Commit 83472756 authored by Oleg.Korshul's avatar Oleg.Korshul Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

need scroll to target: scroll if target change position

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent ff69a072
......@@ -1806,7 +1806,6 @@ function CDrawingDocument()
this.m_lTargetPage = -1;
this.m_dTargetSize = 1;
this.NeedScrollToTarget = true;
this.NeedScrollToTargetFlag = false;
this.TargetHtmlElement = null;
......@@ -2906,15 +2905,13 @@ function CDrawingDocument()
if (this.UpdateTargetFromPaint === false)
this.UpdateTargetCheck = true;
if (this.NeedScrollToTargetFlag && this.m_dTargetX == x && this.m_dTargetY == y && this.m_lTargetPage == pageIndex)
this.NeedScrollToTarget = false;
this.NeedScrollToTarget = true;
var bNeedScrollToTarget = true;
if (this.m_dTargetX == x && this.m_dTargetY == y && this.m_lTargetPage == pageIndex)
bNeedScrollToTarget = false;
if (-1 != this.m_lTimerUpdateTargetID)
......@@ -3002,7 +2999,7 @@ function CDrawingDocument()
nValueScrollVer = this.m_oWordControl.GetVerticalScrollTo(_mem, pageIndex);
if (!this.NeedScrollToTarget)
if (!bNeedScrollToTarget)
nValueScrollHor = 0;
nValueScrollVer = 0;
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