2006-08-01 BG
* Support for File (unregistered content type)
* Mime header caching and sending
* Improvements to conversion procedure
* Numerous bugfixes

Type checking upon upload using content_type_registry

2006-07-26 BG
Cleaned redundant paths; removed wiki; removed redundant portal_types; removed predecessor base_cat (overlaps with erp5_project); completed content_type_registry; tidied up roles and actions in all types; implemented Graphic support.

Fixed bugs; made it work with the conversion server; tidied up actions in Text.

* made all the security system work (!!! required a change to ERP5Type.py and to destination_project base cat., not in svn yet)

2006-02-22 BG
* finished (and renamed) local roles interaction workflow
* assigned portal types to appropriate workflows
* made File a non-terminating leaf (not in this bt5)

2006-07-20 BG
* Completed document publication workflow
* Fixed fields in document-related forms
* patched Base_edit
* added missing categories
2006-05-05 JPS
* Refactored as a document management system
* Create portal types for every kind of document and use mime types in CMF
* Added very basic wiki support
* Implemented complete prototype of security and workflows (publication, staging). Spec is in decription of transitions and states.

* Allowed target mimetypes now drawn from server and cached
* Tested for some more mimetypes

* Implemented generic file generation mechanism, tested for rtf

* Fixed char encoding problems
* Implemented editing base set of metadata
* Fixed and tidied up controls

* Fixed lots of bugs
* Conversion and metadata editing works with the server

* Initial build (previous log in cvs)