############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2006 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Yoshinori Okuji <yo@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## import unittest from lxml import etree from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager from zLOG import LOG from Products.ERP5Type.tests.Sequence import SequenceList from Testing import ZopeTestCase from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import get_request from Products.ERP5Type.tests.utils import createZODBPythonScript from ZPublisher.HTTPRequest import FileUpload from StringIO import StringIO from Products.ERP5Form.Selection import Selection from Products.ERP5Form.Form import ERP5Form from Products.Formulator.TALESField import TALESMethod from Products.ERP5Form.ListBox import ListBoxHTMLRenderer class DummyFieldStorage: """A dummy FieldStorage to be wrapped in a FileUpload object. """ def __init__(self): self.file = StringIO() self.filename = '<dummy field storage>' self.headers = {} class TestListBox(ERP5TypeTestCase): """ Test the API of ListBox. The user-visible aspect is tested by functional testing. """ quiet = 1 run_all_test = 1 def getBusinessTemplateList(self): # Use the same framework as the functional testing for convenience. # This adds some specific portal types and skins. return ('erp5_core_proxy_field_legacy', 'erp5_ui_test',) def getTitle(self): return "ListBox" def afterSetUp(self): self.login() def login(self): uf = self.getPortal().acl_users uf._doAddUser('seb', '', ['Manager'], []) user = uf.getUserById('seb').__of__(uf) newSecurityManager(None, user) def stepCreateObjects(self, sequence = None, sequence_list = None, **kw): # Make sure that the status is clean. portal = self.getPortal() portal.ListBoxZuite_reset() message = portal.foo_module.FooModule_createObjects() self.failUnless('Created Successfully' in message) def stepModifyListBoxForStat(self, sequence = None, sequence_list = None, **kw): portal = self.getPortal() listbox = portal.FooModule_viewFooList.listbox message = listbox.ListBox_setPropertyList( field_stat_columns = 'id|FooModule_statId\ntitle|FooModule_statTitle', field_stat_method = 'portal_catalog') self.failUnless('Set Successfully' in message) def stepRenderList(self, sequence = None, sequence_list = None, **kw): portal = self.getPortal() listbox = portal.FooModule_viewFooList.listbox request = get_request() request['here'] = portal.foo_module listboxline_list = listbox.get_value('default', render_format = 'list', REQUEST = request) sequence.edit(listboxline_list = listboxline_list) def stepCheckListBoxLineListWithStat(self, sequence = None, sequence_list = None, **kw): line_list = sequence.get('listboxline_list') self.assertEqual(len(line_list), 12) title_line = line_list[0] self.failUnless(title_line.isTitleLine()) self.assertEqual(len(title_line.getColumnItemList()), 3) result = (('id', 'ID'), ('title', 'Title'), ('getQuantity', 'Quantity')) for i, (key, value) in enumerate(title_line.getColumnItemList()): self.assertEqual(key, result[i][0]) self.assertEqual(value, result[i][1]) for n, data_line in enumerate(line_list[1:-1]): self.failUnless(data_line.isDataLine()) self.assertEqual(len(data_line.getColumnItemList()), 3) result = (('id', str(n)), ('title', 'Title %d' % n), ('getQuantity', str(10.0 - n))) for i, (key, value) in enumerate(data_line.getColumnItemList()): self.assertEqual(key, result[i][0]) self.assertEqual(str(value).strip(), result[i][1]) stat_line = line_list[-1] self.failUnless(stat_line.isStatLine()) self.assertEqual(len(stat_line.getColumnItemList()), 3) result = (('id', 'foo_module'), ('title', 'Foos'), ('getQuantity', 'None')) for i, (key, value) in enumerate(stat_line.getColumnItemList()): self.assertEqual(key, result[i][0]) self.assertEqual(str(value).strip(), result[i][1]) def test_01_CheckListBoxLinesWithStat(self, quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test): if not run: return if not quiet: message = 'Test ListBoxLines With Statistics' ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message) LOG('Testing... ', 0, message) sequence_list = SequenceList() sequence_string = '\ CreateObjects \ Tic \ ModifyListBoxForStat \ RenderList \ CheckListBoxLineListWithStat \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self, quiet=quiet) def test_02_DefaultSort(self, quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test): """Defaults sort parameters must be passed to the list method, under the 'sort_on' key. """ portal = self.getPortal() portal.ListBoxZuite_reset() # We create a script to use as a list method, in this script, we will check # the sort_on parameter. list_method_id = 'ListBox_checkSortOnListMethod' createZODBPythonScript( portal.portal_skins.custom, list_method_id, 'selection=None, sort_on=None, **kw', r""" if sort_on != [('title', 'ASC'), ('uid', 'ASC')]: raise AssertionError('sort_on is %r' % sort_on) return [] """) # set the listbox to use this as list method listbox = portal.FooModule_viewFooList.listbox listbox.ListBox_setPropertyList( field_list_method = list_method_id, field_count_method = '', field_sort = 'title | ASC\n' 'uid | ASC',) # render the listbox, checks are done by list method itself request = get_request() request['here'] = portal.foo_module listbox.get_value('default', render_format='list', REQUEST=request) def test_03_DefaultParameters(self, quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test): """Defaults parameters are passed as keyword arguments to the list method """ portal = self.getPortal() portal.ListBoxZuite_reset() # We create a script to use as a list method, in this script, we will check # the default parameter. list_method_id = 'ListBox_checkDefaultParametersListMethod' createZODBPythonScript( portal.portal_skins.custom, list_method_id, 'selection=None, dummy_default_param=None, **kw', """ if dummy_default_param != 'dummy value': raise AssertionError('recieved wrong arguments: %s instead of "dummy value"' % dummy_default_param ) return [] """) # set the listbox to use this as list method listbox = portal.FooModule_viewFooList.listbox listbox.ListBox_setPropertyList( field_list_method = list_method_id, field_count_method = '', field_default_params = 'dummy_default_param | dummy value',) # render the listbox, checks are done by list method itself request = get_request() request['here'] = portal.foo_module listbox.get_value('default', render_format='list', REQUEST=request) def test_04_UnicodeParameters(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): """Unicode properties are handled. """ portal = self.getPortal() portal.ListBoxZuite_reset() # We create a script to use as a list method list_method_id = 'ListBox_ParametersListMethod' createZODBPythonScript( portal.portal_skins.custom, list_method_id, 'selection=None, **kw', """return [context.asContext(alternate_title = u'\xe9lisa')]""") # set the listbox to use this as list method listbox = portal.FooModule_viewFooList.listbox listbox.ListBox_setPropertyList( field_list_method = list_method_id, field_count_method = '', field_columns = ['alternate_title | Alternate Title',],) request = get_request() request['here'] = portal.foo_module try: listbox.get_value('default', render_format='list', REQUEST=request) except UnicodeError, e: self.fail('Rendering failed: %s' % e) def test_05_EditSelectionWithFileUpload(self, quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test): """Listbox edits selection with request parameters. Special care must be taken for FileUpload objects that cannot be pickled, thus cannot be stored in the ZODB. """ portal = self.getPortal() portal.ListBoxZuite_reset() listbox = portal.FooModule_viewFooList.listbox # XXX isn't Selection automatically created ? portal.portal_selections.setSelectionFor( listbox.get_value('selection_name'), Selection()) request = get_request() request['here'] = portal.foo_module request.form['my_file_upload'] = FileUpload(DummyFieldStorage()) listbox.get_value('default', render_format='list', REQUEST=request) try: self.commit() except TypeError, e: self.fail('Unable to commit transaction: %s' % e) def test_06_LineFields(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): """ Line Fields are able to render a list parameter in the form of lines. The same behaviour is expected for Line Fields used in ListBox objects. """ portal = self.getPortal() portal.ListBoxZuite_reset() # Reset listbox properties listbox = portal.FooModule_viewFooList.listbox listbox.ListBox_setPropertyList( field_list_method = 'portal_catalog', field_columns = ['subject_list | Subjects',], field_editable_columns = ['subject_list | Subjects',], ) # Create an new empty object with a list property foo_module = portal.foo_module word = 'averycomplexwordwhichhaslittlechancetoexistinhtml' o = foo_module.newContent(subject_list = [word]) # Make sure that word is the subject list self.assertEqual(word in o.getSubjectList(), True) # Reindex o.immediateReindexObject() # Render the module in html request = get_request() request['here'] = portal.foo_module rendered_listbox = listbox.render(REQUEST=request) # Make sure that word is there self.assertEqual(rendered_listbox.find(word) > 0, True) def testCellKeywordInProxifiedListboxColumn(self): """ Test that cell keyword is correctly interpreted when used in TALES to render a cell of a ListBox. First use cell in the ProxyField context, then use it in the listbox_xxx context """ portal = self.getPortal() portal.ListBoxZuite_reset() form = portal.Foo_viewListBoxProxyField portal.foo_module.FooModule_createObjects() here = portal.foo_module['0'] here.Foo_createObjects() request = get_request() request['here'] = here self.commit() listbox_title_column = form.listbox_title self.assertTrue(listbox_title_column.is_delegated('default')) self.assertEquals(listbox_title_column.get_recursive_tales('default')._text, 'python: cell.getTitle()') listboxline_list = form.listbox.get_value('default', render_format = 'list', REQUEST = request) first_item = dict(listboxline_list[1].getColumnItemList()) self.assertEquals(first_item['title'], 'Title 0') # Use "cell" locally listbox_title_column.manage_tales_surcharged_xmlrpc( dict(default=TALESMethod('python: cell.getTitle() + " local"'))) listboxline_list = form.listbox.get_value('default', render_format = 'list', REQUEST = request) first_item = dict(listboxline_list[1].getColumnItemList()) self.assertEquals(first_item['title'], 'Title 0 local') def _helperExtraAndCssInListboxLine(self, field_type, editable): """ Create a listbox_xxx field, in the hidden group, that defines identifiable CSS classes and extra properties. - field_type: type of the field which is created - editable: boolean, defines if the field should be defined as editable Render the field in the listbox, and check that CSS and extra are present in the rendered HTML Field names and Ids are generated to be unique for each (field_type, editable) entry. """ portal = self.getPortal() portal.ListBoxZuite_reset() field_name = field_type.lower() if editable: field_name += '_editable' field_id = 'listbox_' + field_name # Reset listbox properties listbox = portal.FooModule_viewFooList.listbox listbox.ListBox_setPropertyList( field_list_method = 'portal_catalog', field_columns = ['%s | Check extra' % field_name,], ) form = portal.FooModule_viewFooList form.manage_addField(field_id, field_name, field_type) field = getattr(form, field_id) word = '%s_dummy_%%s_to_check_for_in_listbox_test' % field_name extra = word % 'extra' css_class = word % 'css_class' field.values['extra'] = "alt='%s'" % extra field.values['css_class'] = css_class field.values['default'] = '42' field.values['editable'] = editable form.groups['bottom'].remove(field_id) form.groups['hidden'].append(field_id) # Create an new empty object with a list property foo_module = portal.foo_module o = foo_module.newContent() # Reindex o.immediateReindexObject() # Render the module in html request = get_request() request['here'] = portal.foo_module rendered_listbox = listbox.render(REQUEST=request) if editable: editable_text = 'An editable' else: editable_text = 'A non-editable' error_msg = "%s %s used as a listbox cell does not render properly the " \ "'%%s' property" % (editable_text, field_type) # Make sure that the extras and css_classes are rendered self.assertTrue(extra in rendered_listbox, error_msg % 'extra') self.assertTrue(css_class in rendered_listbox, error_msg % 'css_class') def test_07_ExtraAndCssFieldsInIntegerField(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): """ Check that css_class and extra fields are rendered when used in a listbox_xxx line, using IntegerField for the check. """ self._helperExtraAndCssInListboxLine("IntegerField", True) self._helperExtraAndCssInListboxLine("IntegerField", False) def test_08_ExtraAndCssFieldsInLinesField(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): """ Check that css_class and extra fields are rendered when used in a listbox_xxx line, using LinesField for the check. """ self._helperExtraAndCssInListboxLine("LinesField", True) self._helperExtraAndCssInListboxLine("LinesField", False) def test_09_editablePropertyConfiguration(self): """ Test editable behavior of delegated columns. A column is editable if and only if listbox_foo is editable AND foo is in the editable columns of the listbox. For example, if listbox_foo is defined as editable, without having column "foo" listed as editable in the listbox, the field should not be rendered as editable """ self._helperEditableColumn(True, True, True) self._helperEditableColumn(False, False, False) self._helperEditableColumn(True, False, False) self._helperEditableColumn(False, True, False) def _helperEditableColumn(self, editable_in_listbox, editable_in_line, expected_editable): portal = self.getPortal() portal.ListBoxZuite_reset() field_name = 'editableproperty_%s_%s' \ % (editable_in_listbox, editable_in_line) field_name = field_name.lower() field_id = 'listbox_%s' % field_name # Reset listbox properties listbox = portal.FooModule_viewFooList.listbox kw = dict( field_list_method = 'portal_catalog', field_columns = ['%s | Check extra' % field_name,], ) if editable_in_listbox: kw['field_editable_columns'] = '%s | Check extra' % field_name listbox.ListBox_setPropertyList(**kw) form = portal.FooModule_viewFooList form.manage_addField(field_id, field_name, "StringField") field = getattr(form, field_id) field.values['default'] = '42' field.values['editable'] = editable_in_line form.groups['bottom'].remove(field_id) form.groups['hidden'].append(field_id) # Create an new empty object with a list property foo_module = portal.foo_module o = foo_module.newContent() # Reindex o.immediateReindexObject() # Render the module in html request = get_request() request['here'] = portal.foo_module rendered_listbox = listbox.render(REQUEST=request) html = etree.HTML(rendered_listbox) # When a StringField is editable, it is rendered as an input # with name: "field_%(field_id)s_%(object_id)s" editable_field_list = html.xpath( '//input[starts-with(@name, $name)]', name='field_%s_' % field_id, ) msg = "editable_in_listbox: %s, editable_in_line: %s" \ % (editable_in_listbox, editable_in_line) self.assertEquals(len(editable_field_list) == 1, expected_editable, msg) def test_ObjectSupport(self): # make sure listbox supports rendering of simple objects # the only requirement is that objects have a `uid` attribute which is a # string starting by new_ (a convention to prevent indexing of objects). portal = self.getPortal() list_method_id = 'DummyListMethodId' portal.ListBoxZuite_reset() form = portal.FooModule_viewFooList listbox = form.listbox listbox.ListBox_setPropertyList( field_list_method = list_method_id, field_count_method = '', field_editable_columns = ['title | title'], field_columns = ['title | Title',],) form.manage_addField('listbox_title', 'Title', 'StringField') createZODBPythonScript( portal.portal_skins.custom, list_method_id, 'selection=None, **kw', "from Products.PythonScripts.standard import Object\n" "return [Object(uid='new_', title='Object Title')]") request = get_request() request['here'] = portal.foo_module line_list = [l for l in listbox.get_value('default', render_format='list', REQUEST=request) if l.isDataLine()] self.assertEquals(1, len(line_list)) self.assertEquals('Object Title', line_list[0].getColumnProperty('title')) html = listbox.render(REQUEST=request) self.failUnless('Object Title' in html, html) def test_ProxyFieldRenderFormatLines(self): # tests that listbox default value in render_format=list mode is # compatible with proxy field. portal = self.getPortal() portal.ListBoxZuite_reset() form = portal.FooModule_viewFooList listbox = form.listbox listbox.ListBox_setPropertyList( field_list_method='contentValues', field_columns=['listbox_value | Title',],) # create a form, to store our proxy field inside portal._setObject('Test_view', ERP5Form('Test_view', 'View')) portal.Test_view.manage_addField('listbox', 'listbox', 'ProxyField') proxy_field = portal.Test_view.listbox proxy_field.manage_edit_xmlrpc(dict( form_id=form.getId(), field_id='listbox', columns=[('proxy_value', 'Proxy')])) # this proxy field will not delegate its "columns" value proxy_field._surcharged_edit(dict(columns=[('proxy_value', 'Proxy')]), ['columns']) request = get_request() request['here'] = portal.foo_module line_list = proxy_field.get_value('default', render_format='list', REQUEST=request) self.failUnless(isinstance(line_list, list)) title_line = line_list[0] self.failUnless(title_line.isTitleLine()) # title of columns is the value overloaded by the proxy field. self.assertEquals([('proxy_value', 'Proxy')], title_line.getColumnItemList()) def test_ListStyleColumnsSelections(self): """ Test list style columns selections. """ def getListBoxRenderer(listbox): return ListBoxHTMLRenderer(self, listbox, request) portal = self.getPortal() portal.ListBoxZuite_reset() listbox = portal.FooModule_viewFooList.listbox listbox.ListBox_setPropertyList( field_style_columns=['title | thumbnail_Title', 'thumbnail | thumbnail_Thumbnail', 'getIconAsHTML | search_Icon', 'getSummaryAsHTML | search_Summary', 'B | rss_title', 'C | rss_description'],) request = get_request() # explicitly setting (dynamically) renderer columns list renderer = getListBoxRenderer(listbox) renderer.setDisplayedColumnIdList(['title', 'id']) self.assertSameSet([('title', u'Title'), ('id', u'ID')], renderer.getSelectedColumnList()) # default(no list_style) self.assertEqual(getListBoxRenderer(listbox).getDefaultDisplayStyle(), getListBoxRenderer(listbox).getListboxDisplayStyle()) self.assertSameSet([('id', u'ID'), ('title', u'Title'), ('getQuantity', u'Quantity')], getListBoxRenderer(listbox).getSelectedColumnList()) request.set('list_style', 'search') self.assertEqual('search', getListBoxRenderer(listbox).getListboxDisplayStyle()) self.assertSameSet([('getIconAsHTML', 'Icon'), ('getSummaryAsHTML', 'Summary')], getListBoxRenderer(listbox).getSelectedColumnList()) request.set('list_style', 'thumbnail') self.assertEqual('thumbnail', getListBoxRenderer(listbox).getListboxDisplayStyle()) self.assertSameSet([('title', 'Title'), ('thumbnail', 'Thumbnail')], getListBoxRenderer(listbox).getSelectedColumnList()) # set different than 'table' listbox default mode and check variations listbox.ListBox_setPropertyList( field_default_display_style='search', field_style_columns=['title | thumbnail_Title', 'thumbnail | thumbnail_Thumbnail', 'getIconAsHTML | search_Icon', 'getSummaryAsHTML | search_Summary', 'B | rss_title', 'C | rss_description'],) request.set('list_style', 'search') self.assertEqual('search', getListBoxRenderer(listbox).getListboxDisplayStyle()) self.assertSameSet([('getIconAsHTML', 'Icon'), ('getSummaryAsHTML', 'Summary')], getListBoxRenderer(listbox).getSelectedColumnList()) request.set('list_style', 'thumbnail') self.assertEqual('thumbnail', getListBoxRenderer(listbox).getListboxDisplayStyle()) self.assertSameSet([('title', 'Title'), ('thumbnail', 'Thumbnail')], getListBoxRenderer(listbox).getSelectedColumnList()) request.set('list_style', 'table') self.assertSameSet([('id', u'ID'), ('title', u'Title'), ('getQuantity', u'Quantity')], getListBoxRenderer(listbox).getSelectedColumnList()) def test_ListboxRequestParameterPropagandation(self): """ Test that rendering a listbox field will set respective form & field_id of current form in REQUEST for further usage by used by litsbox's columns methods. """ portal = self.getPortal() request = get_request() portal.ListBoxZuite_reset() form = portal.FooModule_viewFooList self.assertEqual(None, request.get('listbox_form_id')) form.render() self.assertEqual(form.getId(), request.get('listbox_form_id')) self.assertEqual(form.listbox.getId(), request.get('listbox_field_id')) def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestListBox)) return suite