# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2009 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Romain Courteaud <romain@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## import unittest import os from StringIO import StringIO from lxml import etree from AccessControl import Unauthorized from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager from Testing import ZopeTestCase from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase,\ _getConversionServerDict from Products.ERP5Type.tests.utils import FileUpload, createZODBPythonScript from Products.ERP5.Document.Document import ConversionError try: from PIL import Image except ImportError: # When the PIL eggs is developed it seems to use an different # way to import it. import Image LANGUAGE_LIST = ('en', 'fr', 'de', 'bg',) IMAGE_COMPARE_TOLERANCE = 800 def makeFilePath(name): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_data', name) def makeFileUpload(name, as_name=None): if as_name is None: as_name = name path = makeFilePath(name) return FileUpload(path, as_name) def process_image(image, size=(40, 40)): # open the images to compare, resize them, and convert to grayscale # get the rgb values of the pixels in the image image = Image.open(image) return list(image.resize(size).convert("L").getdata()) def compare_image(image_data_1, image_data_2): """ Find the total difference in RGB value for all pixels in the images and return the "amount" of differences that the 2 images contains. """ data1 = process_image(image_data_1) data2 = process_image(image_data_2) return abs(sum([data1[x] - data2[x] for x in range(len(data1))])) class TestERP5WebWithDms(ERP5TypeTestCase, ZopeTestCase.Functional): """Test for erp5_web business template. """ run_all_test = 1 quiet = 0 manager_username = 'zope' manager_password = 'zope' website_id = 'test' def getTitle(self): return "ERP5WebWithDms" def login(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): uf = self.getPortal().acl_users uf._doAddUser(self.manager_username, self.manager_password, ['Manager'], []) user = uf.getUserById(self.manager_username).__of__(uf) newSecurityManager(None, user) def getBusinessTemplateList(self): """ Return the list of required business templates. """ return ('erp5_core_proxy_field_legacy', 'erp5_base', 'erp5_jquery', 'erp5_knowledge_pad', 'erp5_web', 'erp5_ingestion', 'erp5_ingestion_mysql_innodb_catalog', 'erp5_dms', ) def afterSetUp(self): self.login() portal = self.getPortal() self.setDefaultSitePreference() self.web_page_module = self.portal.web_page_module self.web_site_module = self.portal.web_site_module self.portal_id = self.portal.getId() def setDefaultSitePreference(self): default_pref = self.portal.portal_preferences.default_site_preference conversion_dict = _getConversionServerDict() default_pref.setPreferredOoodocServerAddress(conversion_dict['hostname']) default_pref.setPreferredOoodocServerPortNumber(conversion_dict['port']) if self.portal.portal_workflow.isTransitionPossible(default_pref, 'enable'): default_pref.enable() return default_pref def clearModule(self, module): module.manage_delObjects(list(module.objectIds())) self.tic() def beforeTearDown(self): self.clearModule(self.portal.web_site_module) self.clearModule(self.portal.web_page_module) def setupWebSite(self, **kw): """ Setup Web Site """ portal = self.getPortal() request = self.app.REQUEST # add supported languages for Localizer localizer = portal.Localizer for language in LANGUAGE_LIST: localizer.manage_addLanguage(language = language) # create website if hasattr(self.web_site_module, self.website_id): self.web_site_module.manage_delObjects(self.website_id) website = self.getPortal().web_site_module.newContent(portal_type = 'Web Site', id = self.website_id, **kw) website.publish() self.tic() return website def setupWebSection(self, **kw): """ Setup Web Section """ web_site_module = self.portal.getDefaultModule('Web Site') website = web_site_module[self.website_id] websection = website.newContent(portal_type='Web Section', **kw) self.websection = websection kw = dict(criterion_property_list = 'portal_type', membership_criterion_base_category_list='', membership_criterion_category_list='') websection.edit(**kw) websection.setCriterion(property='portal_type', identity=['Web Page'], max='', min='') self.tic() return websection def setupWebSitePages(self, prefix, suffix=None, version='0.1', language_list=LANGUAGE_LIST, **kw): """ Setup some Web Pages. """ webpage_list = [] portal = self.getPortal() request = self.app.REQUEST web_site_module = self.portal.getDefaultModule('Web Site') website = web_site_module[self.website_id] # create sample web pages for language in language_list: if suffix is not None: reference = '%s-%s' % (prefix, language) else: reference = prefix webpage = self.web_page_module.newContent(portal_type='Web Page', reference=reference, version=version, language=language, **kw) webpage.publish() self.tic() self.assertEquals(language, webpage.getLanguage()) self.assertEquals(reference, webpage.getReference()) self.assertEquals(version, webpage.getVersion()) self.assertEquals('published', webpage.getValidationState()) webpage_list.append(webpage) return webpage_list def test_01_WebPageVersioning(self, quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test): """ Simple Case of showing the proper most recent public Web Page based on (language, version) """ if not run: return if not quiet: message = '\ntest_01_WebPageVersioning' ZopeTestCase._print(message) portal = self.getPortal() request = self.app.REQUEST website = self.setupWebSite() websection = self.setupWebSection() page_reference = 'default-webpage-versionning' webpage_list = self.setupWebSitePages(prefix = page_reference) # set default web page for section found_by_reference = portal.portal_catalog(reference = page_reference, language = 'en', portal_type = 'Web Page') en_01 = found_by_reference[0].getObject() # set it as default web page for section websection.edit(categories_list = ['aggregate/%s' %en_01.getRelativeUrl(),]) self.assertEqual([en_01.getReference(),], websection.getAggregateReferenceList()) # create manually a copy of 'en_01' with higher version and check that # older version is archived and new one is show as default web page for section en_02 = self.web_page_module.newContent(portal_type = 'Web Page', reference = page_reference, version = 0.2, language = 'en') en_02.publish() en_02.reindexObject() self.tic() # is old archived? self.assertEquals('archived', en_01.getValidationState()) # is new public and default web page for section? portal.Localizer.manage_changeDefaultLang(language = 'en') default_document = websection.getDefaultDocumentValue() self.assertEquals(en_02, default_document) self.assertEquals('en', default_document.getLanguage()) self.assertEquals('0.2', default_document.getVersion()) self.assertEquals('published', default_document.getValidationState()) def test_02_WebSectionAuthorizationForced(self, quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test): """ Check that when a document is requested within a Web Section we have a chance to require user to login. Whether or not an user will login is controlled by a property on Web Section (authorization_forced). """ if not run: return if not quiet: message = '\ntest_02_WebSectionAuthorizationForced' ZopeTestCase._print(message) request = self.app.REQUEST website = self.setupWebSite() websection = self.setupWebSection() webpage_list = self.setupWebSitePages(prefix = 'test-web-page') webpage = webpage_list[0] document_reference = 'default-document-reference' document = self.portal.web_page_module.newContent( portal_type = 'Web Page', reference = document_reference) document.release() website.setAuthorizationForced(0) websection.setAuthorizationForced(0) self.tic() # make sure that _getExtensibleContent will return the same document # there's not other way to test otherwise URL traversal self.assertEqual(document.getUid(), websection._getExtensibleContent(request, document_reference).getUid()) # Anonymous User should have in the request header for not found when # viewing non available document in Web Section (with no authorization_forced) self.logout() self.assertEqual(None, websection._getExtensibleContent(request, document_reference)) path = websection.absolute_url_path() + '/' + document_reference response = self.publish(path) self.assertEqual(404, response.getStatus()) # set authorization_forced flag self.login() websection.setAuthorizationForced(1) # check Unauthorized exception is raised for anonymous # this exception is usually caught and user is redirecetd to login form self.logout() self.assertRaises(Unauthorized, websection._getExtensibleContent, request, document_reference) def test_03_LatestContent(self, quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test): """ Test latest content for a Web Section. Test different use case like languaeg, workflow state. """ if not run: return if not quiet: message = '\ntest_03_LatestContent' ZopeTestCase._print(message) portal = self.getPortal() website = self.setupWebSite() websection = self.setupWebSection() portal_categories = portal.portal_categories publication_section_category_id_list = ['documentation', 'administration'] for category_id in publication_section_category_id_list: portal_categories.publication_section.newContent(portal_type = 'Category', id = category_id) #set predicate on web section using 'publication_section' websection.edit(membership_criterion_base_category = ['publication_section'], membership_criterion_category=['publication_section/%s' %publication_section_category_id_list[0]]) self.tic() self.assertEquals(0, len(websection.getDocumentValueList())) # create pages belonging to this publication_section 'documentation' web_page_en = portal.web_page_module.newContent(portal_type = 'Web Page', language = 'en', publication_section_list=publication_section_category_id_list[:1]) web_page_en.publish() self.tic() self.assertEquals(1, len(websection.getDocumentValueList(language='en'))) self.assertEquals(web_page_en, websection.getDocumentValueList(language='en')[0].getObject()) # create pages belonging to this publication_section 'documentation' but for 'bg' language web_page_bg = portal.web_page_module.newContent(portal_type = 'Web Page', language = 'bg', publication_section_list=publication_section_category_id_list[:1]) web_page_bg.publish() self.tic() self.assertEquals(1, len(websection.getDocumentValueList(language='bg'))) self.assertEquals(web_page_bg, websection.getDocumentValueList(language='bg')[0].getObject()) # reject page web_page_bg.reject() self.tic() self.assertEquals(0, len(websection.getDocumentValueList(language='bg'))) # publish page and search without a language (by default system should return 'en' docs only) web_page_bg.publish() self.tic() self.assertEquals(1, len(websection.getDocumentValueList())) self.assertEquals(web_page_en, websection.getDocumentValueList()[0].getObject()) def test_04_WebSectionAuthorizationForcedForDefaultDocument(self, quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test): """ Check that when a Web Section contains a default document not accessible by user we have a chance to require user to login. Whether or not an user will login is controlled by a property on Web Section (authorization_forced). """ if not run: return if not quiet: message = '\ntest_04_WebSectionAuthorizationForcedForDefaultDocument' ZopeTestCase._print(message) request = self.app.REQUEST website = self.setupWebSite() websection = self.setupWebSection() web_page_reference = 'default-document-reference' web_page_en = self.portal.web_page_module.newContent( portal_type = 'Web Page', language = 'en', reference = web_page_reference) # this way it's not viewable by anonymous and we can test web_page_en.releaseAlive() websection.setAggregateValue(web_page_en) websection.setAuthorizationForced(1) self.tic() # make sure that getDefaultDocumentValue() will return the same document for logged in user # if default document is accessible self.assertEqual(web_page_en.getUid(), websection.getDefaultDocumentValue().getUid()) # check Unauthorized exception is raised for anonymous when authorization_forced is set self.logout() self.assertEqual(None, websection.getDefaultDocumentValue()) self.assertRaises(Unauthorized, websection) # Anonymous User should not get Unauthorized when authorization_forced is not set self.login() websection.setAuthorizationForced(0) self.tic() self.logout() self.assertEqual(None, websection.getDefaultDocumentValue()) try: websection() except Unauthorized: self.fail("Web Section should not prompt user for login.") self.login() web_page_list = [] for iteration in range(0, 10): web_page =self.getPortal().web_page_module.newContent(portal_type = 'Web Page', reference = "%s_%s" % (web_page_reference, iteration), language = 'en',) web_page.publish() self.tic() self.commit() web_page_list.append(web_page) websection.setAggregateValueList(web_page_list) self.tic() self.commit() self.assertEqual(5, len(websection.getDocumentValueList(limit=5))) def test_05_deadProxyFields(self, quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test): """ check that all proxy fields defined in business templates have a valid target """ if not run: return if not quiet: message = '\ntest_05_deadProxyFields' ZopeTestCase._print(message) skins_tool = self.portal.portal_skins for field_path, field in skins_tool.ZopeFind( skins_tool, obj_metatypes=['ProxyField'], search_sub=1): self.assertNotEqual(None, field.getTemplateField(), '%s\nform_id:%s\nfield_id:%s\n' % (field_path, field.get_value('form_id'), field.get_value('field_id'))) def test_06_Check_LastModified_Header(self): """Checks that Last-Modified header set by caching policy manager is correctly filled with getModificationDate of content. This test check "unauthenticated" Policy installed by erp5_web: """ request = self.portal.REQUEST website = self.setupWebSite() web_section_portal_type = 'Web Section' web_section = website.newContent(portal_type=web_section_portal_type) # unauthenticated document_portal_type = 'Text' document_module = self.portal.getDefaultModule(document_portal_type) document = document_module.newContent(portal_type=document_portal_type, reference='NXD-Document-TEXT.Cache') document.publish() self.tic() path = website.absolute_url_path() + '/NXD-Document-TEXT.Cache' response = self.publish(path) last_modified_header = response.getHeader('Last-Modified') self.assertTrue(last_modified_header) from App.Common import rfc1123_date # Convert the Date into string according RFC 1123 Time Format modification_date = rfc1123_date(document.getModificationDate()) self.assertEqual(modification_date, last_modified_header) # Upload a presentation with 3 pages. upload_file = makeFileUpload('P-DMS-Presentation.3.Pages-001-en.odp') document = document_module.newContent(portal_type='Presentation', file=upload_file) reference = 'P-DMS-Presentation.3.Pages' document.edit(reference=reference) document.publish() self.tic() website_url = website.absolute_url_path() # Check we can access to the 3 drawings converted into images. # Those images can be accessible through extensible content # url : path-of-document + '/' + 'img' + page-index + '.png' for i in range(3): path = '/'.join((website_url, reference, 'img%s.png' % i)) response = self.publish(path) policy_list = self.portal.caching_policy_manager.listPolicies() policy = [policy for policy in policy_list\ if policy[0] == 'unauthenticated'][0] self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('Content-Type'), 'image/png') self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('Cache-Control'), 'max-age=%s' % policy[1].getMaxAgeSecs()) def test_07_TestDocumentViewBehaviour(self): """All Documents shared the same downloading behaviour The rules are. a document is allways returned in its web_site envrironment except if conversion parameters are passed like format, display, ... All links to an image must be write with a parameter in its url ../REFERENCE.TO.IMAGE?format=png or ../REFERENCE.TO.IMAGE?display=small """ portal = self.getPortal() request = portal.REQUEST request['PARENTS'] = [self.app] website = self.setupWebSite() web_section_portal_type = 'Web Section' web_section = website.newContent(portal_type=web_section_portal_type) web_page_reference = 'NXD-WEB-PAGE' content = '<p>initial text</p>' web_page_module = portal.getDefaultModule(portal_type='Web Page') web_page = web_page_module.newContent(portal_type='Web Page', reference=web_page_reference, text_content=content) web_page.publish() document_reference = 'NXD-Presentation' document_module = portal.getDefaultModule(portal_type='Presentation') upload_file = makeFileUpload('P-DMS-Presentation.3.Pages-001-en.odp') document = document_module.newContent(portal_type='Presentation', reference=document_reference, file=upload_file) document.publish() image_reference = 'NXD-IMAGE' image_module = portal.getDefaultModule(portal_type='Image') upload_file = makeFileUpload('tiolive-ERP5.Freedom.TioLive.Logo-001-en.png') image = image_module.newContent(portal_type='Image', file=upload_file, reference=image_reference) image.publish() self.tic() credential = 'ERP5TypeTestCase:' # testing TextDocument response = self.publish(website.absolute_url_path() + '/' +\ web_page_reference, credential) self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8') self.assertTrue('<form' in response.getBody()) # means the web_page # is rendered in web_site context response = self.publish(website.absolute_url_path() + '/' +\ web_page_reference, credential) self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8') self.assertTrue('<form' in response.getBody()) # means the web_page # is rendered in web_site context response = self.publish(website.absolute_url_path() + '/' +\ web_page_reference + '?format=pdf', credential) self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('content-type'), 'application/pdf') # testing Image response = self.publish(website.absolute_url_path() + '/' +\ image_reference, credential) # image is rendered in web_site context self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8') response = self.publish(website.absolute_url_path() + '/' +\ image_reference + '?format=png', credential) # image is downloaded because format parameter is passed self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('content-type'), 'image/png') response = self.publish(website.absolute_url_path() + '/' +\ image_reference + '?display=small', credential) # image is downloaded because display parameter is passed self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('content-type'), 'image/png') # image is rendered in web_site context response = self.publish(website.absolute_url_path() + '/' +\ image_reference, credential) self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8') # testing OOoDocument # Document is downloaded response = self.publish(website.absolute_url_path() + '/' +\ document_reference, credential) self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8') response = self.publish(website.absolute_url_path() + '/' +\ document_reference + '?format=odp', credential) # document is resturned because format parameter is passed self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('content-type'), 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation') # Document is rendered in web_site context response = self.publish(website.absolute_url_path() + '/' +\ document_reference, credential) self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('content-type'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8') def test_PreviewOOoDocumentWithEmbeddedImage(self): """Tests html preview of an OOo document with images as extensible content. For this test, Presentation_checkConversionFormatPermission does not allow access to original format for Unauthenticated users. Chack that user can still access to other format. """ portal = self.portal script_id = 'Presentation_checkConversionFormatPermission' python_code = """from AccessControl import getSecurityManager user = getSecurityManager().getUser() if (not user or not user.getId()) and not format: return False return True """ createZODBPythonScript(portal.portal_skins.custom, script_id, 'format, **kw', python_code) request = portal.REQUEST request['PARENTS'] = [self.app] self.getPortalObject().aq_parent.acl_users._doAddUser( 'zope_user', '', ['Manager',], []) website = self.setupWebSite() web_section_portal_type = 'Web Section' web_section = website.newContent(portal_type=web_section_portal_type) document_reference = 'tiolive-ERP5.Freedom.TioLive' upload_file = makeFileUpload('tiolive-ERP5.Freedom.TioLive-001-en.odp') document = self.portal.document_module.newContent( portal_type='Presentation', reference=document_reference, file=upload_file) self.tic() credential_list = ['ERP5TypeTestCase:', 'zope_user:'] for credential in credential_list: # first, preview the draft in its physical location (in document module) response = self.publish('%s/asEntireHTML' % document.absolute_url_path(), credential) self.assertTrue(response.getHeader('content-type').startswith('text/html')) html = response.getBody() self.assertTrue('<img' in html, html) # find the img src img_list = etree.HTML(html).findall('.//img') self.assertEquals(1, len(img_list)) src = img_list[0].get('src') # and make another query for this img response = self.publish('%s/%s' % ( document.absolute_url_path(), src), credential) self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('content-type'), 'image/png') png = response.getBody() self.assertTrue(png.startswith('\x89PNG')) # then publish the document and access it anonymously by reference through # the web site document.publish() self.tic() response = self.publish('%s/%s/asEntireHTML' % ( website.absolute_url_path(), document_reference)) self.assertTrue(response.getHeader('content-type').startswith('text/html')) html = response.getBody() self.assertTrue('<img' in html, html) # find the img src img_list = etree.HTML(html).findall('.//img') self.assertEquals(1, len(img_list)) src = img_list[0].get('src') # and make another query for this img response = self.publish('%s/%s/%s' % ( website.absolute_url_path(), document_reference, src)) self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('content-type'), 'image/png') png = response.getBody() self.assertTrue(png.startswith('\x89PNG')) # Now purge cache and let Anonymous user converting the document. self.login() document.edit() # Reset cache key self.tic() response = self.publish('%s/%s/asEntireHTML' % ( website.absolute_url_path(), document_reference)) self.assertTrue(response.getHeader('content-type').startswith('text/html')) html = response.getBody() self.assertTrue('<img' in html, html) # find the img src img_list = etree.HTML(html).findall('.//img') self.assertEquals(1, len(img_list)) src = img_list[0].get('src') def test_ImageConversionThroughWebSite_using_file(self): """Check that conversion parameters pass in url are hounoured to display an image in context of a website """ self.test_ImageConversionThroughWebSite("File") def test_ImageConversionThroughWebSite(self, image_portal_type="Image"): """Check that conversion parameters pass in url are hounoured to display an image in context of a website """ portal = self.getPortal() request = portal.REQUEST request['PARENTS'] = [self.app] website = self.setupWebSite() web_section_portal_type = 'Web Section' web_section = website.newContent(portal_type=web_section_portal_type) web_page_reference = 'NXD-WEB-PAGE' content = '<p>initial text</p>' web_page_module = portal.getDefaultModule(portal_type='Web Page') web_page = web_page_module.newContent(portal_type='Web Page', reference=web_page_reference, text_content=content) web_page.publish() image_reference = 'NXD-IMAGE' module = portal.getDefaultModule(portal_type=image_portal_type) upload_file = makeFileUpload('tiolive-ERP5.Freedom.TioLive.Logo-001-en.png') image = module.newContent(portal_type=image_portal_type, file=upload_file, reference=image_reference) image.publish() self.tic() credential = 'ERP5TypeTestCase:' # testing Image conversions, raw response = self.publish(website.absolute_url_path() + '/' +\ image_reference + '?format=', credential) self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('content-type'), 'image/png') # testing Image conversions, png response = self.publish(website.absolute_url_path() + '/' +\ image_reference + '?format=png', credential) self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('content-type'), 'image/png') # testing Image conversions, jpg response = self.publish(website.absolute_url_path() + '/' +\ image_reference + '?format=jpg', credential) self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('content-type'), 'image/jpeg') # testing Image conversions, svg response = self.publish(website.absolute_url_path() + '/' +\ image_reference + '?format=svg', credential) self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('content-type'), 'image/svg+xml') # testing Image conversions, resizing response = self.publish(website.absolute_url_path() + '/' +\ image_reference + '?display=large', credential) self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('content-type'), 'image/png') large_image = response.getBody() response = self.publish(website.absolute_url_path() + '/' +\ image_reference + '?display=small', credential) self.assertEquals(response.getHeader('content-type'), 'image/png') small_image = response.getBody() # if larger image is longer than smaller, then # Resizing works self.assertTrue(len(large_image) > len(small_image)) def _test_document_publication_workflow(self, portal_type, transition): super(TestERP5WebWithDms, self).login() document = self.portal.web_page_module.newContent(portal_type=portal_type) self.portal.portal_workflow.doActionFor(document, transition) def test_document_publication_workflow_WebPage_publish(self): self._test_document_publication_workflow('Web Page', 'publish_action') def test_document_publication_workflow_WebPage_publish_alive(self): self._test_document_publication_workflow('Web Page', 'publish_alive_action') def test_document_publication_workflow_WebPage_release(self): self._test_document_publication_workflow('Web Page', 'release_action') def test_document_publication_workflow_WebPage_release_alive(self): self._test_document_publication_workflow('Web Page', 'release_alive_action') def test_document_publication_workflow_WebPage_share(self): self._test_document_publication_workflow('Web Page', 'share_action') def test_document_publication_workflow_WebPage_share_alive(self): self._test_document_publication_workflow('Web Page', 'share_alive_action') def _testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG(self, portal_type="Image", filename="user-TESTSVG-CASE-EMBEDDEDDATA"): """ Test Convert one SVG Image (Image, TextDocument, File ...) to PNG and compare the generated image is well generated. """ portal = self.portal module = portal.getDefaultModule(portal_type=portal_type) upload_file = makeFileUpload('%s.svg' % filename) image = module.newContent(portal_type=portal_type, file=upload_file, reference="NXD-DOCUMENT") image.publish() self.tic() self.assertEquals(image.getContentType(), 'image/svg+xml') mime, converted_data = image.convert("png") self.assertEquals(mime, 'image/png') expected_image = makeFileUpload('%s.png' % filename) # Compare images and accept some minimal difference, difference_value = compare_image(StringIO(converted_data), expected_image) self.assertTrue(difference_value < IMAGE_COMPARE_TOLERANCE, "Conversion from svg to png create one too small image, " + \ "so it failed to download the image. (%s >= %s)" % (difference_value, IMAGE_COMPARE_TOLERANCE)) def _testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_url(self, image_url, portal_type="Image"): """ Test Convert one SVG Image with an image url. ie: <image xlink:href="xxx:///../../user-XXX-XXX" """ portal = self.portal module = portal.getDefaultModule(portal_type=portal_type) upload_file = makeFileUpload('user-TESTSVG-CASE-URL-TEMPLATE.svg') svg_content = upload_file.read().replace("REPLACE_THE_URL_HERE", image_url) # Add image using data instead file this time as it is not the goal of # This test assert this topic. image = module.newContent(portal_type=portal_type, data=svg_content, filename=upload_file.filename, content_type="image/svg+xml", reference="NXD-DOCYMENT") image.publish() self.tic() self.assertEquals(image.getContentType(), 'image/svg+xml') mime, converted_data = image.convert("png") self.assertEquals(mime, 'image/png') expected_image = makeFileUpload('user-TESTSVG-CASE-URL.png') # Compare images and accept some minimal difference, difference_value = compare_image(StringIO(converted_data), expected_image) self.assertTrue(difference_value < IMAGE_COMPARE_TOLERANCE, "Conversion from svg to png create one too small image, " + \ "so it failed to download the image. (%s >= %s)" % (difference_value, IMAGE_COMPARE_TOLERANCE)) def _testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_file_url(self, portal_type="Image"): """ Test Convert one SVG Image with an image using local path (file) at the url of the image tag. ie: <image xlink:href="file:///../../user-XXX-XXX" This is not used by ERP5 in production, but this is way that prooves that conversion from SVG to PNG can use external images. """ image_url = "file://" + makeFilePath("user-TESTSVG-BACKGROUND-IMAGE.png") self._testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_url(image_url, portal_type) def _testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_http_url(self, portal_type="Image"): """ Test Convert one SVG Image with an image with a full url at the url of the image tag. ie: <image xlink:href="http://www.erp5.com/user-XXX-XXX" """ portal = self.portal module = portal.getDefaultModule(portal_type=portal_type) upload_file = makeFileUpload('user-TESTSVG-BACKGROUND-IMAGE.png') background_image = module.newContent(portal_type=portal_type, file=upload_file, reference="NXD-BACKGROUND") background_image.publish() self.tic() image_url = background_image.absolute_url() + "?format=" self._testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_url(image_url, portal_type) def _testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_broken_url(self, portal_type="Image"): """ Test Convert one broken SVG into PNG. The expected outcome is a conversion error when an SVG contains one unreacheble xlink:href like. at the url of the image tag. ie: <image xlink:href="http://soidjsoidjqsoijdqsoidjqsdoijsqd.idjsijds/../user-XXX-XXX" This is not used by ERP5 in production, but this is way that prooves that conversion from SVG to PNG can use external images. """ portal = self.portal module = portal.getDefaultModule(portal_type=portal_type) upload_file = makeFileUpload('user-TESTSVG-CASE-URL-TEMPLATE.svg') svg_content = upload_file.read().replace("REPLACE_THE_URL_HERE", "http://soidjsoidjqsoijdqsoidjqsdoijsqd.idjsijds/../user-XXX-XXX") upload_file = makeFileUpload('user-TESTSVG-CASE-URL-TEMPLATE.svg') svg2_content = upload_file.read().replace("REPLACE_THE_URL_HERE", "https://www.erp5.com/usXXX-XXX") # Add image using data instead file this time as it is not the goal of # This test assert this topic. image = module.newContent(portal_type=portal_type, data=svg_content, filename=upload_file.filename, content_type="image/svg+xml", reference="NXD-DOCYMENT") # Add image using data instead file this time as it is not the goal of # This test assert this topic. image2 = module.newContent(portal_type=portal_type, data=svg2_content, filename=upload_file.filename, content_type="image/svg+xml", reference="NXD-DOCYMENT2") image.publish() image2.publish() self.tic() self.assertEquals(image.getContentType(), 'image/svg+xml') self.assertEquals(image2.getContentType(), 'image/svg+xml') self.assertRaises(ConversionError, image.convert, "png") self.assertRaises(ConversionError, image2.convert, "png") def _testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_empty_file(self, portal_type="Image"): """ Test Convert one empty SVG into PNG. The expected outcome is ??? """ portal = self.portal module = portal.getDefaultModule(portal_type=portal_type) # Add image using data instead file this time as it is not the goal of # This test assert this topic. image = module.newContent(portal_type=portal_type, content_type="image/svg+xml", reference="NXD-DOCYMENT") image.publish() self.tic() self.assertEquals(image.getContentType(), 'image/svg+xml') self.assertRaises(ConversionError, image.convert, "png") def test_ImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_embeeded_data(self): """ Test Convert one SVG Image with an image with the data at the url of the image tag.ie: <image xlink:href="data:...." > """ self._testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG("Image") def test_FileConversionFromSVGToPNG_embeeded_data(self): """ Test Convert one SVG Image with an image with the data at the url of the image tag.ie: <image xlink:href="data:...." > """ self._testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG("File") def test_WebPageConversionFromSVGToPNG_embeeded_data(self): """ Test Convert one SVG Image with an image with the data at the url of the image tag.ie: <image xlink:href="data:...." > """ self._testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG("Web Page") def test_ImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_broken_url(self): """ Test Convert one SVG Image with an broken image href """ self._testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_broken_url("Image") def test_FileConversionFromSVGToPNG_broken_url(self): """ Test Convert one SVG Image with an broken image href """ self._testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_broken_url("File") def test_WebPageConversionFromSVGToPNG_broken_url(self): """ Test Convert one SVG Image with an broken image href """ self._testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_broken_url("Web Page") def test_ImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_empty_file(self): """ Test Convert one SVG Image with an empty svg """ self._testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_empty_file("Image") def test_FileConversionFromSVGToPNG_empty_file(self): """ Test Convert one SVG Image with an empty svg """ self._testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_empty_file("File") def test_ImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_file_url(self): """ Test Convert one SVG Image with an image using local path (file) at the url of the image tag. ie: <image xlink:href="file:///../../user-XXX-XXX" This is not used by ERP5 in production, but this is way that prooves that conversion from SVG to PNG can use external images. """ self._testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_file_url("Image") def test_FileConversionFromSVGToPNG_file_url(self): """ Test Convert one SVG Image with an image using local path (file) at the url of the image tag. ie: <image xlink:href="file:///../../user-XXX-XXX" This is not used by ERP5 in production, but this is way that prooves that conversion from SVG to PNG can use external images. """ self._testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_file_url("File") def test_WebPageConversionFromSVGToPNG_file_url(self): """ Test Convert one SVG Image with an image using local path (file) at the url of the image tag. ie: <image xlink:href="file:///../../user-XXX-XXX" This is not used by ERP5 in production, but this is way that prooves that conversion from SVG to PNG can use external images. """ self._testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_file_url("Web Page") def test_ImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_http_url(self): """ Test Convert one SVG Image with an image with a full url at the url of the image tag. ie: <image xlink:href="http://www.erp5.com/user-XXX-XXX" """ self._testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_http_url("Image") def test_FileConversionFromSVGToPNG_http_url(self): """ Test Convert one SVG Image with an image with a full url at the url of the image tag. ie: <image xlink:href="http://www.erp5.com/user-XXX-XXX" """ self._testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_http_url("File") def test_WebPageConversionFromSVGToPNG_http_url(self): """ Test Convert one SVG Image with an image with a full url at the url of the image tag. ie: <image xlink:href="http://www.erp5.com/user-XXX-XXX" """ self._testImageConversionFromSVGToPNG_http_url("Web Page") def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestERP5WebWithDms)) return suite