/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 120, nomen: true, vars: true */
/*global define, exports, require, module, complex_queries, window, test, ok,
  equal, deepEqual, sinon */

// define([module_name], [dependencies], module);
(function (dependencies, module) {
  "use strict";
  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
    return define(dependencies, module);
  if (typeof exports === 'object') {
    return module(require('complex_queries'));
}(['complex_queries', 'qunit'], function (complex_queries) {
  "use strict";

  module('Custom Key Queries');

  test('Simple Key with read_from', function () {
    /*jslint unparam: true*/
    var doc_list, docList = function () {
      return [
        {'identifier': 'a'},
        {'identifier': 'A'},
        {'identifier': 'b'}
    }, keys = {
      title: {
        read_from: 'identifier'
      case_insensitive_identifier: {
        read_from: 'identifier',
        equal_match: function (object_value, value, wildcard_character) {
          return (object_value.toLowerCase() === value.toLowerCase());
    /*jslint unparam: false*/

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: keys.title,
      value: 'a'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
      {'identifier': 'a'}
    ], 'It should be possible to query with an alias key');

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: keys.case_insensitive_identifier,
      value: 'A'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
      {'identifier': 'a'},
      {'identifier': 'A'}
    ], 'It should be possible to query with a case-insensitive alias key');

  var dateCast = function (obj) {
    if (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Date]') {
      // no need to clone
      return obj;
    return new Date(obj);

  test('Simple Key with date casting', function () {
    var doc_list, docList = function () {
      return [
        {'identifier': 'a', 'date': '2013-01-01'},
        {'identifier': 'b', 'date': '2013-02-01'},
        {'identifier': 'bb', 'date': '2013-02-02'},
        {'identifier': 'bbb', 'date': '2013-02-03'},
        {'identifier': 'c', 'date': '2013-03-03'},
        {'identifier': 'd', 'date': '2013-04-04'}

    var sameDay = function (a, b) {
      return (
        (a.getFullYear() === b.getFullYear()) &&
          (a.getMonth() === b.getMonth()) &&
            (a.getDate() === b.getDate())

    var sameMonth = function (a, b) {
      return (
        (a.getFullYear() === b.getFullYear()) &&
          (a.getMonth() === b.getMonth())

    var sameYear = function (a, b) {
      return (a.getFullYear() === b.getFullYear());

    var keys = {
      day: {
        read_from: 'date',
        cast_to: dateCast,
        equal_match: sameDay
      month: {
        read_from: 'date',
        cast_to: dateCast,
        equal_match: sameMonth
      year: {
        read_from: 'date',
        cast_to: dateCast,
        equal_match: sameYear

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: keys.day,
      value: '2013-02-02'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
      {'identifier': 'bb', 'date': '2013-02-02'}
    ], 'It should be possible to compare dates with sameDay');

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: keys.month,
      value: '2013-02-10'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
        'date': '2013-02-01',
        'identifier': 'b'
        'date': '2013-02-02',
        'identifier': 'bb'
        'date': '2013-02-03',
        'identifier': 'bbb'
    ], 'It should be possible to compare dates with sameMonth');

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: keys.year,
      value: '2013-02-10'
    deepEqual(doc_list.length, 6,
              'It should be possible to compare dates with sameYear');


  test('Simple Key with date casting and <=> operators', function () {
    var doc_list, docList = function () {
      return [
        {'identifier': '1', 'date': '2013-01-01'},
        {'identifier': '2', 'date': '2013-02-02'},
        {'identifier': '3', 'date': '2013-03-03'}
    }, keys = {
      mydate: {
        read_from: 'date',
        cast_to: dateCast

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: keys.mydate,
      operator: '=',
      value: '2013-02-02'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
      {'identifier': '2', 'date': '2013-02-02'}
    ], 'It should be possible to search for dates with operator =');

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: keys.mydate,
      operator: '!=',
      value: '2013-02-02'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
      {'identifier': '1', 'date': '2013-01-01'},
      {'identifier': '3', 'date': '2013-03-03'}
    ], 'It should be possible to search for dates with operator !=');

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: keys.mydate,
      operator: '<=',
      value: '2013-02-02'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
      {'identifier': '1', 'date': '2013-01-01'},
      {'identifier': '2', 'date': '2013-02-02'}
    ], 'It should be possible to search for dates with operator <=');

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: keys.mydate,
      operator: '<',
      value: '2013-02-02'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
      {'identifier': '1', 'date': '2013-01-01'}
    ], 'It should be possible to search for dates with operator <');

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: keys.mydate,
      operator: '>',
      value: '2013-02-02'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
      {'identifier': '3', 'date': '2013-03-03'}
    ], 'It should be possible to search for dates with operator >');

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: keys.mydate,
      operator: '>=',
      value: '2013-02-02'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
      {'identifier': '2', 'date': '2013-02-02'},
      {'identifier': '3', 'date': '2013-03-03'}
    ], 'It should be possible to search for dates with operator >=');


  test('Simple Key with both equal_match and operator attributes', function () {
    var doc_list, docList = function () {
      return [
        {'identifier': '1', 'date': '2013-01-01'},
        {'identifier': '2', 'date': '2013-02-02'},
        {'identifier': '3', 'date': '2013-03-03'}
    }, keys = {
      mydate: {
        read_from: 'date',
        cast_to: dateCast,
        equal_match: function alwaysTrue() { return true; }

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: keys.mydate,
      value: '2013-02-02'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
      {'identifier': '1', 'date': '2013-01-01'},
      {'identifier': '2', 'date': '2013-02-02'},
      {'identifier': '3', 'date': '2013-03-03'}
    ], 'It should be possible to use a catch-all filter');

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: keys.mydate,
      operator: '=',
      value: '2013-02-02'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
      {'identifier': '1', 'date': '2013-01-01'},
      {'identifier': '2', 'date': '2013-02-02'},
      {'identifier': '3', 'date': '2013-03-03'}
    ], "The catch-all filter overrides the default '=' operator");

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: keys.mydate,
      operator: '>=',
      value: '2013-02-02'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
      {'identifier': '2', 'date': '2013-02-02'},
      {'identifier': '3', 'date': '2013-03-03'}
    ], 'An explicit operator should override the catch-all filter');


  var intType = function (value) {
    if (typeof value === 'string') {
      return parseInt(value, 10);
    return value;

  test('Test overriding operators and compound query', function () {
    var doc_list, docList = function () {
      return [
        {'identifier': '10', 'number': '10'},
        {'identifier': '19', 'number': '19'},
        {'identifier': '100', 'number': '100'}

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: {
        read_from: 'number',
        cast_to: intType
      operator: '>',
      value: '19'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
      {'identifier': '100', 'number': '100'}
    ], 'Numbers are correctly compared (>) after casting');

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: {
        read_from: 'number',
        cast_to: intType
      operator: '<',
      value: '19'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
      {'identifier': '10', 'number': '10'}
    ], 'Numbers are correctly compared (<) after casting');

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'complex',
      operator: 'OR',
      query_list: [{
        type: 'simple',
        key: {
          read_from: 'number',
          cast_to: intType
        operator: '<',
        value: '19'
      }, {
        type: 'simple',
        key: {
          read_from: 'number',
          cast_to: intType
        operator: '=',
        value: '19'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
      {'identifier': '10', 'number': '10'},
      {'identifier': '19', 'number': '19'}
    ], 'Custom keys should also work within compound queries');


  var translationEqualityMatcher = function (data) {
    return function (object_value, value) {
      value = data[value];
      return (object_value === value);

  test('Simple Key with translation lookup', function () {
    var doc_list, docList = function () {
      return [
        {'identifier': '1', 'state': 'open'},
        {'identifier': '2', 'state': 'closed'}
      equalState = translationEqualityMatcher({'ouvert': 'open'}),
      keys = {
        translated_state: {
          read_from: 'state',
          equal_match: equalState

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: keys.translated_state,
      value: 'ouvert'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
      {'identifier': '1', 'state': 'open'}
    ], 'It should be possible to look for a translated string with a custom match function');

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: keys.translated_state,
      operator: '=',
      value: 'ouvert'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
      {'identifier': '1', 'state': 'open'}
    ], 'It should be possible to look for a translated string with operator =');

// XXX not implemented yet
//    doc_list = docList();
//    complex_queries.QueryFactory.create({
//      type: 'simple',
//      key: keys.translated_state,
//      operator: '!=',
//      value: 'ouvert'
//    }).exec(doc_list);
//    deepEqual(doc_list, [
//      {'identifier': '2', 'state': 'closed'}
//    ], 'It should be possible to look for a translated string with operator !=');


  // This method is provided as an example.
  // A more robust solution to manage diacritics is recommended for production
  // environments, with unicode normalization, like (untested):
  // https://github.com/walling/unorm/
  var accentFold = function (s) {
    var map = [
      [new RegExp('[àáâãäå]', 'gi'), 'a'],
      [new RegExp('æ', 'gi'), 'ae'],
      [new RegExp('ç', 'gi'), 'c'],
      [new RegExp('[èéêë]', 'gi'), 'e'],
      [new RegExp('[ìíîï]', 'gi'), 'i'],
      [new RegExp('ñ', 'gi'), 'n'],
      [new RegExp('[òóôõö]', 'gi'), 'o'],
      [new RegExp('œ', 'gi'), 'oe'],
      [new RegExp('[ùúûü]', 'gi'), 'u'],
      [new RegExp('[ýÿ]', 'gi'), 'y']

    map.forEach(function (o) {
      var rep = function (match) {
        if (match.toUpperCase() === match) {
          return o[1].toUpperCase();
        return o[1];
      s = s.replace(o[0], rep);
    return s;

  test('Accent folding', function () {
    equal(accentFold('àéîöùç'), 'aeiouc');
    equal(accentFold('ÀÉÎÖÙÇ'), 'AEIOUC');
    equal(accentFold('àéî öùç'), 'aei ouc');

  test('Query with accent folding and wildcard', function () {
    /*jslint unparam: true*/
    var doc_list, docList = function () {
      return [
        {'identifier': 'àéîöùç'},
        {'identifier': 'âèî ôùc'},
        {'identifier': 'ÀÉÎÖÙÇ'},
        {'identifier': 'b'}
    }, keys = {
      identifier: {
        read_from: 'identifier',
        cast_to: accentFold
    /*jslint unparam: false*/

    doc_list = docList();
      type: 'simple',
      key: keys.identifier,
      value: 'aei%'
    deepEqual(doc_list, [
      {'identifier': 'àéîöùç'},
      {'identifier': 'âèî ôùc'}
    ], 'It should be possible to query regardless of accents');

