Commit ac2ed341 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

fix bug 34003

parent d208795e
......@@ -3376,6 +3376,7 @@ var editor;
prot["asc_sortCells"] = prot.asc_sortCells;
prot["asc_emptyCells"] = prot.asc_emptyCells;
prot["asc_mergeCellsDataLost"] = prot.asc_mergeCellsDataLost;
prot["asc_sortCellsRangeExpand"] = prot.asc_sortCellsRangeExpand;
prot["asc_getSheetViewSettings"] = prot.asc_getSheetViewSettings;
prot["asc_setDisplayGridlines"] = prot.asc_setDisplayGridlines;
prot["asc_setDisplayHeadings"] = prot.asc_setDisplayHeadings;
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