From 9d33dc9d886a890477c22d7d7c7e2b208fbbdbda Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Alexey.Musinov" <>
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2015 14:34:30 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [ios] insert shape

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
 Excel/native/DrawingDocument.js | 4337 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 Excel/native/Overlay.js         | 3017 +++++++++++++++++++++
 Excel/native/native.js          | 1536 ++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 8822 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Excel/native/DrawingDocument.js
 create mode 100644 Excel/native/Overlay.js

diff --git a/Excel/native/DrawingDocument.js b/Excel/native/DrawingDocument.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb4df3cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Excel/native/DrawingDocument.js
@@ -0,0 +1,4337 @@
+"use strict";
+var g_dDpiX = 96.0;
+var g_dDpiY = 96.0;
+var g_dKoef_mm_to_pix = g_dDpiX / 25.4;
+var g_dKoef_pix_to_mm = 25.4 / g_dDpiX;
+var g_fontManager = new CFontManager();
+function SetHintsProps(bIsHinting, bIsSubpixHinting)
+    if (undefined === g_fontManager.m_oLibrary.tt_hint_props)
+        return;
+    if (bIsHinting && bIsSubpixHinting)
+    {
+        g_fontManager.m_oLibrary.tt_hint_props.TT_USE_BYTECODE_INTERPRETER = true;
+        g_fontManager.m_oLibrary.tt_hint_props.TT_CONFIG_OPTION_SUBPIXEL_HINTING = true;
+        g_fontManager.LOAD_MODE = 40968;
+    }
+    else if (bIsHinting)
+    {
+        g_fontManager.m_oLibrary.tt_hint_props.TT_USE_BYTECODE_INTERPRETER = true;
+        g_fontManager.m_oLibrary.tt_hint_props.TT_CONFIG_OPTION_SUBPIXEL_HINTING = false;
+        g_fontManager.LOAD_MODE = 40968;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        g_fontManager.m_oLibrary.tt_hint_props.TT_USE_BYTECODE_INTERPRETER = true;
+        g_fontManager.m_oLibrary.tt_hint_props.TT_CONFIG_OPTION_SUBPIXEL_HINTING = false;
+        g_fontManager.LOAD_MODE = 40970;
+    }
+SetHintsProps(true, true);
+function CTableMarkup(Table)
+    this.Internal =
+    {
+        RowIndex  : 0,
+        CellIndex : 0,
+        PageNum   : 0
+    };
+    this.Table = Table;
+    this.X = 0; // Смещение таблицы от начала страницы до первой колонки
+    this.Cols    = []; // массив ширин колонок
+    this.Margins = []; // массив левых и правых маргинов
+    this.Rows    = []; // массив позиций, высот строк(для данной страницы)
+                                // Rows = [ { Y : , H :  }, ... ]
+    this.CurCol = 0; // текущая колонка
+    this.CurRow = 0; // текущая строка
+    this.TransformX = 0;
+    this.TransformY = 0;
+CTableMarkup.prototype =
+    CreateDublicate : function()
+    {
+        var obj = new CTableMarkup(this.Table);
+        obj.Internal = { RowIndex : this.Internal.RowIndex, CellIndex : this.Internal.CellIndex, PageNum : this.Internal.PageNum };
+        obj.X = this.X;
+        var len = this.Cols.length;
+        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
+            obj.Cols[i] = this.Cols[i];
+        len = this.Margins.length;
+        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
+            obj.Margins[i] = { Left : this.Margins[i].Left, Right : this.Margins[i].Right };
+        len = this.Rows.length;
+        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
+            obj.Rows[i] = { Y : this.Rows[i].Y, H : this.Rows[i].H };
+        obj.CurRow = this.CurRow;
+        obj.CurCol = this.CurCol;
+        return obj;
+    },
+    CorrectFrom : function()
+    {
+        this.X += this.TransformX;
+        var _len = this.Rows.length;
+        for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
+        {
+            this.Rows[i].Y += this.TransformY;
+        }
+    },
+    CorrectTo : function()
+    {
+        this.X -= this.TransformX;
+        var _len = this.Rows.length;
+        for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
+        {
+            this.Rows[i].Y -= this.TransformY;
+        }
+    },
+    Get_X : function()
+    {
+        return this.X;
+    },
+    Get_Y : function()
+    {
+        var _Y = 0;
+        if (this.Rows.length > 0)
+        {
+            _Y = this.Rows[0].Y;
+        }
+        return _Y;
+    }
+function CTableOutline(Table, PageNum, X, Y, W, H)
+    this.Table = Table;
+    this.PageNum = PageNum;
+    this.X = X;
+    this.Y = Y;
+    this.W = W;
+    this.H = H;
+function CTextMeasurer()
+    this.m_oManager     = new CFontManager();
+    this.m_oFont        = null;
+    // RFonts
+    this.m_oTextPr      = null;
+    this.m_oLastFont    = new CFontSetup();
+    this.LastFontOriginInfo = { Name : "", Replace : null };
+    this.Init = function()
+    {
+        this.m_oManager.Initialize();
+    };
+    this.SetFont = function(font)
+    {
+        if (!font)
+            return;
+        this.m_oFont = font;
+        var bItalic = true === font.Italic;
+        var bBold   = true === font.Bold;
+        var oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleRegular;
+        if ( !bItalic && bBold )
+            oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleBold;
+        else if ( bItalic && !bBold )
+            oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleItalic;
+        else if ( bItalic && bBold )
+            oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleBoldItalic;
+        var _lastSetUp = this.m_oLastFont;
+        if (_lastSetUp.SetUpName != font.FontFamily.Name || _lastSetUp.SetUpSize != font.FontSize || _lastSetUp.SetUpStyle != oFontStyle)
+        {
+            _lastSetUp.SetUpName = font.FontFamily.Name;
+            _lastSetUp.SetUpSize = font.FontSize;
+            _lastSetUp.SetUpStyle = oFontStyle;
+            g_fontApplication.LoadFont(_lastSetUp.SetUpName, window.g_font_loader, this.m_oManager, _lastSetUp.SetUpSize, _lastSetUp.SetUpStyle, 72, 72, undefined, this.LastFontOriginInfo);
+        }
+    };
+    this.SetFontInternal = function(_name, _size, _style)
+    {
+        var _lastSetUp = this.m_oLastFont;
+        if (_lastSetUp.SetUpName != _name || _lastSetUp.SetUpSize != _size || _lastSetUp.SetUpStyle != _style)
+        {
+            _lastSetUp.SetUpName = _name;
+            _lastSetUp.SetUpSize = _size;
+            _lastSetUp.SetUpStyle = _style;
+            g_fontApplication.LoadFont(_lastSetUp.SetUpName, window.g_font_loader, this.m_oManager, _lastSetUp.SetUpSize, _lastSetUp.SetUpStyle, 72, 72, undefined, this.LastFontOriginInfo);
+        }
+    };
+    this.SetTextPr = function(textPr, theme)
+    {
+        this.m_oTextPr = textPr.Copy();
+        this.theme = theme;
+        var FontScheme = theme.themeElements.fontScheme;
+        this.m_oTextPr.RFonts.Ascii    = {Name: FontScheme.checkFont(this.m_oTextPr.RFonts.Ascii.Name), Index: -1};
+        this.m_oTextPr.RFonts.EastAsia = {Name: FontScheme.checkFont(this.m_oTextPr.RFonts.EastAsia.Name), Index: -1};
+        this.m_oTextPr.RFonts.HAnsi    = {Name: FontScheme.checkFont(this.m_oTextPr.RFonts.HAnsi.Name), Index: -1};
+        this.m_oTextPr.RFonts.CS       = {Name: FontScheme.checkFont(this.m_oTextPr.RFonts.CS.Name), Index: -1};
+    };
+    this.SetFontSlot = function(slot, fontSizeKoef)
+    {
+        var _rfonts = this.m_oTextPr.RFonts;
+        var _lastFont = this.m_oLastFont;
+        switch (slot)
+        {
+            case fontslot_ASCII:
+            {
+                _lastFont.Name   = _rfonts.Ascii.Name;
+                _lastFont.Index  = _rfonts.Ascii.Index;
+                _lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSize;
+                _lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.Bold;
+                _lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.Italic;
+                break;
+            }
+            case fontslot_CS:
+            {
+                _lastFont.Name   = _rfonts.CS.Name;
+                _lastFont.Index  = _rfonts.CS.Index;
+                _lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSizeCS;
+                _lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.BoldCS;
+                _lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.ItalicCS;
+                break;
+            }
+            case fontslot_EastAsia:
+            {
+                _lastFont.Name   = _rfonts.EastAsia.Name;
+                _lastFont.Index  = _rfonts.EastAsia.Index;
+                _lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSize;
+                _lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.Bold;
+                _lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.Italic;
+                break;
+            }
+            case fontslot_HAnsi:
+            default:
+            {
+                _lastFont.Name   = _rfonts.HAnsi.Name;
+                _lastFont.Index  = _rfonts.HAnsi.Index;
+                _lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSize;
+                _lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.Bold;
+                _lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.Italic;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (undefined !== fontSizeKoef)
+            _lastFont.Size *= fontSizeKoef;
+        var _style = 0;
+        if (_lastFont.Italic)
+            _style += 2;
+        if (_lastFont.Bold)
+            _style += 1;
+        if (_lastFont.Name != _lastFont.SetUpName || _lastFont.Size != _lastFont.SetUpSize || _style != _lastFont.SetUpStyle)
+        {
+            _lastFont.SetUpName = _lastFont.Name;
+            _lastFont.SetUpSize = _lastFont.Size;
+            _lastFont.SetUpStyle = _style;
+            g_fontApplication.LoadFont(_lastFont.SetUpName, window.g_font_loader, this.m_oManager, _lastFont.SetUpSize, _lastFont.SetUpStyle, 72, 72, undefined, this.LastFontOriginInfo);
+        }
+    };
+    this.GetTextPr = function()
+    {
+        return this.m_oTextPr;
+    };
+    this.GetFont = function()
+    {
+        return this.m_oFont;
+    };
+    this.Measure = function(text)
+    {
+        var Width  = 0;
+        var Height = 0;
+        var _code = text.charCodeAt(0);
+        if (null != this.LastFontOriginInfo.Replace)
+            _code = g_fontApplication.GetReplaceGlyph(_code, this.LastFontOriginInfo.Replace);
+        var Temp = this.m_oManager.MeasureChar( _code);
+        Width  = Temp.fAdvanceX * 25.4 / 72;
+        Height = 0;//Temp.fHeight;
+        return { Width : Width, Height : Height };
+    };
+    this.Measure2 = function(text)
+    {
+        var Width  = 0;
+        var _code = text.charCodeAt(0);
+        if (null != this.LastFontOriginInfo.Replace)
+            _code = g_fontApplication.GetReplaceGlyph(_code, this.LastFontOriginInfo.Replace);
+        var Temp = this.m_oManager.MeasureChar( _code );
+        Width  = Temp.fAdvanceX * 25.4 / 72;
+        return { Width : Width, Ascent : (Temp.oBBox.fMaxY * 25.4 / 72), Height : ((Temp.oBBox.fMaxY - Temp.oBBox.fMinY) * 25.4 / 72),
+            WidthG: ((Temp.oBBox.fMaxX - Temp.oBBox.fMinX) * 25.4 / 72)};
+    };
+    this.MeasureCode = function(lUnicode)
+    {
+        var Width  = 0;
+        var Height = 0;
+        if (null != this.LastFontOriginInfo.Replace)
+            lUnicode = g_fontApplication.GetReplaceGlyph(lUnicode, this.LastFontOriginInfo.Replace);
+        var Temp = this.m_oManager.MeasureChar( lUnicode );
+        Width  = Temp.fAdvanceX * 25.4 / 72;
+        Height = 0;//Temp.fHeight;
+        return { Width : Width, Height : Height };
+    };
+    this.Measure2Code = function(lUnicode)
+    {
+        var Width  = 0;
+        if (null != this.LastFontOriginInfo.Replace)
+            lUnicode = g_fontApplication.GetReplaceGlyph(lUnicode, this.LastFontOriginInfo.Replace);
+        var Temp = this.m_oManager.MeasureChar( lUnicode );
+        Width  = Temp.fAdvanceX * 25.4 / 72;
+        return { Width : Width, Ascent : (Temp.oBBox.fMaxY * 25.4 / 72), Height : ((Temp.oBBox.fMaxY - Temp.oBBox.fMinY) * 25.4 / 72),
+            WidthG: ((Temp.oBBox.fMaxX - Temp.oBBox.fMinX) * 25.4 / 72)};
+    };
+    this.GetAscender = function()
+    {
+        var UnitsPerEm = this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em;
+        var Ascender   = this.m_oManager.m_lAscender;
+        return Ascender * this.m_oLastFont.SetUpSize / UnitsPerEm * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
+    };
+    this.GetDescender = function()
+    {
+        var UnitsPerEm = this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em;
+        var Descender  = this.m_oManager.m_lDescender;
+        return Descender * this.m_oLastFont.SetUpSize / UnitsPerEm * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
+    };
+    this.GetHeight = function()
+    {
+        var UnitsPerEm = this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em;
+        var Height     = this.m_oManager.m_lLineHeight;
+        return Height * this.m_oLastFont.SetUpSize / UnitsPerEm * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
+    };
+var g_oTextMeasurer = new CTextMeasurer();
+function CTableOutlineDr()
+    var image_64 = "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";
+    this.image = document.createElement('canvas');
+    this.image.width  = 13;
+    this.image.height = 13;
+    var ctx = this.image.getContext('2d');
+    var _data = ctx.createImageData(13, 13);
+    DecodeBase64(_data, image_64);
+    ctx.putImageData(_data, 0, 0);
+    _data = null;
+    image_64 = null;
+    this.TableOutline = null;
+    this.Counter = 0;
+    this.bIsNoTable = true;
+    this.bIsTracked = false;
+    this.CurPos = null;
+    this.TrackTablePos = 0; // 0 - left_top, 1 - right_top, 2 - right_bottom, 3 - left_bottom
+    this.TrackOffsetX = 0;
+    this.TrackOffsetY = 0;
+    this.InlinePos = null;
+    this.IsChangeSmall = true;
+    this.ChangeSmallPoint = null;
+    this.TableMatrix        = null;
+    this.CurrentPageIndex   = null;
+    this.checkMouseDown = function(pos, word_control)
+    {
+        if (null == this.TableOutline)
+            return false;
+        var _table_track = this.TableOutline;
+        var _d = 13 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * 100 / word_control.m_nZoomValue;
+        this.IsChangeSmall = true;
+        this.ChangeSmallPoint = pos;
+        if (!this.TableMatrix || global_MatrixTransformer.IsIdentity(this.TableMatrix))
+        {
+            if (word_control.MobileTouchManager)
+            {
+                var _move_point = word_control.MobileTouchManager.TableMovePoint;
+                if (_move_point == null || pos.Page != _table_track.PageNum)
+                    return false;
+                var _pos1 = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsToCursorWR(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Page);
+                var _pos2 = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsToCursorWR(_move_point.X, _move_point.Y, pos.Page);
+                var _eps = word_control.MobileTouchManager.TrackTargetEps;
+                var _offset1 = word_control.MobileTouchManager.TableRulersRectOffset;
+                var _offset2 = _offset1 + word_control.MobileTouchManager.TableRulersRectSize;
+                if ((_pos1.X >= (_pos2.X - _offset2 - _eps)) && (_pos1.X <= (_pos2.X - _offset1 + _eps)) &&
+                    (_pos1.Y >= (_pos2.Y - _offset2 - _eps)) && (_pos1.Y <= (_pos2.Y - _offset1 + _eps)))
+                {
+                    this.TrackTablePos = 0;
+                    return true;
+                }
+                return false;
+            }
+            switch (this.TrackTablePos)
+            {
+                case 1:
+                {
+                    var _x = _table_track.X + _table_track.W;
+                    var _b = _table_track.Y;
+                    var _y = _b - _d;
+                    var _r = _x + _d;
+                    if ((pos.X > _x) && (pos.X < _r) && (pos.Y > _y) && (pos.Y < _b))
+                    {
+                        this.TrackOffsetX = pos.X - _x;
+                        this.TrackOffsetY = pos.Y - _b;
+                        return true;
+                    }
+                    return false;
+                }
+                case 2:
+                {
+                    var _x = _table_track.X + _table_track.W;
+                    var _y = _table_track.Y + _table_track.H;
+                    var _r = _x + _d;
+                    var _b = _y + _d;
+                    if ((pos.X > _x) && (pos.X < _r) && (pos.Y > _y) && (pos.Y < _b))
+                    {
+                        this.TrackOffsetX = pos.X - _x;
+                        this.TrackOffsetY = pos.Y - _y;
+                        return true;
+                    }
+                    return false;
+                }
+                case 3:
+                {
+                    var _r = _table_track.X;
+                    var _x = _r - _d;
+                    var _y = _table_track.Y + _table_track.H;
+                    var _b = _y + _d;
+                    if ((pos.X > _x) && (pos.X < _r) && (pos.Y > _y) && (pos.Y < _b))
+                    {
+                        this.TrackOffsetX = pos.X - _r;
+                        this.TrackOffsetY = pos.Y - _y;
+                        return true;
+                    }
+                    return false;
+                }
+                case 0:
+                default:
+                {
+                    var _r = _table_track.X;
+                    var _b = _table_track.Y;
+                    var _x = _r - _d;
+                    var _y = _b - _d;
+                    if ((pos.X > _x) && (pos.X < _r) && (pos.Y > _y) && (pos.Y < _b))
+                    {
+                        this.TrackOffsetX = pos.X - _r;
+                        this.TrackOffsetY = pos.Y - _b;
+                        return true;
+                    }
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (word_control.MobileTouchManager)
+            {
+                var _invert = global_MatrixTransformer.Invert(this.TableMatrix);
+                var _posx = _invert.TransformPointX(pos.X, pos.Y);
+                var _posy = _invert.TransformPointY(pos.X, pos.Y);
+                var _move_point = word_control.MobileTouchManager.TableMovePoint;
+                if (_move_point == null || pos.Page != _table_track.PageNum)
+                    return false;
+                var _koef = g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * 100 / word_control.m_nZoomValue;
+                var _eps = word_control.MobileTouchManager.TrackTargetEps * _koef;
+                var _offset1 = word_control.MobileTouchManager.TableRulersRectOffset * _koef;
+                var _offset2 = _offset1 + word_control.MobileTouchManager.TableRulersRectSize * _koef;
+                if ((_posx >= (_move_point.X - _offset2 - _eps)) && (_posx <= (_move_point.X - _offset1 + _eps)) &&
+                    (_posy >= (_move_point.Y - _offset2 - _eps)) && (_posy <= (_move_point.Y - _offset1 + _eps)))
+                {
+                    this.TrackTablePos = 0;
+                    return true;
+                }
+                return false;
+            }
+            var _invert = global_MatrixTransformer.Invert(this.TableMatrix);
+            var _posx = _invert.TransformPointX(pos.X, pos.Y);
+            var _posy = _invert.TransformPointY(pos.X, pos.Y);
+            switch (this.TrackTablePos)
+            {
+                case 1:
+                {
+                    var _x = _table_track.X + _table_track.W;
+                    var _b = _table_track.Y;
+                    var _y = _b - _d;
+                    var _r = _x + _d;
+                    if ((_posx > _x) && (_posx < _r) && (_posy > _y) && (_posy < _b))
+                    {
+                        this.TrackOffsetX = _posx - _x;
+                        this.TrackOffsetY = _posy - _b;
+                        return true;
+                    }
+                    return false;
+                }
+                case 2:
+                {
+                    var _x = _table_track.X + _table_track.W;
+                    var _y = _table_track.Y + _table_track.H;
+                    var _r = _x + _d;
+                    var _b = _y + _d;
+                    if ((_posx > _x) && (_posx < _r) && (_posy > _y) && (_posy < _b))
+                    {
+                        this.TrackOffsetX = _posx - _x;
+                        this.TrackOffsetY = _posy - _y;
+                        return true;
+                    }
+                    return false;
+                }
+                case 3:
+                {
+                    var _r = _table_track.X;
+                    var _x = _r - _d;
+                    var _y = _table_track.Y + _table_track.H;
+                    var _b = _y + _d;
+                    if ((_posx > _x) && (_posx < _r) && (_posy > _y) && (_posy < _b))
+                    {
+                        this.TrackOffsetX = _posx - _r;
+                        this.TrackOffsetY = _posy - _y;
+                        return true;
+                    }
+                    return false;
+                }
+                case 0:
+                default:
+                {
+                    var _r = _table_track.X;
+                    var _b = _table_track.Y;
+                    var _x = _r - _d;
+                    var _y = _b - _d;
+                    if ((_posx > _x) && (_posx < _r) && (_posy > _y) && (_posy < _b))
+                    {
+                        this.TrackOffsetX = _posx - _r;
+                        this.TrackOffsetY = _posy - _b;
+                        return true;
+                    }
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    this.checkMouseUp = function(X, Y, word_control)
+    {
+        this.bIsTracked = false;
+        if (null == this.TableOutline || (true === this.IsChangeSmall) || word_control.m_oApi.isViewMode)
+            return false;
+        var _d = 13 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * 100 / word_control.m_nZoomValue;
+        var _outline = this.TableOutline;
+        var _table = _outline.Table;
+        _table.Cursor_MoveToStartPos();
+        _table.Document_SetThisElementCurrent();
+        if (!_table.Is_Inline())
+        {
+            var pos;
+            switch (this.TrackTablePos)
+            {
+                case 1:
+                {
+                    var _w_pix = this.TableOutline.W * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100;
+                    pos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X - _w_pix, Y);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 2:
+                {
+                    var _w_pix = this.TableOutline.W * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100;
+                    var _h_pix = this.TableOutline.H * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100;
+                    pos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X - _w_pix, Y - _h_pix);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 3:
+                {
+                    var _h_pix = this.TableOutline.H * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100;
+                    pos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X, Y - _h_pix);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 0:
+                default:
+                {
+                    pos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X, Y);
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            var NearestPos = word_control.m_oLogicDocument.Get_NearestPos(pos.Page, pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX, pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY);
+            _table.Move(pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX, pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY, pos.Page, NearestPos);
+            _outline.X = pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX;
+            _outline.Y = pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY;
+            _outline.PageNum = pos.Page;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (null != this.InlinePos)
+            {
+                // inline move
+                _table.Move(this.InlinePos.X, this.InlinePos.Y, this.InlinePos.Page, this.InlinePos);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    this.checkMouseMove = function(X, Y, word_control)
+    {
+        if (null == this.TableOutline)
+            return false;
+        if (true === this.IsChangeSmall)
+        {
+            var _pos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X, Y);
+            var _dist = 15 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * 100 / word_control.m_nZoomValue;
+            if ((Math.abs(_pos.X - this.ChangeSmallPoint.X) < _dist) && (Math.abs(_pos.Y - this.ChangeSmallPoint.Y) < _dist) && (_pos.Page == this.ChangeSmallPoint.Page))
+            {
+                this.CurPos = { X: this.ChangeSmallPoint.X, Y : this.ChangeSmallPoint.Y, Page: this.ChangeSmallPoint.Page };
+                switch (this.TrackTablePos)
+                {
+                    case 1:
+                    {
+                        this.CurPos.X -= this.TableOutline.W;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case 2:
+                    {
+                        this.CurPos.X -= this.TableOutline.W;
+                        this.CurPos.Y -= this.TableOutline.H;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case 3:
+                    {
+                        this.CurPos.Y -= this.TableOutline.H;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case 0:
+                    default:
+                    {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                this.CurPos.X -= this.TrackOffsetX;
+                this.CurPos.Y -= this.TrackOffsetY;
+                return;
+            }
+            this.IsChangeSmall = false;
+            this.TableOutline.Table.Selection_Remove();
+            editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Document_UpdateSelectionState();
+        }
+        var _d = 13 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * 100 / word_control.m_nZoomValue;
+        switch (this.TrackTablePos)
+        {
+            case 1:
+            {
+                var _w_pix = this.TableOutline.W * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100;
+                this.CurPos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X - _w_pix, Y);
+                break;
+            }
+            case 2:
+            {
+                var _w_pix = this.TableOutline.W * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100;
+                var _h_pix = this.TableOutline.H * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100;
+                this.CurPos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X - _w_pix, Y - _h_pix);
+                break;
+            }
+            case 3:
+            {
+                var _h_pix = this.TableOutline.H * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100;
+                this.CurPos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X, Y - _h_pix);
+                break;
+            }
+            case 0:
+            default:
+            {
+                this.CurPos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X, Y);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        this.CurPos.X -= this.TrackOffsetX;
+        this.CurPos.Y -= this.TrackOffsetY;
+    }
+    this.CheckStartTrack = function(word_control, transform)
+    {
+        this.TableMatrix = null;
+        if (transform)
+            this.TableMatrix = transform.CreateDublicate();
+        if (!this.TableMatrix || global_MatrixTransformer.IsIdentity(this.TableMatrix))
+        {
+            var pos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsToCursor(this.TableOutline.X, this.TableOutline.Y, this.TableOutline.PageNum, true);
+            var _x0 = word_control.m_oEditor.AbsolutePosition.L;
+            var _y0 = word_control.m_oEditor.AbsolutePosition.T;
+            if (pos.X < _x0 && pos.Y < _y0)
+            {
+                this.TrackTablePos = 2;
+            }
+            else if (pos.X < _x0)
+            {
+                this.TrackTablePos = 1;
+            }
+            else if (pos.Y < _y0)
+            {
+                this.TrackTablePos = 3;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                this.TrackTablePos = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            var _x = this.TableOutline.X;
+            var _y = this.TableOutline.Y;
+            var _r = _x + this.TableOutline.W;
+            var _b = _y + this.TableOutline.H;
+            var x0 = transform.TransformPointX(_x, _y);
+            var y0 = transform.TransformPointY(_x, _y);
+            var x1 = transform.TransformPointX(_r, _y);
+            var y1 = transform.TransformPointY(_r, _y);
+            var x2 = transform.TransformPointX(_r, _b);
+            var y2 = transform.TransformPointY(_r, _b);
+            var x3 = transform.TransformPointX(_x, _b);
+            var y3 = transform.TransformPointY(_x, _b);
+            var _x0 = word_control.m_oEditor.AbsolutePosition.L * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix;
+            var _y0 = word_control.m_oEditor.AbsolutePosition.T * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix;
+            var _x1 = word_control.m_oEditor.AbsolutePosition.R * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix;
+            var _y1 = word_control.m_oEditor.AbsolutePosition.B * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix;
+            var pos0 = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsToCursor(x0, y0, this.TableOutline.PageNum, true);
+            if (pos0.X > _x0 && pos0.X < _x1 && pos0.Y > _y0 && pos0.Y < _y1)
+            {
+                this.TrackTablePos = 0;
+                return;
+            }
+            pos0 = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsToCursor(x1, y1, this.TableOutline.PageNum, true);
+            if (pos0.X > _x0 && pos0.X < _x1 && pos0.Y > _y0 && pos0.Y < _y1)
+            {
+                this.TrackTablePos = 1;
+                return;
+            }
+            pos0 = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsToCursor(x3, y3, this.TableOutline.PageNum, true);
+            if (pos0.X > _x0 && pos0.X < _x1 && pos0.Y > _y0 && pos0.Y < _y1)
+            {
+                this.TrackTablePos = 3;
+                return;
+            }
+            pos0 = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsToCursor(x2, y2, this.TableOutline.PageNum, true);
+            if (pos0.X > _x0 && pos0.X < _x1 && pos0.Y > _y0 && pos0.Y < _y1)
+            {
+                this.TrackTablePos = 2;
+                return;
+            }
+            this.TrackTablePos = 0;
+        }
+    }
+function CCacheImage()
+    this.image              = null;
+    this.image_locked       = 0;
+    this.image_unusedCount  = 0;
+function CCacheManager()
+    this.arrayImages = [];
+    this.arrayCount = 0;
+    this.countValidImage = 1;
+    this.CheckImagesForNeed = function()
+    {
+        for (var i = 0; i < this.arrayCount; ++i)
+        {
+            if ((this.arrayImages[i].image_locked == 0) && (this.arrayImages[i].image_unusedCount >= this.countValidImage))
+            {
+                delete this.arrayImages[i].image;
+                this.arrayImages.splice(i, 1);
+                --i;
+                --this.arrayCount;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    this.UnLock = function(_cache_image)
+    {
+        if (null == _cache_image)
+            return;
+        _cache_image.image_locked = 0;
+        _cache_image.image_unusedCount = 0;
+        // ����� ����� �������� ������ � ���� (_cache_image = null) <- ��� ����������� !!!!!!!
+    }
+    this.Lock = function(_w, _h)
+    {
+        for (var i = 0; i < this.arrayCount; ++i)
+        {
+            if (this.arrayImages[i].image_locked)
+                continue;
+            var _wI = this.arrayImages[i].image.width;
+            var _hI = this.arrayImages[i].image.height;
+            if ((_wI == _w) && (_hI == _h))
+            {
+                this.arrayImages[i].image_locked = 1;
+                this.arrayImages[i].image_unusedCount = 0;
+                this.arrayImages[i].image.ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
+                this.arrayImages[i].image.ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
+                this.arrayImages[i].image.ctx.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
+                this.arrayImages[i].image.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, _w, _h);
+                return this.arrayImages[i];
+            }
+            this.arrayImages[i].image_unusedCount++;
+        }
+        this.CheckImagesForNeed();
+        var index = this.arrayCount;
+        this.arrayCount++;
+        this.arrayImages[index] = new CCacheImage();
+        this.arrayImages[index].image = document.createElement('canvas');
+        this.arrayImages[index].image.width = _w;
+        this.arrayImages[index].image.height = _h;
+        this.arrayImages[index].image.ctx = this.arrayImages[index].image.getContext('2d');
+        this.arrayImages[index].image.ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
+        this.arrayImages[index].image.ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
+        this.arrayImages[index].image.ctx.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
+        this.arrayImages[index].image.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, _w, _h);
+        this.arrayImages[index].image_locked = 1;
+        this.arrayImages[index].image_unusedCount = 0;
+        return this.arrayImages[index];
+    }
+function _rect()
+    this.x = 0;
+    this.y = 0;
+    this.w = 0;
+    this.h = 0;
+function CDrawingPage()
+    this.left   = 0;
+    = 0;
+    this.right  = 0;
+    this.bottom = 0;
+    this.cachedImage = null;
+function CPage()
+    this.width_mm       = 210;
+    this.height_mm      = 297;
+    this.margin_left    = 0;
+    this.margin_top     = 0;
+    this.margin_right   = 0;
+    this.margin_bottom  = 0;
+    this.pageIndex      = -1;
+    this.searchingArray = [];
+    this.selectionArray = [];
+    this.drawingPage = new CDrawingPage();
+    this.Draw = function(context, xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst, contextW, contextH)
+    {
+        if (null != this.drawingPage.cachedImage)
+        {
+            context.strokeStyle = "#81878F";
+            context.strokeRect(xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst);
+            // ����� ���������� �� �������� ���������
+            context.drawImage(this.drawingPage.cachedImage.image, xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            context.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
+            context.strokeStyle = "#81878F";
+            context.strokeRect(xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst);
+            context.fillRect(xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst);
+        }
+    }
+    this.DrawSelection = function(overlay, xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst, TextMatrix)
+    {
+        var dKoefX = wDst / this.width_mm;
+        var dKoefY = hDst / this.height_mm;
+        var selectionArray = this.selectionArray;
+        if (null == TextMatrix || global_MatrixTransformer.IsIdentity(TextMatrix))
+        {
+            for (var i = 0; i < selectionArray.length; i++)
+            {
+                var r = selectionArray[i];
+                var _x = ((xDst + dKoefX * r.x) >> 0) - 0.5;
+                var _y = ((yDst + dKoefY * r.y) >> 0) - 0.5;
+                var _w = (dKoefX * r.w + 1) >> 0;
+                var _h = (dKoefY * r.h + 1) >> 0;
+                if (_x < overlay.min_x)
+                    overlay.min_x = _x;
+                if ((_x + _w) > overlay.max_x)
+                    overlay.max_x = _x + _w;
+                if (_y < overlay.min_y)
+                    overlay.min_y = _y;
+                if ((_y + _h) > overlay.max_y)
+                    overlay.max_y = _y + _h;
+                overlay.m_oContext.rect(_x,_y,_w,_h);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            for (var i = 0; i < selectionArray.length; i++)
+            {
+                var r = selectionArray[i];
+                var _x1 = TextMatrix.TransformPointX(r.x, r.y);
+                var _y1 = TextMatrix.TransformPointY(r.x, r.y);
+                var _x2 = TextMatrix.TransformPointX(r.x + r.w, r.y);
+                var _y2 = TextMatrix.TransformPointY(r.x + r.w, r.y);
+                var _x3 = TextMatrix.TransformPointX(r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h);
+                var _y3 = TextMatrix.TransformPointY(r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h);
+                var _x4 = TextMatrix.TransformPointX(r.x, r.y + r.h);
+                var _y4 = TextMatrix.TransformPointY(r.x, r.y + r.h);
+                var x1 = xDst + dKoefX * _x1;
+                var y1 = yDst + dKoefY * _y1;
+                var x2 = xDst + dKoefX * _x2;
+                var y2 = yDst + dKoefY * _y2;
+                var x3 = xDst + dKoefX * _x3;
+                var y3 = yDst + dKoefY * _y3;
+                var x4 = xDst + dKoefX * _x4;
+                var y4 = yDst + dKoefY * _y4;
+                overlay.CheckPoint(x1, y1);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(x2, y2);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(x3, y3);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(x4, y4);
+                var ctx = overlay.m_oContext;
+                ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
+                ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
+                ctx.lineTo(x3, y3);
+                ctx.lineTo(x4, y4);
+                ctx.closePath();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    this.DrawSearch = function(overlay, xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst, drDoc)
+    {
+        var dKoefX = wDst / this.width_mm;
+        var dKoefY = hDst / this.height_mm;
+        // проверяем колонтитулы ------------
+        var ret = this.drawInHdrFtr(overlay, xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst, dKoefX, dKoefY, drDoc._search_HdrFtr_All);
+        if (!ret && this.pageIndex != 0)
+            ret = this.drawInHdrFtr(overlay, xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst, dKoefX, dKoefY, drDoc._search_HdrFtr_All_no_First);
+        if (!ret && this.pageIndex == 0)
+            ret = this.drawInHdrFtr(overlay, xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst, dKoefX, dKoefY, drDoc._search_HdrFtr_First);
+        if (!ret && (this.pageIndex & 1) == 1)
+            ret = this.drawInHdrFtr(overlay, xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst, dKoefX, dKoefY, drDoc._search_HdrFtr_Even);
+        if (!ret && (this.pageIndex & 1) == 0)
+            ret = this.drawInHdrFtr(overlay, xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst, dKoefX, dKoefY, drDoc._search_HdrFtr_Odd);
+        if (!ret && (this.pageIndex != 0))
+            ret = this.drawInHdrFtr(overlay, xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst, dKoefX, dKoefY, drDoc._search_HdrFtr_Odd_no_First);
+        // ----------------------------------
+        var ctx = overlay.m_oContext;
+        for (var i = 0; i < this.searchingArray.length; i++)
+        {
+            var place = this.searchingArray[i];
+            if (!place.Transform)
+            {
+                if (undefined === place.Ex)
+                {
+                    var _x = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * place.X) - 0.5;
+                    var _y = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * place.Y) - 0.5;
+                    var _w = parseInt(dKoefX * place.W) + 1;
+                    var _h = parseInt(dKoefY * place.H) + 1;
+                    if (_x < overlay.min_x)
+                        overlay.min_x = _x;
+                    if ((_x + _w) > overlay.max_x)
+                        overlay.max_x = _x + _w;
+                    if (_y < overlay.min_y)
+                        overlay.min_y = _y;
+                    if ((_y + _h) > overlay.max_y)
+                        overlay.max_y = _y + _h;
+                    ctx.rect(_x,_y,_w,_h);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    var _x1 = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * place.X);
+                    var _y1 = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * place.Y);
+                    var x2 = place.X + place.W * place.Ex;
+                    var y2 = place.Y + place.W * place.Ey;
+                    var _x2 = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * x2);
+                    var _y2 = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * y2);
+                    var x3 = x2 - place.H * place.Ey;
+                    var y3 = y2 + place.H * place.Ex;
+                    var _x3 = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * x3);
+                    var _y3 = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * y3);
+                    var x4 = place.X - place.H * place.Ey;
+                    var y4 = place.Y + place.H * place.Ex;
+                    var _x4 = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * x4);
+                    var _y4 = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * y4);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4);
+                    ctx.moveTo(_x1, _y1);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x2, _y2);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x3, _y3);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x4, _y4);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x1, _y1);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                var _tr = place.Transform;
+                if (undefined === place.Ex)
+                {
+                    var _x1 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(place.X, place.Y);
+                    var _y1 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(place.X, place.Y);
+                    var _x2 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(place.X + place.W, place.Y);
+                    var _y2 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(place.X + place.W, place.Y);
+                    var _x3 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(place.X + place.W, place.Y + place.H);
+                    var _y3 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(place.X + place.W, place.Y + place.H);
+                    var _x4 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(place.X, place.Y + place.H);
+                    var _y4 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(place.X, place.Y + place.H);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4);
+                    ctx.moveTo(_x1, _y1);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x2, _y2);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x3, _y3);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x4, _y4);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x1, _y1);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    var x2 = place.X + place.W * place.Ex;
+                    var y2 = place.Y + place.W * place.Ey;
+                    var x3 = x2 - place.H * place.Ey;
+                    var y3 = y2 + place.H * place.Ex;
+                    var x4 = place.X - place.H * place.Ey;
+                    var y4 = place.Y + place.H * place.Ex;
+                    var _x1 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(place.X, place.Y);
+                    var _y1 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(place.X, place.Y);
+                    var _x2 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(x2, y2);
+                    var _y2 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(x2, y2);
+                    var _x3 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(x3, y3);
+                    var _y3 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(x3, y3);
+                    var _x4 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(x4, y4);
+                    var _y4 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(x4, y4);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4);
+                    ctx.moveTo(_x1, _y1);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x2, _y2);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x3, _y3);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x4, _y4);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x1, _y1);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    this.drawInHdrFtr = function(overlay, xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst, dKoefX, dKoefY, arr)
+    {
+        var _c = arr.length;
+        if (0 == _c)
+            return false;
+        var ctx = overlay.m_oContext;
+        for (var i = 0; i < _c; i++)
+        {
+            var place = arr[i];
+            if (!place.Transform)
+            {
+                if (undefined === place.Ex)
+                {
+                    var _x = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * place.X) - 0.5;
+                    var _y = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * place.Y) - 0.5;
+                    var _w = parseInt(dKoefX * place.W) + 1;
+                    var _h = parseInt(dKoefY * place.H) + 1;
+                    if (_x < overlay.min_x)
+                        overlay.min_x = _x;
+                    if ((_x + _w) > overlay.max_x)
+                        overlay.max_x = _x + _w;
+                    if (_y < overlay.min_y)
+                        overlay.min_y = _y;
+                    if ((_y + _h) > overlay.max_y)
+                        overlay.max_y = _y + _h;
+                    ctx.rect(_x,_y,_w,_h);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    var _x1 = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * place.X);
+                    var _y1 = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * place.Y);
+                    var x2 = place.X + place.W * place.Ex;
+                    var y2 = place.Y + place.W * place.Ey;
+                    var _x2 = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * x2);
+                    var _y2 = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * y2);
+                    var x3 = x2 - place.H * place.Ey;
+                    var y3 = y2 + place.H * place.Ex;
+                    var _x3 = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * x3);
+                    var _y3 = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * y3);
+                    var x4 = place.X - place.H * place.Ey;
+                    var y4 = place.Y + place.H * place.Ex;
+                    var _x4 = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * x4);
+                    var _y4 = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * y4);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4);
+                    ctx.moveTo(_x1, _y1);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x2, _y2);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x3, _y3);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x4, _y4);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x1, _y1);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                var _tr = place.Transform;
+                if (undefined === place.Ex)
+                {
+                    var _x1 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(place.X, place.Y);
+                    var _y1 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(place.X, place.Y);
+                    var _x2 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(place.X + place.W, place.Y);
+                    var _y2 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(place.X + place.W, place.Y);
+                    var _x3 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(place.X + place.W, place.Y + place.H);
+                    var _y3 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(place.X + place.W, place.Y + place.H);
+                    var _x4 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(place.X, place.Y + place.H);
+                    var _y4 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(place.X, place.Y + place.H);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4);
+                    ctx.moveTo(_x1, _y1);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x2, _y2);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x3, _y3);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x4, _y4);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x1, _y1);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    var x2 = place.X + place.W * place.Ex;
+                    var y2 = place.Y + place.W * place.Ey;
+                    var x3 = x2 - place.H * place.Ey;
+                    var y3 = y2 + place.H * place.Ex;
+                    var x4 = place.X - place.H * place.Ey;
+                    var y4 = place.Y + place.H * place.Ex;
+                    var _x1 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(place.X, place.Y);
+                    var _y1 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(place.X, place.Y);
+                    var _x2 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(x2, y2);
+                    var _y2 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(x2, y2);
+                    var _x3 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(x3, y3);
+                    var _y3 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(x3, y3);
+                    var _x4 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(x4, y4);
+                    var _y4 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(x4, y4);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3);
+                    overlay.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4);
+                    ctx.moveTo(_x1, _y1);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x2, _y2);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x3, _y3);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x4, _y4);
+                    ctx.lineTo(_x1, _y1);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    this.DrawSearchCur1 = function(overlay, xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst, place)
+    {
+        var dKoefX = wDst / this.width_mm;
+        var dKoefY = hDst / this.height_mm;
+        var ctx = overlay.m_oContext;
+        if (!place.Transform)
+        {
+            if (undefined === place.Ex)
+            {
+                var _x = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * place.X) - 0.5;
+                var _y = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * place.Y) - 0.5;
+                var _w = parseInt(dKoefX * place.W) + 1;
+                var _h = parseInt(dKoefY * place.H) + 1;
+                if (_x < overlay.min_x)
+                    overlay.min_x = _x;
+                if ((_x + _w) > overlay.max_x)
+                    overlay.max_x = _x + _w;
+                if (_y < overlay.min_y)
+                    overlay.min_y = _y;
+                if ((_y + _h) > overlay.max_y)
+                    overlay.max_y = _y + _h;
+                ctx.rect(_x,_y,_w,_h);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                var _x1 = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * place.X);
+                var _y1 = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * place.Y);
+                var x2 = place.X + place.W * place.Ex;
+                var y2 = place.Y + place.W * place.Ey;
+                var _x2 = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * x2);
+                var _y2 = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * y2);
+                var x3 = x2 - place.H * place.Ey;
+                var y3 = y2 + place.H * place.Ex;
+                var _x3 = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * x3);
+                var _y3 = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * y3);
+                var x4 = place.X - place.H * place.Ey;
+                var y4 = place.Y + place.H * place.Ex;
+                var _x4 = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * x4);
+                var _y4 = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * y4);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4);
+                ctx.moveTo(_x1, _y1);
+                ctx.lineTo(_x2, _y2);
+                ctx.lineTo(_x3, _y3);
+                ctx.lineTo(_x4, _y4);
+                ctx.lineTo(_x1, _y1);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            var _tr = place.Transform;
+            if (undefined === place.Ex)
+            {
+                var _x1 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(place.X, place.Y);
+                var _y1 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(place.X, place.Y);
+                var _x2 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(place.X + place.W, place.Y);
+                var _y2 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(place.X + place.W, place.Y);
+                var _x3 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(place.X + place.W, place.Y + place.H);
+                var _y3 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(place.X + place.W, place.Y + place.H);
+                var _x4 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(place.X, place.Y + place.H);
+                var _y4 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(place.X, place.Y + place.H);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4);
+                ctx.moveTo(_x1, _y1);
+                ctx.lineTo(_x2, _y2);
+                ctx.lineTo(_x3, _y3);
+                ctx.lineTo(_x4, _y4);
+                ctx.lineTo(_x1, _y1);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                var x2 = place.X + place.W * place.Ex;
+                var y2 = place.Y + place.W * place.Ey;
+                var x3 = x2 - place.H * place.Ey;
+                var y3 = y2 + place.H * place.Ex;
+                var x4 = place.X - place.H * place.Ey;
+                var y4 = place.Y + place.H * place.Ex;
+                var _x1 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(place.X, place.Y);
+                var _y1 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(place.X, place.Y);
+                var _x2 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(x2, y2);
+                var _y2 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(x2, y2);
+                var _x3 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(x3, y3);
+                var _y3 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(x3, y3);
+                var _x4 = xDst + dKoefX * _tr.TransformPointX(x4, y4);
+                var _y4 = yDst + dKoefY * _tr.TransformPointY(x4, y4);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4);
+                ctx.moveTo(_x1, _y1);
+                ctx.lineTo(_x2, _y2);
+                ctx.lineTo(_x3, _y3);
+                ctx.lineTo(_x4, _y4);
+                ctx.lineTo(_x1, _y1);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    this.DrawSearchCur = function(overlay, xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst, navi)
+    {
+        var dKoefX = wDst / this.width_mm;
+        var dKoefY = hDst / this.height_mm;
+        var places = navi.Place;
+        var len = places.length;
+        var ctx = overlay.m_oContext;
+        ctx.globalAlpha = 0.2;
+        ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(51,102,204,255)";
+        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
+        {
+            var place = places[i];
+            if (undefined === place.Ex)
+            {
+                var _x = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * place.X) - 0.5;
+                var _y = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * place.Y) - 0.5;
+                var _w = parseInt(dKoefX * place.W) + 1;
+                var _h = parseInt(dKoefY * place.H) + 1;
+                if (_x < overlay.min_x)
+                    overlay.min_x = _x;
+                if ((_x + _w) > overlay.max_x)
+                    overlay.max_x = _x + _w;
+                if (_y < overlay.min_y)
+                    overlay.min_y = _y;
+                if ((_y + _h) > overlay.max_y)
+                    overlay.max_y = _y + _h;
+                ctx.rect(_x,_y,_w,_h);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                var _x1 = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * place.X);
+                var _y1 = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * place.Y);
+                var x2 = place.X + place.W * place.Ex;
+                var y2 = place.Y + place.W * place.Ey;
+                var _x2 = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * x2);
+                var _y2 = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * y2);
+                var x3 = x2 - place.H * place.Ey;
+                var y3 = y2 + place.H * place.Ex;
+                var _x3 = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * x3);
+                var _y3 = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * y3);
+                var x4 = place.X - place.H * place.Ey;
+                var y4 = place.Y + place.H * place.Ex;
+                var _x4 = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * x4);
+                var _y4 = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * y4);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3);
+                overlay.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4);
+                ctx.moveTo(_x1, _y1);
+                ctx.lineTo(_x2, _y2);
+                ctx.lineTo(_x3, _y3);
+                ctx.lineTo(_x4, _y4);
+                ctx.lineTo(_x1, _y1);
+            }
+        }
+        ctx.fill();
+        ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
+    }
+    this.DrawTableOutline = function(overlay, xDst, yDst, wDst, hDst, table_outline_dr)
+    {
+        var transform = table_outline_dr.TableMatrix;
+        if (null == transform || transform.IsIdentity2())
+        {
+            var dKoefX = wDst / this.width_mm;
+            var dKoefY = hDst / this.height_mm;
+            var _offX = (null == transform) ? 0 : transform.tx;
+            var _offY = (null == transform) ? 0 : transform.ty;
+            var _x = 0;
+            var _y = 0;
+            switch (table_outline_dr.TrackTablePos)
+            {
+                case 1:
+                {
+                    _x = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * (table_outline_dr.TableOutline.X + table_outline_dr.TableOutline.W + _offX));
+                    _y = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * (table_outline_dr.TableOutline.Y + _offY)) - 13;
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 2:
+                {
+                    _x = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * (table_outline_dr.TableOutline.X + table_outline_dr.TableOutline.W + _offX));
+                    _y = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * (table_outline_dr.TableOutline.Y + table_outline_dr.TableOutline.H + _offY));
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 3:
+                {
+                    _x = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * (table_outline_dr.TableOutline.X + _offX)) - 13;
+                    _y = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * (table_outline_dr.TableOutline.Y + table_outline_dr.TableOutline.H + _offY));
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 0:
+                default:
+                {
+                    _x = parseInt(xDst + dKoefX * (table_outline_dr.TableOutline.X + _offX)) - 13;
+                    _y = parseInt(yDst + dKoefY * (table_outline_dr.TableOutline.Y + _offY)) - 13;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            var _w = 13;
+            var _h = 13;
+            if (_x < overlay.min_x)
+                overlay.min_x = _x;
+            if ((_x + _w) > overlay.max_x)
+                overlay.max_x = _x + _w;
+            if (_y < overlay.min_y)
+                overlay.min_y = _y;
+            if ((_y + _h) > overlay.max_y)
+                overlay.max_y = _y + _h;
+            overlay.m_oContext.drawImage(table_outline_dr.image, _x, _y);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            var ctx = overlay.m_oContext;
+            var _ft = new CMatrix();
+   =;
+            _ft.shx = transform.shx;
+            _ft.shy = transform.shy;
+   =;
+            _ft.tx = transform.tx;
+            _ft.ty = transform.ty;
+            var coords = new CMatrix();
+   = wDst / this.width_mm;
+   = hDst / this.height_mm;
+            coords.tx = xDst;
+            coords.ty = yDst;
+            global_MatrixTransformer.MultiplyAppend(_ft, coords);
+            ctx.transform(,_ft.shy,_ft.shx,,_ft.tx,_ft.ty);
+            var _x = 0;
+            var _y = 0;
+            var _w = 13 /;
+            var _h = 13 /;
+            switch (table_outline_dr.TrackTablePos)
+            {
+                case 1:
+                {
+                    _x = (table_outline_dr.TableOutline.X + table_outline_dr.TableOutline.W);
+                    _y = (table_outline_dr.TableOutline.Y - _h);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 2:
+                {
+                    _x = (table_outline_dr.TableOutline.X + table_outline_dr.TableOutline.W);
+                    _y = (table_outline_dr.TableOutline.Y + table_outline_dr.TableOutline.H);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 3:
+                {
+                    _x = (table_outline_dr.TableOutline.X - _w);
+                    _y = (table_outline_dr.TableOutline.Y + table_outline_dr.TableOutline.H);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 0:
+                default:
+                {
+                    _x = (table_outline_dr.TableOutline.X - _w);
+                    _y = (table_outline_dr.TableOutline.Y - _h);
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            overlay.CheckPoint(_ft.TransformPointX(_x, _y), _ft.TransformPointY(_x, _y));
+            overlay.CheckPoint(_ft.TransformPointX(_x + _w, _y), _ft.TransformPointY(_x + _w, _y));
+            overlay.CheckPoint(_ft.TransformPointX(_x + _w, _y + _h), _ft.TransformPointY(_x + _w, _y + _h));
+            overlay.CheckPoint(_ft.TransformPointX(_x, _y + _h), _ft.TransformPointY(_x, _y + _h));
+            overlay.m_oContext.drawImage(table_outline_dr.image, _x, _y, _w, _h);
+            ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0);
+        }
+    }
+function CDrawingDocument(drawingObjects)
+    this.Native = window["native"];
+    this.Api    = window.editor;
+    this.m_oApi = this.Api;
+    this.CanvasHitContext = CreateHitControl();
+    this.drawingObjects = drawingObjects;
+    this.IsLockObjectsEnable = false;
+    this.cursorMarkerFormat = "";
+    if (bIsIE)
+    {
+        // Пути указаны относительно html в меню, не надо их исправлять
+        // и коммитить на пути относительно тестового меню
+        this.cursorMarkerFormat = "url(../../../sdk/Common/Images/marker_format.cur), pointer";
+    }
+    else if (window.opera)
+    {
+        this.cursorMarkerFormat = "pointer";
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        this.cursorMarkerFormat = "url('\
+        T2lDQ1BQaG90b3Nob3AgSUNDIHByb2ZpbGUAAHjanVNnVFPpFj333vRCS4iAlEtvUhUIIFJCi4AU\
+        kSYqIQkQSoghodkVUcERRUUEG8igiAOOjoCMFVEsDIoK2AfkIaKOg6OIisr74Xuja9a89+bN/rXX\
+        Lh4ozkkXKxQ2YQJhmkAuwnmZGTKBNA/g88wAAKCRFRHgg/P9eM4Ors7ONo62Dl8t6r8G/yJiYuP+\
+        5c+rcEAAAOF0ftH+LC+zGoA7BoBt/qIl7gRoXgugdfeLZrIPQLUAoOnaV/Nw+H48PEWhkLnZ2eXk\
+        5NhKxEJbYcpXff5nwl/AV/1s+X48/Pf14L7iJIEyXYFHBPjgwsz0TKUcz5IJhGLc5o9H/LcL//wd\
+        0yLESWK5WCoU41EScY5EmozzMqUiiUKSKcUl0v9k4t8s+wM+3zUAsGo+AXuRLahdYwP2SycQWHTA\
+        BhzBBdzBC/xgNoRCJMTCQhBCCmSAHHJgKayCQiiGzbAdKmAv1EAdNMBRaIaTcA4uwlW4Dj1wD/ph\
+        h1xGupE7yAAygvyGvEcxlIGyUT3UDLVDuag3GoRGogvQZHQxmo8WoJvQcrQaPYw2oefQq2gP2o8+\
+        Q8cwwOgYBzPEbDAuxsNCsTgsCZNjy7EirAyrxhqwVqwDu4n1Y8+xdwQSgUXACTYEd0IgYR5BSFhM\
+        AkmxpFTSEtJG0m5SI+ksqZs0SBojk8naZGuyBzmULCAryIXkneTD5DPkG+Qh8lsKnWJAcaT4U+Io\
+        UspqShnlEOU05QZlmDJBVaOaUt2ooVQRNY9aQq2htlKvUYeoEzR1mjnNgxZJS6WtopXTGmgXaPdp\
+        r+h0uhHdlR5Ol9BX0svpR+iX6AP0dwwNhhWDx4hnKBmbGAcYZxl3GK+YTKYZ04sZx1QwNzHrmOeZ\
+        D5lvVVgqtip8FZHKCpVKlSaVGyovVKmqpqreqgtV81XLVI+pXlN9rkZVM1PjqQnUlqtVqp1Q61Mb\
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+        mz0x1zLnm+eb15vft2BaeFostqi2uGVJsuRaplnutrxuhVo5WaVYVVpds0atna0l1rutu6cRp7lO\
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+        FDpWOt6azpzuP33F9JbpL2dYzxDP2DPjthPLKcRpnVOb00dnF2e5c4PziIuJS4LLLpc+Lpsbxt3I\
+        veRKdPVxXeF60vWdm7Obwu2o26/uNu5p7ofcn8w0nymeWTNz0MPIQ+BR5dE/C5+VMGvfrH5PQ0+B\
+        Z7XnIy9jL5FXrdewt6V3qvdh7xc+9j5yn+M+4zw33jLeWV/MN8C3yLfLT8Nvnl+F30N/I/9k/3r/\
+        0QCngCUBZwOJgUGBWwL7+Hp8Ib+OPzrbZfay2e1BjKC5QRVBj4KtguXBrSFoyOyQrSH355jOkc5p\
+        DoVQfujW0Adh5mGLw34MJ4WHhVeGP45wiFga0TGXNXfR3ENz30T6RJZE3ptnMU85ry1KNSo+qi5q\
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+        rAVZLQq2QqboVFoo1yoHsmdlV2a/zYnKOZarnivN7cyzytuQN5zvn//tEsIS4ZK2pYZLVy0dWOa9\
+        rGo5sjxxedsK4xUFK4ZWBqw8uIq2Km3VT6vtV5eufr0mek1rgV7ByoLBtQFr6wtVCuWFfevc1+1d\
+        T1gvWd+1YfqGnRs+FYmKrhTbF5cVf9go3HjlG4dvyr+Z3JS0qavEuWTPZtJm6ebeLZ5bDpaql+aX\
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+        u8dt24otElHEfVIhrXVUEOCrOtwJoSRUVVVZKC1I8f+F6rou4iu+5IifONJSQdd1j1sThay1Hvd9\
+        /07IWothGCL8Zth+Cbdty5bzNzdO9osBsLhtRIRxHLGua5abpgkAsCyLj+d5zo5W+kbURS464u8A\
+        mWhBvQBxpekAAAAASUVORK5CYII=') 14 8, pointer";
+    }
+    this.m_oWordControl     = null;
+    this.m_oLogicDocument   = null;
+ 	this.m_oDocumentRenderer = null;
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+    this.m_bIsUpdateDocSize = false;
+    this.m_bIsSelection = false;
+    this.m_bIsSearching = false;
+    this.m_lCountRect = 0;
+    this.CurrentSearchNavi = null;
+    this.SearchTransform = null;
+    this.m_lTimerUpdateTargetID = -1;
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+    this.m_tempY = 0;
+    this.m_tempPageIndex = 0;
+    var oThis = this;
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+    this.TableOutlineDr = new CTableOutlineDr();
+    this.m_lCurrentRendererPage = -1;
+    this.m_oDocRenderer = null;
+    this.m_bOldShowMarks = false;
+    this.UpdateTargetFromPaint = false;
+    this.UpdateTargetCheck = false;
+    this.NeedTarget = true;
+    this.TextMatrix = null;
+    this.TargetShowFlag = false;
+    this.TargetShowNeedFlag = false;
+//    this.CanvasHit = document.createElement('canvas');
+//    this.CanvasHit.width = 10;
+//    this.CanvasHit.height = 10;
+//    this.CanvasHitContext = this.CanvasHit.getContext('2d');
+    this.TargetCursorColor = {R: 0, G: 0, B: 0};
+    this.GuiControlColorsMap = null;
+    this.IsSendStandartColors = false;
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+    this.GuiCanvasFillTextureCtx = null;
+    this.LastDrawingUrl = "";
+    this.GuiCanvasFillTextureParentIdTextArt = "";
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+    this.LastDrawingUrlTextArt = "";
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+    this.TableStylesLastLook = null;
+    this.LastParagraphMargins = null;
+    // параметры для SelectShow
+    this.min_PageAddSelection = 100000;
+    this.max_PageAddSelection = -1;
+    this.IsShowSelectAttack = false;
+    this.AutoShapesTrack = null;
+    this.AutoShapesTrackLockPageNum = -1;
+    this.Overlay = null;
+    this.IsTextMatrixUse = false;
+    // массивы ректов для поиска
+    this._search_HdrFtr_All          = []; // Поиск в колонтитуле, который находится на всех страницах
+    this._search_HdrFtr_All_no_First = []; // Поиск в колонтитуле, который находится на всех страницах, кроме первой
+    this._search_HdrFtr_First        = []; // Поиск в колонтитуле, который находится только на первой странице
+    this._search_HdrFtr_Even         = []; // Поиск в колонтитуле, который находится только на нечетных страницах
+    this._search_HdrFtr_Odd          = []; // Поиск в колонтитуле, который находится только на четных страницах, включая первую
+    this._search_HdrFtr_Odd_no_First = []; // Поиск в колонтитуле, который находится только на нечетных страницах, кроме первой
+    this.Start_CollaborationEditing = function()
+    {
+        this.IsLockObjectsEnable = true;
+        this.Native["DD_Start_CollaborationEditing"]();
+    }
+    this.SetCursorType = function(sType, Data)
+    {
+        if ("" == this.m_sLockedCursorType)
+            this.Native["DD_SetCursorType"](sType, Data);
+        else
+            this.Native["DD_SetCursorType"](this.m_sLockedCursorType, Data);
+//        if ("" == this.m_sLockedCursorType)
+//        {
+//            if (this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.isPaintFormat && "default" == sType)
+//       = kCurFormatPainterWord;
+//            else if (this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.isMarkerFormat && "default" == sType)
+//       = this.cursorMarkerFormat;
+//            else
+//       = sType;
+//        }
+//        else
+//   = this.m_sLockedCursorType;
+//        if ( "undefined" === typeof(Data) || null === Data )
+//            Data = new CMouseMoveData();
+//        editor.sync_MouseMoveCallback( Data );
+    }
+    this.LockCursorType = function(sType)
+    {
+        this.m_sLockedCursorType = sType;
+        this.Native["DD_LockCursorType"](sType);
+    }
+    this.LockCursorTypeCur = function()
+    {
+        this.m_sLockedCursorType = this.Native["DD_get_LockCursorType"]();
+    }
+    this.UnlockCursorType = function()
+    {
+        this.m_sLockedCursorType = "";
+        this.Native["DD_UnlockCursorType"]();
+    }
+    this.OnStartRecalculate = function(pageCount)
+    {
+        this.Native["DD_OnStartRecalculate"](pageCount);
+    }
+    this.OnRepaintPage = function(index)
+    {
+        this.Native["DD_OnRepaintPage"](index);
+    }
+    this.OnRecalculatePage = function(index, pageObject)
+    {
+        this.TableOutlineDr.TableOutline = null;
+        this.Native["DD_OnRecalculatePage"](index, pageObject.Width, pageObject.Height,
+            pageObject.Margins.Left, pageObject.Margins.Top, pageObject.Margins.Right, pageObject.Margins.Bottom);
+    }
+    this.OnEndRecalculate = function(isFull, isBreak)
+    {
+        this.Native["DD_OnEndRecalculate"](isFull, isBreak);
+    }
+	this.ChangePageAttack = function(pageIndex)
+	{
+//		if (pageIndex < this.m_lDrawingFirst || pageIndex > this.m_lDrawingEnd)
+//			return;
+//		this.StopRenderingPage(pageIndex);
+//		this.m_oWordControl.OnScroll();
+	}
+    this.StartRenderingPage = function(pageIndex)
+    {
+//        if (true === this.IsFreezePage(pageIndex))
+//        {
+//            return;
+//        }
+//        var page = this.m_arrPages[pageIndex];
+//        var w = parseInt(this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * page.width_mm / 100);
+//        var h = parseInt(this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * page.height_mm / 100);
+//        if (this.m_oWordControl.bIsRetinaSupport)
+//        {
+//            w *= 2;
+//            h *= 2;
+//        }
+//        // заглушка под мобильную версию (iPad не рисует большие картинки (наверное страховка по памяти))
+//        if (g_bIsMobile)
+//        {
+//            var _mobile_max = 2000;
+//            if (w > _mobile_max || h > _mobile_max)
+//            {
+//                if (w > h)
+//                {
+//                    h = parseInt(h * _mobile_max / w);
+//                    w = _mobile_max;
+//                }
+//                else
+//                {
+//                    w = parseInt(w * _mobile_max / h);
+//                    h = _mobile_max;
+//                }
+//            }
+//        }
+//        page.drawingPage.cachedImage = this.m_oCacheManager.Lock(w, h);
+//        //var StartTime = new Date().getTime();
+//        // ������ ����� �������
+//        var g = new CGraphics();
+//        g.init(page.drawingPage.cachedImage.image.ctx, w, h, page.width_mm, page.height_mm);
+//        g.m_oFontManager = g_fontManager;
+//        g.transform(1,0,0,1,0,0);
+//		if (null == this.m_oDocumentRenderer)
+//	        this.m_oLogicDocument.DrawPage(pageIndex, g);
+//		else
+//			this.m_oDocumentRenderer.drawPage(pageIndex, g);
+//        //var EndTime = new Date().getTime();
+//        //alert("" + ((EndTime - StartTime) / 1000));
+    }
+    this.IsFreezePage = function(pageIndex)
+    {
+        return this.Native["DD_IsFreezePage"](pageIndex);
+    }
+    this.RenderDocument = function(Renderer)
+    {
+        for (var i = 0; i < this.m_lPagesCount; i++)
+        {
+            var page = this.m_arrPages[i];
+            Renderer.BeginPage(page.width_mm, page.height_mm);
+            this.m_oLogicDocument.DrawPage(i, Renderer);
+            Renderer.EndPage();
+        }
+    }
+    this.ToRenderer = function()
+    {
+        var Renderer = new CDocumentRenderer();
+        Renderer.VectorMemoryForPrint = new CMemory();
+        var old_marks = this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.ShowParaMarks;
+        this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.ShowParaMarks = false;
+        this.RenderDocument(Renderer);
+        this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.ShowParaMarks = old_marks;
+        var ret = Renderer.Memory.GetBase64Memory();
+        //console.log(ret);
+        return ret;
+    }
+    this.ToRenderer2 = function()
+    {
+        var Renderer = new CDocumentRenderer();
+        var old_marks = this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.ShowParaMarks;
+        this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.ShowParaMarks = false;
+        var ret = "";
+        for (var i = 0; i < this.m_lPagesCount; i++)
+        {
+            var page = this.m_arrPages[i];
+            Renderer.BeginPage(page.width_mm, page.height_mm);
+            this.m_oLogicDocument.DrawPage(i, Renderer);
+            Renderer.EndPage();
+            ret += Renderer.Memory.GetBase64Memory();
+            Renderer.Memory.Seek(0);
+        }
+        this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.ShowParaMarks = old_marks;
+        //console.log(ret);
+        return ret;
+    }
+    this.isComleteRenderer = function()
+    {
+        var pagescount = Math.min(this.m_lPagesCount, this.m_lCountCalculatePages);
+        if (this.m_lCurrentRendererPage >= pagescount)
+        {
+            this.m_lCurrentRendererPage = -1;
+            this.m_oDocRenderer = null;
+            this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.ShowParaMarks = this.m_bOldShowMarks;
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    this.isComleteRenderer2 = function()
+    {
+        var pagescount = Math.min(this.m_lPagesCount, this.m_lCountCalculatePages);
+        var start = Math.max(this.m_lCurrentRendererPage, 0);
+        var end = Math.min(start + 50, pagescount - 1);
+        if ((end + 1) >= pagescount)
+            return true;
+        return false;
+    }
+    this.ToRendererPart = function()
+    {
+        var pagescount = Math.min(this.m_lPagesCount, this.m_lCountCalculatePages);
+        if (-1 == this.m_lCurrentRendererPage)
+        {
+            this.m_oDocRenderer = new CDocumentRenderer();
+            this.m_oDocRenderer.VectorMemoryForPrint = new CMemory();
+            this.m_lCurrentRendererPage = 0;
+            this.m_bOldShowMarks = this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.ShowParaMarks;
+            this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.ShowParaMarks = false;
+        }
+        var start = this.m_lCurrentRendererPage;
+        var end = Math.min(this.m_lCurrentRendererPage + 50, pagescount - 1);
+        var renderer = this.m_oDocRenderer;
+        renderer.Memory.Seek(0);
+        renderer.VectorMemoryForPrint.ClearNoAttack();
+        for (var i = start; i <= end; i++)
+        {
+            var page = this.m_arrPages[i];
+            renderer.BeginPage(page.width_mm, page.height_mm);
+            this.m_oLogicDocument.DrawPage(i, renderer);
+            renderer.EndPage();
+            editor.async_SaveToPdf_Progress(parseInt((i + 1) * 100 / pagescount));
+        }
+        this.m_lCurrentRendererPage = end + 1;
+        if (this.m_lCurrentRendererPage >= pagescount)
+        {
+            this.m_lCurrentRendererPage = -1;
+            this.m_oDocRenderer = null;
+            this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.ShowParaMarks = this.m_bOldShowMarks;
+        }
+        return renderer.Memory.GetBase64Memory();
+    }
+    this.StopRenderingPage = function(pageIndex)
+    {
+		if (null != this.m_oDocumentRenderer)
+			this.m_oDocumentRenderer.stopRenderingPage(pageIndex);
+        if (null != this.m_arrPages[pageIndex].drawingPage.cachedImage)
+        {
+            this.m_oCacheManager.UnLock(this.m_arrPages[pageIndex].drawingPage.cachedImage);
+            this.m_arrPages[pageIndex].drawingPage.cachedImage = null;
+        }
+    }
+    this.ClearCachePages = function()
+    {
+        this.Native["DD_ClearCachePages"]();
+    }
+    this.CheckRasterImageOnScreen = function(src)
+    {
+        if (null == this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument)
+            return;
+        if (this.m_lDrawingFirst == -1 || this.m_lDrawingEnd == -1)
+            return;
+        var bIsRaster = false;
+        var _checker = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.DrawingObjects;
+        for (var i = this.m_lDrawingFirst; i <= this.m_lDrawingEnd; i++)
+        {
+            var _imgs = _checker.getAllRasterImagesOnPage(i);
+            var _len = _imgs.length;
+            for (var j = 0; j < _len; j++)
+            {
+                if (getFullImageSrc2(_imgs[j]) == src)
+                {
+                    this.StopRenderingPage(i);
+                    bIsRaster = true;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (bIsRaster)
+            this.m_oWordControl.OnScroll();
+    }
+    this.FirePaint = function()
+    {
+        this.Native["DD_FirePaint"]();
+    }
+    this.ConvertCoordsFromCursor = function(x, y, bIsRul)
+    {
+        var _x = x;
+        var _y = y;
+        var dKoef = (100 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm / this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue);
+        if (undefined == bIsRul)
+        {
+            var _xOffset = this.m_oWordControl.X;
+            var _yOffset = this.m_oWordControl.Y;
+            /*
+            if (true == this.m_oWordControl.m_bIsRuler)
+            {
+                _xOffset += (5 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix);
+                _yOffset += (7 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix);
+            }
+            */
+            _x = x - _xOffset;
+            _y = y - _yOffset;
+        }
+        for (var i = this.m_lDrawingFirst; i <= this.m_lDrawingEnd; i++)
+        {
+            var rect = this.m_arrPages[i].drawingPage;
+            if ((rect.left <= _x) && (_x <= rect.right) && ( <= _y) && (_y <= rect.bottom))
+            {
+                var x_mm = (_x - rect.left) * dKoef;
+                var y_mm = (_y - * dKoef;
+                return { X : x_mm, Y : y_mm, Page: rect.pageIndex, DrawPage: i };
+            }
+        }
+        return { X : 0, Y : 0, Page: -1, DrawPage: -1 };
+    }
+    this.ConvertCoordsFromCursorPage = function(x, y, page, bIsRul)
+    {
+        var _x = x;
+        var _y = y;
+        var dKoef = (100 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm / this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue);
+        if (undefined == bIsRul)
+        {
+            var _xOffset = this.m_oWordControl.X;
+            var _yOffset = this.m_oWordControl.Y;
+            /*
+            if (true == this.m_oWordControl.m_bIsRuler)
+            {
+                _xOffset += (5 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix);
+                _yOffset += (7 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix);
+            }
+            */
+            _x = x - _xOffset;
+            _y = y - _yOffset;
+        }
+        if (page < 0 || page >= this.m_lPagesCount)
+            return { X : 0, Y : 0, Page: -1, DrawPage: -1 };
+        var rect = this.m_arrPages[page].drawingPage;
+        var x_mm = (_x - rect.left) * dKoef;
+        var y_mm = (_y - * dKoef;
+        return { X : x_mm, Y : y_mm, Page: rect.pageIndex, DrawPage: i };
+    }
+    this.ConvertCoordsToAnotherPage = function(x, y, pageCoord, pageNeed)
+    {
+        if (pageCoord < 0 || pageCoord >= this.m_lPagesCount || pageNeed < 0 || pageNeed >= this.m_lPagesCount)
+            return { X : 0, Y : 0, Error: true };
+        var dKoef1 = this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100;
+        var dKoef2 = 100 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm / this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue;
+        var page1 = this.m_arrPages[pageCoord].drawingPage;
+        var page2 = this.m_arrPages[pageNeed].drawingPage;
+        var xCursor = page1.left + x * dKoef1;
+        var yCursor = + y * dKoef1;
+        var _x = (xCursor - page2.left) * dKoef2;
+        var _y = (yCursor - * dKoef2;
+        return { X : _x, Y : _y, Error: false };
+    }
+    this.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2 = function(x, y, bIsRul, bIsNoNormalize, _zoomVal)
+    {
+        var _x = x;
+        var _y = y;
+        var dKoef = (100 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm / this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue);
+        if (undefined !== _zoomVal)
+            dKoef = (100 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm / _zoomVal);
+        if (undefined == bIsRul)
+        {
+            var _xOffset = this.m_oWordControl.X;
+            var _yOffset = this.m_oWordControl.Y;
+            if (true == this.m_oWordControl.m_bIsRuler)
+            {
+                _xOffset += (5 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix);
+                _yOffset += (7 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix);
+            }
+            _x = x - _xOffset;
+            _y = y - _yOffset;
+        }
+        if (-1 == this.m_lDrawingFirst || -1 == this.m_lDrawingEnd)
+            return { X : 0, Y : 0, Page: -1, DrawPage: -1 };
+        for (var i = this.m_lDrawingFirst; i <= this.m_lDrawingEnd; i++)
+        {
+            var rect = this.m_arrPages[i].drawingPage;
+            if ((rect.left <= _x) && (_x <= rect.right) && ( <= _y) && (_y <= rect.bottom))
+            {
+                var x_mm = (_x - rect.left) * dKoef;
+                var y_mm = (_y - * dKoef;
+                if (x_mm > (this.m_arrPages[i].width_mm + 10))
+                    x_mm = this.m_arrPages[i].width_mm + 10;
+                if (x_mm < -10)
+                    x_mm = -10;
+                return { X : x_mm, Y : y_mm, Page: rect.pageIndex, DrawPage: i };
+            }
+        }
+        // в страницу не попали. вторая попытка - это попробовать найти страницу по вертикали
+        var _start = Math.max(this.m_lDrawingFirst - 1, 0);
+        var _end = Math.min(this.m_lDrawingEnd + 1, this.m_lPagesCount - 1);
+        for (var i = _start; i <= _end; i++)
+        {
+            var rect = this.m_arrPages[i].drawingPage;
+            var bIsCurrent = false;
+            if (i == this.m_lDrawingFirst && > _y)
+            {
+                bIsCurrent = true;
+            }
+            else if (( <= _y) && (_y <= rect.bottom))
+            {
+                bIsCurrent = true;
+            }
+            else if (i != this.m_lPagesCount - 1)
+            {
+                if (_y > rect.bottom && _y < this.m_arrPages[i+1]
+                    bIsCurrent = true;
+            }
+            else if (_y <
+            {
+                // либо вышли раньше, либо это самая первая видимая страница
+                bIsCurrent = true;
+            }
+            else if (i == this.m_lDrawingEnd)
+            {
+                if (_y > rect.bottom)
+                    bIsCurrent = true;
+            }
+            if (bIsCurrent)
+            {
+                var x_mm = (_x - rect.left) * dKoef;
+                var y_mm = (_y - * dKoef;
+                if (true === bIsNoNormalize)
+                {
+                    if (x_mm > (this.m_arrPages[i].width_mm + 10))
+                        x_mm = this.m_arrPages[i].width_mm + 10;
+                    if (x_mm < -10)
+                        x_mm = -10;
+                }
+                return { X : x_mm, Y : y_mm, Page: rect.pageIndex, DrawPage: i };
+            }
+        }
+        return { X : 0, Y : 0, Page: -1, DrawPage: -1 };
+    }
+    this.ConvetToPageCoords = function(x,y,pageIndex)
+    {
+        if (pageIndex < 0 || pageIndex >= this.m_lPagesCount)
+        {
+            return { X : 0, Y : 0, Page : pageIndex, Error: true };
+        }
+        var dKoef = (100 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm / this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue);
+        var rect = this.m_arrPages[pageIndex].drawingPage;
+        var _x = (x - rect.left) * dKoef;
+        var _y = (y - * dKoef;
+        return { X : _x, Y : _y, Page : pageIndex, Error: false };
+    }
+    this.IsCursorInTableCur = function(x, y, page)
+    {
+        var _table = this.TableOutlineDr.TableOutline;
+        if (_table == null)
+            return false;
+        if (page != _table.PageNum)
+            return false;
+        var _dist = this.TableOutlineDr.image.width * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm;
+        _dist *= (100 / this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue);
+        var _x = _table.X;
+        var _y = _table.Y;
+        var _r = _x + _table.W;
+        var _b = _y + _table.H;
+        if ((x > (_x - _dist)) && (x < _r) && (y > (_y - _dist)) && (y < _b))
+        {
+            if ((x < _x) || (y < _y))
+            {
+                this.TableOutlineDr.Counter = 0;
+                this.TableOutlineDr.bIsNoTable = false;
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    this.ConvertCoordsToCursorWR = function(x, y, pageIndex, transform)
+    {
+        return {X: 0, Y: 0, Error: false};
+//        var dKoef = (this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100);
+//        var _x = 0;
+//        var _y = 0;
+//        if (true == this.m_oWordControl.m_bIsRuler)
+//        {
+//            _x = 5 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix;
+//            _y = 7 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix;
+//        }
+//        // теперь крутить всякие циклы нет смысла
+//        if (pageIndex < 0 || pageIndex >= this.m_lPagesCount)
+//        {
+//            return { X : 0, Y : 0, Error: true };
+//        }
+//        var __x = x;
+//        var __y = y;
+//        if (transform)
+//        {
+//            __x = transform.TransformPointX(x, y);
+//            __y = transform.TransformPointY(x, y);
+//        }
+//        var x_pix = parseInt(this.m_arrPages[pageIndex].drawingPage.left + __x * dKoef + _x);
+//        var y_pix = parseInt(this.m_arrPages[pageIndex]  + __y * dKoef + _y);
+//        return { X : x_pix, Y : y_pix, Error: false };
+    }
+    this.ConvertCoordsToCursor = function(x, y, pageIndex, bIsRul)
+    {
+//        var dKoef = (this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100);
+//        var _x = 0;
+//        var _y = 0;
+//        if (true == this.m_oWordControl.m_bIsRuler)
+//        {
+//            if (undefined == bIsRul)
+//            {
+//                //_x = 5 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix;
+//                //_y = 7 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix;
+//            }
+//        }
+//        // теперь крутить всякие циклы нет смысла
+//        if (pageIndex < 0 || pageIndex >= this.m_lPagesCount)
+//        {
+//            return { X : 0, Y : 0, Error: true };
+//        }
+//        var x_pix = parseInt(this.m_arrPages[pageIndex].drawingPage.left + x * dKoef + _x);
+//        var y_pix = parseInt(this.m_arrPages[pageIndex]  + y * dKoef + _y);
+//        return { X : x_pix, Y : y_pix, Error: false };
+//        // old version
+//        for (var i = this.m_lDrawingFirst; i <= this.m_lDrawingEnd; i++)
+//        {
+//            var rect = this.m_arrPages[i].drawingPage;
+//            if (this.m_arrPages[i].pageIndex == pageIndex)
+//            {
+//                var x_pix = parseInt(rect.left + x * dKoef + _x);
+//                var y_pix = parseInt( + y * dKoef + _y);
+//                return { X : x_pix, Y : y_pix, Error: false };
+//            }
+//        }
+        return { X : 0, Y : 0, Error: true };
+    }
+    this.ConvertCoordsToCursor2 = function(x, y, pageIndex, bIsRul)
+    {
+        return {X: 0, Y: 0, Error: false};
+//        var dKoef = (this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100);
+//        var _x = 0;
+//        var _y = 0;
+//        if (true == this.m_oWordControl.m_bIsRuler)
+//        {
+//            if (undefined == bIsRul)
+//            {
+//                //_x = 5 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix;
+//                //_y = 7 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix;
+//            }
+//        }
+//        // теперь крутить всякие циклы нет смысла
+//        if (pageIndex < 0 || pageIndex >= this.m_lPagesCount)
+//        {
+//            return { X : 0, Y : 0, Error: true };
+//        }
+//        var x_pix = parseInt(this.m_arrPages[pageIndex].drawingPage.left + x * dKoef + _x - 0.5);
+//        var y_pix = parseInt(this.m_arrPages[pageIndex]  + y * dKoef + _y - 0.5);
+//        return { X : x_pix, Y : y_pix, Error: false };
+    }
+    this.ConvertCoordsToCursor3 = function(x, y, pageIndex)
+    {
+        return {X: 0, Y: 0, Error: false};
+        //var _return = this.Native["DD_ConvertCoordsToAnotherPage"](x, y, pageCoord, pageNeed);
+        //return { X : _return[0], Y : _return[1], Error : _return[2] };
+//        // теперь крутить всякие циклы нет смысла
+//        if (pageIndex < 0 || pageIndex >= this.m_lPagesCount)
+//        {
+//            return { X : 0, Y : 0, Error: true };
+//        }
+//        var dKoef = (this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100);
+//        var _x = this.m_oWordControl.X;
+//        var _y = this.m_oWordControl.Y;
+//        var x_pix = parseInt(this.m_arrPages[pageIndex].drawingPage.left + x * dKoef + _x + 0.5);
+//        var y_pix = parseInt(this.m_arrPages[pageIndex]  + y * dKoef + _y + 0.5);
+//        return { X : x_pix, Y : y_pix, Error: false };
+    }
+    this.InitViewer = function()
+    {
+    }
+    this.TargetStart = function()
+    {
+        this.Native["DD_TargetStart"]();
+    }
+    this.TargetEnd = function()
+    {
+        this.TargetShowFlag = false;
+        this.TargetShowNeedFlag = false;
+        this.Native["DD_TargetEnd"]();
+    }
+    this.UpdateTargetNoAttack = function()
+    {
+        if (null == this.m_oWordControl)
+            return;
+        this.CheckTargetDraw(this.m_dTargetX, this.m_dTargetY);
+    }
+    this.GetTargetStyle = function()
+    {
+        return "rgb(" + this.TargetCursorColor.R + "," + this.TargetCursorColor.G + "," + this.TargetCursorColor.B + ")";
+    }
+    this.SetTargetColor = function(r, g, b)
+    {
+        this.Native["DD_SetTargetColor"](r, g, b);
+    }
+    this.CheckTargetDraw = function(x, y)
+    {
+        //TODO:
+//        var _oldW = this.TargetHtmlElement.width;
+//        var _oldH = this.TargetHtmlElement.height;
+//        var dKoef = this.drawingObjects.convertMetric(1, 3, 0);
+//        var _newW = 2;
+//        var _newH = this.m_dTargetSize * dKoef;
+//        var _offX = 0;
+//        var _offY = 0;
+//        if (this.AutoShapesTrack && this.AutoShapesTrack.Graphics && this.AutoShapesTrack.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform)
+//        {
+//            _offX = this.AutoShapesTrack.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.tx;
+//            _offY = this.AutoShapesTrack.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.ty;
+//        }
+//        var _factor = AscBrowser.isRetina ? 1 : 0;
+//        if (null != this.TextMatrix && !global_MatrixTransformer.IsIdentity2(this.TextMatrix))
+//        {
+//            var _x1 = this.TextMatrix.TransformPointX(x, y);
+//            var _y1 = this.TextMatrix.TransformPointY(x, y);
+//            var _x2 = this.TextMatrix.TransformPointX(x, y + this.m_dTargetSize);
+//            var _y2 = this.TextMatrix.TransformPointY(x, y + this.m_dTargetSize);
+//            var pos1 = { X : _offX + dKoef * _x1, Y : _offY + dKoef * _y1 };
+//            var pos2 = { X : _offX + dKoef * _x2, Y : _offY + dKoef * _y2 };
+//            _newW = (((Math.abs(pos1.X - pos2.X) >> 0) + 1) >> 1) << 1;
+//            _newH = (((Math.abs(pos1.Y - pos2.Y) >> 0) + 1) >> 1) << 1;
+//            if (2 > _newW)
+//                _newW = 2;
+//            if (2 > _newH)
+//                _newH = 2;
+//            if (_oldW == _newW && _oldH == _newH)
+//            {
+//                // просто очищаем
+//                this.TargetHtmlElement.width = _newW;
+//            }
+//            else
+//            {
+//       = (_newW >> _factor) + "px";
+//       = (_newH >> _factor) + "px";
+//                this.TargetHtmlElement.width = _newW;
+//                this.TargetHtmlElement.height = _newH;
+//            }
+//            var ctx = this.TargetHtmlElement.getContext('2d');
+//            if (_newW  == 2 || _newH == 2)
+//            {
+//                ctx.fillStyle = this.GetTargetStyle();
+//                ctx.fillRect(0, 0, _newW, _newH);
+//            }
+//            else
+//            {
+//                ctx.beginPath();
+//                ctx.strokeStyle = this.GetTargetStyle();
+//                ctx.lineWidth = 2;
+//                if (((pos1.X - pos2.X)*(pos1.Y - pos2.Y)) >= 0)
+//                {
+//                    ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
+//                    ctx.lineTo(_newW, _newH);
+//                }
+//                else
+//                {
+//                    ctx.moveTo(0, _newH);
+//                    ctx.lineTo(_newW, 0);
+//                }
+//                ctx.stroke();
+//            }
+//   = (Math.min(pos1.X, pos2.X) >> _factor) + "px";
+//   = (Math.min(pos1.Y, pos2.Y) >> _factor) + "px";
+//        }
+//        else
+//        {
+//            if (_oldW == _newW && _oldH == _newH)
+//            {
+//                // просто очищаем
+//                this.TargetHtmlElement.width = _newW;
+//            }
+//            else
+//            {
+//       = (_newW >> _factor) + "px";
+//       = (_newH >> _factor) + "px";
+//                this.TargetHtmlElement.width = _newW;
+//                this.TargetHtmlElement.height = _newH;
+//            }
+//            var ctx = this.TargetHtmlElement.getContext('2d');
+//            ctx.fillStyle = this.GetTargetStyle();
+//            ctx.fillRect(0, 0, _newW, _newH);
+//            if (null != this.TextMatrix)
+//            {
+//                x += this.TextMatrix.tx;
+//                y += this.TextMatrix.ty;
+//            }
+//            var pos = { X : _offX + dKoef * x, Y : _offY + dKoef * y };
+//   = (pos.X >> _factor) + "px";
+//   = (pos.Y >> _factor) + "px";
+//        }
+    }
+    this.UpdateTargetTransform = function(matrix)
+    {
+        if (matrix)
+        {
+            if (null == this.TextMatrix)
+                this.TextMatrix = new CMatrix();
+   =;
+            this.TextMatrix.shy = matrix.shy;
+            this.TextMatrix.shx = matrix.shx;
+   =;
+            this.TextMatrix.tx = matrix.tx;
+            this.TextMatrix.ty = matrix.ty;
+            this.Native["DD_UpdateTargetTransform"](, matrix.shy, matrix.shx,, matrix.tx, matrix.ty);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            this.TextMatrix = null;
+            this.Native["DD_RemoveTargetTransform"]();
+        }
+    }
+    this.UpdateTarget = function(x, y, pageIndex)
+    {
+        /*
+        if (this.UpdateTargetFromPaint === false)
+        {
+            this.UpdateTargetCheck = true;
+            if (this.NeedScrollToTargetFlag && this.m_dTargetX == x && this.m_dTargetY == y && this.m_lTargetPage == pageIndex)
+                this.NeedScrollToTarget = false;
+            else
+                this.NeedScrollToTarget = true;
+            return;
+        }
+        */
+        if (-1 != this.m_lTimerUpdateTargetID)
+        {
+            clearTimeout(this.m_lTimerUpdateTargetID);
+            this.m_lTimerUpdateTargetID = -1;
+        }
+        this.m_dTargetX = x;
+        this.m_dTargetY = y;
+        this.m_lTargetPage = pageIndex;
+        this.Native["DD_UpdateTarget"](x, y, pageIndex);
+       // this.CheckTargetDraw(x, y);
+    }
+    this.UpdateTarget2 = function(x, y, pageIndex)
+    {
+        //TODO:
+//        if (pageIndex >= this.m_arrPages.length)
+//            return;
+//        this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Set_TargetPos( x, y, pageIndex );
+//        var bIsPageChanged = false;
+//        if (this.m_lCurrentPage != pageIndex)
+//        {
+//            this.m_lCurrentPage = pageIndex;
+//            this.m_oWordControl.SetCurrentPage2();
+//            this.m_oWordControl.OnScroll();
+//            bIsPageChanged = true;
+//        }
+//        this.m_dTargetX = x;
+//        this.m_dTargetY = y;
+//        this.m_lTargetPage = pageIndex;
+//        var pos = this.ConvertCoordsToCursor(x, y, this.m_lCurrentPage);
+//        if (true == pos.Error && (false == bIsPageChanged))
+//            return;
+//        // �������, ����� �� ������ �� ������
+//        var boxX = 0;
+//        var boxY = 0;
+//        var boxR = this.m_oWordControl.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.width;
+//        var boxB = this.m_oWordControl.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.height;
+//        /*
+//        if (true == this.m_oWordControl.m_bIsRuler)
+//        {
+//            boxX += Number(5 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix);
+//            boxY += Number(7 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix);
+//            boxR += Number(5 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix);
+//            boxB += Number(7 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix);
+//        }
+//        */
+//        var nValueScrollHor = 0;
+//        if (pos.X < boxX)
+//        {
+//            //nValueScrollHor = boxX - pos.X;
+//            //nValueScrollHor = pos.X;
+//            nValueScrollHor = this.m_oWordControl.GetHorizontalScrollTo(x - 5, pageIndex);
+//        }
+//        if (pos.X > boxR)
+//        {
+//            //nValueScrollHor = boxR - pos.X;
+//            //nValueScrollHor = pos.X + this.m_oWordControl.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.width;
+//            var _mem = x + 5 - g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * this.m_oWordControl.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.width * 100 / this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue;
+//            nValueScrollHor = this.m_oWordControl.GetHorizontalScrollTo(_mem, pageIndex);
+//        }
+//        var nValueScrollVer = 0;
+//        if (pos.Y < boxY)
+//        {
+//            //nValueScrollVer = boxY - pos.Y;
+//            //nValueScrollVer = pos.Y;
+//            nValueScrollVer = this.m_oWordControl.GetVerticalScrollTo(y - 5, pageIndex);
+//        }
+//        if (pos.Y > boxB)
+//        {
+//            //nValueScrollVer = boxB - pos.Y;
+//            //nValueScrollHor = pos.Y + this.m_oWordControl.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.height;
+//            var _mem = y + this.m_dTargetSize + 5 - g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * this.m_oWordControl.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.height * 100 / this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue;
+//            nValueScrollVer = this.m_oWordControl.GetVerticalScrollTo(_mem, pageIndex);
+//        }
+//        var isNeedScroll = false;
+//        if (0 != nValueScrollHor)
+//        {
+//            isNeedScroll = true;
+//            var temp = nValueScrollHor * this.m_oWordControl.m_dScrollX_max / (this.m_oWordControl.m_dDocumentWidth - this.m_oWordControl.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.width);
+//            this.m_oWordControl.m_oScrollHorApi.scrollToX(parseInt(temp), false);
+//        }
+//        if (0 != nValueScrollVer)
+//        {
+//            isNeedScroll = true;
+//            var temp = nValueScrollVer * this.m_oWordControl.m_dScrollY_max / (this.m_oWordControl.m_dDocumentHeight - this.m_oWordControl.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.height);
+//            this.m_oWordControl.m_oScrollVerApi.scrollToY(parseInt(temp), false);
+//        }
+//        if (true == isNeedScroll)
+//        {
+//            this.m_oWordControl.OnScroll();
+//            return;
+//        }
+    }
+    this.UpdateTargetTimer = function()
+    {
+        //TODO:
+//        var x = oThis.m_tempX;
+//        var y = oThis.m_tempY;
+//        var pageIndex = oThis.m_tempPageIndex;
+//        oThis.m_lTimerUpdateTargetID = -1;
+//        if (pageIndex >= oThis.m_arrPages.length)
+//            return;
+//        var oWordControl = oThis.m_oWordControl;
+//        var bIsPageChanged = false;
+//        if (oThis.m_lCurrentPage != pageIndex)
+//        {
+//            oThis.m_lCurrentPage = pageIndex;
+//            oWordControl.SetCurrentPage2();
+//            oWordControl.OnScroll();
+//            bIsPageChanged = true;
+//        }
+//        oThis.m_dTargetX = x;
+//        oThis.m_dTargetY = y;
+//        oThis.m_lTargetPage = pageIndex;
+//        var targetSize = Number(oThis.m_dTargetSize * oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100);
+//        var pos = oThis.ConvertCoordsToCursor2(x, y, oThis.m_lCurrentPage);
+//        //pos.Y -= targetSize;
+//        if (true === pos.Error && (false === bIsPageChanged))
+//            return;
+//        // �������, ����� �� ������ �� ������
+//        var boxX = 0;
+//        var boxY = 0;
+//        var boxR = oWordControl.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.width - 2;
+//        var boxB = oWordControl.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.height - targetSize;
+//        /*
+//        if (true === oWordControl.m_bIsRuler)
+//        {
+//            boxX += Number(5 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix);
+//            boxY += Number(7 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix);
+//            boxR += Number(5 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix);
+//            boxB += Number(7 * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix);
+//        }
+//        */
+//        var nValueScrollHor = 0;
+//        if (pos.X < boxX)
+//        {
+//            nValueScrollHor = boxX - pos.X;
+//        }
+//        if (pos.X > boxR)
+//        {
+//            nValueScrollHor = boxR - pos.X;
+//        }
+//        var nValueScrollVer = 0;
+//        if (pos.Y < boxY)
+//        {
+//            nValueScrollVer = boxY - pos.Y;
+//        }
+//        if (pos.Y > boxB)
+//        {
+//            nValueScrollVer = boxB - pos.Y;
+//        }
+//        var isNeedScroll = false;
+//        if (0 != nValueScrollHor)
+//        {
+//            isNeedScroll = true;
+//            oWordControl.m_bIsUpdateTargetNoAttack = true;
+//            oWordControl.m_oScrollHorApi.scrollByX(-nValueScrollHor, false);
+//        }
+//        if (0 != nValueScrollVer)
+//        {
+//            isNeedScroll = true;
+//            oWordControl.m_bIsUpdateTargetNoAttack = true;
+//            oWordControl.m_oScrollVerApi.scrollByY(-nValueScrollVer, false);
+//        }
+//        if (true === isNeedScroll)
+//        {
+//            oWordControl.m_bIsUpdateTargetNoAttack = true;
+//            oWordControl.OnScroll();
+//            return;
+//        }
+// = pos.X + "px";
+//  = pos.Y + "px";
+//        this.m_oWordControl.CheckTextBoxInputPos();
+//        if (this.m_bIsSearching && null != this.CurrentSearchNavi)
+//        {
+//            this.CurrentSearchNavi = null;
+//            this.drawingObjects.OnUpdateOverlay();
+//        }
+    }
+    this.SetTargetSize = function(size)
+    {
+        this.m_dTargetSize = size;
+        this.Native["DD_SetTargetSize"](size);
+        // = Number(this.m_dTargetSize * this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100) + "px";
+        // = "2px";
+    }
+    this.DrawTarget = function()
+    {
+        //TODO:
+//        if ( "block" != && oThis.NeedTarget )
+//   = "block";
+//        else
+//   = "none";
+    }
+    this.TargetShow = function()
+    {
+        this.TargetShowNeedFlag = true;
+        this.Native["DD_TargetShow"]();
+    }
+    this.CheckTargetShow = function()
+    {
+        //TODO:
+//        if (this.TargetShowFlag && this.TargetShowNeedFlag)
+//        {
+//   = "block";
+//            this.TargetShowNeedFlag = false;
+//            return;
+//        }
+//        if (!this.TargetShowNeedFlag)
+//            return;
+//        this.TargetShowNeedFlag = false;
+//        if ( -1 == this.m_lTimerTargetId )
+//            this.TargetStart();
+//        if (oThis.NeedTarget)
+//   = "block";
+//        this.TargetShowFlag = true;
+    }
+    this.StartTrackImage = function(obj, x, y, w, h, type, pagenum)
+    {
+    }
+    this.StartTrackTable = function(obj, transform)
+    {
+        //TODO:
+//        if (this.m_oWordControl.MobileTouchManager)
+//        {
+//            if (!this.m_oWordControl.MobileTouchManager.TableStartTrack_Check)
+//                return;
+//        }
+//        this.TableOutlineDr.TableOutline = obj;
+//        this.TableOutlineDr.Counter = 0;
+//        this.TableOutlineDr.bIsNoTable = false;
+//        this.TableOutlineDr.CheckStartTrack(this.m_oWordControl, transform);
+//        if (this.m_oWordControl.MobileTouchManager)
+//            this.m_oWordControl.OnUpdateOverlay();
+    }
+    this.EndTrackTable = function(pointer, bIsAttack)
+    {
+        if (this.TableOutlineDr.TableOutline != null)
+        {
+            if (pointer == this.TableOutlineDr.TableOutline.Table || bIsAttack)
+            {
+                this.TableOutlineDr.TableOutline = null;
+                this.TableOutlineDr.Counter = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    this.CheckTrackTable = function()
+    {
+        if (null == this.TableOutlineDr.TableOutline)
+            return;
+        if (this.TableOutlineDr.bIsNoTable && this.TableOutlineDr.bIsTracked === false)
+        {
+            this.TableOutlineDr.Counter++;
+            if (this.TableOutlineDr.Counter > 100)
+            {
+                this.TableOutlineDr.TableOutline = null;
+                this.m_oWordControl.OnUpdateOverlay();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    this.DrawTableTrack = function(overlay)
+    {
+        //TODO:
+//        if (null == this.TableOutlineDr.TableOutline)
+//            return;
+//        var _table = this.TableOutlineDr.TableOutline.Table;
+//        if (!_table.Is_Inline())
+//        {
+//            if (null == this.TableOutlineDr.CurPos)
+//                return;
+//            var _page = this.m_arrPages[this.TableOutlineDr.CurPos.Page];
+//            var drPage = _page.drawingPage;
+//            var dKoefX = (drPage.right - drPage.left) / _page.width_mm;
+//            var dKoefY = (drPage.bottom - / _page.height_mm;
+//            if (!this.TableOutlineDr.TableMatrix || global_MatrixTransformer.IsIdentity(this.TableOutlineDr.TableMatrix))
+//            {
+//                var _x = parseInt(drPage.left + dKoefX * (this.TableOutlineDr.CurPos.X + _table.Get_TableOffsetCorrection())) + 0.5;
+//                var _y = parseInt( + dKoefY * this.TableOutlineDr.CurPos.Y) + 0.5;
+//                var _r = _x + parseInt(dKoefX * this.TableOutlineDr.TableOutline.W);
+//                var _b = _y + parseInt(dKoefY * this.TableOutlineDr.TableOutline.H);
+//                if (_x < overlay.min_x)
+//                    overlay.min_x = _x;
+//                if (_r > overlay.max_x)
+//                    overlay.max_x = _r;
+//                if (_y < overlay.min_y)
+//                    overlay.min_y = _y;
+//                if (_b > overlay.max_y)
+//                    overlay.max_y = _b;
+//                var ctx = overlay.m_oContext;
+//                ctx.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF";
+//                ctx.beginPath();
+//                ctx.rect(_x, _y, _r - _x, _b - _y);
+//                ctx.stroke();
+//                ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";
+//                ctx.beginPath();
+//                // набиваем пунктир
+//                var dot_size = 3;
+//                for (var i = _x; i < _r; i += dot_size)
+//                {
+//                    ctx.moveTo(i, _y);
+//                    i += dot_size;
+//                    if (i > _r)
+//                        i = _r;
+//                    ctx.lineTo(i, _y);
+//                }
+//                for (var i = _y; i < _b; i += dot_size)
+//                {
+//                    ctx.moveTo(_r, i);
+//                    i += dot_size;
+//                    if (i > _b)
+//                        i = _b;
+//                    ctx.lineTo(_r, i);
+//                }
+//                for (var i = _r; i > _x; i -= dot_size)
+//                {
+//                    ctx.moveTo(i, _b);
+//                    i -= dot_size;
+//                    if (i < _x)
+//                        i = _x;
+//                    ctx.lineTo(i, _b);
+//                }
+//                for (var i = _b; i > _y; i -= dot_size)
+//                {
+//                    ctx.moveTo(_x, i);
+//                    i -= dot_size;
+//                    if (i < _y)
+//                        i = _y;
+//                    ctx.lineTo(_x, i);
+//                }
+//                ctx.stroke();
+//                ctx.beginPath();
+//            }
+//            else
+//            {
+//                var _x = this.TableOutlineDr.CurPos.X + _table.Get_TableOffsetCorrection();
+//                var _y = this.TableOutlineDr.CurPos.Y;
+//                var _r = _x + this.TableOutlineDr.TableOutline.W;
+//                var _b = _y + this.TableOutlineDr.TableOutline.H;
+//                var transform = this.TableOutlineDr.TableMatrix;
+//                var x1 = transform.TransformPointX(_x, _y);
+//                var y1 = transform.TransformPointY(_x, _y);
+//                var x2 = transform.TransformPointX(_r, _y);
+//                var y2 = transform.TransformPointY(_r, _y);
+//                var x3 = transform.TransformPointX(_r, _b);
+//                var y3 = transform.TransformPointY(_r, _b);
+//                var x4 = transform.TransformPointX(_x, _b);
+//                var y4 = transform.TransformPointY(_x, _b);
+//                overlay.CheckPoint(x1, y1);
+//                overlay.CheckPoint(x2, y2);
+//                overlay.CheckPoint(x3, y3);
+//                overlay.CheckPoint(x4, y4);
+//                var ctx = overlay.m_oContext;
+//                ctx.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF";
+//                ctx.beginPath();
+//                ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
+//                ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
+//                ctx.lineTo(x3, y3);
+//                ctx.lineTo(x4, y4);
+//                ctx.closePath();
+//                ctx.stroke();
+//                ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";
+//                ctx.beginPath();
+//                this.AutoShapesTrack.AddRectDash(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, x4, y4, x3, y3, 3, 3);
+//                ctx.stroke();
+//                ctx.beginPath();
+//            }
+//        }
+//        else
+//        {
+//            this.LockCursorType("default");
+//            var _x = global_mouseEvent.X;
+//            var _y = global_mouseEvent.Y;
+//            var posMouse = this.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(_x, _y);
+//            this.TableOutlineDr.InlinePos = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Get_NearestPos(posMouse.Page, posMouse.X, posMouse.Y);
+//            this.TableOutlineDr.InlinePos.Page = posMouse.Page;
+//            //var posView = this.ConvertCoordsToCursor(this.TableOutlineDr.InlinePos.X, this.TableOutlineDr.InlinePos.Y, posMouse.Page, true);
+//            var _near = this.TableOutlineDr.InlinePos;
+//            this.AutoShapesTrack.SetCurrentPage(_near.Page);
+//            this.AutoShapesTrack.DrawInlineMoveCursor(_near.X, _near.Y, _near.Height, _near.transform);
+//        }
+    }
+    this.SetCurrentPage = function(PageIndex)
+    {
+        this.m_lCurrentPage = this.Native["DD_SetCurrentPage"](PageIndex);
+//        if (PageIndex >= this.m_arrPages.length)
+//            return;
+//        if (this.m_lCurrentPage == PageIndex)
+//            return;
+//        this.m_lCurrentPage = PageIndex;
+//        this.m_oWordControl.SetCurrentPage();
+    }
+    this.SelectEnabled = function(bIsEnabled)
+    {
+//        this.m_bIsSelection = bIsEnabled;
+//        if (false === this.m_bIsSelection)
+//        {
+//            this.SelectClear();
+//            //this.m_oWordControl.CheckUnShowOverlay();
+//            //this.drawingObjects.OnUpdateOverlay();
+//            this.drawingObjects.getOverlay().m_oContext.globalAlpha = 1.0;
+//        }
+    }
+	this.SelectClear = function()
+    {
+    }
+    this.SearchClear = function()
+    {
+        //TODO:
+//        for (var i = 0; i < this.m_lPagesCount; i++)
+//        {
+//            this.m_arrPages[i].searchingArray.splice(0, this.m_arrPages[i].searchingArray.length);
+//        }
+//        this._search_HdrFtr_All.splice(0, this._search_HdrFtr_All.length);
+//        this._search_HdrFtr_All_no_First.splice(0, this._search_HdrFtr_All_no_First.length);
+//        this._search_HdrFtr_First.splice(0, this._search_HdrFtr_First.length);
+//        this._search_HdrFtr_Even.splice(0, this._search_HdrFtr_Even.length);
+//        this._search_HdrFtr_Odd.splice(0, this._search_HdrFtr_Odd.length);
+//        this._search_HdrFtr_Odd_no_First.splice(0, this._search_HdrFtr_Odd_no_First.length);
+//        this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlayApi.Clear();
+//        this.m_bIsSearching = false;
+//        this.CurrentSearchNavi = null;
+    }
+    this.AddPageSearch = function(findText, rects, type)
+    {
+        //TODO:
+//        var _len = rects.length;
+//        if (_len == 0)
+//            return;
+//        if ( == "none")
+//        {
+//            this.m_oWordControl.ShowOverlay();
+//            this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlayApi.m_oContext.globalAlpha = 0.2;
+//        }
+//        var navigator = { Page : rects[0].PageNum, Place : rects, Type : type };
+//        var _find = { text: findText, navigator : navigator };
+//        this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.sync_SearchFoundCallback(_find);
+//        var is_update = false;
+//        var _type = type & 0x00FF;
+//        switch (_type)
+//        {
+//            case search_Common:
+//            {
+//                var _pages = this.m_arrPages;
+//                for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
+//                {
+//                    var r = rects[i];
+//                    if (this.SearchTransform)
+//                        r.Transform = this.SearchTransform;
+//                    _pages[r.PageNum].searchingArray[_pages[r.PageNum].searchingArray.length] = r;
+//                    if (r.PageNum >= this.m_lDrawingFirst && r.PageNum <= this.m_lDrawingEnd)
+//                        is_update = true;
+//                }
+//                break;
+//            }
+//            case search_HdrFtr_All:
+//            {
+//                for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
+//                {
+//                    if (this.SearchTransform)
+//                        rects[i].Transform = this.SearchTransform;
+//                    this._search_HdrFtr_All[this._search_HdrFtr_All.length] = rects[i];
+//                }
+//                is_update = true;
+//                break;
+//            }
+//            case search_HdrFtr_All_no_First:
+//            {
+//                for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
+//                {
+//                    if (this.SearchTransform)
+//                        rects[i].Transform = this.SearchTransform;
+//                    this._search_HdrFtr_All_no_First[this._search_HdrFtr_All_no_First.length] = rects[i];
+//                }
+//                if (this.m_lDrawingEnd > 0)
+//                    is_update = true;
+//                break;
+//            }
+//            case search_HdrFtr_First:
+//            {
+//                for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
+//                {
+//                    if (this.SearchTransform)
+//                        rects[i].Transform = this.SearchTransform;
+//                    this._search_HdrFtr_First[this._search_HdrFtr_First.length] = rects[i];
+//                }
+//                if (this.m_lDrawingFirst == 0)
+//                    is_update = true;
+//                break;
+//            }
+//            case search_HdrFtr_Even:
+//            {
+//                for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
+//                {
+//                    if (this.SearchTransform)
+//                        rects[i].Transform = this.SearchTransform;
+//                    this._search_HdrFtr_Even[this._search_HdrFtr_Even.length] = rects[i];
+//                }
+//                var __c = this.m_lDrawingEnd - this.m_lDrawingFirst;
+//                if (__c > 1)
+//                    is_update = true;
+//                else if (__c == 1 && (this.m_lDrawingFirst & 1) == 1)
+//                    is_update = true;
+//                break;
+//            }
+//            case search_HdrFtr_Odd:
+//            {
+//                for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
+//                {
+//                    if (this.SearchTransform)
+//                        rects[i].Transform = this.SearchTransform;
+//                    this._search_HdrFtr_Odd[this._search_HdrFtr_Odd.length] = rects[i];
+//                }
+//                var __c = this.m_lDrawingEnd - this.m_lDrawingFirst;
+//                if (__c > 1)
+//                    is_update = true;
+//                else if (__c == 1 && (this.m_lDrawingFirst & 1) == 0)
+//                    is_update = true;
+//                break;
+//            }
+//            case search_HdrFtr_Odd_no_First:
+//            {
+//                for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
+//                {
+//                    if (this.SearchTransform)
+//                        rects[i].Transform = this.SearchTransform;
+//                    this._search_HdrFtr_Odd_no_First[this._search_HdrFtr_Odd_no_First.length] = rects[i];
+//                }
+//                if (this.m_lDrawingEnd > 1)
+//                {
+//                    var __c = this.m_lDrawingEnd - this.m_lDrawingFirst;
+//                    if (__c > 1)
+//                        is_update = true;
+//                    else if (__c == 1 && (this.m_lDrawingFirst & 1) == 0)
+//                        is_update = true;
+//                }
+//                break;
+//            }
+//            default:
+//                break;
+//        }
+//        if (is_update)
+//            this.drawingObjects.OnUpdateOverlay();
+    }
+    this.StartSearchTransform = function(transform)
+    {
+        //TODO:
+        //this.SearchTransform = transform.CreateDublicate();
+    }
+    this.EndSearchTransform = function()
+    {
+        //TODO:
+       // this.SearchTransform = null;
+    }
+    this.StartSearch = function()
+    {
+        //TODO:
+//        this.SearchClear();
+//        if (this.m_bIsSelection)
+//            this.m_oWordControl.OnUpdateOverlay();
+//        this.m_bIsSearching = true;
+//        this.CurrentSearchNavi = null;
+    }
+    this.EndSearch = function(bIsChange)
+    {
+        //TODO:
+//        if (bIsChange)
+//        {
+//            this.SearchClear();
+//            this.m_bIsSearching = false;
+//            this.m_oWordControl.OnUpdateOverlay();
+//        }
+//        else
+//        {
+//            this.m_bIsSearching = true;
+//            this.m_oWordControl.OnUpdateOverlay();
+//        }
+//        this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.sync_SearchEndCallback();
+    }
+    this.private_StartDrawSelection = function(overlay)
+    {
+        //TODO:
+//        this.Overlay = overlay;
+//        this.IsTextMatrixUse = ((null != this.TextMatrix) && !global_MatrixTransformer.IsIdentity(this.TextMatrix));
+//        this.Overlay.m_oContext.fillStyle = "rgba(51,102,204,255)";
+//        this.Overlay.m_oContext.beginPath();
+//        if (this.IsTextMatrixUse)
+//            this.Overlay.m_oContext.strokeStyle = "#9ADBFE";
+    }
+    this.private_EndDrawSelection = function()
+    {
+        //TODO:
+//        var ctx = this.Overlay.m_oContext;
+//        ctx.globalAlpha = 0.2;
+//        ctx.fill();
+//        if (this.IsTextMatrixUse)
+//        {
+//            ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
+//            ctx.stroke();
+//        }
+//        ctx.beginPath();
+//        ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
+//        this.IsTextMatrixUse = false;
+//        this.Overlay = null;
+    }
+    this.AddPageSelection = function(pageIndex, x, y, w, h)
+    {
+        this.Native["DD_AddPageSelection"](pageIndex, x, y, w, h);
+    }
+    this.AddPageSelection2 = function(pageIndex, x, y, width, height)
+    {
+        //TODO:
+//        //if (pageIndex < 0 || pageIndex >= Math.max(this.m_lPagesCount, this.m_lCountCalculatePages) || Math.abs(width) < 0.001 || Math.abs(height) < 0.001)
+//        //    return;
+//        if (Math.abs(width) < 0.001 || Math.abs(height) < 0.001)
+//            return;
+//        if (undefined === this.m_arrPages[pageIndex])
+//            this.m_arrPages[pageIndex] = new CPage();
+//        if (this.min_PageAddSelection > pageIndex)
+//            this.min_PageAddSelection = pageIndex;
+//        if (this.max_PageAddSelection < pageIndex)
+//            this.max_PageAddSelection = pageIndex;
+//        if (this.m_bIsSelection && ( == "none"))
+//        {
+//            this.m_oWordControl.ShowOverlay();
+//            this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlayApi.m_oContext.globalAlpha = 0.2;
+//        }
+//        var r = new _rect();
+//        r.x = x;
+//        r.y = y;
+//        r.w = width;
+//        r.h = height;
+//        this.m_arrPages[pageIndex].selectionArray[this.m_arrPages[pageIndex].selectionArray.length] = r;
+//        if (this.m_oWordControl.MobileTouchManager)
+//        {
+//            if (null == this.m_oWordControl.MobileTouchManager.RectSelect1)
+//            {
+//                this.m_oWordControl.MobileTouchManager.RectSelect1 = r;
+//                this.m_oWordControl.MobileTouchManager.PageSelect1 = pageIndex;
+//            }
+//            this.m_oWordControl.MobileTouchManager.RectSelect2 = r;
+//            this.m_oWordControl.MobileTouchManager.PageSelect2 = pageIndex;
+//        }
+    }
+    this.AddPageSelection2 = function(pageIndex, x, y, width, height)
+    {
+        //TODO:
+//        //if (pageIndex < 0 || pageIndex >= Math.max(this.m_lPagesCount, this.m_lCountCalculatePages) || Math.abs(width) < 0.001 || Math.abs(height) < 0.001)
+//        //    return;
+//        if (Math.abs(width) < 0.001 || Math.abs(height) < 0.001)
+//            return;
+//        if (undefined === this.m_arrPages[pageIndex])
+//            this.m_arrPages[pageIndex] = new CPage();
+//        if (this.min_PageAddSelection > pageIndex)
+//            this.min_PageAddSelection = pageIndex;
+//        if (this.max_PageAddSelection < pageIndex)
+//            this.max_PageAddSelection = pageIndex;
+//        if (this.m_bIsSelection && ( == "none"))
+//        {
+//            this.m_oWordControl.ShowOverlay();
+//            this.m_oWordControl.m_oOverlayApi.m_oContext.globalAlpha = 0.2;
+//        }
+//        var r = new _rect();
+//        r.x = x;
+//        r.y = y;
+//        r.w = width;
+//        r.h = height;
+//        this.m_arrPages[pageIndex].selectionArray[this.m_arrPages[pageIndex].selectionArray.length] = r;
+//        if (this.m_oWordControl.MobileTouchManager)
+//        {
+//            if (null == this.m_oWordControl.MobileTouchManager.RectSelect1)
+//            {
+//                this.m_oWordControl.MobileTouchManager.RectSelect1 = r;
+//                this.m_oWordControl.MobileTouchManager.PageSelect1 = pageIndex;
+//            }
+//            this.m_oWordControl.MobileTouchManager.RectSelect2 = r;
+//            this.m_oWordControl.MobileTouchManager.PageSelect2 = pageIndex;
+//        }
+    }
+    this.SelectShow = function()
+    {
+        this.drawingObjects.OnUpdateOverlay();
+    }
+    this.Set_RulerState_Table = function(markup, transform)
+    {
+        //TODO:
+//        var hor_ruler = this.m_oWordControl.m_oHorRuler;
+//        var ver_ruler = this.m_oWordControl.m_oVerRuler;
+//        hor_ruler.CurrentObjectType = RULER_OBJECT_TYPE_TABLE;
+//        hor_ruler.m_oTableMarkup = markup.CreateDublicate();
+//        ver_ruler.CurrentObjectType = RULER_OBJECT_TYPE_TABLE;
+//        ver_ruler.m_oTableMarkup = markup.CreateDublicate();
+//        this.TableOutlineDr.TableMatrix         = null;
+//        this.TableOutlineDr.CurrentPageIndex    = this.m_lCurrentPage;
+//        if (transform)
+//        {
+//            hor_ruler.m_oTableMarkup.TransformX = transform.tx;
+//            hor_ruler.m_oTableMarkup.TransformY = transform.ty;
+//            ver_ruler.m_oTableMarkup.TransformX = transform.tx;
+//            ver_ruler.m_oTableMarkup.TransformY = transform.ty;
+//            hor_ruler.m_oTableMarkup.CorrectFrom();
+//            ver_ruler.m_oTableMarkup.CorrectFrom();
+//            this.TableOutlineDr.TableMatrix = transform.CreateDublicate();
+//        }
+//        hor_ruler.CalculateMargins();
+//        if (0 <= this.m_lCurrentPage && this.m_lCurrentPage < this.m_lPagesCount)
+//        {
+//            hor_ruler.CreateBackground(this.m_arrPages[this.m_lCurrentPage]);
+//            ver_ruler.CreateBackground(this.m_arrPages[this.m_lCurrentPage]);
+//        }
+//        this.m_oWordControl.UpdateHorRuler();
+//        this.m_oWordControl.UpdateVerRuler();
+//        if (this.m_oWordControl.MobileTouchManager)
+//        {
+//            this.m_oWordControl.MobileTouchManager.TableStartTrack_Check = true;
+//            markup.Table.Start_TrackTable();
+//            this.m_oWordControl.MobileTouchManager.TableStartTrack_Check = false;
+//        }
+    }
+    this.Set_RulerState_Paragraph = function(margins)
+    {
+        //TODO:
+//        var hor_ruler = this.m_oWordControl.m_oHorRuler;
+//        var ver_ruler = this.m_oWordControl.m_oVerRuler;
+//        if (hor_ruler.CurrentObjectType == RULER_OBJECT_TYPE_PARAGRAPH && ver_ruler.CurrentObjectType == RULER_OBJECT_TYPE_PARAGRAPH)
+//        {
+//            if ((margins && !hor_ruler.IsCanMoveMargins) || (!margins && hor_ruler.IsCanMoveMargins))
+//            {
+//                var bIsNeedUpdate = false;
+//                if (margins && this.LastParagraphMargins)
+//                {
+//                    if (margins.L != this.LastParagraphMargins.L ||
+//                        margins.T != this.LastParagraphMargins.T ||
+//                        margins.R != this.LastParagraphMargins.R ||
+//                        margins.B != this.LastParagraphMargins.B)
+//                    {
+//                        bIsNeedUpdate = true;
+//                    }
+//                }
+//                if (!bIsNeedUpdate)
+//                    return;
+//            }
+//        }
+//        hor_ruler.CurrentObjectType = RULER_OBJECT_TYPE_PARAGRAPH;
+//        hor_ruler.m_oTableMarkup = null;
+//        ver_ruler.CurrentObjectType = RULER_OBJECT_TYPE_PARAGRAPH;
+//        ver_ruler.m_oTableMarkup = null;
+//        // вообще надо посмотреть... может и был параграф до этого.
+//        // тогда вэкграунд перерисовывать не нужно. Только надо знать, на той же странице это было или нет
+//        if (-1 != this.m_lCurrentPage)
+//        {
+//            if (margins)
+//            {
+//                var cachedPage = {};
+//                cachedPage.width_mm = this.m_arrPages[this.m_lCurrentPage].width_mm;
+//                cachedPage.height_mm = this.m_arrPages[this.m_lCurrentPage].height_mm;
+//                cachedPage.margin_left    = margins.L;
+//                cachedPage.margin_top     = margins.T;
+//                cachedPage.margin_right   = margins.R;
+//                cachedPage.margin_bottom  = margins.B;
+//                hor_ruler.CreateBackground(cachedPage);
+//                ver_ruler.CreateBackground(cachedPage);
+//                // disable margins
+//                hor_ruler.IsCanMoveMargins = false;
+//                ver_ruler.IsCanMoveMargins = false;
+//                this.LastParagraphMargins = {};
+//                this.LastParagraphMargins.L = margins.L;
+//                this.LastParagraphMargins.T = margins.T;
+//                this.LastParagraphMargins.R = margins.R;
+//                this.LastParagraphMargins.B = margins.B;
+//            }
+//            else
+//            {
+//                hor_ruler.CreateBackground(this.m_arrPages[this.m_lCurrentPage]);
+//                ver_ruler.CreateBackground(this.m_arrPages[this.m_lCurrentPage]);
+//                // enable margins
+//                hor_ruler.IsCanMoveMargins = true;
+//                ver_ruler.IsCanMoveMargins = true;
+//                this.LastParagraphMargins = null;
+//            }
+//        }
+//        this.m_oWordControl.UpdateHorRuler();
+//        this.m_oWordControl.UpdateVerRuler();
+    }
+    this.Set_RulerState_HdrFtr = function(bHeader, Y0, Y1)
+    {
+        var hor_ruler = this.m_oWordControl.m_oHorRuler;
+        var ver_ruler = this.m_oWordControl.m_oVerRuler;
+        hor_ruler.CurrentObjectType = RULER_OBJECT_TYPE_PARAGRAPH;
+        hor_ruler.m_oTableMarkup = null;
+        ver_ruler.CurrentObjectType = (true === bHeader) ? RULER_OBJECT_TYPE_HEADER : RULER_OBJECT_TYPE_FOOTER;
+        ver_ruler.header_top = Y0;
+        ver_ruler.header_bottom = Y1;
+        ver_ruler.m_oTableMarkup = null;
+        // вообще надо посмотреть... может и бал параграф до этого.
+        // тогда вэкграунд перерисовывать не нужно. Только надо знать, на той же странице это было или нет
+        if (-1 != this.m_lCurrentPage)
+        {
+            hor_ruler.CreateBackground(this.m_arrPages[this.m_lCurrentPage]);
+            ver_ruler.CreateBackground(this.m_arrPages[this.m_lCurrentPage]);
+        }
+        this.m_oWordControl.UpdateHorRuler();
+        this.m_oWordControl.UpdateVerRuler();
+    }
+    this.Update_ParaTab = function(Default_Tab, ParaTabs)
+    {
+        //TODO:
+//        var hor_ruler = this.m_oWordControl.m_oHorRuler;
+//        var __tabs = ParaTabs.Tabs;
+//        if (undefined === __tabs)
+//            __tabs = ParaTabs;
+//        var _len = __tabs.length;
+//        if ((Default_Tab == hor_ruler.m_dDefaultTab) && (hor_ruler.m_arrTabs.length == _len) && (_len == 0))
+//        {
+//            // потом можно и проверить сами табы
+//            return;
+//        }
+//        hor_ruler.m_dDefaultTab = Default_Tab;
+//        hor_ruler.m_arrTabs = [];
+//        var _ar = hor_ruler.m_arrTabs;
+//        for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
+//        {
+//            if (__tabs[i].Value == tab_Left)
+//                _ar[i] = new CTab(__tabs[i].Pos, g_tabtype_left);
+//            else if (__tabs[i].Value == tab_Center)
+//                _ar[i] = new CTab(__tabs[i].Pos, g_tabtype_center);
+//            else if (__tabs[i].Value == tab_Right)
+//                _ar[i] = new CTab(__tabs[i].Pos, g_tabtype_right);
+//        }
+//        hor_ruler.CorrectTabs();
+//        this.m_oWordControl.UpdateHorRuler();
+    }
+    this.UpdateTableRuler = function(isCols, index, position)
+    {
+        this.Native["DD_UpdateTableRuler"](isCols, index, position);
+    }
+    this.GetDotsPerMM = function(value)
+    {
+        return value * this.Native["DD_GetDotsPerMM"]();
+       // return value * this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100;
+    }
+    this.GetMMPerDot = function(value)
+    {
+        return value / this.GetDotsPerMM( 1 );
+    }
+    this.GetVisibleMMHeight = function()
+    {
+        return this.Native["DD_GetVisibleMMHeight"]();
+//        var pixHeigth = this.m_oWordControl.m_oEditor.HtmlElement.height;
+//        var pixBetweenPages = 20 * (this.m_lDrawingEnd - this.m_lDrawingFirst);
+//        return (pixHeigth - pixBetweenPages) * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * 100 / this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue;
+    }
+    // вот оооочень важная функция. она выкидывает из кэша неиспользуемые шрифты
+    this.CheckFontCache = function()
+    {
+        var map_used = this.LogicDocument.Document_CreateFontMap();
+        for (var i in map_used)
+        {
+            this.Native["DD_CheckFontCacheAdd"](map_used[i].Name, map_used[i].Style, map_used[i].Size);
+        }
+        this.Native["DD_CheckFontCache"]();
+//        var map_used = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Document_CreateFontMap();
+//        var _measure_map = g_oTextMeasurer.m_oManager.m_oFontsCache.Fonts;
+//        var _drawing_map = g_fontManager.m_oFontsCache.Fonts;
+//        var map_keys = {};
+//        var api = this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi;
+//        for (var i in map_used)
+//        {
+//            var key = GenerateMapId(api, map_used[i].Name, map_used[i].Style, map_used[i].Size);
+//            map_keys[key] = true;
+//        }
+//        // а теперь просто пробегаем по кэшам и удаляем ненужное
+//        for (var i in _measure_map)
+//        {
+//            if (map_keys[i] == undefined)
+//            {
+//                //_measure_map[i] = undefined;
+//                delete _measure_map[i];
+//            }
+//        }
+//        for (var i in _drawing_map)
+//        {
+//            if (map_keys[i] == undefined)
+//            {
+//                //_drawing_map[i] = undefined;
+//                if (null != _drawing_map[i])
+//                    _drawing_map[i].Destroy();
+//                delete _drawing_map[i];
+//            }
+//        }
+    }
+    // при загрузке документа - нужно понять какие шрифты используются
+    this.CheckFontNeeds = function()
+    {
+//        var map_keys = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Document_Get_AllFontNames();
+//        var dstfonts = [];
+//        for (var i in map_keys)
+//        {
+//            dstfonts[dstfonts.length] = new CFont(i, 0, "", 0, null);
+//        }
+//        this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Fonts = dstfonts;
+//        return;
+        /*
+        var map_used = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Document_CreateFontMap();
+        var map_keys = {};
+        for (var i in map_used)
+        {
+            var search = map_used[i];
+            var found = map_keys[search.Name];
+            var _need_style = 0;
+            switch (search.Style)
+            {
+                case FontStyle.FontStyleRegular:
+                {
+                    _need_style = fontstyle_mask_regular;
+                    break;
+                }
+                case FontStyle.FontStyleBold:
+                {
+                    _need_style = fontstyle_mask_bold;
+                    break;
+                }
+                case FontStyle.FontStyleItalic:
+                {
+                    _need_style = fontstyle_mask_italic;
+                    break;
+                }
+                case FontStyle.FontStyleBoldItalic:
+                {
+                    _need_style = fontstyle_mask_bolditalic;
+                    break;
+                }
+                default:
+                {
+                    _need_style = fontstyle_mask_regular | fontstyle_mask_italic | fontstyle_mask_bold | fontstyle_mask_bolditalic;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (undefined === found)
+            {
+                map_keys[search.Name] = _need_style;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                map_keys[search.Name] |= _need_style;
+            }
+        }
+        // теперь просто пробегаем и заполняем все объектами
+        var dstfonts = [];
+        for (var i in map_keys)
+        {
+            dstfonts[dstfonts.length] = new CFont(i, 0, "", 0, map_keys[i]);
+        }
+        this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Fonts = dstfonts;
+        */
+    }
+    // фукнции для старта работы
+    this.OpenDocument = function()
+    {
+        //SetHintsProps(false, false);
+//        this.m_oDocumentRenderer.InitDocument(this);
+//        this.m_oWordControl.CalculateDocumentSize();
+//        this.m_oWordControl.OnScroll();
+    }
+    // вот здесь весь трекинг
+    this.DrawTrack = function(type, matrix, left, top, width, height, isLine, canRotate, isNoMove)
+    {
+        this.AutoShapesTrack.DrawTrack(type, matrix, left, top, width, height, isLine, canRotate, isNoMove);
+    }
+    this.DrawTrackSelectShapes = function(x, y, w, h)
+    {
+        this.AutoShapesTrack.DrawTrackSelectShapes(x, y, w, h);
+    }
+    this.DrawAdjustment = function(matrix, x, y, bTextWarp)
+    {
+        this.AutoShapesTrack.DrawAdjustment(matrix, x, y, bTextWarp);
+    }
+    this.LockTrackPageNum = function(nPageNum)
+    {
+        this.AutoShapesTrackLockPageNum = nPageNum;
+    }
+    this.UnlockTrackPageNum = function()
+    {
+        this.AutoShapesTrackLockPageNum = -1;
+    }
+    this.CheckGuiControlColors = function()
+    {
+    }
+    this.SendControlColors = function()
+    {
+    }
+    this.SendThemeColorScheme = function()
+    {
+    }
+    this.DrawImageTextureFillShape = function(url)
+    {
+    }
+    this.DrawImageTextureFillTextArt = function(url)
+    {
+    }
+    this.InitGuiCanvasShape = function(div_id)
+    {
+    }
+    this.InitGuiCanvasTextProps = function(div_id)
+    {
+    }
+    this.InitGuiCanvasTextArt = function(div_id)
+    {
+    }
+    this.DrawGuiCanvasTextProps = function(props)
+    {
+    };
+    this.CheckTableStyles = function(tableLook)
+    {
+        // сначала проверим, подписан ли кто на этот евент
+        // а то во вьюере не стоит ничего посылать
+//        if (!this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.asc_checkNeedCallback("asc_onInitTableTemplates"))
+//            return;
+        var bIsChanged = false;
+        if (null == this.TableStylesLastLook)
+        {
+            this.TableStylesLastLook = new CTablePropLook();
+            this.TableStylesLastLook.FirstCol = tableLook.FirstCol;
+            this.TableStylesLastLook.FirstRow = tableLook.FirstRow;
+            this.TableStylesLastLook.LastCol  = tableLook.LastCol;
+            this.TableStylesLastLook.LastRow  = tableLook.LastRow;
+            this.TableStylesLastLook.BandHor  = tableLook.BandHor;
+            this.TableStylesLastLook.BandVer  = tableLook.BandVer;
+            bIsChanged = true;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (this.TableStylesLastLook.FirstCol != tableLook.FirstCol)
+            {
+                this.TableStylesLastLook.FirstCol = tableLook.FirstCol;
+                bIsChanged = true;
+            }
+            if (this.TableStylesLastLook.FirstRow != tableLook.FirstRow)
+            {
+                this.TableStylesLastLook.FirstRow = tableLook.FirstRow;
+                bIsChanged = true;
+            }
+            if (this.TableStylesLastLook.LastCol != tableLook.LastCol)
+            {
+                this.TableStylesLastLook.LastCol = tableLook.LastCol;
+                bIsChanged = true;
+            }
+            if (this.TableStylesLastLook.LastRow != tableLook.LastRow)
+            {
+                this.TableStylesLastLook.LastRow = tableLook.LastRow;
+                bIsChanged = true;
+            }
+            if (this.TableStylesLastLook.BandHor != tableLook.BandHor)
+            {
+                this.TableStylesLastLook.BandHor = tableLook.BandHor;
+                bIsChanged = true;
+            }
+            if (this.TableStylesLastLook.BandVer != tableLook.BandVer)
+            {
+                this.TableStylesLastLook.BandVer = tableLook.BandVer;
+                bIsChanged = true;
+            }
+        }
+        if (!bIsChanged)
+            return;
+        var logicDoc = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument;
+        var _dst_styles = [];
+        var _styles = logicDoc.Styles.Get_AllTableStyles();
+        var _styles_len = _styles.length;
+        if (_styles_len == 0)
+            return _dst_styles;
+        var _x_mar = 10;
+        var _y_mar = 10;
+        var _r_mar = 10;
+        var _b_mar = 10;
+        var _pageW = 297;
+        var _pageH = 210;
+        var W = (_pageW - _x_mar - _r_mar);
+        var H = (_pageH - _y_mar - _b_mar);
+        var Grid = [];
+        var Rows = 5;
+        var Cols = 5;
+        for (var i = 0; i < Cols; i++)
+            Grid[i] = W / Cols;
+        var _canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+        _canvas.width = TABLE_STYLE_WIDTH_PIX;
+        _canvas.height = TABLE_STYLE_HEIGHT_PIX;
+        var ctx = _canvas.getContext('2d');
+        History.TurnOff();
+        for (var i1 = 0; i1 < _styles_len; i1++)
+        {
+            var i = _styles[i1];
+            var _style = logicDoc.Styles.Style[i];
+            if (!_style || _style.Type != styletype_Table)
+                continue;
+            var table = new CTable(this, logicDoc, true, 0, _x_mar, _y_mar, 1000, 1000, Rows, Cols, Grid);
+            table.Set_Props({TableStyle : i, TableLook : tableLook});
+            for (var j = 0; j < Rows; j++)
+                table.Content[j].Set_Height(H / Rows, heightrule_AtLeast);
+            ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
+            ctx.fillRect(0, 0, _canvas.width, _canvas.height);
+            var graphics = new CGraphics();
+            graphics.init(ctx, _canvas.width, _canvas.height, _pageW, _pageH);
+            graphics.m_oFontManager = g_fontManager;
+            graphics.transform(1,0,0,1,0,0);
+            table.Recalculate_Page(0);
+            table.Draw(0, graphics);
+            var _styleD = new CAscTableStyle();
+            _styleD.Type = 0;
+            _styleD.Image = _canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
+            _styleD.Id = i;
+            _dst_styles.push(_styleD);
+        }
+        History.TurnOn();
+        this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.sync_InitEditorTableStyles(_dst_styles);
+    }
+    this.IsMobileVersion = function()
+    {
+        return this.IsMobile;
+    }
+    this.OnSelectEnd = function()
+    {
+    }
+function CStyleImage(_name, _ind, _type, _uiPriority)
+    this.Name = _name;
+    this.ThumbnailOffset = _ind;
+    this.Type = _type;
+	this.uiPriority = _uiPriority;
+function CStylesPainter()
+    // base64 defaultStyles image
+    this.defaultStylesImage = "";
+    this.defaultStyles = null;
+    this.docStylesImage = "";
+    this.docStyles = null;
+    this.mergedStyles = null;
+    this.STYLE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH  = 80;
+    this.CurrentTranslate = null;
+    this.GenerateStyles = function(_api, ds)
+    {
+        this.CurrentTranslate = _api.CurrentTranslate;
+        this.GenerateDefaultStyles(_api, ds);
+        this.GenerateDocumentStyles(_api);
+        // стили сформированы. осталось просто сформировать единый список
+        var _count_default = this.defaultStyles.length;
+        var _count_doc = 0;
+        if (null != this.docStyles)
+            _count_doc = this.docStyles.length;
+		var aPriorityStyles = [];
+		var fAddToPriorityStyles = function(style){
+			var index = style.uiPriority;
+			if(null == index)
+				index = 0;
+			var aSubArray = aPriorityStyles[index];
+			if(null == aSubArray)
+			{
+				aSubArray = [];
+				aPriorityStyles[index] = aSubArray;
+			}
+			aSubArray.push(style);
+		}
+        var _map_document = {};
+        for (var i = 0; i < _count_doc; i++)
+        {
+			var style = this.docStyles[i];
+			_map_document[style.Name] = 1;
+			fAddToPriorityStyles(style);
+        }
+        for (var i = 0; i < _count_default; i++)
+        {
+			var style = this.defaultStyles[i];
+			if(null == _map_document[style.Name])
+				fAddToPriorityStyles(style);
+        }
+		this.mergedStyles = [];
+		for(var index in aPriorityStyles)
+		{
+			var aSubArray = aPriorityStyles[index];
+			aSubArray.sort(function(a, b){
+				if(a.Name < b.Name)
+					return -1;
+				else if(a.Name > b.Name)
+					return 1;
+				else
+					return 0;
+			});
+			for(var i = 0, length = aSubArray.length; i < length; ++i)
+			{
+				this.mergedStyles.push(aSubArray[i]);
+			}
+		}
+        // теперь просто отдаем евент наверх
+        _api.sync_InitEditorStyles(this);
+    }
+    this.GenerateDefaultStyles = function(_api, ds)
+    {
+        var styles = ds;
+        var _count = 0;
+        for (var i in styles)
+            _count++;
+        var cur_index = 0;
+        if (false)
+        {
+            this.defaultStylesImage = "";
+            this.defaultStyles = [];
+            for (var i in styles)
+            {
+                this.defaultStyles[cur_index] = new CStyleImage(styles[i].Name, cur_index, c_oAscStyleImage.Default);
+                cur_index++;
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+        // добавили переводы => нельзя кэшировать
+        var _canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+        _canvas.width = this.STYLE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH;
+        _canvas.height = _count * this.STYLE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT;
+        var ctx = _canvas.getContext('2d');
+        ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
+        ctx.fillRect(0, 0, _canvas.width, _canvas.height);
+        var graphics = new CGraphics();
+        graphics.init(ctx, _canvas.width, _canvas.height, _canvas.width * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm, _canvas.height * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm);
+        graphics.m_oFontManager = g_fontManager;
+        this.defaultStyles = [];
+        for (var i in styles)
+        {
+			var style = styles[i];
+			if(true == style.qFormat)
+			{
+				this.drawStyle(graphics, style, cur_index);
+				this.defaultStyles[cur_index] = new CStyleImage(style.Name, cur_index, c_oAscStyleImage.Default, style.uiPriority);
+				cur_index++;
+			}
+        }
+        this.defaultStylesImage = _canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
+    }
+    this.GenerateDocumentStyles = function(_api)
+    {
+        if (_api.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument == null)
+            return;
+        var __Styles = _api.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Get_Styles();
+        var styles = __Styles.Style;
+        if (styles == null)
+            return;
+        var _count = 0;
+        for (var i in styles)
+            _count++;
+        if (0 == _count)
+            return;
+        var cur_index = 0;
+        var _canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+        _canvas.width = this.STYLE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH;
+        _canvas.height = _count * this.STYLE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT;
+        var ctx = _canvas.getContext('2d');
+        ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
+        ctx.fillRect(0, 0, _canvas.width, _canvas.height);
+        var graphics = new CGraphics();
+        graphics.init(ctx, _canvas.width, _canvas.height, _canvas.width * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm, _canvas.height * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm);
+        graphics.m_oFontManager = g_fontManager;
+        this.docStyles = [];
+        for (var i in styles)
+        {
+			var style = styles[i];
+			if(true == style.qFormat)
+			{
+				// как только меняется сериалайзер - меняется и код здесь. Да, не очень удобно,
+				// зато быстро делается
+				var formalStyle = i.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "");
+				var res = formalStyle.match(/^heading([1-9][0-9]*)$/);
+				var index = (res) ? res[1] - 1 : -1;
+				this.drawStyle(graphics, __Styles.Get_Pr(i, styletype_Paragraph), cur_index);
+				this.docStyles[cur_index] = new CStyleImage(style.Name, cur_index, c_oAscStyleImage.Document, style.uiPriority);
+				// алгоритм смены имени
+				if (style.Default)
+				{
+					switch (style.Default)
+					{
+						case 1:
+							break;
+						case 2:
+							this.docStyles[cur_index].Name = "No List";
+							break;
+						case 3:
+							this.docStyles[cur_index].Name = "Normal";
+							break;
+						case 4:
+							this.docStyles[cur_index].Name = "Normal Table";
+							break;
+					}
+				}
+				else if (index != -1)
+				{
+					this.docStyles[cur_index].Name = "Heading ".concat(index + 1);
+				}
+				cur_index++;
+			}
+        }
+        this.docStylesImage = _canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
+    }
+    this.drawStyle = function(graphics, style, index)
+    {
+        var font = { FontFamily : { Name: "Times New Roman", Index : -1 }, Color : { r : 0, g : 0, b : 0 }, Bold : false, Italic : false, FontSize : 10 };
+        var textPr = style.TextPr;
+        if (textPr.FontFamily != undefined)
+        {
+            font.FontFamily.Name = textPr.FontFamily.Name;
+            font.FontFamily.Index = textPr.FontFamily.Index;
+        }
+        if (textPr.Bold != undefined)
+            font.Bold = textPr.Bold;
+        if (textPr.Italic != undefined)
+            font.Italic = textPr.Italic;
+        if (textPr.FontSize != undefined)
+            font.FontSize = textPr.FontSize;
+        graphics.SetFont(font);
+        if (textPr.Color == undefined)
+            graphics.b_color1(0, 0, 0, 255);
+        else
+            graphics.b_color1(textPr.Color.r, textPr.Color.g, textPr.Color.b, 255);
+        var y = index * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * this.STYLE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT;
+        var b = (index + 1) * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * this.STYLE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT;
+        var w = g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * this.STYLE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH;
+        graphics.transform(1,0,0,1,0,0);
+        graphics._s();
+        graphics._m(-0.5, y);
+        graphics._l(w, y);
+        graphics._l(w, b);
+        graphics._l(0, b);
+        graphics._z();
+        graphics.clip();
+        graphics.t(this.CurrentTranslate.StylesText, 0.5, (y + b) / 2);
+        var ctx = graphics.m_oContext;
+        ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0);
+        ctx.fillStyle = "#E8E8E8";
+        var _b = (index + 1) * this.STYLE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT - 1.5;
+        var _x = 2;
+        var _w = this.STYLE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH - 4;
+        var _h = parseInt(this.STYLE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT / 3);
+        ctx.beginPath();
+        ctx.moveTo(_x, _b - _h);
+        ctx.lineTo(_x + _w, _b - _h);
+        ctx.lineTo(_x + _w, _b);
+        ctx.lineTo(_x, _b);
+        ctx.closePath();
+        ctx.fill();
+        ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+        ctx.strokeStyle = "#D8D8D8";
+        ctx.beginPath();
+        ctx.rect(0.5, index * this.STYLE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT + 0.5, this.STYLE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH - 1, this.STYLE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT - 1);
+        ctx.stroke();
+        graphics.restore();
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Excel/native/Overlay.js b/Excel/native/Overlay.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b343a1473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Excel/native/Overlay.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3017 @@
+"use strict";
+var TRACK_RECT_SIZE2        = 4;
+var TRACK_RECT_SIZE         = 8;
+var IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W    = 21;
+var bIsUseImageRotateTrack  = true;
+if (bIsUseImageRotateTrack)
+    window.g_track_rotate_marker = new Image();
+    window.g_track_rotate_marker.asc_complete = false;
+    window.g_track_rotate_marker.onload = function(){
+        window.g_track_rotate_marker.asc_complete = true;
+    };
+    window.g_track_rotate_marker.src = "";
+// заглушка
+function CHtmlPage()
+	var drawingPage = { top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 };
+	var width_mm, height_mm;
+	this.init = function(x, y, w_pix, h_pix, w_mm, h_mm) {
+ = y;
+		drawingPage.left = x;
+		drawingPage.right = w_pix;
+		drawingPage.bottom = h_pix;
+		width_mm = w_mm;
+		height_mm = h_mm;
+	}
+	this.GetDrawingPageInfo = function() {
+		return { drawingPage: drawingPage, width_mm: width_mm, height_mm: height_mm };
+	}
+function COverlay()
+    this.m_oControl = null;
+    this.m_oContext = null;
+    this.min_x = 0xFFFF;
+    this.min_y = 0xFFFF;
+    this.max_x = -0xFFFF;
+    this.max_y = -0xFFFF;
+    this.m_bIsShow = false;
+    this.m_bIsAlwaysUpdateOverlay = false;
+    this.m_oHtmlPage = null;
+COverlay.prototype =
+	init : function(context, controlName, x, y, w_pix, h_pix, w_mm, h_mm)
+	{
+		this.m_oContext = context;
+//		this.m_oControl = CreateControl(controlName);
+//		this.m_oHtmlPage = new CHtmlPage();
+//		this.m_oHtmlPage.init(x, y, w_pix, h_pix, w_mm, h_mm);
+	},
+    Clear : function()
+    {
+//        if (null == this.m_oContext)
+//        {
+//            this.m_oContext = this.m_oControl.HtmlElement.getContext('2d');
+//            this.m_oContext.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
+//            this.m_oContext.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
+//            this.m_oContext.oImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
+//            this.m_oContext.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
+//        }
+//        this.m_oContext.beginPath();
+//        if (this.max_x != -0xFFFF && this.max_y != -0xFFFF)
+//        {
+//            this.m_oContext.clearRect(this.min_x - 5, this.min_y - 5, this.max_x - this.min_x + 10, this.max_y - this.min_y + 10);
+//        }
+        this.min_x = 0xFFFF;
+        this.min_y = 0xFFFF;
+        this.max_x = -0xFFFF;
+        this.max_y = -0xFFFF;
+    },
+    Show : function()
+    {
+//        if (this.m_bIsShow)
+//            return;
+//        this.m_bIsShow = true;
+// = "block";
+    },
+    UnShow : function()
+    {
+//        if (!this.m_bIsShow)
+//            return;
+//        this.m_bIsShow = false;
+// = "none";
+    },
+    VertLine : function(position)
+    {
+//        this.Clear();
+//        if (this.m_bIsAlwaysUpdateOverlay || editor.WordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_bIsSelection)
+//        {
+//            if (!editor.WordControl.OnUpdateOverlay())
+//            {
+//                editor.WordControl.EndUpdateOverlay();
+//            }
+//        }
+//        if (this.min_x > position)
+//            this.min_x = position;
+//        if (this.max_x < position)
+//            this.max_x = position;
+//        //this.min_x = position;
+//        //this.max_x = position;
+//        this.min_y = 0;
+//        this.max_y = this.m_oControl.HtmlElement.height;
+//        this.m_oContext.lineWidth = 1;
+//        var x = ((position + 0.5) >> 0) + 0.5;
+//        var y = 0;
+//        this.m_oContext.strokeStyle = "#000000";
+//        this.m_oContext.beginPath();
+//        while (y < this.max_y)
+//        {
+//            this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); y++;
+//            this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); y+=1;
+//            this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); y++;
+//            this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); y+=1;
+//            this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); y++;
+//            this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); y++;
+//            y += 5;
+//        }
+//        this.m_oContext.stroke();
+//        y = 1;
+//        this.m_oContext.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF";
+//        this.m_oContext.beginPath();
+//        while (y < this.max_y)
+//        {
+//            this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); y++;
+//            this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); y+=1;
+//            this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); y++;
+//            this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); y+=1;
+//            this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); y++;
+//            this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); y++;
+//            y += 5;
+//        }
+//        this.m_oContext.stroke();
+//        this.Show();
+    },
+    HorLine : function(position)
+    {
+//        this.Clear();
+//        if (this.m_bIsAlwaysUpdateOverlay || editor.WordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.m_bIsSelection)
+//        {
+//            if (!editor.WordControl.OnUpdateOverlay())
+//            {
+//                editor.WordControl.EndUpdateOverlay();
+//            }
+//        }
+//        this.min_x = 0;
+//        this.max_x = this.m_oControl.HtmlElement.width;
+//        //this.min_y = position;
+//        //this.max_y = position;
+//        if (this.min_y > position)
+//            this.min_y = position;
+//        if (this.max_y < position)
+//            this.max_y = position;
+//        this.m_oContext.lineWidth = 1;
+//        var y = ((position + 0.5) >> 0) + 0.5;
+//        var x = 0;
+//        this.m_oContext.strokeStyle = "#000000";
+//        this.m_oContext.beginPath();
+//        while (x < this.max_x)
+//        {
+//            this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); x++;
+//            this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); x+=1;
+//            this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); x++;
+//            this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); x+=1;
+//            this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); x++;
+//            this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); x++;
+//            x += 5;
+//        }
+//        this.m_oContext.stroke();
+//        x = 1;
+//        this.m_oContext.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF";
+//        this.m_oContext.beginPath();
+//        while (x < this.max_x)
+//        {
+//            this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); x++;
+//            this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); x+=1;
+//            this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); x++;
+//            this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); x+=1;
+//            this.m_oContext.moveTo(x, y); x++;
+//            this.m_oContext.lineTo(x, y); x++;
+//            x += 5;
+//        }
+//        this.m_oContext.stroke();
+//        this.Show();
+    },
+    CheckPoint1 : function(x,y)
+    {
+        if (x < this.min_x)
+            this.min_x = x;
+        if (y < this.min_y)
+            this.min_y = y;
+    },
+    CheckPoint2 : function(x,y)
+    {
+        if (x > this.max_x)
+            this.max_x = x;
+        if (y > this.max_y)
+            this.max_y = y;
+    },
+    CheckPoint : function(x,y)
+    {
+        if (x < this.min_x)
+            this.min_x = x;
+        if (y < this.min_y)
+            this.min_y = y;
+        if (x > this.max_x)
+            this.max_x = x;
+        if (y > this.max_y)
+            this.max_y = y;
+    },
+    AddRect2 : function(x,y,r)
+    {
+        console.log('AddRect2!!!!!!!!!!!!');
+//        var _x = x - ((r / 2) >> 0);
+//        var _y = y - ((r / 2) >> 0);
+//        this.CheckPoint1(_x,_y);
+//        this.CheckPoint2(_x+r,_y+r);
+//        this.m_oContext.moveTo(_x,_y);
+//        this.m_oContext.rect(_x,_y,r,r);
+    },
+    AddRect3 : function(x,y,r, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2)
+    {
+        console.log('AddRect2!!!!!!!!!!!!');
+//        var _r = r / 2;
+//        var x1 = x + _r * (ex2 - ex1);
+//        var y1 = y + _r * (ey2 - ey1);
+//        var x2 = x + _r * (ex2 + ex1);
+//        var y2 = y + _r * (ey2 + ey1);
+//        var x3 = x + _r * (-ex2 + ex1);
+//        var y3 = y + _r * (-ey2 + ey1);
+//        var x4 = x + _r * (-ex2 - ex1);
+//        var y4 = y + _r * (-ey2 - ey1);
+//        this.CheckPoint(x1,y1);
+//        this.CheckPoint(x2,y2);
+//        this.CheckPoint(x3,y3);
+//        this.CheckPoint(x4,y4);
+//        var ctx = this.m_oContext;
+//        ctx.moveTo(x1,y1);
+//        ctx.lineTo(x2,y2);
+//        ctx.lineTo(x3,y3);
+//        ctx.lineTo(x4,y4);
+//        ctx.closePath();
+    },
+    AddRect : function(x,y,w,h)
+    {
+        console.log('AddRect!!!!!!!!!!!!');
+//        this.CheckPoint1(x,y);
+//        this.CheckPoint2(x + w,y + h);
+//        this.m_oContext.moveTo(x,y);
+//        this.m_oContext.rect(x,y,w,h);
+//        //this.m_oContext.closePath();
+    },
+    CheckRectT : function(x,y,w,h,trans,eps)
+    {
+        var x1 = trans.TransformPointX(x, y);
+        var y1 = trans.TransformPointY(x, y);
+        var x2 = trans.TransformPointX(x+w, y);
+        var y2 = trans.TransformPointY(x+w, y);
+        var x3 = trans.TransformPointX(x+w, y+h);
+        var y3 = trans.TransformPointY(x+w, y+h);
+        var x4 = trans.TransformPointX(x, y+h);
+        var y4 = trans.TransformPointY(x, y+h);
+        this.CheckPoint(x1, y1);
+        this.CheckPoint(x2, y2);
+        this.CheckPoint(x3, y3);
+        this.CheckPoint(x4, y4);
+        if (eps !== undefined)
+        {
+            this.min_x -= eps;
+            this.min_y -= eps;
+            this.max_x += eps;
+            this.max_y += eps;
+        }
+    },
+    CheckRect : function(x,y,w,h)
+    {
+        this.CheckPoint1(x,y);
+        this.CheckPoint2(x + w,y + h);
+    },
+    AddEllipse : function(x,y,r)
+    {
+        this.CheckPoint1(x-r,y-r);
+        this.CheckPoint2(x+r,y+r);
+        console.log('AddEllipse!!!!!!!!!!!!');
+//        this.m_oContext.moveTo(x+r,y);
+//        this.m_oContext.arc(x,y,r,0,Math.PI*2,false);
+//        //this.m_oContext.closePath();
+    },
+    AddRoundRect : function(x, y, w, h, r)
+    {
+        console.log('AddRoundRect!!!!!!!!!!!!');
+//        if (w < (2 * r) || h < (2 * r))
+//            return this.AddRect(x, y, w, h);
+//        this.CheckPoint1(x,y);
+//        this.CheckPoint2(x + w,y + h);
+//        var _ctx = this.m_oContext;
+//        _ctx.moveTo(x + r, y);
+//        _ctx.lineTo(x + w - r, y);
+//        _ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y, x + w, y + r);
+//        _ctx.lineTo(x + w, y + h - r);
+//        _ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y + h, x + w - r, y + h);
+//        _ctx.lineTo(x + r, y + h);
+//        _ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + h, x, y + h - r);
+//        _ctx.lineTo(x, y + r);
+//        _ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + r, y);
+    },
+    AddRoundRectCtx : function(ctx, x, y, w, h, r)
+    {
+        console.log('AddRoundRectCtx!!!!!!!!!!!!');
+       // if (w < (2 * r) || h < (2 * r))
+       //     return ctx.rect(x, y, w, h);
+//        var _ctx = this.m_oContext;
+//        _ctx.moveTo(x + r, y);
+//        _ctx.lineTo(x + w - r, y);
+//        _ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y, x + w, y + r);
+//        _ctx.lineTo(x + w, y + h - r);
+//        _ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y + h, x + w - r, y + h);
+//        _ctx.lineTo(x + r, y + h);
+//        _ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + h, x, y + h - r);
+//        _ctx.lineTo(x, y + r);
+//        _ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + r, y);
+    }
+function CBoundsController()
+    this.min_x = 0xFFFF;
+    this.min_y = 0xFFFF;
+    this.max_x = -0xFFFF;
+    this.max_y = -0xFFFF;
+CBoundsController.prototype =
+    ClearNoAttack : function()
+    {
+        this.min_x = 0xFFFF;
+        this.min_y = 0xFFFF;
+        this.max_x = -0xFFFF;
+        this.max_y = -0xFFFF;
+    },
+    Clear : function(ctx)
+    {
+        if (this.max_x != -0xFFFF && this.max_y != -0xFFFF)
+        {
+            ctx.fillRect(this.min_x - 5, this.min_y - 5, this.max_x - this.min_x + 10, this.max_y - this.min_y + 10);
+        }
+        this.min_x = 0xFFFF;
+        this.min_y = 0xFFFF;
+        this.max_x = -0xFFFF;
+        this.max_y = -0xFFFF;
+    },
+    CheckPoint1 : function(x,y)
+    {
+        if (x < this.min_x)
+            this.min_x = x;
+        if (y < this.min_y)
+            this.min_y = y;
+    },
+    CheckPoint2 : function(x,y)
+    {
+        if (x > this.max_x)
+            this.max_x = x;
+        if (y > this.max_y)
+            this.max_y = y;
+    },
+    CheckPoint : function(x,y)
+    {
+        if (x < this.min_x)
+            this.min_x = x;
+        if (y < this.min_y)
+            this.min_y = y;
+        if (x > this.max_x)
+            this.max_x = x;
+        if (y > this.max_y)
+            this.max_y = y;
+    },
+    CheckRect : function(x,y,w,h)
+    {
+        this.CheckPoint1(x,y);
+        this.CheckPoint2(x + w,y + h);
+    }
+function CAutoshapeTrack()
+    this.m_oContext = null;
+    this.m_oOverlay = null;
+    this.Graphics = null;
+    this.MaxEpsLine = 0;
+    this.IsTrack = true;
+    this.PageIndex = -1;
+    this.CurrentPageInfo = null;
+    this.Native = window["native"]["CreateAutoShapesTrackControl"]();
+CAutoshapeTrack.prototype =
+    SetFont : function(font)
+    {
+    },
+    init : function(overlay, x, y, r, b, w_mm, h_mm)
+    {
+        this.m_oOverlay = overlay;
+        this.m_oContext = this.m_oOverlay.m_oContext;
+        this.Graphics = new CGraphics();
+        this.Graphics.init(this.m_oContext, r - x, b - y, w_mm, h_mm);
+        this.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.tx = x;
+        this.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.ty = y;
+        this.Graphics.SetIntegerGrid(false);
+        this.m_oContext.globalAlpha = 0.5;
+    },
+    SetIntegerGrid : function(b)
+    {
+        //this.Native["PD_SetIntegerGrid"](param);
+    },
+    // draw styles
+    p_color : function(r,g,b,a)
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_p_color"](r,g,b,a);
+    },
+    p_width : function(w)
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_p_width"](w);
+//        this.Graphics.p_width(w);
+//        var xx1 = 0;
+//        var yy1 = 0;
+//        var xx2 = 1;
+//        var yy2 = 1;
+//        var xxx1 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(xx1, yy1);
+//        var yyy1 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(xx1, yy1);
+//        var xxx2 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(xx2, yy2);
+//        var yyy2 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(xx2, yy2);
+//        var _len2 = ((xxx2 - xxx1)*(xxx2 - xxx1) + (yyy2 - yyy1)*(yyy2 - yyy1));
+//        var koef = Math.sqrt(_len2 / 2);
+//        var _EpsLine = (w * koef / 1000) >> 0;
+//        _EpsLine += 5;
+//        if (_EpsLine > this.MaxEpsLine)
+//            this.MaxEpsLine = _EpsLine;
+    },
+    b_color1 : function(r,g,b,a)
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_b_color1"](r,g,b,a);
+        //this.Graphics.b_color1(r,g,b,a);
+    },
+    b_color2 : function(r,g,b,a)
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_b_color2"](r,g,b,a);
+    },
+    // path commands
+    _s : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_PathStart"]();
+    },
+    _e : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_PathEnd"]();
+    },
+    _z : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_PathClose"]();
+    },
+    _m : function(x,y)
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_PathMoveTo"](x,y);
+//        this.Graphics._m(x,y);
+//        var _x = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x,y);
+//        var _y = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x,y);
+//        this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x, _y);
+    },
+    _l : function(x,y)
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_PathLineTo"](x,y);
+//        this.Graphics._l(x,y);
+//        var _x = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x,y);
+//        var _y = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x,y);
+//        this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x, _y);
+    },
+    _c : function(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3)
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_PathCurveTo"](x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3);
+//        this.Graphics._c(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3);
+//        var _x1 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x1,y1);
+//        var _y1 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x1,y1);
+//        var _x2 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x2,y2);
+//        var _y2 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x2,y2);
+//        var _x3 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x3,y3);
+//        var _y3 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x3,y3);
+//        this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+//        this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+//        this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3);
+    },
+    _c2 : function(x1,y1,x2,y2)
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_PathCurveTo2"](x1,y1,x2,y2);
+//        this.Graphics._c2(x1,y1,x2,y2);
+//        var _x1 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x1,y1);
+//        var _y1 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x1,y1);
+//        var _x2 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x2,y2);
+//        var _y2 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x2,y2);
+//        this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+//        this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+    },
+    ds : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_Stroke"]();
+       // this.Graphics.ds();
+    },
+    df : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_Fill"]();
+        //this.Graphics.df();
+    },
+    // canvas state
+    save : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_Save"]();
+    },
+    restore : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_Restore"]();
+    },
+    clip : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_clip"]();
+    },
+    // transform
+    reset : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_reset"]();
+    },
+    transform3 : function(m)
+    {
+        var isNeedInvert = false;
+        this.Native["PD_transform3"](,m.shy,m.shx,,m.tx,m.ty,isNeedInvert);
+    },
+    transform : function(sx,shy,shx,sy,tx,ty)
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_transform"](sx,shy,shx,sy,tx,ty);
+    },
+    drawImage : function(image, x, y, w, h, alpha, srcRect, nativeImage)
+    {
+        if (!srcRect)
+            return this.Native["PD_drawImage"](image,x,y,w,h,alpha);
+        return this.Native["PD_drawImage"](image,x,y,w,h,alpha,srcRect.l,srcRect.t,srcRect.r,srcRect.b);
+//        this.Graphics.drawImage(image, x, y, w, h, undefined, srcRect, nativeImage);
+//        var _x1 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x,y);
+//        var _y1 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x,y);
+//        var _x2 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x+w,y);
+//        var _y2 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x+w,y);
+//        var _x3 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x+w,(y+h));
+//        var _y3 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x+w,(y+h));
+//        var _x4 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x,(y+h));
+//        var _y4 = this.Graphics.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x,(y+h));
+//        this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+//        this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+//        this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3);
+//        this.m_oOverlay.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4);
+    },
+    CorrectOverlayBounds : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["DD_CorrectOverlayBounds"]();
+//        this.m_oContext.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0);
+//        this.m_oOverlay.min_x -= this.MaxEpsLine;
+//        this.m_oOverlay.min_y -= this.MaxEpsLine;
+//        this.m_oOverlay.max_x += this.MaxEpsLine;
+//        this.m_oOverlay.max_y += this.MaxEpsLine;
+    },
+    SetCurrentPage : function(nPageIndex)
+    {
+        this.PageIndex = nPageIndex;
+        this.Native["DD_SetCurrentPage"](nPageIndex);
+//        if (nPageIndex == this.PageIndex)
+//            return;
+//        var oPage = this.m_oOverlay.m_oHtmlPage.GetDrawingPageInfo(nPageIndex);
+//        this.PageIndex = nPageIndex;
+//        var drawPage = oPage.drawingPage;
+//        this.Graphics = new CGraphics();
+//        this.Graphics.init(this.m_oContext, drawPage.right - drawPage.left, drawPage.bottom -, oPage.width_mm, oPage.height_mm);
+//        this.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.tx = drawPage.left;
+//        this.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.ty =;
+//        this.Graphics.SetIntegerGrid(false);
+//        this.m_oContext.globalAlpha = 0.5;
+    },
+    init2 : function(overlay)
+    {
+        //this.m_oOverlay = overlay;
+        //this.m_oContext = this.m_oOverlay.m_oContext;
+        //this.PageIndex = -1;
+    },
+    SetClip : function(r)
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_SetClip"](r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h);
+    },
+    RemoveClip : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_RemoveClip"]();
+    },
+    SavePen : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_SavePen"]();
+    },
+    RestorePen : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_RestorePen"]();
+    },
+    SaveBrush : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_SaveBrush"]();
+    },
+    RestoreBrush : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_RestoreBrush"]();
+    },
+    SavePenBrush : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_SavePenBrush"]();
+    },
+    RestorePenBrush : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_RestorePenBrush"]();
+    },
+    SaveGrState : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_SaveGrState"]();
+    },
+    RestoreGrState : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_RestoreGrState"]();
+    },
+    StartClipPath : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_StartClipPath"]();
+    },
+    EndClipPath : function()
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_EndClipPath"]();
+    },
+    /*************************************************************************/
+    /******************************** TRACKS *********************************/
+    /*************************************************************************/
+	DrawTrack : function(type, matrix, left, top, width, height, isLine, isCanRotate, isNoMove)
+	{
+        if (!matrix)
+            this.Native["DD_DrawTrackTransform"]();
+        else
+            this.Native["DD_DrawTrackTransform"](, matrix.shy, matrix.shx,, matrix.tx, matrix.ty);
+        this.Native["DD_DrawTrack"](type, left, top, width, height, isLine, isCanRotate);
+//		if (true === isNoMove)
+//			return;
+//		// с самого начала нужно понять, есть ли поворот. Потому что если его нет, то можно
+//		// (и нужно!) рисовать все по-умному
+//		var overlay = this.m_oOverlay;
+//		overlay.Show();
+//		var bIsClever = false;
+//		this.CurrentPageInfo = overlay.m_oHtmlPage.GetDrawingPageInfo(this.PageIndex);
+//		var drPage = this.CurrentPageInfo.drawingPage;
+//		var xDst = drPage.left + (this.Graphics ? this.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.tx : 0);
+//        var yDst = + (this.Graphics ? this.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.ty : 0);
+//		var wDst = drPage.right - drPage.left;
+//		var hDst = drPage.bottom -;
+//		var dKoefX = wDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.width_mm;
+//		var dKoefY = hDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.height_mm;
+//		var r = left + width;
+//		var b = top + height;
+//		// (x1,y1) --------- (x2,y2)
+//		//    |                 |
+//		//    |                 |
+//		// (x3,y3) --------- (x4,y4)
+//        var dx1 = xDst + dKoefX * (matrix.TransformPointX(left, top));
+//        var dy1 = yDst + dKoefY * (matrix.TransformPointY(left, top));
+//        var dx2 = xDst + dKoefX * (matrix.TransformPointX(r, top));
+//        var dy2 = yDst + dKoefY * (matrix.TransformPointY(r, top));
+//        var dx3 = xDst + dKoefX * (matrix.TransformPointX(left, b));
+//        var dy3 = yDst + dKoefY * (matrix.TransformPointY(left, b));
+//        var dx4 = xDst + dKoefX * (matrix.TransformPointX(r, b));
+//        var dy4 = yDst + dKoefY * (matrix.TransformPointY(r, b));
+//		var x1 = dx1 >> 0;
+//		var y1 = dy1 >> 0;
+//		var x2 = dx2 >> 0;
+//		var y2 = dy2 >> 0;
+//		var x3 = dx3 >> 0;
+//		var y3 = dy3 >> 0;
+//        var x4 = dx4 >> 0;
+//		var y4 = dy4 >> 0;
+//        var _eps = 0.001;
+//        if (Math.abs(dx1 - dx3) < _eps &&
+//            Math.abs(dx2 - dx4) < _eps &&
+//            Math.abs(dy1 - dy2) < _eps &&
+//            Math.abs(dy3 - dy4) < _eps &&
+//            x1 < x2 && y1 < y3)
+//        {
+//            x3 = x1;
+//            x4 = x2;
+//            y2 = y1;
+//            y4 = y3;
+//            bIsClever = true;
+//        }
+//        var nIsCleverWithTransform = bIsClever;
+//        var nType = 0;
+//        if (!nIsCleverWithTransform &&
+//            Math.abs(dx1 - dx3) < _eps &&
+//            Math.abs(dx2 - dx4) < _eps &&
+//            Math.abs(dy1 - dy2) < _eps &&
+//            Math.abs(dy3 - dy4) < _eps)
+//        {
+//            x3 = x1;
+//            x4 = x2;
+//            y2 = y1;
+//            y4 = y3;
+//            nIsCleverWithTransform = true;
+//            nType = 1;
+//        }
+//        if (!nIsCleverWithTransform &&
+//            Math.abs(dx1 - dx2) < _eps &&
+//            Math.abs(dx3 - dx4) < _eps &&
+//            Math.abs(dy1 - dy3) < _eps &&
+//            Math.abs(dy2 - dy4) < _eps)
+//        {
+//            x2 = x1;
+//            x4 = x3;
+//            y3 = y1;
+//            y4 = y2;
+//            nIsCleverWithTransform = true;
+//            nType = 2;
+//        }
+//        /*
+//		if (x1 == x3 && x2 == x4 && y1 == y2 && y3 == y4 && x1 < x2 && y1 < y3)
+//			bIsClever = true;
+//		var nIsCleverWithTransform = bIsClever;
+//		var nType = 0;
+//		if (!nIsCleverWithTransform && x1 == x3 && x2 == x4 && y1 == y2 && y3 == y4)
+//		{
+//			nIsCleverWithTransform = true;
+//			nType = 1;
+//		}
+//		if (!nIsCleverWithTransform && x1 == x2 && x3 == x4 && y1 == y3 && y2 == y4)
+//		{
+//			nIsCleverWithTransform = true;
+//			nType = 2;
+//		}
+//		*/
+//        var ctx = overlay.m_oContext;
+//		var bIsEllipceCorner = false;
+//		//var _style_blue = "#4D7399";
+//		//var _style_blue = "#B2B2B2";
+//		var _style_blue = "#939393";
+//		var _style_green = "#84E036";
+//		var _style_white = "#FFFFFF";
+//        var _len_x = Math.sqrt((x1 - x2)*(x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2)*(y1 - y2));
+//        var _len_y = Math.sqrt((x1 - x3)*(x1 - x3) + (y1 - y3)*(y1 - y3));
+//        if (_len_x < 1)
+//            _len_x = 1;
+//        if (_len_y < 1)
+//            _len_y = 1;
+//        var bIsRectsTrackX = (_len_x >= 30) ? true : false;
+//        var bIsRectsTrackY = (_len_y >= 30) ? true : false;
+//        var bIsRectsTrack = (bIsRectsTrackX || bIsRectsTrackY) ? true : false;
+//		if (nType == 2)
+//		{
+//			var _tmp = bIsRectsTrackX;
+//			bIsRectsTrackX = bIsRectsTrackY;
+//			bIsRectsTrackY = _tmp;
+//		}
+//        ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+//        ctx.beginPath();
+//        var _oldGlobalAlpha = ctx.globalAlpha;
+//        ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
+//        switch (type)
+//        {
+//            case TYPE_TRACK_SHAPE:
+//            case TYPE_TRACK_GROUP:
+//            {
+//                if (bIsClever)
+//                {
+//                    overlay.CheckRect(x1, y1, x4 - x1, y4 - y1);
+//                    ctx.strokeStyle = _style_blue;
+//                    if (!isLine)
+//                    {
+//                        ctx.rect(x1 + 0.5, y2 + 0.5, x4 - x1, y4 - y1);
+//                        ctx.stroke();
+//                        ctx.beginPath();
+//                    }
+//                    var xC = ((x1 + x2) / 2) >> 0;
+//                    if (!isLine && isCanRotate)
+//                    {
+//                        if (!bIsUseImageRotateTrack)
+//                        {
+//                            ctx.beginPath();
+//                            overlay.AddEllipse(xC, y1 - TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                            ctx.fillStyle = _style_green;
+//                            ctx.fill();
+//                            ctx.stroke();
+//                        }
+//                        else
+//                        {
+//                            if (window.g_track_rotate_marker.asc_complete)
+//                            {
+//                                var _w = IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W;
+//                                var _xI = ((x1 + x2 - _w) / 2) >> 0;
+//                                var _yI = y1 - TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE - (_w >> 1);
+//                                overlay.CheckRect(_xI, _yI, _w, _w);
+//                                ctx.drawImage(window.g_track_rotate_marker, _xI, _yI, _w, _w);
+//                            }
+//                        }
+//                        ctx.beginPath();
+//                        ctx.moveTo(xC + 0.5, y1);
+//                        ctx.lineTo(xC + 0.5, y1 - TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2);
+//                        ctx.stroke();
+//                        ctx.beginPath();
+//                    }
+//                    ctx.fillStyle = _style_white;
+//                    if (bIsEllipceCorner)
+//                    {
+//                        overlay.AddEllipse(x1, y1, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                        if (!isLine)
+//                        {
+//                            overlay.AddEllipse(x2, y2, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                            overlay.AddEllipse(x3, y3, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                        }
+//                        overlay.AddEllipse(x4, y4, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                    }
+//                    else
+//                    {
+//                        overlay.AddRect2(x1 + 0.5, y1 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                        if (!isLine)
+//                        {
+//                            overlay.AddRect2(x2 + 0.5, y2 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                            overlay.AddRect2(x3 + 0.5, y3 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                        }
+//                        overlay.AddRect2(x4 + 0.5, y4 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                    }
+//                    if (bIsRectsTrack && !isLine)
+//                    {
+//                        var _xC = (((x1 + x2) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5;
+//                        var _yC = (((y1 + y3) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5;
+//                        if (bIsRectsTrackX)
+//                        {
+//                            overlay.AddRect2(_xC, y1+0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                            overlay.AddRect2(_xC, y3+0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                        }
+//                        if (bIsRectsTrackY)
+//                        {
+//                            overlay.AddRect2(x2+0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                            overlay.AddRect2(x1+0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                        }
+//                    }
+//                    ctx.fill();
+//                    ctx.stroke();
+//                    ctx.beginPath();
+//                }
+//                else
+//                {
+//					var _x1 = x1;
+//					var _y1 = y1;
+//					var _x2 = x2;
+//					var _y2 = y2;
+//					var _x3 = x3;
+//					var _y3 = y3;
+//					var _x4 = x4;
+//					var _y4 = y4;
+//					if (nIsCleverWithTransform)
+//					{
+//						var _x1 = x1;
+//						if (x2 < _x1)
+//							_x1 = x2;
+//						if (x3 < _x1)
+//							_x1 = x3;
+//						if (x4 < _x1)
+//							_x1 = x4;
+//						var _x4 = x1;
+//						if (x2 > _x4)
+//							_x4 = x2;
+//						if (x3 > _x4)
+//							_x4 = x3;
+//						if (x4 > _x4)
+//							_x4 = x4;
+//						var _y1 = y1;
+//						if (y2 < _y1)
+//							_y1 = y2;
+//						if (y3 < _y1)
+//							_y1 = y3;
+//						if (y4 < _y1)
+//							_y1 = y4;
+//						var _y4 = y1;
+//						if (y2 > _y4)
+//							_y4 = y2;
+//						if (y3 > _y4)
+//							_y4 = y3;
+//						if (y4 > _y4)
+//							_y4 = y4;
+//						_x2 = _x4;
+//						_y2 = _y1;
+//						_x3 = _x1;
+//						_y3 = _y4;
+//					}
+//                    ctx.strokeStyle = _style_blue;
+//                    if (!isLine)
+//                    {
+//                        if (nIsCleverWithTransform)
+//                        {
+//                            ctx.rect(_x1 + 0.5, _y2 + 0.5, _x4 - _x1, _y4 - _y1);
+//                            ctx.stroke();
+//                            ctx.beginPath();
+//                        }
+//                        else
+//                        {
+//                            ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
+//                            ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
+//                            ctx.lineTo(x4, y4);
+//                            ctx.lineTo(x3, y3);
+//                            ctx.closePath();
+//                            ctx.stroke();
+//                        }
+//                    }
+//                    overlay.CheckPoint(x1, y1);
+//                    overlay.CheckPoint(x2, y2);
+//                    overlay.CheckPoint(x3, y3);
+//                    overlay.CheckPoint(x4, y4);
+//                    var ex1 = (x2 - x1) / _len_x;
+//                    var ey1 = (y2 - y1) / _len_x;
+//                    var ex2 = (x1 - x3) / _len_y;
+//                    var ey2 = (y1 - y3) / _len_y;
+//                    var _bAbsX1 = Math.abs(ex1) < 0.01;
+//                    var _bAbsY1 = Math.abs(ey1) < 0.01;
+//                    var _bAbsX2 = Math.abs(ex2) < 0.01;
+//                    var _bAbsY2 = Math.abs(ey2) < 0.01;
+//                    if (_bAbsX2 && _bAbsY2)
+//                    {
+//                        if (_bAbsX1 && _bAbsY1)
+//                        {
+//                            ex1 = 1;
+//                            ey1 = 0;
+//                            ex2 = 0;
+//                            ey2 = 1;
+//                        }
+//                        else
+//                        {
+//                            ex2 = -ey1;
+//                            ey2 = ex1;
+//                        }
+//                    }
+//                    else if (_bAbsX1 && _bAbsY1)
+//                    {
+//                        ex1 = ey2;
+//                        ey1 = -ex2;
+//                    }
+//                    var xc1 = (x1 + x2) / 2;
+//                    var yc1 = (y1 + y2) / 2;
+//                    ctx.beginPath();
+//                    if (!isLine && isCanRotate)
+//                    {
+//                        if (!bIsUseImageRotateTrack)
+//                        {
+//                            ctx.beginPath();
+//                            overlay.AddEllipse(xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE, yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                            ctx.fillStyle = _style_green;
+//                            ctx.fill();
+//                            ctx.stroke();
+//                        }
+//                        else
+//                        {
+//                            if (window.g_track_rotate_marker.asc_complete)
+//                            {
+//                                var _xI = xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE;
+//                                var _yI = yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE;
+//                                var _w = IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W;
+//                                var _w2 = IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W / 2;
+//								if (nIsCleverWithTransform)
+//								{
+//									_xI >>= 0;
+//									_yI >>= 0;
+//									_w2 >>= 0;
+//									_w2 += 1;
+//								}
+//								//ctx.setTransform(ex1, ey1, -ey1, ex1, _xI, _yI);
+//								var _matrix = matrix.CreateDublicate();
+//								_matrix.tx = 0;
+//								_matrix.ty = 0;
+//								var _xx = _matrix.TransformPointX(0, 1);
+//								var _yy = _matrix.TransformPointY(0, 1);
+//								var _angle = Math.atan2(_xx, -_yy) - Math.PI;
+//								var _px = Math.cos(_angle);
+//								var _py = Math.sin(_angle);
+//								ctx.translate(_xI, _yI);
+//								ctx.transform(_px, _py, -_py, _px, 0, 0);
+//                                ctx.drawImage(window.g_track_rotate_marker, -_w2, -_w2, _w, _w);
+//                                ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
+//                                overlay.CheckRect(_xI - _w2, _yI - _w2, _w, _w);
+//                            }
+//                        }
+//                        ctx.beginPath();
+//						if (!nIsCleverWithTransform)
+//						{
+//							ctx.moveTo(xc1, yc1);
+//							ctx.lineTo(xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2, yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2);
+//						}
+//						else
+//						{
+//							ctx.moveTo((xc1 >> 0) + 0.5, (yc1 >> 0) + 0.5);
+//							ctx.lineTo(((xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2) >> 0) + 0.5, ((yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2) >> 0) + 0.5);
+//						}
+//                        ctx.stroke();
+//                        ctx.beginPath();
+//                    }
+//                    ctx.fillStyle = _style_white;
+//					if (!nIsCleverWithTransform)
+//					{
+//						if (bIsEllipceCorner)
+//						{
+//							overlay.AddEllipse(x1, y1, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//							if (!isLine)
+//							{
+//								overlay.AddEllipse(x2, y2, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//								overlay.AddEllipse(x3, y3, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//							}
+//							overlay.AddEllipse(x4, y4, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//						}
+//						else
+//						{
+//							overlay.AddRect3(x1, y1, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//							if (!isLine)
+//							{
+//								overlay.AddRect3(x2, y2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//								overlay.AddRect3(x3, y3, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//							}
+//							overlay.AddRect3(x4, y4, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//						}
+//					}
+//					else
+//					{
+//						if (bIsEllipceCorner)
+//						{
+//							overlay.AddEllipse(_x1, _y1, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//							if (!isLine)
+//							{
+//								overlay.AddEllipse(_x2, _y2, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//								overlay.AddEllipse(_x3, _y3, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//							}
+//							overlay.AddEllipse(_x4, _y4, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//						}
+//						else
+//						{
+//                            if (!isLine)
+//                            {
+//                                overlay.AddRect2(_x1 + 0.5, _y1 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                                overlay.AddRect2(_x2 + 0.5, _y2 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                                overlay.AddRect2(_x3 + 0.5, _y3 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                                overlay.AddRect2(_x4 + 0.5, _y4 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                            }
+//                            else
+//                            {
+//                                overlay.AddRect2(x1 + 0.5, y1 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                                overlay.AddRect2(x4 + 0.5, y4 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                            }
+//						}
+//					}
+//                    if (!isLine)
+//                    {
+//                        if (!nIsCleverWithTransform)
+//                        {
+//                            if (bIsRectsTrack)
+//                            {
+//                                if (bIsRectsTrackX)
+//                                {
+//                                    overlay.AddRect3((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//                                    overlay.AddRect3((x3 + x4) / 2, (y3 + y4) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//                                }
+//                                if (bIsRectsTrackY)
+//                                {
+//                                    overlay.AddRect3((x2 + x4) / 2, (y2 + y4) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//                                    overlay.AddRect3((x3 + x1) / 2, (y3 + y1) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//                                }
+//                            }
+//                        }
+//                        else
+//                        {
+//                            var _xC = (((_x1 + _x2) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5;
+//                            var _yC = (((_y1 + _y3) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5;
+//                            if (bIsRectsTrackX)
+//                            {
+//                                overlay.AddRect2(_xC, _y1+0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                                overlay.AddRect2(_xC, _y3+0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                            }
+//                            if (bIsRectsTrackY)
+//                            {
+//                                overlay.AddRect2(_x2+0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                                overlay.AddRect2(_x1+0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                            }
+//                        }
+//                    }
+//                    ctx.fill();
+//                    ctx.stroke();
+//                    ctx.beginPath();
+//                }
+//                break;
+//            }
+//            case TYPE_TRACK_TEXT:
+//            case TYPE_TRACK_GROUP_PASSIVE:
+//            {
+//                if (bIsClever)
+//                {
+//                    overlay.CheckRect(x1, y1, x4 - x1, y4 - y1);
+//                    this.AddRectDashClever(ctx, x1, y1, x4, y4, 8, 3);
+//                    ctx.strokeStyle = _style_blue;
+//                    ctx.stroke();
+//                    ctx.beginPath();
+//                    if (isCanRotate)
+//                    {
+//                        if (!bIsUseImageRotateTrack)
+//                        {
+//                            ctx.beginPath();
+//                            overlay.AddEllipse(xC, y1 - TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                            ctx.fillStyle = _style_green;
+//                            ctx.fill();
+//                            ctx.stroke();
+//                        }
+//                        else
+//                        {
+//                            if (window.g_track_rotate_marker.asc_complete)
+//                            {
+//                                var _w = IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W;
+//                                var _xI = ((x1 + x2 - _w) / 2) >> 0;
+//                                var _yI = y1 - TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE - (_w >> 1);
+//                                overlay.CheckRect(_xI, _yI, _w, _w);
+//                                ctx.drawImage(window.g_track_rotate_marker, _xI, _yI, _w, _w);
+//                            }
+//                        }
+//                        ctx.beginPath();
+//                        var xC = ((x1 + x2) / 2) >> 0;
+//                        ctx.moveTo(xC + 0.5, y1);
+//                        ctx.lineTo(xC + 0.5, y1 - TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2);
+//                        ctx.stroke();
+//                        ctx.beginPath();
+//                    }
+//                    ctx.fillStyle = _style_white;
+//                    if (bIsEllipceCorner)
+//                    {
+//                        overlay.AddEllipse(x1, y1, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                        overlay.AddEllipse(x2, y2, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                        overlay.AddEllipse(x3, y3, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                        overlay.AddEllipse(x4, y4, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                    }
+//                    else
+//                    {
+//                        overlay.AddRect2(x1 + 0.5, y1 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                        overlay.AddRect2(x2 + 0.5, y2 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                        overlay.AddRect2(x3 + 0.5, y3 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                        overlay.AddRect2(x4 + 0.5, y4 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                    }
+//                    if (bIsRectsTrack)
+//                    {
+//                        var _xC = (((x1 + x2) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5;
+//                        var _yC = (((y1 + y3) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5;
+//                        if (bIsRectsTrackX)
+//                        {
+//                            overlay.AddRect2(_xC, y1+0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                            overlay.AddRect2(_xC, y3+0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                        }
+//                        if (bIsRectsTrackY)
+//                        {
+//                            overlay.AddRect2(x2+0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                            overlay.AddRect2(x1+0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                        }
+//                    }
+//                    ctx.fill();
+//                    ctx.stroke();
+//                    ctx.beginPath();
+//                }
+//                else
+//                {
+//					var _x1 = x1;
+//					var _y1 = y1;
+//					var _x2 = x2;
+//					var _y2 = y2;
+//					var _x3 = x3;
+//					var _y3 = y3;
+//					var _x4 = x4;
+//					var _y4 = y4;
+//					if (nIsCleverWithTransform)
+//					{
+//						var _x1 = x1;
+//						if (x2 < _x1)
+//							_x1 = x2;
+//						if (x3 < _x1)
+//							_x1 = x3;
+//						if (x4 < _x1)
+//							_x1 = x4;
+//						var _x4 = x1;
+//						if (x2 > _x4)
+//							_x4 = x2;
+//						if (x3 > _x4)
+//							_x4 = x3;
+//						if (x4 > _x4)
+//							_x4 = x4;
+//						var _y1 = y1;
+//						if (y2 < _y1)
+//							_y1 = y2;
+//						if (y3 < _y1)
+//							_y1 = y3;
+//						if (y4 < _y1)
+//							_y1 = y4;
+//						var _y4 = y1;
+//						if (y2 > _y4)
+//							_y4 = y2;
+//						if (y3 > _y4)
+//							_y4 = y3;
+//						if (y4 > _y4)
+//							_y4 = y4;
+//						_x2 = _x4;
+//						_y2 = _y1;
+//						_x3 = _x1;
+//						_y3 = _y4;
+//					}
+//                    overlay.CheckPoint(x1, y1);
+//                    overlay.CheckPoint(x2, y2);
+//                    overlay.CheckPoint(x3, y3);
+//                    overlay.CheckPoint(x4, y4);
+//					if (!nIsCleverWithTransform)
+//					{
+//						this.AddRectDash(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, 8, 3);
+//					}
+//					else
+//					{
+//						this.AddRectDashClever(ctx, _x1, _y1, _x4, _y4, 8, 3);
+//					}
+//                    ctx.strokeStyle = _style_blue;
+//                    ctx.stroke();
+//                    var ex1 = (x2 - x1) / _len_x;
+//                    var ey1 = (y2 - y1) / _len_x;
+//                    var ex2 = (x1 - x3) / _len_y;
+//                    var ey2 = (y1 - y3) / _len_y;
+//                    var _bAbsX1 = Math.abs(ex1) < 0.01;
+//                    var _bAbsY1 = Math.abs(ey1) < 0.01;
+//                    var _bAbsX2 = Math.abs(ex2) < 0.01;
+//                    var _bAbsY2 = Math.abs(ey2) < 0.01;
+//                    if (_bAbsX2 && _bAbsY2)
+//                    {
+//                        if (_bAbsX1 && _bAbsY1)
+//                        {
+//                            ex1 = 1;
+//                            ey1 = 0;
+//                            ex2 = 0;
+//                            ey2 = 1;
+//                        }
+//                        else
+//                        {
+//                            ex2 = -ey1;
+//                            ey2 = ex1;
+//                        }
+//                    }
+//                    else if (_bAbsX1 && _bAbsY1)
+//                    {
+//                        ex1 = ey2;
+//                        ey1 = -ex2;
+//                    }
+//                    var xc1 = (x1 + x2) / 2;
+//                    var yc1 = (y1 + y2) / 2;
+//                    ctx.beginPath();
+//                    if (isCanRotate)
+//                    {
+//                        if (!bIsUseImageRotateTrack)
+//                        {
+//                            ctx.beginPath();
+//                            overlay.AddEllipse(xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE, yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                            ctx.fillStyle = _style_green;
+//                            ctx.fill();
+//                            ctx.stroke();
+//                        }
+//                        else
+//                        {
+//                            if (window.g_track_rotate_marker.asc_complete)
+//                            {
+//                                var _xI = xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE;
+//                                var _yI = yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE;
+//                                var _w = IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W;
+//                                var _w2 = IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W / 2;
+//								if (nIsCleverWithTransform)
+//								{
+//									_xI >>= 0;
+//									_yI >>= 0;
+//									_w2 >>= 0;
+//									_w2 += 1;
+//								}
+//								//ctx.setTransform(ex1, ey1, -ey1, ex1, _xI, _yI);
+//								var _matrix = matrix.CreateDublicate();
+//								_matrix.tx = 0;
+//								_matrix.ty = 0;
+//								var _xx = _matrix.TransformPointX(0, 1);
+//								var _yy = _matrix.TransformPointY(0, 1);
+//								var _angle = Math.atan2(_xx, -_yy) - Math.PI;
+//								var _px = Math.cos(_angle);
+//								var _py = Math.sin(_angle);
+//								ctx.translate(_xI, _yI);
+//								ctx.transform(_px, _py, -_py, _px, 0, 0);
+//								ctx.drawImage(window.g_track_rotate_marker, -_w2, -_w2, _w, _w);
+//								ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
+//                                overlay.CheckRect(_xI - _w2, _yI - _w2, _w, _w);
+//                            }
+//                        }
+//                        ctx.beginPath();
+//						if (!nIsCleverWithTransform)
+//						{
+//							ctx.moveTo(xc1, yc1);
+//							ctx.lineTo(xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2, yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2);
+//						}
+//						else
+//						{
+//							ctx.moveTo((xc1 >> 0) + 0.5, (yc1 >> 0) + 0.5);
+//							ctx.lineTo(((xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2) >> 0) + 0.5, ((yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2) >> 0) + 0.5);
+//						}
+//                        ctx.stroke();
+//                        ctx.beginPath();
+//                    }
+//                    ctx.fillStyle = _style_white;
+//					if (!nIsCleverWithTransform)
+//					{
+//						if (bIsEllipceCorner)
+//						{
+//							overlay.AddEllipse(x1, y1, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//							overlay.AddEllipse(x2, y2, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//							overlay.AddEllipse(x3, y3, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//							overlay.AddEllipse(x4, y4, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//						}
+//						else
+//						{
+//							overlay.AddRect3(x1, y1, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//							overlay.AddRect3(x2, y2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//							overlay.AddRect3(x3, y3, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//							overlay.AddRect3(x4, y4, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//						}
+//					}
+//					else
+//					{
+//						if (bIsEllipceCorner)
+//						{
+//							overlay.AddEllipse(x1, y1, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//							overlay.AddEllipse(x2, y2, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//							overlay.AddEllipse(x3, y3, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//							overlay.AddEllipse(x4, y4, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//						}
+//						else
+//						{
+//							overlay.AddRect2(_x1 + 0.5, _y1 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//							overlay.AddRect2(_x2 + 0.5, _y2 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//							overlay.AddRect2(_x3 + 0.5, _y3 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//							overlay.AddRect2(_x4 + 0.5, _y4 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//						}
+//					}
+//					if (!nIsCleverWithTransform)
+//					{
+//						if (bIsRectsTrack)
+//						{
+//							if (bIsRectsTrackX)
+//							{
+//								overlay.AddRect3((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//								overlay.AddRect3((x3 + x4) / 2, (y3 + y4) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//							}
+//							if (bIsRectsTrackY)
+//							{
+//								overlay.AddRect3((x2 + x4) / 2, (y2 + y4) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//								overlay.AddRect3((x3 + x1) / 2, (y3 + y1) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//							}
+//						}
+//					}
+//					else
+//					{
+//						if (bIsRectsTrack)
+//						{
+//							var _xC = (((_x1 + _x2) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5;
+//							var _yC = (((_y1 + _y3) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5;
+//							if (bIsRectsTrackX)
+//							{
+//								overlay.AddRect2(_xC, _y1+0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//								overlay.AddRect2(_xC, _y3+0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//							}
+//							if (bIsRectsTrackY)
+//							{
+//								overlay.AddRect2(_x2+0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//								overlay.AddRect2(_x1+0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//							}
+//						}
+//					}
+//                    ctx.fill();
+//                    ctx.stroke();
+//                    ctx.beginPath();
+//                }
+//                break;
+//            }
+//            case TYPE_TRACK_EMPTY_PH:
+//            {
+//                if (bIsClever)
+//                {
+//                    overlay.CheckRect(x1, y1, x4 - x1, y4 - y1);
+//                    ctx.rect(x1 + 0.5, y2 + 0.5, x4 - x1 + 1, y4 - y1);
+//                    ctx.fillStyle = _style_white;
+//                    ctx.stroke();
+//                    ctx.beginPath();
+//                    this.AddRectDashClever(ctx, x1, y1, x4, y4, 8, 3);
+//                    ctx.strokeStyle = _style_blue;
+//                    ctx.stroke();
+//                    ctx.beginPath();
+//                    var xC = ((x1 + x2) / 2) >> 0;
+//                    if (!bIsUseImageRotateTrack)
+//                    {
+//                        ctx.beginPath();
+//                        overlay.AddEllipse(xC, y1 - TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE);
+//                        ctx.fillStyle = _style_green;
+//                        ctx.fill();
+//                        ctx.stroke();
+//                    }
+//                    else
+//                    {
+//                        if (window.g_track_rotate_marker.asc_complete)
+//                        {
+//                            var _w = IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W;
+//                            var _xI = ((x1 + x2 - _w) / 2) >> 0;
+//                            var _yI = y1 - TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE - (_w >> 1);
+//                            overlay.CheckRect(_xI, _yI, _w, _w);
+//                            ctx.drawImage(window.g_track_rotate_marker, _xI, _yI, _w, _w);
+//                        }
+//                    }
+//                    ctx.beginPath();
+//                    ctx.moveTo(xC + 0.5, y1);
+//                    ctx.lineTo(xC + 0.5, y1 - TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2);
+//                    ctx.stroke();
+//                    ctx.beginPath();
+//                    ctx.fillStyle = _style_white;
+//                    if (bIsEllipceCorner)
+//                    {
+//                        overlay.AddEllipse(x1, y1, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                        overlay.AddEllipse(x2, y2, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                        overlay.AddEllipse(x3, y3, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                        overlay.AddEllipse(x4, y4, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                    }
+//                    else
+//                    {
+//                        overlay.AddRect2(x1 + 0.5, y1 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                        overlay.AddRect2(x2 + 0.5, y2 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                        overlay.AddRect2(x3 + 0.5, y3 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                        overlay.AddRect2(x4 + 0.5, y4 + 0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                    }
+//                    if (bIsRectsTrack && false)
+//                    {
+//                        var _xC = (((x1 + x2) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5;
+//                        var _yC = (((y1 + y3) / 2) >> 0) + 0.5;
+//                        overlay.AddRect2(_xC, y1+0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                        overlay.AddRect2(x2+0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                        overlay.AddRect2(_xC, y3+0.5, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                        overlay.AddRect2(x1+0.5, _yC, TRACK_RECT_SIZE);
+//                    }
+//                    ctx.fill();
+//                    ctx.stroke();
+//                    ctx.beginPath();
+//                }
+//                else
+//                {
+//                    overlay.CheckPoint(x1, y1);
+//                    overlay.CheckPoint(x2, y2);
+//                    overlay.CheckPoint(x3, y3);
+//                    overlay.CheckPoint(x4, y4);
+//                    ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
+//                    ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
+//                    ctx.lineTo(x3, y3);
+//                    ctx.lineTo(x4, y4);
+//                    ctx.closePath();
+//                    overlay.CheckPoint(x1, y1);
+//                    overlay.CheckPoint(x2, y2);
+//                    overlay.CheckPoint(x3, y3);
+//                    overlay.CheckPoint(x4, y4);
+//                    ctx.strokeStyle = _style_white;
+//                    ctx.stroke();
+//                    ctx.beginPath();
+//                    this.AddRectDash(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, 8, 3);
+//                    ctx.strokeStyle = _style_blue;
+//                    ctx.stroke();
+//                    var ex1 = (x2 - x1) / _len_x;
+//                    var ey1 = (y2 - y1) / _len_x;
+//                    var ex2 = (x1 - x3) / _len_y;
+//                    var ey2 = (y1 - y3) / _len_y;
+//                    var _bAbsX1 = Math.abs(ex1) < 0.01;
+//                    var _bAbsY1 = Math.abs(ey1) < 0.01;
+//                    var _bAbsX2 = Math.abs(ex2) < 0.01;
+//                    var _bAbsY2 = Math.abs(ey2) < 0.01;
+//                    if (_bAbsX2 && _bAbsY2)
+//                    {
+//                        if (_bAbsX1 && _bAbsY1)
+//                        {
+//                            ex1 = 1;
+//                            ey1 = 0;
+//                            ex2 = 0;
+//                            ey2 = 1;
+//                        }
+//                        else
+//                        {
+//                            ex2 = -ey1;
+//                            ey2 = ex1;
+//                        }
+//                    }
+//                    else if (_bAbsX1 && _bAbsY1)
+//                    {
+//                        ex1 = ey2;
+//                        ey1 = -ex2;
+//                    }
+//                    var xc1 = (x1 + x2) / 2;
+//                    var yc1 = (y1 + y2) / 2;
+//                    ctx.beginPath();
+//                    if (!bIsUseImageRotateTrack)
+//                    {
+//                        ctx.beginPath();
+//                        overlay.AddEllipse(xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE, yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE, TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE);
+//                        ctx.fillStyle = _style_green;
+//                        ctx.fill();
+//                        ctx.stroke();
+//                    }
+//                    else
+//                    {
+//                        if (window.g_track_rotate_marker.asc_complete)
+//                        {
+//                            var _xI = xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE;
+//                            var _yI = yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE;
+//                            var _w = IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W;
+//                            var _w2 = IMAGE_ROTATE_TRACK_W / 2;
+//                            ctx.setTransform(ex1, ey1, -ey1, ex1, _xI, _yI);
+//                            ctx.drawImage(window.g_track_rotate_marker, -_w2, -_w2, _w, _w);
+//                            ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
+//                            overlay.CheckRect(_xI - _w2, _yI - _w2, _w, _w);
+//                        }
+//                    }
+//                    ctx.beginPath();
+//                    ctx.moveTo(xc1, yc1);
+//                    ctx.lineTo(xc1 + ex2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2, yc1 + ey2 * TRACK_DISTANCE_ROTATE2);
+//                    ctx.stroke();
+//                    ctx.beginPath();
+//                    ctx.fillStyle = _style_white;
+//                    if (bIsEllipceCorner)
+//                    {
+//                        overlay.AddEllipse(x1, y1, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                        overlay.AddEllipse(x2, y2, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                        overlay.AddEllipse(x3, y3, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                        overlay.AddEllipse(x4, y4, TRACK_CIRCLE_RADIUS);
+//                    }
+//                    else
+//                    {
+//                        overlay.AddRect3(x1, y1, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//                        overlay.AddRect3(x2, y2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//                        overlay.AddRect3(x3, y3, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//                        overlay.AddRect3(x4, y4, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//                    }
+//                    if (bIsRectsTrack)
+//                    {
+//                        overlay.AddRect3((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//                        overlay.AddRect3((x2 + x4) / 2, (y2 + y4) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//                        overlay.AddRect3((x3 + x4) / 2, (y3 + y4) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//                        overlay.AddRect3((x3 + x1) / 2, (y3 + y1) / 2, TRACK_RECT_SIZE, ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2);
+//                    }
+//                    ctx.fill();
+//                    ctx.stroke();
+//                    ctx.beginPath();
+//                }
+//                break;
+//            }
+//            default:
+//                break;
+//        }
+//        ctx.globalAlpha = _oldGlobalAlpha;
+	},
+    DrawTrackSelectShapes : function(x, y, w, h)
+    {
+        this.Native["DD_DrawTrackSelectShapes"](x, y, w, h);
+//        var overlay = this.m_oOverlay;
+//        overlay.Show();
+//        this.CurrentPageInfo = overlay.m_oHtmlPage.GetDrawingPageInfo(this.PageIndex);
+//        var drPage = this.CurrentPageInfo.drawingPage;
+//        var xDst = drPage.left + (this.Graphics ? this.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.tx : 0);
+//        var yDst = + (this.Graphics ? this.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.ty : 0);
+//        var wDst = drPage.right - drPage.left;
+//        var hDst = drPage.bottom -;
+//        var dKoefX = wDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.width_mm;
+//        var dKoefY = hDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.height_mm;
+//        var x1 = (xDst + dKoefX * x) >> 0;
+//        var y1 = (yDst + dKoefY * y) >> 0;
+//        var x2 = (xDst + dKoefX * (x + w)) >> 0;
+//        var y2 = (yDst + dKoefY * (y + h)) >> 0;
+//        if (x1 > x2)
+//        {
+//            var tmp = x1;
+//            x1 = x2;
+//            x2 = tmp;
+//        }
+//        if (y1 > y2)
+//        {
+//            var tmp = y1;
+//            y1 = y2;
+//            y2 = tmp;
+//        }
+//        overlay.CheckRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+//        var ctx = overlay.m_oContext;
+//        ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
+//        var globalAlphaOld = ctx.globalAlpha;
+//        ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5;
+//        ctx.beginPath();
+//        ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(51,102,204,255)";
+//        ctx.strokeStyle = "#9ADBFE";
+//        ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+//        ctx.fillRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+//        ctx.beginPath();
+//        ctx.strokeRect(x1 - 0.5, y1 - 0.5, x2 - x1 + 1, y2 - y1 + 1);
+//        ctx.globalAlpha = globalAlphaOld;
+    },
+    DrawTrackDashRect : function(left, top, width, height, matrix)
+    {
+        console.log('DrawTrackDashRect !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!');
+//        var overlay = this.m_oOverlay;
+//        overlay.Show();
+//        this.CurrentPageInfo = overlay.m_oHtmlPage.GetDrawingPageInfo(this.PageIndex);
+//        var drPage = this.CurrentPageInfo.drawingPage;
+//        var xDst = drPage.left + (this.Graphics ? this.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.tx : 0);
+//        var yDst = + (this.Graphics ? this.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.ty : 0);
+//        var wDst = drPage.right - drPage.left;
+//        var hDst = drPage.bottom -;
+//        var dKoefX = wDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.width_mm;
+//        var dKoefY = hDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.height_mm;
+//        var r = x + width;
+//        var b = y + height;
+//        var x1 = (xDst + dKoefX * (matrix.TransformPointX(left, top))) >> 0;
+//        var y1 = (yDst + dKoefY * (matrix.TransformPointY(left, top))) >> 0;
+//        var x2 = (xDst + dKoefX * (matrix.TransformPointX(r, top))) >> 0;
+//        var y2 = (yDst + dKoefY * (matrix.TransformPointY(r, top))) >> 0;
+//        var x3 = (xDst + dKoefX * (matrix.TransformPointX(left, b))) >> 0;
+//        var y3 = (yDst + dKoefY * (matrix.TransformPointY(left, b))) >> 0;
+//        var x4 = (xDst + dKoefX * (matrix.TransformPointX(r, b))) >> 0;
+//        var y4 = (yDst + dKoefY * (matrix.TransformPointY(r, b))) >> 0;
+//        var bIsClever = false;
+//        if (x1 == x3 && x2 == x4 && y1 == y2 && y3 == y4 && x1 < x2 && y1 < y3)
+//            bIsClever = true;
+//        var ctx = overlay.m_oContext;
+//        ctx.beginPath();
+//        ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+//        ctx.strokeStyle = "#0000FF";
+//        overlay.CheckPoint(x1, y1);
+//        overlay.CheckPoint(x2, y2);
+//        overlay.CheckPoint(x3, y3);
+//        overlay.CheckPoint(x4, y4);
+//        if (bIsClever)
+//            this.AddRectDashClever(ctx, x1, y1, x4, y4, 3, 2);
+//        else
+//            this.AddRectDash(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, 3, 2);
+//        ctx.stroke();
+//        ctx.beginPath();
+    },
+    AddRect : function(ctx, x, y, r, b, bIsClever)
+    {
+        console.log('AddRect !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!');
+//        if (bIsClever)
+//            ctx.rect(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, r - x + 1, b - y + 1);
+//        else
+//        {
+//            ctx.moveTo(x,y);
+//            ctx.rect(x, y, r - x + 1, b - y + 1);
+//        }
+    },
+    AddRectDashClever : function(ctx, x, y, r, b, w_dot, w_dist, bIsStrokeAndCanUseNative)
+    {
+        console.log('AddRectDashClever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!');
+//        var _support_native_dash = (undefined !== ctx.setLineDash);
+//        var _x = x + 0.5;
+//        var _y = y + 0.5;
+//        var _r = r + 0.5;
+//        var _b = b + 0.5;
+//        if (_support_native_dash && bIsStrokeAndCanUseNative === true)
+//        {
+//            ctx.setLineDash([w_dot, w_dist]);
+//            //ctx.rect(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, r - x, b - y);
+//            ctx.moveTo(x, _y);
+//            ctx.lineTo(r - 1, _y);
+//            ctx.moveTo(_r, y);
+//            ctx.lineTo(_r, b - 1);
+//            ctx.moveTo(r + 1, _b);
+//            ctx.lineTo(x + 2, _b);
+//            ctx.moveTo(_x, b + 1);
+//            ctx.lineTo(_x, y + 2);
+//            ctx.stroke();
+//            ctx.setLineDash([]);
+//            return;
+//        }
+//        for (var i = _x; i < _r; i += w_dist)
+//        {
+//            ctx.moveTo(i, _y);
+//            i += w_dot;
+//            if (i > _r)
+//                i = _r;
+//            ctx.lineTo(i, _y);
+//        }
+//        for (var i = _y; i < _b; i += w_dist)
+//        {
+//            ctx.moveTo(_r, i);
+//            i += w_dot;
+//            if (i > _b)
+//                i = _b;
+//            ctx.lineTo(_r, i);
+//        }
+//        for (var i = _r; i > _x; i -= w_dist)
+//        {
+//            ctx.moveTo(i, _b);
+//            i -= w_dot;
+//            if (i < _x)
+//                i = _x;
+//            ctx.lineTo(i, _b);
+//        }
+//        for (var i = _b; i > _y; i -= w_dist)
+//        {
+//            ctx.moveTo(_x, i);
+//            i -= w_dot;
+//            if (i < _y)
+//                i = _y;
+//            ctx.lineTo(_x, i);
+//        }
+//        if (bIsStrokeAndCanUseNative)
+//            ctx.stroke();
+    },
+    AddLineDash : function(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, w_dot, w_dist)
+    {
+        console.log('AddLineDash !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!');
+//        var len = Math.sqrt((x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1));
+//        if (len < 1)
+//            len = 1;
+//        var len_x1 = Math.abs(w_dot*(x2-x1)/len);
+//        var len_y1 = Math.abs(w_dot*(y2-y1)/len);
+//        var len_x2 = Math.abs(w_dist*(x2-x1)/len);
+//        var len_y2 = Math.abs(w_dist*(y2-y1)/len);
+//        if (x1 <= x2 && y1 <= y2)
+//        {
+//            for (var i = x1, j = y1; i < x2 || j < y2; i += len_x2, j += len_y2)
+//            {
+//                ctx.moveTo(i, j);
+//                i += len_x1;
+//                j += len_y1;
+//                if (i > x2)
+//                    i = x2;
+//                if (j > y2)
+//                    j = y2;
+//                ctx.lineTo(i, j);
+//            }
+//        }
+//        else if (x1 <= x2 && y1 > y2)
+//        {
+//            for (var i = x1, j = y1; i < x2 || j > y2; i += len_x2, j -= len_y2)
+//            {
+//                ctx.moveTo(i, j);
+//                i += len_x1;
+//                j -= len_y1;
+//                if (i > x2)
+//                    i = x2;
+//                if (j < y2)
+//                    j = y2;
+//                ctx.lineTo(i, j);
+//            }
+//        }
+//        else if (x1 > x2 && y1 <= y2)
+//        {
+//            for (var i = x1, j = y1; i > x2 || j < y2; i -= len_x2, j += len_y2)
+//            {
+//                ctx.moveTo(i, j);
+//                i -= len_x1;
+//                j += len_y1;
+//                if (i < x2)
+//                    i = x2;
+//                if (j > y2)
+//                    j = y2;
+//                ctx.lineTo(i, j);
+//            }
+//        }
+//        else
+//        {
+//            for (var i = x1, j = y1; i > x2 || j > y2; i -= len_x2, j -= len_y2)
+//            {
+//                ctx.moveTo(i, j);
+//                i -= len_x1;
+//                j -= len_y1;
+//                if (i < x2)
+//                    i = x2;
+//                if (j < y2)
+//                    j = y2;
+//                ctx.lineTo(i, j);
+//            }
+//        }
+    },
+    AddRectDash : function(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, w_dot, w_dist, bIsStrokeAndCanUseNative)
+    {
+        console.log('AddRectDash !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!');
+//        var _support_native_dash = (undefined !== ctx.setLineDash);
+//        if (_support_native_dash && bIsStrokeAndCanUseNative === true)
+//        {
+//            ctx.setLineDash([w_dot, w_dist]);
+//            ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
+//            ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
+//            ctx.lineTo(x4, y4);
+//            ctx.lineTo(x3, y3);
+//            ctx.closePath();
+//            ctx.stroke();
+//            ctx.setLineDash([]);
+//            return;
+//        }
+//        this.AddLineDash(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, w_dot, w_dist);
+//        this.AddLineDash(ctx, x2, y2, x4, y4, w_dot, w_dist);
+//        this.AddLineDash(ctx, x4, y4, x3, y3, w_dot, w_dist);
+//        this.AddLineDash(ctx, x3, y3, x1, y1, w_dot, w_dist);
+//        if (bIsStrokeAndCanUseNative)
+//            ctx.stroke();
+    },
+    DrawAdjustment : function(matrix, x, y, bTextWarp)
+    {
+        if (!matrix)
+            this.Native["DD_DrawTrackTransform"]();
+        else
+            this.Native["DD_DrawTrackTransform"](, matrix.shy, matrix.shx,, matrix.tx, matrix.ty);
+        this.Native["DD_DrawAdjustment"](x, y);
+//        var overlay = this.m_oOverlay;
+//        this.CurrentPageInfo = overlay.m_oHtmlPage.GetDrawingPageInfo(this.PageIndex);
+//        var drPage = this.CurrentPageInfo.drawingPage;
+//        var xDst = drPage.left + (this.Graphics ? this.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.tx : 0);
+//        var yDst = + (this.Graphics ? this.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.ty : 0);
+//        var wDst = drPage.right - drPage.left;
+//        var hDst = drPage.bottom -;
+//        var dKoefX = wDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.width_mm;
+//        var dKoefY = hDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.height_mm;
+//        var cx = (xDst + dKoefX * (matrix.TransformPointX(x, y))) >> 0;
+//        var cy = (yDst + dKoefY * (matrix.TransformPointY(x, y))) >> 0;
+//        var _style_blue = "#4D7399";
+//        var _style_yellow = "#FDF54A";
+//        var _style_text_adj = "#F888FF";
+//        var ctx = overlay.m_oContext;
+//        var dist = TRACK_ADJUSTMENT_SIZE / 2;
+//        ctx.moveTo(cx - dist, cy);
+//        ctx.lineTo(cx, cy - dist);
+//        ctx.lineTo(cx + dist, cy);
+//        ctx.lineTo(cx, cy + dist);
+//        ctx.closePath();
+//        overlay.CheckRect(cx - dist, cy - dist, TRACK_ADJUSTMENT_SIZE, TRACK_ADJUSTMENT_SIZE);
+//        if(bTextWarp === true)
+//        {
+//            ctx.fillStyle = _style_text_adj;
+//        }
+//        else
+//        {
+//            ctx.fillStyle = _style_yellow;
+//        }
+//        ctx.strokeStyle = _style_blue;
+//        ctx.fill();
+//        ctx.stroke();
+//        ctx.beginPath();
+    },
+    DrawEditWrapPointsPolygon : function(points, matrix)
+    {
+        if (!matrix)
+            this.Native["DD_DrawTrackTransform"]();
+        else
+            this.Native["DD_DrawTrackTransform"](, matrix.shy, matrix.shx,, matrix.tx, matrix.ty);
+        this.Native["DD_DrawEditWrapPointsPolygon"](points);
+//        var _len = points.length;
+//        if (0 == _len)
+//            return;
+//        var overlay = this.m_oOverlay;
+//        var ctx = overlay.m_oContext;
+//        this.CurrentPageInfo = overlay.m_oHtmlPage.GetDrawingPageInfo(this.PageIndex);
+//        var drPage = this.CurrentPageInfo.drawingPage;
+//        var xDst = drPage.left;
+//        var yDst =;
+//        var wDst = drPage.right - drPage.left;
+//        var hDst = drPage.bottom -;
+//        var dKoefX = wDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.width_mm;
+//        var dKoefY = hDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.height_mm;
+//        var _tr_points_x = new Array(_len);
+//        var _tr_points_y = new Array(_len);
+//        for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
+//        {
+//            _tr_points_x[i] = (xDst + dKoefX * (matrix.TransformPointX(points[i].x, points[i].y))) >> 0;
+//            _tr_points_y[i] = (yDst + dKoefY * (matrix.TransformPointY(points[i].x, points[i].y))) >> 0;
+//        }
+//        ctx.beginPath();
+//        for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
+//        {
+//            if (0 == i)
+//                ctx.moveTo(_tr_points_x[i], _tr_points_y[i]);
+//            else
+//                ctx.lineTo(_tr_points_x[i], _tr_points_y[i]);
+//            overlay.CheckPoint(_tr_points_x[i], _tr_points_y[i]);
+//        }
+//        ctx.closePath();
+//        ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+//        ctx.strokeStyle = "#FF0000";
+//        ctx.stroke();
+//        ctx.beginPath();
+//        for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
+//        {
+//            overlay.AddRect2(_tr_points_x[i] + 0.5, _tr_points_y[i] + 0.5, TRACK_WRAPPOINTS_SIZE);
+//        }
+//        ctx.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF";
+//        ctx.fillStyle = "#000000";
+//        ctx.fill();
+//        ctx.stroke();
+//        ctx.beginPath();
+    },
+    DrawEditWrapPointsTrackLines : function(points, matrix)
+    {
+        if (!matrix)
+            this.Native["DD_DrawTrackTransform"]();
+        else
+            this.Native["DD_DrawTrackTransform"](, matrix.shy, matrix.shx,, matrix.tx, matrix.ty);
+        this.Native["DD_DrawEditWrapPointsTrackLines"](points);
+//        var _len = points.length;
+//        if (0 == _len)
+//            return;
+//        var overlay = this.m_oOverlay;
+//        var ctx = overlay.m_oContext;
+//        this.CurrentPageInfo = overlay.m_oHtmlPage.GetDrawingPageInfo(this.PageIndex);
+//        var drPage = this.CurrentPageInfo.drawingPage;
+//        var xDst = drPage.left;
+//        var yDst =;
+//        var wDst = drPage.right - drPage.left;
+//        var hDst = drPage.bottom -;
+//        var dKoefX = wDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.width_mm;
+//        var dKoefY = hDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.height_mm;
+//        var _tr_points_x = new Array(_len);
+//        var _tr_points_y = new Array(_len);
+//        for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
+//        {
+//            _tr_points_x[i] = (xDst + dKoefX * (matrix.TransformPointX(points[i].x, points[i].y))) >> 0;
+//            _tr_points_y[i] = (yDst + dKoefY * (matrix.TransformPointY(points[i].x, points[i].y))) >> 0;
+//        }
+//        var globalAlpha = ctx.globalAlpha;
+//        ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
+//        ctx.beginPath();
+//        for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
+//        {
+//            if (0 == i)
+//                ctx.moveTo(_tr_points_x[i], _tr_points_y[i]);
+//            else
+//                ctx.lineTo(_tr_points_x[i], _tr_points_y[i]);
+//            overlay.CheckPoint(_tr_points_x[i], _tr_points_y[i]);
+//        }
+//        ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+//        ctx.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF";
+//        ctx.stroke();
+//        ctx.beginPath();
+//        for (var i = 1; i < _len; i++)
+//        {
+//            this.AddLineDash(ctx, _tr_points_x[i-1], _tr_points_y[i-1], _tr_points_x[i], _tr_points_y[i], 4, 4);
+//        }
+//        ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+//        ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";
+//        ctx.stroke();
+//        ctx.beginPath();
+//        ctx.globalAlpha = globalAlpha;
+    },
+    DrawInlineMoveCursor : function(x, y, h, matrix)
+    {
+        if (!m)
+        {
+            this.Native["DD_DrawInlineMoveCursor"](this.PageIndex, x, y, h);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            this.Native["DD_DrawInlineMoveCursor"](this.PageIndex, x, y, h,, m.shy, m.shx,, m.tx, m.ty);
+        }
+//        var overlay = this.m_oOverlay;
+//        this.CurrentPageInfo = overlay.m_oHtmlPage.GetDrawingPageInfo(this.PageIndex);
+//        var drPage = this.CurrentPageInfo.drawingPage;
+//        var xDst = drPage.left;
+//        var yDst =;
+//        var wDst = drPage.right - drPage.left;
+//        var hDst = drPage.bottom -;
+//        var dKoefX = wDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.width_mm;
+//        var dKoefY = hDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.height_mm;
+//        var bIsIdentMatr = true;
+//        if (matrix !== undefined && matrix != null)
+//        {
+//            if (matrix.IsIdentity2())
+//            {
+//                x += matrix.tx;
+//                y += matrix.ty;
+//            }
+//            else
+//            {
+//                bIsIdentMatr = false;
+//            }
+//        }
+//        if (bIsIdentMatr)
+//        {
+//            var __x = (xDst + dKoefX * x) >> 0;
+//            var __y = (yDst + dKoefY * y) >> 0;
+//            var __h = (h * dKoefY) >> 0;
+//            overlay.CheckRect(__x,__y,2,__h);
+//            var ctx = overlay.m_oContext;
+//            var _oldAlpha = ctx.globalAlpha;
+//            ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
+//            ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+//            ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";
+//            for (var i = 0; i < __h; i+=2)
+//            {
+//                ctx.moveTo(__x,__y+i+0.5);
+//                ctx.lineTo(__x+2,__y+i+0.5);
+//            }
+//            ctx.stroke();
+//            ctx.beginPath();
+//            ctx.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF";
+//            for (var i = 1; i < __h; i+=2)
+//            {
+//                ctx.moveTo(__x,__y+i+0.5);
+//                ctx.lineTo(__x+2,__y+i+0.5);
+//            }
+//            ctx.stroke();
+//            ctx.globalAlpha = _oldAlpha;
+//        }
+//        else
+//        {
+//            var _x1 = matrix.TransformPointX(x, y);
+//            var _y1 = matrix.TransformPointY(x, y);
+//            var _x2 = matrix.TransformPointX(x, y + h);
+//            var _y2 = matrix.TransformPointY(x, y + h);
+//            _x1 = xDst + dKoefX * _x1;
+//            _y1 = yDst + dKoefY * _y1;
+//            _x2 = xDst + dKoefX * _x2;
+//            _y2 = yDst + dKoefY * _y2;
+//            overlay.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+//            overlay.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+//            var ctx = overlay.m_oContext;
+//            var _oldAlpha = ctx.globalAlpha;
+//            ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
+//            ctx.lineWidth = 2;
+//            ctx.beginPath();
+//            ctx.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF";
+//            ctx.moveTo(_x1, _y1);
+//            ctx.lineTo(_x2, _y2);
+//            ctx.stroke();
+//            ctx.beginPath();
+//            ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";
+//            var _vec_len = Math.sqrt((_x2 - _x1)*(_x2 - _x1) + (_y2 - _y1)*(_y2 - _y1));
+//            var _dx = (_x2 - _x1) / _vec_len;
+//            var _dy = (_y2 - _y1) / _vec_len;
+//            var __x = _x1;
+//            var __y = _y1;
+//            for (var i = 0; i < _vec_len; i += 2)
+//            {
+//                ctx.moveTo(__x, __y);
+//                __x += _dx;
+//                __y += _dy;
+//                ctx.lineTo(__x, __y);
+//                __x += _dx;
+//                __y += _dy;
+//            }
+//            ctx.stroke();
+//            ctx.globalAlpha = _oldAlpha;
+//        }
+    },
+    drawFlowAnchor : function(x, y)
+    {
+        this.Native["PD_drawFlowAnchor"](x, y);
+//        if (!window.g_flow_anchor || !window.g_flow_anchor.asc_complete || (!editor || !editor.ShowParaMarks))
+//            return;
+//        var overlay = this.m_oOverlay;
+//        this.CurrentPageInfo = overlay.m_oHtmlPage.GetDrawingPageInfo(this.PageIndex);
+//        var drPage = this.CurrentPageInfo.drawingPage;
+//        var xDst = drPage.left;
+//        var yDst =;
+//        var wDst = drPage.right - drPage.left;
+//        var hDst = drPage.bottom -;
+//        var dKoefX = wDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.width_mm;
+//        var dKoefY = hDst / this.CurrentPageInfo.height_mm;
+//        var __x = (xDst + dKoefX * x) >> 0;
+//        var __y = (yDst + dKoefY * y) >> 0;
+//        __x -= 8;
+//        overlay.CheckRect(__x,__y,16,17);
+//        var ctx = overlay.m_oContext;
+//        var _oldAlpha = ctx.globalAlpha;
+//        ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
+//        ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0);
+//        ctx.drawImage(window.g_flow_anchor, __x, __y);
+//        ctx.globalAlpha = _oldAlpha;
+    }
+function CSlideBoundsChecker()
+    this.map_bounds_shape = {};
+    this.map_bounds_shape["heart"] = true;
+    this.IsSlideBoundsCheckerType = true;
+    this.Bounds = new CBoundsController();
+    this.m_oCurFont     = null;
+    this.m_oCoordTransform  = new CMatrixL();
+    this.m_oTransform       = new CMatrixL();
+    this.m_oFullTransform   = new CMatrixL();
+    this.IsNoSupportTextDraw = true;
+    this.LineWidth = null;
+    this.AutoCheckLineWidth = false;
+CSlideBoundsChecker.prototype =
+    IsShapeNeedBounds : function(preset)
+    {
+        if (preset === undefined || preset == null)
+            return true;
+        return (true === this.map_bounds_shape[preset]) ? false : true;
+    },
+    drawHorLine2 : function(preset)
+    {
+    },
+    AddSmartRect: function()
+    {},
+    init : function(width_px, height_px, width_mm, height_mm)
+    {
+        this.m_lHeightPix   = height_px;
+        this.m_lWidthPix    = width_px;
+        this.m_dWidthMM     = width_mm;
+        this.m_dHeightMM    = height_mm;
+        this.m_dDpiX        = 25.4 * this.m_lWidthPix / this.m_dWidthMM;
+        this.m_dDpiY        = 25.4 * this.m_lHeightPix / this.m_dHeightMM;
+   = this.m_dDpiX / 25.4;
+   = this.m_dDpiY / 25.4;
+        this.Bounds.ClearNoAttack();
+    },
+    SetCurrentPage: function()
+    {},
+    GetIntegerGrid: function()
+    {
+        return false;
+    },
+    GetTextPr: function()
+    {},
+    EndDraw : function(){},
+    put_GlobalAlpha : function(enable, alpha)
+    {
+    },
+    // pen methods
+    p_color : function(r,g,b,a)
+    {
+    },
+    p_width : function(w)
+    {
+    },
+    // brush methods
+    b_color1 : function(r,g,b,a)
+    {
+    },
+    b_color2 : function(r,g,b,a)
+    {
+    },
+    SetIntegerGrid : function()
+    {
+    },
+    transform : function(sx,shy,shx,sy,tx,ty)
+    {
+    = sx;
+        this.m_oTransform.shx   = shx;
+        this.m_oTransform.shy   = shy;
+    = sy;
+        this.m_oTransform.tx    = tx;
+        this.m_oTransform.ty    = ty;
+        this.CalculateFullTransform();
+    },
+    CalculateFullTransform : function()
+    {
+ =;
+        this.m_oFullTransform.shx = this.m_oTransform.shx;
+        this.m_oFullTransform.shy = this.m_oTransform.shy;
+ =;
+        this.m_oFullTransform.tx = this.m_oTransform.tx;
+        this.m_oFullTransform.ty = this.m_oTransform.ty;
+        global_MatrixTransformer.MultiplyAppend(this.m_oFullTransform, this.m_oCoordTransform);
+    },
+	SetTextPr: function()
+	{},
+	SetFontSlot: function()
+	{},
+    // path commands
+    _s : function()
+    {
+    },
+    _e : function()
+    {
+    },
+    _z : function()
+    {
+    },
+    _m : function(x,y)
+    {
+        var _x = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x,y);
+        var _y = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x,y);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x, _y);
+    },
+    _l : function(x,y)
+    {
+        var _x = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x,y);
+        var _y = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x,y);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x, _y);
+    },
+    _c : function(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3)
+    {
+        var _x1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x1,y1);
+        var _y1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x1,y1);
+        var _x2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x2,y2);
+        var _y2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x2,y2);
+        var _x3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x3,y3);
+        var _y3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x3,y3);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3);
+    },
+    _c2 : function(x1,y1,x2,y2)
+    {
+        var _x1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x1,y1);
+        var _y1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x1,y1);
+        var _x2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x2,y2);
+        var _y2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x2,y2);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+    },
+    ds : function()
+    {
+    },
+    df : function()
+    {
+    },
+    // canvas state
+    save : function()
+    {
+    },
+    restore : function()
+    {
+    },
+    clip : function()
+    {
+    },
+    reset : function()
+    {
+        this.m_oTransform.Reset();
+        this.CalculateFullTransform();
+    },
+    transform3 : function(m)
+    {
+        this.m_oTransform = m.CreateDublicate();
+        this.CalculateFullTransform();
+    },
+    transform00 : function(m)
+    {
+        this.m_oTransform = m.CreateDublicate();
+        this.m_oTransform.tx = 0;
+        this.m_oTransform.ty = 0;
+        this.CalculateFullTransform();
+    },
+    // images
+    drawImage2 : function(img,x,y,w,h)
+    {
+        var _x1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x,y);
+        var _y1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x,y);
+        var _x2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x+w,y);
+        var _y2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x+w,y);
+        var _x3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x+w,y+h);
+        var _y3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x+w,y+h);
+        var _x4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x,y+h);
+        var _y4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x,y+h);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4);
+    },
+    drawImage : function(img,x,y,w,h)
+    {
+        return this.drawImage2(img, x, y, w, h);
+    },
+    // text
+    font : function(font_id,font_size)
+    {
+        this.m_oFontManager.LoadFontFromFile(font_id, font_size, this.m_dDpiX, this.m_dDpiY);
+    },
+    GetFont : function()
+    {
+        return this.m_oCurFont;
+    },
+    SetFont : function(font)
+    {
+        this.m_oCurFont = font;
+    },
+    FillText : function(x,y,text)
+    {
+        // убыстеренный вариант. здесь везде заточка на то, что приходит одна буква
+        if (this.m_bIsBreak)
+            return;
+        // TODO: нужен другой метод отрисовки!!!
+        var _x = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y);
+        var _y = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y);
+        this.Bounds.CheckRect(_x, _y, 1, 1);
+    },
+    FillTextCode : function(x,y,lUnicode)
+    {
+        // убыстеренный вариант. здесь везде заточка на то, что приходит одна буква
+        if (this.m_bIsBreak)
+            return;
+        // TODO: нужен другой метод отрисовки!!!
+        var _x = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y);
+        var _y = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y);
+        this.Bounds.CheckRect(_x, _y, 1, 1);
+    },
+    t : function(text,x,y)
+    {
+        if (this.m_bIsBreak)
+            return;
+        // TODO: нужен другой метод отрисовки!!!
+        var _x = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y);
+        var _y = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y);
+        this.Bounds.CheckRect(_x, _y, 1, 1);
+    },
+    FillText2 : function(x,y,text,cropX,cropW)
+    {
+        // убыстеренный вариант. здесь везде заточка на то, что приходит одна буква
+        if (this.m_bIsBreak)
+            return;
+        // TODO: нужен другой метод отрисовки!!!
+        var _x = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y);
+        var _y = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y);
+        this.Bounds.CheckRect(_x, _y, 1, 1);
+    },
+    t2 : function(text,x,y,cropX,cropW)
+    {
+        if (this.m_bIsBreak)
+            return;
+        // TODO: нужен другой метод отрисовки!!!
+        var _x = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x, y);
+        var _y = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x, y);
+        this.Bounds.CheckRect(_x, _y, 1, 1);
+    },
+    charspace : function(space)
+    {
+    },
+    // private methods
+    DrawHeaderEdit : function(yPos)
+    {
+    },
+    DrawFooterEdit : function(yPos)
+    {
+    },
+    DrawEmptyTableLine : function(x1,y1,x2,y2)
+    {
+    },
+    // smart methods for horizontal / vertical lines
+    drawHorLine : function(align, y, x, r, penW)
+    {
+        var _x1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x,y-penW);
+        var _y1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x,y-penW);
+        var _x2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x,y+penW);
+        var _y2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x,y+penW);
+        var _x3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(r,y-penW);
+        var _y3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(r,y-penW);
+        var _x4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(r,y+penW);
+        var _y4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(r,y+penW);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4);
+    },
+    drawVerLine : function(align, x, y, b, penW)
+    {
+        var _x1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x-penW,y);
+        var _y1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x-penW,y);
+        var _x2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x+penW,y);
+        var _y2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x+penW,y);
+        var _x3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x-penW,b);
+        var _y3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x-penW,b);
+        var _x4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x+penW,b);
+        var _y4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x+penW,b);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4);
+    },
+    // мега крутые функции для таблиц
+    drawHorLineExt : function(align, y, x, r, penW, leftMW, rightMW)
+    {
+        this.drawHorLine(align, y, x + leftMW, r + rightMW);
+    },
+    rect : function(x,y,w,h)
+    {
+        var _x1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x,y);
+        var _y1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x,y);
+        var _x2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x+w,y);
+        var _y2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x+w,y);
+        var _x3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x+w,y+h);
+        var _y3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x+w,y+h);
+        var _x4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x,y+h);
+        var _y4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x,y+h);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4);
+    },
+    rect2 : function(x,y,w,h)
+    {
+        var _x1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x,y);
+        var _y1 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x,y);
+        var _x2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x+w,y);
+        var _y2 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x+w,y);
+        var _x3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x+w,y-h);
+        var _y3 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x+w,y-h);
+        var _x4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointX(x,y-h);
+        var _y4 = this.m_oFullTransform.TransformPointY(x,y-h);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x1, _y1);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x2, _y2);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x3, _y3);
+        this.Bounds.CheckPoint(_x4, _y4);
+    },
+    TableRect : function(x,y,w,h)
+    {
+        this.rect(x, y, w, h);
+    },
+    // функции клиппирования
+    AddClipRect : function(x, y, w, h)
+    {
+    },
+    RemoveClipRect : function()
+    {
+    },
+    SetClip : function(r)
+    {
+    },
+    RemoveClip : function()
+    {
+    },
+    SavePen : function()
+    {
+    },
+    RestorePen : function()
+    {
+    },
+    SaveBrush : function()
+    {
+    },
+    RestoreBrush : function()
+    {
+    },
+    SavePenBrush : function()
+    {
+    },
+    RestorePenBrush : function()
+    {
+    },
+    SaveGrState : function()
+    {
+    },
+    RestoreGrState : function()
+    {
+    },
+    StartClipPath : function()
+    {
+    },
+    EndClipPath : function()
+    {
+    },
+    CorrectBounds : function()
+    {
+        if (this.LineWidth != null)
+        {
+            var _correct = this.LineWidth / 2.0;
+            this.Bounds.min_x -= _correct;
+            this.Bounds.min_y -= _correct;
+            this.Bounds.max_x += _correct;
+            this.Bounds.max_y += _correct;
+        }
+    },
+    CorrectBounds2 : function()
+    {
+        if (this.LineWidth != null)
+        {
+            var _correct = this.LineWidth * / 2;
+            this.Bounds.min_x -= _correct;
+            this.Bounds.min_y -= _correct;
+            this.Bounds.max_x += _correct;
+            this.Bounds.max_y += _correct;
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Excel/native/native.js b/Excel/native/native.js
index d9e674c47..e16c2e6ab 100644
--- a/Excel/native/native.js
+++ b/Excel/native/native.js
@@ -1381,6 +1381,1334 @@ function asc_menu_WriteFontFamily(_type, _family, _stream) {
+function asc_menu_ReadAscFill_solid(_params, _cursor){
+    var _fill = new asc_CFillSolid();
+    var _continue = true;
+    while (_continue)
+    {
+        var _attr = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+        switch (_attr)
+        {
+            case 0:
+            {
+                _fill.color = asc_menu_ReadColor(_params, _cursor);
+                break;
+            }
+            case 255:
+            default:
+            {
+                _continue = false;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return _fill;
+function asc_menu_WriteAscFill_solid(_type, _fill, _stream){
+    if (!_fill)
+        return;
+    _stream["WriteByte"](_type);
+    asc_menu_WriteColor(0, _fill.color, _stream);
+    _stream["WriteByte"](255);
+function asc_menu_ReadAscFill_patt(_params, _cursor){
+    var _fill = new asc_CFillHatch();
+    var _continue = true;
+    while (_continue)
+    {
+        var _attr = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+        switch (_attr)
+        {
+            case 0:
+            {
+                _fill.PatternType = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 1:
+            {
+                _fill.bgClr = asc_menu_ReadColor(_params, _cursor);
+                break;
+            }
+            case 2:
+            {
+                _fill.fgClr = asc_menu_ReadColor(_params, _cursor);
+                break;
+            }
+            case 255:
+            default:
+            {
+                _continue = false;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return _fill;
+function asc_menu_WriteAscFill_patt(_type, _fill, _stream){
+    if (!_fill)
+        return;
+    _stream["WriteByte"](_type);
+    if (_fill.PatternType !== undefined && _fill.PatternType !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](0);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_fill.PatternType);
+    }
+    asc_menu_WriteColor(1, _fill.bgClr, _stream);
+    asc_menu_WriteColor(2, _fill.fgClr, _stream);
+    _stream["WriteByte"](255);
+function asc_menu_ReadAscFill_grad(_params, _cursor){
+    var _fill = new asc_CFillGrad();
+    var _continue = true;
+    while (_continue)
+    {
+        var _attr = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+        switch (_attr)
+        {
+            case 0:
+            {
+                _fill.GradType = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 1:
+            {
+                _fill.LinearAngle = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 2:
+            {
+                _fill.LinearScale = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 3:
+            {
+                _fill.PathType = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 4:
+            {
+                var _count = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                if (_count > 0)
+                {
+                    _fill.Colors = [];
+                    _fill.Positions = [];
+                }
+                for (var i = 0; i < _count; i++)
+                {
+                    _fill.Colors[i] = null;
+                    _fill.Positions[i] = null;
+                    var _continue2 = true;
+                    while (_continue2)
+                    {
+                        var _attr2 = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                        switch (_attr2)
+                        {
+                            case 0:
+                            {
+                                _fill.Colors[i] = asc_menu_ReadColor(_params, _cursor);
+                                break;
+                            }
+                            case 1:
+                            {
+                                _fill.Positions[i] = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                                break;
+                            }
+                            case 255:
+                            default:
+                            {
+                                _continue2 = false;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            case 255:
+            default:
+            {
+                _continue = false;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return _fill;
+function asc_menu_WriteAscFill_grad(_type, _fill, _stream){
+    if (!_fill)
+        return;
+    _stream["WriteByte"](_type);
+    if (_fill.GradType !== undefined && _fill.GradType !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](0);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_fill.GradType);
+    }
+    if (_fill.LinearAngle !== undefined && _fill.LinearAngle !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](1);
+        _stream["WriteDouble2"](_fill.LinearAngle);
+    }
+    if (_fill.LinearScale !== undefined && _fill.LinearScale !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](2);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_fill.LinearScale);
+    }
+    if (_fill.PathType !== undefined && _fill.PathType !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](3);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_fill.PathType);
+    }
+    if (_fill.Colors !== null && _fill.Colors !== undefined && _fill.Positions !== null && _fill.Positions !== undefined)
+    {
+        if (_fill.Colors.length == _fill.Positions.length)
+        {
+            var _count = _fill.Colors.length;
+            _stream["WriteByte"](4);
+            _stream["WriteLong"](_count);
+            for (var i = 0; i < _count; i++)
+            {
+                asc_menu_WriteColor(0, _fill.Colors[i], _stream);
+                if (_fill.Positions[i] !== undefined && _fill.Positions[i] !== null)
+                {
+                    _stream["WriteByte"](1);
+                    _stream["WriteDouble2"](_fill.Positions[i]);
+                }
+                _stream["WriteByte"](255);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    _stream["WriteByte"](255);
+function asc_menu_ReadAscFill_blip(_params, _cursor){
+    var _fill = new asc_CFillBlip();
+    var _continue = true;
+    while (_continue)
+    {
+        var _attr = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+        switch (_attr)
+        {
+            case 0:
+            {
+                _fill.type = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 1:
+            {
+                _fill.url = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 2:
+            {
+                _fill.texture_id = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 255:
+            default:
+            {
+                _continue = false;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return _fill;
+function asc_menu_WriteAscFill_blip(_type, _fill, _stream){
+    if (!_fill)
+        return;
+    _stream["WriteByte"](_type);
+    if (_fill.type !== undefined && _fill.type !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](0);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_fill.type);
+    }
+    if (_fill.url !== undefined && _fill.url !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](1);
+        _stream["WriteString2"](_fill.url);
+    }
+    if (_fill.texture_id !== undefined && _fill.texture_id !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](2);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_fill.texture_id);
+    }
+    _stream["WriteByte"](255);
+function asc_menu_ReadAscFill(_params, _cursor){
+    var _fill = new asc_CShapeFill();
+    //_fill.type = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_NOFILL;
+    var _continue = true;
+    while (_continue)
+    {
+        var _attr = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+        switch (_attr)
+        {
+            case 0:
+            {
+                _fill.type = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 1:
+            {
+                switch (_fill.type)
+                {
+                    case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_SOLID:
+                    {
+                        _fill.fill = asc_menu_ReadAscFill_solid(_params, _cursor);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT:
+                    {
+                        _fill.fill = asc_menu_ReadAscFill_patt(_params, _cursor);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD:
+                    {
+                        _fill.fill = asc_menu_ReadAscFill_grad(_params, _cursor);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_BLIP:
+                    {
+                        _fill.fill = asc_menu_ReadAscFill_blip(_params, _cursor);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    default:
+                        break;
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            case 2:
+            {
+                _fill.transparent = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 255:
+            default:
+            {
+                _continue = false;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return _fill;
+function asc_menu_WriteAscFill(_type, _fill, _stream){
+    if (!_fill)
+        return;
+    _stream["WriteByte"](_type);
+    if (_fill.type !== undefined && _fill.type !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](0);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_fill.type);
+    }
+    if (_fill.fill !== undefined && _fill.fill !== null)
+    {
+        switch (_fill.type)
+        {
+            case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_SOLID:
+            {
+                _fill.fill = asc_menu_WriteAscFill_solid(1, _fill.fill, _stream);
+                break;
+            }
+            case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT:
+            {
+                _fill.fill = asc_menu_ReadAscFill_patt(1, _fill.fill, _stream);
+                break;
+            }
+            case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD:
+            {
+                _fill.fill = asc_menu_ReadAscFill_grad(1, _fill.fill, _stream);
+                break;
+            }
+            case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_BLIP:
+            {
+                _fill.fill = asc_menu_ReadAscFill_blip(1, _fill.fill, _stream);
+                break;
+            }
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (_fill.transparent !== undefined && _fill.transparent !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](2);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_fill.transparent);
+    }
+    _stream["WriteByte"](255);
+function asc_menu_ReadAscStroke(_params, _cursor){
+    var _stroke = new asc_CStroke();
+    var _continue = true;
+    while (_continue)
+    {
+        var _attr = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+        switch (_attr)
+        {
+            case 0:
+            {
+                _stroke.type = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 1:
+            {
+                _stroke.width = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 2:
+            {
+                _stroke.color = asc_menu_ReadColor(_params, _cursor);
+                break;
+            }
+            case 3:
+            {
+                _stroke.LineJoin = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 4:
+            {
+                _stroke.LineCap = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 5:
+            {
+                _stroke.LineBeginStyle = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 6:
+            {
+                _stroke.LineBeginSize = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 7:
+            {
+                _stroke.LineEndStyle = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 8:
+            {
+                _stroke.LineEndSize = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 9:
+            {
+                _stroke.canChangeArrows = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 255:
+            default:
+            {
+                _continue = false;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return _stroke;
+function asc_menu_WriteAscStroke(_type, _stroke, _stream){
+    if (!_stroke)
+        return;
+    _stream["WriteByte"](_type);
+    if (_stroke.type !== undefined && _stroke.type !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](0);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_stroke.type);
+    }
+    if (_stroke.width !== undefined && _stroke.width !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](1);
+        _stream["WriteDouble2"](_stroke.width);
+    }
+    asc_menu_WriteColor(2, _stroke.color, _stream);
+    if (_stroke.LineJoin !== undefined && _stroke.LineJoin !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](3);
+        _stream["WriteByte"](_stroke.LineJoin);
+    }
+    if (_stroke.LineCap !== undefined && _stroke.LineCap !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](4);
+        _stream["WriteByte"](_stroke.LineCap);
+    }
+    if (_stroke.LineBeginStyle !== undefined && _stroke.LineBeginStyle !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](5);
+        _stream["WriteByte"](_stroke.LineBeginStyle);
+    }
+    if (_stroke.LineBeginSize !== undefined && _stroke.LineBeginSize !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](6);
+        _stream["WriteByte"](_stroke.LineBeginSize);
+    }
+    if (_stroke.LineEndStyle !== undefined && _stroke.LineEndStyle !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](7);
+        _stream["WriteByte"](_stroke.LineEndStyle);
+    }
+    if (_stroke.LineEndSize !== undefined && _stroke.LineEndSize !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](8);
+        _stream["WriteByte"](_stroke.LineEndSize);
+    }
+    if (_stroke.canChangeArrows !== undefined && _stroke.canChangeArrows !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](9);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_stroke.canChangeArrows);
+    }
+    _stream["WriteByte"](255);
+function asc_menu_ReadPaddings(_params, _cursor){
+    var _paddings = new asc_CPaddings();
+    var _continue = true;
+    while (_continue)
+    {
+        var _attr = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+        switch (_attr)
+        {
+            case 0:
+            {
+                _paddings.Left = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 1:
+            {
+                _paddings.Top = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 2:
+            {
+                _paddings.Right = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 3:
+            {
+                _paddings.Bottom = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 255:
+            default:
+            {
+                _continue = false;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return _paddings;
+function asc_menu_WritePaddings(_type, _paddings, _stream){
+    if (!_paddings)
+        return;
+    _stream["WriteByte"](_type);
+    if (_paddings.Left !== undefined && _paddings.Left !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](0);
+        _stream["WriteDouble2"](_paddings.Left);
+    }
+    if (_paddings.Top !== undefined && _paddings.Top !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](1);
+        _stream["WriteDouble2"](_paddings.Top);
+    }
+    if (_paddings.Right !== undefined && _paddings.Right !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](2);
+        _stream["WriteDouble2"](_paddings.Right);
+    }
+    if (_paddings.Bottom !== undefined && _paddings.Bottom !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](3);
+        _stream["WriteDouble2"](_paddings.Bottom);
+    }
+    _stream["WriteByte"](255);
+function asc_menu_ReadPosition(_params, _cursor){
+    var _position = new CPosition();
+    var _continue = true;
+    while (_continue)
+    {
+        var _attr = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+        switch (_attr)
+        {
+            case 0:
+            {
+                _position.X = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 1:
+            {
+                _position.Y = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 255:
+            default:
+            {
+                _continue = false;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return _position;
+function asc_menu_WritePosition(_type, _position, _stream){
+    if (!_position)
+        return;
+    _stream["WriteByte"](_type);
+    if (_position.X !== undefined && _position.X !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](0);
+        _stream["WriteDouble2"](_position.X);
+    }
+    if (_position.Y !== undefined && _position.Y !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](1);
+        _stream["WriteDouble2"](_position.Y);
+    }
+    _stream["WriteByte"](255);
+function asc_menu_ReadImagePosition(_params, _cursor){
+    var _position = new CPosition();
+    var _continue = true;
+    while (_continue)
+    {
+        var _attr = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+        switch (_attr)
+        {
+            case 0:
+            {
+                _position.RelativeFrom = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 1:
+            {
+                _position.UseAlign = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 2:
+            {
+                _position.Align = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 3:
+            {
+                _position.Value = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 255:
+            default:
+            {
+                _continue = false;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return _position;
+function asc_menu_WriteImagePosition(_type, _position, _stream){
+    if (!_position)
+        return;
+    _stream["WriteByte"](_type);
+    if (_position.RelativeFrom !== undefined && _position.RelativeFrom !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](0);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_position.RelativeFrom);
+    }
+    if (_position.UseAlign !== undefined && _position.UseAlign !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](1);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_position.UseAlign);
+    }
+    if (_position.Align !== undefined && _position.Align !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](2);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_position.Align);
+    }
+    if (_position.Value !== undefined && _position.Value !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](3);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_position.Value);
+    }
+    _stream["WriteByte"](255);
+function asc_menu_ReadAscValAxisSettings(_params, _cursor){
+    var _settings = new asc_ValAxisSettings();
+    var _continue = true;
+    while (_continue)
+    {
+        var _attr = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+        switch (_attr)
+        {
+            case 0:
+            {
+                _settings.minValRule = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 1:
+            {
+                _settings.minVal = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 2:
+            {
+                _settings.maxValRule = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 3:
+            {
+                _settings.maxVal = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 4:
+            {
+                _settings.invertValOrder = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 5:
+            {
+                _settings.logScale = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 6:
+            {
+                _settings.logBase = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 7:
+            {
+                _settings.dispUnitsRule = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 8:
+            {
+                _settings.units = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 9:
+            {
+                _settings.showUnitsOnChart = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 10:
+            {
+                _settings.majorTickMark = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 11:
+            {
+                _settings.minorTickMark = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 12:
+            {
+                _settings.tickLabelsPos = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 13:
+            {
+                _settings.crossesRule = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 14:
+            {
+                _settings.crosses = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 15:
+            {
+                _settings.axisType = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 255:
+            default:
+            {
+                _continue = false;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return _settings;
+function asc_menu_WriteAscValAxisSettings(_type, _settings, _stream){
+    if (!_settings)
+        return;
+    _stream["WriteByte"](_type);
+    if (_settings.minValRule !== undefined && _settings.minValRule !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](0);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_settings.minValRule);
+    }
+    if (_settings.minVal !== undefined && _settings.minVal !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](1);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_settings.minVal);
+    }
+    if (_settings.maxValRule !== undefined && _settings.maxValRule !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](2);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_settings.maxValRule);
+    }
+    if (_settings.maxVal !== undefined && _settings.maxVal !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](3);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_settings.maxVal);
+    }
+    if (_settings.invertValOrder !== undefined && _settings.invertValOrder !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](4);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_settings.invertValOrder);
+    }
+    if (_settings.logScale !== undefined && _settings.logScale !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](5);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_settings.logScale);
+    }
+    if (_settings.logBase !== undefined && _settings.logBase !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](6);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_settings.logBase);
+    }
+    if (_settings.dispUnitsRule !== undefined && _settings.dispUnitsRule !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](7);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_settings.dispUnitsRule);
+    }
+    if (_settings.units !== undefined && _settings.units !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](8);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_settings.units);
+    }
+    if (_settings.showUnitsOnChart !== undefined && _settings.showUnitsOnChart !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](9);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_settings.showUnitsOnChart);
+    }
+    if (_settings.majorTickMark !== undefined && _settings.majorTickMark !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](10);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_settings.majorTickMark);
+    }
+    if (_settings.minorTickMark !== undefined && _settings.minorTickMark !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](11);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_settings.minorTickMark);
+    }
+    if (_settings.tickLabelsPos !== undefined && _settings.tickLabelsPos !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](12);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_settings.tickLabelsPos);
+    }
+    if (_settings.crossesRule !== undefined && _settings.crossesRule !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](13);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_settings.crossesRule);
+    }
+    if (_settings.crosses !== undefined && _settings.crosses !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](14);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_settings.crosses);
+    }
+    if (_settings.axisType !== undefined && _settings.axisType !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](15);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_settings.axisType);
+    }
+    _stream["WriteByte"](255);
+function asc_menu_ReadChartPr(_params, _cursor){
+    var _settings = new asc_ChartSettings();
+    var _continue = true;
+    while (_continue)
+    {
+        var _attr = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+        switch (_attr)
+        {
+            case 0:
+            {
+       = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 1:
+            {
+                _settings.title = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 2:
+            {
+                _settings.rowCols = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 3:
+            {
+                _settings.horAxisLabel = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 4:
+            {
+                _settings.vertAxisLabel = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 5:
+            {
+                _settings.legendPos = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 6:
+            {
+                _settings.dataLabelsPos = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 7:
+            {
+                _settings.horAx = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 8:
+            {
+                _settings.vertAx = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 9:
+            {
+                _settings.horGridLines = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 10:
+            {
+                _settings.vertGridLines = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 11:
+            {
+                _settings.type = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 12:
+            {
+                _settings.showSerName = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 13:
+            {
+                _settings.showCatName = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 14:
+            {
+                _settings.showVal = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 15:
+            {
+                _settings.separator = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 16:
+            {
+                _settings.horAxisProps = asc_menu_ReadAscValAxisSettings(_params, _cursor);
+                break;
+            }
+            case 17:
+            {
+                _settings.vertAxisProps = asc_menu_ReadAscValAxisSettings(_params, _cursor);
+                break;
+            }
+            case 18:
+            {
+                _settings.range = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 19:
+            {
+                _settings.inColumns = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 20:
+            {
+                _settings.showMarker = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 21:
+            {
+                _settings.bLine = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 22:
+            {
+                _settings.smooth = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 255:
+            default:
+            {
+                _continue = false;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return _settings;
+function asc_menu_WriteChartPr(_type, _chartPr, _stream){
+    if (!_chartPr)
+        return;
+    _stream["WriteByte"](_type);
+    if ( !== undefined && !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](0);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](;
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.title !== undefined && _chartPr.title !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](1);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_chartPr.title);
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.rowCols !== undefined && _chartPr.rowCols !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](2);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_chartPr.rowCols);
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.horAxisLabel !== undefined && _chartPr.horAxisLabel !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](3);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_chartPr.horAxisLabel);
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.vertAxisLabel !== undefined && _chartPr.vertAxisLabel !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](4);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_chartPr.vertAxisLabel);
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.legendPos !== undefined && _chartPr.legendPos !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](5);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_chartPr.legendPos);
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.dataLabelsPos !== undefined && _chartPr.dataLabelsPos !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](6);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_chartPr.dataLabelsPos);
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.horAx !== undefined && _chartPr.horAx !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](7);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_chartPr.horAx);
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.vertAx !== undefined && _chartPr.vertAx !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](8);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_chartPr.vertAx);
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.horGridLines !== undefined && _chartPr.horGridLines !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](9);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_chartPr.horGridLines);
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.vertGridLines !== undefined && _chartPr.vertGridLines !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](10);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_chartPr.vertGridLines);
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.type !== undefined && _chartPr.type !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](11);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_chartPr.type);
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.showSerName !== undefined && _chartPr.showSerName !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](12);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_chartPr.showSerName);
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.showCatName !== undefined && _chartPr.showCatName !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](13);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_chartPr.showCatName);
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.showVal !== undefined && _chartPr.showVal !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](14);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_chartPr.showVal);
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.separator !== undefined && _chartPr.separator !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](15);
+        _stream["WriteString2"](_chartPr.separator);
+    }
+    asc_menu_WriteAscValAxisSettings(16, _chartPr.horAxisProps, _stream);
+    asc_menu_WriteAscValAxisSettings(17, _chartPr.vertAxisProps, _stream);
+    if (_chartPr.range !== undefined && _chartPr.range !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](18);
+        _stream["WriteString2"](_chartPr.range);
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.inColumns !== undefined && _chartPr.inColumns !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](19);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_chartPr.inColumns);
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.showMarker !== undefined && _chartPr.showMarker !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](20);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_chartPr.showMarker);
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.bLine !== undefined && _chartPr.bLine !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](21);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_chartPr.bLine);
+    }
+    if (_chartPr.smooth !== undefined && _chartPr.smooth !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](22);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_chartPr.showVal);
+    }
+    _stream["WriteByte"](255);
+function asc_menu_ReadShapePr(_params, _cursor){
+    var _settings = new asc_CShapeProperty();
+    var _continue = true;
+    while (_continue)
+    {
+        var _attr = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+        switch (_attr)
+        {
+            case 0:
+            {
+                _settings.type = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 1:
+            {
+                _settings.fill = asc_menu_ReadAscFill(_params, _cursor);
+                break;
+            }
+            case 2:
+            {
+                _settings.stroke = asc_menu_ReadAscStroke(_params, _cursor);
+                break;
+            }
+            case 3:
+            {
+                _settings.paddings = asc_menu_ReadPaddings(_params, _cursor);
+                break;
+            }
+            case 4:
+            {
+                _settings.canFill = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 5:
+            {
+                _settings.bFromChart = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+                break;
+            }
+            case 6:
+            {
+                _settings.InsertPageNum = _params[_cursor.pos++];
+            }
+            case 255:
+            default:
+            {
+                _continue = false;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return _settings;
+function asc_menu_WriteShapePr(_type, _shapePr, _stream){
+    if (!_shapePr)
+        return;
+    _stream["WriteByte"](_type);
+    if (_shapePr.type !== undefined && _shapePr.type !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](0);
+        _stream["WriteString2"](_shapePr.type);
+    }
+    asc_menu_WriteAscFill(1, _shapePr.fill, _stream);
+    asc_menu_WriteAscStroke(2, _shapePr.stroke, _stream);
+    asc_menu_WritePaddings(3, _shapePr.paddings, _stream);
+    if (_shapePr.canFill !== undefined && _shapePr.canFill !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](4);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_shapePr.canFill);
+    }
+    if (_shapePr.bFromChart !== undefined && _shapePr.bFromChart !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](5);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_shapePr.bFromChart);
+    }
+    _stream["WriteByte"](255);
+function asc_menu_WriteImagePr(_imagePr, _stream){
+    if (_imagePr.CanBeFlow !== undefined && _imagePr.CanBeFlow !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](0);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_imagePr.CanBeFlow);
+    }
+    if (_imagePr.Width !== undefined && _imagePr.Width !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](1);
+        _stream["WriteDouble2"](_imagePr.Width);
+    }
+    if (_imagePr.Height !== undefined && _imagePr.Height !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](2);
+        _stream["WriteDouble2"](_imagePr.Height);
+    }
+    if (_imagePr.WrappingStyle !== undefined && _imagePr.WrappingStyle !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](3);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_imagePr.WrappingStyle);
+    }
+    asc_menu_WritePaddings(4, _imagePr.Paddings, _stream);
+    asc_menu_WritePosition(5, _imagePr.Position, _stream);
+    if (_imagePr.AllowOverlap !== undefined && _imagePr.AllowOverlap !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](6);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_imagePr.AllowOverlap);
+    }
+    asc_menu_WriteImagePosition(7, _imagePr.PositionH, _stream);
+    asc_menu_WriteImagePosition(8, _imagePr.PositionV, _stream);
+    if (_imagePr.Internal_Position !== undefined && _imagePr.Internal_Position !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](9);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_imagePr.Internal_Position);
+    }
+    if (_imagePr.ImageUrl !== undefined && _imagePr.ImageUrl !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](10);
+        _stream["WriteString2"](_imagePr.ImageUrl);
+    }
+    if (_imagePr.Locked !== undefined && _imagePr.Locked !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](11);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_imagePr.Locked);
+    }
+    asc_menu_WriteChartPr(12, _imagePr.ChartProperties, _stream);
+    asc_menu_WriteShapePr(13, _imagePr.ShapeProperties, _stream);
+    if (_imagePr.ChangeLevel !== undefined && _imagePr.ChangeLevel !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](14);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_imagePr.ChangeLevel);
+    }
+    if (_imagePr.Group !== undefined && _imagePr.Group !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](15);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_imagePr.Group);
+    }
+    if (_imagePr.fromGroup !== undefined && _imagePr.fromGroup !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](16);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_imagePr.fromGroup);
+    }
+    if (_imagePr.severalCharts !== undefined && _imagePr.severalCharts !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](17);
+        _stream["WriteBool"](_imagePr.severalCharts);
+    }
+    if (_imagePr.severalChartTypes !== undefined && _imagePr.severalChartTypes !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](18);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_imagePr.severalChartTypes);
+    }
+    if (_imagePr.severalChartStyles !== undefined && _imagePr.severalChartStyles !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](19);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_imagePr.severalChartStyles);
+    }
+    if (_imagePr.verticalTextAlign !== undefined && _imagePr.verticalTextAlign !== null)
+    {
+        _stream["WriteByte"](20);
+        _stream["WriteLong"](_imagePr.verticalTextAlign);
+    }
+    _stream["WriteByte"](255);
 function asc_ReadCBorder(s, p) {
     var color = null;
@@ -1843,6 +3171,8 @@ function OfflineEditor () {
             asc_WriteCCelInfo(cellInfo, stream);
             window["native"]["OnCallMenuEvent"](2402, stream); // ASC_SPREADSHEETS_EVENT_TYPE_SELECTION_CHANGED
+            t.onSelectionChanged(cellInfo);
         _api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onEditorSelectionChanged', function(font) {
             var stream = global_memory_stream_menu;
@@ -2169,27 +3499,73 @@ function OfflineEditor () {
         var pagesData   = _api.wb.calcPagesPrint(adjustPrint);
         var pdfWriter   = new CPdfPrinter();
         var isEndPrint  = _api.wb.printSheet(pdfWriter, pagesData);
-        var str =  pdfWriter.DocumentRenderer.Memory.GetBase64Memory();
-        return str;
+        return pdfWriter.DocumentRenderer.Memory.GetBase64Memory();
+    };
+    this.onSelectionChanged = function(info) {
+        var stream = global_memory_stream_menu;
+        stream["ClearNoAttack"]();
+        var SelectedObjects = [], selectType = info.asc_getFlags().asc_getSelectionType();
+        if (selectType == c_oAscSelectionType.RangeImage || selectType == c_oAscSelectionType.RangeShape ||
+            selectType == c_oAscSelectionType.RangeChart || selectType == c_oAscSelectionType.RangeChartText ||
+            selectType == c_oAscSelectionType.RangeShapeText)
+        {
+            SelectedObjects = _api.asc_getGraphicObjectProps();
+            var count = SelectedObjects.length;
+            var naturalCount = count;
+            stream["WriteLong"](naturalCount);
+            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
+            {
+                switch (SelectedObjects[i].asc_getObjectType())
+                {
+                    case c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Image:
+                    {
+                        stream["WriteLong"](c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Image);
+                        asc_menu_WriteImagePr(SelectedObjects[i].Value, stream);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Hyperlink:
+                    {
+                        stream["WriteLong"](c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Hyperlink);
+                        asc_menu_WriteHyperPr(SelectedObjects[i].Value, stream);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case c_oAscTypeSelectElement.SpellCheck:
+                    default:
+                    {
+                        // none
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (count)
+            {
+                window["native"]["OnCallMenuEvent"](6, stream);
+            }
+        }
-    this.offline_addImageDrawingObject = function(imageUrl, options) {
+    this.offline_addImageDrawingObject = function(options) {
         var worksheet = _api.wb.getWorksheet();
         var objectRender = worksheet.objectRender;
         var _this = objectRender;
+        var objectId = null;
+        var imageUrl = options[0];
         function ascCvtRatio(fromUnits, toUnits) {
             return asc.getCvtRatio(fromUnits, toUnits, objectRender.getContext().getPPIX());
         function ptToMm(val) {
             return val * ascCvtRatio(1, 3);
         function pxToPt(val) {
             return val * ascCvtRatio(0, 1);
         function pxToMm(val) {
             return val * ascCvtRatio(0, 3);
@@ -2241,7 +3617,7 @@ function OfflineEditor () {
        = toCell.row;
        = ptToMm(toCell.rowOff);
-               // worksheet.handlers.trigger("reinitializeScroll");
+                // worksheet.handlers.trigger("reinitializeScroll");
             var addImageObject = function (_image) {
@@ -2271,7 +3647,7 @@ function OfflineEditor () {
                 //calculateObjectMetrics(drawingObject, isOption ? options.width : _image.Image.width, isOption ? options.height : _image.Image.height);
-                calculateObjectMetrics(drawingObject, options.width, options.height);
+                calculateObjectMetrics(drawingObject, options[1], options[2]);
                 var coordsFrom = _this.coordsManager.calculateCoords(drawingObject.from);
                 var coordsTo = _this.coordsManager.calculateCoords(;
@@ -2290,10 +3666,56 @@ function OfflineEditor () {
+                if (_this.controller.selectedObjects.length) {
+                    objectId = _this.controller.selectedObjects[0].Id;
+                }
             addImageObject(new Image());
+        return objectId;
+    };
+    this.offline_addShapeDrawingObject = function(params) {
+        var ws = _api.wb.getWorksheet();
+        var objectRender = ws.objectRender;
+        var objectId = null;
+        var current = {pos: 0};
+        var shapeProp = asc_menu_ReadShapePr(params[0], current);
+        var left = params[1];
+        var top = params[2];
+        var right = params[3];
+        var bottom  = params[4];
+        function ascCvtRatio(fromUnits, toUnits) {
+            return asc.getCvtRatio(fromUnits, toUnits, objectRender.getContext().getPPIX());
+        }
+        function ptToMm(val) {
+            return val * ascCvtRatio(1, 3);
+        }
+        function pxToPt(val) {
+            return val * ascCvtRatio(0, 1);
+        }
+        function pxToMm(val) {
+            return val * ascCvtRatio(0, 3);
+        }
+        _api.asc_startAddShape(shapeProp.type);
+        objectRender.controller.OnMouseDown({}, pxToMm(left), pxToMm(top), 0);
+        objectRender.controller.OnMouseMove({IsLocked: true}, pxToMm(right), pxToMm(bottom), 0);
+        objectRender.controller.OnMouseUp({}, pxToMm(left), pxToMm(bottom), 0);
+        _api.asc_endAddShape();
+        if (objectRender.controller.selectedObjects.length) {
+            objectId = objectRender.controller.selectedObjects[0].Id;
+        }
+        ws.setSelectionShape(true);
+        return objectId;
 var _s = new OfflineEditor();
@@ -2303,7 +3725,6 @@ function offline_stz(v) {_s.zoom = v; _api.asc_setZoom(v);}
 function offline_ds(x, y, width, height, ratio) {_s.drawSheet(x, y, width, height, ratio);}
 function offline_dh(x, y, width, height, type, ratio) {_s.drawHeader(x, y, width, height, type, ratio);}
 function offline_mouse_down(x, y, pin) {
     _s.isShapeAction = false;
     var ws = _api.wb.getWorksheet();
@@ -2311,49 +3732,51 @@ function offline_mouse_down(x, y, pin) {
     var graphicsInfo = wb._onGetGraphicsInfo(x, y);
     if (graphicsInfo) {
-        //console.log('drawing onclick: ' +;
-        var e = {Button: 0, ClickCount: 1, shiftKey: false, metaKey: false, ctrlKey: false};
+        var e = {isLocked: true, Button: 0, ClickCount: 1, shiftKey: false, metaKey: false, ctrlKey: false};
         wb._onGraphicObjectMouseDown(e, x, y);
         _s.isShapeAction = true;
-       // _s.selectShapeWidth  = graphicsInfo.object.graphicObject.extX;
-       // _s.selectShapeHeight = graphicsInfo.object.graphicObject.extY;
         return {};
     _s.cellPin = pin;
     if (0 != _s.cellPin) {
         ws.leftTopRange = ws.activeRange.clone();
-        return null;
+    } else {
+        ws.changeSelectionStartPoint(x, y, true, true);
-    ws.changeSelectionStartPoint(x, y, true, true);
     return null;
 function offline_mouse_move(x, y) {
-    if (-1 == _s.cellPin)
-        _api.wb.getWorksheet()._changeSelectionTopLeft(x, y, true, true, true);
-    else if (1 === _s.cellPin)
-        _api.wb.getWorksheet()._changeSelectionTopLeft(x, y, true, true, false);
-    else
-        _api.wb.getWorksheet().changeSelectionEndPoint(x, y, true, true);
+    var ws = _api.wb.getWorksheet();
+    if (_s.isShapeAction) {
+        var wb = _api.wb;
+        var e = {isLocked: true, Button: 0, ClickCount: 1, shiftKey: false, metaKey: false, ctrlKey: false};
+        ws.objectRender.graphicObjectMouseMove(e, x, y);
+    } else {
+        if (-1 == _s.cellPin)
+            ws._changeSelectionTopLeft(x, y, true, true, true);
+        else if (1 === _s.cellPin)
+            ws._changeSelectionTopLeft(x, y, true, true, false);
+        else
+            ws.changeSelectionEndPoint(x, y, true, true);
+    }
 function offline_mouse_up(x, y) {
     var ws = _api.wb.getWorksheet();
     var wb = _api.wb;
     if (_s.isShapeAction) {
-        var e = {Button: 0, ClickCount: 1, shiftKey: false, metaKey: false, ctrlKey: false};
+        var e = {isLocked: true, Button: 0, ClickCount: 1, shiftKey: false, metaKey: false, ctrlKey: false};
         wb._onGraphicObjectMouseUp(e, x, y);
-        return;
+        _s.isShapeAction = false;
+    } else {
+        wb._onChangeSelectionDone(-1, -1);
+        _s.cellPin = 0;
+        wb.getWorksheet().leftTopRange = undefined;
-    _api.wb._onChangeSelectionDone(-1, -1);
-    _s.cellPin = 0;
-    _api.wb.getWorksheet().leftTopRange = undefined;
 function offline_get_selection(x, y, width, height) {
     return _s.getSelection(x, y, width, height);
@@ -2389,12 +3812,12 @@ function offline_cell_editor_open(isSelectAll, x, y, width, height, ratio) {
     wb.cellEditor.isSelectAll = isSelectAll;
-   // if (isCoord) {
-        wb._onEditCell(x, y, true, undefined, undefined, true, false);
-   // }
-   // else {
-   //     wb._onEditCell(parseInt(x), parseInt(y), false, undefined, undefined, true, false);
-   // }
+    // if (isCoord) {
+    wb._onEditCell(x, y, true, undefined, undefined, true, false);
+    // }
+    // else {
+    //     wb._onEditCell(parseInt(x), parseInt(y), false, undefined, undefined, true, false);
+    // }
     return [wb.cellEditor.left,, wb.cellEditor.right, wb.cellEditor.bottom,
         wb.cellEditor.curLeft, wb.cellEditor.curTop, wb.cellEditor.curHeight];
@@ -2423,7 +3846,7 @@ function offline_cell_editor_key_event(keys, width, height, ratio) {
     return [wb.cellEditor.left,, wb.cellEditor.right, wb.cellEditor.bottom,
-    wb.cellEditor.curLeft, wb.cellEditor.curTop, wb.cellEditor.curHeight];
+        wb.cellEditor.curLeft, wb.cellEditor.curTop, wb.cellEditor.curHeight];
 function offline_cell_editor_mouse_event(events, width, height, ratio) {
@@ -2503,29 +3926,6 @@ function offline_cell_editor_close(x, y, width, height, ratio) {
 function offline_cell_editor_selection() {
     return _api.wb.cellEditor._drawSelection();
-function offline_add_shape(x, y) {
-//    var e = {
-//        ShiftKey: false,
-//        shiftKey: false,
-//        CtrlKey: false,
-//        metaKey: false,
-//        ctrlKey: false,
-//        Button: false,
-//        button: false,
-//        ClickCount: 1
-//    };
-//    var ws = _api.wb.getWorksheet();
-//    _api.asc_startAddShape('leftRightArrow');
-//    ws.objectRender.graphicObjectMouseDown(e, 0, 0);
-//    ws.objectRender.graphicObjectMouseUp(e, 200, 200);
-//    _api.asc_endAddShape();
 function offline_get_cell_in_coord (x, y) {
     var worksheet = _api.wb.getWorksheet(),
         activeCell = worksheet.getActiveCell(x, y, true);
@@ -2578,12 +3978,12 @@ function offline_copy() {
-   // else
+    // else
-        // owner format
-        _stream["WriteByte"](2);
-        _stream["WriteStringA"](sBase64.sBase64);
-   // }
+    // owner format
+    _stream["WriteByte"](2);
+    _stream["WriteStringA"](sBase64.sBase64);
+    // }
     // _stream["WriteByte"](3);
     // _stream["WriteString2"](sBase64.html);
@@ -2605,7 +4005,7 @@ function offline_paste(params) {
     else if (2 == type)
         var worksheet = _api.wb.getWorksheet();
-       _api.wb.clipboard._pasteFromBinaryExcel(worksheet, params[1]);
+        _api.wb.clipboard._pasteFromBinaryExcel(worksheet, params[1]);
 function offline_cut() {
@@ -2782,13 +4182,13 @@ function offline_apply_event(type,params) {
         case 50:  // ASC_MENU_EVENT_TYPE_INSERT_IMAGE
-            _s.offline_addImageDrawingObject(params[0], {width: params[1], height: params[2]});
+            _return = _s.offline_addImageDrawingObject(params);
         case 53:  // ASC_MENU_EVENT_TYPE_INSERT_SHAPE
-            offline_add_shape(0, 0);
+            _return = _s.offline_addShapeDrawingObject(params);