diff --git a/product/ERP5/tests/testBudget.py b/product/ERP5/tests/testBudget.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..119bf783810772f81f9efdccacda33a81b571768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/product/ERP5/tests/testBudget.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+import unittest
+import transaction
+from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase
+class TestBudget(ERP5TypeTestCase):
+  def getBusinessTemplateList(self):
+    """
+      Return the list of required business templates.
+    """
+    return ('erp5_base', 'erp5_pdm', 'erp5_trade', 'erp5_accounting',
+            'erp5_invoicing', 'erp5_simplified_invoicing', 'erp5_budget')
+  def test_simple_create_budget_model(self):
+    budget_model = self.portal.budget_model_module.newContent(
+                            portal_type='Budget Model')
+    budget_model.newContent(
+                    portal_type='Category Budget Variation',
+                    int_index=1,
+                    budget_variation='budget_cell',
+                    inventory_axis='node_category',
+                    variation_category='site',
+                    )
+    self.assertEquals([], budget_model.checkConsistency())
+  def test_simple_create_budget(self):
+    budget = self.portal.budget_module.newContent(
+                            portal_type='Budget')
+    budget_line = budget.newContent(portal_type='Budget Line')
+    self.assertEquals([], budget.checkConsistency())
+def test_suite():
+  suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+  suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestBudget))
+  return suite
diff --git a/product/ERP5/tests/testERP5Budget.py b/product/ERP5/tests/testERP5Budget.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c1c091f20ddd4b6b2bbfbbfd30bf347ce5e12066..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/product/ERP5/tests/testERP5Budget.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
-# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
-# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
-# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
-# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
-# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
-# Service Company
-# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-import unittest
-import transaction
-from zLOG import LOG
-from Testing import ZopeTestCase
-from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase
-from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager
-from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import convertToUpperCase
-class TestBudget(ERP5TypeTestCase):
-  """
-    ERP5 Budget related tests. For the moment every assignment of budget
-    related features are in Budget module, as well as the predicates to test
-    the accounting operations. These are packaged in the erp5_budget business
-    template.
-  """
-  # pseudo constants
-  QUIET = 0
-  def getTitle(self):
-    """
-      Return the title of the current test set.
-    """
-    return "ERP5 Budget"
-  def getBusinessTemplateList(self):
-    """
-      Return the list of required business templates.
-    """
-    return ('erp5_base', 'erp5_pdm', 'erp5_trade', 'erp5_accounting',
-            'erp5_invoicing', 'erp5_simplified_invoicing', 'erp5_budget')
-  def login(self, quiet=QUIET, run=RUN_ALL_TEST):
-    """
-      Create a new manager user and login.
-    """
-    user_name = 'maurice'
-    user_folder = self.getPortal().acl_users
-    user_folder._doAddUser(user_name, '', ['Manager', 'Owner', 'Assignor',
-      'Assignee', 'Author'], [])
-    user = user_folder.getUserById(user_name).__of__(user_folder)
-    newSecurityManager(None, user)
-  def stepCheckBudgetTransactionDrafted(self,budget_transaction,
-      sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
-    self.assertEquals('draft', budget_transaction.getSimulationState())
-  def stepCheckBudgetTransactionDelivered(self,budget_transaction,
-      sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
-    self.assertEquals('delivered', budget_transaction.getSimulationState())
-  def stepDeliverBudgetTransaction(self,budget_transaction, sequence=None,
-      sequence_list=None, **kw):
-    self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(budget_transaction,'deliver_action',
-        wf_id='budget_transaction_workflow')
-  def stepDeliverAccountingTransaction(self,accounting_transaction,
-      sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
-    self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(accounting_transaction,'deliver_action',
-        wf_id='accounting_workflow')
-  def stepCheckAccountingTransactionDelivered(self,accounting_transaction,
-      sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
-    self.assertEquals('delivered',
-        accounting_transaction.getSimulationState())
-  def stepPlanAccountingTransaction(self,accounting_transaction,
-      sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
-    self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(accounting_transaction,'plan_action',
-        wf_id='accounting_workflow')
-  def stepCheckAccountingTransactionPlanned(self,accounting_transaction,
-      sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
-    self.assertEquals('planned', accounting_transaction.getSimulationState())
-  def stepStopAccountingTransaction(self,accounting_transaction,
-      sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
-    self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(accounting_transaction,'stop_action',
-        wf_id='accounting_workflow')
-  def stepCheckAccountingTransactionStopped(self,accounting_transaction,
-      sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
-    self.assertEquals('stopped', accounting_transaction.getSimulationState())
-  def stepConfirmAccountingTransaction(self, accounting_transaction,
-      sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
-    self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(accounting_transaction,'confirm_action',
-        wf_id='accounting_workflow')
-  def stepCheckAccountingTransactionConfirmed(self,accounting_transaction,
-      sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
-    self.assertEquals('confirmed',
-        accounting_transaction.getSimulationState())
-  def afterSetUp(self, quiet=QUIET, run=RUN_ALL_TEST):
-    """
-      Initialize the ERP5 site.
-    """
-    self.login()
-    self.portal         = self.getPortal()
-    self.portal_catalog = self.getCatalogTool()
-    self.portal_categories = self.getCategoryTool()
-    self.portal_workflow = self.getWorkflowTool()
-    self.createCategories()
-    # Must add some accounts, accounting transactions, budget and budget
-    # transaction, etc.
-    account_module = self.getAccountModule()
-    accounting_module = self.getAccountingModule()
-    self.currency_module = self.getCurrencyModule()
-    self.organisation_module = self.getOrganisationModule()
-    budget_module = self.getBudgetModule()
-    budget_transaction_module  = self.getBudgetTransactionModule()
-    self.getAccountingModule().manage_addLocalRoles('maurice',
-        ('Assignor','Assignee','Manager','Owner',))
-    # flush activities
-    transaction.commit()
-    self.tic()
-    # When using light install, only base categories are created
-    if len(self.portal_categories.region.contentValues()) == 0 :
-      o = self.portal_categories.region.newContent(portal_type='Category',
-          id='europe')
-      o = o.newContent(portal_type='Category', id='west')
-      o.newContent(portal_type='Category', id='france')
-    # If currency_module/XOF already exists, it means that the afterSetUp
-    # actions were already commited. Then, we just need to link to them.
-    old_eur = getattr( self.getCurrencyModule(), 'EUR', None)
-    # Create some currencies
-    if old_eur is None :
-      eur = self.getCurrencyModule().newContent(id='EUR', title='Euros',
-          portal_type='Currency')
-    # Create some organisations
-    old_organisation = getattr( self.organisation_module, 'world_company',
-        None)
-    if old_organisation is None:
-      self.organisation0 = self.organisation_module.newContent(
-          id='world_company', title='World Company Inc.',
-          portal_type='Organisation')
-      self.organisation0.newContent(id='default_address',
-          portal_type='Address', region='europe/west/france')
-    old_nexedi = getattr( self.organisation_module, 'nexedi', None)
-    if old_nexedi is None:
-      self.organisation1 = self.organisation_module.newContent(id='nexedi',
-          title='Nexedi', portal_type='Organisation')
-      self.organisation1.newContent(id='default_address',
-          portal_type='Address', region='europe/west/france')
-    old_client1 = getattr( self.organisation_module, 'client1', None)
-    if old_client1 is None:
-      self.organisation2 = self.organisation_module.newContent(id='client1',
-          title='Client1', portal_type='Organisation')
-      self.organisation2.newContent(id='default_address',
-          portal_type='Address', region='europe/west/france')
-    # Create some accounts
-    old_accounts = getattr( account_module, 'prestation_service', None)
-    if old_accounts is None:
-      account_module.newContent(id='prestation_service',
-          title='prestation_service', portal_type='Account',
-          financial_section='actif/actif_circulant')
-      account_module.newContent(id='creance_client', title='creance_client',
-          portal_type='Account',
-          financial_section='actif/actif_circulant/caisse')
-      account_module.newContent(id='tva_collectee_196',
-          title='tva_collectee_196', portal_type='Account',
-          financial_section='actif/actif_circulant/caisse')
-      account_module.newContent(id='account1', title='Account1',
-          portal_type='Account',
-          financial_section='actif/actif_circulant/caisse')
-      account_module.newContent(id='account2', title='Account2',
-          portal_type='Account',
-          financial_section='actif/actif_immobilise/immobilisations_financieres')
-      account_module.newContent(id='account3', title='Account3',
-          portal_type='Account',
-          financial_section='actif/actif_immobilise/immobilisations_financieres')
-      account_module.newContent(id='account4', title='Account4',
-          portal_type='Account',
-          financial_section='actif/actif_immobilise/immobilisations_financieres')
-      # Open accounts
-      for account in account_module.objectValues(portal_type='Account'):
-        account.validate()
-    # Create some accounting transactions
-    self.accounting_transaction1 = accounting_module.newContent(
-        portal_type='Accounting Transaction',title='Accounting 1',
-        source_section='organisation_module/world_company',
-        destination_section='organisation_module/client1',
-        start_date='2005/08/22 18:06:26.388 GMT-4',
-        resource='currency_module/EUR', source_function='function/hq')
-    self.accounting_transaction1.newContent(
-        portal_type='Accounting Transaction Line',
-        source_section='organisation_module/world_company',
-        resource='currency_module/EUR', source_debit='2000.0',
-        source='account_module/account1')
-    self.accounting_transaction1.newContent(
-        portal_type='Accounting Transaction Line',
-        source_section='organisation_module/world_company',
-        resource='currency_module/EUR', source_credit='2000.0',
-        source='account_module/account2')
-    self.accounting_transaction2 = accounting_module.newContent(
-        portal_type='Accounting Transaction',title='Accounting 2',
-        source_section='organisation_module/world_company',
-        destination_section='organisation_module/client1',
-        start_date='2005/08/22 18:06:26.388 GMT-4',
-        resource='currency_module/EUR', source_function='function/hq')
-    self.accounting_transaction2.newContent(
-        portal_type='Accounting Transaction Line',
-        source_section='organisation_module/world_company',
-        resource='currency_module/EUR', source_debit='100000.0',
-        source='account_module/account1')
-    self.accounting_transaction2.newContent(
-        portal_type='Accounting Transaction Line',
-        source_section='organisation_module/world_company',
-        resource='currency_module/EUR', source_credit='100000.0',
-        source='account_module/account4')
-    id_list = []
-    for objects in self.accounting_transaction1.getPortalObject().\
-        budget_module.objectValues():
-      id_list.append(objects.getId())
-    self.accounting_transaction1.budget_module.manage_delObjects(id_list)
-    id_list = []
-    for objects in self.accounting_transaction1.getPortalObject().\
-        budget_transaction_module.objectValues():
-      id_list.append(objects.getId())
-    self.accounting_transaction1.budget_transaction_module.\
-        manage_delObjects(id_list)
-    budget1 = budget_module.newContent(
-        portal_type='Budget', title='Budget initial ', group='world_company',
-        start_date='2005/01/01 18:06:26.388 GMT-4',
-        stop_date='2005/12/31 18:06:26.388 GMT-4')
-    budget_line1 = budget1.newContent(
-        portal_type='Budget Line', group='world_company',
-        resource='currency_module/EUR', title='Line 1 of budget')
-    budget_cell1 = budget_line1.newContent(
-        id='cell_0_0_1', portal_type='Budget Cell',
-        mapped_value_property_list=('max_quantity'),
-        membership_criterion_category_list=[
-          'financial_section/actif/actif_circulant/caisse', 'function/hq',
-          'group/world_company'],
-        membership_criterion_base_category_list=[ 'financial_section',
-          'function', 'group'])
-    budget_cell1.setQuantity(3000.0)
-    budget_cell2 = budget_line1.newContent(
-        id='cell_0_1_0', portal_type='Budget Cell',
-        mapped_value_property_list=('max_quantity'),
-        membership_criterion_category_list=[
-          'financial_section/actif/actif_immobilise/immobilisations_financieres',
-          'function/hq', 'group/world_company'],
-        membership_criterion_base_category_list=[ 'financial_section',
-          'function', 'group'])
-    budget_cell2.setQuantity(1000.0)
-    budget_transfert1 = budget1.newContent(
-        portal_type='Budget Transfer Line',
-        source=budget_cell1.getRelativeUrl(), resource='currency_module/EUR',
-        destination=budget_cell2.getRelativeUrl(), quantity=500.0)
-    self.budget_transaction1 = budget_transaction_module.newContent(
-        portal_type='Budget Transaction',
-        source=budget_cell1.getRelativeUrl(),
-        destination=budget_cell2.getRelativeUrl(),
-        quantity=25.0,group='world_company',
-        stop_date='2005/05/01 18:06:26.388 GMT-4')
-    self.budget_transaction2 = budget_transaction_module.newContent(
-        portal_type='Budget Transaction',
-        source=budget_cell2.getRelativeUrl(),
-        destination=budget_cell1.getRelativeUrl(),
-        quantity=25.0,group='world_company',
-        stop_date='2005/05/01 18:06:26.388 GMT-4')
-    # flush activities
-    transaction.commit()
-    self.tic()
-  def getAccountModule(self):
-    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'account_module', None)
-  def getAccountingModule(self):
-    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'accounting_module', None)
-  def getBudgetModule(self):
-    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'budget_module', None)
-  def getBudgetTransactionModule(self):
-    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'budget_transaction_module', None)
-  def createCategories(self):
-    """
-      Create some categories for testing.
-    """
-    self.category_list = [
-        # Function categories
-         {'path' : 'function/hq'
-          ,'title': 'HQ'
-          }
-        , {'path' : 'function/warehouse'
-          ,'title': 'Warehouse'
-          }
-        , {'path' : 'function/research_center'
-          ,'title': 'Research Center'
-          }
-        # Group categories
-        , {'path' : 'group/nexedi'
-          ,'title': 'Nexedi'
-          }
-        , {'path' : 'group/world_company'
-          ,'title': 'World Company Inc.'
-          }
-        # some financial sections
-        , {'path' : 'financial_section/actif/actif_circulant'
-          ,'title': 'Actif Circulant'
-          }
-        , {'path' : 'financial_section/actif/actif_circulant/caisse'
-          ,'title': 'Caisse'
-          }
-        , {'path' : 'financial_section/actif/actif_immobilise/immobilisations_financieres'
-          ,'title': 'Immobilisations Financieres'
-          }
-        ]
-    # Create categories
-    # Note : this code was taken from the CategoryTool_importCategoryFile
-    # python script (packaged in erp5_core).
-    for category in self.category_list:
-      keys = category.keys()
-      if 'path' in keys:
-        base_path_obj = self.portal_categories
-        is_base_category = True
-        for category_id in category['path'].split('/'):
-          # The current category is not existing
-          if category_id not in base_path_obj.contentIds():
-            # Create the category
-            if is_base_category:
-              category_type = 'Base Category'
-            else:
-              category_type = 'Category'
-            base_path_obj.newContent( portal_type       = category_type
-                                    , id                = category_id
-                                    , immediate_reindex = 1
-                                    )
-          base_path_obj = base_path_obj[category_id]
-          is_base_category = False
-        new_category = base_path_obj
-        # Set the category properties
-        for key in keys:
-          if key != 'path':
-            method_id = "set" + convertToUpperCase(key)
-            value = category[key]
-            if value not in ('', None):
-              if hasattr(new_category, method_id):
-                method = getattr(new_category, method_id)
-                method(value.encode('UTF-8'))
-  ##################################
-  ##  Basic steps
-  ##################################
-#  def createOrganisation(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
-#    """
-#      Create an organisation
-#    """
-#    portal_type = 'Organisation'
-#    organisation_module = self.portal.getDefaultModule(portal_type)
-#    self.organisation = organisation_module.newContent(
-#    portal_type=portal_type, group='group/world_company',
-#    immediate_reindex=1)
-  ### TODO: write here basic steps
-  ##################################
-  ##  Tests
-  ##################################
-  def test_01_HasEverything(self, quiet=0, run=RUN_ALL_TEST):
-    if not run: return
-    if not quiet:
-      ZopeTestCase._print('\nTest Has Everything ')
-      LOG('Testing... ',0,'testHasEverything')
-    self.failUnless(self.getCategoryTool() != None)
-    self.failUnless(self.getAccountModule() != None)
-    self.failUnless(self.getAccountingModule() != None)
-    self.failUnless(self.getOrganisationModule() != None)
-    self.failUnless(self.getCurrencyModule() != None)
-    self.failUnless(self.getBudgetModule() != None)
-    self.failUnless(self.getBudgetTransactionModule() != None)
-  def test_02_HasBudgetCells(self, quiet=0, run=RUN_ALL_TEST):
-    if not run: return
-    if not quiet:
-      ZopeTestCase._print('\nTest Has Budget Cells ')
-      LOG('Testing... ',0,'testHasBudgetCells')
-    message = ""
-    len_cells = 0
-    for objects in self.getBudgetModule().budget_module.objectValues():
-      if objects.getPortalType() == 'Budget':
-        for obj_line in objects.objectValues():
-          if obj_line.getPortalType() == 'Budget Line':
-            for obj in obj_line.objectValues():
-              len_cells += 1
-              financial_section = obj.getMembershipCriterionCategoryList()[0]
-              function = obj.getMembershipCriterionCategoryList()[1]
-              group = obj.getMembershipCriterionCategoryList()[2]
-              quantity = obj.getQuantity()
-              message += str(obj.getId())+': '+str(financial_section)+', ' \
-                  +str(function)+', '+str(group)+', '+str(quantity)+'\n'
-    if len_cells == 0:
-       message = "could not create budget cells"
-    ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
-    LOG('Testing values... ',0,message)
-    self.failUnless(len_cells != 0)
-  def test_03_Enough_budget(self, quiet=0, run=RUN_ALL_TEST):
-    """
-    Try to validate transactions of accountings if there is enough budget
-    """
-    if not run: return
-    if not quiet:
-      message = 'Test if there is enough budget before validating an '\
-          + 'accounting transaction'
-      ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
-      LOG('Testing... ',0,message)
-    self.stepConfirmAccountingTransaction(self.accounting_transaction1)
-    message = str(self.accounting_transaction1.getSimulationState())
-    ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
-    LOG('Testing simulation state accounting transaction 1... ',0,message)
-#     if self.stepCheckAccountingTransactionStopped(self.accounting_transaction1):
-#       message = 'There is enough budget, so this transaction will be validated'
-#       ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
-#       LOG('Testing accounting transaction 1... ',0,message)
-#     else:
-#       message = 'There is not enough budget, so this transaction will not be
-#       validated'
-#       ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
-#       LOG('Testing accounting transaction 1... ',0,message)
-    self.stepConfirmAccountingTransaction(self.accounting_transaction2)
-    message = str(self.accounting_transaction2.getSimulationState())
-    ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
-    LOG('Testing simulation state accounting transaction 2... ',0,message)
-#     if self.stepCheckAccountingTransactionStopped(self.accounting_transaction2):
-#       message = 'There is enough budget, so this transaction will be validated'
-#       ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
-#       LOG('Testing accounting transaction 2... ',0,message)
-#     else:
-#       message = 'There is not enough budget, so this transaction will not be
-#       validated'
-#       ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
-#       LOG('Testing accounting transaction 2... ',0,message)
-  # jerome: disabled this test for now, it was from the first budget
-  # implementation, and this is not covered by the new version.
-  def XXXtest_04_Transaction_of_budget(self, quiet=0, run=RUN_ALL_TEST):
-    """
-    Try to validate budget trasaction if the transfert is authorized
-    """
-    if not run: return
-    if not quiet:
-      message = 'Test if the transaction of budget is authorized'
-      ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
-      LOG('Testing... ',0,message)
-    self.stepDeliverBudgetTransaction(self.budget_transaction1)
-    message = str(self.budget_transaction1.getSimulationState())
-    ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
-    LOG('Testing simulation state budet 1... ',0,message)
-    if self.stepCheckBudgetTransactionDelivered(self.budget_transaction1):
-      message = 'This transaction is possible so we can validate it'
-      ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
-      LOG('Testing budget transaction 1... ',0,message)
-    else:
-      message = 'This transaction is not possible because it is not authorized'
-      ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
-      LOG('Testing budget transaction 1... ',0,message)
-    self.stepDeliverBudgetTransaction(self.budget_transaction2)
-    message = str(self.budget_transaction2.getSimulationState())
-    ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
-    LOG('Testing simulation state budet 2... ',0,message)
-    if self.stepCheckBudgetTransactionDrafted(self.budget_transaction2):
-      message = 'This transaction is possible so we can validate it'
-      ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
-      LOG('Testing budget transaction 2... ',0,message)
-    else:
-      message = 'This transaction is not possible because it is not authorized'
-      ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
-      LOG('Testing budget transaction 2... ',0,message)
-def test_suite():
-  suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-  suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestBudget))
-  return suite