 * (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2016
 * This program is freeware. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU 
 * General Public License (GPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation (https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html). 
 * In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU GPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect that 
 * Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of any third-party rights.
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For more details, see GNU GPL at https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
 * You can contact Ascensio System SIA by email at sales@onlyoffice.com
 * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of ONLYOFFICE must display 
 * Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU GPL version 3.
 * Pursuant to Section 7  3(b) of the GNU GPL you must retain the original ONLYOFFICE logo which contains 
 * relevant author attributions when distributing the software. If the display of the logo in its graphic 
 * form is not reasonably feasible for technical reasons, you must include the words "Powered by ONLYOFFICE" 
 * in every copy of the program you distribute. 
 * Pursuant to Section 7  3(e) we decline to grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
"use strict";

var g_oColorManager = null;
var g_nNumsMaxId = 160;
var g_oDefaultXfId = null;
var g_oDefaultFont = null;
var g_oDefaultFill = null;
var g_oDefaultNum = null;
var g_oDefaultBorder = null;
var g_oDefaultAlign = null;
var g_oDefaultFontAbs = null;
var g_oDefaultFillAbs = null;
var g_oDefaultNumAbs = null;
var g_oDefaultBorderAbs = null;
var g_oDefaultAlignAbs = null;

var g_nColorTextDefault = 1;
var g_nColorHyperlink = 10;
var g_nColorHyperlinkVisited = 11;

var g_nFiltersType = {
	autoFilter: 1, 
	tablePart: 2

var g_nFormulaTablePartInfo = {
	all: 1, 
	data: 2,
	headers: 3,
	totals: 4,
	thisRow: 5,
	columns: 6

var g_oThemeColorsDefaultModsSpreadsheet = [
    [0, -4.9989318521683403E-2, -0.14999847407452621, -0.249977111117893, -0.34998626667073579, -0.499984740745262],
    [0, -9.9978637043366805E-2, -0.249977111117893, -0.499984740745262, -0.749992370372631, -0.89999084444715716],
    [0, 0.79998168889431442, 0.59999389629810485, 0.39997558519241921, -0.249977111117893, -0.499984740745262],
    [0, 0.89999084444715716, 0.749992370372631, 0.499984740745262, 0.249977111117893, 9.9978637043366805E-2],
    [0, 0.499984740745262, 0.34998626667073579, 0.249977111117893, 0.14999847407452621, 4.9989318521683403E-2]];

var map_themeExcel_to_themePresentation = {
	0: 12,
	1: 8,
	2: 13,
	3: 9,
	4: 0,
	5: 1,
	6: 2,
	7: 3,
	8: 4,
	9: 5,
	10: 11,
	11: 10
var map_themePresentation_to_themeExcel = {};
	for(var i in map_themeExcel_to_themePresentation)
		map_themePresentation_to_themeExcel[map_themeExcel_to_themePresentation[i]] = i - 0;
function shiftGetBBox(bbox, bHor)
	var bboxGet = null;
		bboxGet = Asc.Range(bbox.c1, bbox.r1, gc_nMaxCol0, bbox.r2);
		bboxGet = Asc.Range(bbox.c1, bbox.r1, bbox.c2, gc_nMaxRow0);
	return bboxGet;
function shiftSort(a, b, offset)
	var nRes = 0;
	if(null == a.to || null == b.to)
		if(null == a.to && null == b.to)
			nRes = 0;
		else if(null == a.to)
			nRes = -1;
		else if(null == b.to)
			nRes = 1;
	    if (0 != offset.offsetRow) {
	        if (offset.offsetRow > 0)
	            nRes = b.to.r1 - a.to.r1;
	            nRes = a.to.r1 - b.to.r1;
	    if (0 == nRes && 0 != offset.offsetCol) {
	        if (offset.offsetCol > 0)
	            nRes = b.to.c1 - a.to.c1;
	            nRes = a.to.c1 - b.to.c1;
	return nRes;
var g_oRgbColorProperties = {
		rgb : 0
function RgbColor(rgb)
	this.Properties = g_oRgbColorProperties;
	this.rgb = rgb;
RgbColor.prototype =
	clone : function()
		return new RgbColor(this.rgb);
	getType : function()
		return UndoRedoDataTypes.RgbColor;
	getProperties : function()
		return this.Properties;
	getProperty : function(nType)
		case this.Properties.rgb:return this.rgb;break;
	setProperty : function(nType, value)
		case this.Properties.rgb: this.rgb = value;break;
	Write_ToBinary2 : function(oBinaryWriter)
	Read_FromBinary2 : function(oBinaryReader)
		this.rgb = oBinaryReader.GetULongLE();
	getRgb : function()
		return this.rgb;
	getR : function()
		return (this.rgb >> 16) & 0xff;
	getG : function()
		return (this.rgb >> 8) & 0xff;
	getB : function()
		return this.rgb & 0xff;
	getA : function () {
		return 1;
var g_oThemeColorProperties = {
		rgb: 0,
		theme: 1,
		tint: 2
function ThemeColor()
	this.Properties = g_oThemeColorProperties;
	this.rgb = null;
	this.theme = null;
	this.tint = null;
ThemeColor.prototype =
	clone : function()
		var res = new ThemeColor();
		res.rgb = this.rgb;
		res.theme = this.theme;
		res.tint = this.tint;
		return res;
	getType : function()
		return UndoRedoDataTypes.ThemeColor;
	getProperties : function()
		return this.Properties;
	getProperty : function(nType)
		case this.Properties.rgb:return this.rgb;break;
		case this.Properties.theme:return this.theme;break;
		case this.Properties.tint:return this.tint;break;
	setProperty : function(nType, value)
		case this.Properties.rgb: this.rgb = value;break;
		case this.Properties.theme: this.theme= value;break;
		case this.Properties.tint: this.tint = value;break;
	Write_ToBinary2 : function(oBinaryWriter)
		if(null != this.tint)
	Read_FromBinary2AndReplace : function(oBinaryReader)
		this.theme = oBinaryReader.GetUChar();
		var bTint = oBinaryReader.GetBool();
			this.tint = oBinaryReader.GetDoubleLE();
		return g_oColorManager.getThemeColor(this.theme, this.tint);
	getRgb : function()
		return this.rgb;
	getR : function()
		return (this.rgb >> 16) & 0xff;
	getG : function()
		return (this.rgb >> 8) & 0xff;

	getB : function()
		return this.rgb & 0xff;
	getA : function () {
		return 1;
	rebuild : function(theme)
		var nRes = 0;
		var r = 0;
		var g = 0;
		var b = 0;
		if(null != this.theme && null != theme)
			var oUniColor = theme.themeElements.clrScheme.colors[map_themeExcel_to_themePresentation[this.theme]];
			if(null != oUniColor)
				var rgba = oUniColor.color.RGBA;
				if(null != rgba)
					r = rgba.R;
					g = rgba.G;
					b = rgba.B;
			if(null != this.tint && 0 != this.tint)
				var oCColorModifiers = new CColorModifiers();
				var HSL = {H: 0, S: 0, L: 0};
				oCColorModifiers.RGB2HSL(r, g, b, HSL);
				if (this.tint < 0)
					HSL.L = HSL.L * (1 + this.tint);
					HSL.L = HSL.L * (1 - this.tint) + (g_nHSLMaxValue - g_nHSLMaxValue * (1 - this.tint));
				HSL.L >>= 0;
				var RGB = {R: 0, G: 0, B: 0};
				oCColorModifiers.HSL2RGB(HSL, RGB);
				r = RGB.R;
				g = RGB.G;
				b = RGB.B;
			nRes |= b;
			nRes |= g << 8;
			nRes |= r << 16;
		this.rgb = nRes;
function CorrectAscColor(asc_color)
	if (null == asc_color)
		return null;

	var ret = null;

	var _type = asc_color.asc_getType();
	switch (_type)
		case c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME:
			// тут выставляется ТОЛЬКО из меню. поэтому:
			var _index = asc_color.asc_getValue() >> 0;
			var _id = (_index / 6) >> 0;
			var _pos = _index - _id * 6;
			var basecolor = g_oColorManager.getThemeColor(_id);
			var aTints = g_oThemeColorsDefaultModsSpreadsheet[GetDefaultColorModsIndex(basecolor.getR(), basecolor.getG(), basecolor.getB())];
			var tint = aTints[_pos];
			ret = g_oColorManager.getThemeColor(_id, tint);
			ret = new RgbColor((asc_color.asc_getR() << 16) + (asc_color.asc_getG() << 8) + asc_color.asc_getB());
	return ret;
function ColorManager()
	this.theme = null;
	this.aColors = new Array(12);
ColorManager.prototype =
	isEqual : function(color1, color2)
		var bRes = false;
		if(null == color1 && null == color2)
			bRes = true;
		else if(null != color1 && null != color2)
			if((color1 instanceof ThemeColor && color2 instanceof ThemeColor) || (color1 instanceof RgbColor && color2 instanceof RgbColor))
				bRes =  color1.getRgb() == color2.getRgb();
		return bRes;
	setTheme : function(theme)
		this.theme = theme;
	getThemeColor : function(theme, tint)
		if(null == tint)
			tint = null;
		var oColorObj = this.aColors[theme];
		if(null == oColorObj)
			oColorObj = {};
			this.aColors[theme] = oColorObj;
		var oThemeColor = oColorObj[tint];
		if(null == oThemeColor)
			oThemeColor = new ThemeColor();
			oThemeColor.theme = theme;
			oThemeColor.tint = tint;
			if(null != this.theme)
			oColorObj[tint] = oThemeColor;
		return oThemeColor;
	rebuildColors : function()
		if(null != this.theme)
			for(var i = 0, length = this.aColors.length; i < length; ++i)
				var oColorObj = this.aColors[i];
				for(var j in oColorObj)
					var oThemeColor = oColorObj[j];
g_oColorManager = new ColorManager();

/** @constructor */
function Fragment(val) {
	this.text = null;
	this.format = null;
	this.sFormula = null;
	this.sId = null;
	if (null != val) {
Fragment.prototype = {
	clone : function () {
		return new Fragment(this);
	set : function(oVal) {
		if (null != oVal.text)
			this.text = oVal.text;
		if (null != oVal.format)
			this.format = oVal.format;
		if (null != oVal.sFormula)
			this.sFormula = oVal.sFormula;
		if (null != oVal.sId)
			this.sId = oVal.sId;
var g_oFontProperties = {
		fn: 0,
		scheme: 1,
		fs: 2,
		b: 3,
		i: 4,
		u: 5,
		s: 6,
		c: 7,
		va: 8
/** @constructor */
function Font(val)
	if(null == val)
		val = g_oDefaultFontAbs;
	this.Properties = g_oFontProperties;
	this.fn = val.fn;
	this.scheme = val.scheme;
	this.fs = val.fs;
	this.b = val.b;
	this.i = val.i;
	this.u = val.u;
	this.s = val.s;
	this.c = val.c;
	this.va = val.va;
    //skip и repeat не сохраняются в файл нужны здесь только чтобы класс Font можно было использовать в комплексных строках
    this.skip = val.skip;
    this.repeat = val.repeat;
Font.prototype =
	clean : function()
		this.fn = null;
		this.scheme = null;
		this.fs = null;
		this.b = null;
		this.i = null;
		this.u = null;
		this.s = null;
		this.c = null;
		this.va = null;
		this.skip = null;
		this.repeat = null;
	_mergeProperty : function(first, second, def)
		if(def != first)
			return first;
			return second;
	merge : function(font)
		var oRes = new Font();
		oRes.fn = this._mergeProperty(this.fn, font.fn, g_oDefaultFontAbs.fn);
		oRes.scheme = this._mergeProperty(this.scheme, font.scheme, g_oDefaultFontAbs.scheme);
		oRes.fs = this._mergeProperty(this.fs, font.fs, g_oDefaultFontAbs.fs);
		oRes.b = this._mergeProperty(this.b, font.b, g_oDefaultFontAbs.b);
		oRes.i = this._mergeProperty(this.i, font.i, g_oDefaultFontAbs.i);
		oRes.u = this._mergeProperty(this.u, font.u, g_oDefaultFontAbs.u);
		oRes.s = this._mergeProperty(this.s, font.s, g_oDefaultFontAbs.s);
		//заглушка excel при merge стилей игнорирует default цвет
		if(this.c instanceof ThemeColor && g_nColorTextDefault == this.c.theme && null == this.c.tint)
			oRes.c = this._mergeProperty(font.c, this.c, g_oDefaultFontAbs.c);
			oRes.c = this._mergeProperty(this.c, font.c, g_oDefaultFontAbs.c);
		oRes.va = this._mergeProperty(this.va, font.va, g_oDefaultFontAbs.va);
		oRes.skip = this._mergeProperty(this.skip, font.skip, g_oDefaultFontAbs.skip);
		oRes.repeat = this._mergeProperty(this.repeat, font.repeat, g_oDefaultFontAbs.repeat);
		return oRes;
	getRgbOrNull : function()
		var nRes = null;
		if(null != this.c)
			nRes = this.c.getRgb();
		return nRes;
	getDif : function(val)
		var oRes = new Font(this);
		var bEmpty = true;
		if(this.fn == val.fn)
			oRes.fn =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(this.scheme == val.scheme)
			oRes.scheme =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(this.fs == val.fs)
			oRes.fs =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(this.b == val.b)
			oRes.b =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(this.i == val.i)
			oRes.i =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(this.u == val.u)
			oRes.u =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(this.s == val.s)
			oRes.s =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(g_oColorManager.isEqual(this.c, val.c))
			oRes.c =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(this.va == val.va)
			oRes.va =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(this.skip == val.skip)
			oRes.skip =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(this.repeat == val.repeat)
			oRes.repeat =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
			oRes = null;
		return oRes;
	isEqual : function(font)
		var bRes = this.fs == font.fs && this.b == font.b && this.i == font.i && this.u == font.u && this.s == font.s &&
				g_oColorManager.isEqual(this.c, font.c) && this.va == font.va && this.skip == font.skip && this.repeat == font.repeat;
		    if (Asc.EFontScheme.fontschemeNone == this.scheme && Asc.EFontScheme.fontschemeNone == font.scheme)
				bRes = this.fn == font.fn;
		    else if (Asc.EFontScheme.fontschemeNone != this.scheme && Asc.EFontScheme.fontschemeNone != font.scheme)
				bRes = this.scheme == font.scheme;
				bRes = false;
		return bRes;
    clone : function()
		return new Font(this);
	set : function(oVal)
	    if (null != oVal.fn) {
	        this.fn = oVal.fn;
	        this.scheme = Asc.EFontScheme.fontschemeNone;
		if(null != oVal.scheme)
            this.scheme = oVal.scheme;
        if(null != oVal.fs)
            this.fs = oVal.fs;
        if(null != oVal.b)
            this.b = oVal.b;
        if(null != oVal.i)
            this.i = oVal.i;
        if(null != oVal.u)
            this.u = oVal.u;
        if(null != oVal.s)
            this.s = oVal.s;
        if(null != oVal.c)
            this.c = oVal.c;
		if(null != oVal.va)
            this.va = oVal.va;
        if(null != oVal.skip)
            this.skip = oVal.skip;
		if(null != oVal.repeat)
            this.repeat = oVal.repeat;
	intersect : function(oFont, oDefVal)
		if(this.fn != oFont.fn)
            this.fn = oDefVal.fn;
		if(this.scheme != oFont.scheme)
            this.scheme = oDefVal.scheme;
        if(this.fs != oFont.fs)
            this.fs = oDefVal.fs;
		if(this.b != oFont.b)
            this.b = oDefVal.b;
		if(this.i != oFont.i)
            this.i = oDefVal.i;
		if(this.u != oFont.u)
            this.u = oDefVal.u;
		if(this.s != oFont.s)
            this.s = oDefVal.s;
		if(false == g_oColorManager.isEqual(this.c, oFont.c))
            this.c = oDefVal.c;
		if(this.va != oFont.va)
            this.va = oDefVal.va;
		if(this.skip != oFont.skip)
            this.skip = oDefVal.skip;
		if(this.repeat != oFont.repeat)
            this.repeat = oDefVal.repeat;
	getType : function()
		return UndoRedoDataTypes.StyleFont;
	getProperties : function()
		return this.Properties;
	getProperty : function(nType)
			case this.Properties.fn: return this.fn;break;
			case this.Properties.scheme: return this.scheme;break;
			case this.Properties.fs: return this.fs;break;
			case this.Properties.b: return this.b;break;
			case this.Properties.i: return this.i;break;
			case this.Properties.u: return this.u;break;
			case this.Properties.s: return this.s;break;
			case this.Properties.c: return this.c;break;
			case this.Properties.va: return this.va;break;
	setProperty : function(nType, value)
			case this.Properties.fn: this.fn = value;break;
			case this.Properties.scheme: this.scheme = value;break;
			case this.Properties.fs: this.fs = value;break;
			case this.Properties.b: this.b = value;break;
			case this.Properties.i: this.i = value;break;
			case this.Properties.u: this.u = value;break;
			case this.Properties.s: this.s = value;break;
			case this.Properties.c: this.c = value;break;
			case this.Properties.va: this.va = value;break;
var g_oFillProperties = {
		bg: 0
/** @constructor */
function Fill(val)
	if(null == val)
		val = g_oDefaultFillAbs;
	this.Properties = g_oFillProperties;
	this.bg = val.bg;
Fill.prototype =
	_mergeProperty : function(first, second, def)
		if(def != first)
			return first;
			return second;
	merge : function(fill)
		var oRes = new Fill();
		oRes.bg = this._mergeProperty(this.bg, fill.bg, g_oDefaultFill.bg);
		return oRes;
	getRgbOrNull : function()
		var nRes = null;
		if(null != this.bg)
			nRes = this.bg.getRgb();
		return nRes;
	getDif : function(val)
		var oRes = new Fill(this);
		var bEmpty = true;
		if(g_oColorManager.isEqual(this.bg, val.bg))
			oRes.bg =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
			oRes = null;
		return oRes;
	isEqual : function(fill)
		return g_oColorManager.isEqual(this.bg, fill.bg);
    clone : function()
        return new Fill(this);
	getType : function()
		return UndoRedoDataTypes.StyleFill;
	getProperties : function()
		return this.Properties;
	getProperty : function(nType)
			case this.Properties.bg: return this.bg;break;
	setProperty : function(nType, value)
			case this.Properties.bg: this.bg = value;break;
var g_oBorderPropProperties = {
		s: 0,
		c: 1
function BorderProp()
	this.Properties = g_oBorderPropProperties;
	this.s = c_oAscBorderStyles.None;
	this.w = c_oAscBorderWidth.None;
	this.c = g_oColorManager.getThemeColor(1);
BorderProp.prototype = {
	setStyle : function (style) {
		this.s = style;
		switch (this.s) {
			case c_oAscBorderStyles.Thin:
			case c_oAscBorderStyles.DashDot:
			case c_oAscBorderStyles.DashDotDot:
			case c_oAscBorderStyles.Dashed:
			case c_oAscBorderStyles.Dotted:
			case c_oAscBorderStyles.Hair:
				this.w = c_oAscBorderWidth.Thin;
			case c_oAscBorderStyles.Medium:
			case c_oAscBorderStyles.MediumDashDot:
			case c_oAscBorderStyles.MediumDashDotDot:
			case c_oAscBorderStyles.MediumDashed:
			case c_oAscBorderStyles.SlantDashDot:
				this.w = c_oAscBorderWidth.Medium;
			case c_oAscBorderStyles.Thick:
			case c_oAscBorderStyles.Double:
				this.w = c_oAscBorderWidth.Thick;
				this.w = c_oAscBorderWidth.None;
	getRgbOrNull : function()
		var nRes = null;
		if(null != this.c)
			nRes = this.c.getRgb();
		return nRes;
	isEmpty : function()
		return c_oAscBorderStyles.None === this.s;
	isEqual : function(val)
		return this.s === val.s && g_oColorManager.isEqual(this.c, val.c);
	clone : function()
		var res = new BorderProp();
		return res;
	merge : function(oBorderProp)
		if(null != oBorderProp.s && c_oAscBorderStyles.None !== oBorderProp.s)
			this.s = oBorderProp.s;
			this.w = oBorderProp.w;
			if(null != oBorderProp.c)
				this.c = oBorderProp.c;
	getType : function()
		return UndoRedoDataTypes.StyleBorderProp;
	getProperties : function()
		return this.Properties;
	getProperty : function(nType)
			case this.Properties.s: return this.s;break;
			case this.Properties.c: return this.c;break;
	setProperty : function(nType, value)
			case this.Properties.s: this.setStyle(value);break;
			case this.Properties.c: this.c = value;break;
var g_oBorderProperties = {
		l: 0,
		t: 1,
		r: 2,
		b: 3,
		d: 4,
		ih: 5,
		iv: 6,
		dd: 7,
		du: 8
/** @constructor */
function Border(val)
	if(null == val)
		val = g_oDefaultBorderAbs;
	this.Properties = g_oBorderProperties;
	this.l = val.l.clone();
	this.t = val.t.clone();
	this.r = val.r.clone();
	this.b = val.b.clone();
	this.d = val.d.clone();
	this.ih = val.ih.clone();
	this.iv = val.iv.clone();
	this.dd = val.dd;
	this.du = val.du;
Border.prototype =
	_mergeProperty : function(first, second, def)
		if((null != def.isEqual && false == def.isEqual(first)) || (null == def.isEqual && def != first))
			return first;
			return second;
	merge : function(border)
		var oRes = new Border();
		oRes.l = this._mergeProperty(this.l, border.l, g_oDefaultBorder.l).clone();
		oRes.t = this._mergeProperty(this.t, border.t, g_oDefaultBorder.t).clone();
		oRes.r = this._mergeProperty(this.r, border.r, g_oDefaultBorder.r).clone();
		oRes.b = this._mergeProperty(this.b, border.b, g_oDefaultBorder.b).clone();
		oRes.d = this._mergeProperty(this.d, border.d, g_oDefaultBorder.d).clone();
		oRes.ih = this._mergeProperty(this.ih, border.ih, g_oDefaultBorder.ih).clone();
		oRes.iv = this._mergeProperty(this.iv, border.iv, g_oDefaultBorder.iv).clone();
		oRes.dd = this._mergeProperty(this.dd, border.dd, g_oDefaultBorder.dd);
		oRes.du = this._mergeProperty(this.du, border.du, g_oDefaultBorder.du);
		return oRes;
	getDif : function(val)
		var oRes = new Border(this);
		var bEmpty = true;
		if(true == this.l.isEqual(val.l))
			oRes.l =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(true == this.t.isEqual(val.t))
			oRes.t =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(true == this.r.isEqual(val.r))
			oRes.r =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(true == this.b.isEqual(val.b))
			oRes.b =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(true == this.d.isEqual(val.d))
			oRes.d =  null;
		if(true == this.ih.isEqual(val.ih))
			oRes.ih =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(true == this.iv.isEqual(val.iv))
			oRes.iv =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(this.dd == val.dd)
			oRes.dd =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(this.du == val.du)
			oRes.du =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
			oRes = null;
		return oRes;
	isEqual : function(val)
		return this.l.isEqual(val.l) && this.t.isEqual(val.t) && this.r.isEqual(val.r) && this.b.isEqual(val.b) && this.d.isEqual(val.d) &&
				this.ih.isEqual(val.ih) && this.iv.isEqual(val.iv) && this.dd == val.dd && this.du == val.du;
    clone : function()
        return new Border(this);
	clean : function()
		this.l = g_oDefaultBorder.l.clone();
		this.t = g_oDefaultBorder.t.clone();
		this.r = g_oDefaultBorder.r.clone();
		this.b = g_oDefaultBorder.b.clone();
		this.d = g_oDefaultBorder.d.clone();
		this.ih = g_oDefaultBorder.ih.clone();
		this.iv = g_oDefaultBorder.iv.clone();
		this.dd = g_oDefaultBorder.dd;
		this.du = g_oDefaultBorder.du;
    mergeInner : function(border){
            if(null != border.dd)
                this.dd = this.dd || border.dd;
            if(null != border.du)
                this.du = this.du || border.du;
	getType : function()
		return UndoRedoDataTypes.StyleBorder;
	getProperties : function()
		return this.Properties;
	getProperty : function(nType)
			case this.Properties.l: return this.l;break;
			case this.Properties.t: return this.t;break;
			case this.Properties.r: return this.r;break;
			case this.Properties.b: return this.b;break;
			case this.Properties.d: return this.d;break;
			case this.Properties.ih: return this.ih;break;
			case this.Properties.iv: return this.iv;break;
			case this.Properties.dd: return this.dd;break;
			case this.Properties.du: return this.du;break;
	setProperty : function(nType, value)
			case this.Properties.l: this.l = value;break;
			case this.Properties.t: this.t = value;break;
			case this.Properties.r: this.r = value;break;
			case this.Properties.b: this.b = value;break;
			case this.Properties.d: this.d = value;break;
			case this.Properties.ih: this.ih = value;break;
			case this.Properties.iv: this.iv = value;break;
			case this.Properties.dd: this.dd = value;break;
			case this.Properties.du: this.du = value;break;
var g_oNumProperties = {
		f: 0
/** @constructor */
function Num(val)
	if(null == val)
		val = g_oDefaultNumAbs;
	this.Properties = g_oNumProperties;
	this.f = val.f;
Num.prototype =
	merge : function(num)
		var oRes = new Num();
		if(g_oDefaultNum.f != this.f)
			oRes.f = this.f;
			oRes.f = num.f;
		return oRes;
	getDif : function(val)
		var oRes = new Num(this);
		var bEmpty = true;
		if(this.f == val.f)
			oRes.f =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
			oRes = null;
		return oRes;
	isEqual : function(val)
		return this.f == val.f;
    clone : function()
        return new Num(this);
	getType : function()
		return UndoRedoDataTypes.StyleNum;
	getProperties : function()
		return this.Properties;
	getProperty : function(nType)
			case this.Properties.f: return this.f;break;
	setProperty : function(nType, value)
			case this.Properties.f: this.f = value;break;
var g_oCellXfsProperties = {
		border: 0,
		fill: 1,
		font: 2,
		num: 3,
		align: 4,
		QuotePrefix: 5,
		XfId: 6
/** @constructor */
function CellXfs() {
	this.Properties = g_oCellXfsProperties;
    this.border = null;
    this.fill = null;
    this.font = null;
    this.num = null;
    this.align = null;
	this.QuotePrefix = null;
	this.XfId = null;
    // Является ли стиль ссылкой (При открытии все стили будут ссылками. Поэтому при смене свойств нужно делать копию)
    this.isReference = false;
CellXfs.prototype =
	_mergeProperty : function(first, second)
		var res = null;
		if(null != first || null != second)
			if(null == first)
				res = second;
			else if(null == second)
				res = first;
				if(null != first.merge)
					res = first.merge(second);
					res = first;
		return res;
	merge : function(xfs)
		var oRes = new CellXfs();
		oRes.border = this._mergeProperty(this.border, xfs.border);
		oRes.fill = this._mergeProperty(this.fill, xfs.fill);
		oRes.font = this._mergeProperty(this.font, xfs.font);
		oRes.num = this._mergeProperty(this.num, xfs.num);
		oRes.align = this._mergeProperty(this.align, xfs.align);
		oRes.QuotePrefix = this._mergeProperty(this.QuotePrefix, xfs.QuotePrefix);
		oRes.XfId = this._mergeProperty(this.XfId, xfs.XfId);
		return oRes;
    clone : function()
        var res = new CellXfs();
        if(null != this.border)
            res.border = this.border.clone();
        if(null != this.fill)
            res.fill = this.fill.clone();
        if(null != this.font)
            res.font = this.font.clone();
        if(null != this.num)
            res.num = this.num.clone();
        if(null != this.align)
            res.align = this.align.clone();
        if(null != this.QuotePrefix)
            res.QuotePrefix = this.QuotePrefix;
		if (null !== this.XfId)
			res.XfId = this.XfId;
        return res;
	isEqual : function(xfs)
		if(false == ((null == this.border && null == xfs.border) || (null != this.border && null != xfs.border && this.border.isEqual(xfs.border))))
			return false;
		if(false == ((null == this.fill && null == xfs.fill) || (null != this.fill && null != xfs.fill && this.fill.isEqual(xfs.fill))))
			return false;
		if(false == ((null == this.font && null == xfs.font) || (null != this.font && null != xfs.font && this.font.isEqual(xfs.font))))
			return false;
		if(false == ((null == this.num && null == xfs.num) || (null != this.num && null != xfs.num && this.num.isEqual(xfs.num))))
			return false;
		if(false == ((null == this.align && null == xfs.align) || (null != this.align && null != xfs.align && this.align.isEqual(xfs.align))))
			return false;
		if(this.QuotePrefix != xfs.QuotePrefix)
			return false;
		if (this.XfId != xfs.XfId)
			return false;
		return true;
	getType : function()
		return UndoRedoDataTypes.StyleXfs;
	getProperties : function()
		return this.Properties;
	getProperty : function(nType)
			case this.Properties.border: return this.border;break;
			case this.Properties.fill: return this.fill;break;
			case this.Properties.font: return this.font;break;
			case this.Properties.num: return this.num;break;
			case this.Properties.align: return this.align;break;
			case this.Properties.QuotePrefix: return this.QuotePrefix;break;
			case this.Properties.XfId: return this.XfId; break;
	setProperty : function(nType, value)
			case this.Properties.border: this.border = value;break;
			case this.Properties.fill: this.fill = value;break;
			case this.Properties.font: this.font = value;break;
			case this.Properties.num: this.num = value;break;
			case this.Properties.align: this.align = value;break;
			case this.Properties.QuotePrefix: this.QuotePrefix = value;break;
			case this.Properties.XfId: this.XfId = value; break;
var g_oAlignProperties = {
		hor: 0,
		indent: 1,
		RelativeIndent: 2,
		shrink: 3,
		angle: 4,
		ver: 5,
		wrap: 6
/** @constructor */
function Align(val)
	if(null == val)
		val = g_oDefaultAlignAbs;
	this.Properties = g_oAlignProperties;
	this.hor = val.hor;
	this.indent = val.indent;
	this.RelativeIndent = val.RelativeIndent;
	this.shrink = val.shrink;
	this.angle = val.angle;
	this.ver = val.ver;
	this.wrap = val.wrap;
Align.prototype =
	_mergeProperty : function(first, second, def)
		if(false == def.isEqual(first))
			return first;
			return second;
	merge : function(border)
		var oRes = new Align();
		oRes.hor = this._mergeProperty(this.hor, border.hor, g_oDefaultAlign.hor);
		oRes.indent = this._mergeProperty(this.indent, border.indent, g_oDefaultAlign.indent);
		oRes.RelativeIndent = this._mergeProperty(this.RelativeIndent, border.RelativeIndent, g_oDefaultAlign.RelativeIndent);
		oRes.shrink = this._mergeProperty(this.shrink, border.shrink, g_oDefaultAlign.shrink);
		oRes.angle = this._mergeProperty(this.angle, border.angle, g_oDefaultAlign.angle);
		oRes.ver = this._mergeProperty(this.ver, border.ver, g_oDefaultAlign.ver);
		oRes.wrap = this._mergeProperty(this.wrap, border.wrap, g_oDefaultAlign.wrap);
		return oRes;
	getDif : function(val)
		var oRes = new Align(this);
		var bEmpty = true;
		if(this.hor == val.hor)
			oRes.hor =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(this.indent == val.indent)
			oRes.indent =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(this.RelativeIndent == val.RelativeIndent)
			oRes.RelativeIndent =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(this.shrink == val.shrink)
			oRes.shrink =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(this.angle == val.angle)
			oRes.angle =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(this.ver == val.ver)
			oRes.ver =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
		if(this.wrap == val.wrap)
			oRes.wrap =  null;
			bEmpty = false;
			oRes = null;
		return oRes;
	isEqual : function(val)
		return this.hor == val.hor && this.indent == val.indent && this.RelativeIndent == val.RelativeIndent && this.shrink == val.shrink &&
				this.angle == val.angle && this.ver == val.ver && this.wrap == val.wrap;
    clone : function()
        return new Align(this);
	getType : function()
		return UndoRedoDataTypes.StyleAlign;
	getProperties : function()
		return this.Properties;
	getProperty : function(nType)
			case this.Properties.hor: return this.hor;break;
			case this.Properties.indent: return this.indent;break;
			case this.Properties.RelativeIndent: return this.RelativeIndent;break;
			case this.Properties.shrink: return this.shrink;break;
			case this.Properties.angle: return this.angle;break;
			case this.Properties.ver: return this.ver;break;
			case this.Properties.wrap: return this.wrap;break;
	setProperty : function(nType, value)
			case this.Properties.hor: this.hor = value;break;
			case this.Properties.indent: this.indent = value;break;
			case this.Properties.RelativeIndent: this.RelativeIndent = value;break;
			case this.Properties.shrink: this.shrink = value;break;
			case this.Properties.angle: this.angle = value;break;
			case this.Properties.ver: this.ver = value;break;
			case this.Properties.wrap: this.wrap = value;break;
/** @constructor */
function CCellStyles() {
	this.CustomStyles = [];
	this.DefaultStyles = [];
	// ToDo нужно все компоновать в общий список стилей (для того, чтобы не было проблем с добавлением стилей и отсутствия имени стиля)
	this.AllStyles = {};
CCellStyles.prototype.generateFontMap = function (oFontMap) {
	this._generateFontMap(oFontMap, this.DefaultStyles);
	this._generateFontMap(oFontMap, this.CustomStyles);
CCellStyles.prototype._generateFontMap = function (oFontMap, aStyles) {
	var i, length, oStyle;
	for (i = 0, length = aStyles.length; i < length; ++i) {
		oStyle = aStyles[i];
		if (null != oStyle.xfs && null != oStyle.xfs.font && null != oStyle.xfs.font.fn)
			oFontMap[oStyle.xfs.font.fn] = 1;
 * Возвращает колличество стилей без учета скрытых
CCellStyles.prototype.getDefaultStylesCount = function () {
	var nCount = this.DefaultStyles.length;
	for (var i = 0, length = nCount; i < length; ++i) {
		if (this.DefaultStyles[i].Hidden)
	return nCount;
 * Возвращает колличество стилей без учета скрытых и стандартных
CCellStyles.prototype.getCustomStylesCount = function () {
	var nCount = this.CustomStyles.length;
	for (var i = 0, length = nCount; i < length; ++i) {
		if (this.CustomStyles[i].Hidden || null != this.CustomStyles[i].BuiltinId)
	return nCount;
CCellStyles.prototype.getStyleByXfId = function (oXfId) {
	for (var i = 0, length = this.CustomStyles.length; i < length; ++i) {
		if (oXfId === this.CustomStyles[i].XfId) {
			return this.CustomStyles[i];

	return null;
CCellStyles.prototype.getStyleNameByXfId = function (oXfId) {
	var styleName = null;
	if (null === oXfId)
		return styleName;

	var style = null;
	for (var i = 0, length = this.CustomStyles.length; i < length; ++i) {
		style = this.CustomStyles[i];
		if (oXfId === style.XfId) {
			if (null !== style.BuiltinId) {
				styleName = this.getDefaultStyleNameByBuiltinId(style.BuiltinId);
				if (null === styleName)
					styleName = style.Name;
			} else {
				styleName = style.Name;

	return styleName;
CCellStyles.prototype.getDefaultStyleNameByBuiltinId = function (oBuiltinId) {
	var style = null;
	for (var i = 0, length = this.DefaultStyles.length; i < length; ++i) {
		style = this.DefaultStyles[i];
		if (style.BuiltinId === oBuiltinId)
			return style.Name;
	return null;
CCellStyles.prototype.getCustomStyleByBuiltinId = function (oBuiltinId) {
	var style = null;
	for (var i = 0, length = this.CustomStyles.length; i < length; ++i) {
		style = this.CustomStyles[i];
		if (style.BuiltinId === oBuiltinId)
			return style;
	return null;
CCellStyles.prototype._prepareCellStyle = function (name) {
	var defaultStyle = null;
	var style = null;
	var i, length;
	var maxXfId = -1;
	// Проверим, есть ли в default
	for (i = 0, length = this.DefaultStyles.length; i < length; ++i) {
		if (name === this.DefaultStyles[i].Name) {
			defaultStyle = this.DefaultStyles[i];
	// Если есть в default, ищем в custom по builtinId. Если нет, то по имени
	if (defaultStyle) {
		for (i = 0, length = this.CustomStyles.length; i < length; ++i) {
			if (defaultStyle.BuiltinId === this.CustomStyles[i].BuiltinId) {
				style = this.CustomStyles[i];
			maxXfId = Math.max(maxXfId, this.CustomStyles[i].XfId);
	} else {
		for (i = 0, length = this.CustomStyles.length; i < length; ++i) {
			if (name === this.CustomStyles[i].Name) {
				style = this.CustomStyles[i];
			maxXfId = Math.max(maxXfId, this.CustomStyles[i].XfId);

	// Если нашли, то возвращаем XfId
	if (style)
		return style.XfId;

	if (defaultStyle) {
		this.CustomStyles[i] = defaultStyle.clone();
		this.CustomStyles[i].XfId = ++maxXfId;
		return this.CustomStyles[i].XfId;
	return g_oDefaultXfId;
/** @constructor */
function CCellStyle() {
	this.BuiltinId = null;
	this.CustomBuiltin = null;
	this.Hidden = null;
	this.ILevel = null;
	this.Name = null;
	this.XfId = null;

	this.xfs = null;

	this.ApplyBorder = true;
	this.ApplyFill = true;
	this.ApplyFont = true;
	this.ApplyNumberFormat = true;
CCellStyle.prototype.clone = function () {
	var oNewStyle = new CCellStyle();
	oNewStyle.BuiltinId = this.BuiltinId;
	oNewStyle.CustomBuiltin = this.CustomBuiltin;
	oNewStyle.Hidden = this.Hidden;
	oNewStyle.ILevel = this.ILevel;
	oNewStyle.Name = this.Name;

	oNewStyle.ApplyBorder = this.ApplyBorder;
	oNewStyle.ApplyFill = this.ApplyFill;
	oNewStyle.ApplyFont = this.ApplyFont;
	oNewStyle.ApplyNumberFormat = this.ApplyNumberFormat;

	oNewStyle.xfs = this.xfs.clone();
	return oNewStyle;
CCellStyle.prototype.getFill = function () {
	if (null != this.xfs && null != this.xfs.fill)
		return this.xfs.fill.bg;

	return g_oDefaultFill.bg;
CCellStyle.prototype.getFontColor = function () {
	if (null != this.xfs && null != this.xfs.font)
		return this.xfs.font.c;

	return g_oDefaultFont.c;
CCellStyle.prototype.getFont = function () {
	if (null != this.xfs && null != this.xfs.font)
		return this.xfs.font;
	return g_oDefaultFont;
CCellStyle.prototype.getBorder = function () {
	if (null != this.xfs && null != this.xfs.border)
		return this.xfs.border;
	return g_oDefaultBorder;
CCellStyle.prototype.getNumFormatStr = function () {
	if(null != this.xfs && null != this.xfs.num)
		return this.xfs.num.f;
	return g_oDefaultNum.f;
/** @constructor */
function StyleManager(){
    //содержат все свойства по умолчанию
	this.oDefaultFont = null;
	this.oDefaultAlign = null;
	this.oDefaultQuotePrefix = null;
    //стиль ячейки по умолчанию, может содержать не все свойства
	this.oDefaultXfs = new CellXfs();
StyleManager.prototype =
    init : function(oDefaultXfs)
		if(null != oDefaultXfs.font)
			g_oDefaultFont = oDefaultXfs.font.clone();
		if(null != oDefaultXfs.fill)
			g_oDefaultFill = oDefaultXfs.fill.clone();
		if(null != oDefaultXfs.border)
			g_oDefaultBorder = oDefaultXfs.border.clone();
		if(null != oDefaultXfs.num)
			g_oDefaultNum = oDefaultXfs.num.clone();
		if(null != oDefaultXfs.align)
			g_oDefaultAlign = oDefaultXfs.align.clone();
		if (null !== oDefaultXfs.XfId) {
			this.oDefaultXfs.XfId = oDefaultXfs.XfId;
			g_oDefaultXfId = oDefaultXfs.XfId;
		this.oDefaultXfs = oDefaultXfs;
    _prepareSetReference : function (oItemWithXfs)
        // При открытии все стили будут ссылками. Поэтому при смене свойств нужно делать копию
        if (oItemWithXfs.xfs.isReference)
            oItemWithXfs.xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs.clone();
        return oItemWithXfs.xfs;
    _prepareSet : function(oItemWithXfs)
		if(null == oItemWithXfs.xfs)
				oItemWithXfs.xfs = oItemWithXfs.getDefaultXfs();
			if(null == oItemWithXfs.xfs)
				oItemWithXfs.xfs = this.oDefaultXfs.clone();
		} else
        return oItemWithXfs.xfs;
    _prepareSetFont : function(oItemWithXfs)
		var xfs = this._prepareSet(oItemWithXfs);
		if(null == xfs.font)
			xfs.font = g_oDefaultFont.clone();
        return xfs;
    _prepareSetAlign : function(oItemWithXfs)
        var xfs = this._prepareSet(oItemWithXfs);
		if(null == xfs.align)
			xfs.align = g_oDefaultAlign.clone();
        return xfs;
	_prepareSetCellStyle : function (oItemWithXfs) {
		return this._prepareSet(oItemWithXfs);
	setCellStyle : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
		// ToDo add code
		var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
		var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
		if(null != xfs && null != xfs.XfId)
			oRes.oldVal = xfs.XfId;
			oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultXfId;
		if(null == val) {
			if(null != xfs) {
			    xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
				xfs.XfId = g_oDefaultXfId;
		} else {
			xfs = this._prepareSetCellStyle(oItemWithXfs);
			xfs.XfId = val;
		return oRes;
	setNumFormat : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
        var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
        var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
        if(null != xfs && null != xfs.num)
            oRes.oldVal = xfs.num.f;
			oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultNum.f;
        if(null == val)
            if(null != xfs) {
                xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
                xfs.num = null;
            xfs = this._prepareSet(oItemWithXfs);
            if(null == xfs.num)
                xfs.num = g_oDefaultNum.clone();
            xfs.num.f = val;
		return oRes;
	setFont : function(oItemWithXfs, val, oHistoryObj, nHistoryId, sSheetId, oRange)
        var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
        var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
        if(null != xfs && null != xfs.font)
            oRes.oldVal = xfs.font;
			oRes.oldVal = null;
        if(null == val)
            if(null != xfs) {
                xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
                xfs.font = null;
            xfs = this._prepareSetFont(oItemWithXfs);
            xfs.font = val.clone();
		return oRes;
	setFontname : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
        var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
        var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
        if(null != xfs && null != xfs.font)
            oRes.oldVal = xfs.font.fn;
			oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultFont.fn;
		//todo undo для scheme
        if(null == val)
            if(null != xfs && null != xfs.font)
                xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
                xfs.font.fn = g_oDefaultFont.fn;
                xfs.font.scheme = Asc.EFontScheme.fontschemeNone;
            xfs = this._prepareSetFont(oItemWithXfs);
            xfs.font.fn = val;
            xfs.font.scheme = Asc.EFontScheme.fontschemeNone;
		return oRes;
	setFontsize : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
        var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
        var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
        if(null != xfs && null != xfs.font)
            oRes.oldVal = xfs.font.fs;
			oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultFont.fs;
        if(null == val)
            if(null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
                xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
                xfs.font.fs = g_oDefaultFont.fs;
            xfs = this._prepareSetFont(oItemWithXfs);
            xfs.font.fs = val;
		return oRes;
	setFontcolor : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
        var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
        var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
        if(null != xfs && null != xfs.font)
            oRes.oldVal = xfs.font.c;
			oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultFont.c;
        if(null == val)
            if(null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
                xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
                xfs.font.c = g_oDefaultFont.c;
            xfs = this._prepareSetFont(oItemWithXfs);
            xfs.font.c = val;
		return oRes;
	setBold : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
        var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
        var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
        if(null != xfs && null != xfs.font)
            oRes.oldVal = xfs.font.b;
			oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultFont.b;
        if(null == val)
            if(null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
                xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
                xfs.font.b = g_oDefaultFont.b;
            xfs = this._prepareSetFont(oItemWithXfs);
            xfs.font.b = val;
		return oRes;
	setItalic : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
        var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
        var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
        if(null != xfs && null != xfs.font)
            oRes.oldVal = xfs.font.i;
			oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultFont.i;
        if(null == val)
            if(null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
                xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
                xfs.font.i = g_oDefaultFont.i;
            xfs = this._prepareSetFont(oItemWithXfs);
            xfs.font.i = val;
		return oRes;
	setUnderline : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
        var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
        var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
        if(null != xfs && null != xfs.font)
            oRes.oldVal = xfs.font.u;
			oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultFont.u;
        if(null == val)
            if(null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
                xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
                xfs.font.u = g_oDefaultFont.u;
            xfs = this._prepareSetFont(oItemWithXfs);
            xfs.font.u = val;
		return oRes;
	setStrikeout : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
        var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
        var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
        if(null != xfs && null != xfs.font)
            oRes.oldVal = xfs.font.s;
			oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultFont.s;
        if(null == val)
            if(null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
                xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
                xfs.font.s = g_oDefaultFont.s;
            xfs = this._prepareSetFont(oItemWithXfs);
            xfs.font.s = val;
		return oRes;
	setFontAlign : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
        var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
        var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
        if(null != xfs && null != xfs.font)
            oRes.oldVal = xfs.font.va;
			oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultFont.va;
        if(null == val)
            if(null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
                xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
                xfs.font.va = g_oDefaultFont.va;
            xfs = this._prepareSetFont(oItemWithXfs);
            xfs.font.va = val;
		return oRes;
	setAlignVertical : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
        var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
        var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
        if(null != xfs && null != xfs.align)
            oRes.oldVal = xfs.align.ver;
			oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultAlign.ver;
        if(null == val)
            if(null != xfs && null != xfs.align) {
                xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
                xfs.align.ver = g_oDefaultAlign.ver;
            xfs = this._prepareSetAlign(oItemWithXfs);
            xfs.align.ver = val;
		return oRes;
	setAlignHorizontal : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
        var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
        var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
        if(null != xfs && null != xfs.align)
            oRes.oldVal = xfs.align.hor;
			oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultAlign.hor;
        if(null == val)
            if(null != xfs && null != xfs.align) {
                xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
                xfs.align.hor = g_oDefaultAlign.hor;
            xfs = this._prepareSetAlign(oItemWithXfs);
            xfs.align.hor = val;
		return oRes;
	setFill : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
        var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
        var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
        if(null != xfs && null != xfs.fill)
            oRes.oldVal = xfs.fill.bg;
			oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultFill.bg;
        if(null == val)
            if(null != xfs && null != xfs.fill) {
                xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
                xfs.fill.bg = g_oDefaultFill.bg;
            xfs = this._prepareSet(oItemWithXfs);
			if(null == xfs.fill)
                xfs.fill = g_oDefaultFill.clone();
            xfs.fill.bg = val;
		return oRes;
	setBorder : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
        var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
        var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
        if(null != xfs && null != xfs.border)
            oRes.oldVal = xfs.border;
			oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultBorder;
        if(null == val)
            if(null != xfs && null != xfs.border) {
                xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
                xfs.border = val;
            xfs = this._prepareSet(oItemWithXfs);
            xfs.border = val;
		return oRes;
	setShrinkToFit : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
        var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
        var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
        if(null != xfs && null != xfs.align)
            oRes.oldVal = xfs.align.shrink;
			oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultAlign.shrink;
        if(null == val)
            if(null != xfs && null != xfs.align) {
                xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
                xfs.align.shrink = g_oDefaultAlign.shrink;
            xfs = this._prepareSetAlign(oItemWithXfs);
            xfs.align.shrink = val;
		return oRes;
	setWrap : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
        var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
        var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
        if(null != xfs && null != xfs.align)
            oRes.oldVal = xfs.align.wrap;
			oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultAlign.wrap;
        if(null == val)
            if(null != xfs && null != xfs.align) {
                xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
                xfs.align.wrap = g_oDefaultAlign.wrap;
            xfs = this._prepareSetAlign(oItemWithXfs);
            xfs.align.wrap = val;
		return oRes;
	setQuotePrefix : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
        var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
        var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
        if(null != xfs && null != xfs.QuotePrefix)
            oRes.oldVal = xfs.QuotePrefix;
        if(null == val)
            if(null != xfs) {
                xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
                xfs.QuotePrefix = val;
            xfs = this._prepareSet(oItemWithXfs);
            xfs.QuotePrefix = val;
		return oRes;
    setAngle : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
        var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
		var oRes = {newVal: val, oldVal: null};
		val = angleInterfaceToFormat(val);
        if(null != xfs && null != xfs.align)
            oRes.oldVal = angleFormatToInterface2(xfs.align.angle);
			oRes.oldVal = angleFormatToInterface2(g_oDefaultAlign.angle);
        if(null == val)
            if(null != xfs && null != xfs.align) {
                xfs = this._prepareSetReference(oItemWithXfs);
                xfs.align.angle = g_oDefaultAlign.angle;
            xfs = this._prepareSetAlign(oItemWithXfs);
            xfs.align.angle = val;
        return oRes;
	setVerticalText : function(oItemWithXfs, val)
		if(true == val)
			return this.setAngle(oItemWithXfs, g_nVerticalTextAngle);
			return this.setAngle(oItemWithXfs, 0);
var g_oHyperlinkProperties = {
		Ref: 0,
		Location: 1,
		Hyperlink: 2,
		Tooltip: 3
/** @constructor */
function Hyperlink () {
	this.Properties = g_oHyperlinkProperties;
    this.Ref = null;
    this.Hyperlink = null;
    this.Tooltip = null;
	// Составные части Location
	this.Location = null;
	this.LocationSheet = null;
	this.LocationRange = null;
	this.bUpdateLocation = false;
	this.bVisited = false;
Hyperlink.prototype = {
	clone : function (oNewWs) {
		var oNewHyp = new Hyperlink();
		if (null !== this.Ref)
			oNewHyp.Ref = this.Ref.clone(oNewWs);
		if (null !== this.getLocation())
		if (null !== this.LocationSheet)
			oNewHyp.LocationSheet = this.LocationSheet;
		if (null !== this.LocationRange)
			oNewHyp.LocationRange = this.LocationRange;
		if (null !== this.Hyperlink)
			oNewHyp.Hyperlink = this.Hyperlink;
		if (null !== this.Tooltip)
			oNewHyp.Tooltip = this.Tooltip;
		if (null !== this.bVisited)
			oNewHyp.bVisited = this.bVisited;
		return oNewHyp;
	isEqual : function (obj) {
		var bRes = (this.getLocation() == obj.getLocation() && this.Hyperlink == obj.Hyperlink && this.Tooltip == obj.Tooltip);
		if (bRes) {
			var oBBoxRef = this.Ref.getBBox0();
			var oBBoxObj = obj.Ref.getBBox0();
			bRes = (oBBoxRef.r1 == oBBoxObj.r1 && oBBoxRef.c1 == oBBoxObj.c1 && oBBoxRef.r2 == oBBoxObj.r2 && oBBoxRef.c2 == oBBoxObj.c2);
		return bRes;
	isValid : function () {
		return null != this.Ref && (null != this.getLocation() || null != this.Hyperlink);
	setLocationSheet : function (LocationSheet) {
		this.LocationSheet = LocationSheet;
		this.bUpdateLocation = true;
	setLocationRange : function (LocationRange) {
		this.LocationRange = LocationRange;
		this.bUpdateLocation = true;
	setLocation : function (Location) {
		this.bUpdateLocation = false;
		this.Location = Location;
		this.LocationSheet = this.LocationRange = null;

		if (null != this.Location) {
			var result = parserHelp.parse3DRef(this.Location);
			if (null !== result) {
				this.LocationSheet = result.sheet;
				this.LocationRange = result.range;
	getLocation : function () {
		if (this.bUpdateLocation)
		return this.Location;
	_updateLocation : function () {
		this.bUpdateLocation = false;
		if (null === this.LocationSheet || null === this.LocationRange)
			this.Location = null;
			this.Location = parserHelp.get3DRef(this.LocationSheet, this.LocationRange);
	setVisited : function (bVisited) {
		this.bVisited = bVisited;
		if (this.Ref)
	getVisited : function () {
		return this.bVisited;
	getHyperlinkType : function () {
		return null !== this.Hyperlink ? c_oAscHyperlinkType.WebLink : c_oAscHyperlinkType.RangeLink;
	getType : function () {
		return UndoRedoDataTypes.Hyperlink;
	getProperties : function () {
		return this.Properties;
	getProperty : function (nType) {
		switch (nType) {
			case this.Properties.Ref: return parserHelp.get3DRef(this.Ref.worksheet.getName(), this.Ref.getName()); break;
			case this.Properties.Location: return this.getLocation();break;
			case this.Properties.Hyperlink: return this.Hyperlink;break;
			case this.Properties.Tooltip: return this.Tooltip;break;
	setProperty : function (nType, value) {
		switch (nType) {
			case this.Properties.Ref:
				//todo обработать нули
				var oRefParsed = parserHelp.parse3DRef(value);
				if (null !== oRefParsed) {
					// Получаем sheet по имени
					var ws = window["Asc"]["editor"].wbModel.getWorksheetByName (oRefParsed.sheet);
					if (ws)
						this.Ref = ws.getRange2(oRefParsed.range);
			case this.Properties.Location: this.setLocation(value);break;
			case this.Properties.Hyperlink: this.Hyperlink = value;break;
			case this.Properties.Tooltip: this.Tooltip = value;break;
	applyCollaborative : function (nSheetId, collaborativeEditing) {
		var bbox = this.Ref.getBBox0();
		var OffsetFirst = {offsetCol:0, offsetRow:0};
		var OffsetLast = {offsetCol:0, offsetRow:0};
		OffsetFirst.offsetRow = collaborativeEditing.getLockMeRow2(nSheetId, bbox.r1) - bbox.r1;
		OffsetFirst.offsetCol = collaborativeEditing.getLockMeColumn2(nSheetId, bbox.c1) - bbox.c1;
		OffsetLast.offsetRow = collaborativeEditing.getLockMeRow2(nSheetId, bbox.r2) - bbox.r2;
		OffsetLast.offsetCol = collaborativeEditing.getLockMeColumn2(nSheetId, bbox.c2) - bbox.c2;
/** @constructor */
function SheetFormatPr(){
	this.nBaseColWidth = null;
	this.dDefaultColWidth = null;
	this.oAllRow = null;
SheetFormatPr.prototype = {
	clone : function(){
		var oRes = new SheetFormatPr();
		oRes.nBaseColWidth = this.nBaseColWidth;
		oRes.dDefaultColWidth = this.dDefaultColWidth;
		if(null != this.oAllRow)
			oRes.oAllRow = this.oAllRow.clone();
		return oRes;
/** @constructor */
function Col(worksheet, index)
	this.ws = worksheet;
	this.index = index;
    this.BestFit = null;
    this.hd = null;
    this.CustomWidth = null;
    this.width = null;
    this.xfs = null;
Col.prototype =
	moveHor : function(nDif)
		this.index += nDif;
	isEqual : function(obj)
		var bRes = this.BestFit == obj.BestFit && this.hd == obj.hd && this.width == obj.width && this.CustomWidth == obj.CustomWidth;
			if(null != this.xfs && null != obj.xfs)
				bRes = this.xfs.isEqual(obj.xfs);
			else if(null != this.xfs || null != obj.xfs)
				bRes = false;
		return bRes;
	isEmpty : function()
		return null == this.BestFit && null == this.hd && null == this.width && null == this.xfs && null == this.CustomWidth;
	Remove : function()
	clone : function(oNewWs)
            oNewWs = this.ws;
        var oNewCol = new Col(oNewWs, this.index);
        if(null != this.BestFit)
            oNewCol.BestFit = this.BestFit;
        if(null != this.hd)
            oNewCol.hd = this.hd;
        if(null != this.width)
            oNewCol.width = this.width;
		if(null != this.CustomWidth)
            oNewCol.CustomWidth = this.CustomWidth;
        if(null != this.xfs)
            oNewCol.xfs = this.xfs.clone();
        return oNewCol;
	getWidthProp : function()
		return new UndoRedoData_ColProp(this);
	setWidthProp : function(prop)
		if(null != prop)
			if(null != prop.width)
				this.width = prop.width;
				this.width = null;
			if(null != prop.hd)
				this.hd = prop.hd;
				this.hd = null;
			if(null != prop.CustomWidth)
				this.CustomWidth = prop.CustomWidth;
				this.CustomWidth = null;
			if(null != prop.BestFit)
				this.BestFit = prop.BestFit;
				this.BestFit = null;
	getStyle : function()
		return this.xfs;
	_getUpdateRange: function () {
	    if (g_nAllColIndex == this.index)
	        return new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0);
	        return new Asc.Range(this.index, 0, this.index, gc_nMaxRow0);
	setStyle : function(xfs)
		var oldVal = this.xfs;
		var newVal = null;
		this.xfs = null;
		if(null != xfs)
			this.xfs = xfs.clone();
			newVal = xfs;
		if(History.Is_On() && false == ((null == oldVal && null == newVal) || (null != oldVal && null != newVal && true == oldVal.isEqual(newVal))))
			if(null != oldVal)
				oldVal = oldVal.clone();
			if(null != newVal)
				newVal = newVal.clone();
			History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_SetStyle, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oldVal, newVal));
	setCellStyle : function(val)
		var newVal = this.ws.workbook.CellStyles._prepareCellStyle(val);
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setCellStyle(this, newVal);
		if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
			var oldStyleName = this.ws.workbook.CellStyles.getStyleNameByXfId(oRes.oldVal);
			History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_SetCellStyle, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oldStyleName, val));

			// Выставляем стиль
			var oStyle = this.ws.workbook.CellStyles.getStyleByXfId(oRes.newVal);
			if (oStyle.ApplyFont)
			if (oStyle.ApplyFill)
			if (oStyle.ApplyBorder)
			if (oStyle.ApplyNumberFormat)
	setNumFormat : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setNumFormat(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_NumFormat, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setFont : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setFont(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
			var oldVal = null;
			if(null != oRes.oldVal)
				oldVal = oRes.oldVal.clone();
			var newVal = null;
			if(null != oRes.newVal)
				newVal = oRes.newVal.clone();
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_SetFont, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oldVal, newVal));
	setFontname : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setFontname(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Fontname, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setFontsize : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setFontsize(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Fontsize, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setFontcolor : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setFontcolor(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Fontcolor, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setBold : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setBold(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Bold, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setItalic : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setItalic(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Italic, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setUnderline : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setUnderline(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Underline, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setStrikeout : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setStrikeout(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Strikeout, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setFontAlign : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setFontAlign(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_FontAlign, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setAlignVertical : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setAlignVertical(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_AlignVertical, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setAlignHorizontal : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setAlignHorizontal(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_AlignHorizontal, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setFill : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setFill(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Fill, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setBorder : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setBorder(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
			var oldVal = null;
			if(null != oRes.oldVal)
				oldVal = oRes.oldVal.clone();
			var newVal = null;
			if(null != oRes.newVal)
				newVal = oRes.newVal.clone();
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Border, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oldVal, newVal));
	setShrinkToFit : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setShrinkToFit(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_ShrinkToFit, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setWrap : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setShrinkToFit(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Wrap, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
    setAngle : function(val)
        var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setAngle(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Angle, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setVerticalText : function(val)
        var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setVerticalText(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Angle, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
var g_nRowFlag_empty = 0;
var g_nRowFlag_hd = 1;
var g_nRowFlag_CustomHeight = 2;
 * @constructor
function Row(worksheet)
	this.ws = worksheet;
	this.c = {};
	this.index = null;
    this.xfs = null;
    this.h = null;
	this.flags = g_nRowFlag_empty;
Row.prototype =
	getCells : function () {
		return this.c;
	create : function(row)
		this.index = row - 1;
		this.xfs = null;
	moveVer : function(nDif)
		this.index += nDif;
	isEmpty : function()
			return false;
		var bEmptyCells = true;
		for(var i in this.c)
			bEmptyCells = false;
		if(false == bEmptyCells)
			return false;
		return true;
	isEmptyProp : function()
		return null == this.xfs && null == this.h && g_nRowFlag_empty == this.flags;
	Remove : function()
	clone : function(oNewWs)
            oNewWs = this.ws;
        var oNewRow = new Row(oNewWs);
		oNewRow.index = this.index;
		oNewRow.flags = this.flags;
		if(null != this.xfs)
			oNewRow.xfs = this.xfs.clone();
		if(null != this.h)
			oNewRow.h = this.h;
		for(var i in this.c)
			oNewRow.c[i] = this.c[i].clone(oNewWs);
		return oNewRow;
	getDefaultXfs : function()
		var oRes = null;
		if(null != this.ws.oAllCol && null != this.ws.oAllCol.xfs)
			oRes = this.ws.oAllCol.xfs.clone();
		return oRes;
	getHeightProp : function()
		return new UndoRedoData_RowProp(this);
	setHeightProp : function(prop)
		if(null != prop)
			if(null != prop.h)
				this.h = prop.h;
				this.h = null;
			if(true == prop.hd)
				this.flags |= g_nRowFlag_hd;
				this.flags &= ~g_nRowFlag_hd;
			if(true == prop.CustomHeight)
				this.flags |= g_nRowFlag_CustomHeight;
				this.flags &= ~g_nRowFlag_CustomHeight;
	copyProperty : function(otherRow)
		if(null != otherRow.xfs)
			this.xfs = otherRow.xfs.clone();
			this.xfs = null;
		this.h = otherRow.h;
		this.flags = otherRow.flags;
	getStyle : function()
		return this.xfs;
	_getUpdateRange: function () {
	    if (g_nAllRowIndex == this.index)
	        return new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0);
	        return new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index);
	setStyle : function(xfs)
		var oldVal = this.xfs;
		var newVal = null;
		this.xfs = null;
		if(null != xfs)
			this.xfs = xfs.clone();
			newVal = xfs;
		if(History.Is_On() && false == ((null == oldVal && null == newVal) || (null != oldVal && null != newVal && true == oldVal.isEqual(newVal))))
			if(null != oldVal)
				oldVal = oldVal.clone();
			if(null != newVal)
				newVal = newVal.clone();
			History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_SetStyle, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oldVal, newVal));
	setCellStyle : function(val)
		var newVal = this.ws.workbook.CellStyles._prepareCellStyle(val);
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setCellStyle(this, newVal);
		if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
			var oldStyleName = this.ws.workbook.CellStyles.getStyleNameByXfId(oRes.oldVal);
			History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_SetCellStyle, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oldStyleName, val));

			// Выставляем стиль
			var oStyle = this.ws.workbook.CellStyles.getStyleByXfId(oRes.newVal);
			if (oStyle.ApplyFont)
			if (oStyle.ApplyFill)
			if (oStyle.ApplyBorder)
			if (oStyle.ApplyNumberFormat)
	setNumFormat : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setNumFormat(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_NumFormat, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setFont : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setFont(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
			var oldVal = null;
			if(null != oRes.oldVal)
				oldVal = oRes.oldVal.clone();
			var newVal = null;
			if(null != oRes.newVal)
				newVal = oRes.newVal.clone();
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_SetFont, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oldVal, newVal));
	setFontname : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setFontname(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Fontname, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setFontsize : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setFontsize(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Fontsize, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setFontcolor : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setFontcolor(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Fontcolor, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setBold : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setBold(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Bold, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setItalic : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setItalic(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Italic, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setUnderline : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setUnderline(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Underline, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setStrikeout : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setStrikeout(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Strikeout, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setFontAlign : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setFontAlign(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_FontAlign, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setAlignVertical : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setAlignVertical(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_AlignVertical, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setAlignHorizontal : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setAlignHorizontal(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_AlignHorizontal, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setFill : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setFill(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Fill, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setBorder : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setBorder(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
			var oldVal = null;
			if(null != oRes.oldVal)
				oldVal = oRes.oldVal.clone();
			var newVal = null;
			if(null != oRes.newVal)
				newVal = oRes.newVal.clone();
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Border, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oldVal, newVal));
	setShrinkToFit : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setShrinkToFit(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_ShrinkToFit, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setWrap : function(val)
		var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setShrinkToFit(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Wrap, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
    setAngle: function(val)
        var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setAngle(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Angle, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
	setVerticalText : function(val)
        var oRes = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager.setVerticalText(this, val);
        if(History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal)
            History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Angle, this.ws.getId(), this._getUpdateRange(), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
var g_oCCellValueMultiTextProperties = {
		text: 0,
		format: 1
function CCellValueMultiText()
	this.Properties = g_oCCellValueMultiTextProperties;
	this.text = null;
	this.format = null;
CCellValueMultiText.prototype = 
	isEqual : function(val)
		if(null == val)
			return false;
		return this.text == val.text && ((null == this.format && null == val.format) || (null != this.format && null != val.format && this.format.isEqual(val.format)));
	clone : function()
		var oRes = new CCellValueMultiText();
		if(null != this.text)
			oRes.text = this.text;
		if(null != this.format)
			oRes.format = this.format.clone();
		return oRes;
	getType : function()
		return UndoRedoDataTypes.ValueMultiTextElem;
	getProperties : function()
		return this.Properties;
	getProperty : function(nType)
			case this.Properties.text: return this.text;break;
			case this.Properties.format: return this.format;break;
	setProperty : function(nType, value)
			case this.Properties.text: this.text = value;break;
			case this.Properties.format: this.format = value;break;
var g_oCCellValueProperties = {
		text: 0,
		multiText: 1,
		number: 2,
		type: 3
function CCellValue()
	this.Properties = g_oCCellValueProperties;
	this.text = null;
	this.multiText = null;
	this.number = null;
	this.type = CellValueType.Number;
	this.textValue = null;
	this.aTextValue2 = [];
	this.textValueForEdit = null;
	this.textValueForEdit2 = null;
CCellValue.prototype = 
	isEmpty : function()
		if(null != this.number || (null != this.text && "" != this.text))
			return false;
		if(null != this.multiText && "" != this.getStringFromMultiText())
			return false;
		return true;
	isEqual : function(val)
		if(null == val)
			return false;
		if(this.text != val.text)
			return false;
		if(this.number != val.number)
			return false;
		if(this.type != val.type)
			return false;
		if(null != this.multiText && null != val.multiText)
			if(this.multiText.length == val.multiText.length)
				for(var i = 0, length = this.multiText.length; i < length; ++i)
					if(false == this.multiText[i].isEqual(val.multiText[i]))
						return false;
				return true;
			return false;
		else if(null == this.multiText && null == val.multiText)
			return true;
		return false;
	clean : function()
		this.text = null;
		this.multiText = null;
		this.number = null;
		this.type = CellValueType.Number;
	clone : function()
		var oRes = new CCellValue();
		if(null != this.text)
			oRes.text = this.text;
		if(null != this.multiText)
			oRes.multiText = this._cloneMultiText();
		if(null != this.number)
			oRes.number = this.number;
		if(null != this.type)
			oRes.type = this.type;
		return oRes;
	cleanCache : function()
		this.textValue = null;
		this.aTextValue2 = [];
		this.textValueForEdit = null;
		this.textValueForEdit2 = null;
	getStringFromMultiText: function () {
	    var sRes = "";
	    if (null != this.multiText) {
	        for (var i = 0, length = this.multiText.length; i < length; ++i) {
	            var elem = this.multiText[i];
	            if (null != elem.text)
	                sRes += elem.text;
	    return sRes;
	makeSimpleText : function()
		var bRes = false;
		if(null != this.multiText)
		    this.text = this.getStringFromMultiText();
		    this.multiText = null;
			bRes = true;
		return bRes;
	getValueWithoutFormat : function()
		//применяем форматирование
		var sResult = "";
		if(null != this.number)
			if(CellValueType.Bool == this.type)
				sResult = this.number == 1 ? cBoolLocal["t"].toUpperCase() : cBoolLocal["f"].toUpperCase();
				sResult = this.number.toString();
		else if(null != this.text)
			sResult = this.text;
		else if(null != this.multiText)
		    sResult = this.getStringFromMultiText();
		return sResult;
	getValue : function(cell)
		if(null == this.textValue)
			this.getValue2(cell, gc_nMaxDigCountView, function(){return true;});
			this.textValue = "";
			var aText = this.aTextValue2[gc_nMaxDigCountView];
			for(var i = 0, length = aText.length; i < length; ++i)
				if(aText[i].format && aText[i].format.skip == false)
					this.textValue += aText[i].text;
		return this.textValue;
	getValueForEdit : function(cell)
		if(null == this.textValueForEdit)
			this.textValueForEdit = "";
			for(var i = 0, length = this.textValueForEdit2.length; i < length; ++i)
				this.textValueForEdit += this.textValueForEdit2[i].text;
		if( CellValueType.Error == this.type ){
			return this._getValueTypeError(this.textValueForEdit);
		return this.textValueForEdit;
	getValue2 : function(cell, dDigitsCount, fIsFitMeasurer)
		var aRes = null;
		if(null != this.aTextValue2[dDigitsCount])
			aRes = this.aTextValue2[dDigitsCount];
		if(null == aRes)
			var bNeedMeasure = true;
			var sText = null;
			var aText = null;		
			if(CellValueType.Number == this.type || CellValueType.String == this.type)
				if(null != this.text)
					sText = this.text;
				else if(null != this.multiText)
					aText = this.multiText;

				if(CellValueType.String == this.type)
					bNeedMeasure = false;
				var oNumFormat;
				var xfs = cell.getCompiledStyle();
				if(null != xfs && null != xfs.num)
					oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(xfs.num.f);
					oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(g_oDefaultNum.f);
				if(false == oNumFormat.isGeneralFormat())
					var oAdditionalResult = {};
					if(null != this.number)
						aText = oNumFormat.format(this.number, this.type, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult);
						sText = null;
					else if(CellValueType.String == this.type)
					    var oTextFormat = oNumFormat.getTextFormat();
					    if (null != oTextFormat && "@" != oTextFormat.formatString) {
					        if (null != this.text) {
					            aText = oNumFormat.format(this.text, this.type, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult);
					            sText = null;
					        else if (null != this.multiText) {
					            var sSimpleString = this.getStringFromMultiText();
					            aText = oNumFormat.format(sSimpleString, this.type, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult);
					            sText = null;
				else if(CellValueType.Number == this.type && null != this.number)
					bNeedMeasure = false;
					var bFindResult = false;
					//варируем dDigitsCount чтобы результат влез в ячейку
					var nTempDigCount = Math.ceil(dDigitsCount);
					var sOriginText = this.number;
					while(nTempDigCount >= 1)
						//Строим подходящий general format
						var sGeneral = DecodeGeneralFormat(sOriginText, this.type, nTempDigCount);
						if(null != sGeneral)
							oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(sGeneral);

						if(null != oNumFormat)
							sText = null;
							aText = oNumFormat.format(sOriginText, this.type, dDigitsCount);
							if(true == oNumFormat.isTextFormat())
								aRes = this._getValue2Result(cell, sText, aText);
								//Проверяем влезает ли текст
								if(true == fIsFitMeasurer(aRes))
									bFindResult = true;
								aRes = null;
					if(false == bFindResult)
						aRes = null;
						sText = null;
						if (dDigitsCount > 1){
						    var oNumFormatFont = new NumFormatFont();
						    oNumFormatFont.repeat = true;
						    aText = [{ text: "#", format: oNumFormatFont }];
							aText = [{text: "", format: {}}];
			else if(CellValueType.Bool == this.type)
				if(null != this.number)
					sText = (0 != this.number) ? cBoolLocal["t"].toUpperCase(): cBoolLocal["f"].toUpperCase();
			else if(CellValueType.Error == this.type)
				if(null != this.text)
					sText = this._getValueTypeError(this.text);
				aRes = this._getValue2Result(cell, sText, aText);
				//Проверяем влезает ли текст
				if(false == fIsFitMeasurer(aRes))
					aRes = null;
					sText = null;
					var oNumFormatFont = new NumFormatFont();
					oNumFormatFont.repeat = true;
					aText = [{ text: "#", format: oNumFormatFont }];
			if(null == aRes)
				aRes = this._getValue2Result(cell, sText, aText);
			if( cell.sFormula ){
				aRes[0].sFormula = cell.sFormula;
				aRes[0].sId = cell.getName();
			this.aTextValue2[dDigitsCount] = aRes;
		return aRes;
	getValueForEdit2: function (cell, cultureInfo)
	    if (null == cultureInfo)
	        cultureInfo = g_oDefaultCultureInfo;
		if(null == this.textValueForEdit2)
			//todo проблема точности. в excel у чисел только 15 значащих цифр у нас больше.
			//применяем форматирование
			var oValueText = null;
			var oValueArray = null;
			var xfs = cell.getCompiledStyle();
				oValueText = "="+cell.formulaParsed.assembleLocale(cFormulaFunctionToLocale,true);	// ToDo если будет притормаживать, то завести переменную и не рассчитывать каждый раз!
				if(null != this.text || null != this.number)
					if (CellValueType.Bool == this.type && null != this.number)
						oValueText = (this.number == 1) ? cBoolLocal["t"].toUpperCase() : cBoolLocal["f"].toUpperCase();
						if(null != this.text)
							oValueText = this.text;
						if(CellValueType.Number == this.type || CellValueType.String == this.type)
							var oNumFormat;
							if(null != xfs && null != xfs.num)
								oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(xfs.num.f);
								oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(g_oDefaultNum.f);
							if(CellValueType.String != this.type && null != oNumFormat && null != this.number)
								var nValue = this.number;
								var oTargetFormat = oNumFormat.getFormatByValue(nValue);
									if(1 == oTargetFormat.nPercent)
										oValueText = oGeneralEditFormatCache.format(nValue * 100) + "%";
									else if(oTargetFormat.bDateTime)
										//Если число не подходит под формат даты возвращаем само число
										if(false == oTargetFormat.isInvalidDateValue(nValue))
											var bDate = oTargetFormat.bDate;
											var bTime = oTargetFormat.bTime;
											if(false == bDate && nValue >= 1)
												bDate = true;
											if(false == bTime && Math.floor(nValue) != nValue)
											    bTime = true;
											var sDateFormat = "";
											if (bDate) {
											    for (var i = 0, length = cultureInfo.ShortDatePattern.length; i < length; i++) {
											        var nIndex = cultureInfo.ShortDatePattern[i] - 0;
											        if (0 != i)
											            sDateFormat += "/";
											        if (0 == nIndex)
											            sDateFormat += "d";
											        else if (1 == nIndex)
											            sDateFormat += "m";
											        else if (2 == nIndex)
											            sDateFormat += "yyyy";
                                            var sTimeFormat = 'h:mm:ss';
                                            if (cultureInfo.AMDesignator.length > 0 && cultureInfo.PMDesignator.length > 0){
                                                sTimeFormat += ' AM/PM';
											if(bDate && bTime)
											    oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(sDateFormat + ' ' + sTimeFormat);
											else if(bTime)
												oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(sTimeFormat);
											    oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(sDateFormat);
											var aFormatedValue = oNumFormat.format(nValue, CellValueType.Number, gc_nMaxDigCount);
											oValueText = "";
											for(var i = 0, length = aFormatedValue.length; i < length; ++i)
												oValueText += aFormatedValue[i].text;
											oValueText = oGeneralEditFormatCache.format(nValue);
										oValueText = oGeneralEditFormatCache.format(nValue);
				else if(this.multiText)
					oValueArray = this.multiText;
			if(null != xfs && true == xfs.QuotePrefix && CellValueType.String == this.type && false == cell.isFormula())
				if(null != oValueText)
					oValueText = "'" + oValueText;
				else if(null != oValueArray)
					oValueArray = [{text:"'"}].concat(oValueArray);
			this.textValueForEdit2 = this._getValue2Result(cell, oValueText, oValueArray);
		return this.textValueForEdit2;
	_getValue2Result : function(cell, sText, aText)
		var aResult = [];
		if(null == sText && null == aText)
			sText = "";
		var color;
		var cellfont;
		var xfs = cell.getCompiledStyle();
		if(null != xfs && null != xfs.font)
			cellfont = xfs.font;
			cellfont = g_oDefaultFont;
		if(null != sText){
			var oNewItem = new Fragment();
			oNewItem.text = sText;
			oNewItem.format = cellfont.clone();
			color = oNewItem.format.c;
			if(color instanceof ThemeColor)
				//для посещенных гиперссылок
				if(g_nColorHyperlink == color.theme && null == color.tint)
					var hyperlink = cell.ws.hyperlinkManager.getByCell(cell.nRow, cell.nCol);
					if(null != hyperlink && hyperlink.data.getVisited())
						oNewItem.format.c = g_oColorManager.getThemeColor(g_nColorHyperlinkVisited, null);
			oNewItem.format.skip = false;
			oNewItem.format.repeat = false;
		} else if(null != aText){
			for(var i = 0; i < aText.length; i++){
				var oNewItem = new Fragment();
				var oCurtext = aText[i];
				if(null != oCurtext.text)
					oNewItem.text = oCurtext.text;
					var oCurFormat = new Font();
					if(null != oCurtext.format)
					oNewItem.format = oCurFormat;
					color = oNewItem.format.c;
					if(color instanceof ThemeColor)
						//для посещенных гиперссылок
						if(g_nColorHyperlink == color.theme && null == color.tint)
							var hyperlink = cell.ws.hyperlinkManager.getByCell(cell.nRow, cell.nCol);
							if(null != hyperlink && hyperlink.data.getVisited())
								oNewItem.format.c = g_oColorManager.getThemeColor(g_nColorHyperlinkVisited, null);
		return aResult;
	setValue : function(cell, val)

		function checkCellValueTypeError(sUpText){
			switch (sUpText){
				case cErrorLocal["nil"]:
					return cErrorOrigin["nil"];
				case cErrorLocal["div"]:
					return cErrorOrigin["div"];
				case cErrorLocal["value"]:
					return cErrorOrigin["value"];
				case cErrorLocal["ref"]:
					return cErrorOrigin["ref"];
				case cErrorLocal["name"]:
					return cErrorOrigin["name"];
				case cErrorLocal["num"]:
					return cErrorOrigin["num"];
				case cErrorLocal["na"]:
					return cErrorOrigin["na"];
				case cErrorLocal["getdata"]:
					return cErrorOrigin["getdata"];
				case cErrorLocal["uf"]:
					return cErrorOrigin["uf"];
			return false;

		if("" == val)
		var oNumFormat;
		var xfs = cell.getCompiledStyle();
		if(null != xfs && null != xfs.num)
			oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(xfs.num.f);
			oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(g_oDefaultNum.f);
			this.type = CellValueType.String;
			this.text = val;
		    if (g_oFormatParser.isLocaleNumber(val))
				this.type = CellValueType.Number;
				this.number = g_oFormatParser.parseLocaleNumber(val);
				var sUpText = val.toUpperCase();
				if(cBoolLocal["t"].toUpperCase() == sUpText || cBoolLocal["f"].toUpperCase() == sUpText)
					this.type = CellValueType.Bool;
					this.number = (cBoolLocal["t"].toUpperCase() == sUpText) ? 1 : 0;
//				else if( "#NULL!" == sUpText || "#DIV/0!" == sUpText || "#NAME?" == sUpText || "#NUM!" == sUpText ||
//					"#N/A" == sUpText || "#REF!" == sUpText || "#VALUE!" == sUpText )
				else if(checkCellValueTypeError(sUpText))
					this.type = CellValueType.Error;
					this.text = checkCellValueTypeError(sUpText);
					//распознаем формат
					var res = g_oFormatParser.parse(val);
					if(null != res)
						//Сравниваем с текущим форматом, если типы совпадают - меняем только значение ячейки
						var nFormatType = oNumFormat.getType();
						if(!((c_oAscNumFormatType.Percent == nFormatType && res.bPercent) ||
							(c_oAscNumFormatType.Currency == nFormatType && res.bCurrency) ||
							(c_oAscNumFormatType.Date == nFormatType && res.bDate) ||
							(c_oAscNumFormatType.Time == nFormatType && res.bTime)) && res.format != oNumFormat.sFormat)
						this.number = res.value;
						this.type = CellValueType.Number;
						this.type = CellValueType.String;
						//проверяем QuotePrefix
						if(val.length > 0 && "'" == val[0])
							val = val.substring(1);
						this.text = val;
    if (/(^(((http|https|ftp):\/\/)|(mailto:)|(www.)))|@/i.test(val)) {
      // Удаляем концевые пробелы и переводы строки перед проверкой гиперссылок
      val = val.replace(/\s+$/, '');
      var typeHyp = getUrlType(val);
      if (c_oAscUrlType.Invalid != typeHyp) {
        val = prepareUrl(val, typeHyp);

        var oNewHyperlink = new Hyperlink();
        oNewHyperlink.Ref = cell.ws.getCell3(cell.nRow, cell.nCol);
        oNewHyperlink.Hyperlink = val;
	setValue2 : function(cell, aVal)
		var sSimpleText = "";
		for(var i = 0, length = aVal.length; i < length; ++i)
			sSimpleText += aVal[i].text;
		this.setValue(cell, sSimpleText);
		var nRow = cell.nRow;
		var nCol = cell.nCol;
		if(CellValueType.String == this.type && null == cell.ws.hyperlinkManager.getByCell(nRow, nCol))
			this.type = CellValueType.String;
			//проверяем можно ли перевести массив в простую строку.
			if(aVal.length > 0)
				this.multiText = [];
				for(var i = 0, length = aVal.length; i < length; i++){
					var item = aVal[i];
					var oNewElem = new CCellValueMultiText();
					oNewElem.text = item.text;
					oNewElem.format = g_oDefaultFont.clone();
					if(null != item.format)
				this.miminizeMultiText(cell, true);
			//обрабатываем QuotePrefix
			if(null != this.text)
				if(this.text.length > 0 && "'" == this.text[0])
					this.text = this.text.substring(1);
			else if(null != this.multiText)
				if(this.multiText.length > 0)
					var oFirstItem = this.multiText[0];
					if(null != oFirstItem.text && oFirstItem.text.length > 0 && "'" == oFirstItem.text[0])
						if(1 != oFirstItem.text.length)
							oFirstItem.text = oFirstItem.text.substring(1);
							if(0 == this.multiText.length)
								this.multiText = null;
								this.text = "";
	_cloneMultiText : function()
		var oRes = [];
		for(var i = 0, length = this.multiText.length; i < length; ++i)
		return oRes;
	miminizeMultiText : function(cell, bSetCellFont)
		var bRes = false;
		if(null == bSetCellFont)
			bSetCellFont = true;
		if(null != this.multiText && this.multiText.length > 0)
		    var range = cell.ws.getCell3(cell.nRow, cell.nCol);
		    var cellFont = range.getFont();
		    var oIntersectFont;
		    for (var i = 0, length = this.multiText.length; i < length; i++) {
		        var elem = this.multiText[i];
			    if (null != elem.format) {
			        if (null == oIntersectFont)
			            oIntersectFont = elem.format.clone();
			        oIntersectFont.intersect(elem.format, cellFont);
			    else {
			        oIntersectFont = cellFont.clone();
			    if (oIntersectFont.isEqual(g_oDefaultFont))
					cell.setFont(null, false);
					cell.setFont(oIntersectFont, false);
			//если у всех элементов один формат, то сохраняем только текст
			var bIsEqual = true;
			for (var i = 0, length = this.multiText.length; i < length; i++)
			    var elem = this.multiText[i];
			    if (null != elem.format && false == oIntersectFont.isEqual(elem.format))
					bIsEqual = false;
				bRes = true;
		return bRes;
	_setFontProp : function(cell, fCheck, fAction)
		var bRes = false;
		if(null != this.multiText)
			//проверяем поменяются ли свойства
			var bChange = false;
			for(var i = 0, length = this.multiText.length; i < length; ++i)
			    var elem = this.multiText[i];
			    if (null != elem.format && true == fCheck(elem.format))
					bChange = true;
				var backupObj = cell.getValueData();
				for (var i = 0, length = this.multiText.length; i < length; ++i) {
				    var elem = this.multiText[i];
				    if (null != elem.format)
				//пробуем преобразовать в простую строку
				if(this.miminizeMultiText(cell, false))
					var DataNew = cell.getValueData();
					History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCell, historyitem_Cell_ChangeValue, cell.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(cell.nCol, cell.nRow, cell.nCol, cell.nRow), new UndoRedoData_CellSimpleData(cell.nRow,cell.nCol, backupObj, DataNew));
					var DataNew = this._cloneMultiText();
					History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCell, historyitem_Cell_ChangeArrayValueFormat, cell.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(cell.nCol, cell.nRow, cell.nCol, cell.nRow), new UndoRedoData_CellSimpleData(cell.nRow, cell.nCol, backupObj.value.multiText, DataNew));
			bRes = true;
		return bRes;
	setFontname : function(cell, val)
		return this._setFontProp(cell, function(format){return val != format.fn;}, function(format){format.fn = val;});
	setFontsize : function(cell, val)
		return this._setFontProp(cell, function(format){return val != format.fs;}, function(format){format.fs = val;});
	setFontcolor : function(cell, val)
		return this._setFontProp(cell, function(format){return val != format.c;}, function(format){format.c = val;});
	setBold : function(cell, val)
		return this._setFontProp(cell, function(format){return val != format.b;}, function(format){format.b = val;});
	setItalic : function(cell, val)
		return this._setFontProp(cell, function(format){return val != format.i;}, function(format){format.i = val;});
	setUnderline : function(cell, val)
		return this._setFontProp(cell, function(format){return val != format.u;}, function(format){format.u = val;});
	setStrikeout : function(cell, val)
		return this._setFontProp(cell, function(format){return val != format.s;}, function(format){format.s = val;});
	setFontAlign : function(cell, val)
		return this._setFontProp(cell, function(format){return val != format.va;}, function(format){format.va = val;});
	setValueType : function(type)
		if(CellValueType.String == type && null != this.number)
			this.text = this.number.toString();
			this.number = null;
		this.type = type;
	getType : function()
		return UndoRedoDataTypes.CellValue;
	getProperties : function()
		return this.Properties;
	getProperty : function(nType)
			case this.Properties.text: return this.text;break;
			case this.Properties.multiText: return this.multiText;break;
			case this.Properties.number: return this.number;break;
			case this.Properties.type: return this.type;break;
	setProperty : function(nType, value)
			case this.Properties.text: this.text = value;break;
			case this.Properties.multiText: this.multiText = value;break;
			case this.Properties.number: this.number = value;break;
			case this.Properties.type: this.type = value;break;
	_getValueTypeError : function (text){
		switch (text){
			case cErrorOrigin["nil"]:
				return cErrorLocal["nil"];
			case cErrorOrigin["div"]:
				return cErrorLocal["div"];
			case cErrorOrigin["value"]:
				return cErrorLocal["value"];
			case cErrorOrigin["ref"]:
				return cErrorLocal["ref"];
			case cErrorOrigin["name"]:
				return cErrorLocal["name"];
			case cErrorOrigin["num"]:
				return cErrorLocal["num"];
			case cErrorOrigin["na"]:
				return cErrorLocal["na"];
			case cErrorOrigin["getdata"]:
				return cErrorLocal["getdata"];
			case cErrorOrigin["uf"]:
				return cErrorLocal["uf"];
		return cErrorLocal["nil"];

function TreeRBNode(key, storedValue){
	this.storedValue = storedValue;
	this.key = key;
	this.red = null;
	this.left = null;
	this.right = null;
	this.parent = null;
TreeRBNode.prototype = {
	constructor: TreeRBNode,
	isEqual : function(x){
		return this.key == x.key;
 * @param low
 * @param high
 * @param storedValue
 * @constructor
 * @extends {TreeRBNode}
function IntervalTreeRBNode(low, high, storedValue){
	IntervalTreeRBNode.superclass.constructor.call(this, low, storedValue);
	this.high = high;
	this.maxHigh = this.high;
	this.minLow = this.key;
Asc.extendClass(IntervalTreeRBNode, TreeRBNode);
IntervalTreeRBNode.prototype.isEqual = function (x) {
	return this.key == x.key && this.high == x.high;
function TreeRB(){
	this.nil = null;
	this.root = null;
TreeRB.prototype = {
	constructor: TreeRB,
	_init : function(){
		this.nil = new TreeRBNode();
		this.nil.left = this.nil.right = this.nil.parent = this.nil;
		this.nil.key = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
		this.nil.red = 0;
		this.nil.storedValue = null;
		this.root = new TreeRBNode();
		this.root.left = this.nil.right = this.nil.parent = this.nil;
		this.root.key = Number.MAX_VALUE;
		this.root.red = 0;
		this.root.storedValue = null;
	_treeInsertHelp : function(z){
		var oRes = z;
		z.left = z.right = this.nil;
		var y = this.root;
		var x = this.root.left;
		while(x != this.nil && !x.isEqual(z)){
			y = x;
			if(x.key > z.key)
				x = x.left;
				x = x.right;
		if(x == this.nil)
			z.parent = y;
			if(y == this.root || y.key > z.key)
				y.left = z;
				y.right = z;
			oRes = x;
		return oRes;
	_fixUpMaxHigh : function(x){
	_cleanMaxHigh : function(x){
	_leftRotate : function(x){
		var y = x.right;
		x.right = y.left;
		if (y.left != this.nil)
			y.left.parent = x;
		y.parent = x.parent;
		if(x == x.parent.left){
			x.parent.left = y;
			x.parent.right = y;
		y.left = x;
		x.parent = y;
	_rightRotate : function(y){
		var x = y.left;
		y.left = x.right;
		if(this.nil !=  x.right)
			x.right.parent = y;
		x.parent = y.parent;
		if(y == y.parent.left){
			y.parent.left = x;
			y.parent.right = x;
		x.right = y;
		y.parent = x;
	insertOrGet : function(x){
		var y = null;
		var oRes = x;
		oRes = this._treeInsertHelp(x);
		if(x == oRes)
			x.red = 1;
				if(x.parent == x.parent.parent.left){
					y = x.parent.parent.right;
						x.parent.red = 0;
						y.red = 0;
						x.parent.parent.red = 1;
						x = x.parent.parent;
						if (x == x.parent.right) {
						  x = x.parent;
					y = x.parent.parent.left;
					if (y.red){
						x.parent.red = 0;
						y.red = 0;
						x.parent.parent.red = 1;
						x = x.parent.parent;
						if (x == x.parent.left) {
							x = x.parent;
						x.parent.red = 0;
						x.parent.parent.red = 1;
			this.root.left.red = 0;
		return oRes;
	_getSuccessorOf : function(x){
		var y;
		if(this.nil != (y = x.right)){
			while(y.left != this.nil){
				y = y.left;
			y = x.parent;
			while(x == y.right) {
			  x = y;
			  y = y.parent;
			if (y == this.root) return(this.nil);
	_deleteFixUp : function(x){
		var w;
		var rootLeft = this.root.left;
		while((!x.red) && (rootLeft != x)){
			if(x == x.parent.left){
				w = x.parent.right;
				if (w.red){
					w.red = 0;
					x.parent.red = 1;
					w = x.parent.right;
				if((!w.right.red) && (!w.left.red)){
					w.red = 1;
					x = x.parent;
						w.left.red = 0;
						w.red = 1;
						w = x.parent.right;
					w.red = x.parent.red;
					x.parent.red = 0;
					w.right.red = 0;
					x = rootLeft; /* this is to exit while loop */
				w = x.parent.left;
				if (w.red){
					w.red = 0;
					x.parent.red = 1;
					w = x.parent.left;
				if ( (!w.right.red) && (!w.left.red)){
					w.red = 1;
					x = x.parent;
					if (!w.left.red) {
						w.right.red = 0;
						w.red = 1;
						w = x.parent.left;
					w.red = x.parent.red;
					x.parent.red = 0;
					w.left.red = 0;
					x = rootLeft; /* this is to exit while loop */
	deleteNode : function(z){
		var oRes = z.storedValue;
		var y = ((z.left == this.nil) || (z.right == this.nil)) ? z : this._getSuccessorOf(z);
		var x = (y.left == this.nil) ? y.right : y.left;
		if (this.root == (x.parent = y.parent)){
			this.root.left = x;
			if (y == y.parent.left){
				y.parent.left = x;
				y.parent.right = x;
		if (y != z){
			y.left = z.left;
			y.right = z.right;
			y.parent = z.parent;
			z.left.parent = z.right.parent = y;
			if (z == z.parent.left){
				z.parent.left = y; 
				z.parent.right = y;
				y.red = z.red;
				y.red = z.red; 
			if (!(y.red))
		return oRes;
	_enumerateRecursion : function(low, high, x, enumResultStack){
		if(x != this.nil){
			if(low > x.key)
				this._enumerateRecursion(low, high, x.right, enumResultStack);
			else if(high < x.key)
				this._enumerateRecursion(low, high, x.left, enumResultStack);
				this._enumerateRecursion(low, high, x.left, enumResultStack);
				this._enumerateRecursion(low, high, x.right, enumResultStack);
	enumerate : function(low, high){
		var enumResultStack = [];
		if(low <= high)
			this._enumerateRecursion(low, high, this.root.left, enumResultStack);
		return enumResultStack;
	getElem : function(val){
		var oRes = null;
		//todo переделать
		var aElems = this.enumerate(val, val);
		if(aElems.length > 0)
			oRes = aElems[0];
		return oRes;
	getNodeAll : function(){
		return this.enumerate(-Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE);
	isEmpty : function(){
		return this.nil == this.root.left;

 * @constructor
 * @extends {TreeRB}
function IntervalTreeRB(){
Asc.extendClass(IntervalTreeRB, TreeRB);
IntervalTreeRB.prototype._init = function (x) {
	this.nil = new IntervalTreeRBNode();
	this.nil.left = this.nil.right = this.nil.parent = this.nil;
	this.nil.key = this.nil.high = this.nil.maxHigh = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
	this.nil.minLow = Number.MAX_VALUE;
	this.nil.red = 0;
	this.nil.storedValue = null;
	this.root = new IntervalTreeRBNode();
	this.root.left = this.nil.right = this.nil.parent = this.nil;
	this.root.key = this.root.high = this.root.maxHigh = Number.MAX_VALUE;
	this.root.minLow = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
	this.root.red = 0;
	this.root.storedValue = null;
IntervalTreeRB.prototype._fixUpMaxHigh = function (x) {
	while(x != this.root){
		x.maxHigh = Math.max(x.high, Math.max(x.left.maxHigh, x.right.maxHigh));
		x.minLow = Math.min(x.key, Math.min(x.left.minLow, x.right.minLow));
		x = x.parent;
IntervalTreeRB.prototype._cleanMaxHigh = function (x) {
	x.maxHigh = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
	x.minLow = Number.MAX_VALUE;
IntervalTreeRB.prototype._overlap = function (a1, a2, b1, b2) {
	if (a1 <= b1){
		return ((b1 <= a2));
		return ((a1 <= b2));
IntervalTreeRB.prototype._enumerateRecursion = function (low, high, x, enumResultStack) {
	if(x != this.nil){
		if(this._overlap(low, high, x.minLow, x.maxHigh))
			this._enumerateRecursion(low, high, x.left, enumResultStack);
			if (this._overlap(low, high, x.key, x.high))
			this._enumerateRecursion(low, high, x.right, enumResultStack);
IntervalTreeRB.prototype._leftRotate = function (x) {
	var y = x.right;
	IntervalTreeRB.superclass._leftRotate.call(this, x);

	x.maxHigh = Math.max(x.left.maxHigh,Math.max(x.right.maxHigh,x.high));
	x.minLow = Math.min(x.left.minLow,Math.min(x.right.minLow,x.key));
	y.maxHigh = Math.max(x.maxHigh,Math.max(y.right.maxHigh,y.high));
	y.minLow = Math.min(x.minLow,Math.min(y.right.minLow,y.key));
IntervalTreeRB.prototype._rightRotate = function (y) {
	var x = y.left;
	IntervalTreeRB.superclass._rightRotate.call(this, y);
	y.maxHigh = Math.max(y.left.maxHigh,Math.max(y.right.maxHigh,y.high));
	y.minLow = Math.min(y.left.minLow,Math.min(y.right.minLow,y.key));
	x.maxHigh = Math.max(x.left.maxHigh,Math.max(y.maxHigh,x.high));
	x.minLow = Math.min(x.left.minLow,Math.min(y.minLow,y.key));
function RangeDataManagerElem(bbox, data)
	this.bbox = bbox;
	this.data = data;
function RangeDataManager(fChange)
	this.oIntervalTreeRB = new IntervalTreeRB();
	this.oDependenceManager = null;
	this.fChange = fChange;
RangeDataManager.prototype = {
    add: function (bbox, data, oChangeParam)
		var oNewNode = new IntervalTreeRBNode(bbox.r1, bbox.r2, null);
		var oStoredNode = this.oIntervalTreeRB.insertOrGet(oNewNode);
		if(oStoredNode == oNewNode)
			oStoredNode.storedValue = [];
		var oNewElem = new RangeDataManagerElem(new Asc.Range(bbox.c1, bbox.r1, bbox.c2, bbox.r2), data);
		if(null != this.fChange)
		    this.fChange.call(this, oNewElem.data, null, oNewElem.bbox, oChangeParam);
	get : function(bbox)
		var bboxRange = new Asc.Range(bbox.c1, bbox.r1, bbox.c2, bbox.r2);
		var oRes = {all: [], inner: [], outer: []};
		var oNodes = this.oIntervalTreeRB.enumerate(bbox.r1, bbox.r2);
		for(var i = 0, length = oNodes.length; i < length; i++)
			var oNode = oNodes[i];
				for(var j = 0, length2 = oNode.storedValue.length; j < length2; j++)
					var elem = oNode.storedValue[j];
		return oRes;
	getExact : function(bbox)
		var oRes = null;
		var oGet = this.get(bbox);
		for(var i = 0, length = oGet.inner.length; i < length; i++)
			var elem = oGet.inner[i];
				oRes = elem;
		return oRes;
	_getByCell : function(nRow, nCol)
		var oRes = null;
		var aAll = this.get(new Asc.Range(nCol, nRow, nCol, nRow));
		if(aAll.all.length > 0)
			oRes = aAll.all[0];
		return oRes;
	getByCell : function(nRow, nCol)
		var oRes = this._getByCell(nRow, nCol);
		if(null == oRes && null != this.oDependenceManager)
			var oDependence = this.oDependenceManager._getByCell(nRow, nCol);
			if(null != oDependence)
				var oTempRes = this.get(oDependence.bbox);
				if(oTempRes.all.length > 0)
					oRes = oTempRes.all[0];
		return oRes;
	remove: function (bbox, bInnerOnly, oChangeParam)
	    var aElems = this.get(bbox);
	    var aTargetArray;
	    if (bInnerOnly)
	        aTargetArray = aElems.inner;
	        aTargetArray = aElems.all;
	    for (var i = 0, length = aTargetArray.length; i < length; ++i)
	        var elem = aTargetArray[i];
	        this.removeElement(elem, oChangeParam);
	removeElement: function (elemToDelete, oChangeParam)
		if(null != elemToDelete)
			var bbox = elemToDelete.bbox;
			var oNodes = this.oIntervalTreeRB.enumerate(bbox.r1, bbox.r2);
			for(var i = 0, length = oNodes.length; i < length; i++)
				var oNode = oNodes[i];
					for(var j = 0, length2 = oNode.storedValue.length; j < length2; j++)
						var elem = oNode.storedValue[j];
							oNode.storedValue.splice(j, 1);
					if(0 == oNode.storedValue.length)
			if(null != this.fChange)
			    this.fChange.call(this, elemToDelete.data, elemToDelete.bbox, null, oChangeParam);
	removeAll : function(oChangeParam)
	    this.remove(new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), null, oChangeParam);
		this.oIntervalTreeRB = new IntervalTreeRB();
	shiftGet : function(bbox, bHor)
		var bboxGet = shiftGetBBox(bbox, bHor);
		return {bbox: bboxGet, elems: this.get(bboxGet)};
	shift: function (bbox, bAdd, bHor, oGetRes, oChangeParam)
	    var _this = this;
	    if (null == oGetRes)
	        oGetRes = this.shiftGet(bbox, bHor);
	    var offset;
	    if (bHor)
	        offset = { offsetRow: 0, offsetCol: bbox.c2 - bbox.c1 + 1 };
	        offset = { offsetRow: bbox.r2 - bbox.r1 + 1, offsetCol: 0 };
	    if (!bAdd) {
	        offset.offsetRow = -offset.offsetRow;
	        offset.offsetCol = -offset.offsetCol;
	    this._shiftmove(true, bbox, offset, oGetRes.elems, oChangeParam);
	move: function (from, to, oChangeParam)
	    var offset = { offsetRow: to.r1 - from.r1, offsetCol: to.c1 - from.c1 };
	    var oGetRes = this.get(from);
	    this._shiftmove(false, from, offset, oGetRes, oChangeParam);
	_shiftmove: function (bShift, bbox, offset, elems, oChangeParam) {
	    var aToChange = [];
	    var bAdd = offset.offsetRow > 0 || offset.offsetCol > 0;
	    var bHor = 0 != offset.offsetCol ? true : false;
	    //сдвигаем inner
	    if (elems.inner.length > 0) {
	        var bboxAsc = Asc.Range(bbox.c1, bbox.r1, bbox.c2, bbox.r2);
	        for (var i = 0, length = elems.inner.length; i < length; i++) {
	            var elem = elems.inner[i];
	            var from = elem.bbox;
	            var to = null;
	            if (bShift) {
	                if (bAdd) {
	                    to = from.clone();
	                else if (!bboxAsc.containsRange(from)) {
	                    to = from.clone();
	                    if (bHor) {
	                        if (to.c1 <= bbox.c2)
	                            to.setOffsetFirst({ offsetRow: 0, offsetCol: bbox.c2 - to.c1 + 1 });
	                    else {
	                        if (to.r1 <= bbox.r2)
	                            to.setOffsetFirst({ offsetRow: bbox.r2 - to.r1 + 1, offsetCol: 0 });
	            else {
	                to = from.clone();
	            aToChange.push({ elem: elem, to: to });
	    //меняем outer
	    if (bShift) {
	        if (elems.outer.length > 0) {
	            for (var i = 0, length = elems.outer.length; i < length; i++) {
	                var elem = elems.outer[i];
	                var from = elem.bbox;
	                var to = null;
	                if (bHor) {
	                    if (from.c1 < bbox.c1 && bbox.r1 <= from.r1 && from.r2 <= bbox.r2) {
	                        if (bAdd) {
	                            to = from.clone();
	                            to.setOffsetLast({ offsetRow: 0, offsetCol: bbox.c2 - bbox.c1 + 1 });
	                        else {
	                            to = from.clone();
	                            var nTemp1 = from.c2 - bbox.c1 + 1;
	                            var nTemp2 = bbox.c2 - bbox.c1 + 1;
	                            to.setOffsetLast({ offsetRow: 0, offsetCol: -Math.min(nTemp1, nTemp2) });
	                else {
	                    if (from.r1 < bbox.r1 && bbox.c1 <= from.c1 && from.c2 <= bbox.c2) {
	                        if (bAdd) {
	                            to = from.clone();
	                            to.setOffsetLast({ offsetRow: bbox.r2 - bbox.r1 + 1, offsetCol: 0 });
	                        else {
	                            to = from.clone();
	                            var nTemp1 = from.r2 - bbox.r1 + 1;
	                            var nTemp2 = bbox.r2 - bbox.r1 + 1;
	                            to.setOffsetLast({ offsetRow: -Math.min(nTemp1, nTemp2), offsetCol: 0 });
	                if (null != to)
	                    aToChange.push({ elem: elem, to: to });
	    //сначала сортируем чтобы не было конфликтов при сдвиге
	    aToChange.sort(function (a, b) { return shiftSort(a, b, offset); });

	    if (null != this.fChange) {
	        for (var i = 0, length = aToChange.length; i < length; ++i) {
	            var item = aToChange[i];
	            this.fChange.call(this, item.elem.data, item.elem.bbox, item.to, oChangeParam);
	    //убираем fChange, чтобы потом послать его только на одну операцию, а не 2
	    var fOldChange = this.fChange;
	    this.fChange = null;
	    //сначала удаляем все чтобы не было конфликтов
	    for (var i = 0, length = aToChange.length; i < length; ++i) {
	        var item = aToChange[i];
	        var elem = item.elem;
	        this.removeElement(elem, oChangeParam);
	    //добавляем измененные ячейки
	    for (var i = 0, length = aToChange.length; i < length; ++i) {
	        var item = aToChange[i];
	        if (null != item.to)
	            this.add(item.to, item.elem.data, oChangeParam);
	    this.fChange = fOldChange;
	getAll : function()
		var aRes = [];
		var oNodes = this.oIntervalTreeRB.getNodeAll();
		for(var i = 0, length = oNodes.length; i < length; i++)
			var oNode = oNodes[i];
				for(var j = 0, length2 = oNode.storedValue.length; j < length2; j++)
					var elem = oNode.storedValue[j];
		return aRes;
	setDependenceManager : function(oDependenceManager)
		this.oDependenceManager = oDependenceManager;

function CellAreaElem(row, col, data)
	this.row = row;
	this.col = col;
	this.data = data;
function CellArea(fChange)
	this.rows = new TreeRB();
	this.fChange = fChange;
CellArea.prototype = {
	add : function(row, col, value)
		var oNewNode = new TreeRBNode(row, null);
		var oStoredNode = this.rows.insertOrGet(oNewNode);
		if(oStoredNode == oNewNode)
			oStoredNode.storedValue = new TreeRB();
		var oNewRow = oStoredNode.storedValue;
		var oNewColNode = new TreeRBNode(col, null);
		var oStoredColNode = oNewRow.insertOrGet(oNewColNode);
		var storedValue = new RangeDataManagerElem(new Asc.Range(col, row, col, row), value);
		oNewColNode.storedValue = storedValue;
		if(null != this.fChange)
			this.fChange.call(this, storedValue.data, null, storedValue.bbox);
	get : function(bbox)
		var aRes = [];
		var aRows = this.rows.enumerate(bbox.r1, bbox.r2);
		for(var i = 0, length = aRows.length; i < length; i++)
			var row = aRows[i];
			var aCells = row.storedValue.enumerate(bbox.c1, bbox.c2);
			for(var j = 0, length2 = aCells.length; j < length2; j++)
		return aRes;
	remove : function(bbox)
		var aElems = this.get(bbox);
		for(var i = 0, length = aElems.length; i < length; ++i)
			var elem = aElems[i];
	removeElement : function(elem)
		var rowElem = this.rows.getElem(elem.bbox.r1);
			var row = rowElem.storedValue;
			var cellElem = row.getElem(elem.bbox.c1);
				if(null != this.fChange)
					this.fChange.call(this, cellElem.storedValue.data, cellElem.storedValue.bbox, null);
	removeAll : function()
		this.remove(new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0));
		this.oIntervalTreeRB = new IntervalTreeRB();
	shiftGet : function(bbox, bHor)
		var bboxGet = shiftGetBBox(bbox, bHor);
		return {bbox: bboxGet, elems: this.get(bboxGet)};
	shift: function (bbox, bAdd, bHor, oGetRes)
	    var _this = this;
	    if (null == oGetRes)
	        oGetRes = this.shiftGet(bbox, bHor);
	    var offset;
	    if (bHor)
	        offset = { offsetRow: 0, offsetCol: bbox.c2 - bbox.c1 + 1 };
	        offset = { offsetRow: bbox.r2 - bbox.r1 + 1, offsetCol: 0 };
	    if (!bAdd) {
	        offset.offsetRow = -offset.offsetRow;
	        offset.offsetCol = -offset.offsetCol;
	    this._shiftmove(true, bbox, offset, oGetRes.elems);
	move: function (from, to)
	    var offset = { offsetRow: to.r1 - from.r1, offsetCol: to.c1 - from.c1 };
	    var oGetRes = this.get(from);
	    this._shiftmove(false, from, offset, oGetRes);
    _shiftmove: function (bShift, bbox, offset, elems) {
	    var aToChange = [];
	    //сдвигаем inner
	    if (elems.length > 0) {
	        var bboxAsc = Asc.Range(bbox.c1, bbox.r1, bbox.c2, bbox.r2);
	        var bAdd = offset.offsetRow > 0 || offset.offsetCol > 0;
	        for (var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++) {
	            var elem = elems[i];
	            var to = null;
	            if (!bShift || bAdd || !bboxAsc.containsRange(elem.bbox)) {
	                to = elem.bbox.clone();
	            aToChange.push({ elem: elem, to: to });
        //сначала сортируем чтобы не было конфликтов при сдвиге
	    aToChange.sort(function (a, b) { return shiftSort(a, b, offset); });

	    if (null != this.fChange) {
	        for (var i = 0, length = aToChange.length; i < length; ++i) {
	            var item = aToChange[i];
	            this.fChange.call(this, item.elem.data, item.elem.bbox, item.to);
	    //убираем fChange, чтобы потом послать его только на одну операцию, а не 2
	    var fOldChange = this.fChange;
	    this.fChange = null;
	    //сначала удаляем все чтобы не было конфликтов
	    for (var i = 0, length = aToChange.length; i < length; ++i) {
	        var item = aToChange[i];
	        var elem = item.elem;
	    //добавляем измененные ячейки
	    for (var i = 0, length = aToChange.length; i < length; ++i) {
	        var item = aToChange[i];
	        if (null != item.to)
	            this.add(item.to.r1, item.to.c1, item.elem.data);
	    this.fChange = fOldChange;
	getAll : function(){
		var aRes = [];
		var oRows = this.rows.getNodeAll();
		for(var i = 0, length = oRows.length; i < length; i++)
			var row = oRows[i];
				var cells = row.storedValue.getNodeAll();
				for(var j = 0, length2 = cells.length; j < length2; j++)
					var elem = cells[j];
		return aRes;

// For Auto Filters
/** @constructor */
function TablePart(handlers) {
	this.Ref = null;
	this.HeaderRowCount = null;
	this.TotalsRowCount = null;
	this.DisplayName = null;
	this.AutoFilter = null;
	this.SortState = null;
	this.TableColumns = null;
	this.TableStyleInfo = null;
	this.result = null;
	this.handlers = handlers;
TablePart.prototype.clone = function(ws) {
	var i, res = new TablePart(this.handlers);
	res.Ref = this.Ref ? this.Ref.clone() : null;
	res.HeaderRowCount = this.HeaderRowCount;
	res.TotalsRowCount = this.TotalsRowCount;
	if (this.AutoFilter)
		res.AutoFilter = this.AutoFilter.clone();
	if (this.SortState)
		res.SortState = this.SortState.clone();
	if (this.TableColumns) {
		res.TableColumns = [];
		for (i = 0; i < this.TableColumns.length; ++i)
	if (this.TableStyleInfo)
		res.TableStyleInfo = this.TableStyleInfo.clone();
	if (this.result) {
		res.result = [];
		for (i = 0; i < this.result.length; ++i)
	res.DisplayName = this.DisplayName;
	if(ws !== null)
	return res;
TablePart.prototype.recalc = function(ws) {
	this.DisplayName = ws.workbook.dependencyFormulas.getNextTableName(ws, this.Ref);
TablePart.prototype.moveRef = function(col, row) {
	var ref = this.Ref.clone();
	ref.setOffset({offsetCol: col ? col : 0, offsetRow: row ? row : 0});

	this.Ref = ref;
	this.handlers.trigger("changeRefTablePart", this.DisplayName, this.Ref);

		this.AutoFilter.moveRef(col, row);
TablePart.prototype.changeRef = function(col, row, bIsFirst) {
	var ref = this.Ref.clone();
		ref.setOffsetFirst({offsetCol: col ? col : 0, offsetRow: row ? row : 0});
		ref.setOffsetLast({offsetCol: col ? col : 0, offsetRow: row ? row : 0});
	this.Ref = ref;
	this.handlers.trigger("changeRefTablePart", this.DisplayName, this.Ref);
		this.AutoFilter.changeRef(col, row, bIsFirst);
TablePart.prototype.isApplyAutoFilter = function() {
	var res = false;
		res = this.AutoFilter.isApplyAutoFilter();
	return res;
TablePart.prototype.isApplySortConditions = function() {
	var res = false;
	if(this.SortState && this.SortState.SortConditions && this.SortState.SortConditions[0])
		res = true;
	return res;

TablePart.prototype.setHandlers = function(handlers) {
	if(this.handlers === null)
		this.handlers = handlers;

TablePart.prototype.deleteTableColumns = function(activeRange)
	var diff = null, startCol;
	if(activeRange.c1 < this.Ref.c1 && activeRange.c2 > this.Ref.c1 && activeRange.c2 < this.Ref.c2)//until
		diff = activeRange.c2 - this.Ref.c1 + 1;
		startCol = 0;
	else if(activeRange.c1 < this.Ref.c2 && activeRange.c2 > this.Ref.c2 && activeRange.c1 > this.Ref.c1)//after
		diff = this.Ref.c2 - activeRange.c1 + 1;
		startCol = activeRange.c1 - this.Ref.c1;
	else if(activeRange.c1 >= this.Ref.c1 && activeRange.c2 <= this.Ref.c2)//inside
		diff = activeRange.c2 - activeRange.c1 + 1;
		startCol = activeRange.c1 - this.Ref.c1;
	if(diff !== null)
		this.TableColumns.splice(startCol, diff);

TablePart.prototype.addTableColumns = function(activeRange, aF)
	var newTableColumns = [], num = 0;

	for(var j = 0; j < this.TableColumns.length;)
		var curCol = num + this.Ref.c1;
		if(activeRange.c1 <= curCol && activeRange.c2 >= curCol)
			newTableColumns[newTableColumns.length] = new TableColumn();
			newTableColumns[newTableColumns.length] = this.TableColumns[j];
	for(var j = 0; j < newTableColumns.length; j++)
		if(newTableColumns[j].Name === null)
			newTableColumns[j].Name = aF._generateColumnName2(newTableColumns, newTableColumns[j - 1].Name);
	this.TableColumns = newTableColumns;

TablePart.prototype.getType = function(F)
	return g_nFiltersType.tablePart;

TablePart.prototype.getTableRangeForFormula = function(objectParam)
	var res = null;
		case g_nFormulaTablePartInfo.all: 
			res = new Asc.Range(this.Ref.c1, this.Ref.r1, this.Ref.c2, this.Ref.r2);
            //All поразному работает в случае если у таблицы есть или нет строки Totals
            //При наличии Totals All возвращает диапазон с учетом этой строки.
		case g_nFormulaTablePartInfo.data: 
			res = new Asc.Range(this.Ref.c1, this.Ref.r1 + 1, this.Ref.c2, this.Ref.r2);
		case g_nFormulaTablePartInfo.headers: 
			res = new Asc.Range(this.Ref.c1, this.Ref.r1, this.Ref.c2, this.Ref.r1);
		case g_nFormulaTablePartInfo.totals: 
			if(this.TotalsRowCount && this.TotalsRowCount >= 1)
				res = new Asc.Range(this.Ref.c1, this.Ref.r2, this.Ref.c2, this.Ref.r2);
		case g_nFormulaTablePartInfo.thisRow: 
//            if( this.Ref.containsRange( objectParam.cell ) ){
                res = new Asc.Range( this.Ref.c1, objectParam.cell.r1, this.Ref.c2, objectParam.cell.r1 );
//            }
		case g_nFormulaTablePartInfo.columns: 
			var startCol = this.getTableIndexColumnByName(objectParam.startCol);
			var endCol = this.getTableIndexColumnByName(objectParam.endCol);
			if(startCol === null)
			if(endCol === null)
				endCol = startCol;
			res = new Asc.Range(this.Ref.c1 + startCol, this.Ref.r1+1, this.Ref.c1 + endCol, this.Ref.r2);
    if( objectParam.includeColumnHeader && res ){
        res.r1 < 0 ? res.r1 = 0 : null;
	return res;

TablePart.prototype.getTableIndexColumnByName = function(name)
	var res = null;
	if(name === null || name === undefined || !this.TableColumns)
		return res;
	for(var i = 0; i < this.TableColumns.length; i++)
		if(name.toLowerCase() === this.TableColumns[i].Name.toLowerCase())
			res = i;
	return res;

TablePart.prototype.getTableNameColumnByIndex = function(index)
	var res = null;
	if(index === null || index === undefined || !this.TableColumns)
		return res;
	for(var i = 0; i < this.TableColumns.length; i++)
		if(index === i)
			res = this.TableColumns[i].Name;
	return res;

/** @constructor */
function AutoFilter() {
	this.Ref = null;
	this.FilterColumns = null;
	this.SortState = null;
	this.result = null;
AutoFilter.prototype.clone = function() {
	var i, res = new AutoFilter();
	res.Ref = this.Ref ? this.Ref.clone() : null;
	res.refTable = this.refTable ? this.refTable.clone() : null;
	if (this.FilterColumns) {
		res.FilterColumns = [];
		for (i = 0; i < this.FilterColumns.length; ++i)
	if (this.SortState)
		res.SortState = this.SortState.clone();
	if (this.result) {
		res.result = [];
		for (i = 0; i < this.result.length; ++i)
	return res;

AutoFilter.prototype.addFilterColumn = function() {
	if(this.FilterColumns === null)
		this.FilterColumns = [];
	var oNewElem = new FilterColumn();
	return oNewElem;
AutoFilter.prototype.moveRef = function(col, row) {
	var ref = this.Ref.clone();
	ref.setOffset({offsetCol: col ? col : 0, offsetRow: row ? row : 0});
	this.Ref = ref;
AutoFilter.prototype.changeRef = function(col, row, bIsFirst) {
	var ref = this.Ref.clone();
		ref.setOffsetFirst({offsetCol: col ? col : 0, offsetRow: row ? row : 0});
		ref.setOffsetLast({offsetCol: col ? col : 0, offsetRow: row ? row : 0});
	this.Ref = ref;
AutoFilter.prototype.isApplyAutoFilter = function() {
	var res = false;
	if(this.FilterColumns && this.FilterColumns.length)
		for(var i = 0; i < this.FilterColumns.length; i++)
				res = true;
	return res;

AutoFilter.prototype.isApplySortConditions = function() {
	var res = false;
	if(this.SortState && this.SortState.SortConditions && this.SortState.SortConditions[0])
		res = true;
	return res;

AutoFilter.prototype.getType = function()
	return g_nFiltersType.autoFilter;

AutoFilter.prototype.cleanFilters = function() {
	for(var i = 0; i < this.FilterColumns.length; i++)
		if(this.FilterColumns[i].ShowButton === false)
			this.FilterColumns.splice(i, 1);

function FilterColumns() {
	this.ColId = null;
	this.CustomFiltersObj = null;
FilterColumns.prototype.clone = function() {
	var res = new FilterColumns();
	res.ColId = this.ColId;
		res.CustomFiltersObj = this.CustomFiltersObj.clone();
	return res;

/** @constructor */
function SortState() {
	this.Ref = null;
	this.CaseSensitive = null;
	this.SortConditions = null;
SortState.prototype.clone = function() {
	var i, res = new SortState();
	res.Ref = this.Ref;
	res.CaseSensitive = this.CaseSensitive;
	if (this.SortConditions) {
		res.SortConditions = [];
		for (i = 0; i < this.SortConditions.length; ++i)
	return res;
/** @constructor */
function TableColumn() {
	this.Name = null;
	this.TotalsRowLabel = null;
	this.TotalsRowFunction = null;
	this.TotalsRowFormula = null;
	this.dxf = null;
	this.CalculatedColumnFormula = null;
TableColumn.prototype.clone = function() {
	var res = new TableColumn();
	res.Name = this.Name;
	res.TotalsRowLabel = this.TotalsRowLabel;
	res.TotalsRowFunction = this.TotalsRowFunction;
	res.TotalsRowFormula = this.TotalsRowFormula;
	if (this.dxf)
		res.dxf = this.dxf.clone;
	res.CalculatedColumnFormula = this.CalculatedColumnFormula;
	return res;
/** @constructor */
function TableStyleInfo() {
	this.Name = null;
	this.ShowColumnStripes = null;
	this.ShowRowStripes = null;
	this.ShowFirstColumn = null;
	this.ShowLastColumn = null;
TableStyleInfo.prototype.clone = function() {
	var res = new TableStyleInfo();
	res.Name = this.Name;
	res.ShowColumnStripes = this.ShowColumnStripes;
	res.ShowRowStripes = this.ShowRowStripes;
	res.ShowFirstColumn = this.ShowFirstColumn;
	res.ShowLastColumn = this.ShowLastColumn;
	return res;
/** @constructor */
function FilterColumn() {
	this.ColId = null;
	this.Filters = null;
	this.CustomFiltersObj = null;
	this.DynamicFilter = null;
	this.ColorFilter = null;
	this.Top10 = null;
	this.ShowButton = true;
FilterColumn.prototype.clone = function() {
	var res = new FilterColumn();
	res.ColId = this.ColId;
	if (this.Filters) {
		res.Filters = this.Filters.clone();
	if (this.CustomFiltersObj) {
		res.CustomFiltersObj = this.CustomFiltersObj.clone();
	if (this.DynamicFilter) {
		res.DynamicFilter = this.DynamicFilter.clone();
	if (this.ColorFilter) {
		res.ColorFilter = this.ColorFilter.clone();
	if (this.Top10) {
		res.Top10 = this.Top10.clone();
	res.ShowButton = this.ShowButton;
	return res;
FilterColumn.prototype.isHideValue = function(val, isDateTimeFormat, top10Length) {
	var res = false;
		res = this.Filters.isHideValue(val, isDateTimeFormat);
	else if(this.CustomFiltersObj)
		res = this.CustomFiltersObj.isHideValue(val);
	else if(this.Top10)
		res = this.Top10.isHideValue(val, top10Length);
	else if(this.ColorFilter)
		res = this.ColorFilter.isHideValue(val);
	return res;
FilterColumn.prototype.clean = function() {
	this.Filters = null;
	this.CustomFiltersObj = null;
	this.DynamicFilter = null;
	this.ColorFilter = null;
	this.Top10 = null;
FilterColumn.prototype.createFilter = function(obj) {
	var allFilterOpenElements = false;
	var newFilter;
	switch (obj.filter.type)
		case c_oAscAutoFilterTypes.ColorFilter:
		case c_oAscAutoFilterTypes.CustomFilters:
			this.CustomFiltersObj = obj.filter.filter.clone();
		case c_oAscAutoFilterTypes.DynamicFilter:
		case c_oAscAutoFilterTypes.Top10:
		case c_oAscAutoFilterTypes.Filters:
			newFilter = new Filters();
			this.Filters = newFilter;
			allFilterOpenElements = newFilter.init(obj);
	return allFilterOpenElements;
FilterColumn.prototype.isApplyAutoFilter = function() {
	var res = false;
	if(this.Filters !== null || this.CustomFiltersObj !== null || this.DynamicFilter !== null || this.ColorFilter !== null || this.Top10 !== null)
		res = true;
	return res;

/** @constructor */
function Filters() {
	this.Values = {};
	this.Dates = [];
	this.Blank = null;
Filters.prototype.clone = function() {
	var i, res = new Filters();
	for(var i in this.Values)
		res.Values[i] = this.Values[i];
	if (this.Dates) {
		for (i = 0; i < this.Dates.length; ++i)
	res.Blank = this.Blank;
	return res;
Filters.prototype.init = function(obj) {
	var allFilterOpenElements = true;
	for(var i = 0; i < obj.values.length; i++)
				var dateGroupItem = new DateGroupItem();
				var autoFilterDateElem = new AutoFilterDateElem(obj.values[i].val, obj.values[i].val, 1);
				if(obj.values[i].text === "")
					this.Blank = true;
					this.Values[obj.values[i].text] = true;
			allFilterOpenElements = false;

	return allFilterOpenElements;
Filters.prototype.isHideValue = function(val, isDateTimeFormat) {
	var res = false;
	if(isDateTimeFormat && this.Dates)
		res = this.binarySearch(val, this.Dates) !== -1 ? false : true;
	else if(this.Values)
		if(val === "")
			res = !this.Blank ? true : false;
			res = !this.Values[val] ? true : false;
	return res;

Filters.prototype.binarySearch = function(val, array) {
	var i = 0, j = array.length - 1, k;
	val = parseFloat(val);

	while (i <= j)
		k = Math.floor((i + j) / 2);
		if (val >= array[k].start && val < array[k].end) 
			return k;
		else if (val < array[k].start)
			j = k - 1;
			i = k + 1;

	return -1; 

Filters.prototype.linearSearch = function(val, array) {
	var n = array.length, i = 0;
	val = parseFloat(val);

	while (i <= n && !(array[i] && val >= array[i].start && val < array[i].end))
	if (i < n)
		return i;
		return -1;
Filters.prototype._sortDate = function()
	if(this.Dates && this.Dates.length)
		this.Dates.sort (function sortArr(a, b)
			return a.start - b.start;

Filters.prototype.clean = function()
	this.Values = {};
	this.Dates = [];
	this.Blank = null;
/** @constructor */
function Filter() {
	this.Val = null;
/** @constructor */
function DateGroupItem() {
	this.DateTimeGrouping = null;
	this.Day = null;
	this.Hour = null;
	this.Minute = null;
	this.Month = null;
	this.Second = null;
	this.Year = null;
DateGroupItem.prototype.clone = function() {
	var res = new DateGroupItem();
	res.DateTimeGrouping = this.DateTimeGrouping;
	res.Day = this.Day;
	res.Hour = this.Hour;
	res.Minute = this.Minute;
	res.Month = this.Month;
	res.Second = this.Second;
	res.Year = this.Year;
	return res;
DateGroupItem.prototype.convertRangeToDateGroupItem = function(range) {
	var startUtcDate = NumFormat.prototype.parseDate(range.start);
	var year = startUtcDate.year;
	var month = startUtcDate.month + 1;
	var day = startUtcDate.d;
	var hour = startUtcDate.hour;
	var minute = startUtcDate.minute;
	var second = startUtcDate.second;
	this.DateTimeGrouping = range.dateTimeGrouping;
		case 1://day
			this.Year = year;
			this.Month = month;
			this.Day = day;
		case 2://hour
			this.Year = year;
			this.Month = month;
			this.Day = day;
			this.Hour = hour;
		case 3://minute
			this.Year = year;
			this.Month = month;
			this.Day = day;
			this.Hour = hour;
			this.Minute = minute;
		case 4://month
			this.Year = year;
			this.Month = month;
		case 5://second
			this.Year = year;
			this.Month = month;
			this.Day = day;
			this.Hour = hour;
			this.Minute = minute;
			this.Second = second;
		case 6://year
			this.Year = year;

var g_oCustomFilters = {
	And	 : 0,
	CustomFilters	: 1
/** @constructor */
function CustomFilters() {
	this.Properties = g_oCustomFilters;
	this.And = null;
	this.CustomFilters = null;
CustomFilters.prototype.getType = function() {
	return UndoRedoDataTypes.CustomFilters;
CustomFilters.prototype.getProperties = function() {
	return this.Properties;
CustomFilters.prototype.getProperty = function(nType) {
	switch (nType) {
		case this.Properties.And: return this.And; break;
		case this.Properties.CustomFilters: return this.CustomFilters; break;
	return null;
CustomFilters.prototype.setProperty = function(nType, value) {
	switch (nType) {
		case this.Properties.And: this.And = value;break;
		case this.Properties.CustomFilters: this.CustomFilters = value;break;
CustomFilters.prototype.clone = function() {
	var i, res = new CustomFilters();
	res.And = this.And;
	if (this.CustomFilters) {
		res.CustomFilters = [];
		for (i = 0; i < this.CustomFilters.length; ++i)
	return res;
CustomFilters.prototype.init = function(obj) {
	this.And = !obj.isChecked;
	this.CustomFilters = [];
	if(obj.filter1 != undefined)
		this.CustomFilters[0] = new CustomFilter(obj.filter1, obj.valFilter1);
	if(obj.filter2 != undefined)
		this.CustomFilters[1] = new CustomFilter(obj.filter2, obj.valFilter2);
CustomFilters.prototype.isHideValue = function(val){
	var res = false;
	var filterRes1 = this.CustomFilters[0] ? this.CustomFilters[0].isHideValue(val) : null;
	var filterRes2 = this.CustomFilters[1] ? this.CustomFilters[1].isHideValue(val) : null;
	if(!this.And && ((filterRes1 === null && filterRes2 === true || filterRes1 === true && filterRes2 === null || filterRes1 === true && filterRes2 === true)))
		res = true;
	if(this.And && ((filterRes1 === true || filterRes2 === true)))
		res = true;
	return res;
CustomFilters.prototype.asc_getAnd = function () { return this.And; };
CustomFilters.prototype.asc_getCustomFilters = function () { return this.CustomFilters; };

CustomFilters.prototype.asc_setAnd = function (val) { this.And = val; };
CustomFilters.prototype.asc_setCustomFilters = function (val) { this.CustomFilters = val; };

var g_oCustomFilter = {
	Operator	 : 0,
	Val	: 1

/** @constructor */
function CustomFilter(operator, val) {
	this.Properties = g_oCustomFilter;
	this.Operator = operator != undefined ? operator : null;
	this.Val = val != undefined ? val : null;
CustomFilter.prototype.getType = function() {
	return UndoRedoDataTypes.CustomFilter;
CustomFilter.prototype.getProperties = function() {
	return this.Properties;
CustomFilter.prototype.getProperty = function(nType) {
	switch (nType) {
		case this.Properties.Operator: return this.Operator; break;
		case this.Properties.Val: return this.Val; break;
	return null;
CustomFilter.prototype.setProperty = function(nType, value) {
	switch (nType) {
		case this.Properties.Operator: this.Operator = value;break;
		case this.Properties.Val: this.Val = value;break;

CustomFilter.prototype.clone = function() {
	var res = new CustomFilter();
	res.Operator = this.Operator;
	res.Val = this.Val;
	return res;
CustomFilter.prototype.init = function(operator, val) {
	this.Operator = operator;
	this.Val = val;
CustomFilter.prototype.isHideValue = function(val) {

	var result = false;
	var isDigitValue = isNaN(val) ? false : true;
		val = val.toLowerCase();
	var checkComplexSymbols = null;
	var filterVal, position;
	if(checkComplexSymbols != null)
		result = checkComplexSymbols;
		if(this.Operator == c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.equals || this.Operator == c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.doesNotEqual)//общие для числа и текста
			filterVal = isNaN(this.Val) ? this.Val.toLowerCase() : this.Val;
			if (this.Operator == c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.equals)//equals
				if(val == filterVal)
					result = true;
			else if (this.Operator == c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.doesNotEqual)//doesNotEqual
				if(val != filterVal)
					result = true;
		else if((this.Operator == c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.isGreaterThan ||this.Operator == c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo || this.Operator == c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.isLessThan || this.Operator == c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.isLessThanOrEqualTo) && !isNaN(this.Val))//только для чисел
			filterVal =  parseFloat(this.Val);
			val = parseFloat(val);
			switch (this.Operator)
				case c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.isGreaterThan:
					if(val > filterVal)//isGreaterThan
						result = true;
				case c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo:
					if(val >= filterVal)//isGreaterThanOrEqualTo
						result = true;
				case c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.isLessThan:
					if(val < filterVal)//isLessThan
						result = true;
				case c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.isLessThanOrEqualTo:
					if(val <= filterVal)//isLessThanOrEqualTo
						result = true;
		else if(this.Operator == c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.beginsWith || this.Operator == c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.doesNotBeginWith || this.Operator == c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.endsWith || this.Operator == c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.doesNotEndWith || this.Operator == c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.contains || this.Operator == c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.doesNotContain)//только для текста
			filterVal = isNaN(this.Val) ? this.Val.toLowerCase() : this.Val;
			switch (this.Operator)
				case c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.beginsWith:
							result = true;
				case c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.doesNotBeginWith: 
							result = true;
						result = true;
				case c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.endsWith: 
							result = true;
				case c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.doesNotEndWith: 
							result = true;
						result = true;
				case c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.contains: 
						if(val.indexOf(filterVal) != -1)//contains
							result = true;
				case c_oAscCustomAutoFilter.doesNotContain: 
						if(val.indexOf(filterVal) == -1)//doesNotContain
							result = true;
						result = true;

	return !result;

CustomFilter.prototype.asc_getOperator = function () { return this.Operator; };
CustomFilter.prototype.asc_getVal = function () { return this.Val; };

CustomFilter.prototype.asc_setOperator = function (val) { this.Operator = val; };
CustomFilter.prototype.asc_setVal = function (val) { this.Val = val; };

/** @constructor */
function DynamicFilter() {
	this.Type = null;
	this.Val = null;
	this.MaxVal = null;
DynamicFilter.prototype.clone = function() {
	var res = new DynamicFilter();
	res.Type = this.Type;
	res.Val = this.Val;
	res.MaxVal = this.MaxVal;
	return res;

DynamicFilter.prototype.asc_getType = function () { return this.Type; };
DynamicFilter.prototype.asc_getVal = function () { return this.Val; };
DynamicFilter.prototype.asc_getMaxVal = function () { return this.MaxVal; };

DynamicFilter.prototype.asc_setType = function (val) { this.Type = val; };
DynamicFilter.prototype.asc_setVal = function (val) { this.Val = val; };
DynamicFilter.prototype.asc_setMaxVal = function (val) { this.MaxVal = val; };

/** @constructor */
function ColorFilter() {
	this.CellColor = null;
	this.dxf = null;
ColorFilter.prototype.clone = function() {
	var res = new ColorFilter();
	res.CellColor = this.CellColor;
	if (this.dxf) {
		res.dxf = this.dxf.clone();
	return res;
ColorFilter.prototype.isHideValue = function() {
	return false;

ColorFilter.prototype.asc_getCellColor = function () { return this.CellColor; };
ColorFilter.prototype.asc_getDxf = function () { return this.dxf; };

ColorFilter.prototype.asc_setCellColor = function (val) { this.CellColor = val; };
ColorFilter.prototype.asc_setDxf = function (val) { this.dxf = val; };

/** @constructor */
function Top10() {
	this.FilterVal = null;
	this.Percent = null;
	this.Top = null;
	this.Val = null;
Top10.prototype.clone = function() {
	var res = new Top10();
	res.FilterVal = this.FilterVal;
	res.Percent = this.Percent;
	res.Top = this.Top;
	res.Val = this.Val;
	return res;
Top10.prototype.isHideValue = function(val, top10Length) {

Top10.prototype.asc_getFilterVal = function () { return this.FilterVal; };
Top10.prototype.asc_getPercent = function () { return this.Percent; };
Top10.prototype.asc_getTop = function () { return this.Top; };
Top10.prototype.asc_getVal = function () { return this.Val; };

Top10.prototype.asc_setFilterVal = function (val) { this.FilterVal = val; };
Top10.prototype.asc_setPercent = function (val) { this.Percent = val; };
Top10.prototype.asc_setTop = function (val) { this.Top = val; };
Top10.prototype.asc_setVal = function (val) { this.Val = val; };

/** @constructor */
function SortCondition() {
	this.Ref = null;
	this.ConditionSortBy = null;
	this.ConditionDescending = null;
	this.dxf = null;
SortCondition.prototype.clone = function() {
	var res = new SortCondition();
	res.Ref = this.Ref;
	res.ConditionSortBy = this.ConditionSortBy;
	res.ConditionDescending = this.ConditionDescending;
	if (this.dxf)
		res.dxf = this.dxf.clone();
	return res;

function AutoFilterDateElem(start, end, dateTimeGrouping) {
	this.start = start;
	this.end = end;
	this.dateTimeGrouping = dateTimeGrouping;
AutoFilterDateElem.prototype.clone = function() {
	var res = new AutoFilterDateElem();
	res.start = this.start;
	this.end = this.end;
	this.dateTimeGrouping = this.dateTimeGrouping;
	return res;
AutoFilterDateElem.prototype.convertDateGroupItemToRange = function(oDateGroupItem) {
	var startDate, endDate, date;
		case 1://day
			date = new Date(Date.UTC( oDateGroupItem.Year, oDateGroupItem.Month - 1, oDateGroupItem.Day));
			startDate = date.getExcelDateWithTime();
			endDate = date.getExcelDateWithTime();
		case 2://hour
			startDate = new Date(Date.UTC( oDateGroupItem.Year, oDateGroupItem.Month - 1, oDateGroupItem.Day, oDateGroupItem.Hour, 1)).getExcelDateWithTime();
			endDate = new Date(Date.UTC( oDateGroupItem.Year, oDateGroupItem.Month - 1, oDateGroupItem.Day, oDateGroupItem.Hour, 59)).getExcelDateWithTime();
		case 3://minute
			startDate = new Date(Date.UTC( oDateGroupItem.Year, oDateGroupItem.Month - 1, oDateGroupItem.Day, oDateGroupItem.Hour, oDateGroupItem.Minute, 1)).getExcelDateWithTime();
			endDate = new Date(Date.UTC( oDateGroupItem.Year, oDateGroupItem.Month - 1, oDateGroupItem.Day, oDateGroupItem.Hour, oDateGroupItem.Minute, 59)).getExcelDateWithTime();
		case 4://month
			date = new Date(Date.UTC( oDateGroupItem.Year, oDateGroupItem.Month - 1, 1));
			startDate = date.getExcelDateWithTime();
			endDate = date.getExcelDateWithTime();
		case 5://second
			startDate = new Date(Date.UTC( oDateGroupItem.Year, oDateGroupItem.Month - 1, oDateGroupItem.Day, oDateGroupItem.Hour, oDateGroupItem.Second)).getExcelDateWithTime();
			endDate = new Date(Date.UTC( oDateGroupItem.Year, oDateGroupItem.Month - 1, oDateGroupItem.Day, oDateGroupItem.Hour, oDateGroupItem.Second )).getExcelDateWithTime();
		case 6://year
			date = new Date(Date.UTC( oDateGroupItem.Year, 0));
			startDate = date.getExcelDateWithTime();
			endDate = date.getExcelDateWithTime();
	this.start = startDate;
	this.end = endDate;
	this.dateTimeGrouping = oDateGroupItem.DateTimeGrouping;

window["Asc"]["CustomFilters"]			= window["Asc"].CustomFilters = CustomFilters;
prot									= CustomFilters.prototype;
prot["asc_getAnd"]						= prot.asc_getAnd;
prot["asc_getCustomFilters"]			= prot.asc_getCustomFilters;
prot["asc_setAnd"]						= prot.asc_setAnd;
prot["asc_setCustomFilters"]			= prot.asc_setCustomFilters;

window["Asc"]["CustomFilter"]			= window["Asc"].CustomFilter = CustomFilter;
prot									= CustomFilter.prototype;
prot["asc_getOperator"]					= prot.asc_getOperator;
prot["asc_getVal"]						= prot.asc_getVal;
prot["asc_setOperator"]					= prot.asc_setOperator;
prot["asc_setVal"]						= prot.asc_setVal;

window["Asc"]["CustomFilter"]			= window["Asc"].CustomFilter = CustomFilter;
prot									= CustomFilter.prototype;
prot["asc_getOperator"]					= prot.asc_getOperator;
prot["asc_getVal"]						= prot.asc_getVal;
prot["asc_setOperator"]					= prot.asc_setOperator;
prot["asc_setVal"]						= prot.asc_setVal;

window["Asc"]["DynamicFilter"]			= window["Asc"].DynamicFilter = DynamicFilter;
prot									= DynamicFilter.prototype;
prot["asc_getType"]						= prot.asc_getType;
prot["asc_getVal"]						= prot.asc_getVal;
prot["asc_getMaxVal"]					= prot.asc_getMaxVal;
prot["asc_setType"]						= prot.asc_setType;
prot["asc_setVal"]						= prot.asc_setVal;
prot["asc_setMaxVal"]					= prot.asc_setMaxVal;

window["Asc"]["ColorFilter"]			= window["Asc"].ColorFilter = ColorFilter;
prot									= ColorFilter.prototype;
prot["asc_getCellColor"]				= prot.asc_getType;
prot["asc_getDxf"]						= prot.asc_getVal;
prot["asc_setCellColor"]				= prot.asc_setType;
prot["asc_setDxf"]						= prot.asc_setVal;

window["Asc"]["Top10"]					= window["Asc"].Top10 = Top10;
prot									= Top10.prototype;
prot["asc_getFilterVal"]				= prot.asc_getFilterVal;
prot["asc_getPercent"]					= prot.asc_getPercent;
prot["asc_getTop"]						= prot.asc_getTop;
prot["asc_getVal"]						= prot.asc_getVal;
prot["asc_setFilterVal"]				= prot.asc_setFilterVal;
prot["asc_setPercent"]					= prot.asc_setPercent;
prot["asc_setTop"]						= prot.asc_setTop;
prot["asc_setVal"]						= prot.asc_setVal;