Commit 6eb8d6ec authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

halfhour table period is too close to halfday (4 columns until rescale).

Replace with quarterhour, do not change plot period.
parent df13912c
......@@ -964,9 +964,9 @@ def _asMinuteString(timestamp):
day, month, year = dt_date.split('/')
return '%s/%02i/%s %s:%s' % (year, MONTH_VALUE_DICT[month], day, hour, minute)
def _asHalfHourString(timestamp):
def _asQuarterHourString(timestamp):
prefix, minute = timestamp.rsplit(':', 1)
return '%s:%02i' % (prefix, int(minute) // 30 * 30)
return '%s:%02i' % (prefix, int(minute) // 15 * 15)
# Key: argument (represents table granularity)
# Value:
......@@ -1055,10 +1055,10 @@ period_parser = {
lambda x: x.replace(minute=x.minute // 30 * 30),
lambda x: 1,
'halfhour': (
'quarterhour': (
# graph/table ratio: 30
'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M',
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