# Copyright (c) 2002 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#                    Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <jp@nexedi.com>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

ERP portal_selection tool.

from OFS.SimpleItem import SimpleItem
from Products.CMFCore.utils import UniqueObject
from Globals import InitializeClass, DTMLFile, PersistentMapping, get_request
from ZTUtils import make_query
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions as ERP5Permissions
from Products.ERP5Form import _dtmldir
from Selection import Selection, DomainSelection
from ZPublisher.HTTPRequest import FileUpload
from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase
from email import Encoders
from copy import copy
from DateTime import DateTime
import md5
import pickle
import hmac
import random

import string
from zLOG import LOG
from Acquisition import Implicit, aq_base

class SelectionError( Exception ):

class SelectionTool( UniqueObject, SimpleItem ):
      The SelectionTool object is the place holder for all
      methods and algorithms related to persistent selections
      in ERP5.

    id              = 'portal_selections'
    meta_type       = 'ERP5 Selections'

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    #   ZMI methods
    manage_options = ( ( { 'label'      : 'Overview'
                         , 'action'     : 'manage_overview'
                         { 'label'      : 'View Selections'
                         , 'action'     : 'manage_view_selections'
                         } ))

    security.declareProtected( ERP5Permissions.ManagePortal
                             , 'manage_overview' )
    manage_overview = DTMLFile( 'explainSelectionTool', _dtmldir )

    security.declareProtected( ERP5Permissions.ManagePortal
                             , 'manage_view_selections' )
    manage_view_selections = DTMLFile( 'SelectionTool_manageViewSelections', _dtmldir )
    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getSelectionNames')
    def getSelectionNames(self, context=None, REQUEST=None):
      if context is None: context = self
      if not REQUEST:
        REQUEST = get_request()
        if hasattr(self, 'selection_data'):
          user_id = self.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember().getUserName()
        if user_id is not None and self.selection_data.has_key(user_id):
          return self.selection_data[user_id].keys()
      return ()

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'callSelectionFor')
    def callSelectionFor(self, selection_name, context=None, REQUEST=None):
      if context is None: context = self
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if selection is None:
        return None
      return selection(context=context)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getSelectionFor')
    def getSelectionFor(self, selection_name, REQUEST=None):
        Returns the selection instance for a given selection_name
      if not REQUEST:
        REQUEST = get_request()

      if not hasattr(self, 'selection_data'):
        self.selection_data = PersistentMapping()
      user_id = self.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember().getUserName()
      if user_id is not None:
        if not self.selection_data.has_key(user_id):
          self.selection_data[user_id] = PersistentMapping()
        if type(selection_name) is type(()) or type(selection_name) is type([]) :
          selection_name = selection_name[0]
        return self.selection_data[user_id].get(selection_name, None)
        return None

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'setSelectionFor')
    def setSelectionFor(self, selection_name, selection_object, REQUEST=None):
        Sets the selection instance for a given selection_name
      if selection_object != None:
        # Set the name so that this selection itself can get its own name.
        selection_object.edit(name = selection_name)

      if not REQUEST:
        REQUEST = get_request()
      # New system: store directly - bypass session
      if 0:
        user_id = self.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember().getUserName()
        if user_id is not None:
          self.selection_data.set((user_id, selection_name), selection_object)

      # Another method: local dict
      if 0:
        if not hasattr(self, 'selection_data'):
          self.selection_data = PersistentMapping()
        user_id = self.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember().getUserName()
        if user_id is not None:
          self.selection_data[(user_id, selection_name)] = selection_object

      # Another method: local dict but 2 stage to prevent user conflict
      if 1:
        if not hasattr(self, 'selection_data'):
          self.selection_data = PersistentMapping()
        user_id = self.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember().getUserName()
        if user_id is not None:
          if not self.selection_data.has_key(user_id):
            self.selection_data[user_id] = PersistentMapping()
          self.selection_data[user_id][selection_name] = selection_object

      #try: CAUSES PROBLEMS WHY ??
      if 1:
        session = REQUEST.SESSION
        selection_name = selection_name + '_selection_object'
        session[selection_name] = selection_object
      #  LOG('WARNING ERP5Form SelectionTool',0,'Could not set Selection')

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getSelectionParamsFor')
    def getSelectionParamsFor(self, selection_name, params=None, REQUEST=None):
        Returns the params in the selection
      if params is None: params = {}
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if selection is not None:
        if len(selection.params) > 0:
          return selection.getParams()
          return params
        return params
    # backward compatibility 
    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getSelectionParams')
    getSelectionParams = getSelectionParamsFor
    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'setSelectionParamsFor')
    def setSelectionParamsFor(self, selection_name, params, REQUEST=None):
        Sets the selection params for a given selection_name
      selection_object = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST)
      if selection_object:
        selection_object = Selection(params=params)
      self.setSelectionFor(selection_name, selection_object, REQUEST)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'setSelectionCheckedUidsFor')
    def setSelectionCheckedUidsFor(self, selection_name, checked_uids, REQUEST=None):
        Sets the selection params for a given selection_name
      selection_object = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST)
      if selection_object:
        selection_object = Selection(checked_uids=checked_uids)
      self.setSelectionFor(selection_name, selection_object, REQUEST)

    def updateSelectionCheckedUidList(self, selection_name, listbox_uid, uids, REQUEST=None):
        Sets the selection params for a given selection_name
      if listbox_uid is None:
        listbox_uid = []
      if uids is None:
        uids = []

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getSelectionCheckedUidsFor')
    def getSelectionCheckedUidsFor(self, selection_name, REQUEST=None):
        Sets the selection params for a given selection_name
      selection_object = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST)
      if selection_object:
        #return selection_object.selection_checked_uids
        return selection_object.getCheckedUids()
      return []

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'checkAll')
    def checkAll(self, selection_name, listbox_uid=[], REQUEST=None):
        Sets the selection params for a given selection_name
      selection_object = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST)
      if selection_object:
        selection_uid_dict = {}
        for uid in selection_object.checked_uids:
          selection_uid_dict[uid] = 1
        for uid in listbox_uid:
            selection_uid_dict[int(uid)] = 1
          except ValueError:
            pass # this can happen in report
        self.setSelectionCheckedUidsFor(selection_name, selection_uid_dict.keys(), REQUEST=REQUEST)
      request = REQUEST
      if request:
        referer = request['HTTP_REFERER']
        referer = referer.replace('reset=', 'noreset=')
        referer = referer.replace('reset:int=', 'noreset:int=')
        return request.RESPONSE.redirect(referer)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'uncheckAll')
    def uncheckAll(self, selection_name, listbox_uid=[], REQUEST=None):
        Sets the selection params for a given selection_name
      selection_object = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST)
      if selection_object:
        selection_uid_dict = {}
        for uid in selection_object.checked_uids:
          selection_uid_dict[uid] = 1
        for uid in listbox_uid:
            if selection_uid_dict.has_key(int(uid)): del selection_uid_dict[int(uid)]
          except ValueError:
            pass # This happens in report mode
        self.setSelectionCheckedUidsFor(selection_name, selection_uid_dict.keys(), REQUEST=REQUEST)
      request = REQUEST
      if request:
        referer = request['HTTP_REFERER']
        referer = referer.replace('reset=', 'noreset=')
        referer = referer.replace('reset:int=', 'noreset:int=')
        return request.RESPONSE.redirect(referer)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getSelectionListUrlFor')
    def getSelectionListUrlFor(self, selection_name, REQUEST=None):
        Returns the URL of the list mode of selection instance
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if selection:
        return selection.getListUrl()
        return None

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'setSelectionToIds')
    def setSelectionToIds(self, selection_name, selection_uids, REQUEST=None):
        Sets the selection to a small list of uids of documents
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if selection is not None:
        selection.edit(invert_mode=1, uids=selection_uids, checked_uids=selection_uids)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'setSelectionToAll')
    def setSelectionToAll(self, selection_name, REQUEST=None):
        Resets the selection
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if selection is not None:
        selection.edit(invert_mode=0, params={}, checked_uids=[])

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'setSelectionSortOrder')
    def setSelectionSortOrder(self, selection_name, sort_on, REQUEST=None):
        Defines the sort order of the selection
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if selection is not None:

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'setSelectionQuickSortOrder')
    def setSelectionQuickSortOrder(self, selection_name, sort_on, REQUEST=None):
        Defines the sort order of the selection directly from the listbox
        In this method, sort_on is just a string that comes from url
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if selection is not None:
        current_sort_on = self.getSelectionSortOrder(selection_name)
        # We must first switch from asc to desc and vice-versa if sort_order exists
        # in selection
        n = 0
        for current in current_sort_on:
          if current[0] == sort_on:
            n = 1
            if current[1] == 'ascending':
              new_sort_on = [(sort_on, 'descending')]
              new_sort_on = [(sort_on,'ascending')]
        # And if no one exists, we just set ascending sort
        if n == 0:
          new_sort_on = [(sort_on,'ascending')]

      request = REQUEST
      referer = request['HTTP_REFERER']
      referer = referer.replace('reset=', 'noreset=')
      referer = referer.replace('reset:int=', 'noreset:int=')
      return request.RESPONSE.redirect(referer)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getSelectionSortOrder')
    def getSelectionSortOrder(self, selection_name, REQUEST=None):
        Returns the sort order of the selection
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if selection is None: return ()
      return selection.sort_on

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'setSelectionColumns')
    def setSelectionColumns(self, selection_name, columns, REQUEST=None):
        Defines the columns in the selection
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getSelectionColumns')
    def getSelectionColumns(self, selection_name, columns=None, REQUEST=None):
        Returns the columns in the selection
      if columns is None: columns = []
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if selection is not None:
        if len(selection.columns) > 0:
          return selection.columns
      return columns

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'setSelectionStats')
    def setSelectionStats(self, selection_name, stats, REQUEST=None):
        Defines the stats in the selection
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getSelectionStats')
    def getSelectionStats(self, selection_name, stats=[' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '], REQUEST=None):
        Returns the stats in the selection
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if selection is not None:
          return selection.stats
        except AttributeError:
          return stats # That is really bad programming XXX
        return stats

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'viewFirst')
    def viewFirst(self, selection_index='', selection_name='', form_id='view', REQUEST=None):
        Access first item in a selection
      if not REQUEST:
        REQUEST = get_request()
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if selection:
        method = self.unrestrictedTraverse(selection.method_path)
        selection = selection(method = method, context=self, REQUEST=REQUEST)
        o = selection[0]
        url = o.absolute_url()
        url = REQUEST.url
      url = '%s/%s?selection_index=%s&selection_name=%s' % (url, form_id, 0, selection_name)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'viewLast')
    def viewLast(self, selection_index='', selection_name='', form_id='view', REQUEST=None):
        Access first item in a selection
      if not REQUEST:
        REQUEST = get_request()
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if selection:
        method = self.unrestrictedTraverse(selection.method_path)
        selection = selection(method = method, context=self, REQUEST=REQUEST)
        o = selection[-1]
        url = o.absolute_url()
        url = REQUEST.url
      url = '%s/%s?selection_index=%s&selection_name=%s' % (url, form_id, -1, selection_name)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'viewNext')
    def viewNext(self, selection_index='', selection_name='', form_id='view', REQUEST=None):
        Access next item in a selection
      if not REQUEST:
        REQUEST = get_request()
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if selection:
        method = self.unrestrictedTraverse(selection.method_path)
        selection = selection(method = method, context=self, REQUEST=REQUEST)
        o = selection[(int(selection_index) + 1) % len(selection)]
        url = o.absolute_url()
        url = REQUEST.url
      url = '%s/%s?selection_index=%s&selection_name=%s' % (url, form_id, int(selection_index) + 1, selection_name)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'viewPrevious')
    def viewPrevious(self, selection_index='', selection_name='', form_id='view', REQUEST=None):
        Access previous item in a selection
      if not REQUEST:
        REQUEST = get_request()
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if selection:
        method = self.unrestrictedTraverse(selection.method_path)
        selection = selection(method = method, context=self, REQUEST=REQUEST)
        o = selection[(int(selection_index) - 1) % len(selection)]
        url = o.absolute_url()
        url = REQUEST.url
      url = '%s/%s?selection_index=%s&selection_name=%s' % (url, form_id, int(selection_index) - 1, selection_name)

    # ListBox related methods
    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'nextPage')
    def nextPage(self, listbox_uid, uids=None, REQUEST=None):
        Access the next page of a list
      if uids is None: uids = []
      request = REQUEST
      #form_id = request.form_id
      selection_name = request.list_selection_name
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST)
      params = selection.getParams()
      lines = params.get('list_lines',0)
      start = params.get('list_start', 0)
      params['list_start'] = int(start) + int(lines)
      selection.edit(params= params)

      self.uncheckAll(selection_name, listbox_uid)
      return self.checkAll(selection_name, uids, REQUEST=REQUEST)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'previousPage')
    def previousPage(self, listbox_uid, uids=None, REQUEST=None):
        Access the previous page of a list
      if uids is None: uids = []
      request = REQUEST
      #form_id = request.form_id
      selection_name = request.list_selection_name
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST)
      params = selection.getParams()
      lines = params.get('list_lines',0)
      start = params.get('list_start', 0)
      params['list_start'] = max(int(start) - int(lines), 0)
      selection.edit(params= selection.params)

      self.uncheckAll(selection_name, listbox_uid)
      return self.checkAll(selection_name, uids, REQUEST=REQUEST)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'setPage')
    def setPage(self, listbox_uid, uids=None, REQUEST=None):
        Access the previous page of a list
      if uids is None: uids = []
      request = REQUEST
      #form_id = request.form_id
      selection_name = request.list_selection_name

      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if selection is not None:
        params = selection.getParams()
        lines = params.get('list_lines',0)
        start = request.form.get('list_start',0)

        params['list_start'] = start
        selection.edit(params= selection.params)

      self.uncheckAll(selection_name, listbox_uid)
      return self.checkAll(selection_name, uids, REQUEST=REQUEST)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'setZoom')
    def setZoom(self, uids=None, REQUEST=None):
      Set graphic zoom in PlanningBox
      if uids is None: uids = []
      request = REQUEST  
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if selection is not None:
        params = selection.getParams()
        params['zoom'] = zoom
        selection.edit(params= params)
      referer = request['HTTP_REFERER']
      referer = referer.replace('reset=', 'noreset=')
      referer = referer.replace('reset:int=', 'noreset:int=')
      return request.RESPONSE.redirect(referer) 
    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'setDomainRoot')
    def setDomainRoot(self, REQUEST):
        Sets the root domain for the current selection
      request = REQUEST
      #form_id = request.form_id
      selection_name = request.list_selection_name
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST)
      root_url = request.form.get('domain_root_url','portal_categories')
      selection.edit(domain_path=root_url, domain_list=())

      return request.RESPONSE.redirect(request['HTTP_REFERER'])

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'unfoldDomain')
    def unfoldDomain(self, REQUEST):
        Sets the root domain for the current selection
      request = REQUEST
      #form_id = request.form_id
      selection_name = request.list_selection_name
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST)
      domain_url = request.form.get('domain_url',None)
      domain_depth = request.form.get('domain_depth',0)
      domain_list = list(selection.getDomainList())
      domain_list = domain_list[0:min(domain_depth, len(domain_list))]
      if type(domain_url) == type('a'):
        selection.edit(domain_list = domain_list + [domain_url])

      return request.RESPONSE.redirect(request['HTTP_REFERER'])

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'foldDomain')
    def foldDomain(self, REQUEST):
        Sets the root domain for the current selection
      request = REQUEST
      #form_id = request.form_id
      selection_name = request.list_selection_name
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST)
      domain_url = request.form.get('domain_url',None)
      domain_depth = request.form.get('domain_depth',0)
      domain_list = list(selection.getDomainList())
      domain_list = domain_list[0:min(domain_depth, len(domain_list))]
      selection.edit(domain_list=filter(lambda x:x != domain_url, domain_list))

      return request.RESPONSE.redirect(request['HTTP_REFERER'])

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'setReportRoot')
    def setReportRoot(self, REQUEST):
        Sets the root domain for the current selection
      request = REQUEST
      #form_id = request.form_id
      selection_name = request.list_selection_name
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST)
      root_url = request.form.get('report_root_url','portal_categories')
      selection.edit(report_path=root_url, report_list=())

      return request.RESPONSE.redirect(request['HTTP_REFERER'])

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'unfoldReport')
    def unfoldReport(self, REQUEST):
        Sets the root domain for the current selection

        report_list is a list of relative_url of category, domain, etc.
      request = REQUEST
      #form_id = request.form_id
      selection_name = request.list_selection_name
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST)
      report_url = request.form.get('report_url',None)
      if type(report_url) == type('a'):
        selection.edit(report_list=list(selection.getReportList()) + [report_url])

      referer = request['HTTP_REFERER']
      referer = referer.replace('report_depth:int=', 'noreport_depth:int=')
      return request.RESPONSE.redirect(referer)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'foldReport')
    def foldReport(self, REQUEST):
        Sets the root domain for the current selection
      request = REQUEST
      #form_id = request.form_id
      selection_name = request.list_selection_name
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST)
      report_url = request.form.get('report_url',None)
      if type(report_url) == type('a'):
        report_list = selection.getReportList()
        selection.edit(report_list=filter(lambda x:x != report_url, report_list))

      referer = request['HTTP_REFERER']
      referer = referer.replace('report_depth:int=', 'noreport_depth:int=')
      return request.RESPONSE.redirect(referer)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getListboxDisplayMode')
    def getListboxDisplayMode(self, selection_name, REQUEST=None):
      if REQUEST is None:
        REQUEST = get_request()
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST)
      if getattr(selection, 'report_tree_mode', 0):
        return 'ReportTreeMode'
      elif getattr(selection, 'domain_tree_mode', 0):
        return 'DomainTreeMode'
      return 'FlatListMode'
    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'setListboxDisplayMode')
    def setListboxDisplayMode(self, REQUEST,listbox_display_mode, selection_name=None,redirect=0):
        Toogle display of the listbox

      request = REQUEST
      if selection_name is None: selection_name = request.list_selection_name
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST)
      if selection is None:
        selection = Selection()

      if listbox_display_mode == 'FlatListMode':
        flat_list_mode = 1
        domain_tree_mode = 0
        report_tree_mode = 0
      elif listbox_display_mode == 'DomainTreeMode':
        flat_list_mode = 0
        domain_tree_mode = 1
        report_tree_mode = 0
      elif listbox_display_mode == 'ReportTreeMode':
        flat_list_mode = 0
        domain_tree_mode = 0
        report_tree_mode = 1
        flat_list_mode = 0
        domain_tree_mode = 0
        report_tree_mode = 0      

      # It is better to reset the query when changing the display mode.
      params = selection.getParams()
      if 'where_expression' in params: del params['where_expression']
      selection.edit(params = params)

      if redirect:
        referer = request['HTTP_REFERER']
        referer = referer.replace('noreset=', 'reset=')
        referer = referer.replace('noreset:int=', 'reset:int=')
        referer = referer.replace('reset=', 'noreset=')
        referer = referer.replace('reset:int=', 'noreset:int=')
        return request.RESPONSE.redirect(referer)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'setFlatListMode')
    def setFlatListMode(self, REQUEST, selection_name=None):
        Set display of the listbox to FlatList mode

      return self.setListboxDisplayMode(REQUEST=REQUEST, listbox_display_mode='FlatListMode', selection_name=selection_name,redirect=1)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'setDomainTreeMode')
    def setDomainTreeMode(self, REQUEST, selection_name=None):
         Set display of the listbox to DomainTree mode

      return self.setListboxDisplayMode(REQUEST=REQUEST,listbox_display_mode='DomainTreeMode', selection_name=selection_name,redirect=1)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'setReportTreeMode')
    def setReportTreeMode(self, REQUEST, selection_name=None):
        Set display of the listbox to ReportTree mode

      return self.setListboxDisplayMode(REQUEST=REQUEST,listbox_display_mode='ReportTreeMode',selection_name=selection_name,redirect=1)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getSelectionSelectedValueList')
    def getSelectionSelectedValueList(self, selection_name, REQUEST=None, selection_method=None, context=None):
        Get the list of values selected for 'selection_name'
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if selection is None:
        return []
      return selection(method=selection_method, context=context, REQUEST=REQUEST)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getSelectionCheckedValueList')
    def getSelectionCheckedValueList(self, selection_name, REQUEST=None):
        Get the list of values checked for 'selection_name'
      selection = self.getSelectionFor(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if selection is None:
        return []
      uid_list = selection.getCheckedUids()
      value_list = self.portal_catalog.getObjectList(uid_list)
      return value_list

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getSelectionValueList')
    def getSelectionValueList(self, selection_name, REQUEST=None, selection_method=None, context=None):
        Get the list of values checked or selected for 'selection_name'
      value_list = self.getSelectionCheckedValueList(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
      if len(value_list) == 0:
        value_list = self.getSelectionSelectedValueList(
      return value_list

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getSelectionUidList')
    def getSelectionUidList(self, selection_name, REQUEST=None, selection_method=None, context=None):
        Get the list of values checked or selected for 'selection_name'
      return map(lambda x:x.getObject().getUid(), self.getSelectionValueList(selection_name, REQUEST=REQUEST, selection_method=selection_method, context=context))

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'selectionHasChanged')
    def selectionHasChanged(self, md5_string, object_uid_list):
        We want to be sure that the selection did not change
      # XXX To avoid the difference of the string representations of int and long,
      # convert each element to a string. 
      object_uid_list = [str(x) for x in object_uid_list]
      new_md5_string = md5.new(str(object_uid_list)).hexdigest()
      return md5_string != new_md5_string

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getPickle')
    def getPickle(self,**kw):
      we give many keywords and we will get the corresponding
      pickle string and signature
      #LOG('getPickle kw',0,kw)
      # XXX Remove DateTime, This is really bad, only use for zope 2.6
      # XXX This has to be removed as quickly as possible
      for k,v in kw.items():
        if isinstance(v,DateTime):
          del kw[k]
      # XXX End of the part to remove
      pickle_string = pickle.dumps(kw)
      msg = MIMEBase('application','octet-stream')
      pickle_string = msg.get_payload()
      pickle_string = pickle_string.replace('\n','@@@')
      return pickle_string

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getPickleAndSignature')
    def getPickleAndSignature(self,**kw):
      we give many keywords and we will get the corresponding
      pickle string and signature
      cookie_password = self._getCookiePassword()
      pickle_string = self.getPickle(**kw)
      signature = hmac.new(cookie_password,pickle_string).hexdigest()
      return (pickle_string,signature)

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getObjectFromPickle')
    def getObjectFromPickle(self,pickle_string):
      we give a pickle string and a signature
      object = None
      pickle_string = pickle_string.replace('@@@','\n')
      msg = MIMEBase('application','octet-stream')
      pickle_string = msg.get_payload(decode=1)
      object = pickle.loads(pickle_string)
      return object

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getObjectFromPickleAndSignature')
    def getObjectFromPickleAndSignature(self,pickle_string,signature):
      we give a pickle string and a signature
      cookie_password = self._getCookiePassword()
      object = None
      new_signature = hmac.new(cookie_password,pickle_string).hexdigest()
      if new_signature==signature:
        object = self.getObjectFromPickle(pickle_string)
      return object

    def _getCookiePassword(self):
      get the password used for encryption
      cookie_password = getattr(self,'cookie_password',None)
      if cookie_password is None:
        cookie_password = str(random.randrange(1,2147483600))
        self.cookie_password = cookie_password
      return cookie_password

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'registerCookieInfo')
    def setCookieInfo(self,request,cookie_name,**kw):
      regiter info directly in cookie
      cookie_name = cookie_name + '_cookie'
      (pickle_string,signature) = self.getPickleAndSignature(**kw)
      signature_cookie_name = cookie_name + '_signature'

    security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'registerCookieInfo')
    def getCookieInfo(self,request,cookie_name):
      regiter info directly in cookie
      cookie_name = cookie_name + '_cookie'
      object = None
      if getattr(request,cookie_name,None) is not None:
        pickle_string = request.get(cookie_name)
        signature_cookie_name = cookie_name + '_signature'
        signature = request.get(signature_cookie_name)
        object = self.getObjectFromPickleAndSignature(pickle_string,signature)
      if object is None:
        object = {}
      return object

    # Related document searching
    def viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialog(self, index, form_id, REQUEST=None, sub_index=None, **kw):
        Returns a search related document dialog
        A set of forwarders us defined to circumvent limitations of HTML
      if sub_index != None:
        REQUEST.form['sub_index'] = sub_index
      # Find the object which needs to be updated      
      object_uid = REQUEST.get('object_uid', None)
      object_path = REQUEST.get('object_path', None)
      if object_uid is not None:
        o = self.portal_catalog.getObject(object_uid)
        o = None

      if o is None:
        # we first try to reindex the object, thanks to the object_path
        if object_path is not None:
          o = self.getPortalObject().restrictedTraverse(object_path)
        if o is not None:
          object_uid = o.getUid() 
          return "Sorrry, Error, the calling object was not catalogued. Do not know how to do ?"

      # Find the field which was clicked on
      form = getattr(o, form_id) # Important to get from the object instead of self
      field = None
      relation_index = 0

      # find the correct field
      for field in form.get_fields(include_disabled=0):
        if getattr(field, 'is_relation_field', None):
          if index == relation_index:
            relation_index += 1
      field_value = REQUEST.form['field_%s' % field.id]

      selection_name = 'Base_viewRelatedObjectList'
      # reselt current selection
      self.portal_selections.setSelectionFor( selection_name, None)

      # XXX portal_status_message = "Please select one object to precise the value: '%s' in the field: '%s'" % ( field_value, field.get_orig_value('title') )
      portal_status_message = "Please select one object."

      if field.meta_type == "MultiRelationStringField":
        if sub_index == None:
          # user click on the wheel, not on the validation button
          # we need to facilitate user search

          # first: store current field value in the selection
          base_category = field.get_value( 'base_category')

          property_get_related_uid_method_name = "get"+ string.join( map( lambda x: string.upper(x[0]) + x[1:] ,string.split(base_category,'_') ) , '' ) + "UidList"
          current_uid_list = getattr( o, property_get_related_uid_method_name )( portal_type=map(lambda x:x[0],field.get_value('portal_type')))

          # Checked current uid
          kw ={}
          kw[field.get_value('catalog_index')] = field_value
          self.portal_selections.setSelectionParamsFor(selection_name, kw.copy())
          self.portal_selections.setSelectionCheckedUidsFor(selection_name , current_uid_list )

          field_value = ''
          REQUEST.form['field_%s' % field.id] = field_value
          # XXX portal_status_message = "Please select one or more object to define the field: '%s'" % field.get_orig_value('title')
          portal_status_message = "Please select one (or more) object."

      # Save the current REQUEST form
      # We can't put FileUpload instances because we can't pickle them
      pickle_kw = {}
      for key in REQUEST.form.keys():
        if not isinstance(REQUEST.form[key],FileUpload):
          pickle_kw[key] = REQUEST.form[key]

      form_pickle, form_signature = self.getPickleAndSignature(**pickle_kw)
      REQUEST.form_pickle = form_pickle
      REQUEST.form_signature = form_signature

      base_category = None
      kw = {}
      kw['object_uid'] = object_uid
      kw['form_id'] = 'Base_viewRelatedObjectList'
      kw['selection_name'] = 'Base_viewRelatedObjectList'
      kw['selection_index'] = 0 # We start on the first page
      kw['field_id'] = field.id
      kw['portal_type'] = map(lambda x:x[0],field.get_value('portal_type'))
      parameter_list = field.get_value('parameter_list')
      if len(parameter_list) > 0:
        for k,v in parameter_list:
          kw[k] = v
      kw['reset'] = 0
      kw['base_category'] = field.get_value( 'base_category')
      kw['cancel_url'] = REQUEST.get('HTTP_REFERER')
      kw['previous_form_id'] = form_id

      kw[field.get_value('catalog_index')] = field_value
      # We work with strings - ie. single values
      kw ={}
      context.portal_selections.setSelectionParamsFor('Base_viewRelatedObjectList', kw.copy())
      previous_uids = o.getValueUids(base_category, portal_type=portal_type)
      relation_list = context.portal_catalog(**kw)
      relation_uid_list = map(lambda x: x.uid, relation_list)
      uids = []

      # Need to redirect, if we want listbox nextPage to work
      kw['form_pickle'] = form_pickle
      kw['form_signature'] = form_signature
      kw['portal_status_message'] = portal_status_message

      redirect_url = '%s/%s?%s' % ( o.absolute_url()
                                , 'Base_viewRelatedObjectList'
                                , make_query(kw)

      REQUEST[ 'RESPONSE' ].redirect( redirect_url )

#      # Empty the selection (uid)
#      REQUEST.form = kw # New request form
#      # Define new HTTP_REFERER
#      REQUEST.HTTP_REFERER = '%s/Base_viewRelatedObjectList' % o.absolute_url() 
#      # Return the search dialog
#      return o.Base_viewRelatedObjectList(REQUEST=REQUEST)

     # XXX do not use this method, use aq_dynamic (JPS)
#    def __getattr__(self, name):
#      dynamic_method_name = 'viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialog'
#      if name[:len(dynamic_method_name)] == dynamic_method_name:
#        method_count_string = name[len(dynamic_method_name):]
#        # be sure that method name is correct
#        try:
#          import string
#          method_count = string.atoi(method_count_string)
#        except:
#          raise AttributeError, name
#        else:
#          # generate dynamicaly needed forwarder methods
#          def viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialogWrapper(self, form_id, REQUEST=None, **kw):
#            """
#              viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialog Wrapper
#            """
#            return self.viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialog(method_count, form_id, REQUEST=REQUEST, **kw)
#          setattr(self.__class__, name, viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialogWrapper)
#          klass = self.__class__
#          if hasattr(klass, 'security'):
#            from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions as ERP5Permissions
#            klass.security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, name)
#          else:
#            # XXX security declaration always failed....
#            LOG('WARNING ERP5Form SelectionTool, security not defined on',0,klass.__name__)
#          return getattr(self, name)
#      else:
#        raise AttributeError, name

    def _aq_dynamic(self, name):
        Generate viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialog0, viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialog1,... if necessary
      aq_base_name = getattr(aq_base(self), name, None)
      if aq_base_name == None:

        dynamic_method_name = 'viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialog'
        zope_security = '__roles__'
        if (name[:len(dynamic_method_name)] == dynamic_method_name) and (name[-len(zope_security):] != zope_security) :

          #method_count_string = name[len(dynamic_method_name):]

          method_count_string_list = string.split( name[len(dynamic_method_name):] , '_' )

          method_count_string = method_count_string_list[0]

          # be sure that method name is correct
            method_count = string.atoi(method_count_string)
          except TypeError:
            return aq_base_name

            if len(method_count_string_list) > 1:
              # be sure that method name is correct
                sub_index = string.atoi(method_count_string_list[1])
              except TypeError:
                return aq_base_name
              sub_index = None

            # generate dynamicaly needed forwarder methods
            def viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialogWrapper(self, form_id, REQUEST=None, **kw):
                viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialog Wrapper
              LOG('SelectionTool.viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialogWrapper, kw',0,kw)
              if sub_index == None:
                return self.viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialog(method_count, form_id, REQUEST=REQUEST, **kw)
                return self.viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialog(method_count, form_id, REQUEST=REQUEST, sub_index=sub_index, **kw)
            setattr(self.__class__, name, viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialogWrapper)

            klass = aq_base(self).__class__
            if hasattr(klass, 'security'):
              from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions as ERP5Permissions
              klass.security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, name)
              # XXX security declaration always failed....
              LOG('WARNING ERP5Form SelectionTool, security not defined on',0,klass.__name__)

            return getattr(self, name)
          return aq_base_name
      return aq_base_name

InitializeClass( SelectionTool )

class TreeListLine:
  def __init__(self,object,is_pure_summary,depth, is_open,select_domain_dict,exception_uid_list):
  def getObject(self):
    return self.object
  def getIsPureSummary(self):
    return self.is_pure_summary
  def getDepth(self):
    return self.depth
  def getIsOpen(self):
    return self.is_open
  def getSelectDomainDict(self): 
    return self.select_domain_dict
  def getExceptionUidList(self):
    return self.exception_uid_list

def makeTreeList(here, form, root_dict, report_path, base_category, depth, unfolded_list, form_id, selection_name, report_depth, is_report_opened=1, sort_on = (('id', 'ASC'),)):
    (object, is_pure_summary, depth, is_open, select_domain_dict)

    select_domain_dict is a dictionary of  associative list of (id, domain)
  if type(report_path) is type('a'): report_path = report_path.split('/')

  portal_categories = getattr(form, 'portal_categories', None)
  portal_domains = getattr(form, 'portal_domains', None)
  portal_object = form.portal_url.getPortalObject()
  if len(report_path):
    base_category = report_path[0]

  if root_dict is None:
    root_dict = {}

  is_empty_level = 1
  while is_empty_level:
    if not root_dict.has_key(base_category):
      root = None
      if portal_categories is not None:
        if base_category in portal_categories.objectIds():
          if base_category == 'parent':
            # parent has a special treatment
            root = root_dict[base_category] = root_dict[None] = here
            report_path = report_path[1:]
            root = root_dict[base_category] = root_dict[None] = portal_categories[base_category]
            report_path = report_path[1:]
      if root is None and portal_domains is not None:
        if base_category in portal_domains.objectIds():
          root = root_dict[base_category] = root_dict[None] = portal_domains[base_category]
          report_path = report_path[1:]
      if root is None:
          root = root_dict[None] = portal_object.unrestrictedTraverse(report_path)
        except KeyError:
          root = None
        report_path = ()
      root = root_dict[None] = root_dict[base_category]
      report_path = report_path[1:]
    is_empty_level = (root.objectCount() == 0) and (len(report_path) != 0)
    if is_empty_level: base_category = report_path[0]

  tree_list = []
  if root is None: return tree_list

  if base_category == 'parent':
    if hasattr(aq_base(root), 'objectValues'):
      # If this is a folder, try to browse the hierarchy
      for zo in root.searchFolder(sort_on=sort_on):
        o = zo.getObject()
        if o is not None:
          new_root_dict = root_dict.copy()
          new_root_dict[None] = new_root_dict[base_category] = o
          selection_domain = DomainSelection(domain_dict = new_root_dict)
          if (report_depth is not None and depth <= (report_depth - 1)) or o.getRelativeUrl() in unfolded_list:
            exception_uid_list = [] # Object we do not want to display
            for sub_zo in o.searchFolder(sort_on=sort_on):
              sub_o = sub_zo.getObject()
              if sub_o is not None and hasattr(aq_base(root), 'objectValues'):
            tree_list += [TreeListLine(o, 1, depth, 1, selection_domain, exception_uid_list)] # Summary (open)
            if is_report_opened :
              tree_list += [TreeListLine(o, 0, depth, 0, selection_domain, exception_uid_list)] # List (contents, closed, must be strict selection)
            tree_list += makeTreeList(here, form, new_root_dict, report_path, base_category, depth + 1, unfolded_list, form_id, selection_name, report_depth, is_report_opened=is_report_opened, sort_on=sort_on)
            tree_list += [TreeListLine(o, 1, depth, 0, selection_domain, ())] # Summary (closed)
    for o in root.objectValues():
      new_root_dict = root_dict.copy()
      new_root_dict[None] = new_root_dict[base_category] = o
      selection_domain = DomainSelection(domain_dict = new_root_dict)
      if (report_depth is not None and depth <= (report_depth - 1)) or o.getRelativeUrl() in unfolded_list:
        tree_list += [TreeListLine(o, 1, depth, 1, selection_domain, None)] # Summary (open)
        if is_report_opened :
          tree_list += [TreeListLine(o, 0, depth, 0, selection_domain, None)] # List (contents, closed, must be strict selection)
        tree_list += makeTreeList(here, form, new_root_dict, report_path, base_category, depth + 1, 
            unfolded_list, form_id, selection_name, report_depth, 
            is_report_opened=is_report_opened, sort_on=sort_on)

        tree_list += [TreeListLine(o, 1, depth, 0, selection_domain, None)] # Summary (closed)
  return tree_list