/* * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2017 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ "use strict"; (/** * @param {Window} window * @param {undefined} undefined */ function (window, undefined) { // Import var MATRIX_ORDER_PREPEND = AscCommon.MATRIX_ORDER_PREPEND; var global_mouseEvent = AscCommon.global_mouseEvent; var AscBrowser = AscCommon.AscBrowser; /** * @extends {AscCommon.CMobileDelegateSimple} */ function CMobileDelegateEditorCell(_manager) { this.Name = "cell"; this.WB = _manager.Api.wb; this.DrawingDocument = this.WB.getWorksheet().objectRender.drawingDocument; this.Offset = { X: 0, Y: 0}; this.Size = { W : 0, H : 0 }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.superclass.constructor.call(this, _manager); } AscCommon.extendClass(CMobileDelegateEditorCell, AscCommon.CMobileDelegateSimple); CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.Resize = function() { var _element = document.getElementById("editor_sdk"); this.Offset.X = _element.offsetLeft; this.Offset.Y = _element.offsetTop; this.Size.W = _element.offsetWidth; this.Size.H = _element.offsetHeight; }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.ConvertCoordsToCursor = function(x, y, page, isGlobal) { var _res = this.WB.ConvertLogicToXY(x, y); var _point = {X: _res.X, Y: _res.Y, Page: 0, DrawPage: 0}; if (AscBrowser.isRetina) { _point.X >>= 1; _point.Y >>= 1; } if (isGlobal !== false) { _point.X += this.Offset.X; _point.Y += this.Offset.Y; } return _point; }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.ConvertCoordsFromCursor = function(x, y) { var _x = x - this.Offset.X; var _y = y - this.Offset.Y; if (AscBrowser.isRetina) { _x <<= 1; _y <<= 1; } var _res = this.WB.ConvertXYToLogic(_x, _y); var _point = {X: _res.X, Y: _res.Y, Page: 0, DrawPage: 0}; return _point; }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.GetZoomFit = function() { // min zoom return 50; }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.GetZoom = function() { return 100 * this.Api.asc_getZoom(); }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.SetZoom = function(_value) { return this.Api.asc_setZoom(_value / 100); }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.GetScrollerSize = function() { return { W : this.WB.element.clientWidth + this.WB.m_dScrollX_max, H : this.WB.element.clientHeight + this.WB.m_dScrollY_max }; }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.GetSelectionTransform = function() { if (this.WB.getWorksheet().objectRender.controller.selectedObjects.length == 0) return null; return this.WB.getWorksheet().objectRender.controller.drawingDocument.SelectionMatrix; }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.GetScrollerParent = function() { return this.WB.element; }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.GetObjectTrack = function(x, y, page, bSelected, bText) { return this.WB.getWorksheet().objectRender.controller.isPointInDrawingObjects3(x, y, page, bSelected, bText); }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.GetSelectionRectsBounds = function() { var _selection = this.WB.GetSelectionRectsBounds(); if (_selection) { var _obj = { Start : { X: _selection.X, Y: _selection.Y, W: _selection.W, H: _selection.H, Page: 0 }, End : { X: _selection.X, Y: _selection.Y, W: _selection.W, H: _selection.H, Page: 0 }, Type : _selection.T }; var _captionSize; switch (_selection.T) { case Asc.c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol: { _captionSize = this.WB.GetCaptionSize(); _obj.Start.Y = _obj.End.Y = -_captionSize.H; _obj.Start.H = _obj.End.H = _captionSize.H; break; } case Asc.c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow: { _captionSize = this.WB.GetCaptionSize(); _obj.Start.X = _obj.End.X = -_captionSize.W; _obj.Start.W = _obj.End.W = _captionSize.W; break; } default: break; } return _obj; } return this.WB.getWorksheet().objectRender.controller.Get_SelectionBounds(); }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.ScrollTo = function(_scroll) { var _api = this.WB; if (_scroll.directionLocked == "v") { var _deltaY = -_scroll.y / _api.controller.settings.hscrollStep; if (_scroll.y == _scroll.maxScrollY) _deltaY += 1; _api._onScrollY(_deltaY); } else if (_scroll.directionLocked == "h") { var _deltaX = -_scroll.x / _api.controller.settings.vscrollStep; if (_scroll.x == _scroll.maxScrollX) _deltaX += 1; _api._onScrollX(_deltaX); } else if (_scroll.directionLocked == "n") { var _deltaY = -_scroll.y / _api.controller.settings.hscrollStep; if (_scroll.y == _scroll.maxScrollY) _deltaY += 1; var _deltaX = -_scroll.x / _api.controller.settings.vscrollStep; if (_scroll.x == _scroll.maxScrollX) _deltaX += 1; _api._onScrollX(_deltaX); _api._onScrollY(_deltaY); } }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.GetContextMenuType = function() { var _mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchContextMenuType.None; var _controller = this.WB.getWorksheet().objectRender.controller; var _selection = this.WB.GetSelectionRectsBounds(); if (!_controller.Is_SelectionUse() && !_selection) _mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchContextMenuType.Target; if (_controller.Get_SelectionBounds() || _selection) _mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchContextMenuType.Select; if (_mode == 0 && _controller.getSelectedObjectsBounds()) _mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchContextMenuType.Object; return _mode; }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.GetContextMenuInfo = function(info) { info.Clear(); var _info = null; var _transform = null; var _x = 0; var _y = 0; var _controller = this.WB.getWorksheet().objectRender.controller; var _target = _controller.Is_SelectionUse(); var _selection = this.WB.GetSelectionRectsBounds(); if (!_target && !_selection) { _info = { X : this.DrawingDocument.m_dTargetX, Y : this.DrawingDocument.m_dTargetY, Page : this.DrawingDocument.m_lTargetPage }; _transform = this.DrawingDocument.TextMatrix; if (_transform) { _x = _transform.TransformPointX(_info.X, _info.Y); _y = _transform.TransformPointY(_info.X, _info.Y); _info.X = _x; _info.Y = _y; } info.targetPos = _info; return; } var _select = _controller.Get_SelectionBounds(); if (_select) { var _rect1 = _select.Start; var _rect2 = _select.End; _info = { X1 : _rect1.X, Y1 : _rect1.Y, Page1 : _rect1.Page, X2 : _rect2.X + _rect2.W, Y2 : _rect2.Y + _rect2.H, Page2 : _rect2.Page }; _transform = this.DrawingDocument.SelectionMatrix; if (_transform) { _x = _transform.TransformPointX(_info.X1, _info.Y1); _y = _transform.TransformPointY(_info.X1, _info.Y1); _info.X1 = _x; _info.Y1 = _y; _x = _transform.TransformPointX(_info.X2, _info.Y2); _y = _transform.TransformPointY(_info.X2, _info.Y2); _info.X2 = _x; _info.Y2 = _y; } info.selectText = _info; return; } else if (_selection) { info.selectCell = { X : _selection.X, Y : _selection.Y, W : _selection.W, H : _selection.H }; return; } var _object_bounds = _controller.getSelectedObjectsBounds(); if (_object_bounds) { info.objectBounds = { X : _object_bounds.minX, Y : _object_bounds.minY, R : _object_bounds.maxX, B : _object_bounds.maxY, Page : _object_bounds.pageIndex }; } }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.GetContextMenuPosition = function() { var _controller = this.WB.getWorksheet().objectRender.controller; var _posX = 0; var _posY = 0; var _page = 0; var _transform = null; var tmpX, tmpY, tmpX2, tmpY2; var _pos = null; var _mode = 0; var _target = _controller.Is_SelectionUse(); var _selection = this.WB.GetSelectionRectsBounds(); if (!_target && !_selection) { _posX = this.DrawingDocument.m_dTargetX; _posY = this.DrawingDocument.m_dTargetY; _page = this.DrawingDocument.m_lTargetPage; _transform = this.DrawingDocument.TextMatrix; if (_transform) { tmpX = _transform.TransformPointX(_posX, _posY); tmpY = _transform.TransformPointY(_posX, _posY); } else { tmpX = _posX; tmpY = _posY; } _pos = this.ConvertCoordsToCursor(tmpX, tmpY, _page); _posX = _pos.X; _posY = _pos.Y; _mode = 1; } var _select = _controller.Get_SelectionBounds(); if (_select) { var _rect1 = _select.Start; var _rect2 = _select.End; tmpX = _rect1.X; tmpY = _rect1.Y; tmpX2 = _rect2.X + _rect2.W; tmpY2 = _rect2.Y + _rect2.H; _transform = this.DrawingDocument.SelectionMatrix; if (_transform) { _posX = _transform.TransformPointX(tmpX, tmpY); _posY = _transform.TransformPointY(tmpX, tmpY); tmpX = _posX; tmpY = _posY; _posX = _transform.TransformPointX(tmpX2, tmpY2); _posY = _transform.TransformPointY(tmpX2, tmpY2); tmpX2 = _posX; tmpY2 = _posY; } _pos = this.ConvertCoordsToCursor(tmpX, tmpY, _rect1.Page); _posX = _pos.X; _posY = _pos.Y; _pos = this.ConvertCoordsToCursor(tmpX2, tmpY2, _rect2.Page); _posX += _pos.X; _posX = _posX >> 1; _mode = 2; } else if (_selection) { tmpX = _selection.X; tmpY = _selection.Y; tmpX2 = _selection.X + _selection.W; tmpY2 = _selection.Y + _selection.H; _pos = this.ConvertCoordsToCursor(tmpX, tmpY, 0); _posX = _pos.X; _posY = _pos.Y; _pos = this.ConvertCoordsToCursor(tmpX2, tmpY2, 0); _posX += _pos.X; _posX = _posX >> 1; _mode = 2; } var _object_bounds = _controller.getSelectedObjectsBounds(); if ((0 == _mode) && _object_bounds) { _pos = this.ConvertCoordsToCursor(_object_bounds.minX, _object_bounds.minY, _object_bounds.pageIndex); _posX = _pos.X; _posY = _pos.Y; _pos = this.ConvertCoordsToCursor(_object_bounds.maxX, _object_bounds.maxY, _object_bounds.pageIndex); _posX += _pos.X; _posX = _posX >> 1; _mode = 3; } _posX -= this.Offset.X; _posY -= this.Offset.Y; return { X : _posX, Y : _posY, Mode : _mode }; }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype._convertLogicToEvent = function(e, x, y, page) { var _e = {}; var _pos = this.ConvertCoordsToCursor(x, y, 0); _e.pageX = _pos.X / AscBrowser.zoom; _e.pageY = _pos.Y / AscBrowser.zoom; _e.altKey = global_mouseEvent.AltKey; _e.shiftKey = global_mouseEvent.ShiftKey; _e.ctrlKey = global_mouseEvent.CtrlKey; _e.button = global_mouseEvent.Button; return _e; }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.Logic_OnMouseDown = function(e, x, y, page) { return this.Api.controller._onMouseDown(this._convertLogicToEvent(e, x, y, page)); }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.Logic_OnMouseMove = function(e, x, y, page) { return this.Api.controller._onMouseMove(this._convertLogicToEvent(e, x, y, page)); }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.Logic_OnMouseUp = function(e, x, y, page) { return this.Api.controller._onMouseUp(this._convertLogicToEvent(e, x, y, page)); }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.Drawing_OnMouseDown = function(e) { return this.Api.controller._onMouseDown(e); }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.Drawing_OnMouseMove = function(e) { return this.Api.controller._onMouseMove(e); }; CMobileDelegateEditorCell.prototype.Drawing_OnMouseUp = function(e) { return this.Api.controller._onMouseUp(e); }; /** * @extends {AscCommon.CMobileTouchManagerBase} */ function CMobileTouchManager(_config) { CMobileTouchManager.superclass.constructor.call(this, _config || {}); } AscCommon.extendClass(CMobileTouchManager, AscCommon.CMobileTouchManagerBase); CMobileTouchManager.prototype.Init = function(_api) { this.Api = _api; // создаем делегата. инициализация его - ПОСЛЕ создания iScroll this.delegate = new CMobileDelegateEditorCell(this); var _element = this.delegate.GetScrollerParent(); this.CreateScrollerDiv(_element); this.iScroll = new window.IScroll(_element, { scrollbars: true, mouseWheel: true, interactiveScrollbars: true, shrinkScrollbars: 'scale', fadeScrollbars: true, scrollX : true, scroller_id : this.iScrollElement, bounce : false, eventsElement : this.eventsElement, click : false }); this.delegate.Init(); // никаких таблиц this.TableTrackEnabled = false; }; CMobileTouchManager.prototype.MoveCursorToPoint = function() { // TODO: }; CMobileTouchManager.prototype.onTouchStart = function(e) { var _e = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e; this.IsTouching = true; AscCommon.g_inputContext.enableVirtualKeyboard(); this.checkPointerMultiTouchAdd(e); global_mouseEvent.KoefPixToMM = 5; AscCommon.check_MouseDownEvent(_e, true); global_mouseEvent.KoefPixToMM = 1; global_mouseEvent.LockMouse(); this.Api.sendEvent("asc_onHidePopMenu"); this.MoveAfterDown = false; this.TimeDown = new Date().getTime(); var bIsKoefPixToMM = false; var _matrix = this.delegate.GetSelectionTransform(); if (_matrix && global_MatrixTransformer.IsIdentity(_matrix)) _matrix = null; if (!this.CheckSelectTrack()) { bIsKoefPixToMM = this.CheckObjectTrack(); } if ((e.touches && 2 == e.touches.length) || (2 == this.getPointerCount())) { this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Zoom; } if (this.Mode == AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.None) this.CheckSelectTrackObject(); // если не используем этот моус даун - то уменьшаем количество кликов switch (this.Mode) { case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.None: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Scroll: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.InlineObj: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.FlowObj: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Zoom: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Cursor: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.TableMove: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.SelectTrack: { // так как был уже check, нужно уменьшить количество кликов if (global_mouseEvent.ClickCount > 0) global_mouseEvent.ClickCount--; break; } default: break; } var isPreventDefault = false; switch (this.Mode) { case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Select: // in cell select too case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.InlineObj: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.FlowObj: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Zoom: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.TableMove: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.SelectTrack: { isPreventDefault = true; break; } case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.None: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Scroll: { isPreventDefault = !this.CheckObjectText(); break; } default: { break; } } switch (this.Mode) { case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.None: { this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Scroll; this.DownPoint = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsFromCursor(global_mouseEvent.X, global_mouseEvent.Y); this.DownPointOriginal.X = global_mouseEvent.X; this.DownPointOriginal.Y = global_mouseEvent.Y; this.iScroll._start(e); break; } case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Scroll: { // ничего не меняем, просто перемещаем точку this.DownPoint = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsFromCursor(global_mouseEvent.X, global_mouseEvent.Y); this.DownPointOriginal.X = global_mouseEvent.X; this.DownPointOriginal.Y = global_mouseEvent.Y; this.iScroll._start(e); break; } case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Select: { var _x1 = this.RectSelect1.x + 0.5; var _y1 = this.RectSelect1.y + 0.5; var _x2 = this.RectSelect2.x + this.RectSelect2.w - 0.5; var _y2 = this.RectSelect2.y + this.RectSelect2.h - 0.5; if (this.RectSelectType == Asc.c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol || this.RectSelectType == Asc.c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow) AscCommon.global_mouseEvent.KoefPixToMM = -10; // чтобы не попасть в движения if (1 == this.DragSelect) { global_mouseEvent.Button = 0; if (!_matrix) { this.delegate.Logic_OnMouseDown(global_mouseEvent, _x2, _y2, this.PageSelect2); } else { var __X = _matrix.TransformPointX(_x2, _y2); var __Y = _matrix.TransformPointY(_x2, _y2); this.delegate.Logic_OnMouseDown(global_mouseEvent, __X, __Y, this.PageSelect2); } this.delegate.Drawing_OnMouseMove(_e); } else if (2 == this.DragSelect) { global_mouseEvent.Button = 0; if (!_matrix) { this.delegate.Logic_OnMouseDown(global_mouseEvent, _x1, _y1, this.PageSelect1); } else { var __X = _matrix.TransformPointX (_x1, _y1); var __Y = _matrix.TransformPointY(_x1, _y1); this.delegate.Logic_OnMouseDown(global_mouseEvent, __X, __Y, this.PageSelect1); } this.delegate.Drawing_OnMouseMove(_e); } break; } case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.InlineObj: { break; } case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.FlowObj: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.SelectTrack: { if (bIsKoefPixToMM || this.Mode == AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.SelectTrack) { global_mouseEvent.KoefPixToMM = 5; } if (this.Mode == AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.SelectTrack) this.delegate.Drawing_OnMouseMove(e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e); this.delegate.Drawing_OnMouseDown(e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e); global_mouseEvent.KoefPixToMM = 1; break; } case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Zoom: { this.ZoomDistance = this.getPointerDistance(e); this.ZoomValue = this.delegate.GetZoom(); break; } case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Cursor: { this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Scroll; this.DownPoint = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsFromCursor(global_mouseEvent.X, global_mouseEvent.Y); break; } } if (AscCommon.AscBrowser.isAndroid) isPreventDefault = false; if (this.Api.isViewMode || isPreventDefault) AscCommon.stopEvent(e); return false; }; CMobileTouchManager.prototype.onTouchMove = function(e) { this.checkPointerMultiTouchAdd(e); var _e = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e; if (this.Mode != AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.FlowObj && this.Mode != AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.TableMove) AscCommon.check_MouseMoveEvent(e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e); if (!this.MoveAfterDown) { if (Math.abs(this.DownPointOriginal.X - global_mouseEvent.X) > this.MoveMinDist || Math.abs(this.DownPointOriginal.Y - global_mouseEvent.Y) > this.MoveMinDist) { this.MoveAfterDown = true; } } switch (this.Mode) { case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Cursor: { this.MoveCursorToPoint(true); break; } case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Scroll: { var _newTime = new Date().getTime(); if ((_newTime - this.TimeDown) > this.ReadingGlassTime && !this.MoveAfterDown) { this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Cursor; this.MoveCursorToPoint(false); } else { this.iScroll._move(e); AscCommon.stopEvent(e); } break; } case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Zoom: { var isTouch2 = ((e.touches && 2 == e.touches.length) || (2 == this.getPointerCount())); if (!isTouch2) { this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.None; return; } var zoomCurrentDist = this.getPointerDistance(e); if (zoomCurrentDist == 0) zoomCurrentDist = 1; var _zoomFix = this.ZoomValue / 100; var _zoomCur = _zoomFix * (zoomCurrentDist / this.ZoomDistance); _zoomCur = (_zoomCur * 100) >> 0; if (_zoomCur < this.ZoomValueMin) _zoomCur = this.ZoomValueMin; else if (_zoomCur > this.ZoomValueMax) _zoomCur = this.ZoomValueMax; this.delegate.SetZoom(_zoomCur); AscCommon.stopEvent(e); break; } case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.InlineObj: { break; } case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.FlowObj: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.SelectTrack: { this.delegate.Drawing_OnMouseMove(e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e); AscCommon.stopEvent(e); break; } case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Select: { // во время движения может смениться порядок ректов global_mouseEvent.ClickCount = 1; this.delegate.Drawing_OnMouseMove(_e); AscCommon.stopEvent(e); break; } default: break; } }; CMobileTouchManager.prototype.onTouchEnd = function(e) { this.IsTouching = false; var _e = e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0] : e; if (this.Mode != AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.FlowObj && this.Mode != AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.TableMove) { AscCommon.check_MouseUpEvent(_e); } var isCheckContextMenuMode = true; var isCheckContextMenuSelect = false; var isCheckContextMenuCursor = (this.Mode == AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Cursor); var isPreventDefault = false; switch (this.Mode) { case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Select: // in cell select too case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Scroll: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.InlineObj: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.FlowObj: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Zoom: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.TableMove: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.SelectTrack: { isPreventDefault = true; break; } default: { break; } } switch (this.Mode) { case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Cursor: { // ничего не делаем. курсор уже установлен this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.None; break; } case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Scroll: { if (!this.MoveAfterDown) { global_mouseEvent.Button = 0; this.delegate.Drawing_OnMouseDown(_e); this.delegate.Drawing_OnMouseUp(_e); this.Api.sendEvent("asc_onTapEvent", e); var typeMenu = this.delegate.GetContextMenuType(); if (typeMenu == AscCommon.MobileTouchContextMenuType.Target) isPreventDefault = false; } else { // нужно запускать анимацию скролла, если она есть // TODO: isCheckContextMenuMode = false; this.iScroll._end(e); } this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.None; break; } case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Zoom: { this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.None; isCheckContextMenuMode = false; break; } case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.InlineObj: { // TODO: break; } case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.FlowObj: case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.SelectTrack: { // TODO: this.delegate.Drawing_OnMouseUp(e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0] : e); this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.None; break; } case AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Select: { // ничего не нужно делать this.DragSelect = 0; this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.None; this.delegate.Drawing_OnMouseUp(_e); //AscCommon.stopEvent(e); isCheckContextMenuSelect = true; break; } default: break; } this.checkPointerMultiTouchRemove(e); // нужен лив, чтобы сбросить состояния this.delegate.Api.controller._onMouseLeave(e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0] : e); if (this.Api.isViewMode || isPreventDefault) AscCommon.g_inputContext.preventVirtualKeyboard(e); if (true !== this.iScroll.isAnimating) this.CheckContextMenuTouchEnd(isCheckContextMenuMode, isCheckContextMenuSelect, isCheckContextMenuCursor); return false; }; CMobileTouchManager.prototype.mainOnTouchStart = function(e) { if (AscCommon.g_inputContext && AscCommon.g_inputContext.externalChangeFocus()) return; return this.onTouchStart(e); }; CMobileTouchManager.prototype.mainOnTouchMove = function(e) { return this.onTouchMove(e); }; CMobileTouchManager.prototype.mainOnTouchEnd = function(e) { return this.onTouchEnd(e); }; // отрисовка текстового селекта CMobileTouchManager.prototype.CheckSelect = function(overlay, color, drDocument) { if (!this.SelectEnabled) return; if (color !== undefined) overlay.Clear(); this.CheckSelectRects(); if (null == this.RectSelect1 || null == this.RectSelect2) return; var _matrix = this.delegate.GetSelectionTransform(); var ctx = overlay.m_oContext; ctx.lineWidth = 2; if (undefined === color) { ctx.strokeStyle = "#146FE1"; ctx.fillStyle = "#146FE1"; } else { ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + color.r + "," + color.g + "," + color.b + "," + color.a + ")"; ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(" + color.r + "," + color.g + "," + color.b + "," + color.a + ")"; } var _koef = AscCommon.AscBrowser.isRetina ? 2 : 1; var _oldGlobalAlpha = ctx.globalAlpha; ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0; if (!_matrix || global_MatrixTransformer.IsIdentity(_matrix)) { var pos1 = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsToCursor(this.RectSelect1.x, this.RectSelect1.y, this.PageSelect1, false); var pos2 = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsToCursor(this.RectSelect1.x, this.RectSelect1.y + this.RectSelect1.h, this.PageSelect1, false); var pos3 = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsToCursor(this.RectSelect2.x + this.RectSelect2.w, this.RectSelect2.y, this.PageSelect2, false); var pos4 = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsToCursor(this.RectSelect2.x + this.RectSelect2.w, this.RectSelect2.y + this.RectSelect2.h, this.PageSelect2, false); if (undefined === color) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo((_koef * pos1.X) >> 0, (_koef * pos1.Y) >> 0); ctx.lineTo((_koef * pos2.X) >> 0, (_koef * pos2.Y) >> 0); ctx.moveTo((_koef * pos3.X) >> 0, (_koef * pos3.Y) >> 0); ctx.lineTo((_koef * pos4.X) >> 0, (_koef * pos4.Y) >> 0); ctx.stroke(); } ctx.beginPath(); var _offset = (undefined === color) ? 5 : 0; if (this.RectSelectType == Asc.c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol) { pos2.Y = pos4.Y = (pos2.Y - pos1.Y); pos1.Y = pos3.Y = 0; ctx.beginPath(); var _x1C = ((_koef * pos1.X + 0.5) >> 0) - 1; var _x2C = ((_koef * pos3.X + 1.5) >> 0) - 1; ctx.moveTo(_x1C, (_koef * pos1.Y) >> 0); ctx.lineTo(_x1C, (_koef * pos2.Y) >> 0); ctx.moveTo(_x2C, (_koef * pos3.Y) >> 0); ctx.lineTo(_x2C, (_koef * pos4.Y) >> 0); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); overlay.CheckPoint(_x1C, pos1.Y); overlay.CheckPoint(_x2C, pos4.Y); var _yC = _koef * (this.delegate.Size.H - pos4.Y) / 2; overlay.AddEllipse(_x1C, _yC, _koef * AscCommon.MOBILE_SELECT_TRACK_ROUND / 2); overlay.AddEllipse(_x2C, _yC, _koef * AscCommon.MOBILE_SELECT_TRACK_ROUND / 2); ctx.fill(); } else if (this.RectSelectType == Asc.c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow) { pos3.X = pos4.X = (pos3.X - pos1.X); pos1.X = pos2.X = 0; ctx.beginPath(); var _y1C = ((_koef * pos1.Y + 0.5) >> 0) - 1; var _y2C = ((_koef * pos2.Y + 1.5) >> 0) - 1; ctx.moveTo((_koef * pos1.X) >> 0, _y1C); ctx.lineTo((_koef * pos3.X) >> 0, _y1C); ctx.moveTo((_koef * pos2.X) >> 0, _y2C); ctx.lineTo((_koef * pos4.X) >> 0, _y2C); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); overlay.CheckPoint(pos1.X, _y1C); overlay.CheckPoint(pos4.X, _y2C); var _xC = _koef * (this.delegate.Size.W - pos4.X) / 2; overlay.AddEllipse(_xC, _y1C, _koef * AscCommon.MOBILE_SELECT_TRACK_ROUND / 2); overlay.AddEllipse(_xC, _y2C, _koef * AscCommon.MOBILE_SELECT_TRACK_ROUND / 2); ctx.fill(); } else { overlay.AddEllipse(_koef * pos1.X, _koef * (pos1.Y - _offset), _koef * AscCommon.MOBILE_SELECT_TRACK_ROUND / 2); overlay.AddEllipse(_koef * pos4.X, _koef * (pos4.Y + _offset), _koef * AscCommon.MOBILE_SELECT_TRACK_ROUND / 2); ctx.fill(); } ctx.beginPath(); } else { var _xx11 = _matrix.TransformPointX(this.RectSelect1.x, this.RectSelect1.y); var _yy11 = _matrix.TransformPointY(this.RectSelect1.x, this.RectSelect1.y); var _xx12 = _matrix.TransformPointX(this.RectSelect1.x, this.RectSelect1.y + this.RectSelect1.h); var _yy12 = _matrix.TransformPointY(this.RectSelect1.x, this.RectSelect1.y + this.RectSelect1.h); var _xx21 = _matrix.TransformPointX(this.RectSelect2.x + this.RectSelect2.w, this.RectSelect2.y); var _yy21 = _matrix.TransformPointY(this.RectSelect2.x + this.RectSelect2.w, this.RectSelect2.y); var _xx22 = _matrix.TransformPointX(this.RectSelect2.x + this.RectSelect2.w, this.RectSelect2.y + this.RectSelect2.h); var _yy22 = _matrix.TransformPointY(this.RectSelect2.x + this.RectSelect2.w, this.RectSelect2.y + this.RectSelect2.h); var pos1 = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsToCursor(_xx11, _yy11, this.PageSelect1, false); var pos2 = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsToCursor(_xx12, _yy12, this.PageSelect1, false); var pos3 = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsToCursor(_xx21, _yy21, this.PageSelect2, false); var pos4 = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsToCursor(_xx22, _yy22, this.PageSelect2, false); if (undefined === color) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(_koef * pos1.X, _koef * pos1.Y); ctx.lineTo(_koef * pos2.X, _koef * pos2.Y); ctx.moveTo(_koef * pos3.X, _koef * pos3.Y); ctx.lineTo(_koef * pos4.X, _koef * pos4.Y); ctx.lineWidth = 2; ctx.stroke(); } ctx.beginPath(); if (undefined === color) { var ex01 = _matrix.TransformPointX(0, 0); var ey01 = _matrix.TransformPointY(0, 0); var ex11 = _matrix.TransformPointX(0, 1); var ey11 = _matrix.TransformPointY(0, 1); var _len = Math.sqrt((ex11 - ex01) * (ex11 - ex01) + (ey11 - ey01) * (ey11 - ey01)); if (_len == 0) _len = 0.01; var ex = 5 * (ex11 - ex01) / _len; var ey = 5 * (ey11 - ey01) / _len; var _x1 = (pos1.X - ex) >> 0; var _y1 = (pos1.Y - ey) >> 0; var _x2 = (pos4.X + ex) >> 0; var _y2 = (pos4.Y + ey) >> 0; overlay.AddEllipse(_koef * _x1, _koef * _y1, _koef * AscCommon.MOBILE_SELECT_TRACK_ROUND / 2); overlay.AddEllipse(_koef * _x2, _koef * _y2, _koef * AscCommon.MOBILE_SELECT_TRACK_ROUND / 2); } else { overlay.AddEllipse(_koef * pos1.X, _koef * pos1.Y, _koef * AscCommon.MOBILE_SELECT_TRACK_ROUND / 2); overlay.AddEllipse(_koef * pos4.X, _koef * pos4.Y, _koef * AscCommon.MOBILE_SELECT_TRACK_ROUND / 2); } ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); } ctx.globalAlpha = _oldGlobalAlpha; }; CMobileTouchManager.prototype.CheckSelectTrack = function() { if (this.RectSelectType != Asc.c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow && this.RectSelectType != Asc.c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol) return CMobileTouchManager.superclass.CheckSelectTrack.call(this); // проверим на попадание в селект - это может произойти на любом mode if (null != this.RectSelect1 && null != this.RectSelect2) { var pos1 = null; var pos4 = null; var _pos = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsToCursor(0, 0, 0, false); if (this.RectSelectType == Asc.c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol) { var Y = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsFromCursor(0, this.delegate.Offset.Y + (this.delegate.Size.H + _pos.Y) / 2).Y; pos1 = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsToCursor(this.RectSelect1.x, Y, this.PageSelect1); pos4 = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsToCursor(this.RectSelect2.x + this.RectSelect2.w, Y, this.PageSelect2); } else { var X = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsFromCursor(this.delegate.Offset.X + (this.delegate.Size.W + _pos.X) / 2, 0).X; pos1 = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsToCursor(X, this.RectSelect1.y, this.PageSelect1); pos4 = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsToCursor(X, this.RectSelect2.y + this.RectSelect2.h, this.PageSelect2); } if (Math.abs(pos1.X - global_mouseEvent.X) < this.TrackTargetEps && Math.abs(pos1.Y - global_mouseEvent.Y) < this.TrackTargetEps) { this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Select; this.DragSelect = 1; } else if (Math.abs(pos4.X - global_mouseEvent.X) < this.TrackTargetEps && Math.abs(pos4.Y - global_mouseEvent.Y) < this.TrackTargetEps) { this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Select; this.DragSelect = 2; } } return (this.Mode == AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.Select); }; CMobileTouchManager.prototype.CheckSelectTrackObject = function() { if (!this.delegate.WB.Is_SelectionUse()) return; if (null != this.RectSelect1 && null != this.RectSelect2) { var pos1 = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsToCursor(this.RectSelect1.x, this.RectSelect1.y, this.PageSelect1); var pos4 = this.delegate.ConvertCoordsToCursor(this.RectSelect2.x + this.RectSelect2.w, this.RectSelect2.y + this.RectSelect2.h, this.PageSelect2); if (this.RectSelectType == Asc.c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol) { if (Math.abs(pos1.X - global_mouseEvent.X) < this.TrackTargetEps) this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.SelectTrack; else if (Math.abs(pos4.X - global_mouseEvent.X) < this.TrackTargetEps) this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.SelectTrack; } else if (this.RectSelectType == Asc.c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow) { if (Math.abs(pos1.Y - global_mouseEvent.Y) < this.TrackTargetEps) this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.SelectTrack; else if (Math.abs(pos4.Y - global_mouseEvent.X) < this.TrackTargetEps) this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.SelectTrack; } else { if (Math.abs(pos1.X - global_mouseEvent.X) < this.TrackTargetEps && global_mouseEvent.Y > pos1.Y && global_mouseEvent.Y < pos4.Y) this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.SelectTrack; else if (Math.abs(pos4.X - global_mouseEvent.X) < this.TrackTargetEps && global_mouseEvent.Y > pos1.Y && global_mouseEvent.Y < pos4.Y) this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.SelectTrack; else if (Math.abs(pos1.Y - global_mouseEvent.Y) < this.TrackTargetEps && global_mouseEvent.X > pos1.X && global_mouseEvent.X < pos4.X) this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.SelectTrack; else if (Math.abs(pos4.Y - global_mouseEvent.X) < this.TrackTargetEps && global_mouseEvent.X > pos1.X && global_mouseEvent.X < pos4.X) this.Mode = AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.SelectTrack; } } return (this.Mode == AscCommon.MobileTouchMode.SelectTrack); }; //--------------------------------------------------------export---------------------------------------------------- window['AscCommonExcel'] = window['AscCommonExcel'] || {}; window['AscCommonExcel'].CMobileTouchManager = CMobileTouchManager; })(window);