"use strict"; /** @define {boolean} */ var ASC_DOCS_API_DEBUG = true; var ASC_DOCS_API_USE_EMBEDDED_FONTS = "@@ASC_DOCS_API_USE_EMBEDDED_FONTS"; var documentId = undefined; var documentUserId = undefined; var documentUrl = 'null'; var documentTitle = 'null'; var documentTitleWithoutExtention = 'null'; var documentFormat = 'null'; var documentVKey = null; var documentOrigin = ""; var documentFormatSave = c_oAscFileType.DOCX; var documentFormatSaveTxtCodepage = 65001;//utf8 var documentCallbackUrl = undefined; // Ссылка для отправления информации о документе function CDocOpenProgress() { this.Type = c_oAscAsyncAction.Open; this.FontsCount = 0; this.CurrentFont = 0; this.ImagesCount = 0; this.CurrentImage = 0; } CDocOpenProgress.prototype.get_Type = function(){return this.Type}; CDocOpenProgress.prototype.get_FontsCount = function(){return this.FontsCount}; CDocOpenProgress.prototype.get_CurrentFont = function(){return this.CurrentFont}; CDocOpenProgress.prototype.get_ImagesCount = function(){return this.ImagesCount}; 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this.Height = (undefined == height) ? 0.0 : height; this.IsCorrect = isCorrect; } CImageSize.prototype.get_ImageWidth = function() { return this.Width; }; CImageSize.prototype.get_ImageHeight = function() { return this.Height; }; CImageSize.prototype.get_IsCorrect = function() { return this.IsCorrect; }; function CImgProperty( obj ) { if( obj ) { this.CanBeFlow = (undefined != obj.CanBeFlow) ? obj.CanBeFlow : true; this.Width = (undefined != obj.Width ) ? obj.Width : undefined; this.Height = (undefined != obj.Height ) ? obj.Height : undefined; this.WrappingStyle = (undefined != obj.WrappingStyle) ? obj.WrappingStyle : undefined; this.Paddings = (undefined != obj.Paddings ) ? new CPaddings (obj.Paddings) : undefined; this.Position = (undefined != obj.Position ) ? new CPosition (obj.Position) : undefined; this.AllowOverlap = (undefined != obj.AllowOverlap ) ? obj.AllowOverlap : undefined; this.PositionH = (undefined != obj.PositionH ) ? new CImagePositionH(obj.PositionH) : undefined; this.PositionV = (undefined != obj.PositionV ) ? new CImagePositionV(obj.PositionV) : undefined; 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}; CImgProperty.prototype.put_isChartPross = function(v) { this.isChartProps = v; }; CImgProperty.prototype.get_SeveralCharts = function() { return this.severalCharts; }; CImgProperty.prototype.put_SeveralCharts = function(v) { this.severalCharts = v; }; CImgProperty.prototype.get_SeveralChartTypes = function() { return this.severalChartTypes; }; CImgProperty.prototype.put_SeveralChartTypes = function(v) { this.severalChartTypes = v; }; CImgProperty.prototype.get_SeveralChartStyles = function() { return this.severalChartStyles; }; CImgProperty.prototype.put_SeveralChartStyles = function(v) { this.severalChartStyles = v; }; CImgProperty.prototype.get_VerticalTextAlign = function() { return this.verticalTextAlign; }; CImgProperty.prototype.put_VerticalTextAlign = function(v) { this.verticalTextAlign = v; }; CImgProperty.prototype.get_OriginSize = function(api) { var _section_select = api.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Get_PageSizesByDrawingObjects(); var _page_width = Page_Width; var _page_height = Page_Height; var _page_x_left_margin = X_Left_Margin; var _page_y_top_margin = Y_Top_Margin; var _page_x_right_margin = X_Right_Margin; var _page_y_bottom_margin = Y_Bottom_Margin; if (_section_select) { if (_section_select.W) _page_width = _section_select.W; if (_section_select.H) _page_height = _section_select.H; } var _image = api.ImageLoader.map_image_index[_getFullImageSrc(this.ImageUrl)]; if (_image != undefined && _image.Image != null && _image.Status == ImageLoadStatus.Complete) { var _w = Math.max(1, _page_width - (_page_x_left_margin + _page_x_right_margin)); var _h = Math.max(1, _page_height - (_page_y_top_margin + _page_y_bottom_margin)); var bIsCorrect = false; if (_image.Image != null) { var __w = Math.max(parseInt(_image.Image.width * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm), 1); var __h = Math.max(parseInt(_image.Image.height * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm), 1); var dKoef = Math.max(__w / _w, __h / _h); if (dKoef > 1) { _w = Math.max(5, __w / dKoef); _h = Math.max(5, __h / dKoef); bIsCorrect = true; } else { _w = __w; _h = __h; } } return new CImageSize( parseInt(_w), parseInt(_h), bIsCorrect); } return new CImageSize( 50, 50, false ); }; CImgProperty.prototype.get_Locked = function() { return this.Locked; }; CImgProperty.prototype.get_ChartProperties = function() { return this.ChartProperties; }; CImgProperty.prototype.put_ChartProperties = function(v) { this.ChartProperties = v; }; CImgProperty.prototype.get_ShapeProperties = function() { return this.ShapeProperties; }; CImgProperty.prototype.put_ShapeProperties = function(v) { this.ShapeProperties = v; }; function CHeaderProp( obj ) { /*{ Type : hdrftr_Footer (hdrftr_Header), Position : 12.5, DifferentFirst : true/false, DifferentEvenOdd : true/false, }*/ if( obj ) { this.Type = (undefined != obj.Type) ? obj.Type: null; this.Position = (undefined != obj.Position) ? obj.Position : null; this.DifferentFirst = (undefined != obj.DifferentFirst) ? obj.DifferentFirst : null; this.DifferentEvenOdd = (undefined != obj.DifferentEvenOdd) ? obj.DifferentEvenOdd : null; 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Если нет, тогда и не надо обновлять состояние. editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); } else { CollaborativeEditing.Add_NeedLock(Id, e["user"]); } } }; this.CoAuthoringApi.onLocksReleased = function (e, bChanges) { var Id = e["block"]; var Class = g_oTableId.Get_ById( Id ); if ( null != Class ) { var Lock = Class.Lock; if ( "undefined" != typeof(Lock) ) { var CurType = Lock.Get_Type(); var NewType = locktype_None; if ( CurType === locktype_Other ) { if ( true != bChanges ) NewType = locktype_None; else { NewType = locktype_Other2; CollaborativeEditing.Add_Unlock(Class); } } else if ( CurType === locktype_Mine ) { // Такого быть не должно NewType = locktype_Mine; } else if ( CurType === locktype_Other2 || CurType === locktype_Other3 ) NewType = locktype_Other2; Lock.Set_Type( NewType, true ); } } else { CollaborativeEditing.Remove_NeedLock(Id); } }; this.CoAuthoringApi.onSaveChanges = function (e, userId, bFirstLoad) { var bUseColor; if (bFirstLoad) bUseColor = -1 === CollaborativeEditing.m_nUseType; if (editor.CollaborativeMarksShowType === c_oAscCollaborativeMarksShowType.None) bUseColor = false; var oUser = t.CoAuthoringApi.getUser(userId); var nColor = oUser ? 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c_oAscError.ID.UserDrop : c_oAscError.ID.CoAuthoringDisconnect, c_oAscError.Level.NoCritical); } }; this.CoAuthoringApi.init(this.User, documentId, documentCallbackUrl, 'fghhfgsjdgfjs', function(){}, c_oEditorId.Word, documentFormatSave, this.isViewMode); // ToDo init other callbacks }; // send chart message asc_docs_api.prototype.asc_coAuthoringChatSendMessage = function(message) { if (!this.CoAuthoringApi) return; // Error this.CoAuthoringApi.sendMessage(message); }; // get chart messages, возвращается массив CChatMessage asc_docs_api.prototype.asc_coAuthoringChatGetMessages = function() { if (!this.CoAuthoringApi) return; // Error this.CoAuthoringApi.getMessages(); }; // get users, возвращается массив users asc_docs_api.prototype.asc_coAuthoringGetUsers = function() { if (!this.CoAuthoringApi) return; // Error this.CoAuthoringApi.getUsers(); }; // server disconnect asc_docs_api.prototype.asc_coAuthoringDisconnect = function () { if (!this.CoAuthoringApi) return; // Error this.CoAuthoringApi.disconnect(); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////SpellChecking api////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Init SpellCheck asc_docs_api.prototype._coSpellCheckInit = function() { if (!this.SpellCheckApi) { return; // Error } if(undefined !== window['g_cAscSpellCheckUrl']) window.g_cAscSpellCheckUrl = window['g_cAscSpellCheckUrl']; if(undefined !== window.g_cAscSpellCheckUrl) { //Turn off SpellCheck feature if it disabled if(!this.isSpellCheckEnable) window.g_cAscSpellCheckUrl = ""; this.SpellCheckApi.set_url(window.g_cAscSpellCheckUrl); } this.SpellCheckApi.onSpellCheck = function (e) { var incomeObject = JSON.parse(e); SpellCheck_CallBack(incomeObject); }; this.SpellCheckApi.init (documentId); }; asc_docs_api.prototype.asc_getSpellCheckLanguages = function() { return g_spellCheckLanguages; }; asc_docs_api.prototype._onUpdateDocumentCanSave = function () { // Можно модифицировать это условие на более быстрое (менять самим состояние в аргументах, а не запрашивать каждый раз) var tmp = this.isDocumentModified() || (0 >= CollaborativeEditing.m_nUseType && 0 !== CollaborativeEditing.getOwnLocksLength()); if (tmp !== this.isDocumentCanSave) { this.isDocumentCanSave = tmp; this.asc_fireCallback('asc_onDocumentCanSaveChanged', this.isDocumentCanSave); } }; // Update user alive asc_docs_api.prototype.setUserAlive = function () { if (this.TrackFile) this.TrackFile.setUserAlive(); }; // get functions // Возвращает //{ // ParaPr : // { // ContextualSpacing : false, // Удалять ли интервал между параграфами одинакового стиля // // Ind : // { // Left : 0, // Левый отступ // Right : 0, // Правый отступ // FirstLine : 0 // Первая строка // }, // // Jc : align_Left, // Прилегание параграфа // // KeepLines : false, // переносить параграф на новую страницу, // // если на текущей он целиком не убирается // KeepNext : false, // переносить параграф вместе со следующим параграфом // // PageBreakBefore : false, // начинать параграф с новой страницы // // Spacing : // { // Line : 1.15, // Расстояние между строками внутри абзаца // LineRule : linerule_Auto, // Тип расстрояния между строками // Before : 0, // Дополнительное расстояние до абзаца // After : 10 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm // Дополнительное расстояние после абзаца // }, // // Shd : // { // Value : shd_Nil, // Color : // { // r : 255, // g : 255, // b : 255 // } // }, // // WidowControl : true, // Запрет висячих строк // // Tabs : [] // }, // // TextPr : // { // Bold : false, // Italic : false, // Underline : false, // Strikeout : false, // FontFamily : // { // Name : "Times New Roman", // Index : -1 // }, // FontSize : 12, // Color : // { // r : 0, // g : 0, // b : 0 // }, // VertAlign : vertalign_Baseline, // HighLight : highlight_None // } //} // Paragraph spacing properties function CParagraphInd (obj) { if (obj) { this.Left = (undefined != obj.Left ) ? obj.Left : null; // Левый отступ this.Right = (undefined != obj.Right ) ? obj.Right : null; // Правый отступ this.FirstLine = (undefined != obj.FirstLine) ? obj.FirstLine : null; // Первая строка } else { this.Left = undefined; // Левый отступ this.Right = undefined; // Правый отступ this.FirstLine = undefined; // Первая строка } } CParagraphInd.prototype.get_Left = function () { return this.Left; } CParagraphInd.prototype.put_Left = function (v) { this.Left = v; } CParagraphInd.prototype.get_Right = function () { return this.Right; } CParagraphInd.prototype.put_Right = function (v) { this.Right = v; } CParagraphInd.prototype.get_FirstLine = function () { return this.FirstLine; } CParagraphInd.prototype.put_FirstLine = function (v) { this.FirstLine = v; } // Paragraph spacing properties function CParagraphSpacing (obj) { if (obj) { this.Line = (undefined != obj.Line ) ? obj.Line : null; // Расстояние между строками внутри абзаца this.LineRule = (undefined != obj.LineRule) ? obj.LineRule : null; // Тип расстрояния между строками this.Before = (undefined != obj.Before ) ? obj.Before : null; // Дополнительное расстояние до абзаца this.After = (undefined != obj.After ) ? obj.After : null; // Дополнительное расстояние после абзаца } else { this.Line = undefined; // Расстояние между строками внутри абзаца this.LineRule = undefined; // Тип расстрояния между строками this.Before = undefined; // Дополнительное расстояние до абзаца this.After = undefined; // Дополнительное расстояние после абзаца } } CParagraphSpacing.prototype.get_Line = function () { return this.Line; } CParagraphSpacing.prototype.get_LineRule = function () { return this.LineRule; } CParagraphSpacing.prototype.get_Before = function () { return this.Before; } CParagraphSpacing.prototype.get_After = function () { return this.After; } // Paragraph shd properties function CParagraphShd (obj) { if (obj) { this.Value = (undefined != obj.Value) ? obj.Value : null; if(obj.Unifill && obj.Unifill.fill && obj.Unifill.fill.type === FILL_TYPE_SOLID && obj.Unifill.fill.color) { this.Color = CreateAscColor(obj.Unifill.fill.color); } else { this.Color = (undefined != obj.Color && null != obj.Color) ? 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} CParagraphFrame.prototype.put_H = function (v) { this.H = v; } CParagraphFrame.prototype.get_HAnchor = function () { return this.HAnchor; } CParagraphFrame.prototype.put_HAnchor = function (v) { this.HAnchor = v; } CParagraphFrame.prototype.get_HRule = function () { return this.HRule; } CParagraphFrame.prototype.put_HRule = function (v) { this.HRule = v; } CParagraphFrame.prototype.get_HSpace = function () { return this.HSpace; } CParagraphFrame.prototype.put_HSpace = function (v) { this.HSpace = v; } CParagraphFrame.prototype.get_Lines = function () { return this.Lines; } CParagraphFrame.prototype.put_Lines = function (v) { this.Lines = v; } CParagraphFrame.prototype.get_VAnchor = function () { return this.VAnchor; } CParagraphFrame.prototype.put_VAnchor = function (v) { this.VAnchor = v; } CParagraphFrame.prototype.get_VSpace = function () { return this.VSpace; } CParagraphFrame.prototype.put_VSpace = function (v) { this.VSpace = v; } CParagraphFrame.prototype.get_W = function () { return this.W; 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} function CMathProp(obj) { this.Type = c_oAscMathInterfaceType.Common; this.Pr = null; if (obj) { this.Type = (undefined !== obj.Type ? obj.Type : this.Type); this.Pr = (undefined !== obj.Pr ? obj.Pr : this.Pr); } } CMathProp.prototype.get_Type = function() {return this.Type;} function CParagraphProp (obj) { if (obj) { this.ContextualSpacing = (undefined != obj.ContextualSpacing) ? obj.ContextualSpacing : null; this.Ind = (undefined != obj.Ind && null != obj.Ind) ? new CParagraphInd (obj.Ind) : null; this.KeepLines = (undefined != obj.KeepLines) ? obj.KeepLines : null; this.KeepNext = (undefined != obj.KeepNext) ? obj.KeepNext : undefined; this.WidowControl = (undefined != obj.WidowControl ? obj.WidowControl : undefined ); this.PageBreakBefore = (undefined != obj.PageBreakBefore) ? obj.PageBreakBefore : null; this.Spacing = (undefined != obj.Spacing && null != obj.Spacing) ? new CParagraphSpacing (obj.Spacing) : null; this.Brd = (undefined != obj.Brd && null != obj.Brd) ? new CParagraphBorders (obj.Brd) : null; this.Shd = (undefined != obj.Shd && null != obj.Shd) ? new CParagraphShd (obj.Shd) : null; this.Tabs = (undefined != obj.Tabs) ? new CParagraphTabs(obj.Tabs) : undefined; this.DefaultTab = Default_Tab_Stop; this.Locked = (undefined != obj.Locked && null != obj.Locked ) ? obj.Locked : false; this.CanAddTable = (undefined != obj.CanAddTable ) ? obj.CanAddTable : true; this.FramePr = (undefined != obj.FramePr ) ? new CParagraphFrame( obj.FramePr ) : undefined; this.CanAddDropCap = (undefined != obj.CanAddDropCap ) ? obj.CanAddDropCap : false; this.CanAddImage = (undefined != obj.CanAddImage ) ? obj.CanAddImage : false; this.Subscript = (undefined != obj.Subscript) ? obj.Subscript : undefined; this.Superscript = (undefined != obj.Superscript) ? obj.Superscript : undefined; this.SmallCaps = (undefined != obj.SmallCaps) ? obj.SmallCaps : undefined; this.AllCaps = (undefined != obj.AllCaps) ? obj.AllCaps : undefined; this.Strikeout = (undefined != obj.Strikeout) ? obj.Strikeout : undefined; this.DStrikeout = (undefined != obj.DStrikeout) ? obj.DStrikeout : undefined; this.TextSpacing = (undefined != obj.TextSpacing) ? obj.TextSpacing : undefined; this.Position = (undefined != obj.Position) ? obj.Position : undefined; } else { //ContextualSpacing : false, // Удалять ли интервал между параграфами одинакового стиля // // Ind : // { // Left : 0, // Левый отступ // Right : 0, // Правый отступ // FirstLine : 0 // Первая строка // }, // // Jc : align_Left, // Прилегание параграфа // // KeepLines : false, // переносить параграф на новую страницу, // // если на текущей он целиком не убирается // KeepNext : false, // переносить параграф вместе со следующим параграфом // // PageBreakBefore : false, // начинать параграф с новой страницы this.ContextualSpacing = undefined; this.Ind = new CParagraphInd (); this.KeepLines = undefined; this.KeepNext = undefined; this.WidowControl = undefined; this.PageBreakBefore = undefined; this.Spacing = new CParagraphSpacing (); this.Brd = undefined; this.Shd = undefined; this.Locked = false; this.CanAddTable = true; this.Tabs = undefined; this.CanAddDropCap = false; this.CanAddImage = false; this.Subscript = undefined; this.Superscript = undefined; this.SmallCaps = undefined; this.AllCaps = undefined; this.Strikeout = undefined; this.DStrikeout = undefined; this.TextSpacing = undefined; this.Position = undefined; } } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_ContextualSpacing = function () { return this.ContextualSpacing; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_ContextualSpacing = function (v) { this.ContextualSpacing = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_Ind = function () { return this.Ind; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_Ind = function (v) { this.Ind = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_KeepLines = function () { return this.KeepLines; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_KeepLines = function (v) { this.KeepLines = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_KeepNext = function () { return this.KeepNext; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_KeepNext = function (v) { this.KeepNext = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_PageBreakBefore = function (){ return this.PageBreakBefore; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_PageBreakBefore = function (v){ this.PageBreakBefore = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_WidowControl = function (){ return this.WidowControl; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_WidowControl = function (v){ this.WidowControl = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_Spacing = function () { return this.Spacing; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_Spacing = function (v) { this.Spacing = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_Borders = function () { return this.Brd; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_Borders = function (v) { this.Brd = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_Shade = function () { return this.Shd; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_Shade = function (v) { this.Shd = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_Locked = function() { return this.Locked; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_CanAddTable = function() { return this.CanAddTable; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_Subscript = function () { return this.Subscript; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_Subscript = function (v) { this.Subscript = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_Superscript = function () { return this.Superscript; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_Superscript = function (v) { this.Superscript = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_SmallCaps = function () { return this.SmallCaps; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_SmallCaps = function (v) { this.SmallCaps = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_AllCaps = function () { return this.AllCaps; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_AllCaps = function (v) { this.AllCaps = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_Strikeout = function () { return this.Strikeout; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_Strikeout = function (v) { this.Strikeout = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_DStrikeout = function () { return this.DStrikeout; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_DStrikeout = function (v) { this.DStrikeout = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_TextSpacing = function () { return this.TextSpacing; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_TextSpacing = function (v) { this.TextSpacing = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_Position = function () { return this.Position; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_Position = function (v) { this.Position = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_Tabs = function () { return this.Tabs; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_Tabs = function (v) { this.Tabs = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_DefaultTab = function () { return this.DefaultTab; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_DefaultTab = function (v) { this.DefaultTab = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_FramePr = function () { return this.FramePr; } CParagraphProp.prototype.put_FramePr = function (v) { this.FramePr = v; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_CanAddDropCap = function() { return this.CanAddDropCap; } CParagraphProp.prototype.get_CanAddImage = function() { return this.CanAddImage; } // Paragraph properties function CParagraphPropEx (obj) { if (obj) { this.ContextualSpacing = (undefined != obj.ContextualSpacing) ? obj.ContextualSpacing : null; this.Ind = (undefined != obj.Ind && null != obj.Ind) ? new CParagraphInd (obj.Ind) : null; this.Jc = (undefined != obj.Jc) ? obj.Jc : null; this.KeepLines = (undefined != obj.KeepLines) ? obj.KeepLines : null; this.KeepNext = (undefined != obj.KeepNext) ? obj.KeepNext : null; this.PageBreakBefore = (undefined != obj.PageBreakBefore) ? obj.PageBreakBefore : null; this.Spacing = (undefined != obj.Spacing && null != obj.Spacing) ? new CParagraphSpacing (obj.Spacing) : null; this.Shd = (undefined != obj.Shd && null != obj.Shd) ? new CParagraphShd (obj.Shd) : null; this.WidowControl = (undefined != obj.WidowControl) ? obj.WidowControl : null; // Запрет висячих строк this.Tabs = obj.Tabs; } else { //ContextualSpacing : false, // Удалять ли интервал между параграфами одинакового стиля // // Ind : // { // Left : 0, // Левый отступ // Right : 0, // Правый отступ // FirstLine : 0 // Первая строка // }, // // Jc : align_Left, // Прилегание параграфа // // KeepLines : false, // переносить параграф на новую страницу, // // если на текущей он целиком не убирается // KeepNext : false, // переносить параграф вместе со следующим параграфом // // PageBreakBefore : false, // начинать параграф с новой страницы this.ContextualSpacing = false; this.Ind = new CParagraphInd (); this.Jc = align_Left; this.KeepLines = false; this.KeepNext = false; this.PageBreakBefore = false; this.Spacing = new CParagraphSpacing (); this.Shd = new CParagraphShd (); this.WidowControl = true; // Запрет висячих строк this.Tabs = null; } } CParagraphPropEx.prototype.get_ContextualSpacing = function () { return this.ContextualSpacing; } CParagraphPropEx.prototype.get_Ind = function () { return this.Ind; } CParagraphPropEx.prototype.get_Jc = function () { return this.Jc; } CParagraphPropEx.prototype.get_KeepLines = function () { return this.KeepLines; } CParagraphPropEx.prototype.get_KeepNext = function () { return this.KeepNext; } CParagraphPropEx.prototype.get_PageBreakBefore = function () { return this.PageBreakBefore; } CParagraphPropEx.prototype.get_Spacing = function () { return this.Spacing; } CParagraphPropEx.prototype.get_Shd = function () { return this.Shd; } CParagraphPropEx.prototype.get_WidowControl = function () { return this.WidowControl; } CParagraphPropEx.prototype.get_Tabs = function () { return this.Tabs; } // Text properties // TextPr : // { // Bold : false, // Italic : false, // Underline : false, // Strikeout : false, // FontFamily : // { // Name : "Times New Roman", // Index : -1 // }, // FontSize : 12, // Color : // { // r : 0, // g : 0, // b : 0 // }, // VertAlign : vertalign_Baseline, // HighLight : highlight_None // } function CTextFontFamily (obj) { if (obj) { this.Name = (undefined != obj.Name) ? obj.Name : null; // "Times New Roman" this.Index = (undefined != obj.Index) ? obj.Index : null; // -1 } else { this.Name = "Times New Roman"; this.Index = -1; } } CTextFontFamily.prototype.get_Name = function () { return this.Name; } CTextFontFamily.prototype.get_Index = function () { return this.Index; } // CTextProp function CTextProp (obj) { if (obj) { this.Bold = (undefined != obj.Bold) ? obj.Bold : null; this.Italic = (undefined != obj.Italic) ? obj.Italic : null; this.Underline = (undefined != obj.Underline) ? obj.Underline : null; this.Strikeout = (undefined != obj.Strikeout) ? obj.Strikeout : null; this.FontFamily = (undefined != obj.FontFamily && null != obj.FontFamily) ? new CTextFontFamily (obj.FontFamily) : null; this.FontSize = (undefined != obj.FontSize) ? obj.FontSize : null; this.Color = (undefined != obj.Color && null != obj.Color) ? CreateAscColorCustom(obj.Color.r, obj.Color.g, obj.Color.b) : null; this.VertAlign = (undefined != obj.VertAlign) ? obj.VertAlign : null; this.HighLight = (undefined != obj.HighLight) ? obj.HighLight == highlight_None ? obj.HighLight : new CColor (obj.HighLight.r, obj.HighLight.g, obj.HighLight.b) : null; this.DStrikeout = (undefined != obj.DStrikeout) ? obj.DStrikeout : null; this.Spacing = (undefined != obj.Spacing) ? obj.Spacing : null; this.Caps = (undefined != obj.Caps) ? obj.Caps : null; this.SmallCaps = (undefined != obj.SmallCaps) ? obj.SmallCaps : null; } else { // Bold : false, // Italic : false, // Underline : false, // Strikeout : false, // FontFamily : // { // Name : "Times New Roman", // Index : -1 // }, // FontSize : 12, // Color : // { // r : 0, // g : 0, // b : 0 // }, // VertAlign : vertalign_Baseline, // HighLight : highlight_None this.Bold = false; this.Italic = false; this.Underline = false; this.Strikeout = false; this.FontFamily = new CTextFontFamily(); this.FontSize = 12; this.Color = CreateAscColorCustom(0, 0, 0); this.VertAlign = vertalign_Baseline; this.HighLight = highlight_None; this.DStrikeout = false; this.Spacing = 0; this.Caps = false; this.SmallCaps = false; } } CTextProp.prototype.get_Bold = function () { return this.Bold; } CTextProp.prototype.get_Italic = function () { return this.Italic; } CTextProp.prototype.get_Underline = function () { return this.Underline; } CTextProp.prototype.get_Strikeout = function () { return this.Strikeout; } CTextProp.prototype.get_FontFamily = function () { return this.FontFamily; } CTextProp.prototype.get_FontSize = function () { return this.FontSize; } CTextProp.prototype.get_Color = function () { return this.Color; } CTextProp.prototype.get_VertAlign = function () { return this.VertAlign; } CTextProp.prototype.get_HighLight = function () { return this.HighLight; } CTextProp.prototype.get_Spacing = function () { return this.Spacing; } CTextProp.prototype.get_DStrikeout = function () { return this.DStrikeout; } CTextProp.prototype.get_Caps = function () { return this.Caps; } CTextProp.prototype.get_SmallCaps = function () { return this.SmallCaps; } // paragraph and text properties objects container function CParagraphAndTextProp (paragraphProp, textProp) { this.ParaPr = (undefined != paragraphProp && null != paragraphProp) ? new CParagraphPropEx (paragraphProp) : null; this.TextPr = (undefined != textProp && null != textProp) ? new CTextProp (textProp) : null; } CParagraphAndTextProp.prototype.get_ParaPr = function () { return this.ParaPr; } CParagraphAndTextProp.prototype.get_TextPr = function () { return this.TextPr; } // asc_docs_api.prototype.get_TextProps = function() { var Doc = this.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; var ParaPr = Doc.Get_Paragraph_ParaPr(); var TextPr = Doc.Get_Paragraph_TextPr(); // return { ParaPr: ParaPr, TextPr : TextPr }; return new CParagraphAndTextProp (ParaPr, TextPr); // uncomment if this method will be used externally. 20/03/2012 uncommented for testers } // ------- asc_docs_api.prototype.GetJSONLogicDocument = function() { return JSON.stringify(this.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument); } asc_docs_api.prototype.get_ContentCount = function() { return this.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Content.length; } asc_docs_api.prototype.select_Element = function(Index) { var Document = this.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; if ( true === Document.Selection.Use ) Document.Selection_Remove(); Document.DrawingDocument.SelectEnabled(true); Document.DrawingDocument.TargetEnd(); Document.Selection.Use = true; Document.Selection.Start = false; Document.Selection.Flag = selectionflag_Common; Document.Selection.StartPos = Index; Document.Selection.EndPos = Index; Document.Content[Index].Selection.Use = true; Document.Content[Index].Selection.StartPos = Document.Content[Index].Internal_GetStartPos(); Document.Content[Index].Selection.EndPos = Document.Content[Index].Content.length - 1; Document.Selection_Draw(); } asc_docs_api.prototype.UpdateTextPr = function(TextPr) { if ( "undefined" != typeof(TextPr) ) { if (TextPr.Bold !== undefined) this.sync_BoldCallBack(TextPr.Bold); if (TextPr.Italic !== undefined) this.sync_ItalicCallBack(TextPr.Italic); if (TextPr.Underline !== undefined) this.sync_UnderlineCallBack(TextPr.Underline); if (TextPr.Strikeout !== undefined) this.sync_StrikeoutCallBack(TextPr.Strikeout); if (TextPr.FontSize !== undefined) this.sync_TextPrFontSizeCallBack(TextPr.FontSize); if (TextPr.FontFamily !== undefined) this.sync_TextPrFontFamilyCallBack(TextPr.FontFamily); if (TextPr.VertAlign !== undefined) this.sync_VerticalAlign(TextPr.VertAlign); if (TextPr.HighLight !== undefined) this.sync_TextHighLight(TextPr.HighLight); if (TextPr.Spacing !== undefined) this.sync_TextSpacing(TextPr.Spacing); if (TextPr.DStrikeout !== undefined) this.sync_TextDStrikeout(TextPr.DStrikeout); if (TextPr.Caps !== undefined) this.sync_TextCaps(TextPr.Caps); if (TextPr.SmallCaps !== undefined) this.sync_TextSmallCaps(TextPr.SmallCaps); if (TextPr.Position !== undefined) this.sync_TextPosition(TextPr.Position); if (TextPr.Lang !== undefined) this.sync_TextLangCallBack(TextPr.Lang); this.sync_TextColor(TextPr); } } asc_docs_api.prototype.UpdateParagraphProp = function(ParaPr) { //if ( true === CollaborativeEditing.Get_GlobalLock() ) //{ // ParaPr.Locked = true; // ParaPr.CanAddTable = false; //} // var prgrhPr = this.get_TextProps(); // var prProp = {}; // prProp.Ind = prgrhPr.ParaPr.Ind; // prProp.ContextualSpacing = prgrhPr.ParaPr.ContextualSpacing; // prProp.Spacing = prgrhPr.ParaPr.Spacing; // prProp.PageBreakBefore = prgrhPr.ParaPr.PageBreakBefore; // prProp.KeepLines = prgrhPr.ParaPr.KeepLines; // { // ContextualSpacing : false, // Удалять ли интервал между параграфами одинакового стиля // // Ind : // { // Left : 0, // Левый отступ // Right : 0, // Правый отступ // FirstLine : 0 // Первая строка // }, // Jc : align_Left, // Прилегание параграфа // KeepLines : false, // переносить параграф на новую страницу, // // если на текущей он целиком не убирается // PageBreakBefore : false, // начинать параграф с новой страницы // // Spacing : // { // Line : 1.15, // Расстояние между строками внутри абзаца // LineRule : linerule_Auto, // Тип расстрояния между строками // Before : 0, // Дополнительное расстояние до абзаца // After : 10 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm // Дополнительное расстояние после абзаца // } // } // TODO: как только разъединят настройки параграфа и текста переделать тут var TextPr = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Get_Paragraph_TextPr(); ParaPr.Subscript = ( TextPr.VertAlign === vertalign_SubScript ? true : false ); ParaPr.Superscript = ( TextPr.VertAlign === vertalign_SuperScript ? true : false ); ParaPr.Strikeout = TextPr.Strikeout; ParaPr.DStrikeout = TextPr.DStrikeout; ParaPr.AllCaps = TextPr.Caps; ParaPr.SmallCaps = TextPr.SmallCaps; ParaPr.TextSpacing = TextPr.Spacing; ParaPr.Position = TextPr.Position; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( true === ParaPr.Spacing.AfterAutoSpacing ) ParaPr.Spacing.After = spacing_Auto; else if ( undefined === ParaPr.Spacing.AfterAutoSpacing ) ParaPr.Spacing.After = UnknownValue; if ( true === ParaPr.Spacing.BeforeAutoSpacing ) ParaPr.Spacing.Before = spacing_Auto; else if ( undefined === ParaPr.Spacing.BeforeAutoSpacing ) ParaPr.Spacing.Before = UnknownValue; if ( -1 === ParaPr.PStyle ) ParaPr.StyleName = ""; else if ( undefined === ParaPr.PStyle || undefined === this.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Styles.Style[ParaPr.PStyle] ) ParaPr.StyleName = this.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Styles.Style[this.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Styles.Get_Default_Paragraph()].Name; else ParaPr.StyleName = this.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Styles.Style[ParaPr.PStyle].Name; var NumType = -1; var NumSubType = -1; if ( !(null == ParaPr.NumPr || 0 === ParaPr.NumPr.NumId || "0" === ParaPr.NumPr.NumId) ) { var Numb = this.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Numbering.Get_AbstractNum( ParaPr.NumPr.NumId ); if ( undefined !== Numb && undefined !== Numb.Lvl[ParaPr.NumPr.Lvl] ) { var Lvl = Numb.Lvl[ParaPr.NumPr.Lvl]; var NumFormat = Lvl.Format; var NumText = Lvl.LvlText; if ( numbering_numfmt_Bullet === NumFormat ) { NumType = 0; NumSubType = 0; var TextLen = NumText.length; if ( 1 === TextLen && numbering_lvltext_Text === NumText[0].Type ) { var NumVal = NumText[0].Value.charCodeAt(0); if ( 0x00B7 === NumVal ) NumSubType = 1; else if ( 0x006F === NumVal ) NumSubType = 2; else if ( 0x00A7 === NumVal ) NumSubType = 3; else if ( 0x0076 === NumVal ) NumSubType = 4; else if ( 0x00D8 === NumVal ) NumSubType = 5; else if ( 0x00FC === NumVal ) NumSubType = 6; else if ( 0x00A8 === NumVal ) NumSubType = 7; } } else { NumType = 1; NumSubType = 0; var TextLen = NumText.length; if ( 2 === TextLen && numbering_lvltext_Num === NumText[0].Type && numbering_lvltext_Text === NumText[1].Type ) { var NumVal2 = NumText[1].Value; if ( numbering_numfmt_Decimal === NumFormat ) { if ( "." === NumVal2 ) NumSubType = 1; else if ( ")" === NumVal2 ) NumSubType = 2; } else if ( numbering_numfmt_UpperRoman === NumFormat ) { if ( "." === NumVal2 ) NumSubType = 3; } else if ( numbering_numfmt_UpperLetter === NumFormat ) { if ( "." === NumVal2 ) NumSubType = 4; } else if ( numbering_numfmt_LowerLetter === NumFormat ) { if ( ")" === NumVal2 ) NumSubType = 5; else if ( "." === NumVal2 ) NumSubType = 6; } else if ( numbering_numfmt_LowerRoman === NumFormat ) { if ( "." === NumVal2 ) NumSubType = 7; } } } } } ParaPr.ListType = { Type : NumType, SubType : NumSubType }; if ( undefined !== ParaPr.FramePr && undefined !== ParaPr.FramePr.Wrap ) { if ( wrap_NotBeside === ParaPr.FramePr.Wrap ) ParaPr.FramePr.Wrap = false; else if ( wrap_Around === ParaPr.FramePr.Wrap ) ParaPr.FramePr.Wrap = true; else ParaPr.FramePr.Wrap = undefined; } this.sync_ParaSpacingLine( ParaPr.Spacing ); this.Update_ParaInd(ParaPr.Ind); this.sync_PrAlignCallBack(ParaPr.Jc); this.sync_ParaStyleName(ParaPr.StyleName); this.sync_ListType(ParaPr.ListType); this.sync_PrPropCallback(ParaPr); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*functions for working with clipboard, document*/ /*TODO: Print,Undo,Redo,Copy,Cut,Paste,Share,Save,DownloadAs,ReturnToDocuments(вернуться на предыдущую страницу) & callbacks for these functions*/ asc_docs_api.prototype.asc_Print = function() { if (undefined != window['qtDocBridge']) { this.async_SaveToPdf(); } else { this.sync_StartAction(c_oAscAsyncActionType.BlockInteraction, c_oAscAsyncAction.Print); var editor = this; if(null == this.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument) { var rData = { "id":documentId, "userid": documentUserId, "vkey": documentVKey, "format": documentFormat, "c":"savefromorigin"}; 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