 * (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2016
 * This program is freeware. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU 
 * General Public License (GPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation (https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html). 
 * In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU GPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect that 
 * Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of any third-party rights.
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For more details, see GNU GPL at https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
 * You can contact Ascensio System SIA by email at sales@onlyoffice.com
 * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of ONLYOFFICE must display 
 * Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU GPL version 3.
 * Pursuant to Section 7  3(b) of the GNU GPL you must retain the original ONLYOFFICE logo which contains 
 * relevant author attributions when distributing the software. If the display of the logo in its graphic 
 * form is not reasonably feasible for technical reasons, you must include the words "Powered by ONLYOFFICE" 
 * in every copy of the program you distribute. 
 * Pursuant to Section 7  3(e) we decline to grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
"use strict";

(	/**
	 * @param {Window} window
	 * @param {undefined} undefined
	function (window, undefined) {
		 * Import
		 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
		var asc = window["Asc"] ? window["Asc"] : (window["Asc"] = {});
		var prot;

		 * Класс asc_CAscEditorPermissions для прав редакторов
		 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
		 * @constructor
		 * @memberOf Asc
		function asc_CAscEditorPermissions (settings) {
			this.canEdit = true;
			this.canDownload = true;
			this.canCoAuthoring = true;
			this.canReaderMode = true;
			this.canBranding = false;
			this.isAutosaveEnable = true;
			this.AutosaveMinInterval = 300;
			this.isAnalyticsEnable = false;
			return this;

		asc_CAscEditorPermissions.prototype = {
			constructor: asc_CAscEditorPermissions,
			asc_getCanLicense: function(){ return this.canLicense; },

			asc_getCanEdit: function(){ return this.canEdit; }, //ToDo убрать
			asc_getCanDownload: function(){ return this.canDownload; }, //ToDo убрать
			asc_getCanCoAuthoring: function(){ return this.canCoAuthoring; },
			asc_getCanReaderMode: function(){ return this.canReaderMode; },
			asc_getCanBranding: function(){ return this.canBranding; },
			asc_getIsAutosaveEnable: function(){ return this.isAutosaveEnable; },
			asc_getAutosaveMinInterval: function(){ return this.AutosaveMinInterval; },
			asc_getIsAnalyticsEnable: function(){ return this.isAnalyticsEnable; },

			asc_setCanLicense: function(v){ this.canLicense = v; },
      asc_setCanBranding: function(v){ this.canBranding = v; }
		 * Export
		 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
		window["Asc"]["asc_CAscEditorPermissions"] = 
		window["Asc"].asc_CAscEditorPermissions = asc_CAscEditorPermissions;
		prot = asc_CAscEditorPermissions.prototype;
		prot["asc_getCanLicense"]			= prot.asc_getCanLicense;

		prot["asc_getCanEdit"]				= prot.asc_getCanEdit;
		prot["asc_getCanDownload"]			= prot.asc_getCanDownload;
		prot["asc_getCanCoAuthoring"]		= prot.asc_getCanCoAuthoring;
		prot["asc_getCanReaderMode"]		= prot.asc_getCanReaderMode;
		prot["asc_getCanBranding"]			= prot.asc_getCanBranding;
		prot["asc_getIsAutosaveEnable"]		= prot.asc_getIsAutosaveEnable;
		prot["asc_getAutosaveMinInterval"]	= prot.asc_getAutosaveMinInterval;
		prot["asc_getIsAnalyticsEnable"]	= prot.asc_getIsAnalyticsEnable;

		 * Класс CColor для работы с цветами
		 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
		 * @constructor
		 * @memberOf window
		function CColor (r,g,b,a){
			this.r = (undefined == r) ? 0 : r;
			this.g = (undefined == g) ? 0 : g;
			this.b = (undefined == b) ? 0 : b;
			this.a = (undefined == a) ? 1 : a;
		CColor.prototype = {
			constructor: CColor,
			getR: function(){return this.r},
			get_r: function(){return this.r},
			put_r: function(v){this.r = v; this.hex = undefined;},
			getG: function(){return this.g},
			get_g: function(){return this.g;},
			put_g: function(v){this.g = v; this.hex = undefined;},
			getB: function(){return this.b},
			get_b: function(){return this.b;},
			put_b: function(v){this.b = v; this.hex = undefined;},
			getA: function(){return this.a},
			get_hex: function()
					var r = this.r.toString(16);
					var g = this.g.toString(16);
					var b = this.b.toString(16);
					this.hex = ( r.length == 1? "0" + r: r) +
						( g.length == 1? "0" + g: g) +
						( b.length == 1? "0" + b: b);
				return this.hex;
		 * Export
		 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
		window["CColor"] = CColor;
		prot = CColor.prototype;
		prot["getR"]	= prot.getR;
		prot["get_r"]	= prot.get_r;
		prot["put_r"]	= prot.put_r;
		prot["getG"]	= prot.getG;
		prot["get_g"]	= prot.get_g;
		prot["put_g"]	= prot.put_g;
		prot["getB"]	= prot.getB;
		prot["get_b"]	= prot.get_b;
		prot["put_b"]	= prot.put_b;
		prot["getA"]	= prot.getA;
		prot["get_hex"]	= prot.get_hex;

		/** @constructor */
        function asc_ChartSettings()
            this.style         = null;
            this.title         = null;
            this.rowCols       = null;
            this.horAxisLabel  = null;
            this.vertAxisLabel = null;
            this.legendPos     = null;
            this.dataLabelsPos = null;
            this.vertAx        = null;
            this.horAx         = null;
            this.horGridLines  = null;
            this.vertGridLines = null;
            this.type = null;
            this.showSerName = null;
            this.showCatName = null;
            this.showVal    = null;
            this.separator = null;
            this.horAxisProps = null;
            this.vertAxisProps = null;
            this.range = null;
            this.inColumns = null;

            this.showMarker = null;
            this.bLine = null;
            this.smooth = null;
            this.showHorAxis = null;
            this.showVerAxis = null;
        asc_ChartSettings.prototype =
            putShowMarker: function(v)
                this.showMarker = v;

            getShowMarker: function()
                return this.showMarker;

            putLine: function(v)
                this.bLine = v;

            getLine: function()
                return this.bLine;

            putSmooth: function(v)
                this.smooth = v;

            getSmooth: function()
                return this.smooth;

            putStyle: function(index)
                this.style = parseInt(index, 10);

            getStyle: function()
                return this.style;

            putRange: function(range)
                this.range = range;

            getRange: function()
                return this.range;

            putInColumns: function(inColumns)
                this.inColumns = inColumns;

            getInColumns: function()
                return this.inColumns;

            putTitle: function(v)
                this.title = v;

            getTitle: function()
                return this.title;

            putRowCols: function(v)
                this.rowCols = v;

            getRowCols: function()
                return this.rowCols;

            putHorAxisLabel: function(v)
                this.horAxisLabel = v;
            putVertAxisLabel: function(v)
                this.vertAxisLabel = v;
            putLegendPos: function(v)
                this.legendPos = v;
            putDataLabelsPos: function(v)
                this.dataLabelsPos = v;
            putCatAx: function(v)
                this.vertAx = v;
            putValAx: function(v)
                this.horAx = v;

            getHorAxisLabel: function(v)
                return this.horAxisLabel;
            getVertAxisLabel: function(v)
                return this.vertAxisLabel;
            getLegendPos: function(v)
                return this.legendPos;
            getDataLabelsPos: function(v)
                return this.dataLabelsPos;
            getVertAx: function(v)
                return this.vertAx;
            getHorAx: function(v)
                return this.horAx;

            putHorGridLines: function(v)
                this.horGridLines = v;

            getHorGridLines: function(v)
                return this.horGridLines;

            putVertGridLines: function(v)
                this.vertGridLines = v;

            getVertGridLines: function()
                return this.vertGridLines;

            getType: function()
                return this.type;

            putType: function(v)
                return this.type = v;

            putShowSerName: function(v)
                return this.showSerName = v;
            putShowCatName: function(v)
                return this.showCatName = v;
            putShowVal: function(v)
                return this.showVal = v;

            getShowSerName: function()
                return this.showSerName;
            getShowCatName: function()
                return this.showCatName;
            getShowVal: function()
                return this.showVal;

            putSeparator: function(v)
                this.separator = v;

            getSeparator: function()
                return this.separator;

            putHorAxisProps: function(v)
                this.horAxisProps = v;

            getHorAxisProps: function()
                return this.horAxisProps;

            putVertAxisProps: function(v)
                this.vertAxisProps = v;

            getVertAxisProps: function()
                return this.vertAxisProps;

            changeType: function(type)
                if(this.type === type)

                var bSwapGridLines = ((this.type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarNormal || this.type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStacked || this.type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStackedPer)
                    !== (type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarNormal || type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStacked || type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStackedPer)   );
                var bSwapLines = ((
                    type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineNormal          ||
                        type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStacked                  ||
                        type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedPer               ||
                        type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineNormalMarker             ||
                        type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedMarker            ||
                        type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedPerMarker

                    ) !== (

                    this.type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineNormal          ||
                        this.type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStacked                  ||
                        this.type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedPer               ||
                        this.type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineNormalMarker             ||
                        this.type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedMarker            ||
                        this.type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedPerMarker
                var bSwapScatter = ((this.type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatter) !== (type === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatter));

                var nOldType = this.type;

                var hor_axis_settings = this.getHorAxisProps();
                var vert_axis_settings = this.getVertAxisProps();
                var new_hor_axis_settings, new_vert_axis_settings, oTempVal;
                    oTempVal = hor_axis_settings;
                    hor_axis_settings = vert_axis_settings;
                    vert_axis_settings = oTempVal;

                    oTempVal = this.horGridLines;
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.pie                 :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.doughnut            :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barNormal           :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barStacked          :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barStackedPer       :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineNormal          :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStacked         :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedPer      :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineNormalMarker    :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedMarker   :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedPerMarker:
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.areaNormal          :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.areaStacked         :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.areaStackedPer      :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.stock               :
                        if(!hor_axis_settings || hor_axis_settings.getAxisType() !== c_oAscAxisType.cat)
                            new_hor_axis_settings = new asc_CatAxisSettings();
                        if(!vert_axis_settings || vert_axis_settings.getAxisType() !== c_oAscAxisType.val)
                            new_vert_axis_settings = new asc_ValAxisSettings();

                        if(nOldType === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarNormal || nOldType === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStacked || nOldType === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStackedPer){
                            var bTemp = this.showHorAxis;
                        else if(nOldType === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.pie || nOldType === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.doughnut)
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarNormal          :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStacked         :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStackedPer      :
                        if(!hor_axis_settings || hor_axis_settings.getAxisType() !== c_oAscAxisType.val)
                            new_hor_axis_settings = new asc_ValAxisSettings();
                        if(!vert_axis_settings || vert_axis_settings.getAxisType() !== c_oAscAxisType.cat)
                            new_vert_axis_settings = new asc_CatAxisSettings();
                        if(nOldType === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.pie || nOldType === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.doughnut){
                        else if(nOldType !== c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarNormal
                            && nOldType !== c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStacked
                            && nOldType !== c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStackedPer){
                            var bTemp = this.showHorAxis;
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatter             :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatterLine         :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatterLineMarker   :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatterMarker       :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatterNone         :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatterSmooth       :
                    case c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatterSmoothMarker :
                        if(!hor_axis_settings || hor_axis_settings.getAxisType() !== c_oAscAxisType.val)
                            new_hor_axis_settings = new asc_ValAxisSettings();
                        if(!vert_axis_settings || vert_axis_settings.getAxisType() !== c_oAscAxisType.val)
                            new_vert_axis_settings = new asc_ValAxisSettings();
                        if(nOldType === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarNormal || nOldType === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStacked || nOldType === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStackedPer){
                            var bTemp = this.showHorAxis;
                        else if(nOldType === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.pie || nOldType === c_oAscChartTypeSettings.doughnut){

            putShowHorAxis: function(v){
                this.showHorAxis = v;
            getShowHorAxis: function(){
                return this.showHorAxis;

            putShowVerAxis: function(v){
                this.showVerAxis = v;
            getShowVerAxis: function(){
                return this.showVerAxis;

        prot = asc_ChartSettings.prototype;
        prot["putStyle"]         = prot.putStyle;
        prot["putTitle"]         = prot.putTitle;
        prot["putRowCols"]       = prot.putRowCols;
        prot["putHorAxisLabel"]  = prot.putHorAxisLabel;
        prot["putVertAxisLabel"] = prot.putVertAxisLabel;
        prot["putLegendPos"]     = prot.putLegendPos;
        prot["putDataLabelsPos"] = prot.putDataLabelsPos;
        prot["putCatAx"]         = prot.putCatAx;
        prot["putValAx"]         = prot.putValAx;
        prot["getStyle"]         = prot.getStyle;
        prot["getTitle"]         = prot.getTitle;
        prot["getRowCols"]       = prot.getRowCols;
        prot["getHorAxisLabel"]  = prot.getHorAxisLabel;
        prot["getVertAxisLabel"] = prot.getVertAxisLabel;
        prot["getLegendPos"]     = prot.getLegendPos;
        prot["getDataLabelsPos"] = prot.getDataLabelsPos;
        prot["getHorAx"]         = prot.getHorAx;
        prot["getVertAx"]        = prot.getVertAx;
        prot["getHorGridLines"]  = prot.getHorGridLines;
        prot["putHorGridLines"]  = prot.putHorGridLines;
        prot["getVertGridLines"] = prot.getVertGridLines;
        prot["putVertGridLines"] = prot.putVertGridLines;
        prot["getType"]          = prot.getType;
        prot["putType"]          = prot.putType;
        prot["putShowSerName"]   = prot.putShowSerName;
        prot["getShowSerName"]   = prot.getShowSerName;
        prot["putShowCatName"]   = prot.putShowCatName;
        prot["getShowCatName"]   = prot.getShowCatName;
        prot["putShowVal"]       = prot.putShowVal;
        prot["getShowVal"]       = prot.getShowVal;
        prot["putSeparator"]       = prot.putSeparator;
        prot["getSeparator"]       = prot.getSeparator;
        prot["putHorAxisProps"]       = prot.putHorAxisProps;
        prot["getHorAxisProps"]       = prot.getHorAxisProps;
        prot["putVertAxisProps"]       = prot.putVertAxisProps;
        prot["getVertAxisProps"]       = prot.getVertAxisProps;
        prot["putRange"]       = prot.putRange;
        prot["getRange"]       = prot.getRange;
        prot["putInColumns"]   = prot.putInColumns;
        prot["getInColumns"]   = prot.getInColumns;
        prot["putShowMarker"]   = prot.putShowMarker;
        prot["getShowMarker"]   = prot.getShowMarker;
        prot["putLine"]   = prot.putLine;
        prot["getLine"]   = prot.getLine;
        prot["putSmooth"]   = prot.putSmooth;
        prot["getSmooth"]   = prot.getSmooth;
        prot["changeType"]   = prot.changeType;
        prot["putShowHorAxis"]   = prot.putShowHorAxis;
        prot["getShowHorAxis"]   = prot.getShowHorAxis;

        prot["putShowVerAxis"]   = prot.putShowVerAxis;
        prot["getShowVerAxis"]   = prot.getShowVerAxis;

        window["asc_ChartSettings"] = asc_ChartSettings;

		/** @constructor */
        function asc_ValAxisSettings()
            this.minValRule       = null;
            this.minVal            = null;
            this.maxValRule       = null;
            this.maxVal            = null;
            this.invertValOrder   = null;
            this.logScale          = null;
            this.logBase          = null;

            this.dispUnitsRule    = null;
            this.units            = null;

            this.showUnitsOnChart = null;
            this.majorTickMark      = null;
            this.minorTickMark      = null;
            this.tickLabelsPos      = null;
            this.crossesRule        = null;
            this.crosses            = null;
            this.axisType           = c_oAscAxisType.val;
        asc_ValAxisSettings.prototype =

            putAxisType: function(v)
                this.axisType = v;

            putMinValRule: function(v)
                this.minValRule = v;
            putMinVal: function(v)
                this.minVal = v;
            putMaxValRule: function(v)
                this.maxValRule = v;
            putMaxVal: function(v)
                this.maxVal = v;
            putInvertValOrder: function(v)
                this.invertValOrder =  v;
            putLogScale: function(v)
                this.logScale =  v;
            putLogBase: function(v)
                this.logBase =  v;
            putUnits: function(v)
                this.units = v;
            putShowUnitsOnChart: function(v)
                this.showUnitsOnChart =  v;
            putMajorTickMark: function(v)
                this.majorTickMark =  v;
            putMinorTickMark: function(v)
                this.minorTickMark =  v;
            putTickLabelsPos: function(v)
                this.tickLabelsPos =  v;
            putCrossesRule: function(v)
                this.crossesRule =  v;
            putCrosses: function(v)
                this.crosses =  v;

            putDispUnitsRule: function(v)
                this.dispUnitsRule = v;

            getAxisType: function()
                return this.axisType;

            getDispUnitsRule: function()
                return this.dispUnitsRule;

            getMinValRule: function()
                return this.minValRule;
            getMinVal: function()
                return this.minVal;
            getMaxValRule: function()
                return this.maxValRule;
            getMaxVal: function()
                return this.maxVal;
            getInvertValOrder: function()
                return this.invertValOrder;
            getLogScale: function()
                return this.logScale;
            getLogBase: function()
                return this.logBase;
            getUnits: function()
                return this.units;
            getShowUnitsOnChart: function()
                return this.showUnitsOnChart;
            getMajorTickMark: function()
                return this.majorTickMark;
            getMinorTickMark: function()
                return this.minorTickMark;
            getTickLabelsPos: function()
                return this.tickLabelsPos;
            getCrossesRule: function()
                return this.crossesRule;
            getCrosses: function()
                return this.crosses;
            setDefault: function()

        prot = asc_ValAxisSettings.prototype;
        prot["putMinValRule"]       = prot.putMinValRule       ;
        prot["putMinVal"]           = prot.putMinVal           ;
        prot["putMaxValRule"]       = prot.putMaxValRule       ;
        prot["putMaxVal"]           = prot.putMaxVal           ;
        prot["putInvertValOrder"]   = prot.putInvertValOrder   ;
        prot["putLogScale"]         = prot.putLogScale         ;
        prot["putLogBase"]          = prot.putLogBase          ;
        prot["putUnits"]            = prot.putUnits            ;
        prot["putShowUnitsOnChart"] = prot.putShowUnitsOnChart ;
        prot["putMajorTickMark"]    = prot.putMajorTickMark    ;
        prot["putMinorTickMark"]    = prot.putMinorTickMark    ;
        prot["putTickLabelsPos"]    = prot.putTickLabelsPos    ;
        prot["putCrossesRule"]      = prot.putCrossesRule      ;
        prot["putCrosses"]          = prot.putCrosses          ;

         prot["putDispUnitsRule"]          = prot.putDispUnitsRule;
         prot["getDispUnitsRule"]          = prot.getDispUnitsRule;

        prot["putAxisType"]         = prot.putAxisType;
        prot["getAxisType"]         = prot.getAxisType;
        prot["getMinValRule"]       = prot.getMinValRule       ;
        prot["getMinVal"]           = prot.getMinVal           ;
        prot["getMaxValRule"]       = prot.getMaxValRule       ;
        prot["getMaxVal"]           = prot.getMaxVal           ;
        prot["getInvertValOrder"]   = prot.getInvertValOrder   ;
        prot["getLogScale"]         = prot.getLogScale         ;
        prot["getLogBase"]          = prot.getLogBase          ;
        prot["getUnits"]            = prot.getUnits            ;
        prot["getShowUnitsOnChart"] = prot.getShowUnitsOnChart ;
        prot["getMajorTickMark"]    = prot.getMajorTickMark    ;
        prot["getMinorTickMark"]    = prot.getMinorTickMark    ;
        prot["getTickLabelsPos"]    = prot.getTickLabelsPos    ;
        prot["getCrossesRule"]      = prot.getCrossesRule      ;
        prot["getCrosses"]          = prot.getCrosses          ;
        prot["setDefault"]          = prot.setDefault          ;

    window["asc_ValAxisSettings"] = asc_ValAxisSettings;

	/** @constructor */
    function asc_CatAxisSettings()
        this.intervalBetweenTick       = null;
        this.intervalBetweenLabelsRule = null;
        this.intervalBetweenLabels     = null;
        this.invertCatOrder            = null;
        this.labelsAxisDistance        = null;
        this.majorTickMark             = null;
        this.minorTickMark             = null;
        this.tickLabelsPos             = null;
        this.crossesRule               = null;
        this.crosses                   = null;
        this.labelsPosition            = null;
        this.axisType                  = c_oAscAxisType.cat;
        this.crossMinVal               = null;
        this.crossMaxVal               = null;

    asc_CatAxisSettings.prototype =

        putIntervalBetweenTick: function(v)
            this.intervalBetweenTick = v;
        putIntervalBetweenLabelsRule: function(v)
            this.intervalBetweenLabelsRule = v;
        putIntervalBetweenLabels: function(v)
            this.intervalBetweenLabels = v;
        putInvertCatOrder: function(v)
            this.invertCatOrder = v;
        putLabelsAxisDistance: function(v)
            this.labelsAxisDistance = v;
        putMajorTickMark: function(v)
            this.majorTickMark = v;
        putMinorTickMark: function(v)
            this.minorTickMark = v;
        putTickLabelsPos: function(v)
            this.tickLabelsPos = v;
        putCrossesRule: function(v)
            this.crossesRule = v;
        putCrosses: function(v)
            this.crosses = v;

        putAxisType: function(v)
            this.axisType = v;

        putLabelsPosition: function(v)
            this.labelsPosition = v;

        getIntervalBetweenTick: function(v)
            return this.intervalBetweenTick;

        getIntervalBetweenLabelsRule: function()
            return this.intervalBetweenLabelsRule ;
        getIntervalBetweenLabels: function()
            return this.intervalBetweenLabels ;
        getInvertCatOrder: function()
            return this.invertCatOrder ;
        getLabelsAxisDistance: function()
            return this.labelsAxisDistance ;
        getMajorTickMark: function()
            return this.majorTickMark ;
        getMinorTickMark: function()
            return this.minorTickMark ;
        getTickLabelsPos: function()
            return this.tickLabelsPos;
        getCrossesRule: function()
            return this.crossesRule ;
        getCrosses: function()
            return this.crosses;

        getAxisType: function()
            return this.axisType;

        getLabelsPosition: function()
            return this.labelsPosition;

        getCrossMinVal: function()
            return this.crossMinVal;

        getCrossMaxVal: function()
            return this.crossMaxVal;

        putCrossMinVal: function(val)
            this.crossMinVal = val;

        putCrossMaxVal: function(val)
            this.crossMaxVal = val;

        setDefault: function()

    prot = asc_CatAxisSettings.prototype;
    prot["putIntervalBetweenTick"] = prot.putIntervalBetweenTick;
    prot["putIntervalBetweenLabelsRule"] = prot.putIntervalBetweenLabelsRule;
    prot["putIntervalBetweenLabels"] = prot.putIntervalBetweenLabels        ;
    prot["putInvertCatOrder"] = prot.putInvertCatOrder                      ;
    prot["putLabelsAxisDistance"] = prot.putLabelsAxisDistance              ;
    prot["putMajorTickMark"] = prot.putMajorTickMark                        ;
    prot["putMinorTickMark"] = prot.putMinorTickMark                        ;
    prot["putTickLabelsPos"] = prot.putTickLabelsPos;
    prot["putCrossesRule"] = prot.putCrossesRule;
    prot["putCrosses"] = prot.putCrosses;
    prot["putAxisType"] = prot.putAxisType;
    prot["putLabelsPosition"] = prot.putLabelsPosition;
    prot["putCrossMaxVal"] = prot.putCrossMaxVal;
    prot["putCrossMinVal"] = prot.putCrossMinVal;

    prot["getIntervalBetweenTick"] = prot.getIntervalBetweenTick;
    prot["getIntervalBetweenLabelsRule"] = prot.getIntervalBetweenLabelsRule;
    prot["getIntervalBetweenLabels"] = prot.getIntervalBetweenLabels        ;
    prot["getInvertCatOrder"] = prot.getInvertCatOrder                      ;
    prot["getLabelsAxisDistance"] = prot.getLabelsAxisDistance              ;
    prot["getMajorTickMark"] = prot.getMajorTickMark                        ;
    prot["getMinorTickMark"] = prot.getMinorTickMark                        ;
    prot["getTickLabelsPos"] = prot.getTickLabelsPos                        ;
    prot["getCrossesRule"] = prot.getCrossesRule                            ;
    prot["getCrosses"]     = prot.getCrosses                   ;
    prot["getAxisType"]     = prot.getAxisType                   ;
    prot["getLabelsPosition"] = prot.getLabelsPosition;
    prot["getCrossMaxVal"] = prot.getCrossMaxVal;
    prot["getCrossMinVal"] = prot.getCrossMinVal;
    prot["setDefault"] = prot.setDefault;

    window["asc_CatAxisSettings"] = asc_CatAxisSettings;

	/** @constructor */
	function asc_CRect (x, y, width, height) {
		// private members
		this._x = x;
		this._y = y;
		this._width = width;
		this._height = height;

	asc_CRect.prototype = {
		asc_getX:		function () { return this._x; },
		asc_getY:		function () { return this._y; },
		asc_getWidth:	function () { return this._width; },
		asc_getHeight:	function () { return this._height; }

	window["asc_CRect"] = asc_CRect;
	prot = asc_CRect.prototype;

	prot["asc_getX"]			= prot.asc_getX;
	prot["asc_getY"]			= prot.asc_getY;
	prot["asc_getWidth"]		= prot.asc_getWidth;
	prot["asc_getHeight"]		= prot.asc_getHeight;

    function asc_CTextBorder (obj)
        if (obj)
            if(obj.Color instanceof asc_CColor)
                this.Color = obj.Color;
                this.Color = (undefined != obj.Color && null != obj.Color) ? CreateAscColorCustom(obj.Color.r, obj.Color.g, obj.Color.b) : null;
            this.Size = (undefined != obj.Size) ? obj.Size : null;
            this.Value = (undefined != obj.Value) ? obj.Value : null;
            this.Space = (undefined != obj.Space) ? obj.Space : null;
            this.Color = CreateAscColorCustom(0,0,0);
            this.Size  = 0.5 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
            this.Value = border_Single;
            this.Space = 0;
    asc_CTextBorder.prototype.asc_getColor = function(){return this.Color; };
    asc_CTextBorder.prototype.asc_putColor = function(v){this.Color = v;};
    asc_CTextBorder.prototype.asc_getSize = function(){return this.Size; };
    asc_CTextBorder.prototype.asc_putSize = function(v){this.Size = v;};
    asc_CTextBorder.prototype.asc_getValue = function(){return this.Value; };
    asc_CTextBorder.prototype.asc_putValue = function(v){this.Value = v;};
    asc_CTextBorder.prototype.asc_getSpace = function(){return this.Space; };
    asc_CTextBorder.prototype.asc_putSpace = function(v){this.Space = v;};
    asc_CTextBorder.prototype.asc_getForSelectedCells = function(){return this.ForSelectedCells; };
    asc_CTextBorder.prototype.asc_putForSelectedCells = function(v){this.ForSelectedCells = v;};

    prot = asc_CTextBorder.prototype;
    prot["get_Color"] = prot["asc_getColor"] = prot.asc_getColor;
    prot["put_Color"] = prot["asc_putColor"] = prot.asc_putColor;
    prot["get_Size"] = prot["asc_getSize"] = prot.asc_getSize;
    prot["put_Size"] = prot["asc_putSize"] = prot.asc_putSize;
    prot["get_Value"] = prot["asc_getValue"] = prot.asc_getValue;
    prot["put_Value"] = prot["asc_putValue"] = prot.asc_putValue;
    prot["get_Space"] = prot["asc_getSpace"] = prot.asc_getSpace;
    prot["put_Space"] = prot["asc_putSpace"] = prot.asc_putSpace;
    prot["get_ForSelectedCells"] = prot["asc_getForSelectedCells"] = prot.asc_getForSelectedCells;
    prot["put_ForSelectedCells"] = prot["asc_putForSelectedCells"] = prot.asc_putForSelectedCells;
    window["CBorder"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CTextBorder"] = window["asc_CTextBorder"] = asc_CTextBorder;

    function asc_CListType(obj) {

        if (obj) {
            this.Type = (undefined == obj.Type) ? null : obj.Type;
            this.SubType = (undefined == obj.Type) ? null : obj.SubType;
        else {
            this.Type = null;
            this.SubType = null;
    asc_CListType.prototype.asc_getListType = function() { return this.Type; };
    asc_CListType.prototype.asc_getListSubType = function() { return this.SubType; };
    window["CListType"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CListType"] = window["asc_CListType"] = asc_CListType;
    prot = asc_CListType.prototype;
    prot["get_ListType"] = prot["asc_getListType"] = prot.asc_getListType;
    prot["get_ListSubType"] = prot["asc_getListSubType"] = prot.asc_getListSubType;

    function asc_CParagraphBorders(obj) {

        if (obj) {
            this.Left = (undefined != obj.Left && null != obj.Left) ? new asc_CTextBorder (obj.Left) : null;
            this.Top = (undefined != obj.Top && null != obj.Top) ? new asc_CTextBorder (obj.Top) : null;
            this.Right = (undefined != obj.Right && null != obj.Right) ? new asc_CTextBorder (obj.Right) : null;
            this.Bottom = (undefined != obj.Bottom && null != obj.Bottom) ? new asc_CTextBorder (obj.Bottom) : null;
            this.Between = (undefined != obj.Between && null != obj.Between) ? new asc_CTextBorder (obj.Between) : null;
        else {
            this.Left = null;
            this.Top = null;
            this.Right = null;
            this.Bottom = null;
            this.Between = null;

    asc_CParagraphBorders.prototype = {
        asc_getLeft: function(){return this.Left; },
        asc_putLeft: function(v){this.Left = (v) ? new asc_CTextBorder (v) : null;},
        asc_getTop: function(){return this.Top; },
        asc_putTop: function(v){this.Top = (v) ? new asc_CTextBorder (v) : null;},
        asc_getRight: function(){return this.Right; },
        asc_putRight: function(v){this.Right = (v) ? new asc_CTextBorder (v) : null;},
        asc_getBottom: function(){return this.Bottom; },
        asc_putBottom: function(v){this.Bottom = (v) ? new asc_CTextBorder (v) : null;},
        asc_getBetween: function(){return this.Between; },
        asc_putBetween: function(v){this.Between = (v) ? new asc_CTextBorder (v) : null;}

    window["CParagraphBorders"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CParagraphBorders"] = window["asc_CParagraphBorders"] = asc_CParagraphBorders;
    prot = asc_CParagraphBorders.prototype;
    prot["get_Left"] = prot["asc_getLeft"] = prot.asc_getLeft;
    prot["put_Left"] = prot["asc_putLeft"] = prot.asc_putLeft;
    prot["get_Top"] = prot["asc_getTop"] = prot.asc_getTop;
    prot["put_Top"] = prot["asc_putTop"] = prot.asc_putTop;
    prot["get_Right"] = prot["asc_getRight"] = prot.asc_getRight;
    prot["put_Right"] = prot["asc_putRight"] = prot.asc_putRight;
    prot["get_Bottom"] = prot["asc_getBottom"] = prot.asc_getBottom;
    prot["put_Bottom"] = prot["asc_putBottom"] = prot.asc_putBottom;
    prot["get_Between"] = prot["asc_getBetween"] = prot.asc_getBetween;
    prot["put_Between"] = prot["asc_putBetween"] = prot.asc_putBetween;

    function asc_CTextFontFamily(obj) {

        if (obj) {
            this.Name = (undefined != obj.Name) ? obj.Name : null; 		// "Times New Roman"
            this.Index = (undefined != obj.Index) ? obj.Index : null;	// -1
        else {
            this.Name = "Times New Roman";
            this.Index = -1;

    asc_CTextFontFamily.prototype = {
        asc_getName: function () { return this.Name; },
        asc_getIndex: function () { return this.Index; }

    window["CTextFontFamily"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CTextFontFamily"] = window["asc_CTextFontFamily"] = asc_CTextFontFamily;
    prot = asc_CTextFontFamily.prototype;
    prot["get_Name"] = prot["asc_getName"] = prot.asc_getName;
    prot["get_Index"] = prot["asc_getIndex"] = prot.asc_getIndex;

    // CParagraphTab
    /** @constructor */
    function asc_CParagraphTab(Pos, Value) {
        this.Pos   = Pos;
        this.Value = Value;

    asc_CParagraphTab.prototype = {
        asc_getValue: function (){ return this.Value; },
        asc_putValue: function (v){ this.Value = v; },
        asc_getPos: function (){ return this.Pos; },
        asc_putPos: function (v){ this.Pos = v; }

    window["CParagraphTab"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CParagraphTab"] = window["asc_CParagraphTab"] = asc_CParagraphTab;
    prot = asc_CParagraphTab.prototype;

    prot["get_Value"] = prot["asc_getValue"] = prot.asc_getValue;
    prot["put_Value"] = prot["asc_putValue"] = prot.asc_putValue;
    prot["get_Pos"] = prot["asc_getPos"] = prot.asc_getPos;
    prot["put_Pos"] = prot["asc_putPos"] = prot.asc_putPos;

// CParagraphTabs
    /** @constructor */
    function asc_CParagraphTabs(obj) {
        this.Tabs = [];

        if ( undefined != obj ) {
            var Count = obj.Tabs.length;
            for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++)
                this.Tabs.push( new asc_CParagraphTab(obj.Tabs[Index].Pos, obj.Tabs[Index].Value) );

    asc_CParagraphTabs.prototype = {
        asc_getCount: function (){ return this.Tabs.length; },
        asc_getTab: function (Index){ return this.Tabs[Index]; },
        asc_addTab: function (Tab){ this.Tabs.push(Tab) },
        asc_clear: function (){ this.Tabs.length = 0; }

    window["CParagraphTabs"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CParagraphTabs"] = window["asc_CParagraphTabs"] = asc_CParagraphTabs;
    prot = asc_CParagraphTabs.prototype;

    prot["get_Count"] = prot["asc_getCount"] = prot.asc_getCount;
    prot["get_Tab"] = prot["asc_getTab"] = prot.asc_getTab;
    prot["add_Tab"] = prot["asc_addTab"] = prot.asc_addTab;
    prot["clear"] = prot.clear = prot["asc_clear"] = prot.asc_clear;

    /** @constructor */
    function asc_CParagraphShd(obj) {

        if (obj) {
            this.Value = (undefined != obj.Value) ? obj.Value : null;
            if(obj.Unifill && obj.Unifill.fill && obj.Unifill.fill.type === FILL_TYPE_SOLID && obj.Unifill.fill.color)
                this.Color = CreateAscColor(obj.Unifill.fill.color);
                this.Color = (undefined != obj.Color && null != obj.Color) ? CreateAscColorCustom( obj.Color.r, obj.Color.g, obj.Color.b ) : null;
        else {
            this.Value = shd_Nil;
            this.Color = CreateAscColorCustom(255, 255, 255);

    asc_CParagraphShd.prototype = {
        asc_getValue: function (){ return this.Value; },
        asc_putValue: function (v){ this.Value = v; },
        asc_getColor: function (){ return this.Color; },
        asc_putColor: function (v){ this.Color = (v) ? v : null; }

//{ asc_CParagraphShd export
    window["CParagraphShd"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CParagraphShd"] = window["asc_CParagraphShd"] = asc_CParagraphShd;
    prot = asc_CParagraphShd.prototype;

    prot["get_Value"] = prot["asc_getValue"] = prot.asc_getValue;
    prot["put_Value"] = prot["asc_putValue"] = prot.asc_putValue;
    prot["get_Color"] = prot["asc_getColor"] = prot.asc_getColor;
    prot["put_Color"] = prot["asc_putColor"] = prot.asc_putColor;

    function asc_CParagraphFrame(obj)
        if ( obj )
            this.FromDropCapMenu = false;

            this.DropCap = ( dropcap_None === obj.DropCap ? c_oAscDropCap.None : ( dropcap_Drop === obj.DropCap ? c_oAscDropCap.Drop : ( dropcap_Margin === obj.DropCap ? c_oAscDropCap.Margin : undefined ) ) );
            this.H       = obj.H;
            this.HAnchor = obj.HAnchor;
            this.HRule   = ( heightrule_AtLeast ===  obj.HRule ? linerule_AtLeast : ( heightrule_Auto === obj.HRule  ? linerule_Auto : ( heightrule_Exact === obj.HRule ? linerule_Exact : undefined ) ) );
            this.HSpace  = obj.HSpace;
            this.Lines   = obj.Lines;
            this.VAnchor = obj.VAnchor;
            this.VSpace  = obj.VSpace;
            this.W       = obj.W;
            this.Wrap    = obj.Wrap;
            this.X       = obj.X;
            this.XAlign  = obj.XAlign;
            this.Y       = obj.Y;
            this.YAlign  = obj.YAlign;
            this.Brd     = (undefined != obj.Brd     && null != obj.Brd) ? new asc_CParagraphBorders(obj.Brd) : null;
            this.Shd     = (undefined != obj.Shd     && null != obj.Shd)     ? new asc_CParagraphShd(obj.Shd) : null;
            this.FontFamily = (undefined != obj.FontFamily && null != obj.FontFamily) ? new asc_CTextFontFamily (obj.FontFamily) : null;
            this.FromDropCapMenu = false;

            this.DropCap = undefined;
            this.H       = undefined;
            this.HAnchor = undefined;
            this.HRule   = undefined;
            this.HSpace  = undefined;
            this.Lines   = undefined;
            this.VAnchor = undefined;
            this.VSpace  = undefined;
            this.W       = undefined;
            this.Wrap    = undefined;
            this.X       = undefined;
            this.XAlign  = undefined;
            this.Y       = undefined;
            this.YAlign  = undefined;
            this.Shd     = null;
            this.Brd     = null;
            this.FontFamily = null;
    prot = asc_CParagraphFrame.prototype;
    prot.asc_getDropCap = function () { return this.DropCap; };
    prot.asc_putDropCap = function (v) { this.DropCap = v; };
    prot.asc_getH = function () { return this.H; };
    prot.asc_putH = function (v) { this.H = v; };
    prot.asc_getHAnchor = function () { return this.HAnchor; };
    prot.asc_putHAnchor = function (v) { this.HAnchor = v; };
    prot.asc_getHRule = function () { return this.HRule; };
    prot.asc_putHRule = function (v) { this.HRule = v; };
    prot.asc_getHSpace = function () { return this.HSpace; };
    prot.asc_putHSpace = function (v) { this.HSpace = v; };
    prot.asc_getLines = function () { return this.Lines; };
    prot.asc_putLines = function (v) { this.Lines = v; };
    prot.asc_getVAnchor = function () { return this.VAnchor; };
    prot.asc_putVAnchor = function (v) { this.VAnchor = v; };
    prot.asc_getVSpace = function () { return this.VSpace; };
    prot.asc_putVSpace = function (v) { this.VSpace = v; };
    prot.asc_getW = function () { return this.W; };
    prot.asc_putW = function (v) { this.W = v; };
    prot.asc_getWrap = function () { return this.Wrap; };
    prot.asc_putWrap = function (v) { this.Wrap = v; };
    prot.asc_getX = function () { return this.X; };
    prot.asc_putX = function (v) { this.X = v; };
    prot.asc_getXAlign = function () { return this.XAlign; };
    prot.asc_putXAlign = function (v) { this.XAlign = v; };
    prot.asc_getY = function () { return this.Y; };
    prot.asc_putY = function (v) { this.Y = v; };
    prot.asc_getYAlign = function () { return this.YAlign; };
    prot.asc_putYAlign = function (v) { this.YAlign = v; };
    prot.asc_getBorders = function () { return this.Brd; };
    prot.asc_putBorders = function (v) { this.Brd = v; };
    prot.asc_getShade = function () { return this.Shd; };
    prot.asc_putShade = function (v) { this.Shd = v; };
    prot.asc_getFontFamily = function () { return this.FontFamily; };
    prot.asc_putFontFamily = function (v) { this.FontFamily = v; };
    prot.asc_putFromDropCapMenu = function (v) { this.FromDropCapMenu = v; };

    prot["asc_getDropCap"]         = prot["get_DropCap"]         = prot.asc_getDropCap;
    prot["asc_putDropCap"]         = prot["put_DropCap"]         = prot.asc_putDropCap;
    prot["asc_getH"]               = prot["get_H"]               = prot.asc_getH;
    prot["asc_putH"]               = prot["put_H"]               = prot.asc_putH;
    prot["asc_getHAnchor"]         = prot["get_HAnchor"]         = prot.asc_getHAnchor;
    prot["asc_putHAnchor"]         = prot["put_HAnchor"]         = prot.asc_putHAnchor;
    prot["asc_getHRule"]           = prot["get_HRule"]           = prot.asc_getHRule;
    prot["asc_putHRule"]           = prot["put_HRule"]           = prot.asc_putHRule;
    prot["asc_getHSpace"]          = prot["get_HSpace"]          = prot.asc_getHSpace;
    prot["asc_putHSpace"]          = prot["put_HSpace"]          = prot.asc_putHSpace;
    prot["asc_getLines"]           = prot["get_Lines"]           = prot.asc_getLines;
    prot["asc_putLines"]           = prot["put_Lines"]           = prot.asc_putLines;
    prot["asc_getVAnchor"]         = prot["get_VAnchor"]         = prot.asc_getVAnchor;
    prot["asc_putVAnchor"]         = prot["put_VAnchor"]         = prot.asc_putVAnchor;
    prot["asc_getVSpace"]          = prot["get_VSpace"]          = prot.asc_getVSpace;
    prot["asc_putVSpace"]          = prot["put_VSpace"]          = prot.asc_putVSpace;
    prot["asc_getW"]               = prot["get_W"]               = prot.asc_getW;
    prot["asc_putW"]               = prot["put_W"]               = prot.asc_putW;
    prot["asc_getWrap"]            = prot["get_Wrap"]            = prot.asc_getWrap;
    prot["asc_putWrap"]            = prot["put_Wrap"]            = prot.asc_putWrap;
    prot["asc_getX"]               = prot["get_X"]               = prot.asc_getX;
    prot["asc_putX"]               = prot["put_X"]               = prot.asc_putX;
    prot["asc_getXAlign"]          = prot["get_XAlign"]          = prot.asc_getXAlign;
    prot["asc_putXAlign"]          = prot["put_XAlign"]          = prot.asc_putXAlign;
    prot["asc_getY"]               = prot["get_Y"]               = prot.asc_getY;
    prot["asc_putY"]               = prot["put_Y"]               = prot.asc_putY;
    prot["asc_getYAlign"]          = prot["get_YAlign"]          = prot.asc_getYAlign;
    prot["asc_putYAlign"]          = prot["put_YAlign"]          = prot.asc_putYAlign;
    prot["asc_getBorders"]         = prot["get_Borders"]         = prot.asc_getBorders;
    prot["asc_putBorders"]         = prot["put_Borders"]         = prot.asc_putBorders;
    prot["asc_getShade"]           = prot["get_Shade"]           = prot.asc_getShade;
    prot["asc_putShade"]           = prot["put_Shade"]           = prot.asc_putShade;
    prot["asc_getFontFamily"]      = prot["get_FontFamily"]      = prot.asc_getFontFamily;
    prot["asc_putFontFamily"]      = prot["put_FontFamily"]      = prot.asc_putFontFamily;
    prot["asc_putFromDropCapMenu"] = prot["put_FromDropCapMenu"] = prot.asc_putFromDropCapMenu;

    window["CParagraphFrame"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CParagraphFrame"] = window["asc_CParagraphFrame"] = asc_CParagraphFrame;

    /** @constructor */
    function asc_CParagraphSpacing(obj) {

        if (obj) {
            this.Line     = (undefined != obj.Line    ) ? obj.Line     : null; // Расстояние между строками внутри абзаца
            this.LineRule = (undefined != obj.LineRule) ? obj.LineRule : null; // Тип расстрояния между строками
            this.Before   = (undefined != obj.Before  ) ? obj.Before   : null; // Дополнительное расстояние до абзаца
            this.After    = (undefined != obj.After   ) ? obj.After    : null; // Дополнительное расстояние после абзаца
        else {
            this.Line     = undefined; // Расстояние между строками внутри абзаца
            this.LineRule = undefined; // Тип расстрояния между строками
            this.Before   = undefined; // Дополнительное расстояние до абзаца
            this.After    = undefined; // Дополнительное расстояние после абзаца

    asc_CParagraphSpacing.prototype = {
        asc_getLine: function () { return this.Line; },
        asc_getLineRule: function () { return this.LineRule; },
        asc_getBefore: function () { return this.Before; },
        asc_getAfter: function () { return this.After; }

//{ asc_CParagraphSpacing export
    window["CParagraphSpacing"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CParagraphSpacing"] = window["asc_CParagraphSpacing"] = asc_CParagraphSpacing;
    prot = asc_CParagraphSpacing.prototype;
    prot["get_Line"] = prot["asc_getLine"] = prot.asc_getLine;
    prot["get_LineRule"] = prot["asc_getLineRule"] = prot.asc_getLineRule;
    prot["get_Before"] = prot["asc_getBefore"] = prot.asc_getBefore;
    prot["get_After"] = prot["asc_getAfter"] = prot.asc_getAfter;
// CParagraphInd
    /** @constructor */
    function asc_CParagraphInd(obj) {
        if (obj) {
            this.Left      = (undefined != obj.Left     ) ? obj.Left      : null; // Левый отступ
            this.Right     = (undefined != obj.Right    ) ? obj.Right     : null; // Правый отступ
            this.FirstLine = (undefined != obj.FirstLine) ? obj.FirstLine : null; // Первая строка
        else {
            this.Left      = undefined; // Левый отступ
            this.Right     = undefined; // Правый отступ
            this.FirstLine = undefined; // Первая строка

    asc_CParagraphInd.prototype = {
        asc_getLeft: function () { return this.Left; },
        asc_putLeft: function (v) { this.Left = v; },
        asc_getRight: function () { return this.Right; },
        asc_putRight: function (v) { this.Right = v; },
        asc_getFirstLine: function () { return this.FirstLine; },
        asc_putFirstLine: function (v) { this.FirstLine = v; }

//{ asc_CParagraphInd export
    window["CParagraphInd"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CParagraphInd"] = window["asc_CParagraphInd"] = asc_CParagraphInd;
    prot = asc_CParagraphInd.prototype;
    prot["get_Left"] = prot["asc_getLeft"] = prot.asc_getLeft;
    prot["put_Left"] = prot["asc_putLeft"] = prot.asc_putLeft;
    prot["get_Right"] = prot["asc_getRight"] = prot.asc_getRight;
    prot["put_Right"] = prot["asc_putRight"] = prot.asc_putRight;
    prot["get_FirstLine"] = prot["asc_getFirstLine"] = prot.asc_getFirstLine;
    prot["put_FirstLine"] = prot["asc_putFirstLine"] = prot.asc_putFirstLine;
// CParagraphProperty
    /** @constructor */
    function asc_CParagraphProperty(obj) {

        if (obj) {
            this.ContextualSpacing = (undefined != obj.ContextualSpacing)              ? obj.ContextualSpacing : null;
            this.Ind               = (undefined != obj.Ind     && null != obj.Ind)     ? new asc_CParagraphInd (obj.Ind) : null;
            this.KeepLines         = (undefined != obj.KeepLines)                      ? obj.KeepLines : null;
            this.KeepNext          = (undefined != obj.KeepNext)                       ? obj.KeepNext  : undefined;
            this.WidowControl      = (undefined != obj.WidowControl                    ? obj.WidowControl : undefined );
            this.PageBreakBefore   = (undefined != obj.PageBreakBefore)                ? obj.PageBreakBefore : null;
            this.Spacing           = (undefined != obj.Spacing && null != obj.Spacing) ? new asc_CParagraphSpacing (obj.Spacing) : null;
            this.Brd               = (undefined != obj.Brd     && null != obj.Brd)     ? new asc_CParagraphBorders (obj.Brd) : null;
            this.Shd               = (undefined != obj.Shd     && null != obj.Shd)     ? new asc_CParagraphShd (obj.Shd) : null;
            this.Tabs              = (undefined != obj.Tabs)                           ? new asc_CParagraphTabs(obj.Tabs) : undefined;
            this.DefaultTab        = Default_Tab_Stop;
            this.Locked            = (undefined != obj.Locked  && null != obj.Locked ) ? obj.Locked : false;
            this.CanAddTable       = (undefined != obj.CanAddTable )                   ? obj.CanAddTable : true;

            this.FramePr           = (undefined != obj.FramePr )                       ? new asc_CParagraphFrame( obj.FramePr ) : undefined;
            this.CanAddDropCap     = (undefined != obj.CanAddDropCap )                 ? obj.CanAddDropCap : false;
            this.CanAddImage       = (undefined != obj.CanAddImage )                   ? obj.CanAddImage   : false;

            this.Subscript         = (undefined != obj.Subscript)                      ? obj.Subscript : undefined;
            this.Superscript       = (undefined != obj.Superscript)                    ? obj.Superscript : undefined;
            this.SmallCaps         = (undefined != obj.SmallCaps)                      ? obj.SmallCaps : undefined;
            this.AllCaps           = (undefined != obj.AllCaps)                        ? obj.AllCaps : undefined;
            this.Strikeout         = (undefined != obj.Strikeout)                      ? obj.Strikeout : undefined;
            this.DStrikeout        = (undefined != obj.DStrikeout)                     ? obj.DStrikeout : undefined;
            this.TextSpacing       = (undefined != obj.TextSpacing)                    ? obj.TextSpacing : undefined;
            this.Position          = (undefined != obj.Position)                       ? obj.Position : undefined;
        else {
            //ContextualSpacing : false,            // Удалять ли интервал между параграфами одинакового стиля
            //    Ind :
            //    {
            //        Left      : 0,                    // Левый отступ
            //        Right     : 0,                    // Правый отступ
            //        FirstLine : 0                     // Первая строка
            //    },
            //    Jc : align_Left,                      // Прилегание параграфа
            //    KeepLines : false,                    // переносить параграф на новую страницу,
            //                                          // если на текущей он целиком не убирается
            //    KeepNext  : false,                    // переносить параграф вместе со следующим параграфом
            //    PageBreakBefore : false,              // начинать параграф с новой страницы

            this.ContextualSpacing = undefined;
            this.Ind               = new asc_CParagraphInd();
            this.KeepLines         = undefined;
            this.KeepNext          = undefined;
            this.WidowControl      = undefined;
            this.PageBreakBefore   = undefined;
            this.Spacing           = new asc_CParagraphSpacing();
            this.Brd               = undefined;
            this.Shd               = undefined;
            this.Locked            = false;
            this.CanAddTable       = true;
            this.Tabs              = undefined;

            this.Subscript         = undefined;
            this.Superscript       = undefined;
            this.SmallCaps         = undefined;
            this.AllCaps           = undefined;
            this.Strikeout         = undefined;
            this.DStrikeout        = undefined;
            this.TextSpacing       = undefined;
            this.Position          = undefined;

    asc_CParagraphProperty.prototype = {

        asc_getContextualSpacing: function () { return this.ContextualSpacing; },
        asc_putContextualSpacing: function (v) { this.ContextualSpacing = v; },
        asc_getInd: function () { return this.Ind; },
        asc_putInd: function (v) { this.Ind = v; },
        asc_getKeepLines: function () { return this.KeepLines; },
        asc_putKeepLines: function (v) { this.KeepLines = v; },
        asc_getKeepNext: function () { return this.KeepNext; },
        asc_putKeepNext: function (v) { this.KeepNext = v; },
        asc_getPageBreakBefore: function (){ return this.PageBreakBefore; },
        asc_putPageBreakBefore: function (v){ this.PageBreakBefore = v; },
        asc_getWidowControl: function (){ return this.WidowControl; },
        asc_putWidowControl: function (v){ this.WidowControl = v; },
        asc_getSpacing: function () { return this.Spacing; },
        asc_putSpacing: function (v) { this.Spacing = v; },
        asc_getBorders: function () { return this.Brd; },
        asc_putBorders: function (v) { this.Brd = v; },
        asc_getShade: function () { return this.Shd; },
        asc_putShade: function (v) { this.Shd = v; },
        asc_getLocked: function() { return this.Locked; },
        asc_getCanAddTable: function() { return this.CanAddTable; },
        asc_getSubscript: function () { return this.Subscript; },
        asc_putSubscript: function (v) { this.Subscript = v; },
        asc_getSuperscript: function () { return this.Superscript; },
        asc_putSuperscript: function (v) { this.Superscript = v; },
        asc_getSmallCaps: function () { return this.SmallCaps; },
        asc_putSmallCaps: function (v) { this.SmallCaps = v; },
        asc_getAllCaps: function () { return this.AllCaps; },
        asc_putAllCaps: function (v) { this.AllCaps = v; },
        asc_getStrikeout: function () { return this.Strikeout; },
        asc_putStrikeout: function (v) { this.Strikeout = v; },
        asc_getDStrikeout: function () { return this.DStrikeout; },
        asc_putDStrikeout: function (v) { this.DStrikeout = v; },
        asc_getTextSpacing: function () { return this.TextSpacing; },
        asc_putTextSpacing: function (v) { this.TextSpacing = v; },
        asc_getPosition: function () { return this.Position; },
        asc_putPosition: function (v) { this.Position = v; },
        asc_getTabs: function () { return this.Tabs; },
        asc_putTabs: function (v) { this.Tabs = v; },
        asc_getDefaultTab: function () { return this.DefaultTab; },
        asc_putDefaultTab: function (v) { this.DefaultTab = v; },

        asc_getFramePr: function () { return this.FramePr; },
        asc_putFramePr: function (v) { this.FramePr = v; },
        asc_getCanAddDropCap: function() { return this.CanAddDropCap; },
        asc_getCanAddImage: function() { return this.CanAddImage; }

//{ asc_CParagraphProperty export
    window["CParagraphProp"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CParagraphProperty"] = window["asc_CParagraphProperty"] = asc_CParagraphProperty;
    prot = asc_CParagraphProperty.prototype;

    prot["get_ContextualSpacing"] = prot["asc_getContextualSpacing"] = prot.asc_getContextualSpacing;
    prot["put_ContextualSpacing"] = prot["asc_putContextualSpacing"] = prot.asc_putContextualSpacing;
    prot["get_Ind"] = prot["asc_getInd"] = prot.asc_getInd;
    prot["put_Ind"] = prot["asc_putInd"] = prot.asc_putInd;
    prot["get_KeepLines"] = prot["asc_getKeepLines"] = prot.asc_getKeepLines;
    prot["put_KeepLines"] = prot["asc_putKeepLines"] = prot.asc_putKeepLines;
    prot["get_KeepNext"] = prot["asc_getKeepNext"] = prot.asc_getKeepNext;
    prot["put_KeepNext"] = prot["asc_putKeepNext"] = prot.asc_putKeepNext;
    prot["get_PageBreakBefore"] = prot["asc_getPageBreakBefore"] = prot.asc_getPageBreakBefore;
    prot["put_PageBreakBefore"] = prot["asc_putPageBreakBefore"] = prot.asc_putPageBreakBefore;
    prot["get_WidowControl"] = prot["asc_getWidowControl"] = prot.asc_getWidowControl;
    prot["put_WidowControl"] = prot["asc_putWidowControl"] = prot.asc_putWidowControl;
    prot["get_Spacing"] = prot["asc_getSpacing"] = prot.asc_getSpacing;
    prot["put_Spacing"] = prot["asc_putSpacing"] = prot.asc_putSpacing;
    prot["get_Borders"] = prot["asc_getBorders"] = prot.asc_getBorders;
    prot["put_Borders"] = prot["asc_putBorders"] = prot.asc_putBorders;
    prot["get_Shade"] = prot["asc_getShade"] = prot.asc_getShade;
    prot["put_Shade"] = prot["asc_putShade"] = prot.asc_putShade;
    prot["get_Locked"] = prot["asc_getLocked"] = prot.asc_getLocked;
    prot["get_CanAddTable"] = prot["asc_getCanAddTable"] = prot.asc_getCanAddTable;
    prot["get_Subscript"] = prot["asc_getSubscript"] = prot.asc_getSubscript;
    prot["put_Subscript"] = prot["asc_putSubscript"] = prot.asc_putSubscript;
    prot["get_Superscript"] = prot["asc_getSuperscript"] = prot.asc_getSuperscript;
    prot["put_Superscript"] = prot["asc_putSuperscript"] = prot.asc_putSuperscript;
    prot["get_SmallCaps"] = prot["asc_getSmallCaps"] = prot.asc_getSmallCaps;
    prot["put_SmallCaps"] = prot["asc_putSmallCaps"] = prot.asc_putSmallCaps;
    prot["get_AllCaps"] = prot["asc_getAllCaps"] = prot.asc_getAllCaps;
    prot["put_AllCaps"] = prot["asc_putAllCaps"] = prot.asc_putAllCaps;
    prot["get_Strikeout"] = prot["asc_getStrikeout"] = prot.asc_getStrikeout;
    prot["put_Strikeout"] = prot["asc_putStrikeout"] = prot.asc_putStrikeout;
    prot["get_DStrikeout"] = prot["asc_getDStrikeout"] = prot.asc_getDStrikeout;
    prot["put_DStrikeout"] = prot["asc_putDStrikeout"] = prot.asc_putDStrikeout;
    prot["get_TextSpacing"] = prot["asc_getTextSpacing"] = prot.asc_getTextSpacing;
    prot["put_TextSpacing"] = prot["asc_putTextSpacing"] = prot.asc_putTextSpacing;
    prot["get_Position"] = prot["asc_getPosition"] = prot.asc_getPosition;
    prot["put_Position"] = prot["asc_putPosition"] = prot.asc_putPosition;
    prot["get_Tabs"] = prot["asc_getTabs"] = prot.asc_getTabs;
    prot["put_Tabs"] = prot["asc_putTabs"] = prot.asc_putTabs;
    prot["get_DefaultTab"] = prot["asc_getDefaultTab"] = prot.asc_getDefaultTab;
    prot["put_DefaultTab"] = prot["asc_putDefaultTab"] = prot.asc_putDefaultTab;
    prot["get_FramePr"] = prot["asc_getFramePr"] = prot.asc_getFramePr;
    prot["put_FramePr"] = prot["asc_putFramePr"] = prot.asc_putFramePr;
    prot["get_CanAddDropCap"] = prot["asc_getCanAddDropCap"] = prot.asc_getCanAddDropCap;
    prot["get_CanAddImage"] = prot["asc_getCanAddImage"] = prot.asc_getCanAddImage;

// CTexture
    /** @constructor */
    function asc_CTexture() {
        this.Id = 0;
        this.Image = "";

    asc_CTexture.prototype = {
        asc_getId: function() { return this.Id; },
        asc_getImage: function() { return this.Image; }

//{ asc_CTexture export
    window["CAscTexture"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CTexture"] = window["asc_CTexture"] = asc_CTexture;
    prot = asc_CTexture.prototype;
    prot["get_id"] = prot["asc_getId"] = prot.asc_getId;
    prot["get_image"] = prot["asc_getImage"] = prot.asc_getImage;

// CImageSize
    /** @constructor */
    function asc_CImageSize( width, height, isCorrect ) {
        this.Width = (undefined == width) ? 0.0 : width;
        this.Height = (undefined == height) ? 0.0 : height;
        this.IsCorrect = isCorrect;

    asc_CImageSize.prototype = {

        asc_getImageWidth: function() { return this.Width; },
        asc_getImageHeight: function() { return this.Height; },
        asc_getIsCorrect: function() { return this.IsCorrect; }

//{ asc_CImageSize export
    window["CImageSize"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CImageSize"] = window["asc_CImageSize"] = asc_CImageSize;
    prot = asc_CImageSize.prototype;

    prot["get_ImageWidth"] = prot["asc_getImageWidth"] = prot.asc_getImageWidth;
    prot["get_ImageHeight"] = prot["asc_getImageHeight"] = prot.asc_getImageHeight;
    prot["get_IsCorrect"] = prot["asc_getIsCorrect"] = prot.asc_getIsCorrect;

// CPaddings
    /** @constructor */
    function asc_CPaddings(obj) {

        if ( obj ) {
            this.Left = (undefined == obj.Left) ? null : obj.Left;
            this.Top = (undefined == obj.Top) ? null : obj.Top;
            this.Bottom = (undefined == obj.Bottom) ? null : obj.Bottom;
            this.Right = (undefined == obj.Right) ? null : obj.Right;
        else {
            this.Left = null;
            this.Top = null;
            this.Bottom = null;
            this.Right = null;

    asc_CPaddings.prototype = {
        asc_getLeft: function() { return this.Left; },
        asc_putLeft: function(v) { this.Left = v; },
        asc_getTop: function() { return this.Top; },
        asc_putTop: function(v) { this.Top = v; },
        asc_getBottom: function() { return this.Bottom; },
        asc_putBottom: function(v) { this.Bottom = v; },
        asc_getRight: function() { return this.Right; },
        asc_putRight: function(v) { this.Right = v; }
//{ asc_CPaddings export
    window["CPaddings"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CPaddings"] = window["asc_CPaddings"] = asc_CPaddings;
    prot = asc_CPaddings.prototype;

    prot["get_Left"] = prot["asc_getLeft"] = prot.asc_getLeft;
    prot["put_Left"] = prot["asc_putLeft"] = prot.asc_putLeft;
    prot["get_Top"] = prot["asc_getTop"] = prot.asc_getTop;
    prot["put_Top"] = prot["asc_putTop"] = prot.asc_putTop;
    prot["get_Bottom"] = prot["asc_getBottom"] = prot.asc_getBottom;
    prot["put_Bottom"] = prot["asc_putBottom"] = prot.asc_putBottom;
    prot["get_Right"] = prot["asc_getRight"] = prot.asc_getRight;
    prot["put_Right"] = prot["asc_putRight"] = prot.asc_putRight;

// CShapeProperty
    /** @constructor */
    function asc_CShapeProperty() {
        this.type = null; // custom
        this.fill = null;
        this.stroke = null;
        this.paddings = null;
        this.canFill = true;
        this.canChangeArrows = false;
        this.bFromChart = false;
        this.Locked = false;
        this.w = null;
        this.h = null;
        this.vert = null;
        this.verticalTextAlign = null;
        this.textArtProperties = null;

    asc_CShapeProperty.prototype = {

        asc_getType: function() { return this.type; },
        asc_putType: function(v) { this.type = v; },
        asc_getFill: function() { return this.fill; },
        asc_putFill: function(v) { this.fill = v; },
        asc_getStroke: function() { return this.stroke; },
        asc_putStroke: function(v) { this.stroke = v; },
        asc_getPaddings: function() { return this.paddings; },
        asc_putPaddings: function(v) { this.paddings = v; },
        asc_getCanFill: function() { return this.canFill; },
        asc_putCanFill: function(v) { this.canFill = v; },
        asc_getCanChangeArrows: function() { return this.canChangeArrows; },
        asc_setCanChangeArrows: function(v) { this.canChangeArrows = v; },
        asc_getFromChart: function() { return this.bFromChart; },
        asc_setFromChart: function(v) { this.bFromChart = v; },
        asc_getLocked: function() { return this.Locked; },
        asc_setLocked: function(v) { this.Locked = v; },

        asc_getWidth: function(){return this.w},
        asc_putWidth: function(v){this.w = v;},
        asc_getHeight: function(){return this.h},
        asc_putHeight: function(v){this.h = v;},
        asc_getVerticalTextAlign: function(){return this.verticalTextAlign},
        asc_putVerticalTextAlign: function(v){this.verticalTextAlign = v;},
        asc_getVert: function(){return this.vert},
        asc_putVert: function(v){this.vert = v;},
        asc_getTextArtProperties: function(){return this.textArtProperties},
        asc_putTextArtProperties: function(v){this.textArtProperties = v;}

//{ asc_CShapeProperty export
    window["CAscShapeProp"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CShapeProperty"] = window["asc_CShapeProperty"] = asc_CShapeProperty;
    prot = asc_CShapeProperty.prototype;

    prot["get_type"] = prot["asc_getType"] = prot.asc_getType;
    prot["put_type"] = prot["asc_putType"] = prot.asc_putType;
    prot["get_fill"] = prot["asc_getFill"] = prot.asc_getFill;
    prot["put_fill"] = prot["asc_putFill"] = prot.asc_putFill;
    prot["get_stroke"] = prot["asc_getStroke"] = prot.asc_getStroke;
    prot["put_stroke"] = prot["asc_putStroke"] = prot.asc_putStroke;
    prot["get_paddings"] = prot["asc_getPaddings"] = prot.asc_getPaddings;
    prot["put_paddings"] = prot["asc_putPaddings"] = prot.asc_putPaddings;
    prot["get_CanFill"] = prot["asc_getCanFill"] = prot.asc_getCanFill;
    prot["put_CanFill"] = prot["asc_putCanFill"] = prot.asc_putCanFill;
    prot["get_CanChangeArrows"] = prot["asc_getCanChangeArrows"] = prot.asc_getCanChangeArrows;
    prot["set_CanChangeArrows"] = prot["asc_setCanChangeArrows"] = prot.asc_setCanChangeArrows;
    prot["get_FromChart"] = prot["asc_getFromChart"] = prot.asc_getFromChart;
    prot["set_FromChart"] = prot["asc_setFromChart"] = prot.asc_setFromChart;
    prot["get_Locked"] = prot["asc_getLocked"] = prot.asc_getLocked;
    prot["set_Locked"] = prot["asc_setLocked"] = prot.asc_setLocked;
    prot["get_Width"] = prot["asc_getWidth"] = prot.asc_getWidth;
    prot["put_Width"] = prot["asc_putWidth"] = prot.asc_putWidth;
    prot["get_Height"] = prot["asc_getHeight"] = prot.asc_getHeight;
    prot["put_Height"] = prot["asc_putHeight"] = prot.asc_putHeight;
    prot["get_VerticalTextAlign"] = prot["asc_getVerticalTextAlign"] = prot.asc_getVerticalTextAlign;
    prot["put_VerticalTextAlign"] = prot["asc_putVerticalTextAlign"] = prot.asc_putVerticalTextAlign;
    prot["get_Vert"] = prot["asc_getVert"] = prot.asc_getVert;
    prot["put_Vert"] = prot["asc_putVert"] = prot.asc_putVert;
    prot["get_TextArtProperties"] = prot["asc_getTextArtProperties"] = prot.asc_getTextArtProperties;
    prot["put_TextArtProperties"] = prot["asc_putTextArtProperties"] = prot.asc_putTextArtProperties;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

    function asc_TextArtProperties(obj)
            this.Fill  = obj.Fill;//asc_Fill
            this.Line  = obj.Line;//asc_Stroke
            this.Form  = obj.Form;//srting
            this.Style = obj.Style;//
            this.Fill  = undefined;
            this.Line  = undefined;
            this.Form  = undefined;
            this.Style = undefined;

    asc_TextArtProperties.prototype["asc_putFill"] = asc_TextArtProperties.prototype.asc_putFill = function(oAscFill)
        this.Fill = oAscFill;
    asc_TextArtProperties.prototype["asc_getFill"] = asc_TextArtProperties.prototype.asc_getFill = function()
        return this.Fill;

    asc_TextArtProperties.prototype["asc_putLine"] = asc_TextArtProperties.prototype.asc_putLine = function(oAscStroke)
        this.Line = oAscStroke;
    asc_TextArtProperties.prototype["asc_getLine"] = asc_TextArtProperties.prototype.asc_getLine = function()
        return this.Line;

    asc_TextArtProperties.prototype["asc_putForm"] = asc_TextArtProperties.prototype.asc_putForm = function(sForm)
        this.Form = sForm;
    asc_TextArtProperties.prototype["asc_getForm"] = asc_TextArtProperties.prototype.asc_getForm = function()
        return this.Form;

    asc_TextArtProperties.prototype["asc_putStyle"] = asc_TextArtProperties.prototype.asc_putStyle = function(Style)
        this.Style = Style;
    asc_TextArtProperties.prototype["asc_getStyle"] = asc_TextArtProperties.prototype.asc_getStyle = function()
        return this.Style;
    window["asc_TextArtProperties"] = window["Asc"]["asc_TextArtProperties"] = window["asc_TextArtProperties"] = asc_TextArtProperties;

    function asc_TextArtTranslate()
        this.DefaultText = "Your text here";

    asc_TextArtTranslate.prototype["asc_setDefaultText"] = asc_TextArtTranslate.prototype.asc_setDefaultText = function(sText)
        this.DefaultText = sText;
    window["asc_TextArtTranslate"] = window["Asc"]["asc_TextArtTranslate"] = window["asc_TextArtTranslate"] = asc_TextArtTranslate;
    // CImgProperty
    /** @constructor */
    function asc_CImgProperty( obj ) {

        if( obj ) {
            this.CanBeFlow = (undefined != obj.CanBeFlow) ? obj.CanBeFlow : true;

            this.Width         = (undefined != obj.Width        ) ? obj.Width                          : undefined;
            this.Height        = (undefined != obj.Height       ) ? obj.Height                         : undefined;
            this.WrappingStyle = (undefined != obj.WrappingStyle) ? obj.WrappingStyle                  : undefined;
            this.Paddings      = (undefined != obj.Paddings     ) ? new asc_CPaddings (obj.Paddings)       : undefined;
            this.Position      = (undefined != obj.Position     ) ? new CPosition (obj.Position)       : undefined;
            this.AllowOverlap  = (undefined != obj.AllowOverlap ) ? obj.AllowOverlap                   : undefined;
            this.PositionH     = (undefined != obj.PositionH    ) ? new CImagePositionH(obj.PositionH) : undefined;
            this.PositionV     = (undefined != obj.PositionV    ) ? new CImagePositionV(obj.PositionV) : undefined;

            this.SizeRelH       = (undefined != obj.SizeRelH) ? new CImagePositionH(obj.SizeRelH) : undefined;
            this.SizeRelV       = (undefined != obj.SizeRelV) ? new CImagePositionV(obj.SizeRelV) : undefined;

            this.Internal_Position = (undefined != obj.Internal_Position) ? obj.Internal_Position : null;

            this.ImageUrl = (undefined != obj.ImageUrl) ? obj.ImageUrl : null;
            this.Locked   = (undefined != obj.Locked) ? obj.Locked : false;

            this.ChartProperties = (undefined != obj.ChartProperties) ? obj.ChartProperties : null;
            this.ShapeProperties = (undefined != obj.ShapeProperties) ? /*CreateAscShapePropFromProp*/(obj.ShapeProperties) : null;

            this.ChangeLevel = (undefined != obj.ChangeLevel) ? obj.ChangeLevel : null;
            this.Group = (obj.Group != undefined) ? obj.Group : null;

            this.fromGroup = obj.fromGroup != undefined ? obj.fromGroup : null;
            this.severalCharts = obj.severalCharts != undefined ? obj.severalCharts : false;
            this.severalChartTypes = obj.severalChartTypes != undefined ? obj.severalChartTypes : undefined;
            this.severalChartStyles = obj.severalChartStyles != undefined ? obj.severalChartStyles : undefined;
            this.verticalTextAlign = obj.verticalTextAlign != undefined ? obj.verticalTextAlign : undefined;
            this.vert = obj.vert != undefined ? obj.vert : undefined;
        else {
            this.CanBeFlow = true;
            this.Width         = undefined;
            this.Height        = undefined;
            this.WrappingStyle = undefined;
            this.Paddings      = undefined;
            this.Position      = undefined;
            this.PositionH     = undefined;
            this.PositionV     = undefined;

            this.SizeRelH       = undefined;
            this.SizeRelV       = undefined;

            this.Internal_Position = null;
            this.ImageUrl = null;
            this.Locked   = false;

            this.ChartProperties = null;
            this.ShapeProperties = null;
            this.ImageProperties = null;

            this.ChangeLevel = null;
            this.Group = null;
            this.fromGroup = null;
            this.severalCharts = false;
            this.severalChartTypes = undefined;
            this.severalChartStyles = undefined;
            this.verticalTextAlign = undefined;
            this.vert = undefined;

    asc_CImgProperty.prototype = {
        asc_getChangeLevel: function() { return this.ChangeLevel; },
        asc_putChangeLevel: function(v) { this.ChangeLevel = v; },

        asc_getCanBeFlow: function() { return this.CanBeFlow; },
        asc_getWidth: function() { return this.Width; },
        asc_putWidth: function(v) { this.Width = v; },
        asc_getHeight: function() { return this.Height; },
        asc_putHeight: function(v) { this.Height = v; },
        asc_getWrappingStyle: function() { return this.WrappingStyle; },
        asc_putWrappingStyle: function(v) { this.WrappingStyle = v; },

        // Возвращается объект класса asc_CPaddings
        asc_getPaddings: function() { return this.Paddings; },
        // Аргумент объект класса asc_CPaddings
        asc_putPaddings: function(v) { this.Paddings = v; },
        asc_getAllowOverlap: function() {return this.AllowOverlap;},
        asc_putAllowOverlap: function(v) {this.AllowOverlap = v;},
        // Возвращается объект класса CPosition
        asc_getPosition: function() { return this.Position; },
        // Аргумент объект класса CPosition
        asc_putPosition: function(v) { this.Position = v; },
        asc_getPositionH: function()  { return this.PositionH; },
        asc_putPositionH: function(v) { this.PositionH = v; },
        asc_getPositionV: function()  { return this.PositionV; },
        asc_putPositionV: function(v) { this.PositionV = v; },

        asc_getSizeRelH: function()
            return this.SizeRelH;

        asc_putSizeRelH: function(v)
            this.SizeRelH = v;

        asc_getSizeRelV: function()
            return this.SizeRelV;

        asc_putSizeRelV: function(v)
            this.SizeRelV = v;

        asc_getValue_X: function(RelativeFrom) { if ( null != this.Internal_Position ) return this.Internal_Position.Calculate_X_Value(RelativeFrom);  return 0; },
        asc_getValue_Y: function(RelativeFrom) { if ( null != this.Internal_Position ) return this.Internal_Position.Calculate_Y_Value(RelativeFrom);  return 0; },

        asc_getImageUrl: function() { return this.ImageUrl; },
        asc_putImageUrl: function(v) { this.ImageUrl = v; },
        asc_getGroup: function() { return this.Group; },
        asc_putGroup: function(v) { this.Group = v; },
        asc_getFromGroup: function() { return this.fromGroup; },
        asc_putFromGroup: function(v) { this.fromGroup = v; },

        asc_getisChartProps: function() { return this.isChartProps; },
        asc_putisChartPross: function(v) { this.isChartProps = v; },

        asc_getSeveralCharts: function() { return this.severalCharts; },
        asc_putSeveralCharts: function(v) { this.severalCharts = v; },
        asc_getSeveralChartTypes: function() { return this.severalChartTypes; },
        asc_putSeveralChartTypes: function(v) { this.severalChartTypes = v; },

        asc_getSeveralChartStyles: function() { return this.severalChartStyles; },
        asc_putSeveralChartStyles: function(v) { this.severalChartStyles = v; },

        asc_getVerticalTextAlign: function() { return this.verticalTextAlign; },
        asc_putVerticalTextAlign: function(v) { this.verticalTextAlign = v; },
        asc_getVert: function() { return this.vert; },
        asc_putVert: function(v) { this.vert = v; },

        asc_getLocked: function() { return this.Locked; },
        asc_getChartProperties: function() { return this.ChartProperties; },
        asc_putChartProperties: function(v) { this.ChartProperties = v; },
        asc_getShapeProperties: function() { return this.ShapeProperties; },
        asc_putShapeProperties: function(v) { this.ShapeProperties = v; },

        asc_getOriginSize: function(api)
            var _section_select = api.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Get_PageSizesByDrawingObjects();
            var _page_width             = Page_Width;
            var _page_height            = Page_Height;
            var _page_x_left_margin     = X_Left_Margin;
            var _page_y_top_margin      = Y_Top_Margin;
            var _page_x_right_margin    = X_Right_Margin;
            var _page_y_bottom_margin   = Y_Bottom_Margin;

            if (_section_select)
                if (_section_select.W)
                    _page_width = _section_select.W;

                if (_section_select.H)
                    _page_height = _section_select.H;

            var _image = api.ImageLoader.map_image_index[getFullImageSrc2(this.ImageUrl)];
            if (_image != undefined && _image.Image != null && _image.Status == ImageLoadStatus.Complete)
                var _w = Math.max(1, _page_width - (_page_x_left_margin + _page_x_right_margin));
                var _h = Math.max(1, _page_height - (_page_y_top_margin + _page_y_bottom_margin));

                var bIsCorrect = false;
                if (_image.Image != null)
                    var __w = Math.max(parseInt(_image.Image.width * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm), 1);
                    var __h = Math.max(parseInt(_image.Image.height * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm), 1);

                    var dKoef = Math.max(__w / _w, __h / _h);
                    if (dKoef > 1)
                        _w = Math.max(5, __w / dKoef);
                        _h = Math.max(5, __h / dKoef);

                        bIsCorrect = true;
                        _w = __w;
                        _h = __h;

                return new asc_CImageSize( parseInt(_w), parseInt(_h), bIsCorrect);
            return new asc_CImageSize( 50, 50, false );

//{ asc_CImgProperty export
    window["CImgProperty"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CImgProperty"] = window["asc_CImgProperty"] = asc_CImgProperty;
    prot = asc_CImgProperty.prototype;

    prot["get_ChangeLevel"] = prot["asc_getChangeLevel"] = prot.asc_getChangeLevel;
    prot["put_ChangeLevel"] = prot["asc_putChangeLevel"] = prot.asc_putChangeLevel;
    prot["get_CanBeFlow"] = prot["asc_getCanBeFlow"] = prot.asc_getCanBeFlow;
    prot["get_Width"] =  prot["asc_getWidth"] = prot.asc_getWidth;
    prot["put_Width"] = prot["asc_putWidth"] = prot.asc_putWidth;
    prot["get_Height"] = prot["asc_getHeight"] = prot.asc_getHeight;
    prot["put_Height"] = prot["asc_putHeight"] = prot.asc_putHeight;
    prot["get_WrappingStyle"] = prot["asc_getWrappingStyle"] = prot.asc_getWrappingStyle;
    prot["put_WrappingStyle"] = prot["asc_putWrappingStyle"] = prot.asc_putWrappingStyle;
    prot["get_Paddings"] = prot["asc_getPaddings"] = prot.asc_getPaddings;
    prot["put_Paddings"] = prot["asc_putPaddings"] = prot.asc_putPaddings;
    prot["get_AllowOverlap"] = prot["asc_getAllowOverlap"] = prot.asc_getAllowOverlap;
    prot["put_AllowOverlap"] = prot["asc_putAllowOverlap"] = prot.asc_putAllowOverlap;
    prot["get_Position"] = prot["asc_getPosition"] = prot.asc_getPosition;
    prot["put_Position"] = prot["asc_putPosition"] = prot.asc_putPosition;
    prot["get_PositionH"] = prot["asc_getPositionH"] = prot.asc_getPositionH;
    prot["put_PositionH"] = prot["asc_putPositionH"] = prot.asc_putPositionH;
    prot["get_PositionV"] = prot["asc_getPositionV"] = prot.asc_getPositionV;
    prot["put_PositionV"] = prot["asc_putPositionV"] = prot.asc_putPositionV;

    prot["get_SizeRelH"] = prot["asc_getSizeRelH"] = prot.asc_getSizeRelH;
    prot["put_SizeRelH"] = prot["asc_putSizeRelH"] = prot.asc_putSizeRelH;
    prot["get_SizeRelV"] = prot["asc_getSizeRelV"] = prot.asc_getSizeRelV;
    prot["put_SizeRelV"] = prot["asc_putSizeRelV"] = prot.asc_putSizeRelV;

    prot["get_Value_X"] = prot["asc_getValue_X"] = prot.asc_getValue_X;
    prot["get_Value_Y"] = prot["asc_getValue_Y"] = prot.asc_getValue_Y;
    prot["get_ImageUrl"] = prot["asc_getImageUrl"] = prot.asc_getImageUrl;
    prot["put_ImageUrl"] = prot["asc_putImageUrl"] = prot.asc_putImageUrl;
    prot["get_Group"] = prot["asc_getGroup"] = prot.asc_getGroup;
    prot["put_Group"] = prot["asc_putGroup"] = prot.asc_putGroup;
    prot["get_FromGroup"] = prot["asc_getFromGroup"] = prot.asc_getFromGroup;
    prot["put_FromGroup"] = prot["asc_putFromGroup"] = prot.asc_putFromGroup;
    prot["get_isChartProps"] = prot["asc_getisChartProps"] = prot.asc_getisChartProps;
    prot["put_isChartPross"] = prot["asc_putisChartPross"] = prot.asc_putisChartPross;
    prot["get_SeveralCharts"] = prot["asc_getSeveralCharts"] = prot.asc_getSeveralCharts;
    prot["put_SeveralCharts"] = prot["asc_putSeveralCharts"] = prot.asc_putSeveralCharts;
    prot["get_SeveralChartTypes"] = prot["asc_getSeveralChartTypes"] = prot.asc_getSeveralChartTypes;
    prot["put_SeveralChartTypes"] = prot["asc_putSeveralChartTypes"] = prot.asc_putSeveralChartTypes;
    prot["get_SeveralChartStyles"] = prot["asc_getSeveralChartStyles"] = prot.asc_getSeveralChartStyles;
    prot["put_SeveralChartStyles"] = prot["asc_putSeveralChartStyles"] = prot.asc_putSeveralChartStyles;
    prot["get_VerticalTextAlign"] = prot["asc_getVerticalTextAlign"] = prot.asc_getVerticalTextAlign;
    prot["put_VerticalTextAlign"] = prot["asc_putVerticalTextAlign"] = prot.asc_putVerticalTextAlign;
    prot["get_Vert"] = prot["asc_getVert"] = prot.asc_getVert;
    prot["put_Vert"] = prot["asc_putVert"] = prot.asc_putVert;
    prot["get_Locked"] = prot["asc_getLocked"] = prot.asc_getLocked;
    prot["get_ChartProperties"] = prot["asc_getChartProperties"] = prot.asc_getChartProperties;
    prot["put_ChartProperties"] = prot["asc_putChartProperties"] = prot.asc_putChartProperties;
    prot["get_ShapeProperties"] = prot["asc_getShapeProperties"] = prot.asc_getShapeProperties;
    prot["put_ShapeProperties"] = prot["asc_putShapeProperties"] = prot.asc_putShapeProperties;
    prot["get_OriginSize"] = prot["asc_getOriginSize"] = prot.asc_getOriginSize;

// Selected graphic object(properties)
    /** @constructor */
    function asc_CSelectedObject( type, val ) {
        this.Type = (undefined != type) ? type : null;
        this.Value = (undefined != val) ? val : null;

    asc_CSelectedObject.prototype = {
        asc_getObjectType: function() { return this.Type; },
        asc_getObjectValue: function() { return this.Value; }

    window["CSelectedObject"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CSelectedObject"] = window["asc_CSelectedObject"] = asc_CSelectedObject;
    prot = asc_CSelectedObject.prototype;
    prot["get_ObjectType"] = prot["asc_getObjectType"] = prot.asc_getObjectType;
    prot["get_ObjectValue"] = prot["asc_getObjectValue"] = prot.asc_getObjectValue;

    function asc_CShapeFill() {
        this.type = null;
        this.fill = null;
        this.transparent = null;

    asc_CShapeFill.prototype = {
        asc_getType: function() { return this.type; },
        asc_putType: function(v) { this.type = v; },
        asc_getFill: function() { return this.fill; },
        asc_putFill: function(v) { this.fill = v; },
        asc_getTransparent: function() { return this.transparent; },
        asc_putTransparent: function(v) { this.transparent = v; },
        asc_CheckForseSet: function()
                return true;
            if(isRealObject(this.fill) && this.fill.Positions != null)
                return true;
            return false;

//{ asc_CShapeFill export
    window["CAscFill"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CShapeFill"] = window["asc_CShapeFill"] = asc_CShapeFill;
    prot = asc_CShapeFill.prototype;

    prot["get_type"] = prot["asc_getType"] = prot.asc_getType;
    prot["put_type"] = prot["asc_putType"] = prot.asc_putType;

    prot["get_fill"] = prot["asc_getFill"] = prot.asc_getFill;
    prot["put_fill"] = prot["asc_putFill"] = prot.asc_putFill;

    prot["get_transparent"] = prot["asc_getTransparent"] = prot.asc_getTransparent;
    prot["put_transparent"] = prot["asc_putTransparent"] = prot.asc_putTransparent;
    prot["asc_CheckForseSet"] = prot["asc_CheckForseSet"] = prot.asc_CheckForseSet;

    function asc_CColor() {
        this.type = c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SRGB;
        this.value = null;
        this.r = 0;
        this.g = 0;
        this.b = 0;
        this.a = 255;

        this.Auto = false;

        this.Mods = [];
        this.ColorSchemeId = -1;

        if (1 === arguments.length) {
            this.r = arguments[0].r;
            this.g = arguments[0].g;
            this.b = arguments[0].b;
        } else {
            if (3 <= arguments.length) {
                this.r = arguments[0];
                this.g = arguments[1];
                this.b = arguments[2];
            if (4 === arguments.length)
                this.a = arguments[3];

    asc_CColor.prototype = {
        asc_getR: function() { return this.r },
        asc_putR: function(v) { this.r = v; this.hex = undefined; },
        asc_getG: function() { return this.g; },
        asc_putG: function(v) { this.g = v; this.hex = undefined; },
        asc_getB: function() { return this.b; },
        asc_putB: function(v) { this.b = v; this.hex = undefined; },
        asc_getA: function() { return this.a; },
        asc_putA: function(v) { this.a = v; this.hex = undefined; },
        asc_getType: function() { return this.type; },
        asc_putType: function(v) { this.type = v; },
        asc_getValue: function() { return this.value; },
        asc_putValue: function(v) { this.value = v; },
        asc_getHex: function() {
                var a = this.a.toString(16);
                var r = this.r.toString(16);
                var g = this.g.toString(16);
                var b = this.b.toString(16);
                this.hex = ( a.length == 1? "0" + a: a) +
                    ( r.length == 1? "0" + r: r) +
                    ( g.length == 1? "0" + g: g) +
                    ( b.length == 1? "0" + b: b);
            return this.hex;
        asc_getColor: function() {
            var ret = new CColor(this.r, this.g, this.b);
            return ret;
        asc_putAuto: function(v){this.Auto = v;},
        asc_getAuto: function(){return this.Auto;}

//{ asc_CColor export
    window["CAscColor"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CColor"] = window["asc_CColor"] = asc_CColor;
    prot = asc_CColor.prototype;
    prot["get_r"] = prot["asc_getR"] = prot.asc_getR;
    prot["put_r"] = prot["asc_putR"] = prot.asc_putR;
    prot["get_g"] = prot["asc_getG"] = prot.asc_getG;
    prot["put_g"] = prot["asc_putG"] = prot.asc_putG;
    prot["get_b"] = prot["asc_getB"] = prot.asc_getB;
    prot["put_b"] = prot["asc_putB"] = prot.asc_putB;
    prot["get_a"] = prot["asc_getA"] = prot.asc_getA;
    prot["put_a"] = prot["asc_putA"] = prot.asc_putA;
    prot["get_auto"] = prot["asc_getAuto"] = prot.asc_getAuto;
    prot["put_auto"] = prot["asc_putAuto"] = prot.asc_putAuto;
    prot["get_type"] = prot["asc_getType"] = prot.asc_getType;
    prot["put_type"] = prot["asc_putType"] = prot.asc_putType;
    prot["get_value"] = prot["asc_getValue"] = prot.asc_getValue;
    prot["put_value"] = prot["asc_putValue"] = prot.asc_putValue;
    prot["get_hex"] = prot["asc_getHex"] = prot.asc_getHex;
    prot["get_color"] = prot["asc_getColor"] = prot.asc_getColor;
    prot["get_hex"] = prot["asc_getHex"] = prot.asc_getHex;

    function asc_CFillBlip() {
        this.type = c_oAscFillBlipType.STRETCH;
        this.url = "";
        this.texture_id = null;

    asc_CFillBlip.prototype = {
        asc_getType: function(){return this.type},
        asc_putType: function(v){this.type = v;},
        asc_getUrl: function(){return this.url;},
        asc_putUrl: function(v){this.url = v;},
        asc_getTextureId: function(){return this.texture_id;},
        asc_putTextureId: function(v){this.texture_id = v;}

//{ asc_CFillBlip export
    window["CAscFillBlip"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CFillBlip"] = window["asc_CFillBlip"] = asc_CFillBlip;
    prot = asc_CFillBlip.prototype;

    prot["get_type"] = prot["asc_getType"] = prot.asc_getType;
    prot["put_type"] = prot["asc_putType"] = prot.asc_putType;

    prot["get_url"] = prot["asc_getUrl"] = prot.asc_getUrl;
    prot["put_url"] = prot["asc_putUrl"] = prot.asc_putUrl;

    prot["get_texture_id"] = prot["asc_getTextureId"] = prot.asc_getTextureId;
    prot["put_texture_id"] = prot["asc_putTextureId"] = prot.asc_putTextureId;

    function asc_CFillHatch() {
        this.PatternType = undefined;
        this.fgClr = undefined;
        this.bgClr = undefined;

    asc_CFillHatch.prototype = {
        asc_getPatternType: function(){return this.PatternType;},
        asc_putPatternType: function(v){this.PatternType = v;},
        asc_getColorFg: function(){return this.fgClr;},
        asc_putColorFg: function(v){this.fgClr = v;},
        asc_getColorBg: function(){return this.bgClr;},
        asc_putColorBg: function(v){this.bgClr = v;}

//{ asc_CFillHatch export
    window["CAscFillHatch"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CFillHatch"] = window["asc_CFillHatch"] = asc_CFillHatch;
    prot = asc_CFillHatch.prototype;

    prot["get_pattern_type"] = prot["asc_getPatternType"] = prot.asc_getPatternType;
    prot["put_pattern_type"] = prot["asc_putPatternType"] = prot.asc_putPatternType;

    prot["get_color_fg"] = prot["asc_getColorFg"] = prot.asc_getColorFg;
    prot["put_color_fg"] = prot["asc_putColorFg"] = prot.asc_putColorFg;

    prot["get_color_bg"] = prot["asc_getColorBg"] = prot.asc_getColorBg;
    prot["put_color_bg"] = prot["asc_putColorBg"] = prot.asc_putColorBg;

    function asc_CFillGrad() {
        this.Colors = undefined;
        this.Positions = undefined;
        this.GradType = 0;

        this.LinearAngle = undefined;
        this.LinearScale = true;

        this.PathType = 0;

    asc_CFillGrad.prototype = {
        asc_getColors: function(){return this.Colors;},
        asc_putColors: function(v){this.Colors = v;},
        asc_getPositions: function(){return this.Positions;},
        asc_putPositions: function(v){this.Positions = v;},
        asc_getGradType: function(){return this.GradType;},
        asc_putGradType: function(v){this.GradType = v;},
        asc_getLinearAngle: function(){return this.LinearAngle;},
        asc_putLinearAngle: function(v){this.LinearAngle = v;},
        asc_getLinearScale: function(){return this.LinearScale;},
        asc_putLinearScale: function(v){this.LinearScale = v;},
        asc_getPathType: function(){return this.PathType;},
        asc_putPathType: function(v){this.PathType = v;}

//{ asc_CFillGrad export
    window["CAscFillGrad"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CFillGrad"] = window["asc_CFillGrad"] = asc_CFillGrad;
    prot = asc_CFillGrad.prototype;
    prot["get_colors"] = prot["asc_getColors"] = prot.asc_getColors;
    prot["put_colors"] = prot["asc_putColors"] = prot.asc_putColors;
    prot["get_positions"] = prot["asc_getPositions"] = prot.asc_getPositions;
    prot["put_positions"] = prot["asc_putPositions"] = prot.asc_putPositions;
    prot["get_grad_type"] = prot["asc_getGradType"] = prot.asc_getGradType;
    prot["put_grad_type"] = prot["asc_putGradType"] = prot.asc_putGradType;
    prot["get_linear_angle"] = prot["asc_getLinearAngle"] = prot.asc_getLinearAngle;
    prot["put_linear_angle"] = prot["asc_putLinearAngle"] = prot.asc_putLinearAngle;
    prot["get_linear_scale"] = prot["asc_getLinearScale"] = prot.asc_getLinearScale;
    prot["put_linear_scale"] = prot["asc_putLinearScale"] = prot.asc_putLinearScale;
    prot["get_path_type"] = prot["asc_getPathType"] = prot.asc_getPathType;
    prot["put_path_type"] = prot["asc_putPathType"] = prot.asc_putPathType;

    function asc_CFillSolid() {
        this.color = new asc_CColor();

    asc_CFillSolid.prototype = {
        asc_getColor: function() { return this.color },
        asc_putColor: function(v) { this.color = v; }

//{ asc_CFillSolid export
    window["CAscFillSolid"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CFillSolid"] = window["asc_CFillSolid"] = asc_CFillSolid;
    prot = asc_CFillSolid.prototype;

    prot["get_color"] = prot["asc_getColor"] = prot.asc_getColor;
    prot["put_color"] = prot["asc_putColor"] = prot.asc_putColor;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

    function asc_CStroke() {
        this.type = null;
        this.width = null;
        this.color = null;

        this.LineJoin = null;
        this.LineCap = null;

        this.LineBeginStyle = null;
        this.LineBeginSize = null;

        this.LineEndStyle = null;
        this.LineEndSize = null;

        this.canChangeArrows = false;

    asc_CStroke.prototype = {
        asc_getType: function(){return this.type;},
        asc_putType: function(v){this.type = v;},
        asc_getWidth: function(){return this.width;},
        asc_putWidth: function(v){this.width = v;},
        asc_getColor: function(){return this.color;},
        asc_putColor: function(v){this.color = v;},

        asc_getLinejoin: function(){return this.LineJoin;},
        asc_putLinejoin: function(v){this.LineJoin = v;},
        asc_getLinecap: function(){return this.LineCap;},
        asc_putLinecap: function(v){this.LineCap = v;},

        asc_getLinebeginstyle: function(){return this.LineBeginStyle;},
        asc_putLinebeginstyle: function(v){this.LineBeginStyle = v;},
        asc_getLinebeginsize: function(){return this.LineBeginSize;},
        asc_putLinebeginsize: function(v){this.LineBeginSize = v;},
        asc_getLineendstyle: function(){return this.LineEndStyle;},
        asc_putLineendstyle: function(v){this.LineEndStyle = v;},
        asc_getLineendsize: function(){return this.LineEndSize;},
        asc_putLineendsize: function(v){this.LineEndSize = v;},

        asc_getCanChangeArrows: function(){return this.canChangeArrows;}

//{ asc_CStroke export
    window["CAscStroke"] = window["Asc"]["asc_CStroke"] = window["asc_CStroke"] = asc_CStroke;
    prot = asc_CStroke.prototype;

    prot["get_type"] = prot["asc_getType"] = prot.asc_getType;
    prot["put_type"] = prot["asc_putType"] = prot.asc_putType;
    prot["get_width"] = prot["asc_getWidth"] = prot.asc_getWidth;
    prot["put_width"] = prot["asc_putWidth"] = prot.asc_putWidth;
    prot["get_color"] = prot["asc_getColor"] = prot.asc_getColor;
    prot["put_color"] = prot["asc_putColor"] = prot.asc_putColor;
    prot["get_linejoin"] = prot["asc_getLinejoin"] = prot.asc_getLinejoin;
    prot["put_linejoin"] =prot["asc_putLinejoin"] = prot.asc_putLinejoin;
    prot["get_linecap"] = prot["asc_getLinecap"] = prot.asc_getLinecap;
    prot["put_linecap"] = prot["asc_putLinecap"] = prot.asc_putLinecap;
    prot["get_linebeginstyle"] = prot["asc_getLinebeginstyle"] = prot.asc_getLinebeginstyle;
    prot["put_linebeginstyle"] = prot["asc_putLinebeginstyle"] = prot.asc_putLinebeginstyle;
    prot["get_linebeginsize"] = prot["asc_getLinebeginsize"] = prot.asc_getLinebeginsize;
    prot["put_linebeginsize"] = prot["asc_putLinebeginsize"] = prot.asc_putLinebeginsize;
    prot["get_lineendstyle"] = prot["asc_getLineendstyle"] = prot.asc_getLineendstyle;
    prot["put_lineendstyle"] = prot["asc_putLineendstyle"] = prot.asc_putLineendstyle;
    prot["get_lineendsize"] = prot["asc_getLineendsize"] = prot.asc_getLineendsize;
    prot["put_lineendsize"] = prot["asc_putLineendsize"] = prot.asc_putLineendsize;
    prot["get_canChangeArrows"] = prot["asc_getCanChangeArrows"] = prot.asc_getCanChangeArrows;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

    function CAscColorScheme()
        this.Colors = [];
        this.Name = "";
    CAscColorScheme.prototype.get_colors = function() { return this.Colors; };
    CAscColorScheme.prototype.get_name = function() { return this.Name; };
    prot = CAscColorScheme.prototype;
    prot["get_colors"] =  CAscColorScheme.prototype.get_colors;
    prot["get_name"] = CAscColorScheme.prototype.get_name;
    window["CAscColorScheme"] = CAscColorScheme;

// цвет. может быть трех типов:
// c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SRGB		: value - не учитывается
// c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_PRST		: value - имя стандартного цвета (map_prst_color)
// c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME	: value - тип цвета в схеме
// c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SYS		: конвертируется в srgb

// События движения мыши
    function CMouseMoveData( obj )
        if( obj )
            this.Type  = ( undefined != obj.Type ) ? obj.Type : c_oAscMouseMoveDataTypes.Common;
            this.X_abs = ( undefined != obj.X_abs ) ? obj.X_abs : 0;
            this.Y_abs = ( undefined != obj.Y_abs ) ? obj.Y_abs : 0;

            switch ( this.Type )
                case c_oAscMouseMoveDataTypes.Hyperlink :
                    this.Hyperlink = ( undefined != obj.PageNum ) ? obj.PageNum : 0;

                case c_oAscMouseMoveDataTypes.LockedObject :
                    this.UserId           = ( undefined != obj.UserId ) ? obj.UserId : "";
                    this.HaveChanges      = ( undefined != obj.HaveChanges ) ? obj.HaveChanges : false;
                    this.LockedObjectType = ( undefined != obj.LockedObjectType ) ? obj.LockedObjectType : Asc.c_oAscMouseMoveLockedObjectType.Common;
            this.Type  = c_oAscMouseMoveDataTypes.Common;
            this.X_abs = 0;
            this.Y_abs = 0;
    CMouseMoveData.prototype.get_Type  = function()  { return this.Type; };
    CMouseMoveData.prototype.get_X = function()  { return this.X_abs; };
    CMouseMoveData.prototype.get_Y = function()  { return this.Y_abs; };
    CMouseMoveData.prototype.get_Hyperlink = function()  { return this.Hyperlink; };
    CMouseMoveData.prototype.get_UserId = function() { return this.UserId; };
    CMouseMoveData.prototype.get_HaveChanges = function() { return this.HaveChanges; };
    CMouseMoveData.prototype.get_LockedObjectType = function() { return this.LockedObjectType; };
    prot = CMouseMoveData.prototype;
    prot["get_Type"] =  CMouseMoveData.prototype.get_Type;
    prot["get_X"] =  CMouseMoveData.prototype.get_X;
    prot["get_Y"] = CMouseMoveData.prototype.get_Y;
    prot["get_Hyperlink"] =  CMouseMoveData.prototype.get_Hyperlink;
    prot["get_UserId"] =  CMouseMoveData.prototype.get_UserId;
    prot["get_HaveChanges"] = CMouseMoveData.prototype.get_HaveChanges;
    prot["get_LockedObjectType"] = CMouseMoveData.prototype.get_LockedObjectType;
    window["CMouseMoveData"] = CMouseMoveData;

    function asc_CUserInfo(obj)
            if(typeof obj.Id != 'undefined'){
                this.Id = obj.Id;
            if(typeof obj.FullName != 'undefined'){
                this.FullName = obj.FullName;
            if(typeof obj.FirstName != 'undefined'){
                this.FirstName = obj.FirstName;
            if(typeof obj.LastName != 'undefined'){
                this.LastName = obj.LastName;
            this.Id       = null;
            this.FullName = null;
            this.FirstName = null;
            this.LastName = null;
    asc_CUserInfo.prototype.asc_putId =   asc_CUserInfo.prototype.put_Id = function(v){this.Id = v;};
    asc_CUserInfo.prototype.asc_getId =   asc_CUserInfo.prototype.get_Id = function(){return this.Id;};
    asc_CUserInfo.prototype.asc_putFullName =  asc_CUserInfo.prototype.put_FullName = function(v){this.FullName = v;};
    asc_CUserInfo.prototype.asc_getFullName =  asc_CUserInfo.prototype.get_FullName = function(){return this.FullName;};
    asc_CUserInfo.prototype.asc_putFirstName = asc_CUserInfo.prototype.put_FirstName = function(v){this.FirstName = v;};
    asc_CUserInfo.prototype.asc_getFirstName = asc_CUserInfo.prototype.get_FirstName = function(){return this.FirstName;};
    asc_CUserInfo.prototype.asc_putLastName =  asc_CUserInfo.prototype.put_LastName = function(v){this.LastName = v;};
    asc_CUserInfo.prototype.asc_getLastName =  asc_CUserInfo.prototype.get_LastName = function(){return this.LastName;};

    prot = asc_CUserInfo.prototype;
    prot["asc_putId"] =        prot["put_Id"]         = asc_CUserInfo.prototype.asc_putId;
    prot["asc_getId"] =        prot["get_Id"]         = asc_CUserInfo.prototype.asc_getId;
    prot["asc_putFullName"] =  prot["put_FullName"]   = asc_CUserInfo.prototype.asc_putFullName;
    prot["asc_getFullName"] =  prot["get_FullName"]   = asc_CUserInfo.prototype.asc_getFullName;
    prot["asc_putFirstName"] = prot["put_FirstName"]  = asc_CUserInfo.prototype.asc_putFirstName;
    prot["asc_getFirstName"] = prot["get_FirstName"]  = asc_CUserInfo.prototype.asc_getFirstName;
    prot["asc_putLastName"] =  prot["put_LastName"]   = asc_CUserInfo.prototype.asc_putLastName;
    prot["asc_getLastName"] =  prot["get_LastName"]   = asc_CUserInfo.prototype.asc_getLastName;

    window["CUserInfo"] = window["Asc"].asc_CUserInfo = window["Asc"]["asc_CUserInfo"] = asc_CUserInfo;

    function asc_CDocInfo (obj){
            if (typeof obj.Id != 'undefined'){
                this.Id = obj.Id;
            if (typeof obj.Url != 'undefined'){
                this.Url = obj.Url;
            if (typeof obj.Title != 'undefined'){
                this.Title = obj.Title;
            if (typeof obj.Format != 'undefined'){
                this.Format = obj.Format;
            if (typeof obj.VKey != 'undefined'){
                this.VKey = obj.VKey;
            if (typeof obj.UserId != 'undefined'){
                this.UserId = obj.UserId;

            if(typeof obj.UserInfo != 'undefined'){
                this.UserInfo = new asc_CUserInfo(obj.UserInfo);

            if (typeof obj.Options != 'undefined'){
                this.Options = obj.Options;
            if (typeof obj.CallbackUrl != 'undefined'){
                this.CallbackUrl = obj.CallbackUrl;
            if (obj.OfflineApp === true)
                this.OfflineApp = true;

            this.TemplateReplacement = (null != obj.TemplateReplacement ? obj.TemplateReplacement : null);

            this.Id                  = null;
            this.Url                 = null;
            this.Title               = null;
            this.Format              = null;
            this.VKey                = null;
            this.UserInfo            = null;
            this.Options             = null;
            this.CallbackUrl         = null;
            this.TemplateReplacement = null;
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.get_Id =  asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_getId = function(){return this.Id};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.put_Id =  asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_putId = function(v){this.Id = v;};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.get_Url = asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_getUrl = function(){return this.Url;};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.put_Url = asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_putUrl = function(v){this.Url = v;};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.get_Title =  asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_getTitle = function(){return this.Title;};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.put_Title =  asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_putTitle = function(v){this.Title = v;};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.get_Format = asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_getFormat = function(){return this.Format;};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.put_Format = asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_putFormat = function(v){this.Format = v;};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.get_VKey = asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_getVKey = function(){return this.VKey;};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.put_VKey = asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_putVKey = function(v){this.VKey = v;};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.get_OfflineApp = asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_getOfflineApp = function(){return this.OfflineApp;};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.put_OfflineApp = asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_putOfflineApp = function(v){this.OfflineApp = v;};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.get_UserId =  asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_getUserId = function(){return (this.UserInfo ? this.UserInfo.get_Id() : null );};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.get_UserName = asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_getUserName = function(){
         return (this.UserInfo ? this.UserInfo.get_FullName() : null );
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.get_Options =  asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_getOptions = function(){return this.Options;};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.put_Options =  asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_putOptions = function(v){this.Options = v;};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.get_CallbackUrl = asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_getCallbackUrl = function(){return this.CallbackUrl;};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.put_CallbackUrl = asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_putCallbackUrl = function(v){this.CallbackUrl = v;};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.get_TemplateReplacement = asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_getTemplateReplacement = function(){return this.TemplateReplacement;};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.put_TemplateReplacement = asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_putTemplateReplacement = function(v){this.TemplateReplacement = v;};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.get_UserInfo =  asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_getUserInfo = function(){return this.UserInfo;};
     asc_CDocInfo.prototype.put_UserInfo =  asc_CDocInfo.prototype.asc_putUserInfo = function(v){this.UserInfo = v;};

    window["CDocInfo"] = window["Asc"].asc_CDocInfo = window["Asc"]["asc_CDocInfo"] = asc_CDocInfo;

    prot = asc_CDocInfo.prototype;

    prot["get_Id"]                  = prot["asc_getId"]                  =   prot.asc_getId;
    prot["put_Id"]                  = prot["asc_putId"]                  =   prot.asc_putId;
    prot["get_Url"]                 = prot["asc_getUrl"]                 =   prot.asc_getUrl;
    prot["put_Url"]                 = prot["asc_putUrl"]                 =   prot.asc_putUrl;
    prot["get_Title"]               = prot["asc_getTitle"]               =   prot.asc_getTitle;
    prot["put_Title"]               = prot["asc_putTitle"]               =   prot.asc_putTitle;
    prot["get_Format"]              = prot["asc_getFormat"]              =   prot.asc_getFormat;
    prot["put_Format"]              = prot["asc_putFormat"]              =   prot.asc_putFormat;
    prot["get_VKey"]                = prot["asc_getVKey"]                =   prot.asc_getVKey;
    prot["put_VKey"]                = prot["asc_putVKey"]                =   prot.asc_putVKey;
    prot["get_OfflineApp"]          = prot["asc_getOfflineApp"]          =   prot.asc_getOfflineApp;
    prot["put_OfflineApp"]          = prot["asc_putOfflineApp"]          =   prot.asc_putOfflineApp;
    prot["get_UserId"]              = prot["asc_getUserId"]              =   prot.asc_getUserId;
    prot["get_UserName"]            = prot["asc_getUserName"]            =   prot.asc_getUserName;
    prot["get_Options"]             = prot["asc_getOptions"]             =   prot.asc_getOptions;
    prot["put_Options"]             = prot["asc_putOptions"]             =   prot.asc_putOptions;
    prot["get_CallbackUrl"]         = prot["asc_getCallbackUrl"]         =   prot.asc_getCallbackUrl;
    prot["put_CallbackUrl"]         = prot["asc_putCallbackUrl"]         =   prot.asc_putCallbackUrl;
    prot["get_TemplateReplacement"] = prot["asc_getTemplateReplacement"] =   prot.asc_getTemplateReplacement;
    prot["put_TemplateReplacement"] = prot["asc_putTemplateReplacement"] =   prot.asc_putTemplateReplacement;
	prot["get_UserInfo"]            = prot["asc_getUserInfo"]            =   prot.asc_getUserInfo;
    prot["put_UserInfo"]            = prot["asc_putUserInfo"]            =   prot.asc_putUserInfo;

  // ToDo продолжаем делать плохие вещи...Нужно с этим что-то делать!
  function COpenProgress() {
    this.Type = c_oAscAsyncAction.Open;

    this.FontsCount = 0;
    this.CurrentFont = 0;

    this.ImagesCount = 0;
    this.CurrentImage = 0;

  COpenProgress.prototype.asc_getType = function(){return this.Type};
  COpenProgress.prototype.asc_getFontsCount = function(){return this.FontsCount};
  COpenProgress.prototype.asc_getCurrentFont = function(){return this.CurrentFont};
  COpenProgress.prototype.asc_getImagesCount = function(){return this.ImagesCount};
  COpenProgress.prototype.asc_getCurrentImage = function(){return this.CurrentImage};

  prot = COpenProgress.prototype;
  prot["asc_getType"] =  COpenProgress.prototype.asc_getType;
  prot["asc_getFontsCount"] =  COpenProgress.prototype.asc_getFontsCount;
  prot["asc_getCurrentFont"] = COpenProgress.prototype.asc_getCurrentFont;
  prot["asc_getImagesCount"] =  COpenProgress.prototype.asc_getImagesCount;
  prot["asc_getCurrentImage"] =  COpenProgress.prototype.asc_getCurrentImage;
  window["COpenProgress"] = COpenProgress;

    function CErrorData()
        this.Value = 0;

    CErrorData.prototype.put_Value = function(v){ this.Value = v; };
    CErrorData.prototype.get_Value = function() { return this.Value; };
    prot = CErrorData.prototype;
    prot["put_Value"] = CErrorData.prototype.put_Value;
    prot["get_Value"] = CErrorData.prototype.get_Value;
    window["CErrorData"] = CErrorData;


var CColor = window["CColor"];
var asc_CRect = window["asc_CRect"];
var CAscTexture = window["CAscTexture"];
var asc_CTexture = window["asc_CTexture"];
var CAscColorScheme = window["CAscColorScheme"];
var CAscColor = window["CAscColor"];
var asc_CColor = window["asc_CColor"];
var asc_ChartSettings = window["asc_ChartSettings"];
var asc_ValAxisSettings = window["asc_ValAxisSettings"];
var asc_CatAxisSettings = window["asc_CatAxisSettings"];
var CBorder = window["CBorder"];
var asc_CTextBorder = window["asc_CTextBorder"];
var CListType = window["CListType"];
var asc_CListType = window["asc_CListType"];
var CParagraphBorders = window["CParagraphBorders"];
var asc_CParagraphBorders = window["asc_CParagraphBorders"];
var CTextFontFamily = window["CTextFontFamily"];
var asc_CTextFontFamily = window["asc_CTextFontFamily"];
var CParagraphTabs = window["CParagraphTabs"];
var asc_CParagraphTabs = window["asc_CParagraphTabs"];
var CParagraphTab = window["CParagraphTab"];
var asc_CParagraphTab = window["asc_CParagraphTab"];
var CParagraphShd = window["CParagraphShd"];
var asc_CParagraphShd = window["asc_CParagraphShd"];
var CParagraphSpacing = window["CParagraphSpacing"];
var asc_CParagraphSpacing = window["asc_CParagraphSpacing"];
var CParagraphInd = window["CParagraphInd"];
var asc_CParagraphInd = window["asc_CParagraphInd"];
var CParagraphProp = window["CParagraphProp"];
var asc_CParagraphProperty = window["asc_CParagraphProperty"];
var CImageSize = window["CImageSize"];
var asc_CImageSize = window["asc_CImageSize"];
var CPaddings = window["CPaddings"];
var asc_CPaddings = window["asc_CPaddings"];
var asc_CShapeProperty  = window["asc_CShapeProperty"];
var CAscShapeProp  = window["CAscShapeProp"];
var CImgProperty = window["CImgProperty"];
var asc_CImgProperty = window["asc_CImgProperty"];
var CSelectedObject = window["CSelectedObject"];
var asc_CSelectedObject = window["asc_CSelectedObject"];
var CAscFill = window["CAscFill"];
var asc_CShapeFill = window["asc_CShapeFill"];
var CAscFillBlip = window["CAscFillBlip"];
var asc_CFillBlip = window["asc_CFillBlip"];
var CAscFillHatch = window["CAscFillHatch"];
var asc_CFillHatch = window["asc_CFillHatch"];
var CAscFillGrad = window["CAscFillGrad"];
var asc_CFillGrad = window["asc_CFillGrad"];
var CAscFillSolid = window["CAscFillSolid"];
var asc_CFillSolid = window["asc_CFillSolid"];
var CAscStroke = window["CAscStroke"];
var asc_CStroke = window["asc_CStroke"];
var CParagraphFrame = window["CParagraphFrame"];
var asc_CParagraphFrame = window["asc_CParagraphFrame"];
var CMouseMoveData = window["CMouseMoveData"];
var COpenProgress = window["COpenProgress"];
var asc_TextArtProperties = window["asc_TextArtProperties"];
var asc_TextArtTranslate = window["asc_TextArtTranslate"];
var CDocInfo = window["CDocInfo"];
var CErrorData = window["CErrorData"];

var c_oAscArrUserColors = [16757719, 7929702, 56805, 10081791, 12884479, 16751001, 6748927, 16762931, 6865407,
	15650047, 16737894, 3407768, 16759142, 10852863, 6750176, 16774656, 13926655, 13815039, 3397375, 11927347,
	16752947, 9404671, 4980531, 16744678, 3407830, 15919360, 16731553, 52479, 13330175, 16743219, 3386367, 14221056,
	16737966, 1896960, 65484, 10970879, 16759296, 16711680, 13496832, 62072, 49906, 16734720, 10682112, 7890687,
	16731610, 65406, 38655, 16747008, 59890, 12733951, 15859712, 47077, 15050496, 15224319, 10154496, 58807, 16724950,
	1759488, 9981439, 15064320, 15893248, 16724883, 58737, 15007744, 36594, 12772608, 12137471, 6442495, 15039488,
	16718470, 14274816, 53721, 16718545, 1625088, 15881472, 13419776, 32985, 16711800, 1490688, 16711884, 8991743,
	13407488, 41932, 7978752, 15028480, 52387, 15007927, 12114176, 1421824, 55726, 13041893, 10665728, 30924, 49049,
	14241024, 36530, 11709440, 13397504, 45710, 34214];

function CAscMathType()
    this.Id     = 0;

    this.X = 0;
    this.Y = 0;
CAscMathType.prototype["get_Id"] = function(){ return this.Id; };
CAscMathType.prototype["get_X"] = function(){ return this.X; };
CAscMathType.prototype["get_Y"] = function(){ return this.Y; };

function CAscMathCategory()
    this.Id     = 0;
    this.Data   = [];

    this.W      = 0;
    this.H      = 0;

CAscMathCategory.prototype["get_Id"] = function(){ return this.Id; };
CAscMathCategory.prototype["get_Data"] = function(){ return this.Data; };
CAscMathCategory.prototype["get_W"] = function(){ return this.W; };
CAscMathCategory.prototype["get_H"] = function(){ return this.H; };
CAscMathCategory.prototype.private_Sort = function(){ this.Data.sort( function(a,b){ return a.Id- b.Id; } ); };

function CStyleImage(name, type, image, uiPriority) {
  this.name = name;
  this.type = type;
  this.image = image;
  this.uiPriority = uiPriority;
CStyleImage.prototype['asc_getName'] = CStyleImage.prototype['get_Name'] = function() { return this.name; };
CStyleImage.prototype['asc_getType'] = CStyleImage.prototype['get_Type'] = function() { return this.type; };
CStyleImage.prototype['asc_getImage'] = function() { return this.image; };

// эта функция ДОЛЖНА минимизироваться
function CreateAscFill(unifill)
    if (null == unifill || null == unifill.fill)
        return new asc_CShapeFill();

    var ret = new asc_CShapeFill();

    var _fill = unifill.fill;
    switch (_fill.type)
        case FILL_TYPE_SOLID:
            ret.type = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_SOLID;
            ret.fill = new asc_CFillSolid();
            ret.fill.color = CreateAscColor(_fill.color);
        case FILL_TYPE_PATT:
            ret.type = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT;
            ret.fill = new asc_CFillHatch();
            ret.fill.PatternType = _fill.ftype;
            ret.fill.fgClr = CreateAscColor(_fill.fgClr);
            ret.fill.bgClr = CreateAscColor(_fill.bgClr);
        case FILL_TYPE_GRAD:
            ret.type = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD;
            ret.fill = new asc_CFillGrad();
            var bCheckTransparent = true, nLastTransparent = null, nLastTempTransparent, j, aMods;
            for (var i = 0; i < _fill.colors.length; i++)
                if (0 == i)
                    ret.fill.Colors = [];
                    ret.fill.Positions = [];
                        aMods = _fill.colors[i].color.Mods.Mods;
                        nLastTempTransparent = null;
                        for(j = 0; j < aMods.length; ++j)
                            if(aMods[j].name === "alpha")
                                if(nLastTempTransparent === null)
                                    nLastTempTransparent = aMods[j].val;
                                    if(nLastTransparent === null)
                                        nLastTransparent = nLastTempTransparent;
                                        if(nLastTransparent !== nLastTempTransparent)
                                            bCheckTransparent = false;
                                    bCheckTransparent = false;
                        bCheckTransparent = false;
            if(bCheckTransparent && nLastTransparent !== null)
                ret.transparent = (nLastTransparent/100000)*255;

            if (_fill.lin)
                ret.fill.GradType = c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR;
                ret.fill.LinearAngle = _fill.lin.angle;
                ret.fill.LinearScale = _fill.lin.scale;
            else if(_fill.path)
                ret.fill.GradType = c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_PATH;
                ret.fill.PathType = 0;

        case FILL_TYPE_BLIP:
            ret.type = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_BLIP;
            ret.fill = new asc_CFillBlip();

            ret.fill.url = _fill.RasterImageId;
            ret.fill.type = (_fill.tile == null) ? c_oAscFillBlipType.STRETCH : c_oAscFillBlipType.TILE;
        case FILL_TYPE_NOFILL:
        case FILL_TYPE_NONE:
            ret.type = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_NOFILL;

        ret.transparent = unifill.transparent;
    return ret;
function CorrectUniFill(asc_fill, unifill, editorId)
    if (null == asc_fill)
        return unifill;

    var ret = unifill;
    if (null == ret)
        ret = new CUniFill();

    var _fill = asc_fill.fill;
    var _type = asc_fill.type;

    if (null != _type)
        switch (_type)
            case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_NOFILL:
                ret.fill = new CNoFill();
            case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_BLIP:

                var _url = _fill.url;
                var _tx_id = _fill.texture_id;
                if (null != _tx_id && (0 <= _tx_id) && (_tx_id < g_oUserTexturePresets.length))
                    _url = g_oUserTexturePresets[_tx_id];

                if (ret.fill == null)
                    ret.fill = new CBlipFill();

                if(ret.fill.type != FILL_TYPE_BLIP)
                    if(!(typeof (_url) === "string" && _url.length > 0) || !isRealNumber(_fill.type))
                    ret.fill = new CBlipFill();

                if (_url != null && _url !== undefined && _url != "")

                if (ret.fill.RasterImageId == null)
                    ret.fill.RasterImageId = "";

                var tile = _fill.type;
                if (tile == c_oAscFillBlipType.STRETCH)
                    ret.fill.tile = null;
                else if (tile == c_oAscFillBlipType.TILE)
                    ret.fill.tile = new CBlipFillTile();
            case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT:
                if (ret.fill == null)
                    ret.fill = new CPattFill();

                if(ret.fill.type != FILL_TYPE_PATT)
                    if(undefined != _fill.PatternType && undefined != _fill.fgClr && undefined != _fill.bgClr)
                        ret.fill = new CPattFill();

                if (undefined != _fill.PatternType)
                    ret.fill.ftype = _fill.PatternType;
                if (undefined != _fill.fgClr)
                    ret.fill.fgClr = CorrectUniColor(_fill.fgClr, ret.fill.fgClr, editorId);
                    ret.fill.fgClr = CreateUniColorRGB(0, 0, 0);
                if (undefined != _fill.bgClr)
                    ret.fill.bgClr = CorrectUniColor(_fill.bgClr, ret.fill.bgClr, editorId);
                    ret.fill.bgClr = CreateUniColorRGB(0, 0, 0);

            case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD:
                if (ret.fill == null)
                    ret.fill = new CGradFill();

                var _colors     = _fill.Colors;
                var _positions  = _fill.Positions;

                if(ret.fill.type != FILL_TYPE_GRAD )
                    if(undefined != _colors && undefined != _positions)
                        ret.fill = new CGradFill();

                if (undefined != _colors && undefined != _positions)
                    if (_colors.length == _positions.length)
                        if(ret.fill.colors.length === _colors.length){
                            for (var i = 0; i < _colors.length; i++){
                                var _gs = ret.fill.colors[i] ? ret.fill.colors[i] : new CGs();
                                _gs.color = CorrectUniColor(_colors[i], _gs.color, editorId);
                                _gs.pos = _positions[i];
                                ret.fill.colors[i] = _gs;
                            for (var i = 0; i < _colors.length; i++){
                                var _gs = new CGs();
                                _gs.color = CorrectUniColor(_colors[i], _gs.color, editorId);
                                _gs.pos = _positions[i];

                else if (undefined != _colors)
                    if (_colors.length == ret.fill.colors.length)
                        for (var i = 0; i < _colors.length; i++)
                            ret.fill.colors[i].color = CorrectUniColor(_colors[i], ret.fill.colors[i].color, editorId);
                else if (undefined != _positions)
                    if (_positions.length <= ret.fill.colors.length)
						if(_positions.length < ret.fill.colors.length)
							ret.fill.colors.splice(_positions.length, ret.fill.colors.length - _positions.length);
                        for (var i = 0; i < _positions.length; i++)
                            ret.fill.colors[i].pos = _positions[i];

                var _grad_type = _fill.GradType;

                if (c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR == _grad_type)
                    var _angle = _fill.LinearAngle;
                    var _scale = _fill.LinearScale;

                    if (!ret.fill.lin)
                        ret.fill.lin = new GradLin();

                    if (undefined != _angle)
                        ret.fill.lin.angle = _angle;
                    if (undefined != _scale)
                        ret.fill.lin.scale = _scale;
                    ret.fill.path = null;
                else if (c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_PATH == _grad_type)
                    ret.fill.lin = null;
                    ret.fill.path = new GradPath();
                if (ret.fill == null || ret.fill.type != FILL_TYPE_SOLID)
                    ret.fill = new CSolidFill();
                ret.fill.color = CorrectUniColor(_fill.color, ret.fill.color, editorId);

    var _alpha = asc_fill.transparent;
    if (null != _alpha)
        ret.transparent = _alpha;

    return ret;
// эта функция ДОЛЖНА минимизироваться
function CreateAscStroke(ln, _canChangeArrows)
    if (null == ln || null == ln.Fill || ln.Fill.fill == null)
        return new asc_CStroke();

    var ret = new asc_CStroke();

    var _fill = ln.Fill.fill;
    if(_fill != null)
        switch (_fill.type)
            case FILL_TYPE_BLIP:
            case FILL_TYPE_SOLID:
                ret.color = CreateAscColor(_fill.color);
                ret.type = c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR;
            case FILL_TYPE_GRAD:
                var _c = _fill.colors;
                if (_c != 0)
                    ret.color = CreateAscColor(_fill.colors[0].color);
                    ret.type = c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR;

            case FILL_TYPE_PATT:
                ret.color = CreateAscColor(_fill.fgClr);
                ret.type = c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR;
            case FILL_TYPE_NOFILL:
                ret.color = null;
                ret.type = c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_NONE;

    ret.width = (ln.w == null) ? 12700 : (ln.w >> 0);
    ret.width /= 36000.0;

    if (ln.cap != null)

    if (ln.Join != null)

    if (ln.headEnd != null)
        ret.asc_putLinebeginstyle((ln.headEnd.type == null) ? LineEndType.None : ln.headEnd.type);

        var _len = (null == ln.headEnd.len) ? 1 : (2 - ln.headEnd.len);
        var _w = (null == ln.headEnd.w) ? 1 : (2 - ln.headEnd.w);

        ret.asc_putLinebeginsize(_w * 3 + _len);

    if (ln.tailEnd != null)
        ret.asc_putLineendstyle((ln.tailEnd.type == null) ? LineEndType.None : ln.tailEnd.type);

        var _len = (null == ln.tailEnd.len) ? 1 : (2 - ln.tailEnd.len);
        var _w = (null == ln.tailEnd.w) ? 1 : (2 - ln.tailEnd.w);

        ret.asc_putLineendsize(_w * 3 + _len);

    if (true === _canChangeArrows)
        ret.canChangeArrows = true;

    return ret;

function CorrectUniStroke(asc_stroke, unistroke, flag)
    if (null == asc_stroke)
        return unistroke;

    var ret = unistroke;
    if (null == ret)
        ret = new CLn();

    var _type = asc_stroke.type;
    var _w = asc_stroke.width;

    if (_w != null && _w !== undefined)
        ret.w = _w * 36000.0;

    var _color = asc_stroke.color;
    if (_type == c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_NONE)
        ret.Fill = new CUniFill();
        ret.Fill.fill = new CNoFill();
    else if (_type != null)
        if (null != _color && undefined !== _color)
            ret.Fill = new CUniFill();
            ret.Fill.type = FILL_TYPE_SOLID;
            ret.Fill.fill = new CSolidFill();
            ret.Fill.fill.color = CorrectUniColor(_color, ret.Fill.fill.color, flag);

    var _join = asc_stroke.LineJoin;
    if (null != _join)
        ret.Join = new LineJoin();
        ret.Join.type = _join;

    var _cap = asc_stroke.LineCap;
    if (null != _cap)
        ret.cap = _cap;

    var _begin_style = asc_stroke.LineBeginStyle;
    if (null != _begin_style)
        if (ret.headEnd == null)
            ret.headEnd = new EndArrow();

        ret.headEnd.type = _begin_style;

    var _end_style = asc_stroke.LineEndStyle;
    if (null != _end_style)
        if (ret.tailEnd == null)
            ret.tailEnd = new EndArrow();

        ret.tailEnd.type = _end_style;

    var _begin_size = asc_stroke.LineBeginSize;
    if (null != _begin_size)
        if (ret.headEnd == null)
            ret.headEnd = new EndArrow();

        ret.headEnd.w = 2 - ((_begin_size/3) >> 0);
        ret.headEnd.len = 2 - (_begin_size % 3);

    var _end_size = asc_stroke.LineEndSize;
    if (null != _end_size)
        if (ret.tailEnd == null)
            ret.tailEnd = new EndArrow();

        ret.tailEnd.w = 2 - ((_end_size/3) >> 0);
        ret.tailEnd.len = 2 - (_end_size % 3);

    return ret;

// эта функция ДОЛЖНА минимизироваться
function CreateAscShapeProp(shape)
    if (null == shape)
        return new asc_CShapeProperty();

    var ret = new asc_CShapeProperty();
    ret.fill = CreateAscFill(shape.brush);
    ret.stroke = CreateAscStroke(shape.pen);
    var paddings = null;
        var body_pr = shape.bodyPr;
        paddings = new asc_CPaddings();
        if(typeof body_pr.lIns === "number")
            paddings.Left = body_pr.lIns;
            paddings.Left = 2.54;

        if(typeof body_pr.tIns === "number")
            paddings.Top = body_pr.tIns;
            paddings.Top = 1.27;

        if(typeof body_pr.rIns === "number")
            paddings.Right = body_pr.rIns;
            paddings.Right = 2.54;

        if(typeof body_pr.bIns === "number")
            paddings.Bottom = body_pr.bIns;
            paddings.Bottom = 1.27;
    return ret;

function CreateAscShapePropFromProp(shapeProp)
    var obj = new asc_CShapeProperty();
        return obj;
        obj.Locked = shapeProp.locked;

    if(typeof shapeProp.type === "string")
        obj.type = shapeProp.type;
        obj.fill = CreateAscFill(shapeProp.fill);
        obj.stroke = CreateAscStroke(shapeProp.stroke, shapeProp.canChangeArrows);
        obj.paddings = shapeProp.paddings;
    if(shapeProp.canFill === true || shapeProp.canFill === false)
        obj.canFill = shapeProp.canFill;
    obj.bFromChart = shapeProp.bFromChart;
    obj.w = shapeProp.w;
    obj.h = shapeProp.h;
    obj.vert = shapeProp.vert;
    obj.verticalTextAlign = shapeProp.verticalTextAlign;
        obj.textArtProperties = CreateAscTextArtProps(shapeProp.textArtProperties);
    return obj;

function CorrectShapeProp(asc_shape_prop, shape)
    if (null == shape || null == asc_shape_prop)

    shape.spPr.Fill = CorrectUniFill(asc_shape_prop.asc_getFill(), shape.spPr.Fill);
    shape.spPr.ln = CorrectUniFill(asc_shape_prop.asc_getStroke(), shape.spPr.ln);

function CreateAscTextArtProps(oTextArtProps)
        return undefined;
    var oRet = new asc_TextArtProperties();
        oRet.asc_putLine(CreateAscStroke(oTextArtProps.Line, false));
    return oRet;
// эта функция ДОЛЖНА минимизироваться

function CreateAscColorCustom(r, g, b, auto)
    var ret = new asc_CColor();
    ret.type = c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SRGB;
    ret.r = r;
    ret.g = g;
    ret.b = b;
    ret.a = 255;
    ret.Auto = ( undefined === auto ? false : auto );
    return ret;

function CreateAscColor(unicolor)
    if (null == unicolor || null == unicolor.color)
        return new asc_CColor();

    var ret = new asc_CColor();
    ret.r = unicolor.RGBA.R;
    ret.g = unicolor.RGBA.G;
    ret.b = unicolor.RGBA.B;
    ret.a = unicolor.RGBA.A;

    var _color = unicolor.color;
    switch (_color.type)
        case c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SRGB:
        case c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SYS:
        case c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_PRST:
        case c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME:
            ret.type = _color.type;
            ret.value = _color.id;
    return ret;

function CreateUnifillFromAscColor(asc_color)
    var Unifill = new CUniFill();
    Unifill.fill = new CSolidFill();
    Unifill.fill.color = CorrectUniColor(asc_color, Unifill.fill.color);
    return Unifill;

function CorrectUniColor(asc_color, unicolor, flag)
    if (null == asc_color)
        return unicolor;

    var ret = unicolor;
    if (null == ret)
        ret = new CUniColor();

    var _type = asc_color.asc_getType();
    switch (_type)
        case c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_PRST:
            if (ret.color == null || ret.color.type != c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_PRST)
                ret.color = new CPrstColor();
            ret.color.id = asc_color.value;

            if (ret.Mods.Mods.length != 0)
                ret.Mods.Mods.splice(0, ret.Mods.Mods.length);
        case c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME:
            if (ret.color == null || ret.color.type != c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME)
                ret.color = new CSchemeColor();

            // тут выставляется ТОЛЬКО из меню. поэтому:
            var _index = parseInt(asc_color.value);
            var _id = (_index / 6) >> 0;
            var _pos = _index - _id * 6;

            var array_colors_types = [6, 15, 7, 16, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
            ret.color.id = array_colors_types[_id];
                ret.setMods(new CColorModifiers());

            if (ret.Mods.Mods.length != 0)
                ret.Mods.Mods.splice(0, ret.Mods.Mods.length);

            var __mods = null;

            var _flag;
            if (editor && editor.WordControl && editor.WordControl.m_oDrawingDocument && editor.WordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.GuiControlColorsMap)
                var _map = editor.WordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.GuiControlColorsMap;
                _flag = isRealNumber(flag) ? flag : 1;
                __mods = GetDefaultMods(_map[_id].r, _map[_id].g, _map[_id].b, _pos, _flag);
                var _editor = window["Asc"] && window["Asc"]["editor"];
                if (_editor && _editor.wbModel)
                    var _theme = _editor.wbModel.theme;
                    var _clrMap = _editor.wbModel.clrSchemeMap;

                    if (_theme && _clrMap)
                        var _schemeClr = new CSchemeColor();
                        _schemeClr.id = array_colors_types[_id];

                        var _rgba = {R:0, G:0, B:0, A:255};
                        _schemeClr.Calculate(_theme, _clrMap.color_map, _rgba);
                        _flag = isRealNumber(flag) ? flag : 0;
                        __mods = GetDefaultMods(_schemeClr.RGBA.R, _schemeClr.RGBA.G, _schemeClr.RGBA.B, _pos, _flag);

            if (null != __mods)
                for (var modInd = 0; modInd < __mods.length; modInd++)
                    ret.Mods.Mods[modInd] = _create_mod(__mods[modInd]);

            if (ret.color == null || ret.color.type != c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SRGB)
                ret.color = new CRGBColor();
            ret.color.RGBA.R = asc_color.r;
            ret.color.RGBA.G = asc_color.g;
            ret.color.RGBA.B = asc_color.b;
            ret.color.RGBA.A = asc_color.a;

            if (ret.Mods && ret.Mods.Mods.length != 0)
                ret.Mods.Mods.splice(0, ret.Mods.Mods.length);
    return ret;

if (undefined === window['Asc']) {
  window['Asc'] = {};
window['Asc']['c_oAscArrUserColors'] = c_oAscArrUserColors;