage messages Manager Manage portal Manager Manage properties Manager Manage shop Manager Manage shop catalog Manager Manage shop category Manager Manage users Manager Manage_messages Modify Cookie Crumblers Manager Modify portal content Assignor Manager Move CMFWiki Page Manager Open/Close Database Connection Manager Open/Close Database Connections Manager Post mail to ZMailIn Manager Query Vocabulary Manager Reply to item Manager Request review Manager Review portal content Manager Save/discard Version changes Manager Search ZCatalog Manager Set own password Manager Set own properties Manager Take ownership Manager Test Database Connections Manager Translate Content Manager Undo changes Manager Use Database Methods Manager Use Factories Manager Use mailhost services Manager View Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor View History Assignor Author Associate Assignee Manager Auditor View ZMailMessage Manager View management screens Manager WebDAV Lock items Manager WebDAV Unlock items Manager WebDAV access Manager ZopeProfiler: manage Manager ZopeProfiler: view Manager portal_type Sale Trade Condition Module title Sale Trade Condition Persistence PersistentMapping _container id supply_module permission_list Access Transient Objects Assignee Assignor Associate Auditor Author Manager Access arbitrary user session data Manager Access contents information Assignee Assignor Associate Auditor Author Manager Access future portal content Manager Access inactive portal content Manager Access session data Assignee Assignor Associate Auditor Author Manager AccessContentsInformation Manager Add Accelerated HTTP Cache Managers Manager Add BTreeFolder2s Manager Add Base18 Tools Manager Add Browser Id Manager Manager Add CMF Active Processs Manager Add CMF Base Categorys Manager Add CMF Caching Policy Managers Manager Add CMF Categorys Manager Add CMF Core Tools Manager Add CMF Report Tools Manager Add CMF Sites Manager Add CMFActivity Tools Manager Add CMFCalendar Tools Manager Add CMFCategory Tools Manager Add CMFDefault Tools Manager Add CMFMailIn Tools Manager Add CMFWiki Comment Manager Add Content Type Registrys Manager Add Cookie Crumblers Manager Add Database Methods Manager Add Documents, Images, and Files Manager Add ERP5 Filesystem Formulator Forms Manager Add ERP5 Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Templates Manager Add ERP5 Publications Manager Add ERP5 Reports Manager Add ERP5 Sites Manager Add ERP5 Subscriptions Manager Add ERP5 Tools Manager Add ERP5Catalog Tools Manager Add ERP5Form Tools Manager Add ERP5Shop Tools Manager Add ERP5SyncML Tools Manager Add ERP5Type Tools Manager Add ExtFiles Manager Add ExtImages Manager Add External Methods Manager Add Filesystem Directory Views Manager Add Folders Manager Add Formulator Forms Manager Add LocalContents Manager Add LocalFolders Manager Add Localizers Manager Add MMM Shop Toolss Manager Add MailHost objects Manager Add MessageCatalogs Manager Add Page Templates Manager Add Photo Folders Manager Add Photos Manager Add Pluggable Index Manager Add Python Scripts Manager Add RAM Cache Managers Manager Add ReStructuredText Documents Manager Add Session Data Manager Manager Add Site Roots Manager Add Temporary Folder Manager Add Transient Object Container Manager Add User Folders Manager Add Versions Manager Add Virtual Host Monsters Manager Add Vocabularies Manager Add Z Gadfly Database Connections Manager Add Z MySQL Database Connections Manager Add ZCatalogs Manager Add ZMailIn Clients Manager Add ZMailMessages Manager Add ZODB Mount Points Manager Add Zope Tutorials Manager Add portal content Assignor Author Manager Add portal events Manager Add portal folders Manager Add portal member Manager Add portal topics Manager Add shop category Manager Change Browser Id Manager Manager Change CMFWiki Regulations Manager Change DTML Documents Manager Change DTML Methods Manager Change Database Connections Manager Change Database Methods Manager Change ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Change External Methods Manager Change Formulator Fields Manager Change Formulator Forms Manager Change Images and Files Manager Change Lock Information Manager Change Page Templates Manager Change Photo Manager Change Python Scripts Manager Change Session Data Manager Manager Change Versions Manager Change ZMailIn Manager Change ZMailMessages Manager Change bindings Manager Change cache managers Manager Change cache settings Manager Change configuration Manager Change permissions Manager Change portal events Manager Change portal topics Manager Change proxy roles Manager Checkout shopping cart Manager Copy or Move Manager Create CMFWiki Page Manager Create Transient Objects Manager Create class instances Manager Define permissions Manager Delete objects Manager Download ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Download Product Manager Edit CMFWiki Page Manager Edit Factories Manager Edit ReStructuredText Manager FTP access Manager Import/Export objects Manager Join/leave Versions Manager List folder contents Assignee Assignor Associate Auditor Author Manager List portal members Manager List undoable changes Manager Log Site Errors Manager Log to the Event Log Manager Mail forgotten password Manager Manage Access Rules Manager Manage Transient Object Container Manager Manage Translation Services Manager Manage Vocabulary Manager Manage WebDAV Locks Manager Manage Z Classes Manager Manage ZCatalog Entries Manager Manage ZCatalogIndex Entries Manager Manage currencies Manager Manage extensions Manager Manage languages Manager Manage messages Manager Manage portal Manager Manage properties Manager Manage shop Manager Manage shop catalog Manager Manage shop category Manager Manage users Manager Manage_messages Modify Cookie Crumblers Manager Modify portal content Assignor Manager Move CMFWiki Page Manager Open/Close Database Connection Manager Open/Close Database Connections Manager Post mail to ZMailIn Manager Query Vocabulary Manager Reply to item Manager Request review Manager Review portal content Manager Save/discard Version changes Manager Search ZCatalog Manager Set own password Manager Set own properties Manager Take ownership Manager Test Database Connections Manager Translate Content Manager Undo changes Manager Use Database Methods Manager Use Factories Manager Use mailhost services Manager View Assignee Assignor Associate Auditor Author Manager View History Assignee Assignor Associate Auditor Author Manager View ZMailMessage Manager View management screens Manager WebDAV Lock items Manager WebDAV Unlock items Manager WebDAV access Manager ZopeProfiler: manage Manager ZopeProfiler: view Manager portal_type Supply Module title Supplies Products.ERP5Type.Document.Category Category __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _count AAAAAAAAAJU= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAJY= _owner nexedi acl_users romain _tree AAAAAAAAAJc= categories order/approvisionnement order/supply id supply int_index last_id 1 portal_type Category uid 1991371750 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAJg= Products.ERP5Type.Document.Category Category __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _count AAAAAAAAAJk= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAJo= _tree AAAAAAAAAJs= categories origin/order id order int_index last_id 1 portal_type Category uid 1991371745 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAJw= Products.ERP5Type.Document.Category Category __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _count AAAAAAAAAJ0= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAJ4= _owner nexedi acl_users romain _tree AAAAAAAAAJ8= categories contributors format id packing int_index language portal_type Category rights title Packing uid 1991371747 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAKA= Products.ERP5Type.Document.DeliveryBuilder DeliveryBuilder __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _count AAAAAAAAAKE= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAKI= _tree AAAAAAAAAKM= comment delivery_after_generation_script_id PurchasePackingList_copyOrderProperties delivery_cell_collect_order VariantMovementGroup delivery_cell_portal_type Delivery Cell delivery_cell_separate_order calculateAveragePrice calculateAddQuantity delivery_collect_order OrderMovementGroup DateMovementGroup PathMovementGroup SectionPathMovementGroup delivery_line_collect_order ResourceMovementGroup BaseVariantMovementGroup delivery_line_portal_type Purchase Packing List Line delivery_module purchase_packing_list_module delivery_portal_type Purchase Packing List delivery_select_method_id description id purchase_packing_list_builder portal_type Delivery Builder simulation_select_method_id PurchaseOrder_selectMovement title Purchase Packing List Builder uid 1991371740 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAKQ= Products.ERP5Type.Document.DeliveryBuilder DeliveryBuilder __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _count AAAAAAAAAKU= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAKY= _tree AAAAAAAAAKc= collect_order OrderMovementGroup PathMovementGroup DateMovementGroup ResourceMovementGroup VariantMovementGroup collect_order_list test test2 collect_order_list_id comment delivery_after_generation_method_id delivery_after_generation_script_id SalePackingList_copyOrderProperties delivery_cell_collect_order VariantMovementGroup delivery_cell_portal_type Delivery Cell delivery_cell_separate_order calculateAveragePrice calculateAddQuantity delivery_collect_order OrderMovementGroup DateMovementGroup PathMovementGroup SectionPathMovementGroup delivery_line_collect_order ResourceMovementGroup BaseVariantMovementGroup delivery_line_portal_type Sale Packing List Line delivery_module sale_packing_list_module delivery_portal_type Sale Packing List delivery_select_method_id description id sale_packing_list_builder last_id 1 portal_type Delivery Builder resource_portal_type simulation_select_method_id SaleOrder_selectMovement title Sale Packing List Builder uid 1991371751 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAKg= Products.ERP5Type.Document.DeliveryRule DeliveryRule __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _count AAAAAAAAAKk= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAKo= _owner nexedi acl_users romain _tree AAAAAAAAAKs= id default_delivery_rule portal_type Delivery Rule title uid 1991371746 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAKw= Products.ERP5Type.Document.OrderRule OrderRule __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _count AAAAAAAAAK0= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAK4= _owner nexedi acl_users romain _tree AAAAAAAAAK8= id default_order_rule portal_type Order Rule title uid 1991371739 workflow_history AAAAAAAAALA= Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAALE= AAAAAAAAALI= AAAAAAAAALM= AAAAAAAAALQ= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Container Container Line base_category_list content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Container description Container is equivalent to a movement with qty 1.0 and resource = to the kind of packaging\n Container may point to item (ex. Container serial No or Parcel Serial No if tracing required)\n Container may eventually usa optional property sheet to store parcel No information (we use\n Item property sheet for that). Some acquisition may be required...\n \n Container Line / Container Cell is used to store quantities (never accounted)\n Container Line / Countainer Cell may point to Item\n factory addContainer filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Container init_script property_sheet_list title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAALU= AAAAAAAAALY= AAAAAAAAALc= _owner nexedi acl_users romain content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Container Cell description \n A DeliveryCell allows to define specific quantities\n for each variation of a resource in a delivery line.\n factory addContainerCell id Container Cell Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAALg= AAAAAAAAALk= AAAAAAAAALo= AAAAAAAAALs= AAAAAAAAALw= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Container Cell base_category_list content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Container Line description A DeliveryLine object allows to implement lines in\n Deliveries (packing list, order, invoice, etc.)\n \n It may include a price (for insurance, for customs, for invoices,\n for orders)\n factory addContainerLine filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list Container Cell id Container Line init_script property_sheet_list title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAL0= AAAAAAAAAL4= AAAAAAAAAL8= AAAAAAAAAMA= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types content_icon order_line_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Delivery Cell description Une ligne tarifaire. factory addDeliveryCell filter_content_types 1 id Delivery Cell Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAME= AAAAAAAAAMI= AAAAAAAAAMM= AAAAAAAAAMQ= AAAAAAAAAMU= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types content_icon rule_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Delivery Rule description An ERP5 Rule... factory addDeliveryRule filter_content_types 1 id Delivery Rule Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAMY= AAAAAAAAAMc= AAAAAAAAAMg= AAAAAAAAAMk= _owner nexedi acl_users romain content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Discount description \n Discounts are used in orders, trade condition,...\n factory addDiscount id Discount Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAMo= AAAAAAAAAMs= AAAAAAAAAMw= AAAAAAAAAM0= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_action_list allowed_content_types Internal Packing List Line base_category_list content_icon organisation_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Packing List description A Product object holds the information about\n a manufactured product, like a pen, a bicycle... factory addPackingList filter_actions 0 filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Internal Packing List init_script property_sheet_list title Internal Packing List Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAM4= AAAAAAAAAM8= AAAAAAAAANA= AAAAAAAAANE= AAAAAAAAANI= AAAAAAAAANM= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_action_list allowed_content_types Delivery Cell base_category_list content_icon organisation_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Internal Packing List Line description A Product object holds the information about\n a manufactured product, like a pen, a bicycle... factory addDeliveryLine filter_actions 0 filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list Delivery Cell id Internal Packing List Line init_script property_sheet_list title Internal Packing List Line Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAANQ= AAAAAAAAANU= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Internal Packing List content_icon folder_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Folder description An Order... factory addFolder filter_content_types 1 id Internal Packing List Module title Internal Packing List Module Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAANY= AAAAAAAAANc= AAAAAAAAANg= AAAAAAAAANk= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Inventory Line content_icon inventory_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Inventory description une liste de mouvements... factory addInventory filter_content_types 1 id Inventory title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAANo= AAAAAAAAANs= AAAAAAAAANw= AAAAAAAAAN0= _owner nexedi acl_users romain content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Inventory Cell description \n An InventoryCell allows to define specific inventory\n for each variation of a resource in an inventory line.\n factory addInventoryCell id Inventory Cell Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAN4= AAAAAAAAAN8= AAAAAAAAAOA= AAAAAAAAAOE= AAAAAAAAAOI= AAAAAAAAAOM= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_action_list allowed_content_types Inventory Cell base_category_list content_icon inventory_line_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Inventory Line description Une ligne tarifaire. factory addInventoryLine filter_actions 0 filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list Inventory Cell id Inventory Line init_script property_sheet_list title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAOQ= AAAAAAAAAOU= AAAAAAAAAOY= AAAAAAAAAOc= AAAAAAAAAOg= AAAAAAAAAOk= AAAAAAAAAOo= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Inventory content_icon folder_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Folder description An Order... factory addFolder filter_content_types 1 id Inventory Module title Inventory Module Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAOs= AAAAAAAAAOw= AAAAAAAAAO0= AAAAAAAAAO4= AAAAAAAAAO8= AAAAAAAAAPA= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types content_icon invoice_line_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Invoice Cell description Une ligne tarifaire. factory addInvoiceCell filter_content_types 1 id Invoice Cell title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAPE= AAAAAAAAAPI= AAAAAAAAAPM= AAAAAAAAAPQ= AAAAAAAAAPU= AAAAAAAAAPY= AAAAAAAAAPc= AAAAAAAAAPg= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Invoice Cell base_category_list destination_region product_line content_icon order_line_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Invoice Line description Une ligne tarifaire. factory addInvoiceLine filter_content_types 1 id Invoice Line init_script property_sheet_list redirect_script title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAPk= AAAAAAAAAPo= AAAAAAAAAPs= AAAAAAAAAPw= AAAAAAAAAP0= AAAAAAAAAP4= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types content_icon order_line_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Invoice Transaction Line description factory addInvoiceTransactionLine filter_content_types 1 id Invoice Transaction Line title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAP8= AAAAAAAAAQA= AAAAAAAAAQE= AAAAAAAAAQI= AAAAAAAAAQM= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types content_icon rule_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Order Rule description An ERP5 Rule... factory addOrderRule filter_content_types 1 id Order Rule Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAQQ= AAAAAAAAAQU= AAAAAAAAAQY= AAAAAAAAAQc= AAAAAAAAAQg= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types base_category_list content_icon payment_condition_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Payment Condition description Payment Conditions are used to define all the parameters of a payment. factory addPaymentCondition filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Payment Condition init_script property_sheet_list title Payment Condition Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAQk= AAAAAAAAAQo= AAAAAAAAAQs= AAAAAAAAAQw= AAAAAAAAAQ0= AAAAAAAAAQ4= AAAAAAAAAQ8= AAAAAAAAARA= AAAAAAAAARE= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Discount Payment Condition Purchase Order Line base_category_list content_icon organisation_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Order description A Purchase... factory addOrder filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Purchase Order init_script property_sheet_list title Purchase Order Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAARI= AAAAAAAAARM= AAAAAAAAARQ= AAAAAAAAARU= AAAAAAAAARY= AAAAAAAAARc= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Delivery Cell base_category_list content_icon organisation_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Order Line description A Product object holds the information about\n a manufactured product, like a pen, a bicycle... factory addOrderLine filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list Delivery Cell id Purchase Order Line init_script property_sheet_list title Purchase Order Line Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAARg= AAAAAAAAARk= AAAAAAAAARo= AAAAAAAAARs= AAAAAAAAARw= AAAAAAAAAR0= AAAAAAAAAR4= AAAAAAAAAR8= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Purchase Order content_icon folder_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Folder description An Order... factory addFolder filter_content_types 1 id Purchase Order Module title Purchase Order Module Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAASA= AAAAAAAAASE= AAAAAAAAASI= AAAAAAAAASM= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Purchase Packing List Line content_icon organisation_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Packing List description A Product object holds the information about\n a manufactured product, like a pen, a bicycle... factory addPackingList filter_content_types 1 id Purchase Packing List title Purchase Packing List Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAASQ= AAAAAAAAASU= AAAAAAAAASY= AAAAAAAAASc= AAAAAAAAASg= AAAAAAAAASk= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Delivery Cell base_category_list content_icon organisation_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Delivery Line description A Product object holds the information about\n a manufactured product, like a pen, a bicycle... factory addDeliveryLine filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list Delivery Cell id Purchase Packing List Line init_script property_sheet_list title Purchase Packing List Line Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAASo= AAAAAAAAASs= AAAAAAAAASw= AAAAAAAAAS0= AAAAAAAAAS4= AAAAAAAAAS8= AAAAAAAAATA= AAAAAAAAATE= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Purchase Packing List content_icon folder_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Folder description An Order... factory addFolder filter_content_types 1 id Purchase Packing List Module title Purchase Packing List Module Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAATI= AAAAAAAAATM= AAAAAAAAATQ= AAAAAAAAATU= AAAAAAAAATY= AAAAAAAAATc= AAAAAAAAATg= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Discount Payment Condition base_category_list content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Trade Condition description Trade Conditions are used to store the conditions (payment, logistic,...)\n which should be applied (and used in the orders) when two companies make\n business together\n factory addTradeCondition filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Purchase Trade Condition init_script property_sheet_list title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAATk= AAAAAAAAATo= AAAAAAAAATs= AAAAAAAAATw= AAAAAAAAAT0= AAAAAAAAAT4= AAAAAAAAAT8= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Purchase Trade Condition base_category_list content_icon folder_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Folder description Folders allow to store a large number of documents (1,000,000 should not\n be a problem). factory addFolder filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Purchase Trade Condition Module init_script property_sheet_list title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAUA= AAAAAAAAAUE= AAAAAAAAAUI= AAAAAAAAAUM= AAAAAAAAAUQ= AAAAAAAAAUU= AAAAAAAAAUY= AAAAAAAAAUc= AAAAAAAAAUg= AAAAAAAAAUk= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Discount Payment Condition Sale Order Line base_category_list content_icon organisation_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Order description An Order... factory addOrder filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Sale Order init_script property_sheet_list PaymentCondition redirect_script title Sale Order Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAUo= AAAAAAAAAUs= AAAAAAAAAUw= AAAAAAAAAU0= AAAAAAAAAU4= AAAAAAAAAU8= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Delivery Cell base_category_list content_icon organisation_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Order Line description A Product object holds the information about\n a manufactured product, like a pen, a bicycle... factory addOrderLine filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list Delivery Cell id Sale Order Line init_script property_sheet_list redirect_script title Sale Order Line Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAVA= AAAAAAAAAVE= AAAAAAAAAVI= AAAAAAAAAVM= AAAAAAAAAVQ= AAAAAAAAAVU= AAAAAAAAAVY= AAAAAAAAAVc= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Sale Order content_icon folder_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Folder description An Order... factory addFolder filter_content_types 1 id Sale Order Module title Sale Order Module Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAVg= AAAAAAAAAVk= AAAAAAAAAVo= AAAAAAAAAVs= AAAAAAAAAVw= AAAAAAAAAV0= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Container Sale Packing List Line base_category_list content_icon organisation_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Packing List description A Product object holds the information about\n a manufactured product, like a pen, a bicycle... factory addPackingList filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Sale Packing List init_script property_sheet_list title Sale Packing List Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAV4= AAAAAAAAAV8= AAAAAAAAAWA= AAAAAAAAAWE= AAAAAAAAAWI= AAAAAAAAAWM= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Delivery Cell base_category_list content_icon organisation_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Delivery Line description A Product object holds the information about\n a manufactured product, like a pen, a bicycle... factory addDeliveryLine filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list Delivery Cell id Sale Packing List Line init_script property_sheet_list title Sale Packing List Line Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAWQ= AAAAAAAAAWU= AAAAAAAAAWY= AAAAAAAAAWc= AAAAAAAAAWg= AAAAAAAAAWk= AAAAAAAAAWo= AAAAAAAAAWs= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Sale Packing List content_icon folder_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Folder description An Order... factory addFolder filter_content_types 1 id Sale Packing List Module title Sale Packing List Module Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAWw= AAAAAAAAAW0= AAAAAAAAAW4= AAAAAAAAAW8= AAAAAAAAAXA= AAAAAAAAAXE= AAAAAAAAAXI= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Discount Payment Condition base_category_list content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Trade Condition description Trade Conditions are used to store the conditions (payment, logistic,...)\n which should be applied (and used in the orders) when two companies make\n business together\n \n factory addTradeCondition filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Sale Trade Condition init_script property_sheet_list Comment PaymentCondition title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAXM= AAAAAAAAAXQ= AAAAAAAAAXU= AAAAAAAAAXY= AAAAAAAAAXc= AAAAAAAAAXg= AAAAAAAAAXk= AAAAAAAAAXo= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Sale Trade Condition base_category_list content_icon folder_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Folder description Folders allow to store a large number of documents (1,000,000 should not\n be a problem). factory addFolder filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Sale Trade Condition Module init_script property_sheet_list title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAXs= AAAAAAAAAXw= AAAAAAAAAX0= _owner nexedi acl_users yo allowed_content_types Supply Line base_category_list content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Supply description A Document can contain text that can be formatted using\n *Structured Text* or *HTML*. Text can be automatically translated\n through the use of \'message catalogs\'.\n \n A Document is a terminating leaf\n in the OFS. It can not contain anything.\n \n Document inherits from XMLObject and can\n be synchronized accross multiple sites.\n factory addSupply filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Supply init_script property_sheet_list title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAX4= AAAAAAAAAX8= AAAAAAAAAYA= AAAAAAAAAYE= AAAAAAAAAYI= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types content_icon order_line_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Supply Cell description Une ligne tarifaire. factory addSupplyCell filter_content_types 1 id Supply Cell Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAYM= AAAAAAAAAYQ= AAAAAAAAAYU= AAAAAAAAAYY= AAAAAAAAAYc= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_action_list allowed_content_types Supply Cell base_category_list content_icon order_line_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Supply Line description Une ligne tarifaire. factory addSupplyLine filter_actions 0 filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list Supply Cell id Supply Line init_script SupplyLine_init property_sheet_list title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAYg= AAAAAAAAAYk= AAAAAAAAAYo= _owner nexedi acl_users yo allowed_content_types Supply base_category_list content_icon folder_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Folder description Folders allow to store a large number of documents (1,000,000 should not\n be a problem). factory addFolder filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Supply Module init_script property_sheet_list title OFS.Folder Folder ContainerLine_asCellRange AAAAAAAAAYs= ContainerLine_view AAAAAAAAAYw= ContainerLine_viewQuantity AAAAAAAAAY0= ContainerLine_zGetTotal AAAAAAAAAY4= Container_view AAAAAAAAAY8= Container_zGetTotal AAAAAAAAAZA= DeliveryCell_asPredicate AAAAAAAAAZE= DeliveryCell_view AAAAAAAAAZI= DeliveryLine_asCellRange AAAAAAAAAZM= DeliveryLine_hashVariationCategoryItemList AAAAAAAAAZQ= DeliveryLine_view AAAAAAAAAZU= DeliveryLine_viewIndustrialPhase AAAAAAAAAZY= DeliveryLine_viewPrice AAAAAAAAAZc= DeliveryLine_viewQuantity AAAAAAAAAZg= DeliveryLine_zGetRelatedQuantity AAAAAAAAAZk= DeliveryLine_zGetTotal AAAAAAAAAZo= Delivery_mergeDeliveryList AAAAAAAAAZs= Delivery_viewMergedDeliveryList AAAAAAAAAZw= Delivery_zGetTotal AAAAAAAAAZ0= Discount_view AAAAAAAAAZ4= InternalPackingListModule_viewInternalPackingListList AAAAAAAAAZ8= InternalPackingList_view AAAAAAAAAaA= InventoryCell_view AAAAAAAAAaE= InventoryLine_asCellRange AAAAAAAAAaI= InventoryLine_view AAAAAAAAAaM= InventoryLine_viewInventory AAAAAAAAAaQ= InventoryLine_viewPrice AAAAAAAAAaU= InventoryLine_zGetTotal AAAAAAAAAaY= InventoryModule_viewInventoryList AAAAAAAAAac= Inventory_view AAAAAAAAAag= InvoiceLine_asCellRange AAAAAAAAAak= InvoiceLine_view AAAAAAAAAao= InvoiceLine_viewPrice AAAAAAAAAas= InvoiceLine_viewQuantity AAAAAAAAAaw= Movement_getPackedQuantity AAAAAAAAAa0= Movement_zGetPackedQuantity AAAAAAAAAa4= OrderLine_asCellRange AAAAAAAAAa8= Order_zSelectMovement AAAAAAAAAbA= PackingListLine_view AAAAAAAAAbE= PackingList_copyOrderProperties AAAAAAAAAbI= PackingList_viewDateWorkflowActionDialog AAAAAAAAAbM= PaymentCondition_view AAAAAAAAAbQ= PurchaseOrderModule_viewPurchaseOrderList AAAAAAAAAbU= PurchaseOrder_applyPurchaseTradeCondition AAAAAAAAAbY= PurchaseOrder_selectMovement AAAAAAAAAbc= PurchaseOrder_view AAAAAAAAAbg= PurchasePackingListModule_viewPurchasePackingListList AAAAAAAAAbk= PurchasePackingList_copyOrderProperties AAAAAAAAAbo= PurchasePackingList_view AAAAAAAAAbs= PurchaseTradeConditionModule_viewPurchaseTradeConditionList AAAAAAAAAbw= PurchaseTradeCondition_asPredicate AAAAAAAAAb0= PurchaseTradeCondition_view AAAAAAAAAb4= PurchaseTradeCondition_viewProfile AAAAAAAAAb8= Resource_getDefaultSupplyLine AAAAAAAAAcA= Resource_viewDefaultSupplyLine AAAAAAAAAcE= SaleInvoiceTransaction_viewAsHTML AAAAAAAAAcI= SaleInvoiceTransaction_viewInvoice AAAAAAAAAcM= SaleOrderModule_viewSaleOrderList AAAAAAAAAcQ= SaleOrder_applySaleTradeCondition AAAAAAAAAcU= SaleOrder_selectMovement AAAAAAAAAcY= SaleOrder_view AAAAAAAAAcc= SalePackingListModule_viewSalePackingListList AAAAAAAAAcg= SalePackingList_copyOrderProperties AAAAAAAAAck= SalePackingList_fastInput AAAAAAAAAco= SalePackingList_fastInputForm AAAAAAAAAcs= SalePackingList_view AAAAAAAAAcw= SalePackingList_viewContainerList AAAAAAAAAc0= SaleTradeConditionModule_viewSaleTradeConditionList AAAAAAAAAc4= SaleTradeCondition_asPredicate AAAAAAAAAc8= SaleTradeCondition_view AAAAAAAAAdA= SaleTradeCondition_viewProfile AAAAAAAAAdE= SupplyCell_asPredicate AAAAAAAAAdI= SupplyCell_getLocalPredicatePropertyDict AAAAAAAAAdM= SupplyLine_asCellRange AAAAAAAAAdQ= SupplyLine_asPredicate AAAAAAAAAdU= SupplyLine_init AAAAAAAAAdY= SupplyLine_view AAAAAAAAAdc= Supply_view AAAAAAAAAdg= TradeCondition_getDueDate AAAAAAAAAdk= TradeCondition_getLocalPredicatePropertyDict AAAAAAAAAdo= TradeCondition_viewDiscount 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meta_type Script (Python) id OrderLine_asCellRange meta_type Script (Python) id SaleOrder_selectMovement meta_type Script (Python) id SalePackingListModule_viewSalePackingListList meta_type ERP5 Form id SalePackingList_view meta_type ERP5 Form id Order_zSelectMovement meta_type Z SQL Method id PurchaseOrder_selectMovement meta_type Script (Python) id PurchasePackingListModule_viewPurchasePackingListList meta_type ERP5 Form id PurchasePackingList_view meta_type ERP5 Form id Container_view meta_type ERP5 Form id SalePackingList_viewContainerList meta_type ERP5 Form id ContainerLine_view meta_type ERP5 Form id ContainerLine_viewQuantity meta_type ERP5 Form id ContainerLine_asCellRange meta_type Script (Python) id ContainerLine_zGetTotal meta_type Z SQL Method id Container_zGetTotal meta_type Z SQL Method id SalePackingList_copyOrderProperties meta_type Script (Python) id PurchasePackingList_copyOrderProperties meta_type Script (Python) id PackingList_copyOrderProperties meta_type Script (Python) id DeliveryLine_hashVariationCategoryItemList meta_type Script (Python) id DeliveryLine_view meta_type ERP5 Form id PackingList_viewDateWorkflowActionDialog meta_type ERP5 Form id PackingListLine_view meta_type ERP5 Form id Movement_getPackedQuantity meta_type Script (Python) id Movement_zGetPackedQuantity meta_type Z SQL Method id SalePackingList_fastInput meta_type Script (Python) id SalePackingList_fastInputForm meta_type ERP5 Form id SupplyLine_asCellRange meta_type Script (Python) id Resource_viewDefaultSupplyLine meta_type ERP5 Form id Resource_getDefaultSupplyLine meta_type Script (Python) id SupplyLine_view meta_type ERP5 Form id SupplyLine_init meta_type Script (Python) id InventoryLine_asCellRange meta_type Script (Python) id InventoryLine_view meta_type ERP5 Form id InventoryLine_viewInventory meta_type ERP5 Form id InventoryLine_viewPrice meta_type ERP5 Form id InventoryModule_viewInventoryList meta_type ERP5 Form id Inventory_view meta_type ERP5 Form id InternalPackingListModule_viewInternalPackingListList meta_type ERP5 Form id InternalPackingList_view meta_type ERP5 Form id DeliveryLine_zGetRelatedQuantity meta_type Z SQL Method id DeliveryCell_view meta_type ERP5 Form id InventoryCell_view meta_type ERP5 Form id SupplyCell_getLocalPredicatePropertyDict meta_type Script (Python) id TradeCondition_getLocalPredicatePropertyDict meta_type Script (Python) id SupplyLine_asPredicate meta_type Script (Python) id Supply_view meta_type ERP5 Form id InventoryLine_zGetTotal meta_type Z SQL Method id Delivery_mergeDeliveryList meta_type Script (Python) id Delivery_viewMergedDeliveryList meta_type ERP5 Form id SaleInvoiceTransaction_viewAsHTML meta_type Page Template id SaleInvoiceTransaction_viewInvoice meta_type ERP5 Form id PurchaseTradeCondition_asPredicate meta_type Script (Python) id SaleTradeCondition_asPredicate meta_type Script (Python) id SupplyCell_asPredicate meta_type Script (Python) id InvoiceLine_asCellRange meta_type Script (Python) id InvoiceLine_view meta_type ERP5 Form id InvoiceLine_viewPrice meta_type ERP5 Form id InvoiceLine_viewQuantity meta_type ERP5 Form id TradeCondition_getDueDate meta_type Script (Python) id TradeCondition_viewDiscount meta_type ERP5 Form id TradeCondition_viewPayment meta_type ERP5 Form id DeliveryCell_asPredicate meta_type Script (Python) id DeliveryLine_viewIndustrialPhase meta_type ERP5 Form id DeliveryLine_viewPrice meta_type ERP5 Form id DeliveryLine_viewQuantity meta_type ERP5 Form _owner nexedi acl_users romain id erp5_trade title uid -72028677 Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow DCWorkflowDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner _objects id states meta_type Workflow States id transitions meta_type Workflow Transitions id variables meta_type Workflow Variables id worklists meta_type Worklists id scripts meta_type Workflow Scripts _owner nexedi acl_users romain id internal_packing_list_workflow initial_state delivered permissions scripts AAAAAAAAAd0= state_var simulation_state states AAAAAAAAAd4= title Internal Packing List transitions AAAAAAAAAd8= uid -1660013816 variables AAAAAAAAAeA= worklists AAAAAAAAAeE= Products.ERP5.InteractionWorkflow InteractionWorkflowDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _objects id interactions meta_type Workflow Interaction id variables meta_type Workflow Variables id worklists meta_type Worklists id scripts meta_type Workflow Scripts _owner nexedi acl_users romain id order_interaction_workflow interactions AAAAAAAAAeI= scripts AAAAAAAAAeM= variables AAAAAAAAAeQ= worklists AAAAAAAAAeU= Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow DCWorkflowDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner _objects id states meta_type Workflow States id transitions meta_type Workflow Transitions id variables meta_type Workflow Variables id worklists meta_type Worklists id scripts meta_type Workflow Scripts _owner nexedi acl_users romain id order_workflow initial_state draft permissions Modify portal content Add portal content scripts AAAAAAAAAeY= state_var simulation_state states AAAAAAAAAec= title Order transitions AAAAAAAAAeg= uid -1660013816 variables AAAAAAAAAek= worklists AAAAAAAAAeo= Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow DCWorkflowDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner _objects id states meta_type Workflow States id transitions meta_type Workflow Transitions id variables meta_type Workflow Variables id worklists meta_type Worklists id scripts meta_type Workflow Scripts _owner nexedi acl_users romain id packing_list_causality_workflow initial_state solved permissions Modify portal content Add portal content scripts AAAAAAAAAes= state_var causality_state states AAAAAAAAAew= title Causality workflow transitions AAAAAAAAAe0= uid -1660013816 variables AAAAAAAAAe4= worklists AAAAAAAAAe8= Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow DCWorkflowDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner _objects id states meta_type Workflow States id transitions meta_type Workflow Transitions id variables meta_type Workflow Variables id worklists meta_type Worklists id scripts meta_type Workflow Scripts _owner nexedi acl_users romain id packing_list_container_workflow initial_state packed permissions Modify portal content Add portal content scripts AAAAAAAAAfA= state_var container_state states AAAAAAAAAfE= title Container workflow transitions AAAAAAAAAfI= uid -1660013816 variables AAAAAAAAAfM= worklists AAAAAAAAAfQ= Products.ERP5.InteractionWorkflow InteractionWorkflowDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _objects id interactions meta_type Workflow Interaction id variables meta_type Workflow Variables id worklists meta_type Worklists id scripts meta_type Workflow Scripts _owner nexedi acl_users romain id packing_list_interaction_workflow interactions AAAAAAAAAfU= scripts AAAAAAAAAfY= variables AAAAAAAAAfc= worklists AAAAAAAAAfg= Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow DCWorkflowDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner _objects id states meta_type Workflow States id transitions meta_type Workflow Transitions id variables meta_type Workflow Variables id worklists meta_type Worklists id scripts meta_type Workflow Scripts _owner nexedi acl_users romain id packing_list_workflow initial_state draft permissions Modify portal content Add portal content scripts AAAAAAAAAfk= state_var simulation_state states AAAAAAAAAfo= title Packing List transitions AAAAAAAAAfs= uid -1660013816 variables AAAAAAAAAfw= worklists AAAAAAAAAf0= Products.ERP5.InteractionWorkflow InteractionWorkflowDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _objects id interactions meta_type Workflow Interaction id variables meta_type Workflow Variables id worklists meta_type Worklists id scripts meta_type Workflow Scripts _owner nexedi acl_users romain id trade_matrix_workflow interactions AAAAAAAAAf4= scripts AAAAAAAAAf8= variables AAAAAAAAAgA= worklists AAAAAAAAAgE= BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3461731 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909909352 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 29.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 29.352 _t 1118909909.35 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346173055557 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3461591 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909908142 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 28.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 28.142 _t 1118909908.14 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346159050925 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3461705 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909909131 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 29.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 29.131 _t 1118909909.13 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346170497687 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3461624 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909908431 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 28.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 28.431 _t 1118909908.43 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346162395828 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3461733 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909909372 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 29.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 29.372 _t 1118909909.37 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346173287035 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3461652 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909908669 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 28.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 28.669 _t 1118909908.67 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346165150462 BTrees.Length Length 2 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree ERP5 Category AAAAAAAAAgI= BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree flux tendu AAAAAAAAAgM= reassort AAAAAAAAAgQ= Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3461961 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911347 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.347 _t 1118909911.35 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346196145838 action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3461962 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911351 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.351 _t 1118909911.35 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346196192128 BTrees.Length Length 4 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree ERP5 Category AAAAAAAAAgU= BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree EDI AAAAAAAAAgY= FAX AAAAAAAAAgc= Internet AAAAAAAAAgg= eMail AAAAAAAAAgk= Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.346201 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911766 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.766 _t 1118909911.77 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346200995366 action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.346201 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911769 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.769 _t 1118909911.77 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346201030094 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3461966 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911389 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.389 _t 1118909911.39 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346196631945 action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3461967 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911393 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.393 _t 1118909911.39 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346196678234 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3462016 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911818 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.818 _t 1118909911.82 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346201597218 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3461957 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911309 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.309 _t 1118909911.31 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346195706021 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3462005 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911723 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.723 _t 1118909911.72 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346200497683 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.346205 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909912113 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 32.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 32.113 _t 1118909912.11 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.34620501157 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAgo= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAgs= category object_view condition description id history_view permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAgw= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions View priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAg0= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAg4= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAg8= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAhA= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions View priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAhE= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAhI= category object_view condition description id view_quantity permissions View priority 10 title Quantity visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAhM= category object_view condition description id view_history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAhQ= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions View priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAhU= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAhY= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAhc= category object_view condition description id history_view permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAhg= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions View priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAhk= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAho= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAhs= category object_action condition description id list permissions View priority 10 title Object Contents visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAhw= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAh0= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions View priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAh4= category object_action condition description id translate permissions Translate Content priority 10 title Translate visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAh8= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAiA= category object_view condition description id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAiE= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions View priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAiI= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAiM= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAiQ= category object_view condition description id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAiU= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAiY= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAic= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAig= category object_view condition description id view_price permissions View priority 10 title Price visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAik= category object_view condition description id quantity_view permissions View priority 10 title Quantity visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAio= category object_view condition description id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAis= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAiw= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAi0= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAi4= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAi8= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAjA= category object_view condition description id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAjE= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAjI= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAjM= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAjQ= category object_view condition description id history_view permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAjU= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions View priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAjY= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAjc= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAjg= category object_view condition description id price_view permissions View priority 10 title Price visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAjk= category object_view condition description id inventory_view permissions View priority 10 title Inventory visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAjo= category object_view condition description id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAjs= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAjw= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAj0= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAj4= category object_sort condition description id sort_on permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAj8= category object_ui condition description id list_ui permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAkA= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAkE= category object_exchange condition description id csv_export permissions View priority 10 title Export Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAkI= category object_exchange condition description id csv_import permissions View priority 10 title Import Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAkM= category object_search condition description id search permissions View priority 10 title Search visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAkQ= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAkU= category object_action condition description id list permissions View priority 10 title Object Contents visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAkY= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAkc= category object_view condition description id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAkg= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAkk= category object_exchange condition description id translate permissions Translate Content priority 10 title Translate visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAko= category object_view condition description icon id view optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAks= category object_action condition description icon id list optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Object Contents visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAkw= category object_print condition description icon id print optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAk0= category object_exchange condition description icon id translate optional 0 permissions Translate Content priority 10 title Translate visible 0 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAk4= category object_view condition description icon id quantity optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Quantity visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAk8= category object_view condition description icon id price optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Price visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAlA= category object_view condition description icon id history optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAlE= category object_view condition description icon id metadata optional 0 permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAlI= category object_view condition description icon id view optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAlM= category object_action condition description icon id list optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Object Contents visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAlQ= category object_print condition description icon id print optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAlU= category object_view condition description icon id history optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAlY= category object_view condition description icon id metadata optional 0 permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAlc= category object_exchange condition description icon id translate optional 0 permissions Translate Content priority 10 title Translate visible 0 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAlg= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAlk= category object_action condition description id list permissions View priority 10 title Object Contents visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAlo= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAls= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions View priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAlw= category object_action condition description id translate permissions Translate Content priority 10 title Translate visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAl0= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAl4= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAl8= category object_view condition description id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAmA= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAmE= category object_exchange condition description id translate permissions Translate Content priority 10 title Translate visible 0 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAmI= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAmM= category object_view condition description id payment_condition permissions View priority 10 title Payment visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAmQ= category object_view condition description id profile_view permissions View priority 10 title Profile visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAmU= category object_view condition description id view_discount permissions View priority 10 title Discount visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAmY= category object_view condition description id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAmc= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAmg= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAmk= category object_action condition description id apply_trade_condition permissions Modify portal content priority 10 title Apply Purchase Trade Condition visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAmo= category object_jump condition description id jump_to_related_purchase_packing_list permissions View priority 10 title Related Purchase Packing List visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAms= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAmw= category object_view condition description id price_view permissions View priority 10 title Price visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAm0= category object_view condition description id quantity_view permissions View priority 10 title Quantity visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAm4= category object_view condition description id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAm8= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAnA= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAnE= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAnI= category object_sort condition description id sort_on permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAnM= category object_ui condition description id list_ui permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAnQ= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAnU= category object_exchange condition description id csv_export permissions View priority 10 title Export Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAnY= category object_exchange condition description id csv_import permissions View priority 10 title Import Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAnc= category object_search condition description id search permissions View priority 10 title Search visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAng= category object_report condition description id workflow_report permissions View priority 10 title Workflow Report visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAnk= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAno= category object_view condition description id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAns= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAnw= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAn0= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAn4= category object_view condition description id view_price permissions View priority 10 title Price visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAn8= category object_view condition description id quantity_view permissions View priority 10 title Quantity visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAoA= category object_view condition description id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAoE= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAoI= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAoM= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAoQ= category object_sort condition description id sort_on permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAoU= category object_ui condition description id list_ui permissions View priority 10 title UI visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAoY= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAoc= category object_exchange condition description id csv_export permissions View priority 10 title Export Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAog= category object_exchange condition description id csv_import permissions View priority 10 title Import Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAok= category object_search condition description id search permissions View priority 10 title Search visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAoo= category object_report condition description id workflow_report permissions View priority 10 title Workflow Report visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAos= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAow= category object_view condition description id view_payment permissions View priority 10 title Payment visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAo0= category object_view condition description id view_profile permissions View priority 10 title Profile visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAo4= category object_view condition description id view_discount permissions View priority 10 title Discount visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAo8= category object_view condition description id view_history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAApA= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions View priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAApE= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAApI= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAApM= category object_sort condition description id sort_on permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAApQ= category object_ui condition description id list_ui permissions View priority 10 title Modify UI visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAApU= category object_exchange condition description id cvs_export permissions View priority 10 title Export Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAApY= category object_exchange condition description id csv_import permissions View priority 10 title Import Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAApc= category object_search condition description id search permissions View priority 10 title Search visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAApg= category object_report condition description id workflow_report permissions View priority 10 title Workflow Report visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAApk= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAApo= category object_view condition description id payment_condition permissions View priority 10 title Payment visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAps= category object_view condition description id profile_view permissions View priority 10 title Profile visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAApw= category object_view condition description id view_discount permissions View priority 10 title Discount visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAp0= category object_view condition description id inventory_view permissions View priority 10 title Stock visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAp4= category object_view condition description id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAp8= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAqA= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAqE= category object_action condition description id apply_trade_condition permissions Modify portal content priority 10 title Apply Sale Trade Condition visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAqI= category object_jump condition description id jump_to_related_sale_packing_list permissions View priority 10 title Related Sale Packing List visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAqM= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAqQ= category object_view condition description id price_view permissions View priority 10 title Price visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAqU= category object_view condition description id quantity_view permissions View priority 10 title Quantity visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAqY= category object_view condition description id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAqc= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAqg= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAqk= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAqo= category object_sort condition description id sort_on permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAqs= category object_ui condition description id list_ui permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAqw= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAq0= category object_exchange condition description id csv_export permissions View priority 10 title Export Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAq4= category object_exchange condition description id csv_import permissions View priority 10 title Import Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAq8= category object_search condition description id search permissions View priority 10 title Search visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAArA= category object_report condition description id workflow_report permissions View priority 10 title Workflow Report visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAArE= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAArI= category object_view condition description id view_container_list permissions View priority 10 title Container visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAArM= category object_view condition description id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAArQ= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAArU= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAArY= category object_exchange condition description id container_fast_input permissions Modify portal content priority 10 title Container Fast Input visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAArc= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAArg= category object_view condition description id price_view permissions View priority 10 title Price visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAArk= category object_view condition description id quantity_view permissions View priority 10 title Quantity visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAro= category object_view condition description id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAArs= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAArw= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAr0= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAr4= category object_sort condition description id sort_on permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAr8= category object_ui condition description id list_ui permissions View priority 10 title UI visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAsA= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAsE= category object_exchange condition description id csv_export permissions View priority 10 title Export Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAsI= category object_exchange condition description id csv_import permissions View priority 10 title Import Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAsM= category object_search condition description id search permissions View priority 10 title Search visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAsQ= category object_report condition description id workflow_report permissions View priority 10 title Workflow Report visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAsU= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAsY= category object_view condition description id view_payment permissions View priority 10 title Payment visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAsc= category object_view condition description id view_profile permissions View priority 10 title Profile visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAsg= category object_view condition description id view_discount permissions View priority 10 title Discount visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAsk= category object_view condition description id view_history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAso= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions View priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAss= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAsw= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAs0= category object_sort condition description id sort_on permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAs4= category object_ui condition description id list_ui permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAs8= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAtA= category object_exchange condition description id cvs_export permissions View priority 10 title Export Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAtE= category object_exchange condition description id csv_import permissions View priority 10 title Import Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAtI= category object_search condition description id search permissions View priority 10 title Search visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAtM= category object_report condition description id workflow_report permissions View priority 10 title Workflow Report visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAtQ= category object_view condition description icon id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAtU= category object_view condition description icon id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAtY= category object_view condition description icon id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAtc= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAtg= category object_action condition description id list permissions View priority 10 title Object Contents visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAtk= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAto= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions View priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAts= category object_action condition description id translate permissions Translate Content priority 10 title Translate visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAtw= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAt0= category object_action condition description id list permissions View priority 10 title Object Contents visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAt4= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAt8= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions View priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAuA= category object_action condition description id translate permissions Translate Content priority 10 title Translate visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAuE= category object_view condition description icon id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAuI= category object_sort condition description icon id sort_on permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAuM= category object_ui condition description icon id list_ui permissions View priority 10 title Modify UI visible 1 Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body invert display and value in item\n cell_range.append( map(lambda x: (x[1],x[0]), context.getVariationCategoryItemList(base_category_list = (base_category,) ) ) )\n else:\n cell_range.append( context.getVariationCategoryList(base_category_list = (base_category,) ) )\n \n cell_range = filter(lambda x: x != [], cell_range )\n \n return cell_range\n ]]> _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGQBAGQCAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAwAAAE5pAAAAAGMBAAAADAAA AAwAAABLAAAAc9kAAAB0AAB0AQBkAQCDAgCDAAB9BABnAAB9BQB8BAB0BABqCQBvrAABdAAAfAQA ZAIAgwIAgwAAfQcAeIEAdAYAfAcAgwEARF1zAH0JAHwAAGQDAGoCAG84AAF0AAB8BQBkBACDAgB0 CQBkBQCEAAB0AAB0AQBkBgCDAgBkBwB8CQBmAQCDAAGDAgCDAQABcUQAAXQAAHwFAGQEAIMCAHQA AHQBAGQIAIMCAGQHAHwJAGYBAIMAAYMBAAFxRABXdAoAZAkAhAAAfAUAgwIAfQUAbgEAAXwFAFNk 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class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id ContainerLine_zGetTotal max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n AND\t\n \tcatalog.uid = movement.uid\n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n AND\t\n \tcatalog.uid = movement.uid\n ]]> title Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_gross_weight meta_type FloatField id my_serial_number meta_type StringField id listbox meta_type ListBox id my_title meta_type StringField id my_resource_title meta_type RelationStringField id contained_total_quantity meta_type FloatField id my_variation_category_list meta_type ParallelListField action Base_edit contained_total_quantity AAAAAAAAAvQ= encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center my_description hidden left my_title my_resource_title my_variation_category_list right my_gross_weight my_serial_number contained_total_quantity id Container_view listbox AAAAAAAAAvU= method POST my_description AAAAAAAAAvY= my_gross_weight AAAAAAAAAvc= my_resource_title AAAAAAAAAvg= my_serial_number AAAAAAAAAvk= my_title AAAAAAAAAvo= my_variation_category_list AAAAAAAAAvs= name Container_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Container unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _arg _data uid _keys uid _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAAAvw= allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id Container_zGetTotal max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n AND\n ((\n container_cell.parent_uid = container_line.uid \n AND container_line.parent_uid = \n AND movement.uid = container_cell.uid\n AND container_cell.portal_type = "Container Cell"\n )\n OR\n (\n container_line.parent_uid = \n AND container_line.uid = container_cell.uid\n AND movement.uid = container_cell.uid\n AND container_cell.has_cell_content = 0\n AND container_line.portal_type = "Container Line"\n ))\n AND container_cell.portal_type <> "Container"\n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n AND\n ((\n container_cell.parent_uid = container_line.uid \n AND container_line.parent_uid = \n AND movement.uid = container_cell.uid\n AND container_cell.portal_type = "Container Cell"\n )\n OR\n (\n container_line.parent_uid = \n AND container_line.uid = container_cell.uid\n AND movement.uid = container_cell.uid\n AND container_cell.has_cell_content = 0\n AND container_line.portal_type = "Container Line"\n ))\n AND container_cell.portal_type <> "Container"\n ]]> title Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body return context.generatePredicate(\n multimembership_criterion_base_category_list=(\'industrial_phase\',))\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAAAAAAQAAAAEAAAATwAA AHMdAAAAdAAAdAEAZAEAgwIAZAIAZAMAZgEAgwABU2QAAFMoBAAAAE5zEQAAAGdlbmVyYXRlUHJl ZGljYXRlcywAAABtdWx0aW1lbWJlcnNoaXBfY3JpdGVyaW9uX2Jhc2VfY2F0ZWdvcnlfbGlzdHMQ AAAAaW5kdXN0cmlhbF9waGFzZSgCAAAAcwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zBwAAAGNvbnRleHQoBAAAAHME AAAAYXJnc3MCAAAAa3dzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MHAAAAY29udGV4dCgAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNj cmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMYAAAARGVsaXZlcnlDZWxsX2FzUHJlZGljYXRlAQAAAHMCAAAADwEoAQAA AHMYAAAARGVsaXZlcnlDZWxsX2FzUHJlZGljYXRlKAEAAABzGAAAAERlbGl2ZXJ5Q2VsbF9hc1By ZWRpY2F0ZSgAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMIAAAAPG1vZHVsZT4BAAAAcwAA AAA= _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAAAv0= _filepath Script (Python):/nexedi/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_asPredicate _params *args,**kw errors func_code co_argcount 0 co_varnames args kw _getattr_ context func_defaults id DeliveryCell_asPredicate warnings Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_resource_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_variation_category_list meta_type ParallelListField id my_quantity_unit meta_type ListField id my_price meta_type FloatField id my_aggregate_title_list meta_type MultiRelationStringField id my_quantity meta_type FloatField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom groups bottom center my_description left my_title my_resource_title my_variation_category_list right my_quantity my_quantity_unit my_price my_aggregate_title_list id DeliveryCell_view method POST my_aggregate_title_list AAAAAAAAAv4= my_description AAAAAAAAAv8= my_price AAAAAAAAAwA= my_quantity AAAAAAAAAwE= my_quantity_unit AAAAAAAAAwI= my_resource_title AAAAAAAAAwM= my_title AAAAAAAAAwQ= my_variation_category_list AAAAAAAAAwU= name DeliveryCell_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Delivery Cell unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body invert display and value in item\n cell_range.append( map(lambda x: (x[1],x[0]), context.getVariationCategoryItemList(base_category_list = (base_category,) ) ) )\n else:\n cell_range.append( context.getVariationCategoryList(base_category_list = (base_category,) ) )\n \n cell_range = filter(lambda x: x != [], cell_range )\n \n return cell_range\n ]]> _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGQBAGQCAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAwAAAE5pAAAAAGMBAAAADAAA AAwAAABLAAAAc98AAAB0AAB0AQBkAQCDAgCDAAB9BABnAAB9BQB8BAB0BABqCQBvsgABdAAAfAQA ZAIAgwIAZAMAZAQAgwABfQcAeIEAdAYAfAcAgwEARF1zAH0JAHwAAGQEAGoCAG84AAF0AAB8BQBk BQCDAgB0CQBkBgCEAAB0AAB0AQBkBwCDAgBkCAB8CQBmAQCDAAGDAgCDAQABcUoAAXQAAHwFAGQF 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traverse_subpath _body # Remove empty items\n item_list = filter(lambda x: x not in [(\'\',\'\'), [\'\',\'\']],\\\n item_list)\n \n sub_field_dict = {}\n split_depth = 1\n resource = context.getResourceValue()\n if resource is not None:\n not_option_base_category_list = resource.getVariationBaseCategoryList(\n omit_option_base_category=1)\n \n for item in item_list:\n # Get value of the item\n item_value = item[int(not is_right_display)]\n \n # Hash key from item_value\n item_split = string.split(item_value, \'/\')\n item_key = string.join(item_split[:split_depth] , \'/\' )\n base_category = item_split[0]\n \n if not sub_field_dict.has_key(item_key):\n # Create property dict\n sub_field_property_dict = default_sub_field_property_dict.copy()\n sub_field_property_dict[\'key\'] = item_key\n required_value = 0\n if base_category in not_option_base_category_list:\n required_value = 1\n sub_field_property_dict[\'required\'] = required_value\n sub_field_property_dict[\'field_type\'] = \'MultiListField\'\n sub_field_property_dict[\'size\'] = 5\n sub_field_property_dict[\'item_list\'] = [(\'\',\'\')]\n sub_field_property_dict[\'value\'] = []\n sub_field_dict[item_key] = sub_field_property_dict\n \n sub_field_dict[item_key][\'item_list\'] =\\\n sub_field_dict[item_key][\'item_list\'] + [item]\n if item_value in value_list:\n sub_field_dict[item_key][\'value\'] =\\\n sub_field_dict[item_key][\'value\'] + [item_value]\n \n return sub_field_dict.values()\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAwAAAEAAAABzEwAAAGgAAGQBAGQCAIQCAFoAAGQAAFMoAwAAAE5pAAAAAGMEAAAA GAAAABMAAABDAAAAcyACAAB0AABkAQCEAAB8AACDAgB9AABoAAB9BQBkAgB9BgB0BAB0BQBkAwCD AgCDAAB9CQB8CQB0BwBqCQBvHAABdAQAfAkAZAQAgwIAZAUAZAIAgwABfQsAbgEAAXiwAXQJAHwA AIMBAERdogF9DQB0CwB8DQB0DAB8AwAMgwEAgwIAfRAAdAQAdA8AZAYAgwIAfBAAZAcAgwIAfRIA dAQAdA8AZAgAgwIAdAsAfBIAZAAAfAYAhQIAgwIAZAcAgwIAfRMAdAsAfBIAZAkAgwIAfRQAdAQA fAUAZAoAgwIAfBMAgwEADG+sAAF0BAB8AgBkCwCDAgCDAAB9FQB8EwB0FQB8FQCDAQBkDAA8ZAkA 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O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGQBAGQCAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAwAAAE5zAAAAAGMBAAAADQAA ABAAAABDAAAAcw8BAAB0AAB0AQBkAQCDAgB9AwB0AwB8AwBkAgCDAgB9BQB0AAB0AAB0AQBkAwCD AgBkBACDAgB8BQBkBQB0AQBkAQB8AwCDAQJ9BgBnAAB9BwB4JwB0BwB8BgCDAQBEXRkAfQkAdAAA fAcAZAYAgwIAfAkAgwEAAXFbAFd0CQB8BwCDAQBkBwBqAABvJAABdAAAdAEAZAgAgwIAgwAAZAkA F3wAABd9CwBkCgB9DABuPQABdAAAdAEAZAgAgwIAgwAAZAkAF3wAABd9CwBkCwB9DAB0AAB0AAB0 AQBkDACDAgBkDQCDAgB8BwCDAQABdAAAdAAAfAMAZA4AgwIAZA8AgwIAfAsAfAwAF4MBAFNkAABT KBAAAABOcwcAAABSRVFVRVNUcw4AAABzZWxlY3Rpb25fbmFtZXMRAAAAcG9ydGFsX3NlbGVjdGlv bnNzFQAAAGdldFNlbGVjdGlvblZhbHVlTGlzdHMHAAAAY29udGV4dHMGAAAAYXBwZW5kaQIAAABz DAAAAGFic29sdXRlX3VybHMBAAAAL3M5AAAAP3BvcnRhbF9zdGF0dXNfbWVzc2FnZT1QbGVhc2Ur c2VsZWN0K21vcmUrdGhhbitvbmUraXRlbXMucx4AAAA/cG9ydGFsX3N0YXR1c19tZXNzYWdlPU1l 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arguments_src from_table_list:list\r\n where_expression\r\n order_by_expression cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id Delivery_zGetTotal max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src AS ,\n \n WHERE\n 1=1\n \n AND \n \n AND catalog.has_cell_content = 0\n AND catalog.portal_type <> "Container"\n AND catalog.portal_type <> "Container Line"\n AND catalog.portal_type <> "Container Cell"\n AND catalog.portal_type <> "Simulation Movement"\n \n \n ORDER BY \n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw AS ,\n \n WHERE\n 1=1\n \n AND \n \n AND catalog.has_cell_content = 0\n AND catalog.portal_type <> "Container"\n AND catalog.portal_type <> "Container Line"\n AND catalog.portal_type <> "Container Cell"\n AND catalog.portal_type <> "Simulation Movement"\n \n \n ORDER BY \n \n ]]> title Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_int_index 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my_description hidden left my_title my_default_source_title my_default_source_section_title right my_default_destination_title my_default_destination_section_title my_start_date my_stop_date total_quantity total_price id InternalPackingList_view listbox AAAAAAAAAzY= method POST my_default_destination_section_title AAAAAAAAAzc= my_default_destination_title AAAAAAAAAzg= my_default_source_section_title AAAAAAAAAzk= my_default_source_title AAAAAAAAAzo= my_description AAAAAAAAAzs= my_start_date AAAAAAAAAzw= my_stop_date AAAAAAAAAz0= my_title AAAAAAAAAz4= name PurchasePackingList_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Internal Packing List total_price AAAAAAAAAz8= total_quantity AAAAAAAAA0A= unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_inventory meta_type FloatField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_resource_title meta_type RelationStringField id 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name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body invert display and value in item\n cell_range.append( map(lambda x: (x[1],x[0]), context.getVariationCategoryItemList(base_category_list = (base_category,) ) ) )\n else:\n cell_range.append( context.getVariationCategoryList(base_category_list = (base_category,) ) )\n \n cell_range = filter(lambda x: x != [], cell_range )\n \n return cell_range\n ]]> _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGQBAGQCAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAwAAAE5pAAAAAGMBAAAADAAA AAwAAABLAAAAc9kAAAB0AAB0AQBkAQCDAgCDAAB9BABnAAB9BQB8BAB0BABqCQBvrAABdAAAfAQA ZAIAgwIAgwAAfQcAeIEAdAYAfAcAgwEARF1zAH0JAHwAAGQDAGoCAG84AAF0AAB8BQBkBACDAgB0 CQBkBQCEAAB0AAB0AQBkBgCDAgBkBwB8CQBmAQCDAAGDAgCDAQABcUQAAXQAAHwFAGQEAIMCAHQA AHQBAGQIAIMCAGQHAHwJAGYBAIMAAYMBAAFxRABXdAoAZAkAhAAAfAUAgwIAfQUAbgEAAXwFAFNk AABTKAoAAABOcxAAAABnZXRSZXNvdXJjZVZhbHVlcxwAAABnZXRWYXJpYXRpb25CYXNlQ2F0ZWdv cnlMaXN0aQEAAABzBgAAAGFwcGVuZGMBAAAAAgAAAAQAAABDAAAAcxwAAAB0AAB8AABkAQCDAgB0 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meta_type LinesField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list Default right center bottom hidden groups Default my_title bottom matrixbox mapped_value_property_list center hidden matrixbox_price matrixbox_predicate_category_list matrixbox_variation_category_list right id InventoryLine_viewPrice mapped_value_property_list AAAAAAAAA1g= matrixbox AAAAAAAAA1k= matrixbox_predicate_category_list AAAAAAAAA1o= matrixbox_price AAAAAAAAA1s= matrixbox_variation_category_list AAAAAAAAA1w= method POST my_title AAAAAAAAA10= name InventoryLine_viewPrice pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Price unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _arg _data uid _keys uid _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAAA14= _owner nexedi acl_users kevin allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src uid cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ ZSQLBrain connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id InventoryLine_zGetTotal max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n AND\t\n \tcatalog.uid = movement.uid\n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n AND\t\n \tcatalog.uid = movement.uid\n ]]> title Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox action Base_doSelect encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom groups bottom center left listbox right id InventoryModule_viewInventoryList listbox AAAAAAAAA18= method POST name InventoryModule_viewInventoryList pt form_list row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Inventory List unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_title meta_type StringField id my_start_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_destination_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_section_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id listbox meta_type ListBox id state meta_type StringField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center my_description hidden left my_title my_start_date right my_destination_title my_destination_section_title state id Inventory_view listbox AAAAAAAAA2A= method POST my_description AAAAAAAAA2E= my_destination_section_title AAAAAAAAA2I= my_destination_title AAAAAAAAA2M= my_start_date AAAAAAAAA2Q= my_title AAAAAAAAA2U= name PurchasePackingList_view pt form_view row_length 4 state AAAAAAAAA2Y= stored_encoding UTF-8 title Inventory unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body invert display and value in item\n cell_range.append( map(lambda x: (x[1],x[0]), context.getVariationCategoryItemList(base_category_list = (base_category,) ) ) )\n else:\n cell_range.append( context.getVariationCategoryList(base_category_list = (base_category,) ) )\n \n cell_range = filter(lambda x: x != [], cell_range )\n \n return cell_range\n ]]> _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGQBAGQCAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAwAAAE5pAAAAAGMBAAAADAAA AAwAAABLAAAAc9kAAAB0AAB0AQBkAQCDAgCDAAB9BABnAAB9BQB8BAB0BABqCQBvrAABdAAAfAQA ZAIAgwIAgwAAfQcAeIEAdAYAfAcAgwEARF1zAH0JAHwAAGQDAGoCAG84AAF0AAB8BQBkBACDAgB0 CQBkBQCEAAB0AAB0AQBkBgCDAgBkBwB8CQBmAQCDAAGDAgCDAQABcUQAAXQAAHwFAGQEAIMCAHQA AHQBAGQIAIMCAGQHAHwJAGYBAIMAAYMBAAFxRABXdAoAZAkAhAAAfAUAgwIAfQUAbgEAAXwFAFNk AABTKAoAAABOcxAAAABnZXRSZXNvdXJjZVZhbHVlcxwAAABnZXRWYXJpYXRpb25CYXNlQ2F0ZWdv cnlMaXN0aQEAAABzBgAAAGFwcGVuZGMBAAAAAgAAAAQAAABDAAAAcxwAAAB0AAB8AABkAQCDAgB0 AAB8AABkAgCDAgBmAgBTKAMAAABOaQEAAABpAAAAACgCAAAAcwkAAABfZ2V0aXRlbV9zAQAAAHgo AgAAAHMBAAAAeHMJAAAAX2dldGl0ZW1fKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcwsA AAA8bGFtYmRhLjEyPgkAAABzAAAAAHMcAAAAZ2V0VmFyaWF0aW9uQ2F0ZWdvcnlJdGVtTGlzdHMS 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(Python):/nexedi/erp5_trade/InvoiceLine_asCellRange _owner nexedi acl_users jerome _params matrixbox=0, **kw errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames matrixbox kw _getattr_ context resource cell_range None base_category_list _getiter_ base_category map filter func_defaults 0 id InvoiceLine_asCellRange warnings Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_quantity_unit meta_type ListField id my_price meta_type FloatField id my_start_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_stop_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_resource_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_quantity meta_type FloatField id total_price meta_type FloatField id total_quantity meta_type FloatField id my_variation_category_list meta_type ParallelListField _owner nexedi acl_users jerome action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom center my_description hidden left my_title my_resource_title my_variation_category_list right my_quantity my_quantity_unit my_price my_start_date my_stop_date total_quantity total_price id InvoiceLine_view method POST my_description AAAAAAAAA2g= my_price AAAAAAAAA2k= my_quantity AAAAAAAAA2o= my_quantity_unit AAAAAAAAA2s= my_resource_title AAAAAAAAA2w= my_start_date AAAAAAAAA20= my_stop_date AAAAAAAAA24= my_title AAAAAAAAA28= my_variation_category_list AAAAAAAAA3A= name InvoiceLine_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Invoice Line total_price AAAAAAAAA3E= total_quantity AAAAAAAAA3I= unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id matrixbox meta_type MatrixBox id mapped_value_property_list meta_type LinesField id matrixbox_price meta_type FloatField id my_title meta_type StringField id matrixbox_predicate_category_list meta_type LinesField id matrixbox_variation_category_list meta_type LinesField id total_price meta_type FloatField id total_quantity meta_type FloatField _owner nexedi acl_users jerome action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list Default right center bottom hidden groups Default my_title bottom matrixbox mapped_value_property_list center hidden matrixbox_price matrixbox_predicate_category_list matrixbox_variation_category_list right total_quantity total_price id InvoiceLine_viewPrice mapped_value_property_list AAAAAAAAA3M= matrixbox AAAAAAAAA3Q= matrixbox_predicate_category_list AAAAAAAAA3U= matrixbox_price AAAAAAAAA3Y= matrixbox_variation_category_list AAAAAAAAA3c= method POST my_title AAAAAAAAA3g= name DeliveryLine_viewPrice pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Price total_price AAAAAAAAA3k= total_quantity AAAAAAAAA3o= unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id matrixbox meta_type MatrixBox id mapped_value_property_list meta_type LinesField id my_title meta_type StringField id matrixbox_predicate_category_list meta_type LinesField id matrixbox_quantity meta_type FloatField id matrixbox_variation_category_list meta_type LinesField id total_price meta_type FloatField id total_quantity meta_type FloatField _owner nexedi acl_users jerome action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list Default right center bottom hidden groups Default my_title bottom matrixbox mapped_value_property_list center hidden matrixbox_predicate_category_list matrixbox_quantity matrixbox_variation_category_list right total_quantity total_price id InvoiceLine_viewQuantity mapped_value_property_list AAAAAAAAA3s= matrixbox AAAAAAAAA3w= matrixbox_predicate_category_list AAAAAAAAA30= matrixbox_quantity AAAAAAAAA34= matrixbox_variation_category_list AAAAAAAAA38= method POST my_title AAAAAAAAA4A= name DeliveryLine_viewQuantity pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Quantity total_price AAAAAAAAA4E= total_quantity AAAAAAAAA4I= unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body 0 :\n if sql_list[0].quantity is not None :\n return float(sql_list[0].quantity)\n \n return packed_quantity\n ]]> _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAAAAAAwAAAAOAAAAQwAA AHPEAAAAdAAAfQEAdAIAfAEAZAEAgwIAgwAAfQMAdAIAfAEAZAIAgwIAgwAAfQQAdAIAfAEAZAMA gwIAgwAAfQUAZAQAfQYAdAIAfAEAZAUAgwIAZAYAfAMAZAcAfAQAZAgAfAUAgwADfQcAdAgAfAcA gwEAZAQAagQAb0MAAXQCAHQJAHwHAGQEAIMCAGQJAIMCAHQKAGoJAG8gAAF0CwB0AgB0CQB8BwBk BACDAgBkCQCDAgCDAQBTcbwAAW4BAAF8BgBTZAAAUygKAAAATnMRAAAAZ2V0RXhwbGFuYXRpb25V aWRzDgAAAGdldFJlc291cmNlVWlkcxAAAABnZXRWYXJpYXRpb25UZXh0aQAAAABzGwAAAE1vdmVt 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errors func_code co_argcount 0 co_varnames context movement _getattr_ delivery_uid resource_uid variation_text packed_quantity sql_list len _getitem_ None float func_defaults id Movement_getPackedQuantity warnings Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _arg _data explanation_uid resource_uid variation_text _keys explanation_uid resource_uid variation_text _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAAA4Q= allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src explanation_uid\r\n resource_uid\r\n variation_text cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ ZSQLBrain connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id Movement_zGetPackedQuantity max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src \n AND container_cell.has_cell_content = 0\n AND container_cell.uid = movement.uid\n AND\t(container_cell.portal_type = "Container Cell" \n OR container_cell.portal_type = "Container Line")\n \n \n AND movement.resource_uid = \n \n \n AND movement.variation_text = ""\n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n AND container_cell.has_cell_content = 0\n AND container_cell.uid = movement.uid\n AND\t(container_cell.portal_type = "Container Cell" \n OR container_cell.portal_type = "Container Line")\n \n \n AND movement.resource_uid = \n \n \n AND movement.variation_text = ""\n \n ]]> title Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body \n # invert display and value in item\n cell_range.append(map(lambda x: (x[1],x[0]),\\\n context.getVariationCategoryItemList(\n base_category_list = (base_category,))))\n else:\n cell_range.append(context.getVariationCategoryList(\\\n base_category_list=(base_category,)))\n \n cell_range = filter(lambda x: x != [], cell_range)\n \n return cell_range\n ]]> _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGQBAGQCAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAwAAAE5pAAAAAGMBAAAADAAA 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warnings Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL SQL __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _arg _data from_table_list type list order_by_expression where_expression _keys from_table_list where_expression order_by_expression _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAAA4Y= allow_simple_one_argument_traversal arguments_src from_table_list:list\r\n where_expression\r\n order_by_expression cache_time_ 0 class_file_ class_name_ ZSQLBrain connection_hook connection_id erp5_sql_connection id Order_zSelectMovement max_cache_ 100 max_rows_ 1000 src AS ,\n \n LEFT JOIN catalog AS base_category ON base_category.relative_url = "delivery" AND base_category.portal_type = "Base Category"\n LEFT JOIN category ON catalog.uid=category.uid\n AND base_category.uid=category.base_category_uid\n WHERE\n 1=1\n \n AND \n \n AND catalog.simulation_state = \'confirmed\'\n AND movement.source_uid <> movement.destination_uid\n AND movement.source_uid is not NULL\n AND movement.destination_uid is not NULL\n AND movement.uid = catalog.uid\n AND movement.resource_uid is not NULL\n AND category.category_uid is NULL\n \n \n ORDER BY \n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw AS ,\n \n LEFT JOIN catalog AS base_category ON base_category.relative_url = "delivery" AND base_category.portal_type = "Base Category"\n LEFT JOIN category ON catalog.uid=category.uid\n AND base_category.uid=category.base_category_uid\n WHERE\n 1=1\n \n AND \n \n AND catalog.simulation_state = \'confirmed\'\n AND movement.source_uid <> movement.destination_uid\n AND movement.source_uid is not NULL\n AND movement.destination_uid is not NULL\n AND movement.uid = catalog.uid\n AND movement.resource_uid is not NULL\n AND category.category_uid is NULL\n \n \n ORDER BY \n \n ]]> title Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_quantity_unit meta_type ListField id my_price meta_type FloatField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_resource_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_quantity meta_type FloatField id total_price meta_type FloatField id total_quantity meta_type FloatField id my_variation_category_list meta_type ParallelListField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom center my_description hidden left my_title my_resource_title my_variation_category_list right my_quantity my_quantity_unit my_price total_quantity total_price id PackingListLine_view method POST my_description AAAAAAAAA4c= my_price AAAAAAAAA4g= my_quantity AAAAAAAAA4k= my_quantity_unit AAAAAAAAA4o= my_resource_title AAAAAAAAA4s= my_title AAAAAAAAA4w= my_variation_category_list AAAAAAAAA40= name PackingListLine_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Packing List Line total_price AAAAAAAAA44= total_quantity AAAAAAAAA48= unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list = context\n related_order = packing_list.getCausalityValue()\n \n packing_list.edit(\n comment = related_order.getComment(),\n delivery_mode = related_order.getDeliveryMode(),\n # destination_section_value = related_order.getDestinationSectionValue(),\n # destination_value = related_order.getDestinationValue(),\n incoterm = related_order.getIncoterm(),\n source_administration_value = related_order.getSourceAdministrationValue(),\n # source_section_value = related_order.getSourceSectionValue(),\n # source_value = related_order.getSourceValue(),\n # start_date = related_order.getStartDate(),\n # stop_date = related_order.getStopDate(),\n title = related_order.getTitle()\n )\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAAAAAAQAAAAOAAAAQwAA AHOGAAAAdAAAfQEAdAIAfAEAZAEAgwIAgwAAfQMAdAIAfAEAZAIAgwIAZAMAdAIAfAMAZAQAgwIA gwAAZAUAdAIAfAMAZAYAgwIAgwAAZAcAdAIAfAMAZAgAgwIAgwAAZAkAdAIAfAMAZAoAgwIAgwAA ZAsAdAIAfAMAZAwAgwIAgwAAgwAFAWQAAFMoDQAAAE5zEQAAAGdldENhdXNhbGl0eVZhbHVlcwQA AABlZGl0cwcAAABjb21tZW50cwoAAABnZXRDb21tZW50cw0AAABkZWxpdmVyeV9tb2Rlcw8AAABn ZXREZWxpdmVyeU1vZGVzCAAAAGluY290ZXJtcwsAAABnZXRJbmNvdGVybXMbAAAAc291cmNlX2Fk bWluaXN0cmF0aW9uX3ZhbHVlcxwAAABnZXRTb3VyY2VBZG1pbmlzdHJhdGlvblZhbHVlcwUAAAB0 aXRsZXMIAAAAZ2V0VGl0bGUoBAAAAHMHAAAAY29udGV4dHMMAAAAcGFja2luZ19saXN0cwkAAABf Z2V0YXR0cl9zDQAAAHJlbGF0ZWRfb3JkZXIoBAAAAHMHAAAAY29udGV4dHMMAAAAcGFja2luZ19s aXN0cwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zDQAAAHJlbGF0ZWRfb3JkZXIoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQg KFB5dGhvbilzHwAAAFBhY2tpbmdMaXN0X2NvcHlPcmRlclByb3BlcnRpZXMBAAAAcw4AAAAGARUC DwESARIDEgESBSgBAAAAcx8AAABQYWNraW5nTGlzdF9jb3B5T3JkZXJQcm9wZXJ0aWVzKAEAAABz HwAAAFBhY2tpbmdMaXN0X2NvcHlPcmRlclByb3BlcnRpZXMoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQg KFB5dGhvbilzCAAAADxtb2R1bGU+AQAAAHMAAAAA _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAAA5A= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PackingList_copyOrderProperties _params errors func_code co_argcount 0 co_varnames context packing_list _getattr_ related_order func_defaults id PackingList_copyOrderProperties warnings Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_comment meta_type TextAreaField id my_workflow_action meta_type StringField id my_start_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_stop_date meta_type DateTimeField action Workflow_statusModify encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list Default hidden groups Default my_start_date my_stop_date my_comment hidden my_workflow_action id PackingList_viewDateWorkflowActionDialog method POST my_comment AAAAAAAAA5E= my_start_date AAAAAAAAA5I= my_stop_date AAAAAAAAA5M= my_workflow_action AAAAAAAAA5Q= name BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog pt form_view_dialog row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Validate Workflow Action uid -423732302 unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_payment_ratio meta_type FloatField id my_payment_amount meta_type FloatField id my_payment_mode meta_type ListField id my_payment_term meta_type IntegerField id my_payment_end_of_month meta_type CheckBoxField id my_payment_additional_term meta_type IntegerField id my_trade_date meta_type ListField id my_title meta_type StringField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom center hidden left my_title my_description my_payment_ratio my_payment_amount right my_payment_mode my_payment_term my_payment_end_of_month my_payment_additional_term my_trade_date id PaymentCondition_view method POST my_description AAAAAAAAA5U= my_payment_additional_term AAAAAAAAA5Y= my_payment_amount AAAAAAAAA5c= my_payment_end_of_month AAAAAAAAA5g= my_payment_mode AAAAAAAAA5k= my_payment_ratio AAAAAAAAA5o= my_payment_term AAAAAAAAA5s= my_title AAAAAAAAA5w= my_trade_date AAAAAAAAA50= name PaymentCondition_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Payment condition unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox action Base_doSelect encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom groups bottom center left listbox right id PurchaseOrderModule_viewPurchaseOrderList listbox AAAAAAAAA54= method POST name PurchaseOrderModule_viewPurchaseOrderList pt form_list row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Purchase Orders unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body 1 :\n redirect_url = \'%s/%s?%s\' % ( context.absolute_url(), form_id\n , \'portal_status_message=Too+many+Trade+Condition.\')\n else : \n trade_condition=trade_condition_list[0].getObject()\n \n # Update Order Profile\n categories = order.getCategoryList()\n # Destination\n if order.getDestinationValue() == None and trade_condition.getDestinationValue() is not None :\n categories += (\'destination/\'+trade_condition.getDestinationRelativeUrl(),)\n # destination_decision\n if (order.getDestinationDecisionValue() is None) and \\\n (trade_condition.getDestinationDecisionValue() is not None) :\n categories += (\'destination_decision/\'+trade_condition.getDestinationDecisionRelativeUrl(),)\n # destination_administration\n if (order.getDestinationAdministrationValue() is None) and \\\n (trade_condition.getDestinationAdministrationValue() is not None) :\n categories += (\'destination_administration/\'+trade_condition.getDestinationAdministrationRelativeUrl(),)\n # destination_payment\n if (order.getDestinationPaymentValue() is None) and \\\n (trade_condition.getDestinationPaymentValue() is not None) :\n categories += (\'destination_payment/\'+trade_condition.getDestinationPaymentRelativeUrl(),)\n \n # SOURCE_section\n if order.getSourceSectionValue() is None :\n # if source_section is not defined on TradeCondition, use Order source\n if trade_condition.getSourceSectionValue() is not None :\n categories += (\'source_section/\'+trade_condition.getSourceSectionRelativeUrl(),)\n elif trade_condition.getSourceValue() is not None:\n categories += (\'source_section/\'+order.getSourceRelativeUrl(),)\n # else :\n # categories += (\'source_section/\'+order.getSourceRelativeUrl(),)\n # source_decision\n if order.getSourceDecisionValue(portal_type=\'Organisation\') is None :\n # if source_decision is not defined on TradeCondition, use Order source\n if trade_condition.getSourceDecisionValue(portal_type=\'Organisation\')\\\n is not None :\n categories += (\'source_decision/\'+trade_condition.getSourceDecisionValue(portal_type=\'Organisation\').getRelativeUrl(),)\n # else :\n # categories += (\'source_decision/\'+order.getSourceValue().getRelativeUrl(),)\n elif order.getSourceValue() is not None:\n categories += (\'source_decision/\'+order.getSourceRelativeUrl(),)\n # source_administration\n if order.getSourceAdministrationValue() is None :\n # if source_administration is not defined on TradeCondition, use Order source\n if trade_condition.getSourceAdministrationValue() is not None :\n categories += (\'source_administration/\'+trade_condition.getSourceAdministrationValue().getRelativeUrl(),)\n # else :\n # categories += (\'source_administration/\'+order.getSourceRelativeUrl(),)\n elif order.getSourceValue() is not None:\n categories += (\'source_administration/\'+order.getSourceRelativeUrl(),)\n # source_payment\n if order.getSourcePaymentValue() is None :\n # if source_payment is not defined on TradeCondition, use Order source\n if trade_condition.getSourcePaymentValue() is not None :\n categories += (\'source_payment/\'+trade_condition.getSourcePaymentRelativeUrl(),)\n # else :\n elif order.getSourceValue() is not None:\n categories += (\'source_payment/\'+order.getSourceRelativeUrl(),)\n \n # Copy of devise\n if (order.getResourceValue() is None) and \\\n (trade_condition.getResourceValue() is not None) :\n categories += (\'resource/\'+trade_condition.getResourceRelativeUrl(),)\n \n # Update Order Payment\n payment_term=\'\'\n if order.hasPaymentTerm() :\n payment_term = order.getPaymentTerm()\n elif trade_condition.hasPaymentTerm() :\n payment_term = trade_condition.getPaymentTerm()\n \n payment_end_of_month=\'\'\n if order.hasPaymentEndOfMonth() :\n payment_end_of_month = order.getPaymentEndOfMonth()\n elif trade_condition.hasPaymentTerm() :\n payment_end_of_month = trade_condition.getPaymentEndOfMonth()\n \n payment_additional_term=\'\'\n if order.hasPaymentAdditionalTerm() :\n payment_additional_term = order.getPaymentAdditionalTerm()\n elif trade_condition.hasPaymentAdditionalTerm() :\n payment_additional_term = trade_condition.getPaymentAdditionalTerm()\n \n if (order.getPaymentModeValue() is None) and \\\n (trade_condition.getPaymentModeValue() is not None) :\n categories += (trade_condition.getPaymentModeValue().getRelativeUrl(),)\n \n if (order.getTradeDateValue() is None) and \\\n (trade_condition.getTradeDateValue() is not None) :\n categories += (trade_condition.getTradeDateValue().getRelativeUrl(),)\n \n # Copy Incoterm\n if (order.getIncotermValue() is None) and \\\n (trade_condition.getIncotermValue() is not None) :\n categories += (trade_condition.getIncotermValue().getRelativeUrl(),)\n \n if (order.getDeliveryModeValue() is None) and \\\n (trade_condition.getDeliveryModeValue() is not None) :\n categories += (trade_condition.getDeliveryModeValue().getRelativeUrl(),)\n \n destination_decision_source_reference = \'\'\n if order.hasDestinationDecisionSourceReference() :\n destination_decision_source_reference = order.getDestinationDecisionSourceReference()\n elif trade_condition.hasDestinationDecisionSourceReference() :\n destination_decision_source_reference = trade_condition.getDestinationDecisionSourceReference()\n \n # copy PaymentCondition if no one is defined on Order\n payment_condition_portal_type = \'Payment Condition\'\n if len(order.contentIds(filter={\'portal_type\':payment_condition_portal_type})) == 0 :\n to_copy=[]\n to_copy=trade_condition.contentIds(filter={\'portal_type\':payment_condition_portal_type})\n if len(to_copy)>0 :\n copy_data = trade_condition.manage_copyObjects(ids=to_copy)\n new_id_list = order.manage_pasteObjects(copy_data)\n \n # copy Discount if no one is defined on Order\n discount_portal_type = \'Discount\'\n if len(order.contentIds(filter={\'portal_type\':discount_portal_type})) == 0 :\n to_copy=[]\n to_copy=trade_condition.contentIds(filter={\'portal_type\':discount_portal_type})\n if len(to_copy)>0 :\n copy_data = trade_condition.manage_copyObjects(ids=to_copy)\n new_id_list = order.manage_pasteObjects(copy_data)\n \n # Update specialise value of Order\n final_categories = ()\n for category_item in categories :\n if category_item.find(\'specialise/\') == (-1):\n final_categories += (category_item,)\n \n final_categories += (\'specialise/\'+trade_condition.getRelativeUrl(),)\n \n order.edit(categories=final_categories, payment_term=payment_term,\n payment_end_of_month=payment_end_of_month,\n payment_additional_term=payment_additional_term,\n destination_decision_source_reference = destination_decision_source_reference)\n \n redirect_url = \'%s/%s?%s\' % (context.absolute_url(), form_id,\n \'portal_status_message=Order+updated.\')\n \n if batch_mode:\n return None\n else:\n context.REQUEST[ \'RESPONSE\' ].redirect( redirect_url )\n ]]> _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGQBAGQCAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAwAAAE5pAAAAAGMCAAAAGQAA AGMAAABDAAAAcxYKAAB0AAB9AwBnAAB9BABkAQB9BQB0BAB8AwBkAgCDAgBkAwB8BQBmAQCDAAF9 BAB0BQB8BACDAQBkBABqAgBvMQABdAQAdAQAdAAAZAUAgwIAZAYAgwIAfAMAZAMAZAEAZgEAZAcA ZAQAgwECfQQAbgEAAXQFAHwEAIMBAGQEAGoCAG8jAAFkCAB0BAB0AABkCQCDAgCDAAB8AABkCgBm AwAWfQgAbjgJAXQFAHwEAIMBAGQLAGoEAG8jAAFkCAB0BAB0AABkCQCDAgCDAAB8AABkDABmAwAW fQgAbgIJAXQEAHQIAHwEAGQEAIMCAGQNAIMCAIMAAH0KAHQEAHwDAGQOAIMCAIMAAH0LAHQEAHwD AGQPAIMCAIMAAHQLAGoCAG8WAAF0BAB8CgBkDwCDAgCDAAB0CwBqCQBvIQABfAsAZBAAdAQAfAoA ZBEAgwIAgwAAF2YBADd9CwBuAQABdAQAfAMAZBIAgwIAgwAAdAsAaggAbxYAAXQEAHwKAGQSAIMC AIMAAHQLAGoJAG8hAAF8CwBkEwB0BAB8CgBkFACDAgCDAAAXZgEAN30LAG4BAAF0BAB8AwBkFQCD AgCDAAB0CwBqCABvFgABdAQAfAoAZBUAgwIAgwAAdAsAagkAbyEAAXwLAGQWAHQEAHwKAGQXAIMC AIMAABdmAQA3fQsAbgEAAXQEAHwDAGQYAIMCAIMAAHQLAGoIAG8WAAF0BAB8CgBkGACDAgCDAAB0 CwBqCQBvIQABfAsAZBkAdAQAfAoAZBoAgwIAgwAAF2YBADd9CwBuAQABdAQAfAMAZBsAgwIAgwAA dAsAaggAb3gAAXQEAHwKAGQbAIMCAIMAAHQLAGoJAG8hAAF8CwBkHAB0BAB8CgBkHQCDAgCDAAAX ZgEAN30LAHHnAgF0BAB8CgBkHgCDAgCDAAB0CwBqCQBvIQABfAsAZBwAdAQAfAMAZB8AgwIAgwAA F2YBADd9CwBx5wIBbgEAAXQEAHwDAGQgAIMCAGQDAGQhAIMAAXQLAGoIAG+QAAF0BAB8CgBkIACD AgBkAwBkIQCDAAF0CwBqCQBvMwABfAsAZCIAdAQAdAQAfAoAZCAAgwIAZAMAZCEAgwABZCMAgwIA gwAAF2YBADd9CwBxlgMBdAQAfAMAZB4AgwIAgwAAdAsAagkAbyEAAXwLAGQiAHQEAHwDAGQfAIMC AIMAABdmAQA3fQsAcZYDAW4BAAF0BAB8AwBkJACDAgCDAAB0CwBqCABvhAABdAQAfAoAZCQAgwIA gwAAdAsAagkAby0AAXwLAGQlAHQEAHQEAHwKAGQkAIMCAIMAAGQjAIMCAIMAABdmAQA3fQsAcTME AXQEAHwDAGQeAIMCAIMAAHQLAGoJAG8hAAF8CwBkJQB0BAB8AwBkHwCDAgCDAAAXZgEAN30LAHEz BAFuAQABdAQAfAMAZCYAgwIAgwAAdAsAaggAb3gAAXQEAHwKAGQmAIMCAIMAAHQLAGoJAG8hAAF8 CwBkJwB0BAB8CgBkKACDAgCDAAAXZgEAN30LAHHEBAF0BAB8AwBkHgCDAgCDAAB0CwBqCQBvIQAB fAsAZCcAdAQAfAMAZB8AgwIAgwAAF2YBADd9CwBxxAQBbgEAAXQEAHwDAGQpAIMCAIMAAHQLAGoI AG8WAAF0BAB8CgBkKQCDAgCDAAB0CwBqCQBvIQABfAsAZCoAdAQAfAoAZCsAgwIAgwAAF2YBADd9 CwBuAQABZCwAfQ0AdAQAfAMAZC0AgwIAgwAAbxYAAXQEAHwDAGQuAIMCAIMAAH0NAG4qAAF0BAB8 CgBkLQCDAgCDAABvFgABdAQAfAoAZC4AgwIAgwAAfQ0AbgEAAWQsAH0OAHQEAHwDAGQvAIMCAIMA AG8WAAF0BAB8AwBkMACDAgCDAAB9DgBuKgABdAQAfAoAZC0AgwIAgwAAbxYAAXQEAHwKAGQwAIMC AIMAAH0OAG4BAAFkLAB9DwB0BAB8AwBkMQCDAgCDAABvFgABdAQAfAMAZDIAgwIAgwAAfQ8AbioA AXQEAHwKAGQxAIMCAIMAAG8WAAF0BAB8CgBkMgCDAgCDAAB9DwBuAQABdAQAfAMAZDMAgwIAgwAA dAsAaggAbxYAAXQEAHwKAGQzAIMCAIMAAHQLAGoJAG8pAAF8CwB0BAB0BAB8CgBkMwCDAgCDAABk IwCDAgCDAABmAQA3fQsAbgEAAXQEAHwDAGQ0AIMCAIMAAHQLAGoIAG8WAAF0BAB8CgBkNACDAgCD AAB0CwBqCQBvKQABfAsAdAQAdAQAfAoAZDQAgwIAgwAAZCMAgwIAgwAAZgEAN30LAG4BAAF0BAB8 AwBkNQCDAgCDAAB0CwBqCABvFgABdAQAfAoAZDUAgwIAgwAAdAsAagkAbykAAXwLAHQEAHQEAHwK AGQ1AIMCAIMAAGQjAIMCAIMAAGYBADd9CwBuAQABdAQAfAMAZDYAgwIAgwAAdAsAaggAbxYAAXQE AHwKAGQ2AIMCAIMAAHQLAGoJAG8pAAF8CwB0BAB0BAB8CgBkNgCDAgCDAABkIwCDAgCDAABmAQA3 fQsAbgEAAWQsAH0QAHQEAHwDAGQ3AIMCAIMAAG8WAAF0BAB8AwBkOACDAgCDAAB9EABuKgABdAQA fAoAZDcAgwIAgwAAbxYAAXQEAHwKAGQ4AIMCAIMAAH0QAG4BAAFkOQB9EQB0BQB0BAB8AwBkOgCD AgBkOwBoAAAEZAMAfBEAAzyDAAGDAQBkBABqAgBvbwABZwAAfRIAdAQAfAoAZDoAgwIAZDsAaAAA BGQDAHwRAAM8gwABfRIAdAUAfBIAgwEAZAQAagQAbzEAAXQEAHwKAGQ8AIMCAGQ9AHwSAIMAAX0T AHQEAHwDAGQ+AIMCAHwTAIMBAH0UAHGGCAFuAQABZD8AfRUAdAUAdAQAfAMAZDoAgwIAZDsAaAAA BGQDAHwVAAM8gwABgwEAZAQAagIAb28AAWcAAH0SAHQEAHwKAGQ6AIMCAGQ7AGgAAARkAwB8FQAD 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redirect_url _getitem_ trade_condition categories None payment_term payment_end_of_month payment_additional_term destination_decision_source_reference payment_condition_portal_type to_copy copy_data new_id_list discount_portal_type final_categories _getiter_ category_item func_defaults 0 id PurchaseOrder_applyPurchaseTradeCondition warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body # XXX need to implement this part in the catalog\n # portal type causality of root applied rule\n # XXX kw[\'orderType\'] = \'Purchase Order\'\n \n kw.update(context.portal_catalog.buildSQLQuery(**kw))\n \n if src__==0:\n movement_list = [x.getObject() for x in context.Order_zSelectMovement(**kw)]\n return movement_list\n else:\n return context.Order_zSelectMovement(src__=1, **kw)\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGQBAGQCAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAwAAAE5pAAAAAGMCAAAACgAA AA8AAABDAAAAc64AAAB0AAB8AABkAQCDAgB0AgB0AAB0AAB0AwBkAgCDAgBkAwCDAgB8AACNAQCD AQABfAEAZAQAagIAb1MAAWcAAARpBQB9BgB0BwB0AgB0AAB0AwBkBQCDAgB8AACNAQCDAQBEXRwA fQgAfAYAdAAAfAgAZAYAgwIAgwAAgwEAAXFhAH4GAH0JAHwJAFNuHQABdAIAdAAAdAMAZAUAgwIA ZAcAZAgAfAAAjQEBU2QAAFMoCQAAAE5zBgAAAHVwZGF0ZXMOAAAAcG9ydGFsX2NhdGFsb2dzDQAA AGJ1aWxkU1FMUXVlcnlpAAAAAHMVAAAAT3JkZXJfelNlbGVjdE1vdmVtZW50cwkAAABnZXRPYmpl Y3RzBQAAAHNyY19faQEAAAAoCgAAAHMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwIAAABrd3MHAAAAX2FwcGx5X3MH AAAAY29udGV4dHMFAAAAc3JjX19zBgAAAGFwcGVuZHMIAAAAJGFwcGVuZDBzCQAAAF9nZXRpdGVy X3MBAAAAeHMNAAAAbW92ZW1lbnRfbGlzdCgKAAAAcwIAAABrd3MFAAAAc3JjX19zCQAAAF9nZXRh dHRyX3MHAAAAX2FwcGx5X3MHAAAAY29udGV4dHMGAAAAYXBwZW5kcwgAAAAkYXBwZW5kMHMJAAAA X2dldGl0ZXJfcwEAAAB4cw0AAABtb3ZlbWVudF9saXN0KAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQ eXRob24pcxwAAABQdXJjaGFzZU9yZGVyX3NlbGVjdE1vdmVtZW50AQAAAHMMAAAAAwQrAg0BJgAl AQgCKAEAAABzHAAAAFB1cmNoYXNlT3JkZXJfc2VsZWN0TW92ZW1lbnQoAQAAAHMcAAAAUHVyY2hh c2VPcmRlcl9zZWxlY3RNb3ZlbWVudCgAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMIAAAA PG1vZHVsZT4BAAAAcwAAAAA= _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAAA6A= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_selectMovement _params kw, src__=0 errors func_code co_argcount 2 co_varnames kw src__ _getattr_ _apply_ context append $append0 _getiter_ x movement_list func_defaults 0 id PurchaseOrder_selectMovement title warnings Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_destination_administration_person_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_delivery_mode meta_type ListField id my_comment meta_type TextAreaField id listbox meta_type ListBox id my_title meta_type StringField id my_origin meta_type ListField id my_emit_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_destination_section meta_type ListField id my_destination_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_incoterm meta_type ListField id my_order meta_type ListField id my_source_administration_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_source_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_start_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_stop_date meta_type DateTimeField id state meta_type StringField id total_price meta_type FloatField id total_quantity meta_type FloatField id my_trade_condition_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_price_currency meta_type ListField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center my_comment hidden left my_title my_destination_section my_order my_origin my_emit_date my_destination_administration_person_title my_price_currency my_incoterm my_delivery_mode right my_source_title my_source_administration_title my_destination_title my_start_date my_stop_date state my_trade_condition_title total_quantity total_price id PurchaseOrder_view listbox AAAAAAAAA6E= method POST my_comment AAAAAAAAA6I= my_delivery_mode AAAAAAAAA6M= my_destination_administration_person_title AAAAAAAAA6Q= my_destination_section AAAAAAAAA6U= my_destination_title AAAAAAAAA6Y= my_emit_date AAAAAAAAA6c= my_incoterm AAAAAAAAA6g= my_order AAAAAAAAA6k= my_origin AAAAAAAAA6o= my_price_currency AAAAAAAAA6s= my_source_administration_title AAAAAAAAA6w= my_source_title AAAAAAAAA60= my_start_date AAAAAAAAA64= my_stop_date AAAAAAAAA68= my_title AAAAAAAAA7A= my_trade_condition_title AAAAAAAAA7E= name PurchaseOrder_view pt form_view row_length 4 state AAAAAAAAA7I= stored_encoding UTF-8 title Purchase Order total_price AAAAAAAAA7M= total_quantity AAAAAAAAA7Q= unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox action Base_doSelect encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list Default groups Default listbox id PurchasePackingListModule_viewPurchasePackingListList listbox AAAAAAAAA7U= method POST name PurchasePackingListModule_viewPurchasePackingListList pt form_list row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Purchase Packing List List unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list = context\n \n # First, copy Order properties\n packing_list.PackingList_copyOrderProperties()\n \n # Then, modify state\n packing_list_state = packing_list.getSimulationState()\n if packing_list_state == "draft":\n packing_list.portal_workflow.doActionFor(\n packing_list,\n \'confirm_action\',\n wf_id=\'packing_list_workflow\',\n comment="Initialized by Delivery Builder")\n \n # XXX Call the causality workflow\n packing_list.activate().edit()\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAAAAAAQAAAAJAAAAQwAA AHOEAAAAdAAAfQEAdAIAfAEAZAEAgwIAgwAAAXQCAHwBAGQCAIMCAIMAAH0DAHwDAGQDAGoCAG8v AAF0AgB0AgB8AQBkBACDAgBkBQCDAgB8AQBkBgBkBwBkCABkCQBkCgCDAgIBbgEAAXQCAHQCAHwB AGQLAIMCAIMAAGQMAIMCAIMAAAFkAABTKA0AAABOcx8AAABQYWNraW5nTGlzdF9jb3B5T3JkZXJQ cm9wZXJ0aWVzcxIAAABnZXRTaW11bGF0aW9uU3RhdGVzBQAAAGRyYWZ0cw8AAABwb3J0YWxfd29y a2Zsb3dzCwAAAGRvQWN0aW9uRm9ycw4AAABjb25maXJtX2FjdGlvbnMFAAAAd2ZfaWRzFQAAAHBh Y2tpbmdfbGlzdF93b3JrZmxvd3MHAAAAY29tbWVudHMfAAAASW5pdGlhbGl6ZWQgYnkgRGVsaXZl cnkgQnVpbGRlcnMIAAAAYWN0aXZhdGVzBAAAAGVkaXQoBAAAAHMHAAAAY29udGV4dHMMAAAAcGFj a2luZ19saXN0cwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zEgAAAHBhY2tpbmdfbGlzdF9zdGF0ZSgEAAAAcwcAAABj b250ZXh0cwwAAABwYWNraW5nX2xpc3RzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MSAAAAcGFja2luZ19saXN0X3N0 YXRlKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcycAAABQdXJjaGFzZVBhY2tpbmdMaXN0 X2NvcHlPcmRlclByb3BlcnRpZXMBAAAAcwwAAAAJAw0DEgETAQ8BIAYoAQAAAHMnAAAAUHVyY2hh c2VQYWNraW5nTGlzdF9jb3B5T3JkZXJQcm9wZXJ0aWVzKAEAAABzJwAAAFB1cmNoYXNlUGFja2lu Z0xpc3RfY29weU9yZGVyUHJvcGVydGllcygAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMI AAAAPG1vZHVsZT4BAAAAcwAAAAA= _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAAA7Y= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchasePackingList_copyOrderProperties _params errors func_code co_argcount 0 co_varnames context packing_list _getattr_ packing_list_state func_defaults id PurchasePackingList_copyOrderProperties warnings Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id my_start_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_stop_date meta_type DateTimeField id state meta_type StringField id total_price meta_type FloatField id total_quantity meta_type FloatField id my_incoterm meta_type ListField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_comment meta_type TextAreaField id my_delivery_mode meta_type ListField id my_causality_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_administration_person_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_section meta_type ListField id my_source_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_causality_state meta_type StringField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center my_comment hidden left my_title my_destination_section my_destination_administration_person_title my_incoterm my_delivery_mode right my_causality_title my_source_title my_start_date my_stop_date state my_causality_state total_quantity total_price id PurchasePackingList_view listbox AAAAAAAAA7c= method POST my_causality_state AAAAAAAAA7g= my_causality_title AAAAAAAAA7k= my_comment AAAAAAAAA7o= my_delivery_mode AAAAAAAAA7s= my_destination_administration_person_title AAAAAAAAA7w= my_destination_section AAAAAAAAA70= my_incoterm AAAAAAAAA74= my_source_title AAAAAAAAA78= my_start_date AAAAAAAAA8A= my_stop_date AAAAAAAAA8E= my_title AAAAAAAAA8I= name PurchasePackingList_view pt form_view row_length 4 state AAAAAAAAA8M= stored_encoding UTF-8 title Purchase Packing List total_price AAAAAAAAA8Q= total_quantity AAAAAAAAA8U= unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox action Base_doSelect encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list Default groups Default listbox id PurchaseTradeConditionModule_viewPurchaseTradeConditionList listbox AAAAAAAAA8Y= method POST name PurchaseTradeConditionModule_viewSaleTradeConditionList pt form_list row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Purchase Trade Condition List unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body return context.generatePredicate(multimembership_criterion_base_category_list = (\'source\',\'source_section\'),\n criterion_property_list = (\'start_date\',))\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAAAAAAQAAAAGAAAATwAA 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Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_activity meta_type ListField id my_effective_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_expiration_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_comment meta_type TextAreaField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_delivery_mode meta_type ListField id my_group meta_type ListField id my_incoterm meta_type ListField id my_destination_section meta_type ListField id my_source_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_administration_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_price_currency meta_type ListField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom center my_comment hidden left my_title my_destination_section my_description my_destination_administration_title my_price_currency my_incoterm my_delivery_mode right my_source_title my_group my_activity my_effective_date my_expiration_date id PurchaseTradeCondition_view method POST my_activity 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my_destination_administration_organisation_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_payment_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_source_decision_destination_reference meta_type StringField id my_source_section_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_section meta_type ListField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom center my_source_decision_destination_reference hidden left my_source_title my_source_section_title my_source_decision_title my_source_administration_title my_source_payment_title right my_destination_title my_destination_section my_destination_decision_organisation_title my_destination_administration_organisation_title my_destination_payment_title id PurchaseTradeCondition_viewProfile method POST my_destination_administration_organisation_title AAAAAAAAA9Q= my_destination_decision_organisation_title AAAAAAAAA9U= my_destination_payment_title AAAAAAAAA9Y= my_destination_section 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d3MHAAAAZ2V0YXR0cnMHAAAAY29udGV4dHMEAAAATm9uZSgAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAo UHl0aG9uKXMdAAAAUmVzb3VyY2VfZ2V0RGVmYXVsdFN1cHBseUxpbmUBAAAAcwAAAAAoAQAAAHMd AAAAUmVzb3VyY2VfZ2V0RGVmYXVsdFN1cHBseUxpbmUoAQAAAHMdAAAAUmVzb3VyY2VfZ2V0RGVm YXVsdFN1cHBseUxpbmUoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzCAAAADxtb2R1bGU+ AQAAAHMAAAAA _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Resource_getDefaultSupplyLine _params *args,**kw errors func_code co_argcount 0 co_varnames args kw getattr context None func_defaults id Resource_getDefaultSupplyLine warnings Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_priced_quantity meta_type IntegerField id my_quantity_unit meta_type ListField id my_supply_line_price_currency meta_type ListField id my_base_price meta_type FloatField id my_price_currency meta_type ListField id my_supply_line_base_price meta_type FloatField id my_supply_line_start_date_range_max meta_type DateTimeField id my_p_variation_base_category_list meta_type MultiListField id my_supply_line_quantity_step_list meta_type LinesField id my_comment meta_type TextAreaField id matrixbox meta_type MatrixBox id mapped_value_property_list meta_type LinesField id matrixbox_variation_category_list meta_type LinesField id matrixbox_predicate_category_list meta_type LinesField id matrixbox_base_price meta_type FloatField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list Default right center bottom hidden groups Default my_priced_quantity my_quantity_unit my_supply_line_price_currency my_base_price my_price_currency my_supply_line_base_price my_supply_line_start_date_range_max bottom matrixbox mapped_value_property_list center my_comment hidden matrixbox_variation_category_list matrixbox_predicate_category_list matrixbox_base_price right my_p_variation_base_category_list my_supply_line_quantity_step_list id Resource_viewDefaultSupplyLine mapped_value_property_list AAAAAAAAA98= matrixbox 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\n \n
\n \n
\n \n


\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
Nbr / NoDescriptionQty / Qt\xc3\xa9UnitPrice / Prix Unit.Price / Prix Total

Total\n ()
% ()
A r\xc3\xa9gler dans 0 jours au plus tard.\n
Conditions de r\xc3\xa9glement: par ch\xc3\xa9que ou virement, \xc3\xa0 0 jours date de la facture. Paiement accept\xc3\xa9 en euros.\n Tout retard de r\xc3\xa9glement donnera lieu \xc3\xa0 une p\xc3\xa9nalit\xc3\xa9 de 1,5% du montant d\xc3\xa9 par mois.\n R\xc3\xa9serve de propri\xc3\xa9t\xc3\xa9 nous conservons la pleine propri\xc3\xa9t\xc3\xa9 des marchandises jusqu\'au paiement int\xc3\xa9gral du prix, des taxes et accessoires.
Montant Total
Total Amount\n ()
\n \n \n \n \n \n
RCS Roubaix Tourcoing 440 047 504
\n Banque: 30027 Guichet: 17503 Compte: 00065894401 RIB: 62
IBAN: FR76 3002 7175 0300 0658 9440 162
\n \t \n VAT FR72440047504
\n \n \n \n \n \n ]]>
content_type text/html expand 0 id SaleInvoiceTransaction_viewAsHTML title
Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_source_section meta_type ListField id my_reference meta_type StringField id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_source_administration_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_start_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_price_currency meta_type ListField id simulation_state meta_type StringField id my_causality_id meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_section_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_incoterm meta_type ListField id my_delivery_mode meta_type ListField id listbox meta_type ListBox id listbox_title meta_type StringField id listbox_source meta_type ListField id listbox_destination meta_type ListField id listbox_source_debit meta_type FloatField id listbox_source_credit meta_type FloatField id my_title meta_type StringField _owner nexedi acl_users jerome action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center hidden listbox_title listbox_source listbox_destination listbox_source_debit listbox_source_credit left my_source_section my_title my_destination_section_title my_reference my_price_currency my_destination_title my_source_administration_title right my_start_date my_description my_causality_id my_incoterm my_delivery_mode simulation_state id SaleInvoiceTransaction_viewInvoice listbox AAAAAAAAA+4= listbox_destination AAAAAAAAA+8= listbox_source AAAAAAAAA/A= listbox_source_credit AAAAAAAAA/E= listbox_source_debit AAAAAAAAA/I= listbox_title AAAAAAAAA/M= method POST my_causality_id AAAAAAAAA/Q= my_delivery_mode AAAAAAAAA/U= my_description AAAAAAAAA/Y= my_destination_section_title AAAAAAAAA/c= my_destination_title AAAAAAAAA/g= my_incoterm AAAAAAAAA/k= my_price_currency AAAAAAAAA/o= my_reference AAAAAAAAA/s= my_source_administration_title AAAAAAAAA/w= my_source_section AAAAAAAAA/0= my_start_date AAAAAAAAA/4= my_title AAAAAAAAA/8= name sale_invoice_list pt form_view row_length 4 simulation_state AAAAAAAABAA= stored_encoding UTF-8 title Sale Invoice Transaction unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox action Base_doSelect encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list Default groups Default listbox id SaleOrderModule_viewSaleOrderList listbox AAAAAAAABAE= method POST name SaleOrderModule_viewSaleOrderList pt form_list row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Sale Order List unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body 1 :\n redirect_url = \'%s/%s?%s\' % ( context.absolute_url(), form_id\n , \'portal_status_message=Too+many+Trade+Condition.\')\n else : \n trade_condition=trade_condition_list[0].getObject()\n \n # Update Order Profile\n categories = order.getCategoryList()\n # Source\n if order.getSourceValue() == None and trade_condition.getSourceValue() is not None :\n categories += (\'source/\'+trade_condition.getSourceRelativeUrl(),)\n # source_decision\n if (order.getSourceDecisionValue() is None) and \\\n (trade_condition.getSourceDecisionValue() is not None) :\n categories += (\'source_decision/\'+trade_condition.getSourceDecisionRelativeUrl(),)\n # source_administration\n if (order.getSourceAdministrationValue() is None) and \\\n (trade_condition.getSourceAdministrationValue() is not None) :\n categories += (\'source_administration/\'+trade_condition.getSourceAdministrationRelativeUrl(),)\n # source_payment\n if (order.getSourcePaymentValue() is None) and \\\n (trade_condition.getSourcePaymentValue() is not None) :\n categories += (\'source_payment/\'+trade_condition.getSourcePaymentRelativeUrl(),)\n \n # DESTINATION_section\n if order.getDestinationSectionValue() is None :\n # if destination_section is not defined on TradeCondition, use Order destination\n if trade_condition.getDestinationSectionValue() is not None :\n categories += (\'destination_section/\'+trade_condition.getDestinationSectionRelativeUrl(),)\n elif trade_condition.getDestinationValue() is not None:\n categories += (\'destination_section/\'+order.getDestinationRelativeUrl(),)\n # Destination\n if order.getDestinationValue() is None :\n # if destination is not defined on TradeCondition, use Order destination_section\n if trade_condition.getDestinationValue() is not None :\n categories += (\'destination/\'+trade_condition.getDestinationRelativeUrl(),)\n elif order.getDestinationSectionValue() is not None:\n categories += (\'destination/\'+order.getDestinationRelativeUrl(),)\n # destination_decision\n if order.getDestinationDecisionValue(portal_type=\'Organisation\') is None :\n # if destination_decision is not defined on TradeCondition, use Order destination\n if trade_condition.getDestinationDecisionValue(portal_type=\'Organisation\')\\\n is not None :\n categories += (\'destination_decision/\'+trade_condition.getDestinationDecisionValue(portal_type=\'Organisation\').getRelativeUrl(),)\n elif order.getDestinationValue() is not None:\n categories += (\'destination_decision/\'+order.getDestinationRelativeUrl(),)\n # destination_administration\n if order.getDestinationAdministrationValue() is None :\n # if destination_administration is not defined on TradeCondition, use Order destination\n if trade_condition.getDestinationAdministrationValue() is not None :\n categories += (\'destination_administration/\'+trade_condition.getDestinationAdministrationValue().getRelativeUrl(),)\n elif order.getDestinationValue() is not None:\n categories += (\'destination_administration/\'+order.getDestinationRelativeUrl(),)\n # destination_payment\n if order.getDestinationPaymentValue() is None :\n # if destination_payment is not defined on TradeCondition, use Order destination\n if trade_condition.getDestinationPaymentValue() is not None :\n categories += (\'destination_payment/\'+trade_condition.getDestinationPaymentRelativeUrl(),)\n elif order.getDestinationValue() is not None:\n categories += (\'destination_payment/\'+order.getDestinationRelativeUrl(),)\n \n # Copy of devise\n if (order.getResourceValue() is None) and \\\n (trade_condition.getResourceValue() is not None) :\n categories += (\'resource/\'+trade_condition.getResourceRelativeUrl(),)\n \n # Update Order Payment\n payment_term=\'\'\n if order.hasPaymentTerm() :\n payment_term = order.getPaymentTerm()\n elif trade_condition.hasPaymentTerm() :\n payment_term = trade_condition.getPaymentTerm()\n \n payment_end_of_month=\'\'\n if order.hasPaymentEndOfMonth() :\n payment_end_of_month = order.getPaymentEndOfMonth()\n elif trade_condition.hasPaymentTerm() :\n payment_end_of_month = trade_condition.getPaymentEndOfMonth()\n \n payment_additional_term=\'\'\n if order.hasPaymentAdditionalTerm() :\n payment_additional_term = order.getPaymentAdditionalTerm()\n elif trade_condition.hasPaymentAdditionalTerm() :\n payment_additional_term = trade_condition.getPaymentAdditionalTerm()\n \n if (order.getPaymentModeValue() is None) and \\\n (trade_condition.getPaymentModeValue() is not None) :\n categories += (trade_condition.getPaymentModeValue().getRelativeUrl(),)\n if (order.getTradeDateValue() is None) and \\\n (trade_condition.getTradeDateValue() is not None) :\n categories += (trade_condition.getTradeDateValue().getRelativeUrl(),)\n \n # Copy Incoterm\n if (order.getIncotermValue() is None) and \\\n (trade_condition.getIncotermValue() is not None) :\n categories += (trade_condition.getIncotermValue().getRelativeUrl(),)\n \n if (order.getDeliveryModeValue() is None) and \\\n (trade_condition.getDeliveryModeValue() is not None) :\n categories += (trade_condition.getDeliveryModeValue().getRelativeUrl(),)\n \n source_decision_destination_reference = \'\'\n if order.hasSourceDecisionDestinationReference() :\n source_decision_destination_reference = order.getSourceDecisionDestinationReference()\n elif trade_condition.hasSourceDecisionDestinationReference() :\n source_decision_destination_reference = trade_condition.getSourceDecisionDestinationReference()\n \n # copy PaymentCondition if no one is defined on Order\n payment_condition_portal_type = \'Payment Condition\'\n if len(order.contentIds(filter={\'portal_type\':payment_condition_portal_type})) == 0 :\n to_copy=[]\n to_copy=trade_condition.contentIds(filter={\'portal_type\':payment_condition_portal_type})\n if len(to_copy)>0 :\n copy_data = trade_condition.manage_copyObjects(ids=to_copy)\n new_id_list = order.manage_pasteObjects(copy_data)\n \n # copy Discount if no one is defined on Order\n discount_portal_type = \'Discount\'\n if len(order.contentIds(filter={\'portal_type\':discount_portal_type})) == 0 :\n to_copy=[]\n to_copy=trade_condition.contentIds(filter={\'portal_type\':discount_portal_type})\n if len(to_copy)>0 :\n copy_data = trade_condition.manage_copyObjects(ids=to_copy)\n new_id_list = order.manage_pasteObjects(copy_data)\n \n # Update specialise value of Order\n final_categories = ()\n for category_item in categories :\n if category_item.find(\'specialise/\') == (-1):\n final_categories += (category_item,)\n \n final_categories += (\'specialise/\'+trade_condition.getRelativeUrl(),)\n \n order.edit(categories=final_categories, payment_term=payment_term,\n payment_end_of_month=payment_end_of_month,\n payment_additional_term=payment_additional_term,\n source_decision_destination_reference = source_decision_destination_reference)\n \n redirect_url = \'%s/%s?%s\' % (context.absolute_url(), form_id, \n \'portal_status_message=Order+updated.\')\n \n if batch_mode:\n return None\n else:\n context.REQUEST[ \'RESPONSE\' ].redirect( redirect_url )\n ]]> _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGQBAGQCAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAwAAAE5pAAAAAGMCAAAAGQAA AGYAAABDAAAAc6cKAAB0AAB9AwBnAAB9BABkAQB9BQB0BAB8AwBkAgCDAgBkAwB8BQBmAQCDAAF9 BAB0BQB8BACDAQBkBABqAgBvMQABdAQAdAQAdAAAZAUAgwIAZAYAgwIAfAMAZAMAfAUAZgEAZAcA ZAQAgwECfQQAbgEAAXQFAHwEAIMBAGQEAGoCAG8jAAFkCAB0BAB0AABkCQCDAgCDAAB8AABkCgBm AwAWfQgAbskJAXQFAHwEAIMBAGQLAGoEAG8jAAFkCAB0BAB0AABkCQCDAgCDAAB8AABkDABmAwAW fQgAbpMJAXQEAHQIAHwEAGQEAIMCAGQNAIMCAIMAAH0KAHQEAHwDAGQOAIMCAIMAAH0LAHQEAHwD AGQPAIMCAIMAAHQLAGoCAG8WAAF0BAB8CgBkDwCDAgCDAAB0CwBqCQBvIQABfAsAZBAAdAQAfAoA ZBEAgwIAgwAAF2YBADd9CwBuAQABdAQAfAMAZBIAgwIAgwAAdAsAaggAbxYAAXQEAHwKAGQSAIMC AIMAAHQLAGoJAG8hAAF8CwBkEwB0BAB8CgBkFACDAgCDAAAXZgEAN30LAG4BAAF0BAB8AwBkFQCD AgCDAAB0CwBqCABvFgABdAQAfAoAZBUAgwIAgwAAdAsAagkAbyEAAXwLAGQWAHQEAHwKAGQXAIMC AIMAABdmAQA3fQsAbgEAAXQEAHwDAGQYAIMCAIMAAHQLAGoIAG8WAAF0BAB8CgBkGACDAgCDAAB0 CwBqCQBvIQABfAsAZBkAdAQAfAoAZBoAgwIAgwAAF2YBADd9CwBuAQABdAQAfAMAZBsAgwIAgwAA dAsAaggAb3gAAXQEAHwKAGQbAIMCAIMAAHQLAGoJAG8hAAF8CwBkHAB0BAB8CgBkHQCDAgCDAAAX 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cmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMIAAAAPG1vZHVsZT4BAAAAcwAAAAA= _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAABAI= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_applySaleTradeCondition _params form_id,batch_mode=0 errors func_code co_argcount 2 co_varnames form_id batch_mode context order trade_condition_list trade_condition_portal_type _getattr_ len redirect_url _getitem_ trade_condition categories None payment_term payment_end_of_month payment_additional_term source_decision_destination_reference payment_condition_portal_type to_copy copy_data new_id_list discount_portal_type final_categories _getiter_ category_item func_defaults 0 id SaleOrder_applySaleTradeCondition warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body # XXX need to implement this part in the catalog\n # portal type causality of root applied rule\n # XXX kw[\'orderType\'] = \'Sale Order\'\n \n kw.update(context.portal_catalog.buildSQLQuery(**kw))\n \n if src__==0:\n movement_list = [x.getObject() for x in context.Order_zSelectMovement(**kw)]\n return movement_list\n else:\n return context.Order_zSelectMovement(src__=1, **kw)\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGQBAGQCAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAwAAAE5pAAAAAGMBAAAACgAA AA8AAABLAAAAc64AAAB0AAB8AQBkAQCDAgB0AgB0AAB0AAB0AwBkAgCDAgBkAwCDAgB8AQCNAQCD AQABfAAAZAQAagIAb1MAAWcAAARpBQB9BgB0BwB0AgB0AAB0AwBkBQCDAgB8AQCNAQCDAQBEXRwA fQgAfAYAdAAAfAgAZAYAgwIAgwAAgwEAAXFhAH4GAH0JAHwJAFNuHQABdAIAdAAAdAMAZAUAgwIA ZAcAZAgAfAEAjQEBU2QAAFMoCQAAAE5zBgAAAHVwZGF0ZXMOAAAAcG9ydGFsX2NhdGFsb2dzDQAA AGJ1aWxkU1FMUXVlcnlpAAAAAHMVAAAAT3JkZXJfelNlbGVjdE1vdmVtZW50cwkAAABnZXRPYmpl Y3RzBQAAAHNyY19faQEAAAAoCgAAAHMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwIAAABrd3MHAAAAX2FwcGx5X3MH AAAAY29udGV4dHMFAAAAc3JjX19zBgAAAGFwcGVuZHMIAAAAJGFwcGVuZDBzCQAAAF9nZXRpdGVy X3MBAAAAeHMNAAAAbW92ZW1lbnRfbGlzdCgKAAAAcwUAAABzcmNfX3MCAAAAa3dzCQAAAF9nZXRh dHRyX3MHAAAAX2FwcGx5X3MHAAAAY29udGV4dHMGAAAAYXBwZW5kcwgAAAAkYXBwZW5kMHMJAAAA X2dldGl0ZXJfcwEAAAB4cw0AAABtb3ZlbWVudF9saXN0KAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQ eXRob24pcxgAAABTYWxlT3JkZXJfc2VsZWN0TW92ZW1lbnQBAAAAcwwAAAADBCsCDQEmACUBCAIo AQAAAHMYAAAAU2FsZU9yZGVyX3NlbGVjdE1vdmVtZW50KAEAAABzGAAAAFNhbGVPcmRlcl9zZWxl Y3RNb3ZlbWVudCgAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMIAAAAPG1vZHVsZT4BAAAA cwAAAAA= _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAABAM= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_selectMovement _params src__=0, **kw errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames src__ kw _getattr_ _apply_ context append $append0 _getiter_ x movement_list func_defaults 0 id SaleOrder_selectMovement title warnings Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_title meta_type StringField id my_source_section meta_type ListField id my_source_administration_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_source_decision_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_incoterm meta_type ListField id my_delivery_mode meta_type ListField id my_destination_reference meta_type StringField id my_destination_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_decision_person_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_decision_organisation_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_group meta_type ListField id my_start_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_stop_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_trade_condition_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_comment meta_type TextAreaField id listbox meta_type ListBox id state meta_type StringField id my_origin meta_type ListField id my_order meta_type ListField id my_received_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_errand_ratio meta_type FloatField id my_segmentation meta_type ListField id total_price meta_type FloatField id total_quantity meta_type FloatField id my_price_currency meta_type ListField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center my_comment hidden left my_title my_source_section my_order my_received_date my_origin my_source_administration_title my_source_decision_title my_errand_ratio my_price_currency my_incoterm my_delivery_mode my_segmentation right my_destination_reference my_destination_title my_destination_decision_person_title my_destination_decision_organisation_title my_group my_start_date my_stop_date my_trade_condition_title state total_quantity total_price id SaleOrder_view listbox AAAAAAAABAQ= method POST my_comment AAAAAAAABAU= my_delivery_mode AAAAAAAABAY= my_destination_decision_organisation_title AAAAAAAABAc= my_destination_decision_person_title AAAAAAAABAg= my_destination_reference AAAAAAAABAk= my_destination_title AAAAAAAABAo= my_errand_ratio AAAAAAAABAs= my_group AAAAAAAABAw= my_incoterm AAAAAAAABA0= my_order AAAAAAAABA4= my_origin AAAAAAAABA8= my_price_currency AAAAAAAABBA= my_received_date AAAAAAAABBE= my_segmentation AAAAAAAABBI= my_source_administration_title AAAAAAAABBM= my_source_decision_title AAAAAAAABBQ= my_source_section AAAAAAAABBU= my_start_date AAAAAAAABBY= my_stop_date AAAAAAAABBc= my_title AAAAAAAABBg= my_trade_condition_title AAAAAAAABBk= name SaleOrder_view pt form_view row_length 4 state AAAAAAAABBo= stored_encoding UTF-8 title Sale Order total_price AAAAAAAABBs= total_quantity AAAAAAAABBw= unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox action Base_doSelect encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list Default groups Default listbox id SalePackingListModule_viewSalePackingListList listbox AAAAAAAABB0= method POST name SalePackingListModule_viewSalePackingListList pt form_list row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Sale Packing List List unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list = context\n \n # First, copy Order properties\n packing_list.PackingList_copyOrderProperties()\n \n # Then, modify state\n packing_list_state = packing_list.getSimulationState()\n \n if packing_list_state == "draft":\n packing_list.portal_workflow.doActionFor(\n packing_list,\n \'confirm_action\',\n wf_id=\'packing_list_workflow\',\n comment="Initialized by Delivery Builder")\n \n # XXX Call the causality workflow\n packing_list.activate().edit()\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAAAAAAQAAAAJAAAAQwAA AHOEAAAAdAAAfQEAdAIAfAEAZAEAgwIAgwAAAXQCAHwBAGQCAIMCAIMAAH0DAHwDAGQDAGoCAG8v AAF0AgB0AgB8AQBkBACDAgBkBQCDAgB8AQBkBgBkBwBkCABkCQBkCgCDAgIBbgEAAXQCAHQCAHwB AGQLAIMCAIMAAGQMAIMCAIMAAAFkAABTKA0AAABOcx8AAABQYWNraW5nTGlzdF9jb3B5T3JkZXJQ cm9wZXJ0aWVzcxIAAABnZXRTaW11bGF0aW9uU3RhdGVzBQAAAGRyYWZ0cw8AAABwb3J0YWxfd29y a2Zsb3dzCwAAAGRvQWN0aW9uRm9ycw4AAABjb25maXJtX2FjdGlvbnMFAAAAd2ZfaWRzFQAAAHBh Y2tpbmdfbGlzdF93b3JrZmxvd3MHAAAAY29tbWVudHMfAAAASW5pdGlhbGl6ZWQgYnkgRGVsaXZl cnkgQnVpbGRlcnMIAAAAYWN0aXZhdGVzBAAAAGVkaXQoBAAAAHMHAAAAY29udGV4dHMMAAAAcGFj a2luZ19saXN0cwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zEgAAAHBhY2tpbmdfbGlzdF9zdGF0ZSgEAAAAcwcAAABj b250ZXh0cwwAAABwYWNraW5nX2xpc3RzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MSAAAAcGFja2luZ19saXN0X3N0 YXRlKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcyMAAABTYWxlUGFja2luZ0xpc3RfY29w eU9yZGVyUHJvcGVydGllcwEAAABzDAAAAAkDDQMSAhMBDwEgBigBAAAAcyMAAABTYWxlUGFja2lu Z0xpc3RfY29weU9yZGVyUHJvcGVydGllcygBAAAAcyMAAABTYWxlUGFja2luZ0xpc3RfY29weU9y ZGVyUHJvcGVydGllcygAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMIAAAAPG1vZHVsZT4B AAAAcwAAAAA= _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAABB4= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SalePackingList_copyOrderProperties _params errors func_code co_argcount 0 co_varnames context packing_list _getattr_ packing_list_state func_defaults id SalePackingList_copyOrderProperties warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body 0 :\n line_variation_base_category_dict[variation_base_category_items[0]] = 1\n \n line_variation_base_category_list = line_variation_base_category_dict.keys()\n \n # construct new content (container_line)\n resource_url = resource_url\n new_container_line_id = str(container.generateNewId())\n container_line = container.newContent(\n portal_type="Container Line",\n title=new_container_line_id,\n resource=resource_url,\n quantity_unit=quantity_unit_dict[resource_url],\n variation_category_list=line_variation_category_list\n )\n \n for cell_key, quantity in desired_lines[resource_url]:\n if variation_category_list == []:\n container_line.edit(quantity=quantity)\n else:\n # create a new cell\n base_id = \'movement\'\n if not container_line.hasCell(base_id=base_id, *cell_key):\n cell = container_line.newCell(\n base_id=base_id,\n portal_type="Container Cell",\n *cell_key\n )\n cell.setCategoryList(cell_key)\n cell.setMappedValuePropertyList([\'quantity\'])\n cell.setMembershipCriterionCategoryList(cell_key)\n cell.setMembershipCriterionBaseCategoryList(\n line_variation_base_category_list)\n cell.edit(quantity=quantity)\n \n # Container must be immediately reindexed, \n # in order to see good packed quantity in fast input form\n container.recursiveImmediateReindexObject()\n \n url_params = make_query(selection_name=selection_name, \n dialog_category=dialog_category, \n form_id=form_id, \n cancel_url=cancel_url,\n portal_status_message=\'%s container(s) created.\' %\\\n container_count)\n \n redirect_url = \'%s/SalePackingList_fastInputForm?%s\' %\\\n (context.absolute_url(), url_params)\n \n context.REQUEST[ \'RESPONSE\' ].redirect(redirect_url)\n ]]> _code YwAAAAAAAAAACwAAAEAAAABzKwAAAGQBAGUAAGQBAGQCAGQDAGQBAGQDAGUAAGQBAGQEAGQFAIQK AFoBAGQAAFMoBgAAAE5zAAAAAHMPAAAAb2JqZWN0X2V4Y2hhbmdlaQAAAABpAQAAAGMKAAAAMwAA AC0AAABLAAAAc8AEAABkAQBrAABsAQB9DAABdAIAfQ4AfAkAfQ8AaAAAfRAAaAAAfREAeEIBdAgA fAcAgwEARF00AX0TAHQLAHwTAGQCAIMCAH0VAHQLAHwTAGQDAIMCAH0WAHwWAG8JAQF0DgB0AgBk BACDAgB8FQCDAQB9GAB8GAB0EABqCQBv4wABdA4AfBgAZAUAgwIAgwAAfRoAfBoAdBAAagkAb8AA AXQOAHwYAGQGAIMCAIMAAHQSAHwRAIMBAHQOAHwaAGQHAIMCAIMAADx0DgB8GgBkBwCDAgCDAAB0 DgB8EABkCACDAgCDAABqBgBvPgABdA4AdAsAfBAAdA4AfBoAZAcAgwIAgwAAgwIAZAkAgwIAdA4A fBgAZAoAgwIAgwAAfBYAZgIAgwEAAXFeAQF0DgB8GABkCgCDAgCDAAB8FgBmAgBnAQB0EgB8EACD AQB0DgB8GgBkBwCDAgCDAAA8cWIBAXFmAQFxMgABcTIAV3jTAnQIAHQTAHwEAIMBAIMBAERdvwJ9 HQBkCwB0FgB8DwCDAQAXfR8AdA4AfA4AZAwAgwIAZA0AZA4AZA8AfB8AZBAAfA8AZBEAZBIAdBgA dA4AfA4AZBMAgwIAgwAAgwEAfA8AZgIAFmQUAHwFAGQVAHwGAIMABmEbAHwPAGQWADd9DwB4SgJ0 CAB0DgB8EABkCACDAgCDAACDAQBEXTACfSIAaAAAfSMAZwAAfSQAeL0AdAgAdAsAfBAAfCIAgwIA gwEARF2mAHQIAAKDAQBcAgB9JQB9JgB4fgB0CAB8JQCDAQBEXXAAfScAfCcAfCQAagYADG9cAAF0 DgB8JABkCQCDAgB8JwCDAQABdA4AfCcAZBcAgwIAZBgAgwEAfSgAdCMAfCgAgwEAZBkAagQAbx0A AWQWAHQSAHwjAIMBAHQLAHwoAGQZAIMCADxxwAIBcVACAXFQAld0DgB8IwBkCACDAgCDAAB9KgBx MAJXfCIAfSIAdBYAdA4AdBsAZBoAgwIAgwAAgwEAfSsAdA4AdBsAZAwAgwIAZA0AZBsAZA8AfCsA ZBQAfCIAZBwAdAsAfBEAfCIAgwIAZB0AfCQAgwAFfSwAeAQBdAgAdAsAfBAAfCIAgwIAgwEARF3t AHQIAAKDAQBcAgB9LQB9JgB8JQBnAABqAgBvGgABdA4AfCwAZB4AgwIAZB8AfCYAgwABAXFHAwFk IAB9LgB0KQB0DgB8LABkIQCDAgBkIgB8LgB8LQCMAQEMb40AAXQpAHQOAHwsAGQjAIMCAGQiAHwu AGQNAGQkAHwtAIwBAn0wAHQOAHwwAGQlAIMCAHwtAIMBAAF0DgB8MABkJgCDAgBkHwBnAQCDAQAB dA4AfDAAZCcAgwIAfC0AgwEAAXQOAHwwAGQoAIMCAHwqAIMBAAF0DgB8MABkHgCDAgBkHwB8JgCD AAEBcUcDAXFHA1dxCAJXcX0BV3QOAHQbAGQpAIMCAIMAAAF8DABkKgB8AgBkKwB8AwBkLAB8AABk LQB8CABkLgBkLwB8BAAWgwAFfTEAZDAAdA4AdAIAZDEAgwIAgwAAfDEAZgIAFn0yAHQOAHQLAHQO AHQCAGQyAIMCAGQzAIMCAGQ0AIMCAHwyAIMBAAFkAABTKDUAAABOKAEAAABzCgAAAG1ha2VfcXVl cnlzCwAAAGxpc3Rib3hfa2V5cxIAAABjb250YWluZXJfcXVhbnRpdHlzEgAAAHJlc3RyaWN0ZWRU cmF2ZXJzZXMQAAAAZ2V0UmVzb3VyY2VWYWx1ZXMPAAAAZ2V0UXVhbnRpdHlVbml0cw4AAABnZXRS 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(Python):/erp5/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SalePackingList_fastInput _params form_id=\'\',selection_index=None,selection_name=\'\',dialog_category=\'object_exchange\',container_count=0,container_type=\'\',gross_weight=0,listbox=None,cancel_url=\'\',next_container_int_index=1,**kw errors func_code co_argcount 10 co_varnames form_id selection_index selection_name dialog_category container_count container_type gross_weight listbox cancel_url next_container_int_index kw ZTUtils make_query context delivery next_container_number desired_lines quantity_unit_dict _getiter_ listitem _getitem_ movement_relative_url container_quantity _getattr_ movement None resource _write_ range container_number str new_container_id int container resource_url line_variation_base_category_dict line_variation_category_list variation_category_list quantity variation_item variation_base_category_items len line_variation_base_category_list new_container_line_id container_line cell_key base_id _apply_ cell url_params redirect_url func_defaults object_exchange 0 0 1 id SalePackingList_fastInput warnings Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_container_type meta_type ListField id my_gross_weight meta_type FloatField id my_next_container_int_index meta_type IntegerField id listbox meta_type ListBox id listbox_container_quantity meta_type FloatField id my_container_count meta_type IntegerField action SalePackingList_fastInput encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center hidden listbox_container_quantity left my_container_type my_gross_weight right my_next_container_int_index my_container_count id SalePackingList_fastInputForm listbox AAAAAAAABCA= listbox_container_quantity AAAAAAAABCE= method POST my_container_count AAAAAAAABCI= my_container_type AAAAAAAABCM= my_gross_weight AAAAAAAABCQ= my_next_container_int_index AAAAAAAABCU= name SalePackingList_fastInputForm pt form_dialog row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Container Fast Input unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id my_start_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_stop_date meta_type DateTimeField id state meta_type StringField id total_price meta_type FloatField id total_quantity meta_type FloatField id my_incoterm meta_type ListField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_comment meta_type TextAreaField id my_delivery_mode meta_type ListField id my_causality_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_section_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_source_section meta_type ListField id my_source_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_source_administration_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_causality_state meta_type StringField id my_container_state meta_type StringField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center my_comment hidden left my_title my_source_section my_source_administration_title my_incoterm my_delivery_mode my_source_title right my_causality_title my_destination_title my_destination_section_title my_start_date my_stop_date state my_causality_state my_container_state total_quantity total_price id SalePackingList_view listbox AAAAAAAABCY= method POST my_causality_state AAAAAAAABCc= my_causality_title AAAAAAAABCg= my_comment AAAAAAAABCk= my_container_state AAAAAAAABCo= my_delivery_mode AAAAAAAABCs= my_destination_section_title AAAAAAAABCw= my_destination_title AAAAAAAABC0= my_incoterm AAAAAAAABC4= my_source_administration_title AAAAAAAABC8= my_source_section AAAAAAAABDA= my_source_title AAAAAAAABDE= my_start_date AAAAAAAABDI= my_stop_date AAAAAAAABDM= my_title AAAAAAAABDQ= name SalePackingList_view pt form_view row_length 4 state AAAAAAAABDU= stored_encoding UTF-8 title Sale Packing List total_price AAAAAAAABDY= total_quantity AAAAAAAABDc= unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id my_start_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_stop_date meta_type DateTimeField id state meta_type StringField id total_price meta_type FloatField id total_quantity meta_type FloatField id my_incoterm meta_type ListField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_comment meta_type TextAreaField id my_delivery_mode meta_type ListField id my_causality_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_section_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_source_section meta_type ListField id my_source_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_source_administration_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_causality_state meta_type StringField id my_container_state meta_type StringField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center my_comment hidden left my_title my_source_section my_source_administration_title my_incoterm my_delivery_mode my_source_title right my_causality_title my_destination_title my_destination_section_title my_start_date my_stop_date state my_causality_state my_container_state total_quantity total_price id SalePackingList_viewContainerList listbox AAAAAAAABDg= method POST my_causality_state AAAAAAAABDk= my_causality_title AAAAAAAABDo= my_comment AAAAAAAABDs= my_container_state AAAAAAAABDw= my_delivery_mode AAAAAAAABD0= my_destination_section_title AAAAAAAABD4= my_destination_title AAAAAAAABD8= my_incoterm AAAAAAAABEA= my_source_administration_title AAAAAAAABEE= my_source_section AAAAAAAABEI= my_source_title AAAAAAAABEM= my_start_date AAAAAAAABEQ= my_stop_date AAAAAAAABEU= my_title AAAAAAAABEY= name SalePackingList_viewContainerList pt form_view row_length 4 state AAAAAAAABEc= stored_encoding UTF-8 title Container total_price AAAAAAAABEg= total_quantity AAAAAAAABEk= unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox action Base_doSelect encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list Default groups Default listbox id SaleTradeConditionModule_viewSaleTradeConditionList listbox AAAAAAAABEo= method POST name SaleTradeConditionModule_viewSaleTradeConditionList pt form_list row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Sale Trade Condition List unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body return context.generatePredicate(multimembership_criterion_base_category_list = (\'destination\',\'destination_section\',\'group\'),\n criterion_property_list = (\'start_date\',))\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAAAAAAQAAAAGAAAATwAA AHMsAAAAdAAAdAEAZAEAgwIAZAIAZAMAZAQAZAUAZgMAZAYAZAcAZgEAgwACU2QAAFMoCAAAAE5z EQAAAGdlbmVyYXRlUHJlZGljYXRlcywAAABtdWx0aW1lbWJlcnNoaXBfY3JpdGVyaW9uX2Jhc2Vf Y2F0ZWdvcnlfbGlzdHMLAAAAZGVzdGluYXRpb25zEwAAAGRlc3RpbmF0aW9uX3NlY3Rpb25zBQAA AGdyb3VwcxcAAABjcml0ZXJpb25fcHJvcGVydHlfbGlzdHMKAAAAc3RhcnRfZGF0ZSgCAAAAcwkA AABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zBwAAAGNvbnRleHQoBAAAAHMEAAAAYXJnc3MCAAAAa3dzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRy X3MHAAAAY29udGV4dCgAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMeAAAAU2FsZVRyYWRl Q29uZGl0aW9uX2FzUHJlZGljYXRlAQAAAHMCAAAAHgEoAQAAAHMeAAAAU2FsZVRyYWRlQ29uZGl0 aW9uX2FzUHJlZGljYXRlKAEAAABzHgAAAFNhbGVUcmFkZUNvbmRpdGlvbl9hc1ByZWRpY2F0ZSgA AAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMIAAAAPG1vZHVsZT4BAAAAcwAAAAA= _filepath Script (Python):/nexedi/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleTradeCondition_asPredicate _owner nexedi acl_users seb _params *args,**kw errors func_code co_argcount 0 co_varnames args kw _getattr_ context func_defaults id SaleTradeCondition_asPredicate warnings Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_activity meta_type ListField id my_effective_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_expiration_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_comment meta_type TextAreaField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_delivery_mode meta_type ListField id my_destination_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_group meta_type ListField id my_incoterm meta_type ListField id my_source_administration_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_source_section meta_type ListField id my_price_currency meta_type ListField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom center my_comment hidden left my_title my_source_section my_description my_source_administration_title my_price_currency my_incoterm my_delivery_mode right my_destination_title my_group my_activity my_effective_date my_expiration_date id SaleTradeCondition_view method POST my_activity AAAAAAAABEs= my_comment AAAAAAAABEw= my_delivery_mode AAAAAAAABE0= my_description AAAAAAAABE4= my_destination_title AAAAAAAABE8= my_effective_date AAAAAAAABFA= my_expiration_date AAAAAAAABFE= my_group AAAAAAAABFI= my_incoterm AAAAAAAABFM= my_price_currency AAAAAAAABFQ= my_source_administration_title AAAAAAAABFU= my_source_section AAAAAAAABFY= my_title AAAAAAAABFc= name SaleTradeCondition_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Sale Trade Condition unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_source_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_source_decision_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_source_administration_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_source_payment_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_title meta_type RelationStringField id 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my_destination_decision_organisation_title AAAAAAAABFk= my_destination_payment_title AAAAAAAABFo= my_destination_section_title AAAAAAAABFs= my_destination_title AAAAAAAABFw= my_source_administration_title AAAAAAAABF0= my_source_decision_destination_reference AAAAAAAABF4= my_source_decision_title AAAAAAAABF8= my_source_payment_title AAAAAAAABGA= my_source_section_title AAAAAAAABGE= my_source_title AAAAAAAABGI= name TradeCondition_viewProfile pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Profile unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body return context.generatePredicate(multimembership_criterion_base_category_list = (\'resource\',),\n criterion_property_list = (\'start_date\',))\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAAAAAAQAAAAGAAAATwAA 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name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body return context.SupplyLine_getLocalPredicatePropertyDict(*args,**kw)\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAAAAAAUAAAAFAAAATwAA AHMdAAAAdAAAdAEAdAIAZAEAgwIAfAAAfAEAjgEAU2QAAFMoAgAAAE5zKAAAAFN1cHBseUxpbmVf Z2V0TG9jYWxQcmVkaWNhdGVQcm9wZXJ0eURpY3QoBQAAAHMHAAAAX2FwcGx5X3MJAAAAX2dldGF0 dHJfcwcAAABjb250ZXh0cwQAAABhcmdzcwIAAABrdygFAAAAcwQAAABhcmdzcwIAAABrd3MHAAAA X2FwcGx5X3MJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwcAAABjb250ZXh0KAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQ eXRob24pcykAAABTdXBwbHlDZWxsX2dldExvY2FsUHJlZGljYXRlUHJvcGVydHlEaWN0IAEAAABz AAAAACgBAAAAcykAAABTdXBwbHlDZWxsX2dldExvY2FsUHJlZGljYXRlUHJvcGVydHlEaWN0ICgB AAAAcykAAABTdXBwbHlDZWxsX2dldExvY2FsUHJlZGljYXRlUHJvcGVydHlEaWN0ICgAAAAAKAAA AABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMIAAAAPG1vZHVsZT4BAAAAcwAAAAA= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SupplyCell_getLocalPredicatePropertyDict _params *args,**kw errors func_code co_argcount 0 co_varnames args kw _apply_ _getattr_ context func_defaults id SupplyCell_getLocalPredicatePropertyDict warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body invert display and value in item\n cell_range.append(map(lambda x: (x[1], x[0]),\n resource.getVariationCategoryItemList(\n base_category_list=(c,),\n display_base_category=display_base_category,\n omit_individual_variation=0, sort_id=\'id\')))\n else:\n cell_range.append(\n resource.getVariationCategoryList(base_category_list=(c,),\n omit_individual_variation=0, sort_id=\'id\'))\n \n \n predicate_list = context.contentValues(\n filter={\'portal_type\':\'Predicate Group\'})\n pred_ids = []\n if predicate_list != []:\n if matrixbox == 1:\n pred_ids = list(map(lambda x: (x.getRelativeUrl(), x.getTitle()), \n predicate_list))\n else:\n pred_ids = list(map(lambda x: x.getRelativeUrl(), predicate_list))\n \n # Insert predicat list for display in columns\n cell_range.insert(1, pred_ids)\n \n # Remove empty range\n cell_range = filter(lambda x: x!=[], cell_range)\n \n return cell_range\n ]]> _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAwAAAEAAAABzEwAAAGQBAGQCAGQDAIQCAFoAAGQAAFMoBAAAAE5pAAAAAGkBAAAA YwIAAAAUAAAAHAAAAAsAAABzIQIAAGcAAH0DAHQBAHQCAGQBAIMCAIMAAH0GAHwGAHQEAGoIAG8W AAF0AQB0AgBkAgCDAgCDAAB9BgBuAQABdAEAfAYAZAMAgwIAgwAAiQAAdAEAfAYAZAQAgwIAgwAA fQkAdAcAhwAAZAUAhgAAfAkAgwIAfQsAZwAAfQwAdAoAdAIAZAYAgwIAbxYAAXQBAHQCAGQGAIMC AIMAAH0MAG4fAAF0AQB0AQB0AgBkAgCDAgCDAABkBgCDAgCDAAB9DAB4twB0CwCIAABnAQB8CwAX gwEARF2iAH0PAHwPAHwMAGoGAG+PAAF8AABkBwBqAgBvSgABdAEAfAMAZAgAgwIAdA4AZAkAhAAA dAEAfAYAZAoAgwIAZAsAfA8AZgEAZAwAfAEAZA0AZA4AZA8AZBAAgwAEgwIAgwEAAXF0AQF0AQB8 AwBkCACDAgB0AQB8BgBkEQCDAgBkCwB8DwBmAQBkDQBkDgBkDwBkEACDAAODAQABcdIAAXHSAFd0 AQB0AgBkEgCDAgBkEwBoAAAEZBQAZBUAAzyDAAF9EQBnAAB9EgB8EQBnAABqAwBvRQABfAAAZAcA 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name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body context.setResourceValue(context.getParent())\n context.setMappedValuePropertyList(\'base_price\')\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAAAAAAMAAAAFAAAASwAA AHM2AAAAdAAAdAEAZAEAgwIAdAAAdAEAZAIAgwIAgwAAgwEAAXQAAHQBAGQDAIMCAGQEAIMBAAFk AABTKAUAAABOcxAAAABzZXRSZXNvdXJjZVZhbHVlcwkAAABnZXRQYXJlbnRzGgAAAHNldE1hcHBl ZFZhbHVlUHJvcGVydHlMaXN0cwoAAABiYXNlX3ByaWNlKAIAAABzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MHAAAA Y29udGV4dCgDAAAAcwIAAABrd3MJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwcAAABjb250ZXh0KAAAAAAoAAAAAHMP AAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcw8AAABTdXBwbHlMaW5lX2luaXQBAAAAcwIAAAAiASgBAAAAcw8A AABTdXBwbHlMaW5lX2luaXQoAQAAAHMPAAAAU3VwcGx5TGluZV9pbml0KAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAA U2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcwgAAAA8bW9kdWxlPgEAAABzAAAAAA== _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SupplyLine_init _params **kw errors func_code co_argcount 0 co_varnames kw _getattr_ context func_defaults id SupplyLine_init warnings Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_priced_quantity meta_type IntegerField id my_quantity_unit meta_type ListField id my_p_variation_base_category_list meta_type MultiListField id my_comment meta_type TextAreaField id matrixbox meta_type MatrixBox id mapped_value_property_list meta_type LinesField id matrixbox_variation_category_list meta_type LinesField id matrixbox_predicate_category_list meta_type LinesField id matrixbox_base_price meta_type FloatField id my_base_price meta_type FloatField id my_price_currency meta_type ListField id my_quantity_step_list meta_type LinesField id my_start_date_range_max meta_type DateTimeField id my_resource_title meta_type RelationStringField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list Default right center bottom hidden groups Default my_priced_quantity my_quantity_unit my_price_currency my_base_price my_start_date_range_max my_resource_title bottom matrixbox mapped_value_property_list center my_comment hidden matrixbox_variation_category_list matrixbox_predicate_category_list matrixbox_base_price right my_p_variation_base_category_list my_quantity_step_list id SupplyLine_view mapped_value_property_list AAAAAAAABGQ= matrixbox AAAAAAAABGU= matrixbox_base_price AAAAAAAABGY= matrixbox_predicate_category_list AAAAAAAABGc= matrixbox_variation_category_list AAAAAAAABGg= method POST my_base_price AAAAAAAABGk= my_comment AAAAAAAABGo= my_p_variation_base_category_list AAAAAAAABGs= my_price_currency AAAAAAAABGw= my_priced_quantity AAAAAAAABG0= my_quantity_step_list AAAAAAAABG4= my_quantity_unit AAAAAAAABG8= my_resource_title AAAAAAAABHA= my_start_date_range_max AAAAAAAABHE= name Resource_viewDefaultSupplyLine pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Supply Line unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_title meta_type StringField id my_source_section meta_type ListField id my_source_administration_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_price_currency meta_type ListField id my_destination_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_start_date_range_min meta_type DateTimeField id my_start_date_range_max meta_type DateTimeField id my_description meta_type TextAreaField _owner nexedi acl_users yo action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom center my_description hidden left my_title my_source_section my_source_administration_title my_price_currency right my_destination_title my_start_date_range_min my_start_date_range_max id Supply_view method POST my_description AAAAAAAABHI= my_destination_title AAAAAAAABHM= my_price_currency AAAAAAAABHQ= my_source_administration_title AAAAAAAABHU= my_source_section AAAAAAAABHY= my_start_date_range_max AAAAAAAABHc= my_start_date_range_min AAAAAAAABHg= my_title AAAAAAAABHk= name Supply_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Supply unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ jerome Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body %s "%context.getPaymentConditionTradeDate())\n due_date = case[context.getPaymentConditionTradeDate()]()\n due_date += context.getPaymentConditionPaymentTerm(0)\n \n peom = context.getPaymentConditionPaymentEndOfMonth()\n LOG("poem : %s"%peom)\n pt = context.getPaymentConditionPaymentTerm()\n LOG("pt : %s"%pt)\n pat = context.getPaymentConditionPaymentAdditionalTerm()\n LOG("pat : %s"%pat)\n \n if peom:\n i = 0\n month = due_date.month()\n while (month == (due_date + i).month()):\n i += 1\n due_date = (due_date + i - 1)\n if pt != None:\n due_date += pt\n if pat != None:\n due_date += pat\n else:\n ##TODO: test this part\n if pat not in [None,\'\',0]:\n i = 0\n month = due_date.month()\n while (month == (due_date + i).month()):\n i -= 1\n due_date = (due_date + i + pat)\n \n return due_date\n ]]> _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAAAAAA0AAAAQAAAAQwAA AHMrAgAAZAEAawAAbAAAfQAAAWQCAIQAAH0BAGQDAIQAAH0BAGgAAAR0AgB0AwB0BABkBACDAgAD PARkBQB0AwB0BABkBACDAgADPARkBgB0AwB0BABkBACDAgADPARkBwB0AwB0BABkBACDAgADPH0F AHwBAGQIAHQDAHQEAGQJAIMCAIMAABaDAQABdAYAfAUAdAMAdAQAZAkAgwIAgwAAgwIAgwAAfQcA fAcAdAMAdAQAZAoAgwIAZAsAgwEAN30HAHQDAHQEAGQMAIMCAIMAAH0IAHwBAGQNAHwIABaDAQAB dAMAdAQAZAoAgwIAgwAAfQkAfAEAZA4AfAkAFoMBAAF0AwB0BABkDwCDAgCDAAB9CgB8AQBkEAB8 CgAWgwEAAXwIAG+PAAFkCwB9CwB0AwB8BwBkEQCDAgCDAAB9DAB4LAB8DAB0AwB8BwB8CwAXZBEA gwIAgwAAagIAbw4AAXwLAGQSADd9CwBxQAEBV3wHAHwLABdkEgAYfQcAfAkAdAIAagMAbw4AAXwH AHwJADd9BwBuAQABfAoAdAIAagMAbw4AAXwHAHwKADd9BwBxIwIBbnAAAXwKAHQCAGQTAGQLAGcD AGoHAG9ZAAFkCwB9CwB0AwB8BwBkEQCDAgCDAAB9DAB4LAB8DAB0AwB8BwB8CwAXZBEAgwIAgwAA agIAbw4AAXwLAGQSADh9CwBx5QEBV3wHAHwLABd8CgAXfQcAbgEAAXwHAFNkAABTKBQAAABOKAEA AABzCAAAAERhdGVUaW1lYwEAAAADAAAAAwAAAEMAAABzFgAAAHQAAHQBAGQBAIMCAGQCAHwAAIMC 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name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body property_dict = {}\n property_dict[\'multimembership_criterion_base_category_list\'] = (\'resource\',\'source\',\'destination\',\'group\',\'source_section\',\'destination_section\')\n property_dict[\'criterion_property_list\'] = (\'start_date\',\'stop_date\')\n return property_dict\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAAAAAAQAAAAHAAAATwAA AHNGAAAAaAAAfQIAZAEAZAIAZAMAZAQAZAUAZAYAZgYAdAEAfAIAgwEAZAcAPGQIAGQJAGYCAHQB AHwCAIMBAGQKADx8AgBTZAAAUygLAAAATnMIAAAAcmVzb3VyY2VzBgAAAHNvdXJjZXMLAAAAZGVz dGluYXRpb25zBQAAAGdyb3Vwcw4AAABzb3VyY2Vfc2VjdGlvbnMTAAAAZGVzdGluYXRpb25fc2Vj dGlvbnMsAAAAbXVsdGltZW1iZXJzaGlwX2NyaXRlcmlvbl9iYXNlX2NhdGVnb3J5X2xpc3RzCgAA AHN0YXJ0X2RhdGVzCQAAAHN0b3BfZGF0ZXMXAAAAY3JpdGVyaW9uX3Byb3BlcnR5X2xpc3QoAgAA AHMNAAAAcHJvcGVydHlfZGljdHMHAAAAX3dyaXRlXygEAAAAcwQAAABhcmdzcwIAAABrd3MNAAAA cHJvcGVydHlfZGljdHMHAAAAX3dyaXRlXygAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMw 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too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 50 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_quantity_unit message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABRk= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Quantity Unit unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_resource_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABRo= jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type AAAAAAAABRs= relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category resource catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module resource_module description display_maxwidth display_width 40 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Resource Resource relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Resource truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ParallelListField ParallelListField id my_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden items required size title unicode view_separator sub_form AAAAAAAABRw= tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden items AAAAAAAABR0= required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id DeliveryLine_hashVariationCategoryItemList hidden 0 items required 0 size 5 title Variation unicode 0 view_separator ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABR4= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id mapped_value_property_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default quantity description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Modified categories unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.ERP5Form.MatrixBox MatrixBox id matrixbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides alternate_name cell_base_id columns css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines tabs title update_cell_range tales alternate_name cell_base_id cell_portal_type columns AAAAAAAABR8= css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines AAAAAAAABSA= tabs AAAAAAAABSE= title update_cell_range values all_editable_attributes target_quantity quantity price price predicate_value predicate_value alternate_name cell_base_id movement cell_portal_type Container Cell cell_range columns css_class default description editable 1 editable_attributes quantity quantity variation_category_list variation_category_list predicate_category_list predicate_category_list enabled 1 external_validator getter_method global_attributes mapped_value_property_list mapped_value_property_list hidden 0 lines setter_method tabs title matrixbox update_cell_range 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_predicate_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABSI= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_category_list unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id matrixbox_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABSM= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title matrixbox_quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABSQ= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_value unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABSU= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id contained_total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABSY= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Contained Total Quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Container Line resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 100 list_action folder_contents list_method AAAAAAAABSc= meta_types portal_types Container Line Container Line report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name container_line_selection sort id ID sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Container Line url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 2 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_gross_weight message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Gross weight (kg) whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_resource_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABSg= jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type AAAAAAAABSk= relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category resource catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module resource_module description display_maxwidth display_width 40 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Resource Resource relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Container truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_serial_number message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Serial number truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ParallelListField ParallelListField id my_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden items required size title unicode view_separator sub_form AAAAAAAABSo= tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden items AAAAAAAABSs= required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id Resource_hashVariationCategoryItemList hidden 0 items required 0 size 5 title Variation unicode 0 view_separator ]]> Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.ERP5Form.MultiRelationField MultiRelationStringField id my_aggregate_title_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides allow_creation allow_jump alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item height hidden items jump_method list_method max_length max_linelength max_lines parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title unicode update_method view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales allow_creation allow_jump alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item height hidden items jump_method list_method max_length max_linelength max_lines parameter_list portal_type AAAAAAAABSw= relation_setter_id required size sort title unicode update_method view_separator whitespace_preserve width values allow_creation 1 allow_jump 1 alternate_name base_category aggregate catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module apparel_fabric_item_module description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 height 3 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length max_linelength max_lines parameter_list portal_type Item Item relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Item unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 20 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 input_style -1234.5 precision required 0 title Price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 input_style -1234.5 precision required 0 title Quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_quantity_unit message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABS0= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Quantity Unit unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_resource_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABS4= jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type AAAAAAAABS8= relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values allow_creation 0 allow_jump 0 alternate_name base_category resource catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module resource_module description display_maxwidth display_width 40 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Resource Resource relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Resource truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ParallelListField ParallelListField id my_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden items required size title unicode view_separator sub_form AAAAAAAABTA= tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden items AAAAAAAABTE= required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden 0 items required 0 size 5 title Variation unicode 0 view_separator ]]> Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 50 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Default price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_quantity_unit message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABTI= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Quantity Unit unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_resource_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABTM= jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type AAAAAAAABTQ= relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category resource catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module resource_module description display_maxwidth display_width 40 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Resource Resource relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Resource truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_start_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABTU= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Shipping Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_stop_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABTY= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Delivery Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ParallelListField ParallelListField id my_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden items required size title unicode view_separator sub_form AAAAAAAABTc= tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden items AAAAAAAABTg= required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id DeliveryLine_hashVariationCategoryItemList hidden 0 items required 0 size 5 title Variation unicode 0 view_separator ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABTk= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABTo= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id mapped_value_property_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default quantity price description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Modified categories unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.ERP5Form.MatrixBox MatrixBox id matrixbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides alternate_name cell_base_id columns css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines tabs title update_cell_range tales alternate_name cell_base_id cell_portal_type columns AAAAAAAABTs= css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines AAAAAAAABTw= tabs AAAAAAAABT0= title update_cell_range values all_editable_attributes target_quantity quantity price price predicate_value predicate_value alternate_name cell_base_id movement cell_portal_type Delivery Cell cell_range columns css_class default description editable 1 editable_attributes quantity quantity price price industrial_phase_list industrial_phase_list variation_category_list variation_category_list variation_category_list predicate_category_list predicate_category_list enabled 1 external_validator getter_method global_attributes mapped_value_property_list mapped_value_property_list hidden 0 lines setter_method tabs title matrixbox update_cell_range 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id matrixbox_industrial_phase_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABT4= description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items AAAAAAAABT8= required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items required 0 size 5 title matrixbox_industrial_phase_list unicode 0 view_separator ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_predicate_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABUA= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_category_list unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABUE= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_value unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABUI= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABUM= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id mapped_value_property_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default quantity price description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Modified categories unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.ERP5Form.MatrixBox MatrixBox id matrixbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides alternate_name cell_base_id columns css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines tabs title update_cell_range tales alternate_name cell_base_id cell_portal_type columns AAAAAAAABUQ= css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines AAAAAAAABUU= tabs AAAAAAAABUY= title update_cell_range values all_editable_attributes target_quantity quantity price price predicate_value predicate_value alternate_name cell_base_id movement cell_portal_type Delivery Cell cell_range columns css_class default description editable 1 editable_attributes quantity quantity price price variation_category_list variation_category_list predicate_category_list predicate_category_list enabled 1 external_validator getter_method global_attributes mapped_value_property_list mapped_value_property_list hidden 0 lines setter_method tabs title matrixbox update_cell_range 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_predicate_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABUc= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_category_list unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id matrixbox_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABUg= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title matrixbox_price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABUk= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_value unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title AAAAAAAABUo= truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABUs= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABUw= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id mapped_value_property_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default quantity price description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Modified categories unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.ERP5Form.MatrixBox MatrixBox id matrixbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides alternate_name cell_base_id columns css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines tabs title update_cell_range tales alternate_name cell_base_id cell_portal_type columns AAAAAAAABU0= css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines AAAAAAAABU4= tabs AAAAAAAABU8= title update_cell_range values all_editable_attributes target_quantity quantity price price predicate_value predicate_value alternate_name cell_base_id movement cell_portal_type Delivery Cell cell_range columns css_class default description editable 1 editable_attributes quantity quantity price price variation_category_list variation_category_list predicate_category_list predicate_category_list enabled 1 external_validator getter_method global_attributes mapped_value_property_list mapped_value_property_list hidden 0 lines setter_method tabs title matrixbox update_cell_range 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_predicate_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABVA= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_category_list unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id matrixbox_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABVE= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title matrixbox_quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABVI= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_value unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABVM= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABVQ= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox _owner nexedi acl_users alex id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method AAAAAAAABVU= meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name AAAAAAAABVY= sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns id ID portal_type Type title Title relative_url Path description Description all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID portal_type Type title Title relative_url Path description Description css_class default default_params id Jyc= relative_url Jyc= portal_type Jyc= description Jyc= description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 30 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name sort relative_url relative_url sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Merged deliveries url_columns Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_discount message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Amount whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_discount_ratio message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Ratio whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_discount_type message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABVc= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 1 size 1 title Type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields CheckBoxField id my_immediate_discount message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra hidden title tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABVg= description editable enabled external_validator extra hidden title values alternate_name css_class default 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 title Immediate discount Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id my_int_index message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 1 start title Index whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 1 all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Title default_source_title Source default_destination_title Destination start_date Shipping Date stop_date Delivery Date count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 30 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAABVk= meta_types portal_types Internal Packing List Internal Packing List report_root_list report_tree 0 search 1 search_columns select 1 selection_name internal_packing_list_selection sort id id sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Internal Packing Lists url_columns Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns id ID title Internal Packing List Line resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit getTotalPrice Price stop_date Delivery Date all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Internal Packing List Line resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit getTotalPrice Price stop_date Delivery Date count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 10 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAABVo= meta_types portal_types Internal Packing List Line Internal Packing List Line report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name internal_packing_list_line_selection sort id id sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Internal Packing List Line url_columns Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_default_destination_section_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_section catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination section truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_default_destination_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_default_source_section_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source_section catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source section truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_default_source_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 4 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_start_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABVs= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Shipping Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_stop_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABVw= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Delivery Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABV0= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABV4= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.MultiRelationField MultiRelationStringField id my_aggregate_title_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides allow_creation allow_jump alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item height hidden items jump_method list_method max_length max_linelength max_lines parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title unicode update_method view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales allow_creation allow_jump alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item height hidden items jump_method list_method max_length max_linelength max_lines parameter_list portal_type AAAAAAAABV8= relation_setter_id required size sort title unicode update_method view_separator whitespace_preserve width values allow_creation 1 allow_jump 1 alternate_name base_category aggregate catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module apparel_fabric_item_module description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 height 3 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length max_linelength max_lines parameter_list portal_type Item Item relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Item unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 20 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_inventory message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Inventory whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 input_style -1234.5 precision required 0 title Price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_quantity_unit message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABWA= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Quantity Unit unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_resource_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABWE= jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type AAAAAAAABWI= relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values allow_creation 0 allow_jump 0 alternate_name base_category resource catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module resource_module description display_maxwidth display_width 40 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Resource Resource relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Resource truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ParallelListField ParallelListField id my_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden items required size title unicode view_separator sub_form AAAAAAAABWM= tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden items AAAAAAAABWQ= required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden 0 items required 0 size 5 title Variation unicode 0 view_separator ]]> Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.ERP5Form.MultiRelationField MultiRelationStringField id my_aggregate_title_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides allow_creation allow_jump alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item height hidden items jump_method list_method max_length max_linelength max_lines parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title unicode update_method view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales allow_creation allow_jump alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item height hidden items jump_method list_method max_length max_linelength max_lines parameter_list portal_type AAAAAAAABWU= relation_setter_id required size sort title unicode update_method view_separator whitespace_preserve width values allow_creation 1 allow_jump 1 alternate_name base_category aggregate catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module apparel_fabric_item_module description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 height 3 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length max_linelength max_lines parameter_list portal_type Item Item relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Item unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 20 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_inventory message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Inventory whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Default price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_quantity_unit message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABWY= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Quantity Unit unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_resource_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABWc= jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type AAAAAAAABWg= relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category resource catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module resource_module description display_maxwidth display_width 40 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Resource Resource relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Resource truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ParallelListField ParallelListField id my_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden items required size title unicode view_separator sub_form AAAAAAAABWk= tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden items AAAAAAAABWo= required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id DeliveryLine_hashVariationCategoryItemList hidden 0 items required 0 size 5 title Variation unicode 0 view_separator ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id mapped_value_property_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default inventory price description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Modified categories unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.ERP5Form.MatrixBox MatrixBox id matrixbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides alternate_name cell_base_id columns css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines tabs title update_cell_range tales alternate_name cell_base_id cell_portal_type columns AAAAAAAABWs= css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines AAAAAAAABWw= tabs AAAAAAAABW0= title update_cell_range values all_editable_attributes target_quantity quantity price price predicate_value predicate_value alternate_name cell_base_id movement cell_portal_type Inventory Cell cell_range columns css_class default description editable 1 editable_attributes inventory inventory price price variation_category_list variation_category_list predicate_category_list predicate_category_list enabled 1 external_validator getter_method global_attributes mapped_value_property_list mapped_value_property_list hidden 0 lines setter_method tabs title matrixbox update_cell_range 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id matrixbox_inventory message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABW4= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden input_style precision required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 input_style -1234.5 precision required 0 title matrixbox_inventory whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_predicate_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABW8= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_category_list unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABXA= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_value unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title AAAAAAAABXE= truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id mapped_value_property_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default inventory price description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Modified categories unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.ERP5Form.MatrixBox MatrixBox id matrixbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides alternate_name cell_base_id columns css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines tabs title update_cell_range tales alternate_name cell_base_id cell_portal_type columns AAAAAAAABXI= css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines AAAAAAAABXM= tabs AAAAAAAABXQ= title update_cell_range values all_editable_attributes target_quantity quantity price price predicate_value predicate_value alternate_name cell_base_id movement cell_portal_type Inventory Cell cell_range columns css_class default description editable 1 editable_attributes inventory inventory price price variation_category_list variation_category_list predicate_category_list predicate_category_list enabled 1 external_validator getter_method global_attributes mapped_value_property_list mapped_value_property_list hidden 0 lines setter_method tabs title matrixbox update_cell_range 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_predicate_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABXU= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_category_list unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id matrixbox_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABXY= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title matrixbox_price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABXc= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_value unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title AAAAAAAABXg= truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 1 all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Title description Description count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 10 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAABXk= meta_types portal_types Inventory Inventory report_root_list report_tree 0 search 1 search_columns select 1 selection_name inventory_selection sort id id sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Inventory List url_columns Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID description Description resource_title Product inventory Inventory count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 100 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAABXo= meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name inventory_line_selection sort id id sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Inventory Line List url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 4 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_section_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_section catalog_index title css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument max_length portal_type Organisation Organisation relation_setter_id required 0 title Owner truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination catalog_index title css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument max_length portal_type Organisation Organisation relation_setter_id required 0 title Warehouse truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_start_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABXs= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Inventory Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABXw= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title State truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 50 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Default price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_quantity_unit message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABX0= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Quantity Unit unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_resource_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABX4= jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type AAAAAAAABX8= relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category resource catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module resource_module description display_maxwidth display_width 40 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Resource Resource relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Resource truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_start_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABYA= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Shipping Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_stop_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABYE= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Delivery Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ParallelListField ParallelListField id my_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden items required size title unicode view_separator sub_form AAAAAAAABYI= tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden items AAAAAAAABYM= required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id DeliveryLine_hashVariationCategoryItemList hidden 0 items required 0 size 5 title Variation unicode 0 view_separator ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABYQ= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABYU= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id mapped_value_property_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default quantity price description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Modified categories unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.ERP5Form.MatrixBox MatrixBox id matrixbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides alternate_name cell_base_id columns css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines tabs title update_cell_range tales alternate_name cell_base_id cell_portal_type columns AAAAAAAABYY= css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines AAAAAAAABYc= tabs AAAAAAAABYg= title update_cell_range values all_editable_attributes target_quantity quantity price price predicate_value predicate_value alternate_name cell_base_id movement cell_portal_type Delivery Cell cell_range columns css_class default description editable 1 editable_attributes quantity quantity price price variation_category_list variation_category_list predicate_category_list predicate_category_list enabled 1 external_validator getter_method global_attributes mapped_value_property_list mapped_value_property_list hidden 0 lines setter_method tabs title matrixbox update_cell_range 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_predicate_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABYk= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_category_list unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id matrixbox_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABYo= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title matrixbox_price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABYs= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_value unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title AAAAAAAABYw= truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABY0= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABY4= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id mapped_value_property_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default quantity price description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Modified categories unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.ERP5Form.MatrixBox MatrixBox id matrixbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides alternate_name cell_base_id columns css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines tabs title update_cell_range tales alternate_name cell_base_id cell_portal_type columns AAAAAAAABY8= css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines AAAAAAAABZA= tabs AAAAAAAABZE= title update_cell_range values all_editable_attributes target_quantity quantity price price predicate_value predicate_value alternate_name cell_base_id movement cell_portal_type Delivery Cell cell_range columns css_class default description editable 1 editable_attributes quantity quantity price price variation_category_list variation_category_list predicate_category_list predicate_category_list enabled 1 external_validator getter_method global_attributes mapped_value_property_list mapped_value_property_list hidden 0 lines setter_method tabs title matrixbox update_cell_range 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_predicate_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABZI= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_category_list unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id matrixbox_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABZM= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title matrixbox_quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABZQ= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_value unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABZU= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABZY= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 50 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Default price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_quantity_unit message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABZc= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Quantity Unit unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_resource_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABZg= jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type AAAAAAAABZk= relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category resource catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module resource_module description display_maxwidth display_width 40 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Resource Resource relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Resource truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ParallelListField ParallelListField id my_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden items required size title unicode view_separator sub_form AAAAAAAABZo= tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden items AAAAAAAABZs= required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id DeliveryLine_hashVariationCategoryItemList hidden 0 items required 0 size 5 title Variation unicode 0 view_separator ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABZw= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABZ0= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_comment message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABZ4= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 10 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Comment unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_start_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABZ8= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default AAAAAAAABaA= default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Shipping Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_stop_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABaE= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default AAAAAAAABaI= default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Delivery Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_workflow_action message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABaM= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 1 max_length required 1 title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id my_payment_additional_term message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Supplemental Delay (days) whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_payment_amount message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields CheckBoxField id my_payment_end_of_month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra hidden title tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABaQ= description editable enabled external_validator extra hidden title values alternate_name css_class default 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 title Payment at the end of month Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_payment_mode message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABaU= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 1 size 1 title Payment Mode unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_payment_ratio message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Percentage of total whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id my_payment_term message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 1 start title Payment Delay (days) whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_trade_date message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABaY= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 1 size 1 title Reference Date unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 1 all_columns id Id title Purchase Order default_destination_title Destination default_destination_decision_title Destination decision description Description simulation_state State stop_date Delivery Date all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id Id title Purchase Order default_destination_title Destination default_destination_decision_title Destination decision description Description simulation_state State stop_date Delivery Date count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list destination_section Destination Section order OrderType origin Origin domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 30 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAABac= meta_types portal_types Purchase Order Purchase Order report_root_list destination_section Destination Section order OrderType origin Origin report_tree 0 search 1 search_columns id Id title Purchase Order default_destination_title Destination default_destination_decision_title Destination decision description Description simulation_state State stop_date Delivery Date select 1 selection_name purchase_order_selection sort title title sort_columns id Id title Purchase Order default_destination_title Destination default_destination_decision_title Destination decision description Description simulation_state State stop_date Delivery Date stat_columns stat_method title Purchase Orders url_columns Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns id Id title Purchase Order Line resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit getTotalPrice Total price stop_date Delivery date all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id Id title Purchase Order Line resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit getTotalPrice Total price stop_date Delivery date css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 10 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAABag= meta_types portal_types Purchase Order Line Purchase Order Line report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns id Id title Purchase Order Line resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit getTotalPrice Total price stop_date Delivery date select 0 selection_name purchase_order_line_selection sort title title sort_columns id Id title Purchase Order Line resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit getTotalPrice Total price stop_date Delivery date stat_columns stat_method title Purchase Order Line url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_comment message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Comments unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_delivery_mode message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABak= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Delivery mode unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_administration_person_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_administration catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module person description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination administration person truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_destination_section message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABao= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Destination section unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_emit_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABas= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Emit date Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_incoterm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABaw= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Incoterm unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_order message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABa0= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Order type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_origin message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABa4= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Origin unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_price_currency message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABa8= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Currency unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_administration_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source_administration catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source administration truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_start_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABbA= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Shipping Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_stop_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABbE= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Delivery Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_trade_condition_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category specialise catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module purchase_trade_condition_module description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Purchase Trade Condition Purchase Trade Condition relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Purchase trade condition truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABbI= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title State truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABbM= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABbQ= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns id Id title Purchase Packing List default_source_title Source causality_title Causality simulation_state State stop_date Delivery Date all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id Id title Purchase Packing List default_source_title Source causality_title Causality simulation_state State stop_date Delivery Date count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 30 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAABbU= meta_types portal_types Purchase Packing List Purchase Packing List report_root_list report_tree 0 search 1 search_columns id Id title Purchase Packing List default_source_title Source causality_title Causality simulation_state State stop_date Delivery Date select 1 selection_name purchase_packing_list_selection sort title title sort_columns id Id title Purchase Packing List default_source_title Source causality_title Causality simulation_state State stop_date Delivery Date stat_columns stat_method title Purchase Packing List List url_columns Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns id ID title Purchase Packing List Line resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit getTotalPrice Price stop_date Delivery Date all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Purchase Packing List Line resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit getTotalPrice Price stop_date Delivery Date count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 10 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAABbY= meta_types portal_types Purchase Packing List Line Purchase Packing List Line report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name purchase_packing_list_line_selection sort id id sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Purchase Packing List Line url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_causality_state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Causality State truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_causality_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category causality catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module purchase_order_module description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Purchase Order Purchase Order relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Causality truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_comment message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Comments unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_delivery_mode message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABbc= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Delivery mode unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_administration_person_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_administration catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module person description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination administration person truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_destination_section message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABbg= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Destination section unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_incoterm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABbk= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Incoterm unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_start_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABbo= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Shipping Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_stop_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABbs= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Delivery Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABbw= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title State truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABb0= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABb4= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id Id title Purchase Trade Condition default_destination_section_title Organisation group Group default_source_decision_organisation_title Source decision default_source_title Source css_class default default_params description domain_root_list destination_section Destination Section incoterm Incoterm delivery_mode Delivery Mode group Group activity Activity domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 30 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAABb8= meta_types portal_types Purchase Trade Condition Purchase Trade Condition report_root_list destination_section Destination Section incoterm Incoterm delivery_mode Delivery Mode group Group activity Activity report_tree 0 search 1 search_columns select 1 selection_name purchase_trade_condition_selection sort title title sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Purchase Trade Condition url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_activity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABcA= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Activity unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_comment message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Comments unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_delivery_mode message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABcE= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Delivery mode unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_administration_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_administration catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module person description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination administration truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_destination_section message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABcI= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Destination section unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_effective_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABcM= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Effective date Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_expiration_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABcQ= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Expiration date Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_group message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABcU= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Group unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_incoterm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABcY= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Incoterm unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_price_currency message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABcc= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Currency unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_administration_organisation_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_administration catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination administration organisation truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_decision_organisation_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_decision catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination decision organisation truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_payment_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_payment catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination payment truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_destination_section message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABcg= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Destination section unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_administration_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source_administration catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source administration truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_source_decision_destination_reference message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Source decision destination truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_decision_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source_decision catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source decision truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_payment_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source_payment catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source payment truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_section_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source_section catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source section truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id mapped_value_property_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default base_price description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Modified categories unicode 0 view_separator whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.ERP5Form.MatrixBox MatrixBox id matrixbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides alternate_name cell_base_id cell_portal_type columns css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines tabs title update_cell_range tales alternate_name cell_base_id cell_portal_type columns AAAAAAAABck= css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines AAAAAAAABco= tabs AAAAAAAABcs= title update_cell_range values all_editable_attributes target_quantity quantity price price predicate_value predicate_value alternate_name cell_base_id path cell_portal_type Supply Cell cell_range columns css_class default description editable 1 editable_attributes base_price base_price variation_category_list variation_category_list predicate_category_list predicate_category_list enabled 1 external_validator getter_method Resource_getDefaultSupplyLine global_attributes mapped_value_property_list mapped_value_property_list hidden 0 lines setter_method tabs title matrixbox update_cell_range 1 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id matrixbox_base_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator hidden input_style precision required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABcw= description editable enabled external_validator hidden input_style precision required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 input_style -1234.5 precision required 0 title matrixbox_price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_predicate_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABc0= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_category_list unicode 0 view_separator whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABc4= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_value unicode 0 view_separator whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_base_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator hidden input_style precision required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator hidden input_style precision required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 input_style -1234.5 precision required 0 title Price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_comment message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Comments unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id my_p_variation_base_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items AAAAAAAABc8= required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items required 0 size 3 title Price Variation axes unicode 0 view_separator Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_price_currency message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABdA= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 0 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Currency unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id my_priced_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Priced quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_quantity_unit message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABdE= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Quantity Unit unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_supply_line_base_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator hidden input_style precision required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator hidden input_style precision required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 input_style -1234.5 precision required 0 title Supplier Price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_supply_line_price_currency message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABdI= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Supplier Currency unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id my_supply_line_quantity_step_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABdM= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Quantity step unicode 0 view_separator whitespace_preserve 0 width 10 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_supply_line_start_date_range_max message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABdQ= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order dmy input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Price validity Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID resource_title Resource quantity Quantity quantity_unit Unit count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns quantity quantity editable_expression editable_permission editable_role enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 10 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAABdU= meta_types not_viewable 0 portal_types Invoice Line Invoice Line read_only 0 report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name sale_invoice_line_selection sort id id sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Sale Invoice Lines url_columns viewable_expression viewable_permission viewable_role Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id listbox_destination message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABdY= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title listbox_destination unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id listbox_source message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABdc= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title listbox_source unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id listbox_source_credit message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 5 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title listbox_source_debit whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id listbox_source_debit message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 5 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title listbox_source_debit whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_causality_id message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category causality catalog_index id css_class default default_module sale_packing_list description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 editable_expression editable_permission editable_role enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument max_length not_viewable 0 portal_type Sale Packing List Sale Packing List read_only 0 relation_setter_id required 0 title Packing List No truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation viewable_expression viewable_permission viewable_role whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_delivery_mode message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABdg= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Delivery Mode unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_section_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values allow_creation 1 allow_jump 1 alternate_name base_category destination_section catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 editable_expression editable_permission editable_role enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length not_viewable 0 parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Person Person read_only 0 relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Invoice to truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation viewable_expression viewable_permission viewable_role whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument max_length portal_type Organisation Organisation Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Deliver to truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_incoterm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABdk= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Incoterm unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_price_currency message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABdo= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Price Currency unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_reference message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 editable_expression editable_permission editable_role enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length not_viewable 0 read_only 1 required 0 title Invoice Number truncate 0 unicode 0 viewable_expression viewable_permission viewable_role whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_administration_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source_administration catalog_index title css_class default default_module person description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument max_length portal_type Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 title Sale Manager truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_source_section message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABds= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 editable_expression editable_permission editable_role enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items not_viewable 0 read_only 0 required 0 size 1 title Vendor unicode 0 viewable_expression viewable_permission viewable_role whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_start_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABdw= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 editable_expression editable_permission editable_role enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text not_viewable 0 read_only 0 required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Invoice Date viewable_expression viewable_permission viewable_role Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id simulation_state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABd0= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 editable_expression editable_permission editable_role enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length not_viewable 0 read_only 1 required 0 title State truncate 0 unicode 0 viewable_expression viewable_permission viewable_role whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns id Id title Sale Order default_destination_title Destination default_destination_decision_title Destination decision description Description simulation_state State stop_date Delivery Date all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id Id title Sale Order default_destination_title Destination default_destination_decision_title Destination decision description Description simulation_state State stop_date Delivery Date count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list source_section Source Section order Order type origin Origin incoterm Incoterm delivery_mode Delivery Mode segmentation Segmentation group Group domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 30 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAABd4= meta_types portal_types Sale Order Sale Order report_root_list source_section Source Section order Order type origin Origin incoterm Incoterm delivery_mode Delivery Mode segmentation Segmentation group Group report_tree 0 search 1 search_columns id Id title Sale Order default_destination_title Destination default_destination_decision_title Destination decision description Description simulation_state State stop_date Delivery Date select 1 selection_name sale_order_selection sort title title sort_columns id Id title Sale Order default_destination_title Destination default_destination_decision_title Destination decision description Description simulation_state State stop_date Delivery Date stat_columns stat_method title Sale Order List url_columns Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns id Id title Sale Order Line resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit getTotalPrice Price stop_date Delivery Date all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id Id title Sale Order Line resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit getTotalPrice Price stop_date Delivery Date css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 10 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAABd8= meta_types portal_types Sale Order Line Sale Order Line report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name sale_order_line_selection sort id id sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Sale Order Line url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_comment message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Comments unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_delivery_mode message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABeA= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Delivery mode unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_decision_organisation_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_decision catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination decision organisation truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_decision_person_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_decision catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module person description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination decision person truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_destination_reference message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Destination reference truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_errand_ratio message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Errand ratio whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_group message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABeE= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Group unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_incoterm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABeI= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Incoterm unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_order message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABeM= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Order type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_origin message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABeQ= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Origin unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_price_currency message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABeU= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Currency unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_received_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABeY= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Received date Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_segmentation message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABec= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Segmentation unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_administration_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source_administration catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module person description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source administration truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_decision_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABeg= jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source_decision catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module person description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source decision truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_source_section message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABek= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Source section unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_start_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABeo= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Shipping Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_stop_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABes= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Delivery Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_trade_condition_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category specialise catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module sale_trade_condition_module description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Sale Trade Condition Sale Trade Condition relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Sale trade condition truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABew= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title State truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABe0= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABe4= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns id Id title Sale Packing List default_destination_title Destination default_destination_decision_title Destination decision causality_title Causality simulation_state State stop_date Delivery Date all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id Id title Sale Packing List default_destination_title Destination default_destination_decision_title Destination decision causality_title Causality simulation_state State stop_date Delivery Date count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 30 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAABe8= meta_types portal_types Sale Packing List Sale Packing List report_root_list report_tree 0 search 1 search_columns id Id title Sale Packing List default_destination_title Destination default_destination_decision_title Destination decision causality_title Causality simulation_state State stop_date Delivery Date select 1 selection_name sale_packing_list_selection sort title title sort_columns id Id title Sale Packing List default_destination_title Destination default_destination_decision_title Destination decision causality_title Causality simulation_state State stop_date Delivery Date stat_columns stat_method title Sale Packing List List url_columns Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns getResourceTitle Resource Movement_getVariationCategoryDisplayList Variation quantity Quantity Movement_getPackedQuantity Contained Quantity container_quantity Container Quantity getQuantityUnitTitleOrId Unit count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns container_quantity container_quantity enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 500 list_action folder_contents list_method AAAAAAAABfA= meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name sale_packing_list_delivery_cell_selection sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Container content url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id listbox_container_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABfE= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Inventory whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id my_container_count message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default 1 description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 1 start title Container count whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_container_type message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABfI= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items carton A composant/CAame/A carton B composant/CAame/B carton C composant/CAame/C carton D1 composant/CAame/D1 carton D2 composant/CAame/D2 carton D3 composant/CAame/D3 required 1 size 1 title Container type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_gross_weight message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default 0.0 description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 1 title Gross weight (kg) whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id my_next_container_int_index message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABfM= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default 1 description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 1 start title Next id whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns id Id title Sale Packing List Line resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit getTotalPrice Price all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id Id title Sale Packing List Line resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit getTotalPrice Price count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 10 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAABfQ= meta_types portal_types Sale Packing List Line Sale Packing List Line report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name sale_packing_list_line_selection sort id id sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Sale Packing List Line url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_causality_state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Causality State truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_causality_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category causality catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module sale_order_module description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Sale Order Sale Order relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Causality truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_comment message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Comments unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_container_state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Container State truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_delivery_mode message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABfU= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Delivery mode unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_section_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_section catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination section truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_incoterm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABfY= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Incoterm unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_administration_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source_administration catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module person description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source administration truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_source_section message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABfc= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Source section unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_start_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABfg= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Shipping Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_stop_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABfk= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Delivery Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABfo= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title State truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABfs= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABfw= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns Id ID title Title resource_title Container variation_text Variation gross_weight Gross Weight getContainedTotalQuantity Contained Total Quantity description Description count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 15 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAABf0= meta_types portal_types Container Container report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name container_selection sort id id sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Container url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_causality_state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Causality State truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_causality_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category causality catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module sale_order_module description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Sale Order Sale Order relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Causality truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_comment message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Comments unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_container_state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Container State truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_delivery_mode message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABf4= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Delivery mode unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_section_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_section catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination section truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_incoterm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABf8= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Incoterm unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_administration_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source_administration catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module person description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source administration truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_source_section message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABgA= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Source section unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_start_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABgE= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Shipping Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_stop_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABgI= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Delivery Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABgM= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title State truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABgQ= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABgU= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id Id title Sale Trade Condition default_source_section_title Organisation group Group default_destination_decision_organisation_title Destination decision default_destination_title Destination css_class default default_params description domain_root_list source_section Source Section incoterm Incoterm delivery_mode Delivery Mode group Group activity Activity domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 30 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAABgY= meta_types portal_types Sale Trade Condition Sale Trade Condition report_root_list source_section Source Section incoterm Incoterm delivery_mode Delivery Mode group Group activity Activity report_tree 0 search 1 search_columns select 1 selection_name sale_trade_condition_selection sort title title sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Sale Trade Condition url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_activity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABgc= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Activity unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_comment message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Comments unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_delivery_mode message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABgg= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Delivery mode unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_effective_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABgk= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Effective date Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_expiration_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABgo= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Expiration date Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_group message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABgs= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Group unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_incoterm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABgw= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Incoterm unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_price_currency message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABg0= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Currency unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_administration_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source_administration catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module person description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source administration truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_source_section message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABg4= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Source section unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_administration_organisation_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_administration catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination administration organisation truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_decision_organisation_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_decision catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination decision organisation truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_payment_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_payment catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination payment truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_section_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_section catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination section truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_administration_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source_administration catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source administration truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_source_decision_destination_reference message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Source decision destination truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_decision_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source_decision catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source decision truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_payment_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source_payment catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source payment truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField _owner nexedi acl_users jerome id my_source_section_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values allow_creation 0 allow_jump 1 alternate_name base_category source_section catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source section truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id mapped_value_property_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default base_price description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Modified categories unicode 0 view_separator whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.ERP5Form.MatrixBox MatrixBox id matrixbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides alternate_name cell_base_id cell_portal_type columns css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines tabs title update_cell_range tales alternate_name cell_base_id cell_portal_type columns AAAAAAAABg8= css_class default description editable editable_attributes enabled external_validator getter_method global_attributes hidden lines AAAAAAAABhA= tabs AAAAAAAABhE= title update_cell_range values all_editable_attributes target_quantity quantity price price predicate_value predicate_value alternate_name cell_base_id path cell_portal_type Supply Cell cell_range columns css_class default description editable 1 editable_attributes base_price base_price variation_category_list variation_category_list predicate_category_list predicate_category_list enabled 1 external_validator getter_method global_attributes mapped_value_property_list mapped_value_property_list hidden 0 lines setter_method tabs title matrixbox update_cell_range 1 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id matrixbox_base_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator hidden input_style precision required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABhI= description editable enabled external_validator hidden input_style precision required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 input_style -1234.5 precision required 0 title matrixbox_price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_predicate_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABhM= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_category_list unicode 0 view_separator whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id matrixbox_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABhQ= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 1 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title matrixbox_predicate_value unicode 0 view_separator whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_base_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator hidden input_style precision required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator hidden input_style precision required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 input_style -1234.5 precision required 0 title Supplier Price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_comment message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Comments unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id my_p_variation_base_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items AAAAAAAABhU= required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items required 0 size 3 title Price Variation axes unicode 0 view_separator Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_price_currency message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABhY= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Supplier Currency unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id my_priced_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Priced quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField id my_quantity_step_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABhc= description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Quantity step unicode 0 view_separator whitespace_preserve 0 width 10 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_quantity_unit message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABhg= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Quantity Unit unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField _owner nexedi acl_users yo id my_resource_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides allow_creation allow_jump alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales allow_creation allow_jump alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values allow_creation 1 allow_jump 1 alternate_name base_category resource catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module product_module description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Product Product relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Product truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_start_date_range_max message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABhk= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order dmy input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Price validity Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides allow_creation allow_jump alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales allow_creation allow_jump alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values allow_creation 1 allow_jump 1 alternate_name base_category destination catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_price_currency message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABho= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Currency unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_administration_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides allow_creation allow_jump alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales allow_creation allow_jump alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values allow_creation 1 allow_jump 1 alternate_name base_category source_administration catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module person description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source administration truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_source_section message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABhs= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Source section unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_start_date_range_max message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABhw= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title End Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_start_date_range_min message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAABh0= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Beginning Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns id Id title Discount description Description getDiscountRatio Discount Ratio all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id Id title Discount description Description getDiscountRatio Discount Ratio css_class default default_params description domain_root_list discount_type Discount type domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 10 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAABh4= meta_types portal_types Discount Discount report_root_list discount_type Discount type report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name discount_selection sort title title sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Discount url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id Id title Payment description Description css_class default default_params description domain_root_list payment_mode Payment Mode trade_date Reference date domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 10 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAABh8= meta_types portal_types Payment Condition Payment Condition report_root_list payment_mode Payment Mode trade_date Reference date report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name payment_condition_selection sort title title sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Additional payment url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id my_payment_condition_payment_additional_term message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Payment additional term (day) whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields CheckBoxField id my_payment_condition_payment_end_of_month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra hidden title tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAABiA= description editable enabled external_validator extra hidden title values alternate_name css_class default 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 title Payment end of month Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_payment_condition_payment_mode message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABiE= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 1 size 1 title Payment mode unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id my_payment_condition_payment_term message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 1 start title Payment term (day) whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_payment_condition_trade_date message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAABiI= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 1 size 1 title Trade date unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Persistence PersistentMapping _container order_workflow order_action order order_actor superseb order_comment order_state ordered order_time _aday Mon _amon Jul _d 37463.758549 _day 28 _dayoffset 1 _fday Monday _fmon July _hour 20 _millis 1059415938634 _minute 12 _month 7 _nearsec 18.0 _pday Mon. _pm pm _pmhour 8 _pmon July _second 18.634 _t 1059415938.63 _tz GMT+2 _year 2003 time 0.758549004626 Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner id delivered permission_roles AAAAAAAABiM= Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABiQ= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id action info_guard uid -1660013801 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABiU= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id actor info_guard uid -1660013800 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABiY= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id comment info_guard uid -1660013798 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABic= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 0 id history info_guard uid -1660013802 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner default_expr default_value description for_catalog 1 for_status 0 id portal_type info_guard update_always 0 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABig= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id time info_guard uid -1660013799 update_always 1 Products.ERP5.Interaction InteractionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url activate_script_name after_script_name Order_updateAppliedRule description guard id edit method_id _edit portal_type_filter Production Order Purchase Order Sale Order script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body order = state_change.object\n \n if order.getSimulationState() in order.getPortalPlannedOrderStateList():\n order.updateAppliedRule()\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAMAAAAGAAAAQwAA AHNMAAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAgwAAdAAAfAIAZAMAgwIAgwAAagYAbxQA AXQAAHwCAGQEAIMCAIMAAAFuAQABZAAAUygFAAAATnMGAAAAb2JqZWN0cxIAAABnZXRTaW11bGF0 aW9uU3RhdGVzHgAAAGdldFBvcnRhbFBsYW5uZWRPcmRlclN0YXRlTGlzdHMRAAAAdXBkYXRlQXBw bGllZFJ1bGUoAwAAAHMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwwAAABzdGF0ZV9jaGFuZ2VzBQAAAG9yZGVyKAMA AABzDAAAAHN0YXRlX2NoYW5nZXMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwUAAABvcmRlcigAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAA AFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMXAAAAT3JkZXJfdXBkYXRlQXBwbGllZFJ1bGUBAAAAcwQAAAAPAigB KAEAAABzFwAAAE9yZGVyX3VwZGF0ZUFwcGxpZWRSdWxlKAEAAABzFwAAAE9yZGVyX3VwZGF0ZUFw cGxpZWRSdWxlKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcwgAAAA8bW9kdWxlPgEAAABz AAAAAA== _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_workflow/order_interaction_workflow/scripts/Order_updateAppliedRule _params state_change errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames state_change _getattr_ order func_defaults id Order_updateAppliedRule warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body order = state_change.object\n \n order.applyToOrderRelatedMovement(method_id=\'expand\')\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAMAAAAEAAAAQwAA AHMpAAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAZAMAZAQAgwABAWQAAFMoBQAAAE5zBgAA AG9iamVjdHMbAAAAYXBwbHlUb09yZGVyUmVsYXRlZE1vdmVtZW50cwkAAABtZXRob2RfaWRzBgAA AGV4cGFuZCgDAAAAcwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zDAAAAHN0YXRlX2NoYW5nZXMFAAAAb3JkZXIoAwAA AHMMAAAAc3RhdGVfY2hhbmdlcwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zBQAAAG9yZGVyKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAA U2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcx4AAABPcmRlcl9hcHBsaWVkVG9SZWxhdGVkTW92ZW1lbnQBAAAAcwIA AAASAigBAAAAcx4AAABPcmRlcl9hcHBsaWVkVG9SZWxhdGVkTW92ZW1lbnQoAQAAAHMeAAAAT3Jk ZXJfYXBwbGllZFRvUmVsYXRlZE1vdmVtZW50KAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24p cwgAAAA8bW9kdWxlPgEAAABzAAAAAA== _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_workflow/order_workflow/scripts/Order_appliedToRelatedMovement _params state_change errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames state_change _getattr_ order func_defaults id Order_appliedToRelatedMovement warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body order = state_change.object\n \n order.updateAppliedRule()\n \n # Create deliveries for this order\n applied_rule = order.getCausalityRelatedValue()\n # reindex simulation movement as quick as possible\n applied_rule.recursiveReindexObject()\n applied_rule_uid = applied_rule.getUid()\n \n order_portal_type = order.getPortalType()\n if order_portal_type == \'Sale Order\':\n delivery_builder = order.portal_deliveries.sale_packing_list_builder\n elif order_portal_type == \'Purchase Order\':\n delivery_builder = order.portal_deliveries.purchase_packing_list_builder\n \n delivery_builder.activate(after_method_id=(\'expand\',\'recursiveImmediateReindexObject\')).build(applied_rule_uid=applied_rule_uid)\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAcAAAAKAAAAQwAA AHPpAAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAgwAAAXQAAHwCAGQDAIMCAIMAAH0DAHQA AHwDAGQEAIMCAIMAAAF0AAB8AwBkBQCDAgCDAAB9BAB0AAB8AgBkBgCDAgCDAAB9BQB8BQBkBwBq AgBvHAABdAAAdAAAfAIAZAgAgwIAZAkAgwIAfQYAbioAAXwFAGQKAGoCAG8cAAF0AAB0AAB8AgBk CACDAgBkCwCDAgB9BgBuAQABdAAAdAAAfAYAZAwAgwIAZA0AZA4AZA8AZgIAgwABZBAAgwIAZBEA fAQAgwABAWQAAFMoEgAAAE5zBgAAAG9iamVjdHMRAAAAdXBkYXRlQXBwbGllZFJ1bGVzGAAAAGdl dENhdXNhbGl0eVJlbGF0ZWRWYWx1ZXMWAAAAcmVjdXJzaXZlUmVpbmRleE9iamVjdHMGAAAAZ2V0 VWlkcw0AAABnZXRQb3J0YWxUeXBlcwoAAABTYWxlIE9yZGVycxEAAABwb3J0YWxfZGVsaXZlcmll c3MZAAAAc2FsZV9wYWNraW5nX2xpc3RfYnVpbGRlcnMOAAAAUHVyY2hhc2UgT3JkZXJzHQAAAHB1 cmNoYXNlX3BhY2tpbmdfbGlzdF9idWlsZGVycwgAAABhY3RpdmF0ZXMPAAAAYWZ0ZXJfbWV0aG9k 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delivery_builder func_defaults id Order_buildPackingList warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body order = state_change.object\n \n order.updateAppliedRule()\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAMAAAAEAAAAQwAA AHMjAAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAgwAAAWQAAFMoAwAAAE5zBgAAAG9iamVj dHMRAAAAdXBkYXRlQXBwbGllZFJ1bGUoAwAAAHMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwwAAABzdGF0ZV9jaGFu Z2VzBQAAAG9yZGVyKAMAAABzDAAAAHN0YXRlX2NoYW5nZXMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwUAAABvcmRl cigAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMVAAAAT3JkZXJfY3JlYXRlT3JkZXJSdWxl AQAAAHMCAAAAEgIoAQAAAHMVAAAAT3JkZXJfY3JlYXRlT3JkZXJSdWxlKAEAAABzFQAAAE9yZGVy X2NyZWF0ZU9yZGVyUnVsZSgAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMIAAAAPG1vZHVs ZT4BAAAAcwAAAAA= _filepath Script 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guard id cancel new_state_id cancelled script_name title trigger_type 2 uid 1037417571 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name Cancel actbox_url %(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?field_my_workflow_action=cancel_action after_script_name cancel description guard id cancel_action new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 1 uid -1660013808 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name Order_buildPackingList description guard id confirm new_state_id confirmed script_name title trigger_type 2 uid -72028492 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name Confirm actbox_url %(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?workflow_action=confirm_action after_script_name confirm description guard id 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Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABi4= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id comment info_guard uid -1660013798 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABi8= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 0 id history info_guard uid -1660013802 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner default_expr default_value description for_catalog 1 for_status 0 id portal_type info_guard update_always 0 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABjA= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id start_date info_guard uid 1037417573 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABjE= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id stop_date info_guard uid 1037417572 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABjI= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id time info_guard uid -1660013799 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Worklists WorklistDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner actbox_category global actbox_name Drafts of purchase orders (%(count)s) actbox_url description guard id draft_purchase var_matches AAAAAAAABjM= Products.DCWorkflow.Worklists WorklistDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner actbox_category global actbox_name Drafts of sale orders (%(count)s) actbox_url description guard id draft_sale var_matches AAAAAAAABjQ= Products.DCWorkflow.Worklists WorklistDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner actbox_category global actbox_name Purchase orders not confirmed (%(count)s) actbox_url description guard id ordered_purchase var_matches AAAAAAAABjU= Products.DCWorkflow.Worklists WorklistDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner actbox_category global actbox_name Sale orders not confirmed (%(count)s) actbox_url description guard id ordered_sale var_matches AAAAAAAABjY= Products.DCWorkflow.Worklists WorklistDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner actbox_category global actbox_name Plans of purchase orders (%(count)s) actbox_url description guard id planned_purchase var_matches AAAAAAAABjc= Products.DCWorkflow.Worklists WorklistDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner actbox_category global actbox_name Plans of sale orders actbox_url description guard id planned_sale var_matches AAAAAAAABjg= Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list = state_change.object\n \n # Create Delivery Applied Rule (if required)\n packing_list.updateAppliedRule()\n # Make sure applied rule is 100% indexed\n # Here, applied rule must be already cleanly created \n \n # We do not use DeliverySolver, because, by default, we keep delivery_ratio\n # untouch\n packing_list.portal_simulation.solveDelivery(packing_list, None,\n "CopyToTarget")\n \n # Automatic workflow\n packing_list.edit()\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAQAAAAFAAAAQwAA AHNVAAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAgwAAAXQAAHQAAHwCAGQDAIMCAGQEAIMC AHwCAHQDAGQFAIMDAAF0AAB8AgBkBgCDAgCDAAABZAAAUygHAAAATnMGAAAAb2JqZWN0cxEAAAB1 cGRhdGVBcHBsaWVkUnVsZXMRAAAAcG9ydGFsX3NpbXVsYXRpb25zDQAAAHNvbHZlRGVsaXZlcnlz DAAAAENvcHlUb1RhcmdldHMEAAAAZWRpdCgEAAAAcwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zDAAAAHN0YXRlX2No YW5nZXMMAAAAcGFja2luZ19saXN0cwQAAABOb25lKAQAAABzDAAAAHN0YXRlX2NoYW5nZXMJAAAA X2dldGF0dHJfcwwAAABwYWNraW5nX2xpc3RzBAAAAE5vbmUoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQg KFB5dGhvbilzGgAAAFBhY2tpbmdMaXN0X2FjY2VwdERlY2lzaW9uAQAAAHMGAAAAEgMTBh8EKAEA AABzGgAAAFBhY2tpbmdMaXN0X2FjY2VwdERlY2lzaW9uKAEAAABzGgAAAFBhY2tpbmdMaXN0X2Fj Y2VwdERlY2lzaW9uKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcwgAAAA8bW9kdWxlPgEA AABzAAAAAA== _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAABjk= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_workflow/packing_list_causality_workflow/scripts/PackingList_acceptDecision _params state_change errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames state_change _getattr_ packing_list None func_defaults id PackingList_acceptDecision warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list = state_change.object\n \n # Create Delivery Applied Rule (if required)\n packing_list.updateAppliedRule()\n # Make sure applied rule is 100% indexed\n # Here, applied rule must be already cleanly created \n \n \n \n packing_list_portal_type = packing_list.getPortalType()\n if packing_list_portal_type == \'Sale Packing List\':\n delivery_builder = packing_list.portal_deliveries.sale_packing_list_builder\n elif packing_list_portal_type == \'Purchase Packing List\':\n delivery_builder = packing_list.portal_deliveries.purchase_packing_list_builder\n \n packing_list_relative_url = packing_list.getRelativeUrl()\n delivery_builder.updateFromSimulation(packing_list_relative_url)\n \n # Automatic workflow\n packing_list.edit()\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAYAAAAIAAAAQwAA AHO8AAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAgwAAAXQAAHwCAGQDAIMCAIMAAH0DAHwD AGQEAGoCAG8cAAF0AAB0AAB8AgBkBQCDAgBkBgCDAgB9BABuKgABfAMAZAcAagIAbxwAAXQAAHQA AHwCAGQFAIMCAGQIAIMCAH0EAG4BAAF0AAB8AgBkCQCDAgCDAAB9BQB0AAB8BABkCgCDAgB8BQCD AQABdAAAfAIAZAsAgwIAgwAAAWQAAFMoDAAAAE5zBgAAAG9iamVjdHMRAAAAdXBkYXRlQXBwbGll ZFJ1bGVzDQAAAGdldFBvcnRhbFR5cGVzEQAAAFNhbGUgUGFja2luZyBMaXN0cxEAAABwb3J0YWxf ZGVsaXZlcmllc3MZAAAAc2FsZV9wYWNraW5nX2xpc3RfYnVpbGRlcnMVAAAAUHVyY2hhc2UgUGFj a2luZyBMaXN0cx0AAABwdXJjaGFzZV9wYWNraW5nX2xpc3RfYnVpbGRlcnMOAAAAZ2V0UmVsYXRp dmVVcmxzFAAAAHVwZGF0ZUZyb21TaW11bGF0aW9ucwQAAABlZGl0KAYAAABzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRy X3MMAAAAc3RhdGVfY2hhbmdlcwwAAABwYWNraW5nX2xpc3RzGAAAAHBhY2tpbmdfbGlzdF9wb3J0 YWxfdHlwZXMQAAAAZGVsaXZlcnlfYnVpbGRlcnMZAAAAcGFja2luZ19saXN0X3JlbGF0aXZlX3Vy bCgGAAAAcwwAAABzdGF0ZV9jaGFuZ2VzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MMAAAAcGFja2luZ19saXN0cxgA AABwYWNraW5nX2xpc3RfcG9ydGFsX3R5cGVzEAAAAGRlbGl2ZXJ5X2J1aWxkZXJzGQAAAHBhY2tp bmdfbGlzdF9yZWxhdGl2ZV91cmwoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzGgAAAFBh Y2tpbmdMaXN0X2Fkb3B0UHJldmlzaW9uAQAAAHMSAAAAEgMNBhIBDQEcAQ0BHAIVARMDKAEAAABz GgAAAFBhY2tpbmdMaXN0X2Fkb3B0UHJldmlzaW9uKAEAAABzGgAAAFBhY2tpbmdMaXN0X2Fkb3B0 UHJldmlzaW9uKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcwgAAAA8bW9kdWxlPgEAAABz AAAAAA== _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAABjo= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_workflow/packing_list_causality_workflow/scripts/PackingList_adoptPrevision _params state_change errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames state_change _getattr_ packing_list packing_list_portal_type delivery_builder packing_list_relative_url func_defaults id PackingList_adoptPrevision warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list = state_change.object\n \n stop_date = state_change.kwargs[\'stop_date\']\n start_date = state_change.kwargs[\'start_date\']\n \n # packing_list.split_prevision(start_date=start_date,\n # stop_date=stop_date)\n \n packing_list.portal_workflow.doActionFor(\n packing_list,\n \'split_prevision\',\n wf_id=\'packing_list_causality_workflow\',\n start_date=start_date,\n stop_date=stop_date)\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAYAAAAKAAAAQwAA AHN0AAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAMAdAAAfAAAZAIAgwIAZAMAgwIAfQQAdAMAdAAAfAAAZAIA gwIAZAQAgwIAfQUAdAAAdAAAfAIAZAUAgwIAZAYAgwIAfAIAZAcAZAgAZAkAZAQAfAUAZAMAfAQA gwIDAWQAAFMoCgAAAE5zBgAAAG9iamVjdHMGAAAAa3dhcmdzcwkAAABzdG9wX2RhdGVzCgAAAHN0 YXJ0X2RhdGVzDwAAAHBvcnRhbF93b3JrZmxvd3MLAAAAZG9BY3Rpb25Gb3JzDwAAAHNwbGl0X3By ZXZpc2lvbnMFAAAAd2ZfaWRzHwAAAHBhY2tpbmdfbGlzdF9jYXVzYWxpdHlfd29ya2Zsb3coBgAA AHMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwwAAABzdGF0ZV9jaGFuZ2VzDAAAAHBhY2tpbmdfbGlzdHMJAAAAX2dl dGl0ZW1fcwkAAABzdG9wX2RhdGVzCgAAAHN0YXJ0X2RhdGUoBgAAAHMMAAAAc3RhdGVfY2hhbmdl cwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zDAAAAHBhY2tpbmdfbGlzdHMJAAAAX2dldGl0ZW1fcwkAAABzdG9wX2Rh dGVzCgAAAHN0YXJ0X2RhdGUoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzKAAAAFBhY2tp bmdMaXN0X2NhbGxTcGxpdFByZXZpc2lvblRyYW5zaXRpb24BAAAAcwwAAAAPAhgBHgUPAQ8DBgEo AQAAAHMoAAAAUGFja2luZ0xpc3RfY2FsbFNwbGl0UHJldmlzaW9uVHJhbnNpdGlvbigBAAAAcygA AABQYWNraW5nTGlzdF9jYWxsU3BsaXRQcmV2aXNpb25UcmFuc2l0aW9uKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAA U2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcwgAAAA8bW9kdWxlPgEAAABzAAAAAA== _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAABjs= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_workflow/packing_list_causality_workflow/scripts/PackingList_callSplitPrevisionTransition _params state_change errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames state_change _getattr_ packing_list _getitem_ stop_date start_date func_defaults id PackingList_callSplitPrevisionTransition warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list = state_change.object\n \n stop_date = state_change.kwargs[\'stop_date\']\n start_date = state_change.kwargs[\'start_date\']\n \n # Create Delivery Applied Rule (if required)\n packing_list.updateAppliedRule()\n # Make sure applied rule is 100% indexed\n # Here, applied rule must be already cleanly created \n \n # We do not use DeliverySolver, because, by default, we keep delivery_ratio\n # untouch\n packing_list.portal_simulation.solveDelivery(packing_list, None, \n "SplitAndDefer",\n start_date=start_date,\n stop_date=stop_date)\n \n # Automatic workflow\n packing_list.edit()\n \n # Create delivery\n order = packing_list.getCausalityValue()\n applied_rule = order.getCausalityRelatedValue(portal_type="Applied Rule")\n # reindex simulation movement as quick as possible\n #applied_rule.recursiveImmediateReindexObject()\n \n order_portal_type = order.getPortalType()\n if order_portal_type == \'Sale Order\':\n delivery_builder = order.portal_deliveries.sale_packing_list_builder\n elif order_portal_type == \'Purchase Order\':\n delivery_builder = order.portal_deliveries.purchase_packing_list_builder\n \n applied_rule_uid = applied_rule.getUid()\n delivery_builder.activate().build(applied_rule_uid=applied_rule_uid)\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAwAAAAOAAAAQwAA AHNTAQAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAMAdAAAfAAAZAIAgwIAZAMAgwIAfQQAdAMAdAAAfAAAZAIA gwIAZAQAgwIAfQUAdAAAfAIAZAUAgwIAgwAAAXQAAHQAAHwCAGQGAIMCAGQHAIMCAHwCAHQGAGQI AGQEAHwFAGQDAHwEAIMDAgF0AAB8AgBkCQCDAgCDAAABdAAAfAIAZAoAgwIAgwAAfQcAdAAAfAcA ZAsAgwIAZAwAZA0AgwABfQgAdAAAfAcAZA4AgwIAgwAAfQkAfAkAZA8AagIAbxwAAXQAAHQAAHwH AGQQAIMCAGQRAIMCAH0KAG4qAAF8CQBkEgBqAgBvHAABdAAAdAAAfAcAZBAAgwIAZBMAgwIAfQoA bgEAAXQAAHwIAGQUAIMCAIMAAH0LAHQAAHQAAHwKAGQVAIMCAIMAAGQWAIMCAGQXAHwLAIMAAQFk AABTKBgAAABOcwYAAABvYmplY3RzBgAAAGt3YXJnc3MJAAAAc3RvcF9kYXRlcwoAAABzdGFydF9k YXRlcxEAAAB1cGRhdGVBcHBsaWVkUnVsZXMRAAAAcG9ydGFsX3NpbXVsYXRpb25zDQAAAHNvbHZl RGVsaXZlcnlzDQAAAFNwbGl0QW5kRGVmZXJzBAAAAGVkaXRzEQAAAGdldENhdXNhbGl0eVZhbHVl cxgAAABnZXRDYXVzYWxpdHlSZWxhdGVkVmFsdWVzCwAAAHBvcnRhbF90eXBlcwwAAABBcHBsaWVk IFJ1bGVzDQAAAGdldFBvcnRhbFR5cGVzCgAAAFNhbGUgT3JkZXJzEQAAAHBvcnRhbF9kZWxpdmVy aWVzcxkAAABzYWxlX3BhY2tpbmdfbGlzdF9idWlsZGVycw4AAABQdXJjaGFzZSBPcmRlcnMdAAAA cHVyY2hhc2VfcGFja2luZ19saXN0X2J1aWxkZXJzBgAAAGdldFVpZHMIAAAAYWN0aXZhdGVzBQAA AGJ1aWxkcxAAAABhcHBsaWVkX3J1bGVfdWlkKAwAAABzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MMAAAAc3RhdGVf Y2hhbmdlcwwAAABwYWNraW5nX2xpc3RzCQAAAF9nZXRpdGVtX3MJAAAAc3RvcF9kYXRlcwoAAABz dGFydF9kYXRlcwQAAABOb25lcwUAAABvcmRlcnMMAAAAYXBwbGllZF9ydWxlcxEAAABvcmRlcl9w b3J0YWxfdHlwZXMQAAAAZGVsaXZlcnlfYnVpbGRlcnMQAAAAYXBwbGllZF9ydWxlX3VpZCgMAAAA cwwAAABzdGF0ZV9jaGFuZ2VzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MMAAAAcGFja2luZ19saXN0cwkAAABfZ2V0 aXRlbV9zCQAAAHN0b3BfZGF0ZXMKAAAAc3RhcnRfZGF0ZXMEAAAATm9uZXMFAAAAb3JkZXJzDAAA AGFwcGxpZWRfcnVsZXMRAAAAb3JkZXJfcG9ydGFsX3R5cGVzEAAAAGRlbGl2ZXJ5X2J1aWxkZXJz EAAAAGFwcGxpZWRfcnVsZV91aWQoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzEQAAAFBh Y2tpbmdMaXN0X3NwbGl0AQAAAHMgAAAADwIYARsDEwYbAgYBCgMNAxIBGAQSAQ0BHAENARwCGAEo AQAAAHMRAAAAUGFja2luZ0xpc3Rfc3BsaXQoAQAAAHMRAAAAUGFja2luZ0xpc3Rfc3BsaXQoAAAA ACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzCAAAADxtb2R1bGU+AQAAAHMAAAAA _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAABjw= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_workflow/packing_list_causality_workflow/scripts/PackingList_split _params state_change errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames state_change _getattr_ packing_list _getitem_ stop_date start_date None order applied_rule order_portal_type delivery_builder applied_rule_uid func_defaults id PackingList_split warnings Persistence PersistentMapping _container order_workflow order_action order order_actor superseb order_comment order_state ordered order_time _aday Mon _amon Jul _d 37463.758549 _day 28 _dayoffset 1 _fday Monday _fmon July _hour 20 _millis 1059415938634 _minute 12 _month 7 _nearsec 18.0 _pday Mon. _pm pm _pmhour 8 _pmon July _second 18.634 _t 1059415938.63 _tz GMT+2 _year 2003 time 0.758549004626 Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner description id diverged title transitions accept_decision accept_decision_action adopt_prevision adopt_prevision_action converge edit split_prevision split_prevision_action Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner description id solved title transitions diverge edit Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name PackingList_acceptDecision description guard id accept_decision new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name Accept decision actbox_url %(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?field_my_workflow_action=accept_decision_action after_script_name accept_decision description guard AAAAAAAABj0= id accept_decision_action new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name PackingList_adoptPrevision description guard id adopt_prevision new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name Adopt prevision actbox_url %(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?field_my_workflow_action=adopt_prevision_action after_script_name adopt_prevision description guard AAAAAAAABj4= id adopt_prevision_action new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard AAAAAAAABj8= id converge new_state_id solved script_name title trigger_type 0 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard AAAAAAAABkA= id diverge new_state_id diverged script_name title trigger_type 0 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard id edit new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name PackingList_split description guard id split_prevision new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name Split prevision actbox_url %(content_url)s/PackingList_viewDateWorkflowActionDialog?field_my_workflow_action=split_prevision_action after_script_name PackingList_split description guard AAAAAAAABkE= id split_prevision_action new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABkI= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id action info_guard uid -1660013801 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABkM= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id actor info_guard uid -1660013800 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABkQ= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id comment info_guard uid -1660013798 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABkU= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 0 id history info_guard uid -1660013802 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner default_expr default_value description for_catalog 1 for_status 0 id portal_type info_guard update_always 0 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABkY= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id start_date info_guard uid 1037417573 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABkc= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id stop_date info_guard uid 1037417572 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABkg= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id time info_guard uid -1660013799 update_always 1 Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list = state_change.object\n \n for movement in packing_list.getMovementList():\n movement.setQuantity(movement.Movement_getPackedQuantity())\n \n packing_list.edit()\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAUAAAAIAAAAQwAA AHNlAAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAeD8AdAMAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAgwAAgwEARF0lAH0EAHQAAHwE AGQDAIMCAHQAAHwEAGQEAIMCAIMAAIMBAAFxKABXdAAAfAIAZAUAgwIAgwAAAWQAAFMoBgAAAE5z 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PackingList_updateQuantityFromContainerQuantity warnings Persistence PersistentMapping _container order_workflow order_action order order_actor superseb order_comment order_state ordered order_time _aday Mon _amon Jul _d 37463.758549 _day 28 _dayoffset 1 _fday Monday _fmon July _hour 20 _millis 1059415938634 _minute 12 _month 7 _nearsec 18.0 _pday Mon. _pm pm _pmhour 8 _pmon July _second 18.634 _t 1059415938.63 _tz GMT+2 _year 2003 time 0.758549004626 Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner description id missing title transitions edit pack update_quantity update_quantity_action Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner description id packed title transitions edit miss Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard id edit new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions 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Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner default_expr default_value description for_catalog 1 for_status 0 id portal_type info_guard update_always 0 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABlA= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id start_date info_guard uid 1037417573 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABlE= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id stop_date info_guard uid 1037417572 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABlI= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id time info_guard uid -1660013799 update_always 1 Products.ERP5.Interaction InteractionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url activate_script_name after_script_name description guard id Container_delete method_id manage_beforeDelete portal_type_filter Container Cell Container Line script_name Container_activateUpdatePackingListState title trigger_type 2 Products.ERP5.Interaction InteractionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url activate_script_name after_script_name Container_updatePackingListState description guard id Container_edit method_id _edit manage_afterAdd manage_afterClone portal_type_filter Container Cell Container Line script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.ERP5.Interaction InteractionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url activate_script_name after_script_name description guard id PackingListContent_delete method_id manage_beforeDelete portal_type_filter Delivery Cell Production Packing List Line Production Report Cell Production Report Line Purchase Packing List Line Sale Packing List Line script_name PackingListContent_beforeDelete title trigger_type 2 Products.ERP5.Interaction InteractionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url activate_script_name after_script_name PackingListContent_updatePackingListState description guard id PackingListContent_edit method_id _edit portal_type_filter Delivery Cell Production Packing List Line Production Report Cell Production Report Line Purchase Packing List Line Sale Packing List Line script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.ERP5.Interaction InteractionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url activate_script_name after_script_name PackingList_updateAppliedRule description guard id PackingList_edit method_id edit portal_type_filter Production Packing List Production Report Purchase Packing List Sale Packing List script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list_content = state_change.object\n \n packing_list_content.getExplanationValue().activate().edit()\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAMAAAAGAAAAQwAA AHM7AAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAdAAAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAgwAAZAMAgwIAgwAAZAQAgwIA gwAAAWQAAFMoBQAAAE5zBgAAAG9iamVjdHMTAAAAZ2V0RXhwbGFuYXRpb25WYWx1ZXMIAAAAYWN0 aXZhdGVzBAAAAGVkaXQoAwAAAHMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwwAAABzdGF0ZV9jaGFuZ2VzFAAAAHBh Y2tpbmdfbGlzdF9jb250ZW50KAMAAABzDAAAAHN0YXRlX2NoYW5nZXMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcxQA AABwYWNraW5nX2xpc3RfY29udGVudCgAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMoAAAA Q29udGFpbmVyX2FjdGl2YXRlVXBkYXRlUGFja2luZ0xpc3RTdGF0ZQEAAABzAgAAABgCKAEAAABz KAAAAENvbnRhaW5lcl9hY3RpdmF0ZVVwZGF0ZVBhY2tpbmdMaXN0U3RhdGUoAQAAAHMoAAAAQ29u dGFpbmVyX2FjdGl2YXRlVXBkYXRlUGFja2luZ0xpc3RTdGF0ZSgAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlw dCAoUHl0aG9uKXMIAAAAPG1vZHVsZT4BAAAAcwAAAAA= _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAABlM= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_workflow/packing_list_interaction_workflow/scripts/Container_activateUpdatePackingListState _params state_change errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames state_change _getattr_ packing_list_content func_defaults id Container_activateUpdatePackingListState warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list_content = state_change.object\n \n #packing_list_content.immediateReindexObject()\n #packing_list_content.getExplanationValue().edit()\n packing_list_content.getExplanationValue().activate().edit()\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAMAAAAGAAAAQwAA AHM7AAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAdAAAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAgwAAZAMAgwIAgwAAZAQAgwIA gwAAAWQAAFMoBQAAAE5zBgAAAG9iamVjdHMTAAAAZ2V0RXhwbGFuYXRpb25WYWx1ZXMIAAAAYWN0 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name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list_content = state_change.object\n \n # Clean simulation\n simulation_movement_list = packing_list_content.getDeliveryRelatedValueList(\n portal_type="Simulation Movement")\n for simulation_movement in simulation_movement_list:\n # Simulation movement have to be aggregated on a new Delivery.\n simulation_movement.setDelivery(None)\n \n # packing_list = packing_list_content.getExplanationValue()\n # packing_list_portal_type = packing_list.getPortalType()\n # if packing_list_portal_type == \'Sale Packing List\':\n # delivery_builder = packing_list.portal_deliveries.sale_packing_list_builder\n # elif packing_list_portal_type == \'Purchase Packing List\':\n # delivery_builder = packing_list.portal_deliveries.\\\n # purchase_packing_list_builder\n # \n #\n # movement_relative_url_list=[x.getRelativeUrl() for x in\\\n # simulation_movement_list],\n # delivery_relative_url_list=[packing_list.getRelativeUrl()]\n # )\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAcAAAAGAAAAQwAA AHNVAAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAZAMAZAQAgwABfQMAeCcAdAQAfAMAgwEA RF0ZAH0FAHQAAHwFAGQFAIMCAHQGAIMBAAFxNABXZAAAUygGAAAATnMGAAAAb2JqZWN0cxsAAABn ZXREZWxpdmVyeVJlbGF0ZWRWYWx1ZUxpc3RzCwAAAHBvcnRhbF90eXBlcxMAAABTaW11bGF0aW9u IE1vdmVtZW50cwsAAABzZXREZWxpdmVyeSgHAAAAcwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zDAAAAHN0YXRlX2No YW5nZXMUAAAAcGFja2luZ19saXN0X2NvbnRlbnRzGAAAAHNpbXVsYXRpb25fbW92ZW1lbnRfbGlz dHMJAAAAX2dldGl0ZXJfcxMAAABzaW11bGF0aW9uX21vdmVtZW50cwQAAABOb25lKAcAAABzDAAA AHN0YXRlX2NoYW5nZXMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcxQAAABwYWNraW5nX2xpc3RfY29udGVudHMYAAAA c2ltdWxhdGlvbl9tb3ZlbWVudF9saXN0cwkAAABfZ2V0aXRlcl9zEwAAAHNpbXVsYXRpb25fbW92 ZW1lbnRzBAAAAE5vbmUoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzHwAAAFBhY2tpbmdM aXN0Q29udGVudF9iZWZvcmVEZWxldGUBAAAAcwgAAAAPAxgCDQAJAigBAAAAcx8AAABQYWNraW5n TGlzdENvbnRlbnRfYmVmb3JlRGVsZXRlKAEAAABzHwAAAFBhY2tpbmdMaXN0Q29udGVudF9iZWZv cmVEZWxldGUoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzCAAAADxtb2R1bGU+AQAAAHMA 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VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABl8= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 0 id history info_guard uid -1660013802 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner default_expr default_value description for_catalog 1 for_status 0 id portal_type info_guard update_always 0 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABmA= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id start_date info_guard uid 1037417573 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABmE= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id stop_date info_guard uid 1037417572 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAABmI= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id time info_guard uid -1660013799 update_always 1 Products.ERP5.Interaction InteractionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url activate_script_name after_script_name DeliveryLine_updateCellRange description guard id setVariationCategoryList method_id _setVariationCategoryList portal_type_filter Container Line Internal Packing List Line Inventory Line Invoice Line Purchase Order Line Purchase Packing List Line Sale Order Line Sale Packing List Line script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body delivery_line = state_change.object\n \n base_id = \'movement\'\n delivery_line.updateCellRange(base_id)\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAQAAAAEAAAAQwAA AHMsAAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAZAIAfQMAdAAAfAIAZAMAgwIAfAMAgwEAAWQAAFMoBAAAAE5z BgAAAG9iamVjdHMIAAAAbW92ZW1lbnRzDwAAAHVwZGF0ZUNlbGxSYW5nZSgEAAAAcwkAAABfZ2V0 YXR0cl9zDAAAAHN0YXRlX2NoYW5nZXMNAAAAZGVsaXZlcnlfbGluZXMHAAAAYmFzZV9pZCgEAAAA cwwAAABzdGF0ZV9jaGFuZ2VzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MNAAAAZGVsaXZlcnlfbGluZXMHAAAAYmFz ZV9pZCgAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMcAAAARGVsaXZlcnlMaW5lX3VwZGF0 ZUNlbGxSYW5nZQEAAABzBAAAAA8CCQEoAQAAAHMcAAAARGVsaXZlcnlMaW5lX3VwZGF0ZUNlbGxS YW5nZSgBAAAAcxwAAABEZWxpdmVyeUxpbmVfdXBkYXRlQ2VsbFJhbmdlKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAA U2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcwgAAAA8bW9kdWxlPgEAAABzAAAAAA== _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_workflow/trade_matrix_workflow/scripts/DeliveryLine_updateCellRange _params state_change errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames state_change _getattr_ delivery_line base_id func_defaults id DeliveryLine_updateCellRange warnings BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3461962 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911353 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.353 _t 1118909911.35 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346196215272 action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3461963 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911358 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.358 _t 1118909911.36 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346196273145 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3461963 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911361 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.361 _t 1118909911.36 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346196307873 action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3461964 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911365 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.365 _t 1118909911.37 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346196354163 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3462011 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911772 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.772 _t 1118909911.77 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346201064822 action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3462011 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911777 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.777 _t 1118909911.78 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346201122687 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3462012 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911781 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.781 _t 1118909911.78 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346201168984 action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3462012 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911785 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.785 _t 1118909911.79 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346201215274 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3462013 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911789 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.789 _t 1118909911.79 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346201261571 action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3462013 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911793 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.793 _t 1118909911.79 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346201307875 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3462014 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911797 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.797 _t 1118909911.8 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346201354165 action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /test/portal_templates/erp5_trade state current time _aday Thu _amon Jun _d 38152.3462014 _day 16 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon June _hour 4 _millis 1118909911802 _minute 18 _month 6 _nearsec 31.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 4 _pmon June _second 31.802 _t 1118909911.8 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.346201412038 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/quantity_unit/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text REQUEST/relation_item_list Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: map( lambda x: (x,x), here.getPortalResourceTypeList()) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields colour AAAAAAAABmM= morphology AAAAAAAABmQ= size AAAAAAAABmU= group_list Default sub_list groups Default sub_list morphology colour size method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getVariationRangeCategoryItemList() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[1] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[0] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[2] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:cell.getProperty(\'quantity\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getContainedTotalQuantity(recursive=1) Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text REQUEST/relation_item_list Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: map( lambda x: (x,x), here.getPortalResourceTypeList()) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields variation AAAAAAAABmY= group_list Default sub_list groups Default sub_list variation method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getVariationRangeCategoryItemList() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: [(x, x) for x in here.getPortalItemTypeList()] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/quantity_unit/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text REQUEST/relation_item_list Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: map( lambda x: (x,x), here.getPortalResourceTypeList()) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields colour AAAAAAAABmc= morphology AAAAAAAABmg= size AAAAAAAABmk= group_list Default sub_list groups Default sub_list morphology colour size method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getVariationRangeCategoryItemList() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/quantity_unit/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text REQUEST/relation_item_list Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: map( lambda x: (x,x), here.getPortalResourceTypeList()) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABmo= day AAAAAAAABms= hour AAAAAAAABmw= minute AAAAAAAABm0= month AAAAAAAABm4= year AAAAAAAABm8= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABnA= day AAAAAAAABnE= hour AAAAAAAABnI= minute AAAAAAAABnM= month AAAAAAAABnQ= year AAAAAAAABnU= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields group_list Default sub_list groups Default sub_list method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getVariationRangeCategoryItemList() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalPrice() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[1] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[0] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[2] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: cell.getIndustrialPhaseList() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getVariationRangeCategoryItemList(base=0, base_category_list=(\'industrial_phase\',)) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:((cell is not None) and cell.getVariationCategoryList()) or cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalPrice() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[1] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[0] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[2] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:((cell is not None) and cell.getVariationCategoryList()) or cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:cell.getProperty(\'price\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:((cell is not None) and cell.getVariationCategoryList()) or cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text Title Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalPrice() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[1] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[0] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[2] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:((cell is not None) and cell.getVariationCategoryList()) or cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:cell.getProperty(\'quantity\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:((cell is not None) and cell.getVariationCategoryList()) or cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalPrice() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:None Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/REQUEST/form/selection_name Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/discount_type/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/getImmediateDiscount Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name portal_catalog Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABnY= day AAAAAAAABnc= hour AAAAAAAABng= minute AAAAAAAABnk= month AAAAAAAABno= year AAAAAAAABns= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABnw= day AAAAAAAABn0= hour AAAAAAAABn4= minute AAAAAAAABn8= month AAAAAAAABoA= year AAAAAAAABoE= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalPrice() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: [(x, x) for x in here.getPortalItemTypeList()] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/quantity_unit/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text REQUEST/relation_item_list Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: map( lambda x: (x,x), here.getPortalResourceTypeList()) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields colour AAAAAAAABoI= morphology AAAAAAAABoM= size AAAAAAAABoQ= group_list Default sub_list groups Default sub_list morphology colour size method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getVariationRangeCategoryItemList() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: [(x, x) for x in here.getPortalItemTypeList()] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/quantity_unit/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text REQUEST/relation_item_list Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: map( lambda x: (x,x), here.getPortalResourceTypeList()) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields colour AAAAAAAABoU= morphology AAAAAAAABoY= size AAAAAAAABoc= group_list Default sub_list groups Default sub_list morphology colour size method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getVariationRangeCategoryItemList() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[1] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[0] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[2] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:cell.getProperty(\'inventory\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text Title Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[1] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[0] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[2] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:cell.getProperty(\'price\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text Title Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABog= day AAAAAAAABok= hour AAAAAAAABoo= minute AAAAAAAABos= month AAAAAAAABow= year AAAAAAAABo0= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(here, \'validation_state\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/quantity_unit/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text REQUEST/relation_item_list Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: map( lambda x: (x,x), here.getPortalResourceTypeList()) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABo4= day AAAAAAAABo8= hour AAAAAAAABpA= minute AAAAAAAABpE= month AAAAAAAABpI= year AAAAAAAABpM= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABpQ= day AAAAAAAABpU= hour AAAAAAAABpY= minute AAAAAAAABpc= month AAAAAAAABpg= year AAAAAAAABpk= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields cpu_type AAAAAAAABpo= hd_size AAAAAAAABps= memory_size AAAAAAAABpw= group_list Default sub_list groups Default sub_list memory_size cpu_type hd_size method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getVariationRangeCategoryItemList() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalPrice() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[1] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[0] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[2] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:cell.getProperty(\'price\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text Title Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalPrice() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[1] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[0] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.DeliveryLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1)[2] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:cell.getProperty(\'quantity\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalPrice() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/quantity_unit/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text REQUEST/relation_item_list Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: map( lambda x: (x,x), here.getPortalResourceTypeList()) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields group_list Default sub_list groups Default sub_list method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getVariationRangeCategoryItemList() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalPrice() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:\'\' Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABp0= day AAAAAAAABp4= hour AAAAAAAABp8= minute AAAAAAAABqA= month AAAAAAAABqE= year AAAAAAAABqI= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.getStartDate() Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABqM= day AAAAAAAABqQ= hour AAAAAAAABqU= minute AAAAAAAABqY= month AAAAAAAABqc= year AAAAAAAABqg= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.getStopDate() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.REQUEST.workflow_action Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/getPaymentEndOfMonth Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/payment_mode/getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/trade_date/getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/delivery_mode/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text,display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABqk= day AAAAAAAABqo= hour AAAAAAAABqs= minute AAAAAAAABqw= month AAAAAAAABq0= year AAAAAAAABq4= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_categories.incoterm.getCategoryChildItemList(display_id = \'getTitle\', display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/order/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/origin/order/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:[(\'\',\'\')]+map(lambda x:(,\'currency/%s\',here.currency.objectValues()) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABq8= day AAAAAAAABrA= hour AAAAAAAABrE= minute AAAAAAAABrI= month AAAAAAAABrM= year AAAAAAAABrQ= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABrU= day AAAAAAAABrY= hour AAAAAAAABrc= minute AAAAAAAABrg= month AAAAAAAABrk= year AAAAAAAABro= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(here, \'simulation_state\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalPrice() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/delivery_mode/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text,display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_categories.incoterm.getCategoryChildItemList(display_id = \'getTitle\', display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABrs= day AAAAAAAABrw= hour AAAAAAAABr0= minute AAAAAAAABr4= month AAAAAAAABr8= year AAAAAAAABsA= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABsE= day AAAAAAAABsI= hour AAAAAAAABsM= minute AAAAAAAABsQ= month AAAAAAAABsU= year AAAAAAAABsY= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(here, \'simulation_state\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalPrice() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/activity/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/delivery_mode/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text,display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABsc= day AAAAAAAABsg= hour AAAAAAAABsk= minute AAAAAAAABso= month AAAAAAAABss= year AAAAAAAABsw= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABs0= day AAAAAAAABs4= hour AAAAAAAABs8= minute AAAAAAAABtA= month AAAAAAAABtE= year AAAAAAAABtI= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/group/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_categories.incoterm.getCategoryChildItemList(display_id = \'getTitle\', display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:[(\'\',\'\')]+map(lambda x:(,\'currency/%s\',here.currency.objectValues()) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text,display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.default_supply_line.SupplyLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1, display_base_category=0)[1] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.default_supply_line.SupplyLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1, display_base_category=0)[0] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.default_supply_line.SupplyLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1, display_base_category=0)[2] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: cell.getProperty(\'base_price\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getVariationBaseCategoryItemList() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:[(\'\',\'\')]+map(lambda x:(x.getTitle(),\'currency/%s\',here.currency.objectValues()) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.portal_categories.quantity_unit.getCategoryChildTitleOrIdItemList(include_if_child=0,sort_id=\'int_index\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:[(\'\',\'\')]+map(lambda x:(x.getTitle(),\'currency/%s\',here.currency.objectValues()) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:[str(int(x)) for x in here.default_supply_line.getQuantityStepList([])] Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABtM= day AAAAAAAABtQ= hour AAAAAAAABtU= minute AAAAAAAABtY= month AAAAAAAABtc= year AAAAAAAABtg= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:cell.getObject().InvoiceTransactionLine_getDestinationItemList() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:cell.getObject().InvoiceTransactionLine_getSourceItemList() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/delivery_mode/getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_categories.incoterm.getCategoryChildItemList(display_id = \'getTitle\', display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:[(\'\',\'\')]+map(lambda x:(,\'currency/%s\',here.currency.objectValues()) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.Transaction_getValidSourceSections() Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABtk= day AAAAAAAABto= hour AAAAAAAABts= minute AAAAAAAABtw= month AAAAAAAABt0= year AAAAAAAABt4= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(here, \'simulation_state\') Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/delivery_mode/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/group/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_categories.incoterm.getCategoryChildItemList(display_id = \'getTitle\', display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/order/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/origin/order/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:[(\'\',\'\')]+map(lambda x:(,\'currency/%s\',here.currency.objectValues()) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABt8= day AAAAAAAABuA= hour AAAAAAAABuE= minute AAAAAAAABuI= month AAAAAAAABuM= year AAAAAAAABuQ= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/segmentation/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text REQUEST/relation_item_list Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text,display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABuU= day AAAAAAAABuY= hour AAAAAAAABuc= minute AAAAAAAABug= month AAAAAAAABuk= year AAAAAAAABuo= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABus= day AAAAAAAABuw= hour AAAAAAAABu0= minute AAAAAAAABu4= month AAAAAAAABu8= year AAAAAAAABvA= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(here, \'simulation_state\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalPrice() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name getMovementList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text string: Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: map(lambda x: (x.getTitle(), x.getRelativeUrl()), here.portal_categories.getRelatedValueList(here.portal_categories.resource.packing)) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:len(here.contentValues(filter={\'portal_type\':\'Container\'}))+1 Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/delivery_mode/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_categories.incoterm.getCategoryChildItemList(display_id = \'getTitle\', display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text,display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABvE= day AAAAAAAABvI= hour AAAAAAAABvM= minute AAAAAAAABvQ= month AAAAAAAABvU= year AAAAAAAABvY= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABvc= day AAAAAAAABvg= hour AAAAAAAABvk= minute AAAAAAAABvo= month AAAAAAAABvs= year AAAAAAAABvw= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(here, \'simulation_state\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalPrice() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/delivery_mode/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_categories.incoterm.getCategoryChildItemList(display_id = \'getTitle\', display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text,display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABv0= day AAAAAAAABv4= hour AAAAAAAABv8= minute AAAAAAAABwA= month AAAAAAAABwE= year AAAAAAAABwI= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABwM= day AAAAAAAABwQ= hour AAAAAAAABwU= minute AAAAAAAABwY= month AAAAAAAABwc= year AAAAAAAABwg= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(here, \'simulation_state\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalPrice() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/activity/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/delivery_mode/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABwk= day AAAAAAAABwo= hour AAAAAAAABws= minute AAAAAAAABww= month AAAAAAAABw0= year AAAAAAAABw4= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABw8= day AAAAAAAABxA= hour AAAAAAAABxE= minute AAAAAAAABxI= month AAAAAAAABxM= year AAAAAAAABxQ= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/group/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_categories.incoterm.getCategoryChildItemList(display_id = \'getTitle\', display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:[(\'\',\'\')]+map(lambda x:(,\'currency/%s\',here.currency.objectValues()) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text,display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.SupplyLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1, display_base_category=0)[1] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.SupplyLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1, display_base_category=0)[0] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.SupplyLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=1, display_base_category=0)[2] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: cell.getProperty(\'base_price\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: cell_index Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getVariationBaseCategoryItemList() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:[(\'\',\'\')]+map(lambda x:(x.getTitle(),\'currency/%s\',here.currency.objectValues()) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:[str(int(x)) for x in here.getQuantityStepList([])] Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.portal_categories.quantity_unit.getCategoryChildTitleOrIdItemList(include_if_child=0,sort_id=\'int_index\') Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABxU= day AAAAAAAABxY= hour AAAAAAAABxc= minute AAAAAAAABxg= month AAAAAAAABxk= year AAAAAAAABxo= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:[(\'\',\'\')]+map(lambda x:(,\'currency/%s\',here.currency.objectValues()) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text,display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAABxs= day AAAAAAAABxw= hour AAAAAAAABx0= minute AAAAAAAABx4= month AAAAAAAABx8= year AAAAAAAAByA= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAAByE= day AAAAAAAAByI= hour AAAAAAAAByM= minute AAAAAAAAByQ= month AAAAAAAAByU= year AAAAAAAAByY= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/getPaymentConditionPaymentEndOfMonth Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/payment_mode/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/trade_date/getFormItemList Persistence PersistentMapping _container Access contents information Add portal content Modify portal content View Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text transition/getId|nothing Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text user/getUserName Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'comment\',\'\') Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text state_change/getHistory Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text state_change/getDateTime Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Add portal content Modify portal content Persistence PersistentMapping _container Access contents information Assignee Assignor Associate Auditor Author Manager Add portal content Modify portal content View Assignee Assignor Associate Auditor Author Manager Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text transition/getId|nothing Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text user/getUserName Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'comment\',\'\') Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text state_change/getHistory Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'start_date\',state_change.object.getStartDate()) Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'stop_date\',state_change.object.getStopDate()) Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text state_change/getDateTime Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_type Purchase Order simulation_state draft Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_type Sale Order simulation_state draft Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_type Purchase Order simulation_state ordered Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_type Sale Order simulation_state ordered Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_type Purchase Order simulation_state planned Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_type Sale Order simulation_state planned Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.DCWorkflow.Guard Guard expr AAAAAAAAByc= Products.DCWorkflow.Guard Guard expr AAAAAAAAByg= Products.DCWorkflow.Guard Guard expr AAAAAAAAByk= Products.DCWorkflow.Guard Guard expr AAAAAAAAByo= Products.DCWorkflow.Guard Guard expr AAAAAAAABys= Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text transition/getId|nothing Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text user/getUserName Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'comment\',\'\') Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text state_change/getHistory Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'start_date\',state_change.object.getStartDate()) Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'stop_date\',state_change.object.getStopDate()) Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text state_change/getDateTime Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.DCWorkflow.Guard Guard expr AAAAAAAAByw= Products.DCWorkflow.Guard Guard expr AAAAAAAABy0= Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text transition/getId|nothing Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text user/getUserName Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'comment\',\'\') Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text state_change/getHistory Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'start_date\',state_change.object.getStartDate()) Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'stop_date\',state_change.object.getStopDate()) Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text state_change/getDateTime Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Access contents information Add portal content Modify portal content Persistence PersistentMapping _container Access contents information Assignee Assignor Associate Auditor Author Manager Modify portal content View Assignee Assignor Associate Auditor Author Manager Persistence PersistentMapping _container Access contents information Add portal content Modify portal content View Products.DCWorkflow.Guard Guard expr AAAAAAAABy4= Products.DCWorkflow.Guard Guard expr AAAAAAAABy8= Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text transition/getId|nothing Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text user/getUserName Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'comment\',\'\') Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text state_change/getHistory Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'start_date\',state_change.object.getStartDate()) Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'stop_date\',state_change.object.getStopDate()) Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text state_change/getDateTime Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id colour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items Colour/colour1 colour/apparel_model_module/13/1 required 1 size 5 title colour unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id morphology message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items Morphology/morpho1 morphology/apparel_model_module/13/2 Morphology/morpho2 morphology/apparel_model_module/13/3 required 1 size 5 title morphology unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id size message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items Size/46 size/46 Size/48 size/48 Size/50 size/50 Size/52 size/52 Size/54 size/54 Size/56 size/56 Size/58 size/58 required 1 size 5 title size unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id variation message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items variation/carton_variation2 variation/apparel_component_module/7/2 variation/carton_variation1 variation/apparel_component_module/7/1 required 1 size 1 title variation unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id colour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items Colour/colour3 colour/apparel_model_module/1/3 Colour/colour2 colour/apparel_model_module/1/2 Colour/colour1 colour/apparel_model_module/1/1 required 1 size 5 title colour unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id morphology message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items Morphology/morpho3 morphology/apparel_model_module/1/6 Morphology/morpho2 morphology/apparel_model_module/1/5 Morphology/morpho1 morphology/apparel_model_module/1/4 required 1 size 5 title morphology unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id size message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items Size/38 size/38 Size/40 size/40 Size/42 size/42 Size/44 size/44 Size/46 size/46 Size/48 size/48 Size/50 size/50 required 1 size 5 title size unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id colour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items Colour/colour3 colour/apparel_model_module/1/3 Colour/colour2 colour/apparel_model_module/1/2 Colour/colour1 colour/apparel_model_module/1/1 required 1 size 5 title colour unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id morphology message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items Morphology/morpho3 morphology/apparel_model_module/1/6 Morphology/morpho2 morphology/apparel_model_module/1/5 Morphology/morpho1 morphology/apparel_model_module/1/4 required 1 size 5 title morphology unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id size message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items Size/38 size/38 Size/40 size/40 Size/42 size/42 Size/44 size/44 Size/46 size/46 Size/48 size/48 Size/50 size/50 required 1 size 5 title size unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id colour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items Colour/colour3 colour/apparel_model_module/1/3 Colour/colour2 colour/apparel_model_module/1/2 Colour/colour1 colour/apparel_model_module/1/1 required 1 size 5 title colour unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id morphology message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items Morphology/morpho3 morphology/apparel_model_module/1/6 Morphology/morpho2 morphology/apparel_model_module/1/5 Morphology/morpho1 morphology/apparel_model_module/1/4 required 1 size 5 title morphology unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id size message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items Size/38 size/38 Size/40 size/40 Size/42 size/42 Size/44 size/44 Size/46 size/46 Size/48 size/48 Size/50 size/50 required 1 size 5 title size unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id cpu_type message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items cpu_type/via_c3_1000_mhz cpu_type/via_c3_1000_mhz required 1 size 5 title cpu_type unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id hd_size message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items hd_size/30gb_disk hd_size/30gb_disk hd_size/lacie_drive_250_gb hd_size/lacie_drive_250_gb hd_size/no_disk hd_size/no_disk hd_size/lacie_mobile_drive_40_gb hd_size/lacie_mobile_drive_40_gb hd_size/lacie_mobile_drive_20_gb_sumicom_s600 hd_size/lacie_mobile_drive_20_gb_sumicom_s600 hd_size/10gb_disk hd_size/10gb_disk hd_size/lacie_mobile_drive_20_gb hd_size/lacie_mobile_drive_20_gb hd_size/lacie_drive_160_gb hd_size/lacie_drive_160_gb hd_size/lacie_mobile_drive_80_gb hd_size/lacie_mobile_drive_80_gb required 1 size 5 title hd_size unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id memory_size message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items memory_size/0_mb memory_size/0_mb memory_size/256_mb memory_size/256_mb memory_size/512_mb memory_size/512_mb memory_size/128_mb memory_size/128_mb required 1 size 5 title memory_size unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python: here.getSimulationState() not in here.getPortalDraftOrderStateList() Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python: here.getSimulationState() not in here.getPortalDraftOrderStateList() Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text here/isConvergent Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text here/isDivergent Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python: here.getSimulationState() not in here.getPortalDraftOrderStateList() Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python: not(here.isPacked()) Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text here/isPacked Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:(here.getCausalityState() == \'solved\') and (here.getPortalType() != \'Sale Packing List\' or here.getContainerState() == \'packed\') Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:(here.getCausalityState() == \'solved\') and (here.getPortalType() != \'Sale Packing List\' or here.getContainerState() == \'packed\')