2005-01-21 JPS * Added support for assignRoleToSecurityGroup in PackingList_copyOrderProperties 2005-01-06 Romain * add Delivery_viewInventory 2005-12-20 Kevin * Update state type of packing_list_workflow, internal_packing_list_workflow and order_workflow states. 2005-12-19 Jérome * bug fix; don't use SQLQueue in delivery_edit_workflow * trigger delivery_edit on workflow transitions. 2005-12-19 Seb * added category type 'sub_variation' on aggregate 2005-12-14 Seb * use activity tags in packing_list_workflow/scripts/PackingList_updateAppliedRule 2005-12-14 jerome * package the content of trade_date category, because PaymentCondition_getTradeDate depends on it 2005-12-11 seb * fixed the duplicate applied rule problem in order_workflow 2005-12-08 yo * Fix the LEFT JOIN syntax in Order_zSelectMovement. 2005-12-05 Seb * Cleaned SaleOrder_applySaleTradeCondition 2005-11-30 aurel * add aggregateMovementGroup in portal_deliveries/purchase_packing_list_builder 2005-11-30 Seb * Renamed in portal_skins two forms: SalePackingList_viewSolveActionsDialog to PackingList_viewSolveActionsDialog, and also the action script. 2005-11-29 aurel * set flag "acquire permissions" on state permissions of packing_list_causality_workflow apart for building and solving 2005-11-26 Jérome * remove permission managed by packing_list_container_workflow, they are not in use. 2005-11-23 aurel * remove SalePackingList_getCellOrLine 2005-11-23 Romain * change Delivery Cell Portal Type on purchase_packing_list_builder. 2005-11-23 aurel * added SalePackingList_doSolveActions, SalePackingList_getCellOrLine and SalePackingList_viewSolveActionsDialog in order to choose solve action on sale packing list cell 2005-11-18 Alex * added proxy manager on PurchaseOrder_selectMovement script 2005-11-18 yo * The meta type of Internal Packing List Line was wrong. * Remove actions. 2005-11-11 Romain * add print on SupplyLine. * correct SupplyLine* forms. * Correct naming convention. 2005-11-10 Romain * correct SupplyLine_init 2005-11-09 Romain * modify PurchaseOrder_view, PurchasePackingList_view 2005-11-08 Romain * added supply_line_interaction_workflow. * modified the pricing model on SupplyLine (added and modify some skins) * removed supply_module * removed Supply Module, Supply * added purchase_supply_module, sale_supply_module * added Sale Supply, Sale Supply Module, Purchase Supply, Purchase Supply Module 2005-11-05 Romain * dirty bug fix on Order_zSelectMovement * configure Purchase Order Line in order to create Delivery Cell inside. * Correct naming conventions. 2005-11-04 Romain * correct PurchasePackingList_copyOrderProperties (replace build by startBuilding) * modified order_workflow/scripts/Order_buildPackingList 2005-11-03 Romain * added OrderLine_zGetRelatedQuantity 2005-11-03 Seb * updated order_workflow and packing_list_causality workflow in order to use tags and in order to not wait until all the simulation is reindexed before creating the packing_list 2005-10-20 Romain * Correct naming convention. 2005-10-13 Jérome * added delivery_edit_workflow to reindew simulation and updateAppliedRule when necessary (FIXME: in the current implementation, I guess it reindexes more than necessary) * added titles on workflow states * move related keys to ERP5Catalog/sql 2005-10-13 Jérome * added the script Delivery_setCausalityFromSimulation * launch the invoice building when a packing list is started 2005-10-06 Seb * Modified packing_list_interaction_workflow, when a content is modified in a packing it is better to start an activity than doing things immediatly, this increase a lot the speed to modify many cells or lines 2005-10-06 Romain * Add print and export action on Supply Module * add form SupplyModule_viewSupplyList * add listbox filed in Supply_view * add print action on Supply * associate edit_workflow to Supply Line 2005-09-29 Seb * change the way of calling delivery_builders in order_workflow * fixed packing_list_workflow * modified a transition of packing_list_causality_workflow * SalePackingList_copyOrderProperties * SaleOrder_selectMovement use now explanation_portal_type 2005-09-28 Jérome * fix SaleOrder_applySaleTradeCondition 2005-09-28 Jérome * Checks the validity of the order before passing transitions in order_workflow 2005-09-28 Seb * Updated packing_list_workflow * Added portal_type Puchase Packing List Cell 2005-09-27 Seb * Updated packing_list_causality_worfklow packing_list_worklfow SalePackingList_copyOrderProperties PurchasePackingList_copyOrderProperties packing_list_interaction_workflow 2005-09-23 Seb * Added portal type "Sale Packing List Cell" 2005-09-12 JPS * Added proxy security Manager to Delivery_asCellRange script 2005-09-13 Seb * In order_workfow, start the method build of the delivery builder with an SQLQueue activity (so we can build several deliveries) 2005-09-08 Seb * Improved the script SaleOrder_applySaleTradeCondition 2005-09-07 Jérome move invoice related portal types from erp5_trade to erp5_accounting 2005-09-06 Romain 1.0rc13 * Remove target_quantity reference in DeliveryLine_zGetRelatedQuantity. 2005-08-29 Romain * Remove Payment stuff in PurchaseOrder_applyPurchaseTradeCondition. 2005-08-26 Romain * add condition object/hasCellContent to all portal type used as a line for form *Line_view[Price|Quantity|Option]. 2005-08-24 Seb * Purchase packing list generation optimization * modify PurchasePackingList_copyOrderProperties * added Delivery_confirm 2005-08-22 Romain * modify parameter in PurchaseOrder_selectMovement * ContainerLine_asCellRange works with option variation 2005-08-19 Romain * add auto_planned state in order_workflow 2005-08-18 Jérome * make Organisation's jumps optional 2005-07-26 Kevin repair PurchaseOrder_applyPurchaseTradeCondition (thanks to Mayoro) 2005-07-26 Romain Added industrial_phase as a variation of Resource. Modify DeliveryLine_viewPrice, DeliveryLine_viewQuantity. Add DeliveryLine_viewIndustrialPhase, DeliveryCell_asPredicate. 2005-07-21 Romain Modified some forms and scripts in order to make option variation working. Option are not part of the matrix dimension (use parameter omit_option_base_category). DeliveryLine_asCellRange OrderLine_asCellRange Display option variation with DeliveryLine_hashVariationCategoryItemList, but they are not required. Modified matrixbox_variation_category_list on DeliveryLine_viewPrice and DeliveryLine_viewQuantity, in order not to erase option saved on cell. 2005-07-19 Mikaël - Changed ContainerLine_asCellRange DeliveryLine_asCellRange InventoryLine_asCellRange InvoiceLine_asCellRange OrderLine_asCellRange SupplyLine_asCellRange with **kw as very last script's parameter 2005-07-10 Jérome - Moved simulation_movement_interaction_workflow to erp5_core 2005-07-08 Romain - Add simulation_movement_interaction_workflow from Guillaume. 2005-07-06 Seb - Added SectionPathMovementGroup to builders 2005-06-23 Kevin - Add InventoryLine_zGetTotal 2005-06-23 yo - Add Supply Module, Supply, supply_module. - Add my_resource_title into SupplyLine_view. 2005-06-20 Added script SupplyLine_asCellRange 2005-06-16 Fix problem in SupplyLine_asCellRange 2005-06-16 Added script for the asPredicate method for supply line and cells, and also trade condition 2005-06-13 Add base category aggregate. 2005-06-09 Add Internal Packing List and Inventory modules. 2005-06-08 Add permissions setting for some workflows. Remove container workflow on Purchase Packing List. 2005-06-02 Updated everything about Supply Lines and Cells 2005-06-02 Modify some workflow scripts in order to index objects immediately. 2005-05-31 Add packing list workflows. Modify Delivery_zGetTotal. 2005-05-11 Add causality workflows. 2005-05-09 Modify configuration of Delivery Builder. 2005-05-04 Add packing list workflow. 2005-04-22 Modify security settings. 2005-04-19 Change my_title field on all forms (name become Title, and not required anymore). Order_zSelectMovement must use ZSQLBrain. 2005-04-18 Add DeliveryBuilder. Use explanation_uid in movement table. Correct Order_zSelectMovement. 2005-04-07 Finish some Form 2005-04-06 Modify TradeCondition_viewPayment 2005-04-06 Move base categories to erp5_core: destination_administration destination_decision destination_payment source_administration source_decision source_payment Remove base categories: target_destination target_destination_section target_source target_source_section