Commit e6bbb412 authored by GoshaZotov's avatar GoshaZotov

delete unused vars

parent 58ab01bc
......@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
var convertResultY2 = this._convertAndTurnPoint(posX * this.calcProp.pxToMM, downYPoint * this.calcProp.pxToMM, 0);
var heightPerspectiveChart = convertResultY1.y - convertResultY2.y;
var y = (convertResultY2.y + heightPerspectiveChart / 2) / this.calcProp.pxToMM - heightTitle / 2;
y = (convertResultY2.y + heightPerspectiveChart / 2) / this.calcProp.pxToMM - heightTitle / 2;
......@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
var pxToMM = this.calcProp.pxToMM;
var isHBar = (chartSpace.chart.plotArea.chart.getObjectType() == AscDFH.historyitem_type_BarChart && chartSpace.chart.plotArea.chart.barDir === AscFormat.BAR_DIR_BAR) ? true : false;
var isHBar = !!(chartSpace.chart.plotArea.chart.getObjectType() == AscDFH.historyitem_type_BarChart && chartSpace.chart.plotArea.chart.barDir === AscFormat.BAR_DIR_BAR);
//если точки рассчитаны - ставим маргин в зависимости от них
var marginOnPoints = this._calculateMarginOnPoints(chartSpace, isHBar);
......@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
topKey += fLegendExtY
topKey += fLegendExtY;
case c_oAscChartLegendShowSettings.right:
......@@ -2220,7 +2220,7 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
return result;
getLogarithmicValue: function(val, logBase, yPoints)
getLogarithmicValue: function(val, logBase)
if(val < 0)
return 0;
......@@ -2244,7 +2244,6 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
var parseTemp = logVal.toString().split(".");
var nextTemp = Math.pow(logBase, parseFloat(parseTemp[0]) - 1);
temp = Math.pow(logBase, parseFloat(parseTemp[0]));
temp = temp - temp * parseFloat("0." + parseTemp[1]);
......@@ -2286,7 +2285,7 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
var angleOy = chartSpace.chart.view3D && chartSpace.chart.view3D.rotY ? (- chartSpace.chart.view3D.rotY / 360) * (Math.PI * 2) : 0;
if(chartSpace.chart.view3D && !chartSpace.chart.view3D.rAngAx && angleOy !== 0)
var angleOy = Math.abs(angleOy);
angleOy = Math.abs(angleOy);
if(angleOy >= Math.PI / 2 && angleOy < 3 * Math.PI / 2)
res = true;
......@@ -2361,7 +2360,7 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
_getFirstDegree: function(val)
var secPart = val.toString().split('.');
var numPow = 1,tempMax;
var numPow = 1, tempMax;
if(secPart[1] && secPart[1].toString().indexOf('e+') != -1 && secPart[0] && secPart[0].toString().length == 1)
......@@ -2374,10 +2373,10 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
numPow = Math.pow(10, expNum[1]);
else if(0 != secPart[0])
numPow = Math.pow(10, secPart[0].toString().length - 1)
numPow = Math.pow(10, secPart[0].toString().length - 1);
else if(0 == secPart[0] && secPart[1] != undefined)
var tempMax = val;
tempMax = val;
var num = 0;
while(1 > tempMax)
......@@ -2579,13 +2578,13 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
var n = z1 - z0;
//check line
var x123 = (point1.x - x0) / (x1 - x0);
/*var x123 = (point1.x - x0) / (x1 - x0);
var y123 = (point1.y - y0) / (y1 - y0);
var z123 = (point1.z - z0) / (z1 - z0);
var x321 = (point2.x - x0) / (x1 - x0);
var y321 = (point2.y - y0) / (y1 - y0);
var z321 = (point2.z - z0) / (z1 - z0);
var z321 = (point2.z - z0) / (z1 - z0);*/
return {l: l, m: m, n: n, x1: x0, y1: y0, z1: z0};
......@@ -3045,17 +3044,17 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
var result;
if(this.calcProp.type == c_oChartTypes.Bar)
result = (val > 0 && visible < 0 || val < 0 && visible > 0) ? true : false;
result = !!(val > 0 && visible < 0 || val < 0 && visible > 0);
if(!(this.calcProp.subType == "stacked") && !(this.calcProp.subType == "stackedPer") && this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.orientation != ORIENTATION_MIN_MAX)
result = !result;
else if(this.calcProp.type == c_oChartTypes.Line)
result = visible < 0 ? true : false
result = visible < 0;
else if(this.calcProp.type == c_oChartTypes.HBar)
result = (val < 0 && visible < 0 || val > 0 && visible > 0) ? true : false;
result = !!(val < 0 && visible < 0 || val > 0 && visible > 0);
if(!(this.calcProp.subType == "stacked") && !(this.calcProp.subType == "stackedPer") && this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.orientation != ORIENTATION_MIN_MAX)
result = !result;
......@@ -3106,8 +3105,7 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
_isSwitchCurrent3DChart: function(chartSpace)
var res = false;
var excelApi = window["Asc"] && window["Asc"]["editor"];
var chart = chartSpace && chartSpace.chart ? chartSpace.chart.plotArea.charts[0]: null;
var typeChart = chart ? chart.getObjectType() : null;
......@@ -3237,7 +3235,7 @@ drawBarChart.prototype =
var nullPositionOX = this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx && this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase ? this.chartProp.nullPositionOXLog : this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.catAx.posY * this.chartProp.pxToMM;
var height, startX, startY, diffYVal, val, paths, seriesHeight = [], tempValues = [], seria, startYColumnPosition, startXPosition, prevVal, idx, seriesCounter = 0;
var height, startX, startY, val, paths, seriesHeight = [], tempValues = [], seria, startYColumnPosition, startXPosition, prevVal, idx, seriesCounter = 0;
var cubeCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.chartProp.series.length; i++) {
numCache = this.chartProp.series[i].val.numRef ? this.chartProp.series[i].val.numRef.numCache : this.chartProp.series[i].val.numLit;
......@@ -3794,7 +3792,6 @@ drawBarChart.prototype =
_DrawBars3D: function()
var t = this;
var processor3D = this.cChartDrawer.processor3D;
var drawVerges = function(i, j, paths, onlyLessNull, k, isNotPen, isNotBrush)
......@@ -4480,9 +4477,9 @@ drawLineChart.prototype =
var t = this;
var drawVerges = function(j, i, onlyLessNull)
var drawVerges = function(j, i)
var brush, pen, seria;
var brush, pen, seria;
seria = t.chartProp.series[j];
brush = seria.brush;
......@@ -4579,7 +4576,7 @@ drawLineChart.prototype =
cColorMod.val = 35000;
this._addColorMods(cColorMod, duplicateBrush)
this._addColorMods(cColorMod, duplicateBrush);
duplicateBrush.calculate(props.theme, props.slide, props.layout, props.master, new AscFormat.CUniColor().RGBA);
pen = AscFormat.CreatePenFromParams(duplicateBrush, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, 0.1);
......@@ -4753,7 +4750,7 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
var cSortFaces = new CSortFaces(this.cChartDrawer);
//var cSortFaces = new CSortFaces(this.cChartDrawer);
//this.upFaces = cSortFaces.sortFaces(this.upFaces);
var upDownFaces = this.upFaces.concat(this.downFaces);
......@@ -4782,7 +4779,7 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
var anotherFaces = this.sortZIndexPathsFront.concat(this.sortZIndexPathsBack).concat(this.sortZIndexPathsLeft).concat(this.sortZIndexPathsRight);
this.sortZIndexPaths = upDownFaces.concat(anotherFaces)
this.sortZIndexPaths = upDownFaces.concat(anotherFaces);
//медленная, но более качественный сортировка
//var anotherFaces = this.sortZIndexPathsFront.concat(this.sortZIndexPathsBack).concat(this.sortZIndexPathsLeft).concat(this.sortZIndexPathsRight);
......@@ -4900,7 +4897,7 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
return path;
_calculateLine3D: function (points, seriaNum, allPoints)
_calculateLine3D: function (points, seriaNum)
//pointsIn3D[0] - верхняя кривая ближней стороны, pointsIn3D[1] - нижняя кривая ближней стороны, pointsIn3D[2] - верхняя кривая дальней стороны, pointsIn3D[3] - нижняя кривая дальней стороны
var pointsIn3D = [], t = this, pxToMm = this.chartProp.pxToMM;
......@@ -5236,7 +5233,7 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
var point5 = pointsIn3D[upNear][0];
var point6 = pointsIn3D[upFar][0];
var point7 = pointsIn3D[upFar][pointsIn3D[upFar].length - 1];
var point8 = pointsIn3D[upNear][pointsIn3D[upNear].length - 1]
var point8 = pointsIn3D[upNear][pointsIn3D[upNear].length - 1];
......@@ -5308,7 +5305,7 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
_calculateRect3DStacked: function(arrPoints, arrPointsProject, arrNotRotatePoints, point, seria)
var path, pxToMm = this.chartProp.pxToMM, t = this, paths = [];
var pxToMm = this.chartProp.pxToMM, t = this;
var pathH = this.chartProp.pathH;
var pathW = this.chartProp.pathW;
......@@ -5697,7 +5694,7 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
this.prevUp[pointIndex][seriaIndex] = curUp;
_calculateSimpleRect: function(arrPoints, arrPointsProject, point, seria, props)
_calculateSimpleRect: function(arrPoints, arrPointsProject, point, seria)
var path, pxToMm = this.chartProp.pxToMM, t = this, paths = [];
var pathH = this.chartProp.pathH;
......@@ -5853,8 +5850,7 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
_calculateDLbl: function(chartSpace, ser, val)
var pxToMm = this.chartProp.pxToMM;
var numCache = this.chartProp.series[ser].val.numRef ? this.chartProp.series[ser].val.numRef.numCache : this.chartProp.series[ser].val.numLit;
var point = this.cChartDrawer.getIdxPoint(this.chartProp.series[ser], val);
var path;
......@@ -6008,7 +6004,6 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
numCache = this.chartProp.series[i].val.numRef ? this.chartProp.series[i].val.numRef.numCache : this.chartProp.series[i].val.numLit;
idxPoint = this.cChartDrawer.getIdxPoint(this.chartProp.series[i], n);
val = idxPoint ? parseFloat(idxPoint.val) : null;
......@@ -6019,7 +6014,6 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
//ширина линии
var brush;
var FillUniColor;
var pen;
var seria, dataSeries;
......@@ -6107,7 +6101,6 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
_drawBars3D: function()
var t = this;
var processor3D = this.cChartDrawer.processor3D;
var isStacked = !!(this.chartProp.subType == "stackedPer" || this.chartProp.subType == "stacked");
......@@ -6212,14 +6205,12 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
var cZ = k.x * n.y - n.x * k.y;
var visible = aX + bY + cZ;
return visible < 0 ? true : false
return visible < 0;
_getIntersectionLines: function(line1Point1, line1Point2, line2Point1, line2Point2)
var chartHeight = this.chartProp.trueHeight;
var chartWidth = this.chartProp.trueWidth;
var left = this.chartProp.chartGutter._left;
var top = this.chartProp.chartGutter._top;
var x1 = line1Point1.x;
......@@ -6240,7 +6231,7 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
var res = null;
if(y < top + chartHeight && y > top && x > line1Point1.x && x < line1Point2.x)
res = {x: x, y: y}
res = {x: x, y: y};
return res;
......@@ -6295,8 +6286,7 @@ drawHBarChart.prototype =
//соответствует подписям оси категорий(OX)
var xPoints = this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.xPoints;
var yPoints = this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.catAx.yPoints;
var xaxispos = this.chartProp.xaxispos;
var heightGraph = this.chartProp.heightCanvas - this.chartProp.chartGutter._top - this.chartProp.chartGutter._bottom;
var defaultOverlap = (this.chartProp.subType == "stacked" || this.chartProp.subType == "stackedPer") ? 100 : 0;
......@@ -6315,7 +6305,7 @@ drawHBarChart.prototype =
var widthOverLap = individualBarHeight * (overlap / 100);
var hmargin = (gapWidth / 100 * individualBarHeight) / 2;
var width, startX, startY, diffYVal, val, paths, seriesHeight = [], seria, startXColumnPosition, startYPosition, newStartX, newStartY, idx, seriesCounter = 0, numCache;
var width, startX, startY, val, paths, seriesHeight = [], seria, startXColumnPosition, startYPosition, newStartX, newStartY, idx, seriesCounter = 0, numCache;
//for 3d
var perspectiveDepth, gapDepth, DiffGapDepth;
......@@ -6508,9 +6498,9 @@ drawHBarChart.prototype =
return {pen: pen, brush: brush}
_getStartYColumnPosition: function (seriesHeight, j, i, val, xPoints, summBarVal)
_getStartYColumnPosition: function (seriesHeight, j, i, val, xPoints)
var startY, diffYVal, width, numCache, dVal, curVal, prevVal, endBlockPosition, startBlockPosition;
var startY, width, curVal, prevVal, endBlockPosition, startBlockPosition;
var catAx = this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.catAx;
var nullPositionOX = catAx.posX !== null ? catAx.posX * this.chartProp.pxToMM : 0;
......@@ -6985,7 +6975,6 @@ drawHBarChart.prototype =
_DrawBars3D3: function()
var t = this;
var processor3D = this.cChartDrawer.processor3D;
var verges =
......@@ -9476,8 +9465,6 @@ drawRadarChart.prototype =
_calculateLines: function ()
//соответствует подписям оси категорий(OX)
var xPoints = this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.catAx.xPoints;
//соответствует подписям оси значений(OY)
var yPoints = this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.yPoints;
......@@ -9487,7 +9474,7 @@ drawRadarChart.prototype =
var xCenter = (this.chartProp.chartGutter._left + trueWidth/2) / this.chartProp.pxToMM;
var yCenter = (this.chartProp.chartGutter._top + trueHeight/2) / this.chartProp.pxToMM;
var y, y1, x, x1, val, nextVal, tempVal, seria, dataSeries;
var y, y1, x, x1, val, nextVal, seria, dataSeries;
var numCache = this.chartProp.series[0].val.numRef ? this.chartProp.series[0].val.numRef.numCache.pts : this.chartProp.series[0].val.numLit.pts;
var tempAngle = 2 * Math.PI / numCache.length;
var xDiff = ((trueHeight / 2) / yPoints.length) / this.chartProp.pxToMM;
......@@ -9700,7 +9687,7 @@ drawRadarChart.prototype =
return {x: centerX, y: centerY};
_drawLines: function (isRedraw/*isSkip*/)
_drawLines: function ()
var brush, pen, dataSeries, seria, markerBrush, markerPen, numCache;
......@@ -9844,7 +9831,7 @@ drawScatterChart.prototype =
var points;
var y, y1, y2, y3, x, x1, x2, x3, val, nextVal, tempVal, seria, dataSeries, compiledMarkerSize, compiledMarkerSymbol, idx, numCache;
var y, y1, y2, y3, x, val, seria, dataSeries, compiledMarkerSize, compiledMarkerSymbol, idx, numCache;
for (var i = 0; i < this.chartProp.series.length; i++) {
seria = this.chartProp.series[i];
......@@ -9909,13 +9896,8 @@ drawScatterChart.prototype =
var digHeightOy = Math.abs(maxOy - minOy);
var digHeightOx = Math.abs(maxOx - minOx);
var koffX = trueWidth/digHeightOx;
var koffY = trueHeight/digHeightOy;
var nullPositionOX = this.chartProp.nullPositionOX / this.chartProp.pxToMM;
var seria, yVal, xVal, points, x, x1, y, y1, yNumCache, xNumCache, compiledMarkerSize, compiledMarkerSymbol, idxPoint;
var seria, yVal, xVal, points, yNumCache, xNumCache, compiledMarkerSize, compiledMarkerSymbol, idxPoint;
for(var i = 0; i < this.chartProp.series.length; i++)
seria = this.chartProp.series[i];
......@@ -9973,7 +9955,6 @@ drawScatterChart.prototype =
_calculateAllLines: function(points)
var startPoint, endPoint;
//соответствует подписям оси категорий(OX)
var xPoints = this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.catAx.xPoints;
//соответствует подписям оси значений(OY)
......@@ -10029,7 +10010,7 @@ drawScatterChart.prototype =
return val;
_drawScatter: function (isRedraw/*isSkip*/)
_drawScatter: function ()
var brush, pen, dataSeries, seria, markerBrush, markerPen, numCache;
......@@ -10421,12 +10402,10 @@ drawStockChart.prototype =
_drawLines: function (isRedraw/*isSkip*/)
_drawLines: function ()
var brush;
var pen;
var dataSeries;
var seria;
var numCache = this.chartProp.series[0].val.numRef ? this.chartProp.series[0].val.numRef.numCache : this.chartProp.series[0].val.numLit;
for (var i = 0; i < numCache.pts.length; i++) {
......@@ -10619,11 +10598,8 @@ drawBubbleChart.prototype =
var digHeightOy = Math.abs(maxOy - minOy);
var digHeightOx = Math.abs(maxOx - minOx);
var koffX = trueWidth/digHeightOx;
var koffY = trueHeight/digHeightOy;
var seria, yVal, xVal, points, x, x1, y, y1, yNumCache, xNumCache;
var seria, yVal, xVal, points, x, y, yNumCache, xNumCache;
for(var i = 0; i < this.chartProp.series.length; i++)
seria = this.chartProp.series[i];
......@@ -10929,7 +10905,7 @@ gridChart.prototype =
//соответствует подписям оси категорий(OX)
var yPoints = this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.yPoints;
yPoints = this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.yPoints;
var numCache = this.chartProp.series[0].val.numRef ? this.chartProp.series[0].val.numRef.numCache.pts : this.chartProp.series[0].val.numLit.pts;
var tempAngle = 2 * Math.PI / numCache.length;
......@@ -10963,7 +10939,6 @@ gridChart.prototype =
gdLst["h"] = 1;
path.stroke = true;
var pxToMm = this.chartProp.pxToMM;
if(k == 0)
xFirst = x;
......@@ -11099,7 +11074,7 @@ gridChart.prototype =
_calculateLine: function(x, y, x1, y1, i)
_calculateLine: function(x, y, x1, y1)
var path;
if(this.cChartDrawer.nDimensionCount === 3)
......@@ -11111,7 +11086,7 @@ gridChart.prototype =
var angleOz = 0;
var rAngAx = this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.view3D.rAngAx;
var isVertLine = x === x1 ? true : false;
var isVertLine = x === x1;
var convertResult = this.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(x, y, 0);
var x1n = convertResult.x;
......@@ -11296,7 +11271,6 @@ gridChart.prototype =
var pen;
var path;
var yPoints = this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.yPoints ? this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.yPoints : this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.catAx.yPoints;
for(var i = 0; i < this.paths.horisontalLines.length; i++)
......@@ -11327,7 +11301,6 @@ gridChart.prototype =
_drawVerticalLines: function()
var pen, path;
var xPoints = this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.xPoints ? this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.xPoints : this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.catAx.xPoints;
for(var i = 0; i < this.paths.verticalLines.length; i++)
......@@ -11397,7 +11370,6 @@ catAxisChart.prototype =
_calculateAxis : function()
var nullPoisition = this.chartProp.nullPositionOX;
var axisPos;
if(this.chartProp.type == c_oChartTypes.HBar)
......@@ -11638,10 +11610,6 @@ catAxisChart.prototype =
if(this.cChartDrawer.nDimensionCount === 3)
var view3DProp = this.cChartSpace.chart.view3D;
var angleOx = view3DProp && view3DProp.rotX ? (- view3DProp.rotX / 360) * (Math.PI * 2) : 0;
var angleOy = view3DProp && view3DProp.rotY ? (- view3DProp.rotY / 360) * (Math.PI * 2) : 0;
var perspectiveDepth = this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.depthPerspective;
var angleOz = 0;
var z = this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.calculateZPositionCatAxis();
......@@ -11663,8 +11631,7 @@ catAxisChart.prototype =
path.pathW = pathW;
gdLst["w"] = 1;
gdLst["h"] = 1;
var pxToMm = this.chartProp.pxToMM;
path.moveTo(x * pathW, y * pathH);
path.lnTo(x1 * pathW, y1 * pathH);
......@@ -12018,13 +11985,9 @@ serAxisChart.prototype =
_calculateAxis : function()
var nullPoisition = this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.posX;
var nullPositionOx = this.chartProp.nullPositionOX;
var view3DProp = this.cChartSpace.chart.view3D;
var angleOx = view3DProp && view3DProp.rotX ? (- view3DProp.rotX / 360) * (Math.PI * 2) : 0;
var angleOy = view3DProp && view3DProp.rotY ? (- view3DProp.rotY / 360) * (Math.PI * 2) : 0;
var angleOz = 0;
var perspectiveDepth = this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.depthPerspective;
//var z = this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.calculateZPositionValAxis();
......@@ -12048,22 +12011,12 @@ serAxisChart.prototype =
_calculateTickMark : function()
var perspectiveDepth = this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.depthPerspective;
var tickmarksProps = this._getTickmarksProps();
var widthLine = tickmarksProps.widthLine;
var crossMajorStep = tickmarksProps.crossMajorStep;
if(widthLine !== 0)
var yPoints = this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.yPoints;
var stepY = perspectiveDepth / this.chartProp.seriesCount;
var minorStep = stepY / this.chartProp.numhMinorlines;
var posY;
var posMinorY;
var startX = this.chartProp.widthCanvas - this.chartProp.chartGutter._right;
var startY = this.chartProp.nullPositionOX;
......@@ -12616,11 +12569,7 @@ areaChart.prototype =
var bottomMargin = this.chartProp.chartGutter._bottom;
var view3DProp = this.cChartSpace.chart.view3D;
var angleOx = view3DProp && view3DProp.rotX ? (- view3DProp.rotX / 360) * (Math.PI * 2) : 0;
var angleOy = view3DProp && view3DProp.rotY ? (- view3DProp.rotY / 360) * (Math.PI * 2) : 0;
var perspectiveDepth = this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.depthPerspective;
var angleOz = 0;
var convertResult = this.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(leftMargin, heightGraph - bottomMargin, perspectiveDepth);
var x1n = convertResult.x;
......@@ -12793,7 +12742,6 @@ CSortFaces.prototype =
sortParallelepipeds: function(parallelepipeds)
var intersectionsParallelepipeds = this._getIntersectionsParallelepipeds(parallelepipeds);
var intersections = intersectionsParallelepipeds.intersections;
var revIntersections = intersectionsParallelepipeds.reverseIntersections;
var countIntersection = intersectionsParallelepipeds.countIntersection;
......@@ -12904,9 +12852,6 @@ CSortFaces.prototype =
for(var m = 0; m < parallelepipeds.length; m++)
//ищем пересечения с данным параллалепипедом
var toParallalepiped = parallelepipeds[m];
if(m === i || usuallyIntersect[i] === m || usuallyIntersectRev[i] === m)
......@@ -12959,8 +12904,6 @@ CSortFaces.prototype =
sortFaces: function(faces)
var firstVerges = [];
var lastVerges = [];
var t = this;
var iterCount = 0;
......@@ -13009,10 +12952,8 @@ CSortFaces.prototype =
_isIntersectionFacesPointLines: function(plainVerge, i, sortZIndexPaths)
var res = false;
var t = this;
var lineArray = [];
for(var j = 0; j < plainVerge.points.length; j++)
var pointFromVerge = plainVerge.points[j];
......@@ -13038,9 +12979,7 @@ CSortFaces.prototype =
if(k === i)
var plainEqucation = sortZIndexPaths[k].plainEquation;
if(this._isIntersectionFaceAndLine(sortZIndexPaths[k], lineEqucation, pointFromVerge, i, j, k))
res = true;
......@@ -13052,7 +12991,7 @@ CSortFaces.prototype =
//пересечение прямой гранью
_isIntersectionFaceAndLine: function(plain, lineEquation, pointFromVerge, i, j, k)
_isIntersectionFaceAndLine: function(plain, lineEquation, pointFromVerge)
var res = false;
var t = this;
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