function CDocumentReaderMode() { this.DefaultFontSize = 12; this.CorrectDefaultFontSize = function(size) { if (size < 6) return; this.DefaultFontSize = size; } this.CorrectFontSize = function(size) { var dRes = size / this.DefaultFontSize; dRes = (1 + dRes) / 2; dRes = (100 * dRes) >> 0; dRes /= 100; return "" + dRes + "em"; } } window.USER_AGENT_SAFARI_MACOS = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('safari') > -1 && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('mac') > -1) ? true : false; var COPY_ELEMENT_ID = "SelectId"; var PASTE_ELEMENT_ID = "wrd_pastebin"; var ELEMENT_DISPAY_STYLE = "none"; if (window.USER_AGENT_SAFARI_MACOS) { var PASTE_ELEMENT_ID = "SelectId"; var ELEMENT_DISPAY_STYLE = "block"; } var g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste = true; var isOnlyLocalBufferSafariWord = false; function Editor_Copy_GetElem(api) { var ElemToSelect = document.getElementById( COPY_ELEMENT_ID ); if ( !ElemToSelect ) { ElemToSelect = document.createElement("div"); = COPY_ELEMENT_ID; = "absolute"; //���� ������� width ���������, �� �������� ����� ��������� ������������ �� span //� �������� � ����� ������ ��������� ������ <span>1</span><span> </span><span>2</span> //style.left = 0px, ���� ������� ���������� ������ ������� ������� ����, �� ����� ������� ������ �������� �����, �� � ����������� ����(� iframe) ������� ������������� � ����� ������ ��� ����� ������� ������ ����������. = '0px'; 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Chrome ������ ��������� ������ ����� ����� ������ ���������� var is_gecko = window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Gecko/') >= 0; if(is_gecko) { ElemToSelect.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '\xa0' ) ); ElemToSelect.insertBefore( document.createTextNode( '\xa0' ), ElemToSelect.firstChild ); rangeToSelect.setStartAfter (ElemToSelect.firstChild); rangeToSelect.setEndBefore (ElemToSelect.lastChild); } else { //�������� � webkit: ���� ���������� ����� ���� ��������, �� ���������� ������ ��� ������������ //������ ��� ����������� ��� � ��� <b> var is_webkit = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('webkit') > -1; if(is_webkit) { var aChildNodes = ElemToSelect.childNodes; if(aChildNodes.length == 1) { var elem = aChildNodes[0]; var wrap = document.createElement("b"); wrap.setAttribute("style", "font-weight:normal"); elem = ElemToSelect.removeChild(elem); wrap.appendChild(elem); ElemToSelect.appendChild(wrap); } } rangeToSelect.selectNodeContents (ElemToSelect); } selection.removeAllRanges (); selection.addRange (rangeToSelect); } else { if (document.body.createTextRange) // Internet Explorer { var rangeToSelect = document.body.createTextRange (); rangeToSelect.moveToElementText (ElemToSelect); (); } } //���� ���������� copy window.setTimeout( function() { //�������� ����������� ��������� = ELEMENT_DISPAY_STYLE; = "none";["-khtml-user-select"] = "none";["-o-user-select"] = "none";["user-select"] = "none";["-webkit-user-select"] = "none"; if(true == bCut) { //������� ���������� �������� api.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Remove(-1, true, true); api.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Document_UpdateSelectionState(); } }, 0); /* if (e.dataTransfer) { e.dataTransfer.setData('text', '2|16|190'); } if (e.clipboardData) { e.preventDefault(); e.clipboardData.setData('text/xcustom', 'Added this custom data at copy'); e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', 'This is not the text you copied, it was changed by the copy event handler'); var TempXCustom = e.clipboardData.getData('text/xcustom'); var TempPlain = e.clipboardData.getData('text/plain'); 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else if( linerule_Auto == Item_pPr.Spacing.LineRule) { if(1 == Item_pPr.Spacing.Line) apPr.push("line-height:normal"); else apPr.push("line-height:"+parseInt(Item_pPr.Spacing.Line * 100)+"%"); } } if(Def_pPr.Spacing.LineRule != Item_pPr.Spacing.LineRule) { if(linerule_Exact == Item_pPr.Spacing.LineRule) apPr.push("mso-line-height-rule:exactly"); } //��� ������� � word ����� ����� ��� �������� ������������ ������ //if(Def_pPr.Spacing.Before != Item_pPr.Spacing.Before) apPr.push("margin-top:" + (Item_pPr.Spacing.Before * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt) + "pt"); //if(Def_pPr.Spacing.After != Item_pPr.Spacing.After) apPr.push("margin-bottom:" + (Item_pPr.Spacing.After * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt) + "pt"); //Shd if(Def_pPr.Shd.Value != Item_pPr.Shd.Value) apPr.push("background-color:" + this.RGBToCSS(Item_pPr.Shd.Color)); //Tabs if(Item_pPr.Tabs.Get_Count() > 0) { var sRes = ""; //tab-stops:1.0cm 3.0cm 5.0cm for(var i = 0, length = Item_pPr.Tabs.Get_Count(); i < length; i++) { if(0 != i) sRes += " "; sRes += Item_pPr.Tabs.Get(i).Pos / 10 + "cm"; 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for(var i = 0, length = str.length; i < length - 1; i++) { sResult += " "; } sResult += " "; return sResult; }); //����������� ����� � ���� ������ var sStart = ""; var aEnd = new Array(); for(prop in this.oTagPr) { sStart += "<" + prop + ">"; aEnd.push("</" + prop + ">"); } if("" != sStart && aEnd.length > 0) { aEnd.reverse(); sText = sStart + sText + aEnd.join(''); } Run.innerHTML = sText; } if(null != this.oCurHyperlinkElem) this.oCurHyperlinkElem.appendChild(Run); else this.Para.appendChild(Run); } this.InitRun(bInitPr); }, parse_para_TextPr : function(Value) { //���������� ������� span this.CommitSpan( false); //���������� ����� ��������� for( var prop in Value ) { this.SetProp(prop, Value[prop]); } }, SetProp : function(prop, val) { var oPropMap = { FontFamily: function( oThis, val ) { var sFontName = val.Name; if (sFontName == "" && 0 <= val.Index) sFontName = oThis.fontsArray[val.Index].Name; oThis.orPr["font-family"] = "'" + sFontName + "'"; }, FontSize: function( oThis, val ) { if (!oThis.api.DocumentReaderMode) oThis.orPr["font-size"] = val + "pt";//font-size � pt ��� ��������� ������� � mm else { oThis.orPr["font-size"] = oThis.api.DocumentReaderMode.CorrectFontSize(val); 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this.parse_para_TextPr(oCalculateTextPr); } break; case para_Drawing: var oGraphicObj = ParaItem.GraphicObj; var sSrc = oGraphicObj.getBase64Img(); if(sSrc.length > 0) { sSrc = this.getSrc(sSrc); this.aInnerHtml.push("<img width=\""+Math.round(ParaItem.W * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix)+"\" height=\""+Math.round(ParaItem.H * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix)+"\" src=\""+sSrc+"\" alt=\""+ParaItem.writeToBinaryForCopyPaste()+"\"/>"); break; } // var _canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); // var w = img.width; // var h = img.height; // _canvas.width = w; // _canvas.height = h; // var _ctx = _canvas.getContext('2d'); // _ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "copy"; // _ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); // var _data = _ctx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h); // _ctx = null; // delete _canvas; break; case para_FlowObjectAnchor: var oFlowObj = ParaItem.FlowObject; if(flowobject_Image == oFlowObj.Get_Type()) { var sSrc = oFlowObj.Img; if(sSrc.length > 0) { sSrc = this.getSrc(sSrc); var sStyle = ""; var nLeft = oFlowObj.X; var nRight = nLeft + oFlowObj.W; 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if(null != this.oCurHyperlink.Tooltip) this.oCurHyperlinkElem.setAttribute("title", this.oCurHyperlink.Tooltip); //���������� ��� �������������� �������� � ������ for(var i = 0; i < this.Para.childNodes.length; i++) { var child = this.Para.childNodes[i]; child = this.Para.removeChild(child); this.oCurHyperlinkElem.appendChild( child ); } this.Para.appendChild(this.oCurHyperlinkElem); } } this.oCurHyperlink = null; this.oCurHyperlinkElem = null; break; } }, CopyParagraph : function(oDomTarget, Item, bLast, bUseSelection, aDocumentContent, nDocumentContentIndex) { var oDocument = this.oDocument; this.Para = null; //��� heading ����� � h1 var styleId = Item.Style_Get(); if(styleId) { var styleName = oDocument.Styles.Get_Name( styleId ).toLowerCase(); //������ "heading n" (n=1:6) if(0 == styleName.indexOf("heading")) { var nLevel = parseInt(styleName.substring("heading".length)); if(1 <= nLevel && nLevel <= 6) this.Para = document.createElement( "h" + nLevel ); } } if(null == this.Para) this.Para = document.createElement( "p" ); this.bOccurEndPar = false; var oNumPr; var bIsNullNumPr = false; if(g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { oNumPr = Item.Numbering_Get(); bIsNullNumPr = (null == oNumPr || 0 == oNumPr.NumId); } else { oNumPr = Item.PresentationPr.Bullet; bIsNullNumPr = (0 == oNumPr.m_nType); } if(bIsNullNumPr) this.CommitList(oDomTarget); else { var bBullet = false; var sListStyle = ""; if(g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { var aNum = this.oDocument.Numbering.Get_AbstractNum( oNumPr.NumId ); if(null != aNum) { var LvlPr = aNum.Lvl[oNumPr.Lvl]; if(null != LvlPr) { switch(LvlPr.Format) { case numbering_numfmt_Decimal: sListStyle = "decimal";break; case numbering_numfmt_LowerRoman: sListStyle = "lower-roman";break; case numbering_numfmt_UpperRoman: sListStyle = "upper-roman";break; case numbering_numfmt_LowerLetter: sListStyle = "lower-alpha";break; case numbering_numfmt_UpperLetter: sListStyle = "upper-alpha";break; default: sListStyle = "disc"; bBullet = true; break; } } } } else { var _presentation_bullet = Item.PresentationPr.Bullet; 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ParaEnd = Item.Selection.EndPos; if ( ParaStart > ParaEnd ) { var Temp2 = ParaEnd; ParaEnd = ParaStart; ParaStart = Temp2; } } //���� ������ ��������� ����� �� ParaStart var oCalculateTextPr = Item.Internal_CalculateTextPr(ParaStart); this.parse_para_TextPr(oCalculateTextPr); //��� hyperlink: ���� ������ ���� �� ��������� ����������, �� � ����� ��������� ���� �������� �� ������ if(null != this.oCurHyperlink) { this.oCurHyperlinkElem = document.createElement( "a" ); if(null != this.oCurHyperlink.Value) this.oCurHyperlinkElem.href = this.oCurHyperlink.Value; if(null != this.oCurHyperlink.Tooltip) this.oCurHyperlinkElem.setAttribute("title", this.oCurHyperlink.Tooltip); } // TODO : ����������� ��������, ��� ������ ������� Hyperlink. ������� �� ����������. if ( ParaStart > 0 ) { while ( Item.Content[ParaStart - 1].Type === para_TextPr || Item.Content[ParaStart - 1].Type === para_HyperlinkStart ) { ParaStart--; if(0 == ParaStart) break; } } //����������� �� �������� ��������� for ( var Index2 = ParaStart; Index2 < ParaEnd; Index2++ ) { var ParaItem = Item.Content[Index2]; this.ParseItem(ParaItem, Item, Index2, aDocumentContent, nDocumentContentIndex); } this.CommitSpan(true); //��� hyperlink: ���� ������ ���� � ���������� ����������, �� ���� ��������� ������ � ������� ��������� if(null != this.oCurHyperlinkElem) this.Para.appendChild(this.oCurHyperlinkElem); this.oCurHyperlink = null; this.oCurHyperlinkElem = null; if(bLast && false == this.bOccurEndPar) { if(false == bIsNullNumPr) { //������ �������� � ������. ������� ������� �� ������. ���������� ����� ��� span var li = this.Para.parentNode; var ul = li.parentNode; ul.removeChild(li); this.CommitList(oDomTarget); } for(var i = 0; i < this.Para.childNodes.length; i++) oDomTarget.appendChild( this.Para.childNodes[i].cloneNode(true) ); } else { //����� ��������� ������ ��������� if(this.Para.childNodes.length == 0) this.Para.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '\xa0' ) ); if(bIsNullNumPr) oDomTarget.appendChild( this.Para ); } }, _BorderToStyle : function(border, name) { var res = ""; if(border_None == border.Value) res += name + ":none;"; else { bBorder = true; var size = 0.5; var color = { r : 0, g : 0, b : 0 }; if(null != border.Size) size = border.Size * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt; if(null != border.Color) color = border.Color; res += name + ":"+size+"pt solid "+this.RGBToCSS(color)+";"; } return res; }, _MarginToStyle : function(margins, styleName) { var res = ""; var nMarginLeft = 1.9; var nMarginTop = 0; var nMarginRight = 1.9; var nMarginBottom = 0; if(null != margins.Left && tblwidth_Mm == margins.Left.Type && null != margins.Left.W) nMarginLeft = margins.Left.W; if(null != margins.Top && tblwidth_Mm == margins.Top.Type && null != margins.Top.W) nMarginTop = margins.Top.W; if(null != margins.Right && tblwidth_Mm == margins.Right.Type && null != margins.Right.W) nMarginRight = margins.Right.W; if(null != margins.Bottom && tblwidth_Mm == margins.Bottom.Type && null != margins.Bottom.W) nMarginBottom = margins.Bottom.W; res = styleName + ":"+(nMarginTop * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt)+"pt "+(nMarginRight * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt)+"pt "+(nMarginBottom * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt)+"pt "+(nMarginLeft * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt)+"pt;"; return res; }, _BordersToStyle : function(borders, mso, alt) { var res = ""; if(null == mso) mso = ""; if(null == alt) alt = ""; if(null != borders.Left) res += this._BorderToStyle(borders.Left, mso + "border-left" + alt); if(null != borders.Top) res += this._BorderToStyle(borders.Top, mso + "border-top" + alt); if(null != borders.Right) res += this._BorderToStyle(borders.Right, mso + "border-right" + alt); if(null != borders.Bottom) res += this._BorderToStyle(borders.Bottom, mso + "border-bottom" + alt); if(null != borders.InsideV) res += this._BorderToStyle(borders.InsideV, "mso-border-insidev"); if(null != borders.InsideH) res += this._BorderToStyle(borders.InsideH, "mso-border-insideh"); if(null != borders.Between) res += this._BorderToStyle(borders.Between, "mso-border-between"); return res; }, _MergeProp : function(elem1, elem2) { if( !elem1 || !elem2 ) { return; } var p, v; for(p in elem2) { if(elem2.hasOwnProperty(p) && false == elem1.hasOwnProperty(p)) { v = elem2[p]; if(null != v) elem1[p] = v; 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if(null != tablePr && null != tablePr.TableCellMar) this._MergeProp(oCellMar, tablePr.TableCellMar); tcStyle += this._MarginToStyle(oCellMar, "padding"); var oCellBorder = new Object(); if(null != cellPr && null != cellPr.TableCellBorders) this._MergeProp(oCellBorder, cellPr.TableCellBorders); if(null != tablePr && null != tablePr.TableBorders) this._MergeProp(oCellBorder, tablePr.TableBorders); tcStyle += this._BordersToStyle(oCellBorder); if("" != tcStyle) tc.setAttribute("style", tcStyle); //Content this.CopyDocument(tc, cell.Content, false); tr.appendChild(tc); }, CopyRow : function(oDomTarget, table, nCurRow, start, end) { var row = table.Content[nCurRow]; var tr = document.createElement( "tr" ); //Pr var grid = table.TableGrid; var trStyle = ""; var nGridBefore = 0; var rowPr = null; if(null != row.CompiledPr && null != row.CompiledPr.Pr) rowPr = row.CompiledPr.Pr; if(null != rowPr) { //WBefore if(null != rowPr.GridBefore) { if(rowPr.GridBefore > 0) { nGridBefore = rowPr.GridBefore; var nWBefore = 0; for(var i = 0, length = grid.length; i < nGridBefore && i < length; ++i) nWBefore += grid[i]; //���������� margin trStyle += "mso-row-margin-left:"+(nWBefore * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt)+"pt"; //��������� td ��� ��� ��� �� �������� mso-row-margin-left var oNewTd = document.createElement( "td" ); oNewTd.setAttribute("style", "mso-cell-special:placeholder;border:none;padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm"); oNewTd.setAttribute("width", Math.round(nWBefore * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix)); if(nGridBefore > 1) oNewTd.setAttribute("colspan", nGridBefore); var oNewP = document.createElement( "p" ); oNewP.appendChild(document.createTextNode( '\xa0' )); oNewTd.appendChild(oNewP); tr.appendChild(oNewTd); } } //height if(null != rowPr.Height && heightrule_Auto != rowPr.Height.HRule && null != rowPr.Height.Value) { trStyle += "height:"+(rowPr.Height.Value * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt)+"pt"; } } if("" != trStyle) tr.setAttribute("style", trStyle); //tc var nSumGridSpan = nGridBefore; for(var i = start.Cell, length = row.Content.length; i <= end.Cell && i < length; ++i) { var cell = row.Content[i]; var nGridSpan = 1; if(null != cell.Pr && null != cell.Pr.GridSpan) nGridSpan = cell.Pr.GridSpan; if(null != cell.Pr && vmerge_Continue == cell.Pr.VMerge) { nSumGridSpan += nGridSpan; continue; } var width = 0; for(var j = 0, length2 = grid.length; j < nGridSpan && nGridBefore + nSumGridSpan + j < length2; ++j) width += grid[nGridBefore + nSumGridSpan + j]; //��������� rowspan var nRowSpan = 1; for(var j = nCurRow + 1, length2 = table.Content.length; j <= end.Row && j < length2; ++j) { var bContinue = false; var oBottomRow = table.Content[j]; var bottomCell = null; var nTempSumGridSpan = 0; if(null != oBottomRow.Pr && null != oBottomRow.Pr.GridBefore) nTempSumGridSpan = oBottomRow.Pr.GridBefore; for(var k = 0, length3 = oBottomRow.Content.length; k < length3; ++k) { var oTempCell = oBottomRow.Content[k]; if(nTempSumGridSpan >= nSumGridSpan) { bottomCell = oTempCell; break; } else { if(null != oTempCell.Pr && null != oTempCell.Pr.GridSpan) nTempSumGridSpan += oTempCell.Pr.GridSpan; else nTempSumGridSpan += 1; } } if(null != bottomCell && null != bottomCell.Pr && vmerge_Continue == bottomCell.Pr.VMerge) bContinue = true; if(false != bContinue) nRowSpan++; else break; }; nSumGridSpan += nGridSpan; var tablePr = null; if(null != table.CompiledPr && null != table.CompiledPr.Pr && null != table.CompiledPr.Pr.TablePr) tablePr = table.CompiledPr.Pr.TablePr; this.CopyCell(tr, cell, tablePr, width, nRowSpan); } //WAfter if(null != rowPr) { if(null != rowPr.GridAfter) { if(rowPr.GridAfter > 0) { var nGridAfter = rowPr.GridAfter; var nWAfter = 0; for(var i = 0, length = grid.length; i < nGridAfter && i < length; ++i) nWAfter += grid[length - i - 1]; //���������� margin trStyle += "mso-row-margin-right:"+(nWAfter * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt)+"pt"; //��������� td ��� ��� ��� �� �������� mso-row-margin-left var oNewTd = document.createElement( "td" ); oNewTd.setAttribute("style", "mso-cell-special:placeholder;border:none;padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm"); oNewTd.setAttribute("width", Math.round(nWAfter * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix)); 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if(null != firstRow.Pr && null != firstRow.Pr.TableCellSpacing) { bAddSpacing = true; var cellSpacingMM = firstRow.Pr.TableCellSpacing; tblStyle += "mso-cellspacing:"+(cellSpacingMM * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt)+"pt;"; DomTable.setAttribute("cellspacing", Math.round(cellSpacingMM * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix)); } } if(!bAddSpacing) DomTable.setAttribute("cellspacing", 0); DomTable.setAttribute("border", false == bBorder ? 0 : 1); DomTable.setAttribute("cellpadding", 0); if("" != tblStyle) DomTable.setAttribute("style", tblStyle); //rows for(var i = start.Row, length = table.Content.length; i < length && i <= end.Row; i++) this.CopyRow(DomTable, table, i ,start, end); oDomTarget.appendChild(DomTable); }, CopyDocument : function(oDomTarget, oDocument, bUseSelection) { var Start = 0; var End = 0; if(bUseSelection) { if ( true === oDocument.Selection.Use) { if ( selectionflag_DrawingObject === oDocument.Selection.Flag ) { this.Para = document.createElement( "p" ); //������ ���� �������� ������ ���� �������� this.InitRun(); this.ParseItem(oDocument.Selection.Data.DrawingObject); this.CommitSpan(false); for(var i = 0; i < this.Para.childNodes.length; i++) this.ElemToSelect.appendChild( this.Para.childNodes[i].cloneNode(true) ); } else { Start = oDocument.Selection.StartPos; End = oDocument.Selection.EndPos; if ( Start > End ) { var Temp = End; End = Start; Start = Temp; } } } } else { Start = 0; End = oDocument.Content.length - 1; } // HtmlText for ( var Index = Start; Index <= End; Index++ ) { var Item = oDocument.Content[Index]; if(type_Table === Item.GetType() ) { if(bUseSelection) { if(table_Selection_Text == Item.Selection.Type) { //������� ����� � ������. var rowIndex = Item.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Row; var colIndex = Item.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Cell; if(rowIndex < Item.Content.length) { var row = Item.Content[rowIndex]; if(colIndex < row.Content.length) { var cell = row.Content[colIndex]; this.CopyDocument(oDomTarget, cell.Content, bUseSelection); } } } else if(table_Selection_Cell == Item.Selection.Type) { //������� �������� ����� var start = {Row:Item.Rows, Cell: Item.Cols}; var end = {Row:0, Cell: 0}; for(var i = 0, length = Item.Selection.Data.length; i < length; ++i) { var elem = Item.Selection.Data[i]; if(elem.Row > end.Row) end.Row = elem.Row; if(elem.Row < start.Row) start.Row = elem.Row; if(elem.Cell > end.Cell) end.Cell = elem.Cell; if(elem.Cell < start.Cell) start.Cell = elem.Cell; } if(Item.Selection.Data.length > 0) this.CopyTable(oDomTarget, Item, start, end); } } else this.CopyTable(oDomTarget, Item, {Row:0, Cell: 0}, {Row:Item.Rows, Cell: Item.Cols}); } else if ( type_Paragraph === Item.GetType() ) { //todo ����� ������ ��� �������� ������ ���� Index == End this.CopyParagraph(oDomTarget, Item, Index == End, bUseSelection, oDocument.Content, Index); } } this.CommitList(oDomTarget); }, Start : function(node) { var oDocument = this.oDocument; if(g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { if(!this.api.DocumentReaderMode) { var Def_pPr = oDocument.Styles.Default.ParaPr; if(docpostype_HdrFtr === oDocument.CurPos.Type) { if(null != oDocument.HdrFtr && null != oDocument.HdrFtr.CurHdrFtr && null != oDocument.HdrFtr.CurHdrFtr.Content) oDocument = oDocument.HdrFtr.CurHdrFtr.Content; 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if ( true === oDocument.Selection.Use ) { this.CopyDocument(this.ElemToSelect, oDocument, true); } } else { if(_cur_slide_elements.obj != undefined && _cur_slide_elements.obj.graphicObject && _cur_slide_elements.obj.graphicObject.CurCell && _cur_slide_elements.obj.graphicObject.CurCell.Content) { oDocument = _cur_slide_elements.obj.graphicObject.CurCell.Content; if ( true === oDocument.Selection.Use ) { this.CopyDocument(this.ElemToSelect, oDocument, true); } } } } } } }; function Editor_Paste_GetElem(api, bClean) { var oWordControl = api.WordControl; var pastebin = document.getElementById(PASTE_ELEMENT_ID); if(!pastebin){ pastebin = document.createElement("div"); pastebin.setAttribute( 'id', PASTE_ELEMENT_ID ); = 'absolute'; = '-100px'; = '0px'; = '10000px'; = '100px'; = 'hidden'; = -1000; //��������� ������ ������������, ����� �������� �������� ����� pastebin �������� span � ������� ��� �������� ������ � computedStyle ���������� ����������� ��������� ��������� �� ��������� var Def_rPr = oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Styles.Default.TextPr; = Def_rPr.FontFamily.Name; if (!api.DocumentReaderMode) = Def_rPr.FontSize + "pt"; else { api.DocumentReaderMode.CorrectDefaultFontSize(Def_rPr.FontSize); = "1em"; } = "1px";//todo FF ������ ���������� computedStyle � px, ������� ����� ���� ������� default ��������� = "text";["-khtml-user-select"] = "text";["-o-user-select"] = "text";["user-select"] = "text";["-webkit-user-select"] = "text"; pastebin.setAttribute("contentEditable", true); pastebin.onpaste = function(e){Body_Paste(api,e);}; document.body.appendChild( pastebin ); } else if(bClean){ //������� ���������� var aChildNodes = pastebin.childNodes; for (var length = aChildNodes.length, i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { pastebin.removeChild(aChildNodes[i]); } } return pastebin; } function Editor_Paste_Button(api) { if(false == g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { var _logic_document = api.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; switch(api.WordControl.Thumbnails.FocusObjType) { case FOCUS_OBJECT_MAIN: { if(_logic_document && _logic_document.CurPos.Type != docpostype_FlowObjects ) { _logic_document.Slides[_logic_document.CurPage].elementsManipulator.glyphsPaste(); return true; } break; } case FOCUS_OBJECT_THUMBNAILS : { _logic_document.slidesPaste(_logic_document.CurPage); return true; } } } if(/MSIE/g.test(navigator.userAgent)) { = "text"; delete["-khtml-user-select"]; delete["-o-user-select"]; delete["user-select"];["-webkit-user-select"] = "text"; var pastebin = Editor_Paste_GetElem(api, true); = "block"; pastebin.focus(); var selection = window.getSelection(); var rangeToSelect = document.createRange(); rangeToSelect.selectNodeContents (pastebin); selection.removeAllRanges (); selection.addRange(rangeToSelect); //rangeToSelect.execCommand("paste", false); document.execCommand("paste"); if (!window.USER_AGENT_SAFARI_MACOS) pastebin.blur(); = ELEMENT_DISPAY_STYLE; = "none";["-khtml-user-select"] = "none";["-o-user-select"] = "none";["user-select"] = "none";["-webkit-user-select"] = "none"; Editor_Paste(api, false); return true; } else { var ElemToSelect = document.getElementById( COPY_ELEMENT_ID ); if(ElemToSelect) Editor_Paste_Exec(api, ElemToSelect); return true; } return false; } function CanPaste(oDocument) { //����� ������ paste ����� Select � ��������� //�� ����� ������ paste ����� select �� ������� �������, ��������, ������ var oTargetDoc = oDocument; if(g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { if ( docpostype_HdrFtr === oTargetDoc.CurPos.Type ) { if(null != oTargetDoc.HdrFtr.CurHdrFtr) oTargetDoc = oTargetDoc.HdrFtr.CurHdrFtr.Content; else return false; } if ( docpostype_FlowObjects == oTargetDoc.CurPos.Type ) { var nType = oTargetDoc.Selection.Data.FlowObject.Get_Type(); if(flowobject_Table == nType) { var oTable = oTargetDoc.Selection.Data.FlowObject.Table; if(true == oTable.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell == oTable.Selection.Type) return false; if(null != oTable.CurCell && null != oTable.CurCell.Content) { oTargetDoc = oTable.CurCell.Content; } } } } else { if ( docpostype_FlowObjects == oTargetDoc.CurPos.Type ) { var _cur_slide_elements = oTargetDoc.Slides[oTargetDoc.CurPage].elementsManipulator; if(_cur_slide_elements.obj != undefined && _cur_slide_elements.obj.txBody && _cur_slide_elements.obj.txBody.content) { return true; } } } return true; }; function Editor_Paste(api, bClean) { var oWordControl = api.WordControl; oWordControl.bIsEventPaste = false; var oDocument = oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument; if(isOnlyLocalBufferSafariWord && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('safari') > -1 && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('mac')) { var ElemToSelect = document.getElementById( "SelectId" ); if(ElemToSelect) Editor_Paste_Exec(api, ElemToSelect); return; } if(false == CanPaste(oDocument)) return; = "text"; delete["-khtml-user-select"]; delete["-o-user-select"]; delete["user-select"];["-webkit-user-select"] = "text"; var Text; var pastebin = Editor_Paste_GetElem(api, bClean); = "block"; pastebin.focus(); // Safari requires a filler node inside the div to have the content pasted into it. (#4882) pastebin.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '\xa0' ) ); if (window.getSelection) { // all browsers, except IE before version 9 var selection = document.defaultView.getSelection (); selection.removeAllRanges (); var rangeToSelect = document.createRange (); rangeToSelect.selectNodeContents (pastebin); selection.removeAllRanges (); selection.addRange (rangeToSelect); } else { if (document.body.createTextRange) { // Internet Explorer var rangeToSelect = document.body.createTextRange (); rangeToSelect.moveToElementText (pastebin); (); } } //���� ���������� paste window.setTimeout( function() { = "none";["-khtml-user-select"] = "none";["-o-user-select"] = "none";["user-select"] = "none";["-webkit-user-select"] = "none"; if(!oWordControl.bIsEventPaste) Editor_Paste_Exec(api, pastebin); else = ELEMENT_DISPAY_STYLE; }, 0 ); }; function CopyPasteCorrectString(str) { var res = str; res = res.replace(/&/g,'&'); res = res.replace(/</g,'<'); res = res.replace(/>/g,'>'); res = res.replace(/'/g,'''); res = res.replace(/"/g,'"'); return res; }; function Body_Paste(api, e) { var oWordControl = api.WordControl; if (e && e.clipboardData && e.clipboardData.getData) {// Webkit - get data from clipboard, put into editdiv, cleanup, then cancel event var bExist = false; //������ chrome ��������� �������� 'text/html', safari ������ 'text/plain' var is_chrome = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1; var sHtml = null; var fPasteHtml = function(sHtml) { if(null != sHtml) { //���������� html � IFrame var ifr = document.getElementById("pasteFrame"); if (!ifr) { ifr = document.createElement("iframe"); = "pasteFrame"; = "pasteFrame"; = 'absolute'; = '-100px'; = '0px'; = '10000px'; = '100px'; = 'hidden'; = -1000; document.body.appendChild(ifr); } = "block"; var frameWindow = window.frames["pasteFrame"]; if(frameWindow) {; frameWindow.document.write(sHtml); frameWindow.document.close(); if(null != frameWindow.document && null != frameWindow.document.body) { Editor_Paste_Exec(api, frameWindow.document.body); bExist = true; } } = ELEMENT_DISPAY_STYLE; } if(bExist) { oWordControl.bIsEventPaste = true; if (e.preventDefault) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } return false; } } var fTest = function(types, sPattern) { for(var i = 0, length = types.length; i < length; ++i) { if(sPattern == types[i]) return true; } return false; } if (fTest(e.clipboardData.types, "text/html")) { var sHtml = e.clipboardData.getData('text/html'); //������ ��� ��������� ����� ������ �� Word � chrome ��������� ���������� ������� ����� </html>, �������� ��. var nIndex = sHtml.lastIndexOf("</html>"); if(-1 != nIndex) sHtml = sHtml.substring(0, nIndex + "</html>".length); } else if (is_chrome && fTest(e.clipboardData.types, "text/plain")) { bExist = true; var sText = e.clipboardData.getData('text/plain'); sHtml = "<html><body>"; var sCurPar = ""; var nParCount = 0; for ( var i = 0, length = sText.length; i < length; i++ ) { var Char = sText.charAt(i); var Code = sText.charCodeAt(i); var Item = null; if ( '\n' === Char ) { if("" == sCurPar) sHtml += "<p><span> </span></p>"; else { sHtml += "<p><span>" + sCurPar + "</span></p>"; sCurPar = ""; } nParCount++; } else if ( 13 === Code ) { continue; } else { if(32 == Code || 160 == Code) //160 - nbsp sCurPar += " "; else if ( 9 === Code ) sCurPar += "<span style='mso-tab-count:1'> </span>"; else sCurPar += CopyPasteCorrectString(Char); } } if("" != sCurPar) { if(0 == nParCount) sHtml += "<span>" + sCurPar + "</span>"; else sHtml += "<p><span>" + sCurPar + "</span></p>"; sCurPar = ""; } sHtml += "</body></html>"; } if(sHtml) fPasteHtml(sHtml); else { var items = e.clipboardData.items; if(null != items) { for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) { if (items[i].kind == 'file' && items[i].type.indexOf('image/') !== -1) { var blob = items[i].getAsFile(); var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(evt) { fPasteHtml("<html><body><img src=\"" + + "\"/></body></html>"); }; reader.readAsDataURL(blob); } } } } } } function Editor_Paste_Exec(api, pastebin) { var oPasteProcessor = new PasteProcessor(api, true, true, false); oPasteProcessor.Start(pastebin); }; function trimString( str ){ return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') ; }; function PasteProcessor(api, bUploadImage, bUploadFonts, bNested) { this.oRootNode = null; this.api = api; this.bIsDoublePx = api.WordControl.bIsDoublePx; this.oDocument = api.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument; this.oLogicDocument = this.oDocument; this.oRecalcDocument = this.oDocument; this.map_font_index = api.FontLoader.map_font_index; this.bUploadImage = bUploadImage; this.bUploadFonts = bUploadFonts; this.bNested = bNested;//��� ���������� � �������� this.oFonts = new Object(); this.oImages = new Object(); //��� ������� ������ � ������, ��� ����������� �� word � chrome ���������� ������ ������� ��� <p> this.bIgnoreNoBlockText = false; this.oCurPar = null; this.oCur_rPr = new CTextPr(); //Br ������� ������ ��� ���� ������ ����� �� ���� �������� br, ���� �� � ������������. this.nBrCount = 0; //bInBlock ��������� ������� �� �������(��������������� ������ �������� �������� �� child) //���� ����� ��������� ������� true != this.bInBlock ������ ��������� ������� �� �������� � �� ���� ��������� ����� �������� this.bInBlock = null; //������ �������� � ������� ��������� �������� ��� ������ this.dMaxWidth = Page_Width; //���������� ������(�������� ��� ������� ������� �������, ������ ��� ������� ����������� ������ � ��������� � ������� ����� �������� ���� �����������) this.dScaleKoef = 1; this.bUseScaleKoef = false; this.MsoStyles = {"mso-style-type": 1, "mso-pagination": 1, "mso-line-height-rule": 1, "mso-style-textfill-fill-color": 1, "mso-tab-count": 1, "tab-stops": 1, "list-style-type": 1, "mso-special-character": 1, "mso-padding-alt": 1, "mso-border-insidev": 1, "mso-border-insideh": 1, "mso-row-margin-left": 1, "mso-row-margin-right": 1, "mso-cellspacing": 1, "mso-border-alt": 1, "mso-border-left-alt": 1, "mso-border-top-alt": 1, "mso-border-right-alt": 1, "mso-border-bottom-alt": 1, "mso-border-between": 1}; this.oBorderCache = new Object(); } PasteProcessor.prototype = { _GetTargetDocument : function(oDocument) { if(g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { if(docpostype_HdrFtr === oDocument.CurPos.Type) { if(null != oDocument.HdrFtr && null != oDocument.HdrFtr.CurHdrFtr && null != oDocument.HdrFtr.CurHdrFtr.Content) { oDocument = oDocument.HdrFtr.CurHdrFtr.Content; this.oRecalcDocument = oDocument; } } if ( docpostype_FlowObjects == oDocument.CurPos.Type ) { var oData = oDocument.Selection.Data.FlowObject; switch ( oData.Get_Type() ) { case flowobject_Table: { if(null != oData.Table && null != oData.Table.CurCell && null != oData.Table.CurCell.Content) { oDocument = this._GetTargetDocument(oData.Table.CurCell.Content); this.oRecalcDocument = oDocument; this.dMaxWidth = this._CalcMaxWidthByCell(oData.Table.CurCell); } break; } } } if(oDocument.CurPos.Type === docpostype_DrawingObjects) { switch( { case STATES_ID_TEXT_ADD: { var text_object = oDocument.DrawingObjects.curState.textObject; if(text_object != null && text_object.GraphicObj != null && text_object.GraphicObj.textBoxContent != null) oDocument = text_object.GraphicObj.textBoxContent; break; } case STATES_ID_TEXT_ADD_IN_GROUP: { text_object = oDocument.DrawingObjects.curState.textObject; if(text_object != null && text_object.textBoxContent != null) oDocument = text_object.textBoxContent; break; } } } //��� ��������� ������ var Item = oDocument.Content[oDocument.CurPos.ContentPos]; if( type_Table == Item.GetType() && null != Item.CurCell) { this.dMaxWidth = this._CalcMaxWidthByCell(Item.CurCell); oDocument = this._GetTargetDocument(Item.CurCell.Content); } } else { if ( docpostype_FlowObjects == oDocument.CurPos.Type ) { var _cur_lide_elements = oDocument.Slides[oDocument.CurPage].elementsManipulator; if(_cur_lide_elements.obj && _cur_lide_elements.obj.txBody && _cur_lide_elements.obj.txBody.content) { oDocument = _cur_lide_elements.obj.txBody.content; } else { if(_cur_lide_elements.obj && _cur_lide_elements.obj.graphicObject && _cur_lide_elements.obj.graphicObject.CurCell && _cur_lide_elements.obj.graphicObject.CurCell.Content) { oDocument = _cur_lide_elements.obj.graphicObject.CurCell.Content; } } } } return oDocument; }, _CalcMaxWidthByCell : function(cell) { var row = cell.Row; var table = row.Table; var grid = table.TableGrid; var nGridBefore = 0; if(null != row.Pr && null != row.Pr.GridBefore) nGridBefore = row.Pr.GridBefore; var nCellIndex = cell.Index; var nCellGrid = 1; if(null != cell.Pr && null != cell.Pr.GridSpan) nCellGrid = cell.Pr.GridSpan; var nMarginLeft = 0; if(null != cell.Pr && null != cell.Pr.TableCellMar && null != cell.Pr.TableCellMar.Left && tblwidth_Mm == cell.Pr.TableCellMar.Left.Type && null != cell.Pr.TableCellMar.Left.W) nMarginLeft = cell.Pr.TableCellMar.Left.W; else if(null != table.Pr && null != table.Pr.TableCellMar && null != table.Pr.TableCellMar.Left && tblwidth_Mm == table.Pr.TableCellMar.Left.Type && null != table.Pr.TableCellMar.Left.W) nMarginLeft = table.Pr.TableCellMar.Left.W; var nMarginRight = 0; if(null != cell.Pr && null != cell.Pr.TableCellMar && null != cell.Pr.TableCellMar.Right && tblwidth_Mm == cell.Pr.TableCellMar.Right.Type && null != cell.Pr.TableCellMar.Right.W) nMarginRight = cell.Pr.TableCellMar.Right.W; else if(null != table.Pr && null != table.Pr.TableCellMar && null != table.Pr.TableCellMar.Right && tblwidth_Mm == table.Pr.TableCellMar.Right.Type && null != table.Pr.TableCellMar.Right.W) nMarginRight = table.Pr.TableCellMar.Right.W; var nPrevSumGrid = nGridBefore; for(var i = 0; i < nCellIndex; ++i) { var oTmpCell = row.Content[i]; var nGridSpan = 1; if(null != cell.Pr && null != cell.Pr.GridSpan) nGridSpan = cell.Pr.GridSpan; nPrevSumGrid += nGridSpan; } var dCellWidth = 0; for(var i = nPrevSumGrid, length = grid.length; i < nPrevSumGrid + nCellGrid && i < length; ++i) dCellWidth += grid[i]; if(dCellWidth - nMarginLeft - nMarginRight <= 0) dCellWidth = 4; else dCellWidth -= nMarginLeft + nMarginRight; return dCellWidth; }, InsertInDocument : function() { var oDocument = this.oDocument; if(false == this.bNested) { //������� ��������� this.oRecalcDocument.Remove(1, true, true); } var nInsertLength = this.aContent.length; if(nInsertLength > 0) { this.InsertInPlace(oDocument, this.aContent); if(false == g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { oDocument.Recalculate(); if(oDocument.Parent != null && oDocument.Parent.txBody != null) { oDocument.Parent.txBody.recalculate(); } } } if(false == this.bNested && nInsertLength > 0) { this.oRecalcDocument.Recalculate(); this.oLogicDocument.Document_UpdateInterfaceState(); } }, InsertInPlace : function(oDoc, aNewContent) { var nNewContentLength = aNewContent.length; //����� ���� �� Document.Add_NewParagraph var Item = oDoc.Content[oDoc.CurPos.ContentPos]; if( type_Paragraph == Item.GetType() ) { if(true != this.bInBlock && 1 == nNewContentLength && type_Paragraph == aNewContent[0].GetType()) { //������� ������ � �������� var oInsertPar = aNewContent[0]; var nContentLength = oInsertPar.Content.length; if(nContentLength > 2) { var TextPr = Item.Internal_CalculateTextPr(Item.CurPos.ContentPos); for(var i = 0; i < nContentLength - 2; ++i)// -2 �� ����������� ����� ��������� { var oCurInsItem = oInsertPar.Content[i]; if(para_Numbering != oCurInsItem.Type) Item.Internal_Content_Add(Item.CurPos.ContentPos, oCurInsItem); } Item.Internal_Content_Add(Item.CurPos.ContentPos, new ParaTextPr(TextPr)); } Item.RecalcInfo.Set_Type_0(pararecalc_0_All); this.oRecalcDocument.ContentLastChangePos = this.oRecalcDocument.CurPos.ContentPos; } else { var LastPos = this.oRecalcDocument.CurPos.ContentPos; var LastPosCurDoc = oDoc.CurPos.ContentPos; //����� ��������� �������� var oSourceFirstPar = Item; var oSourceLastPar = new Paragraph(oDoc.DrawingDocument, oDoc, 0, 50, 50, X_Right_Field, Y_Bottom_Field ); oSourceFirstPar.Split(oSourceLastPar); var oInsFirstPar = aNewContent[0]; var oInsLastPar = null; if(nNewContentLength > 1) oInsLastPar = aNewContent[nNewContentLength - 1]; var nStartIndex = 0; var nEndIndex = nNewContentLength - 1; if(type_Paragraph == oInsFirstPar.GetType()) { //�������� �������� ������� ������������ ��������� � ������ �������� �������� //CopyPr_Open - ������� � �������, �.�. ���� �������� ��� � ��������� oInsFirstPar.CopyPr_Open( oSourceFirstPar ); //�������� ���������� ������������ ��������� oSourceFirstPar.Concat(oInsFirstPar); //�������� ��������� ������ ����� ������ �� ��������� ���� �������� nStartIndex++; } else if(type_Table == oInsFirstPar.GetType()) { //���� ��������� ������� � ������ ��������, �� �� ��������� ��� if(oSourceFirstPar.IsEmpty()) { oSourceFirstPar = null; } } //���� �� ���������� ������ ����� ���������, �� ��������� ���������� ���������� ��������� � ������ ������ �������� ��������� ��������� if(null != oInsLastPar && type_Paragraph == oInsLastPar.GetType() && true != this.bInBlock) { var nNewContentPos = oInsLastPar.Content.length - 2; //�������� �������� ���������� ��������� ��������� � ��������� ����������� �������� //CopyPr - �� ������� � �������, �.�. � ������� ��������� ������� ����� ��������� � �������� if(null != oInsLastPar) oSourceLastPar.CopyPr( oInsLastPar ); oInsLastPar.Concat(oSourceLastPar); oInsLastPar.CurPos.ContentPos = nNewContentPos; oSourceLastPar = oInsLastPar; nEndIndex--; } //��������� for(var i = nStartIndex; i <= nEndIndex; ++i ) { var oElemToAdd = aNewContent[i]; oDoc.CurPos.ContentPos++; oDoc.Internal_Content_Add(oDoc.CurPos.ContentPos, oElemToAdd); } if(null != oSourceLastPar) { //��������� ��������� �������� oDoc.CurPos.ContentPos++; oDoc.Internal_Content_Add(oDoc.CurPos.ContentPos, oSourceLastPar); } if(null == oSourceFirstPar) { //������� ������ ��������, ������ ��� ����� ������ ���� � ��������� �� ����� �� ������ ��������� oDoc.Internal_Content_Remove(LastPosCurDoc, 1); oDoc.CurPos.ContentPos--; } this.oRecalcDocument.ContentLastChangePos = LastPos; //oDoc.CurPos.ContentPos = LastPos + (nEndIndex - nStartIndex + 1) + 1; } } }, Start : function(node) { this.oRootNode = node; var oThis = this; this._Prepeare(node, function(){ oThis.aContent = new Array(); oThis.oDocument = oThis._GetTargetDocument(oThis.oDocument); //�� ����� ���������� �������� ��� ������� ��������� ������� oThis._Execute(node, {}, true, true, false); oThis._AddNextPrevToContent(oThis.oDocument); if(false == oThis.bNested) { oThis.InsertInDocument(); } node.blur(); = ELEMENT_DISPAY_STYLE; }); }, _Prepeare : function(node, fCallback) { if(true == this.bUploadImage || true == this.bUploadFonts) { //����������� �� ��������� �������� ������ ������� � ��������. this._Prepeare_recursive(node, true); var aPrepeareFonts = new Array(); for(font_family in this.oFonts) { //todo ��������� �����, ������ �� �������� var oFontItem = this.oFonts[font_family]; //���� ����� ����� ������� var index = this.map_font_index[oFontItem.Name]; if(null != index) { this.oFonts[font_family].Index = index; aPrepeareFonts.push(new CFont(oFontItem.Name, 0, "", 0)); } else { this.oFonts[font_family] = {Name:"Arial", Index: -1}; aPrepeareFonts.push(new CFont("Arial", 0, "", 0)); } } var aImagesToDownload = new Array(); for(image in this.oImages) { var src = this.oImages[image]; if(0 == src.indexOf("file:")) this.oImages[image] = "local"; else if(false == (0 == src.indexOf("data:") || 0 == src.indexOf(documentOrigin + this.api.DocumentUrl) && 0 == src.indexOf(this.api.DocumentUrl))) aImagesToDownload.push(src); } var oThis = this; var nCurIndex = 0; var fDownloadImages = function(){ if(nCurIndex < aImagesToDownload.length) { var src = aImagesToDownload[nCurIndex]; var rData = {"id":documentId, "c":"imgurl", "data": src}; sendCommand( oThis.api, function(incomeObject){ if(null != incomeObject && "imgurl" ==incomeObject.type) oThis.oImages[src] =; else oThis.oImages[src] = "error"; nCurIndex++; fDownloadImages(); }, JSON.stringify(rData) ); } else { var oPrepeareImages = new Object(); var nImagesCount = 0; for(image in oThis.oImages) { oPrepeareImages[nImagesCount] = oThis.oImages[image]; nImagesCount++; } oThis.api.pre_Paste(aPrepeareFonts, oPrepeareImages, fCallback); } }; fDownloadImages(); } else fCallback(); }, _Prepeare_recursive : function(node, bIgnoreStyle) { //����������� �� ����� ������, �������� ��� ������ � �������� var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); var nodeType = node.nodeType; if(!bIgnoreStyle) { if(Node.TEXT_NODE == nodeType) { var defaultView = node.ownerDocument.defaultView; var computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle( node.parentNode, null ); if ( computedStyle ) { var fontFamily = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "font-family" ); var sNewFF; var nIndex = fontFamily.indexOf(","); if(-1 != nIndex) sNewFF = fontFamily.substring(0, nIndex); else sNewFF = fontFamily; //trim ' � " var nLength = sNewFF.length if(nLength >= 2) { var nStart = 0; var nStop = nLength; var cFirstChar = sNewFF[0]; var cLastChar = sNewFF[nLength - 1]; var bTrim = false; if('\'' == cFirstChar || '\"' == cFirstChar) { bTrim = true; nStart = 1; } if('\'' == cLastChar || '\"' == cLastChar) { bTrim = true; nStop = nLength - 1; } if(bTrim) sNewFF = sNewFF.substring(nStart, nStop); } this.oFonts[fontFamily] = {Name:sNewFF, Index: -1}; } } else { var src = node.getAttribute("src"); if(src) this.oImages[src] = src; var binary_shape = node.getAttribute("alt"); if(binary_shape) { var b_history_is_on = History.Is_On(); if(b_history_is_on) History.TurnOff(); var sub; if(typeof binary_shape === "string") sub = binary_shape.substr(0, 12); if(typeof binary_shape === "string" &&( sub === "TeamLabShape" || sub === "TeamLabImage" || sub === "TeamLabChart" || sub === "TeamLabGroup")) { var reader = CreateBinaryReader(binary_shape, 12, binary_shape.length); var first_string = null; if(reader !== null && typeof reader === "object") { first_string = sub; } var Drawing; var src_string; switch(first_string) { case "TeamLabImage": case "TeamLabChart": { Drawing = CreateParaDrawingFromBinary(reader, true); if(isRealObject(Drawing) && isRealObject(Drawing.GraphicObj) && isRealObject(Drawing.GraphicObj.blipFill) && typeof Drawing.GraphicObj.blipFill.RasterImageId === "string") { src_string = Drawing.GraphicObj.blipFill.RasterImageId; if(typeof src_string === "string") this.oImages[src_string] = src_string; } break; } case "TeamLabShape": case "TeamLabGroup": { Drawing = CreateParaDrawingFromBinary(reader, true); if(isRealObject(Drawing) && isRealObject(Drawing.GraphicObj)) { if(typeof Drawing.GraphicObj.isShape === "function" && Drawing.GraphicObj.isShape() === true) { if(isRealObject(Drawing.GraphicObj.spPr) && isRealObject(Drawing.GraphicObj.spPr.Fill) && isRealObject(Drawing.GraphicObj.spPr.Fill.fill) && typeof Drawing.GraphicObj.spPr.Fill.fill.RasterImageId === "string") { src_string = Drawing.GraphicObj.spPr.Fill.fill.RasterImageId; if(typeof src_string === "string") this.oImages[src_string] = src_string; } } if(typeof Drawing.GraphicObj.isGroup === "function" && Drawing.GraphicObj.isGroup() === true) { var sp_tree = Drawing.GraphicObj.getSpTree2(); if(Array.isArray(sp_tree)) { for(var index = 0; index < sp_tree.length; ++index) { var sp = sp_tree[index]; if(isRealObject(sp)) { if(typeof sp.isImage === "function" && sp.isImage()) { if(isRealObject(sp.blipFill) && typeof sp.blipFill.RasterImageId === "string") { src_string = sp.blipFill.RasterImageId; if(typeof src_string === "string") this.oImages[src_string] = src_string; } } if(typeof sp.isShape === "function" && sp.isShape()) { if(isRealObject(sp.spPr) && isRealObject(sp.spPr.Fill) && isRealObject(sp.spPr.Fill.fill) && typeof sp.spPr.Fill.fill.RasterImageId === "string") { src_string = sp.spPr.Fill.fill.RasterImageId; if(typeof src_string === "string") this.oImages[src_string] = src_string; } } } } } } } break; } } } if(b_history_is_on) History.TurnOn(); } } } for(var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; i++) { var child = node.childNodes[i]; var child_nodeType = child.nodeType; if(!(Node.ELEMENT_NODE == child_nodeType || Node.TEXT_NODE == child_nodeType)) continue; //�������� ������� ��������� ������ �� \t,\n,\r if( Node.TEXT_NODE == child.nodeType) { var value = child.nodeValue; if(!value) continue; value = value.replace(/(\r|\t|\n)/g, ''); if("" == value) continue; } this._Prepeare_recursive(child, false); } }, _IsBlockElem : function(name) { if( "p" == name || "div" == name || "ul" == name || "ol" == name || "li" == name || "table" == name || "tbody" == name || "tr" == name || "td" == name || "th" == name || "h1" == name || "h2" == name || "h3" == name || "h4" == name || "h5" == name || "h6" == name || "center" == name) return true; return false; }, _ValueToMm : function(value) { var obj = this._ValueToMmType(value); if(obj && "%" != obj.type && "none" != obj.type) return obj.val; return null; }, _ValueToMmType : function(value) { var oVal = parseFloat(value); var oType; if(NaN != oVal) { if(-1 != value.indexOf("%")) { oType = "%"; oVal /= 100; } else if(-1 != value.indexOf("px")) { oType = "px"; oVal *= g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; } else if(-1 != value.indexOf("in")) { oType = "in"; oVal *= g_dKoef_in_to_mm; } else if(-1 != value.indexOf("cm")) { oType = "cm"; oVal *= 10; } else if(-1 != value.indexOf("mm")) { oType = "mm"; } else if(-1 != value.indexOf("pt")) { oType = "pt"; oVal *= g_dKoef_pt_to_mm; } else if(-1 != value.indexOf("pc")) { oType = "pc"; oVal *= g_dKoef_pc_to_mm; } else oType = "none"; return {val: oVal, type: oType}; } return null; }, _ParseColor : function(color) { if(!color || color.length == 0) return null; if("transparent" == color) return null; if("aqua" == color) return new CDocumentColor(0, 255, 255); else if("black" == color) return new CDocumentColor(0, 0, 0); else if("blue" == color) return new CDocumentColor(0, 0, 255); else if("fuchsia" == color) return new CDocumentColor(255, 0, 255); else if("gray" == color) return new CDocumentColor(128, 128, 128); else if("green" == color) return new CDocumentColor(0, 128, 0); else if("lime" == color) return new CDocumentColor(0, 255, 0); else if("maroon" == color) return new CDocumentColor(128, 0, 0); else if("navy" == color) return new CDocumentColor(0, 0, 128); else if("olive" == color) return new CDocumentColor(128, 128, 0); else if("purple" == color) return new CDocumentColor(128, 0, 128); else if("red" == color) return new CDocumentColor(255, 0, 0); else if("silver" == color) return new CDocumentColor(192, 192, 192); else if("teal" == color) return new CDocumentColor(0, 128, 128); else if("white" == color) return new CDocumentColor(255, 255, 255); else if("yellow" == color) return new CDocumentColor(255, 255, 0); else { if(0 == color.indexOf("#")) { var hex = color.substring(1); if(hex.length == 3) hex = hex.charAt(0) + hex.charAt(0) + hex.charAt(1) + hex.charAt(1) + hex.charAt(2) + hex.charAt(2); if(hex.length == 6) { var r = parseInt("0x" + hex.substring(0,2)); var g = parseInt("0x" + hex.substring(2,4)); var b = parseInt("0x" + hex.substring(4,6)); return new CDocumentColor(r, g, b); } } if(0 == color.indexOf("rgb")) { var nStart = color.indexOf('('); var nEnd = color.indexOf(')'); if(-1 != nStart && -1 != nEnd && nStart < nEnd) { var temp = color.substring(nStart + 1, nEnd); var aParems = temp.split(','); if(aParems.length >= 3) { if(aParems.length >= 4) { var oA = this._ValueToMmType(aParems[3]); if(0 == oA .val)//��������� ���������� return null; } var oR = this._ValueToMmType(aParems[0]); var oG = this._ValueToMmType(aParems[1]); var oB = this._ValueToMmType(aParems[2]); var r,g,b; if(oR && "%" == oR.type) r = parseInt(255 * oR.val / 100); else r = oR.val; if(oG && "%" == oG.type) g = parseInt(255 * oG.val / 100); else g = oG.val; if(oB && "%" == oB.type) b = parseInt(255 * oB.val / 100); else b = oB.val; return new CDocumentColor(r, g, b); } } } } return null; }, _isEmptyProperty : function(prop) { var bIsEmpty = true; for(var i in prop) { if(null != prop[i]) { bIsEmpty = false; break; } } return bIsEmpty; }, _set_pPr : function(node, Para, pNoHtmlPr) { //����������� ����� �� ������ � ������� �������� �������� if(node != this.oRootNode) { while(false == this._IsBlockElem(node.nodeName.toLowerCase())) { if(this.oRootNode != node.parentNode) node = node.parentNode; else break; } } var oDocument = this.oDocument; //Heading if(null != pNoHtmlPr.hLevel) Para.Style_Add(oDocument.Styles.Get_Default_Heading(pNoHtmlPr.hLevel)); var pPr = Para.Pr; //Borders var oNewBorder = {Left: null, Top: null, Right: null, Bottom: null, Between: null}; var sBorder = pNoHtmlPr["mso-border-alt"]; if(null != sBorder) { var oNewBrd = this._ExecuteParagraphBorder(sBorder); oNewBorder.Left = oNewBrd; oNewBorder.Top = oNewBrd.Copy(); oNewBorder.Right = oNewBrd.Copy(); oNewBorder.Bottom = oNewBrd.Copy(); } else { sBorder = pNoHtmlPr["mso-border-left-alt"]; if(null != sBorder) { var oNewBrd = this._ExecuteParagraphBorder(sBorder); oNewBorder.Left = oNewBrd; } sBorder = pNoHtmlPr["mso-border-top-alt"]; if(null != sBorder) { var oNewBrd = this._ExecuteParagraphBorder(sBorder); oNewBorder.Top = oNewBrd; } sBorder = pNoHtmlPr["mso-border-right-alt"]; if(null != sBorder) { var oNewBrd = this._ExecuteParagraphBorder(sBorder); oNewBorder.Right = oNewBrd; } sBorder = pNoHtmlPr["mso-border-bottom-alt"]; if(null != sBorder) { var oNewBrd = this._ExecuteParagraphBorder(sBorder); oNewBorder.Bottom = oNewBrd; } } sBorder = pNoHtmlPr["mso-border-between"]; if(null != sBorder) { var oNewBrd = this._ExecuteParagraphBorder(sBorder); oNewBorder.Between = oNewBrd; } var defaultView = node.ownerDocument.defaultView; var computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle( node, null ); if (computedStyle) { //Ind var Ind = new CParaInd(); var margin_left = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "margin-left" ); if(margin_left && null != (margin_left = this._ValueToMm(margin_left))) Ind.Left = margin_left; var margin_right = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "margin-right" ); if(margin_right && null != (margin_right = this._ValueToMm(margin_right))) Ind.Right = margin_right; //scale // if(null != pPr.Ind.Left && true == this.bUseScaleKoef) // pPr.Ind.Left = pPr.Ind.Left * this.dScaleKoef; // if(null != pPr.Ind.Right && true == this.bUseScaleKoef) // pPr.Ind.Right = pPr.Ind.Right * this.dScaleKoef; //�������� ����� ������ margin �� ������� �� ����� ��� �� ����������� ����� ��� �� ������� if(null != Ind.Left && null != Ind.Right) { //30 ����������� ��� � �� ������� var dif = Page_Width - X_Left_Margin - X_Right_Margin - Ind.Left - Ind.Right; if(dif < 30) Ind.Right = Page_Width - X_Left_Margin - X_Right_Margin - Ind.Left - 30; } var text_indent = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "text-indent" ); if(text_indent && null != (text_indent = this._ValueToMm(text_indent))) Ind.FirstLine = text_indent; // if(null != pPr.Ind.FirstLine && true == this.bUseScaleKoef) // pPr.Ind.FirstLine = pPr.Ind.FirstLine * this.dScaleKoef; if(false == this._isEmptyProperty(Ind)) Para.Set_Ind(Ind); //Jc var text_align = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "text-align" ); if(text_align) { //����� ��������� -webkit-right var Jc = null; if(-1 != text_align.indexOf('center')) Jc = align_Center; else if(-1 != text_align.indexOf('right')) Jc = align_Right; else if(-1 != text_align.indexOf('justify')) Jc = align_Justify; if(null != Jc) Para.Set_Align(Jc, false); } //Spacing var line_height = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "line-height" ); if(null != line_height) { var Spacing = new CParaSpacing(); if("normal" == line_height || "1px" == line_height) { Spacing.Line = 1; Spacing.LineRule = linerule_Auto; } else { var obj = this._ValueToMmType(line_height); if(obj) { if("%" == obj.type) { Spacing.Line = obj.val; Spacing.LineRule = linerule_Auto; } else { // pPr.Spacing.LineRule = linerule_AtLeast; // pPr.Spacing.Line = obj.val; //Todo ����� ����� ��������� � ���������, ���� ��� ������������. //����� �������� � chrome ��� �������� line-height:100% � ��������� �� ��������� � ������� //� �������� html ��������� ���. ��������� �������� ��� �� �� ����� //�� ���� � ��������� ���� ������ ������������ ����������� ��������, �� ����������� ��� �������� �� ������ ������ var font_size = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "font-size" ); if(font_size && null != (font_size = this._ValueToMm(font_size))) { if(font_size != 0) Spacing.Line = parseInt(100 * obj.val / font_size) / 100; Spacing.LineRule = linerule_Auto; } } } } } // if("exactly" == pNoHtmlPr["mso-line-height-rule"]) // Spacing.LineRule = linerule_Exact; var margin_top = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "margin-top" ); if(margin_top && null != (margin_top = this._ValueToMm(margin_top))) Spacing.Before = margin_top; var margin_bottom = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "margin-bottom" ); if(margin_bottom && null != (margin_bottom = this._ValueToMm(margin_bottom))) Spacing.After = margin_bottom; if(false == this._isEmptyProperty(Spacing)) Para.Set_Spacing(Spacing); //Shd //background-color �� ����������� ��������� ��������, ���� �������� ������������ �������� var background_color = null; var oTempNode = node; while(true) { var tempComputedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle( oTempNode, null ); if(null == tempComputedStyle) break; background_color = tempComputedStyle.getPropertyValue( "background-color" ); if(null != background_color && (background_color = this._ParseColor(background_color))) break; oTempNode = oTempNode.parentNode; if(this.oRootNode == oTempNode || "body" == oTempNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() || true == this._IsBlockElem(oTempNode.nodeName.toLowerCase())) break; } if(g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { if(background_color) { var Shd = new CDocumentShd(); Shd.Value = shd_Clear; Shd.Color = background_color; Para.Set_Shd(Shd); } } if(null == oNewBorder.Left) oNewBorder.Left = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, node, "left", "Left", false); if(null == oNewBorder.Top) oNewBorder.Top = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, node, "top", "Top", false); if(null == oNewBorder.Right) oNewBorder.Right = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, node, "left", "Left", false); if(null == oNewBorder.Bottom) oNewBorder.Bottom = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, node, "bottom", "Bottom", false); } if(false == this._isEmptyProperty(oNewBorder)) Para.Set_Borders(oNewBorder); //KeepLines , WidowControl var pagination = pNoHtmlPr["mso-pagination"]; if(pagination) { //todo WidowControl if("none" == pagination) ;//pPr.WidowControl = !Def_pPr.WidowControl; else if(-1 != pagination.indexOf("widow-orphan") && -1 != pagination.indexOf("lines-together")) Para.Set_KeepLines(true); else if(-1 != pagination.indexOf("none") && -1 != pagination.indexOf("lines-together")) { ;//pPr.WidowControl = !Def_pPr.WidowControl; Para.Set_KeepLines(true); } } //todo KeepNext if("avoid" == pNoHtmlPr["page-break-after"]) ;//pPr.KeepNext = !Def_pPr.KeepNext; //PageBreakBefore if("always" == pNoHtmlPr["page-break-before"]) Para.Set_PageBreakBefore(true); //Tabs var tab_stops = pNoHtmlPr["tab-stops"] if(tab_stops && "" != pNoHtmlPr["tab-stops"]) { var aTabs = tab_stops.split(' '); var nTabLen = aTabs.length; if(nTabLen > 0) { var Tabs = new CParaTabs(); for(var i = 0; i < nTabLen; i++) { var val = this._ValueToMm(aTabs[i]); if(val) Tabs.Add(new CParaTab(tab_Left, val)); } Para.Set_Tabs(Tabs); } } //num if(g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { if(true == pNoHtmlPr.bNum) { var num = numbering_numfmt_Bullet; if(null != pNoHtmlPr.numType) num = pNoHtmlPr.numType; var type = pNoHtmlPr["list-style-type"]; if(type) { switch(type) { case "disc": num = numbering_numfmt_Bullet;break; case "decimal": num = numbering_numfmt_Decimal;break; case "lower-roman": num = numbering_numfmt_LowerRoman;break; case "upper-roman": num = numbering_numfmt_UpperRoman;break; case "lower-alpha": num = numbering_numfmt_LowerLetter;break; case "upper-alpha": num = numbering_numfmt_UpperLetter;break; } } //����� ���� ����������� �� Document.Set_ParagraphNumbering //������� ����������� ��������, ���� ��� ������ ���������, �� ����� ��� ������ �� ����������� ��������� var NumId = null; if(this.aContent.length > 1) { var prevElem = this.aContent[this.aContent.length - 2]; if(null != prevElem && type_Paragraph === prevElem.GetType()) { var PrevNumPr = prevElem.Numbering_Get(); if ( null != PrevNumPr && true === this.oLogicDocument.Numbering.Check_Format( PrevNumPr.NumId, PrevNumPr.Lvl, num ) ) NumId = PrevNumPr.NumId; } } if(null == NumId) { //������� ����� ������ NumId = this.oLogicDocument.Numbering.Create_AbstractNum(); NumLvl = 0; var AbstractNum = this.oLogicDocument.Numbering.Get_AbstractNum( NumId ); AbstractNum.Create_Default_Bullet(); switch(num) { case numbering_numfmt_Decimal: AbstractNum.Set_Lvl_Numbered_2(0);break; case numbering_numfmt_LowerRoman: AbstractNum.Set_Lvl_Numbered_5(0);break; case numbering_numfmt_UpperRoman: AbstractNum.Set_Lvl_Numbered_9(0);break; case numbering_numfmt_LowerLetter: AbstractNum.Set_Lvl_Numbered_8(0);break; case numbering_numfmt_UpperLetter: AbstractNum.Set_Lvl_Numbered_6(0);break; } //��������� ��������� ������ ����� �� ���������� ������� ���������� �������� var oFirstTextChild = node; while(true) { var bContinue = false; for(var i = 0, length = oFirstTextChild.childNodes.length; i < length; i++) { var child = oFirstTextChild.childNodes[i]; var nodeType = child.nodeType; if(!(Node.ELEMENT_NODE == nodeType || Node.TEXT_NODE == nodeType)) continue; //�������� ������� ��������� ������ �� \t,\n,\r if( Node.TEXT_NODE == child.nodeType) { var value = child.nodeValue; if(!value) continue; value = value.replace(/(\r|\t|\n)/g, ''); if("" == value) continue; } if(Node.ELEMENT_NODE == nodeType) { oFirstTextChild = child; bContinue = true; break; } } if(false == bContinue) break; } if(node != oFirstTextChild) { var oLvl = AbstractNum.Lvl[0]; var sFontFamily = null; if(numbering_numfmt_Bullet == num) sFontFamily = oLvl.TextPr.FontFamily; //�������� ��������� �� node oLvl.TextPr = this._read_rPr(oFirstTextChild); if(null != sFontFamily) oLvl.TextPr.FontFamily = sFontFamily; } } Para.Numbering_Add( NumId, 0 ); } else { var numPr = Para.Numbering_Get(); if(numPr) Para.Numbering_Remove(); } } else { if(true == pNoHtmlPr.bNum) { var num = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_Char; if(null != pNoHtmlPr.numType) num = pNoHtmlPr.numType; var type = pNoHtmlPr["list-style-type"]; if(type) { switch(type) { case "disc": num = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_Char;break; case "decimal": num = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_ArabicPeriod;break; case "lower-roman": num = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_RomanLcPeriod;break; case "upper-roman": num = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_RomanUcPeriod;break; case "lower-alpha": num = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_AlphaLcPeriod;break; case "upper-alpha": num = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_AlphaUcPeriod;break; default: { num = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_Char; } } } var _bullet = new CPresentationBullet(); _bullet.m_nType = num; if(num == numbering_presentationnumfrmt_Char) { _bullet.m_sChar = "�"; } _bullet.m_nStartAt = 1; Para.Add_PresentationNumbering2(_bullet ); } else { Para.Remove_PresentationNumbering(); } } Para.CompiledPr.NeedRecalc = true; }, _commit_rPr : function(node) { var rPr = this._read_rPr(node); //���� ��������� ��������� ���������� ��������� ������� if(false == Common_CmpObj2(this.oCur_rPr, rPr)) { this._Paragraph_Add( new ParaTextPr( rPr ) ); this.oCur_rPr = rPr; } }, _read_rPr : function(node) { var oDocument = this.oDocument; var rPr = new CTextPr(); if(false == g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { rPr.Set_FromObject({ Bold : false, Italic : false, Underline : false, Strikeout : false, FontFamily : { Name : "Arial", Index : -1 }, FontSize : 11, Color : { r : 0, g : 0, b : 0 }, VertAlign : vertalign_Baseline, HighLight : highlight_None }); } var defaultView = node.ownerDocument.defaultView; var computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle( node, null ); if ( computedStyle ) { var font_family = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "font-family" ); if(font_family && "" != font_family) { var oFontItem = this.oFonts[font_family]; if(null != oFontItem && null != oFontItem.Name) rPr.FontFamily = {Name: oFontItem.Name, Index: oFontItem.Index}; } var font_size =; if(!font_size) font_size = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "font-size" ); if(font_size) { var obj = this._ValueToMmType(font_size); if(obj && "%" != obj.type && "none" != obj.type) { font_size = obj.val; //���� ������� �� ������������ ������� ������� �������� ���������� ������, ��� ���������� ��� ������� 8, 11, 14, 20, 26pt if("px" == obj.type && false == this.bIsDoublePx) font_size = Math.round(font_size * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt); else font_size = Math.round(2 * font_size * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt) / 2;//���������� �������� ���������. rPr.FontSize = font_size; } } var font_weight = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "font-weight" ); if(font_weight) { if("bold" == font_weight || "bolder" == font_weight || 400 < font_weight) rPr.Bold = true; } var font_style = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "font-style" ); if("italic" == font_style) rPr.Italic = true; var color = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "color" ); if(color && (color = this._ParseColor(color))) { rPr.Color = color; } //������� �� ��������, ������� �� �����������, ���� �������� ������������ �������� var background_color = null; var underline = null; var Strikeout = null; var vertical_align = null; var oTempNode = node; while(true) { var tempComputedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle( oTempNode, null ); if(null == tempComputedStyle) break; if(null == underline || null == Strikeout) { text_decoration = tempComputedStyle.getPropertyValue( "text-decoration" ); if(text_decoration) { if(-1 != text_decoration.indexOf("underline")) underline = true; if(-1 != text_decoration.indexOf("line-through")) Strikeout = true; } } if(null == background_color) { background_color = tempComputedStyle.getPropertyValue( "background-color" ); if(background_color) background_color = this._ParseColor(background_color); else background_color = null; } if(null == vertical_align || "baseline" == vertical_align) { vertical_align = tempComputedStyle.getPropertyValue( "vertical-align" ); if(!vertical_align) vertical_align = null; } if(vertical_align && background_color && Strikeout && underline) break; oTempNode = oTempNode.parentNode; if(this.oRootNode == oTempNode || "body" == oTempNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() || true == this._IsBlockElem(oTempNode.nodeName.toLowerCase())) break; } if(g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { if(background_color) rPr.HighLight = background_color; } else delete rPr.HighLight; if(null != underline) rPr.Underline = underline; if(null != Strikeout) rPr.Strikeout = Strikeout; switch(vertical_align) { case "sub": rPr.VertAlign = vertalign_SubScript;break; case "super": rPr.VertAlign = vertalign_SuperScript;break; } } return rPr; }, _parseCss : function(sStyles, pPr) { var aStyles = sStyles.split(';'); if(aStyles) { for(var i = 0, length = aStyles.length; i < length; i++) { var style = aStyles[i]; var aPair = style.split(':'); if(aPair && aPair.length > 1) { var prop_name = trimString(aPair[0]); var prop_value = trimString(aPair[1]); if(null != this.MsoStyles[prop_name]) pPr[prop_name] = prop_value; } } } }, _PrepareContent : function() { //�� �������� ����� ������� ������������ �� �������, ����� ������ �������� �������� ����� if(this.aContent.length > 0) { var last = this.aContent[this.aContent.length - 1]; if(type_Table == last.GetType()) { this._Add_NewParagraph(); } } }, _AddNextPrevToContent : function(oDoc) { var prev = null; for(var i = 0, length = this.aContent.length; i < length; ++i) { var cur = this.aContent[i]; cur.Set_DocumentPrev( prev ); cur.Parent = oDoc; if(prev) prev.Set_DocumentNext( cur ); prev = cur; } }, _Paragraph_Add : function(elem) { if(null != this.oCurPar) this.oCurPar.Internal_Content_Add( this.oCurPar.CurPos.ContentPos, elem ); }, _Add_NewParagraph : function() { this.oCurPar = new Paragraph(this.oDocument.DrawingDocument, this.oDocument, 0, 50, 50, X_Right_Field, Y_Bottom_Field ); this.aContent.push(this.oCurPar); //���������� ��������� ����� this.oCur_rPr = new CTextPr(); }, _Execute_AddParagraph : function(node, pPr) { this._Add_NewParagraph(); //������������� ����� ��������� this._set_pPr(node, this.oCurPar, pPr); }, _Decide_AddParagraph : function(node, pPr, bParagraphAdded, bCommitBr) { //���������� ������ ���������(��� ��������, ��� MS), ��������� �������� ������ ����� ������ ����� if(true == bParagraphAdded) { if(false != bCommitBr) this._Commit_Br(2, node, pPr);//word ���������� 2 ��������� br this._Execute_AddParagraph(node, pPr); } else if(false != bCommitBr) this._Commit_Br(0, node, pPr); return false; }, _Commit_Br : function(nIgnore, node, pPr) { for(var i = 0, length = this.nBrCount - nIgnore; i < length; i++) { if(this.bInBlock) this._Paragraph_Add( new ParaNewLine( break_Line ) ); else this._Execute_AddParagraph(node, pPr); } this.nBrCount = 0; }, _StartExecuteTable : function(node, pPr) { var oDocument = this.oDocument; var defaultView = node.ownerDocument.defaultView; var tableNode = node; //���� ���� ���� tbody for(var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; ++i) { if("tbody" == node.childNodes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase()) { node = node.childNodes[i]; break; } } //��������� �����. � ������� �� ����� ���� ����� ��������� �� ����������� ���������� �����. var nRowCount = 0; var nMinColCount = 0; var nMaxColCount = 0; var aColsCountByRow = new Array(); var oRowSums = new Object(); oRowSums[0] = 0; var dMaxSum = 0; var nCurColWidth = 0; var nCurSum = 0; var oRowSpans = new Object(); var fParseSpans = function() { var spans = oRowSpans[nCurColWidth]; while(null != spans && spans.row > 0) { spans.row--; nCurColWidth += spans.col; nCurSum += spans.width; spans = oRowSpans[nCurColWidth]; } }; for(var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; ++i) { var tr = node.childNodes[i]; if("tr" == tr.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { nCurSum = 0; nCurColWidth = 0; var nMinRowSpanCount = null;//����������� rowspan ����� ������ for(var j = 0, length2 = tr.childNodes.length; j < length2; ++j) { var tc = tr.childNodes[j]; var tcName = tc.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if("td" == tcName || "th" == tcName) { fParseSpans(); var dWidth = null; var computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle( tc, null ); if ( computedStyle ) { var computedWidth = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "width" ); if(null != computedWidth && null != (computedWidth = this._ValueToMm(computedWidth))) dWidth = computedWidth; } if(null == dWidth) dWidth = tc.clientWidth * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; var nColSpan = tc.getAttribute("colspan"); if(null != nColSpan) nColSpan = nColSpan - 0; else nColSpan = 1; var nCurRowSpan = tc.getAttribute("rowspan"); if(null != nCurRowSpan) { nCurRowSpan = nCurRowSpan - 0; if(null == nMinRowSpanCount) nMinRowSpanCount = nCurRowSpan; else if(nMinRowSpanCount > nCurRowSpan) nMinRowSpanCount = nCurRowSpan; if(nCurRowSpan > 1) oRowSpans[nCurColWidth] = {row: nCurRowSpan - 1, col: nColSpan, width: dWidth}; } else nMinRowSpanCount = 0; nCurSum += dWidth; if(null == oRowSums[nCurColWidth + nColSpan]) oRowSums[nCurColWidth + nColSpan] = nCurSum; nCurColWidth += nColSpan; } } fParseSpans(); //������� ������ rowspan if(nMinRowSpanCount > 1) { for(var j = 0, length2 = tr.childNodes.length; j < length2; ++j) { var tc = tr.childNodes[j]; var tcName = tc.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if("td" == tcName || "th" == tcName) { var nCurRowSpan = tc.getAttribute("rowspan"); if(null != nCurRowSpan) tc.setAttribute("rowspan", nCurRowSpan - nMinRowSpanCount); } } } if(dMaxSum < nCurSum) dMaxSum = nCurSum; //������� ������ tr if(0 == nCurColWidth) { node.removeChild(tr); length--; i--; } else { if(0 == nMinColCount || nMinColCount > nCurColWidth) nMinColCount = nCurColWidth; if(nMaxColCount < nCurColWidth) nMaxColCount = nCurColWidth; nRowCount++; aColsCountByRow.push(nCurColWidth); } } } if(nMaxColCount != nMinColCount) { for(var i = 0, length = aColsCountByRow.length; i < length; ++i) aColsCountByRow[i] = nMaxColCount - aColsCountByRow[i]; } if(nRowCount > 0 && nMaxColCount > 0) { var bUseScaleKoef = this.bUseScaleKoef; var dScaleKoef = this.dScaleKoef; if(dMaxSum * dScaleKoef > this.dMaxWidth) { dScaleKoef = dScaleKoef * this.dMaxWidth / dMaxSum; bUseScaleKoef = true; } //������ Grid var aGrid = new Array(); var nPrevIndex = null; var nPrevVal = 0; for(var i in oRowSums) { var nCurIndex = i - 0; var nCurVal = oRowSums[i]; var nCurWidth = nCurVal - nPrevVal; if(bUseScaleKoef) nCurWidth *= dScaleKoef; if(null != nPrevIndex) { var nDif = nCurIndex - nPrevIndex; if(1 == nDif) aGrid.push(nCurWidth); else { var nPartVal = nCurWidth / nDif; for(var i = 0; i < nDif; ++i) aGrid.push(nPartVal); } } nPrevVal = nCurVal; nPrevIndex = nCurIndex; } var CurPage = 0; var table = new CTable(oDocument.DrawingDocument, oDocument, true, 0, 0, 0, X_Right_Field, Y_Bottom_Field, nRowCount, nMaxColCount, aGrid); var RecalcResult = table.Recalculate_Page(CurPage); while ( recalcresult_NextPage == RecalcResult ) { CurPage++; RecalcResult = table.Recalculate_Page( CurPage ); } //�������� content this._ExecuteTable(tableNode, node, table, nMaxColCount != nMinColCount ? aColsCountByRow : null, pPr, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef); table.Cursor_MoveToStartPos(); this.aContent.push(table); } }, _ExecuteBorder : function(computedStyle, node, type, type2, bAddIfNull) { var res = null; var style = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "border-"+type+"-style" ); if(null != style) { res = new CDocumentBorder(); if("none" == style) res.Value = border_None; else { res.Value = border_Single; var width =["border"+type2+"Width"]; if(!width) computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "border-"+type+"-width" ); if(null != width && null != (width = this._ValueToMm(width))) res.Size = width; var color = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "border-"+type+"-color" ); if(null != color && (color = this._ParseColor(color))) res.Color = color; } } if(bAddIfNull && null == res) res = new CDocumentBorder(); return res; }, _ExecuteParagraphBorder : function(border) { var res = this.oBorderCache[border]; if(null != res) return res.Copy(); else { //������� ����� dom ����� �� ������ ������� ������� ������� ������ //todo ������� ��� dom, ���������� �����. res = new CDocumentBorder();; var oTestDiv = document.createElement("div"); oTestDiv.setAttribute("style", "border-left:"+border); document.body.appendChild( oTestDiv ); var defaultView = oTestDiv.ownerDocument.defaultView; var computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle( oTestDiv, null ); if(null != computedStyle) { res = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, oTestDiv, "left", "Left", true); } document.body.removeChild( oTestDiv ); this.oBorderCache[border] = res; return res; } }, _ExecuteTable : function(tableNode, node, table, aColsCountByRow, pPr, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef) { //Pr var Pr = table.Pr; var defaultView = tableNode.ownerDocument.defaultView; //align ������� � parent tableNode var sTableAlign = null; if(null != tableNode.align) sTableAlign = tableNode.align else if(null != tableNode.parentNode && this.oRootNode != tableNode.parentNode) { computedStyleParent = defaultView.getComputedStyle(tableNode.parentNode, null); if(null != computedStyleParent) { //����� ��������� -webkit-right sTableAlign = computedStyleParent.getPropertyValue( "text-align" ); } } if(null != sTableAlign) { if(-1 != sTableAlign.indexOf('center')) table.Set_TableAlign(align_Center); else if(-1 != sTableAlign.indexOf('right')) table.Set_TableAlign(align_Right); } var spacing = null; table.Set_TableBorder_InsideH(new CDocumentBorder()); table.Set_TableBorder_InsideV(new CDocumentBorder()); var style = tableNode.getAttribute("style"); if(style) { var tblPrMso = new Object(); this._parseCss(style, tblPrMso); var spacing = tblPrMso["mso-cellspacing"]; if(null != spacing && null != (spacing = this._ValueToMm(spacing))) ; var padding = tblPrMso["mso-padding-alt"]; if(null != padding) { padding = trimString(padding); var aMargins = padding.split(" "); if(4 == aMargins.length) { var top = aMargins[0]; if(null != top && null != (top = this._ValueToMm(top))) ; else top = Pr.TableCellMar.Top.W; var right = aMargins[1]; if(null != right && null != (right = this._ValueToMm(right))) ; else right = Pr.TableCellMar.Right.W; var bottom = aMargins[2]; if(null != bottom && null != (bottom = this._ValueToMm(bottom))) ; else bottom = Pr.TableCellMar.Bottom.W; var left = aMargins[3]; if(null != left && null != (left = this._ValueToMm(left))) ; else left = Pr.TableCellMar.Left.W; table.Set_TableCellMar(left, top, right, bottom); } } var insideh = tblPrMso["mso-border-insideh"]; if(null != insideh) table.Set_TableBorder_InsideH(this._ExecuteParagraphBorder(insideh)); var insidev = tblPrMso["mso-border-insidev"]; if(null != insidev) table.Set_TableBorder_InsideV(this._ExecuteParagraphBorder(insidev)); } var computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle(tableNode, null); if(computedStyle) { if(align_Left == table.Get_TableAlign()) { var margin_left = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "margin-left" ); //todo возможно надо еще учесть ширину таблицы if(margin_left && null != (margin_left = this._ValueToMm(margin_left)) && margin_left < Page_Width - X_Left_Margin) table.Set_TableInd(margin_left); } background_color = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "background-color" ); if(null != background_color && (background_color = this._ParseColor(background_color))) table.Set_TableShd(shd_Clear, background_color.r, background_color.g, background_color.b); var oLeftBorder = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, tableNode, "left", "Left", false); if(null != oLeftBorder) table.Set_TableBorder_Left(oLeftBorder); var oTopBorder = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, tableNode, "top", "Top", false); if(null != oTopBorder) table.Set_TableBorder_Top(oTopBorder); var oRightBorder = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, tableNode, "right", "Right", false); if(null != oRightBorder) table.Set_TableBorder_Right(oRightBorder); var oBottomBorder = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, tableNode, "bottom", "Bottom", false); if(null != oBottomBorder) table.Set_TableBorder_Bottom(oBottomBorder); if(null == spacing) { spacing = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "padding" ); if(!spacing) spacing =; if(!spacing) spacing = null; if(spacing && null != (spacing = this._ValueToMm(spacing))) ; } } //content var nRowIndex = 0; var oRowSpans = new Object(); var aVerticalMerge = new Array(); var aAfterBefore = new Object(); for(var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; ++i) { var tr = node.childNodes[i]; if("tr" == tr.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { this._ExecuteTableRow(tr, table.Content[nRowIndex], nRowIndex, aAfterBefore, spacing, oRowSpans, aVerticalMerge, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef); nRowIndex++; } } for(var i = 0, length = aVerticalMerge.length; i < length; ++i) { var item = aVerticalMerge[i]; this._MergeCells(table, item.start, item.rowspan, item.colspan); } //After,Before for(var i = 0; i < table.Rows; ++i) { var Row = table.Content[i]; var nRowLength = Row.Content.length; var nAfterCell = 0; var nBeforeCell = 0; var nAfterGrid = 0; var nBeforeGrid = 0; if(null != aColsCountByRow) { nAfterCell += aColsCountByRow[i]; nAfterGrid += aColsCountByRow[i]; } var item = aAfterBefore[i]; if(null != item) { if(null != item.Before && item.Before > 0) { var oFirstcell = Row.Content[0]; if(null != oFirstcell && null != oFirstcell.Pr && null != oFirstcell.Pr.GridSpan) nBeforeGrid += oFirstcell.Pr.GridSpan; else nBeforeGrid += 1; nBeforeCell += 1; } if(null != item.After && item.After > 0) { var oLastcell = Row.Content[nRowLength - 1]; if(null != oLastcell && null != oLastcell.Pr && null != oLastcell.Pr.GridSpan) nAfterGrid += oLastcell.Pr.GridSpan; else nAfterGrid += 1; nAfterCell += 1; } } if(nAfterCell >= 0 && nBeforeCell >= 0 && (nAfterCell + nBeforeCell) < nRowLength) { if(nAfterCell > 0) { Row.Set_After(nAfterGrid); for(var j = nRowLength - 1; j >= nRowLength - nAfterCell; --j ) Row.Remove_Cell(j); } if(nBeforeCell > 0) { Row.Set_Before(nBeforeGrid); Row.Remove_Cell(0); } } } }, _MergeCells : function(table, StartPos, rowSpan, colSpan) { //�������� ������, ������� ���� ��������� table.Selection.Use = true; table.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Cell; table.Selection.StartPos.Pos = StartPos; if(1 == rowSpan) { table.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {Row: StartPos.Row, Cell: StartPos.Cell + colSpan - 1}; table.Selection.Data = new Array(); for( var i = StartPos.Cell; i <= StartPos.Cell + colSpan - 1; ++i ) table.Selection.Data.push( {Cell : i, Row : StartPos.Row} ); } else { table.Selection.Data = new Array(); table.Selection.Data.push( StartPos ); //������� ������ ������ var nColIndexSpan = 0; var oFirstRow = table.Content[StartPos.Row]; for(var i = 0; i < StartPos.Cell; ++i) { var Cell = oFirstRow.Content[i]; if(null != Cell && null != Cell.Pr && null != Cell.Pr.GridSpan) nColIndexSpan += Cell.Pr.GridSpan; else nColIndexSpan += 1; } var nCurColIndexSpan = 0; for( var i = StartPos.Row + 1; i <= StartPos.Row + rowSpan - 1; ++i ) { var oCurRow = table.Content[i]; nCurColIndexSpan = 0; for(var j = 0; j < oCurRow.Content.length; ++j) { if(nColIndexSpan == nCurColIndexSpan) { table.Selection.Data.push( {Cell : j, Row : i} ); break; } var Cell = oCurRow.Content[j]; if(null != Cell && null != Cell.Pr && null != Cell.Pr.GridSpan) nCurColIndexSpan += Cell.Pr.GridSpan; else nCurColIndexSpan += 1; } } table.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {Row: StartPos.Row + rowSpan - 1, Cell: nCurColIndexSpan}; } //merge table.Cell_Merge(); }, _ExecuteTableRow : function(node, row, index, aAfterBefore, spacing, oRowSpans, aVerticalMerge, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef) { var oThis = this; var table = row.Table; if(null != spacing && spacing >= tableSpacingMinValue) row.Set_CellSpacing(spacing); if( { var height =; if(!("auto" == height || "inherit" == height || -1 != height.indexOf("%")) && null != (height = this._ValueToMm(height))) row.Set_Height(height, heightrule_AtLeast); } var style = node.getAttribute("style"); if(null != style) { var tcPr = new Object(); this._parseCss(style, tcPr); var margin_left = tcPr["mso-row-margin-left"]; var item = {After: null, Before: null}; if(margin_left && null != (margin_left = this._ValueToMm(margin_left))) item.Before = margin_left; var margin_right = tcPr["mso-row-margin-right"]; if(margin_right && null != (margin_right = this._ValueToMm(margin_right))) item.After = margin_right; aAfterBefore[index] = item; } //content var nCellIndex = 0; var nCellIndexSpan = 0; var fParseSpans = function() { var spans = oRowSpans[nCellIndexSpan]; while(null != spans && spans.row > 0) { if(spans.col > 1) oThis._MergeCells(table, {Row: index, Cell: nCellIndex}, 1, spans.col); spans.row--; nCellIndex++; nCellIndexSpan+= spans.col; spans = oRowSpans[nCellIndexSpan]; } }; for(var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; ++i) { //����� ����� ���� ��� ��� ����� ����������� td, ������ ��� ����������� ���������� ������ ����������� � dom fParseSpans(); var tc = node.childNodes[i]; var tcName = tc.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if("td" == tcName || "th" == tcName) { var nColSpan = tc.getAttribute("colspan"); if(null != nColSpan) nColSpan = nColSpan - 0; else nColSpan = 1; var oCurCell = row.Content[nCellIndex]; var nRowSpan = tc.getAttribute("rowspan"); if(null != nRowSpan) nRowSpan = nRowSpan - 0; else nRowSpan = 1; if(nColSpan > 1 || nRowSpan > 1) { if(nRowSpan > 1) { oRowSpans[nCellIndexSpan] = {row: nRowSpan - 1, col: nColSpan}; aVerticalMerge.push({start: {Row: index, Cell: nCellIndex}, rowspan: nRowSpan, colspan: nColSpan}); } this._MergeCells(table, {Row: index, Cell: nCellIndex}, 1, nColSpan); } this._ExecuteTableCell(tc, oCurCell, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef, spacing); nCellIndex ++; nCellIndexSpan+=nColSpan; } } fParseSpans(); }, _ExecuteTableCell : function(node, cell, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef, spacing) { //Pr var Pr = cell.Pr; var bAddIfNull = false; if(null != spacing) bAddIfNull = true; var defaultView = node.ownerDocument.defaultView; var computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle(node, null); if(null != computedStyle) { background_color = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "background-color" ); if(null != background_color && (background_color = this._ParseColor(background_color))) { var Shd = new CDocumentShd(); Shd.Value = shd_Clear; Shd.Color = background_color; cell.Set_Shd(Shd); } var border = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, node, "left", "Left", bAddIfNull); if(null != border) cell.Set_Border(border, 3); var border = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, node, "top", "Top", bAddIfNull); if(null != border) cell.Set_Border(border, 0); var border = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, node, "right", "Right", bAddIfNull); if(null != border) cell.Set_Border(border, 1); var border = this._ExecuteBorder(computedStyle, node, "bottom", "Bottom", bAddIfNull); if(null != border) cell.Set_Border(border, 2); var top = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "padding-top" ); if(null != top && null != (top = this._ValueToMm(top))) cell.Set_Margins({ W : top, Type : tblwidth_Mm }, 0); var right = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "padding-right" ); if(null != right && null != (right = this._ValueToMm(right))) cell.Set_Margins({ W : right, Type : tblwidth_Mm }, 1); var bottom = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "padding-bottom" ); if(null != bottom && null != (bottom = this._ValueToMm(bottom))) cell.Set_Margins({ W : bottom, Type : tblwidth_Mm }, 2); var left = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( "padding-left" ); if(null != left && null != (left = this._ValueToMm(left))) cell.Set_Margins({ W : left, Type : tblwidth_Mm }, 3); } //content var oPasteProcessor = new PasteProcessor(this.api, false, false, true); oPasteProcessor.oFonts = this.oFonts; oPasteProcessor.oImages = this.oImages; oPasteProcessor.oDocument = cell.Content; oPasteProcessor.bIgnoreNoBlockText = true; oPasteProcessor.dMaxWidth = this._CalcMaxWidthByCell(cell); if(true == bUseScaleKoef) { oPasteProcessor.bUseScaleKoef = bUseScaleKoef; oPasteProcessor.dScaleKoef = dScaleKoef; } oPasteProcessor.Start(node); oPasteProcessor._PrepareContent(); oPasteProcessor._AddNextPrevToContent(cell.Content); if(0 == oPasteProcessor.aContent.length) { var oDocContent = cell.Content; var oNewPar = new Paragraph(oDocContent.DrawingDocument, oDocContent, 0, 50, 50, X_Right_Field, Y_Bottom_Field ); //���������� ��������� ��������� - ����� ��� ����������� �� ������ � ������ ���� ��� ����������� ������ ������ oNewPar.Set_Spacing({After: 0, Before: 0, Line: linerule_Auto}); oPasteProcessor.aContent.push(oNewPar); } //��������� ����� ��������� for(var i = 0, length = oPasteProcessor.aContent.length; i < length; ++i) cell.Content.Internal_Content_Add(i + 1, oPasteProcessor.aContent[i]); //������� ��������, ������� ��������� � ������� �� ��������� cell.Content.Internal_Content_Remove(0, 1); }, _Execute : function(node, pPr, bRoot, bAddParagraph, bInBlock) { //bAddParagraph ���� �������� �� ������� _Decide_AddParagraph, ��������� �������� ��� ���. //bAddParagraph ������������ � true, ����� ���������� ������� ������� � �� ��������� �������� �������� var oDocument = this.oDocument; var bRootHasBlock = false;//���� root ���� ������� �������, �� ���� ��� child ������� ����������� //��� Root node �� ������� ����� � �� ��������� ����� if(true == bRoot) { //���� ������� ��������� ���, �� �������� ���� var bExist = false; for(var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; i++) { var child = node.childNodes[i]; var bIsBlockChild = this._IsBlockElem(child.nodeName.toLowerCase()); if(true == bIsBlockChild) { bRootHasBlock = true; bExist = true; break; } } if(false == bExist && true == this.bIgnoreNoBlockText) this.bIgnoreNoBlockText = false; } else { if(Node.TEXT_NODE == node.nodeType) { if(false == this.bIgnoreNoBlockText || true == bInBlock) { var value = node.nodeValue; if(!value) value = ""; //������� � ����� �������� \r|\t|\n, � �������� ������ �������� �� �� ������� //������ ���(�������� ������ chrome ��� ������� ��������� ������ � ������� \n) value = value.replace(/^(\r|\t|\n)+|(\r|\t|\n)+$/g, '') ; value = value.replace(/(\r|\t|\n)/g, ' '); if(value.length > 0) { bAddParagraph = this._Decide_AddParagraph(node.parentNode, pPr, bAddParagraph); //��������� ������� ����� ���� �� ��������� this._commit_rPr(node.parentNode); for(var i = 0, length = value.length; i < length; i++) { var Char = value.charAt(i); var Code = value.charCodeAt(i); var Item; if(32 == Code || 160 == Code) //160 - nbsp Item = new ParaSpace(); else Item = new ParaText( value[i] ); this._Paragraph_Add( Item ); } } } return bAddParagraph; } var sNodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if("table" == sNodeName) { if(g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { this._StartExecuteTable(node, pPr); return bAddParagraph; } else return false; } //�������� �� html �������� ���������(�� ��� ������ �������� �� getComputedStyle) var style = node.getAttribute("style"); if(style) this._parseCss(style, pPr); if("h1" == sNodeName) pPr.hLevel = 0; else if("h2" == sNodeName) pPr.hLevel = 1; else if("h3" == sNodeName) pPr.hLevel = 2; else if("h4" == sNodeName) pPr.hLevel = 3; else if("h5" == sNodeName) pPr.hLevel = 4; else if("h6" == sNodeName) pPr.hLevel = 5; if("ul" == sNodeName || "ol" == sNodeName || "li" == sNodeName) { pPr.bNum = true; if(g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { if("ul" == sNodeName) pPr.numType = numbering_numfmt_Bullet; else if("ol" == sNodeName) pPr.numType = numbering_numfmt_Decimal; } else { if("ul" == sNodeName) pPr.numType = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_Char; else if("ol" == sNodeName) pPr.numType = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_ArabicPeriod; } } if("img" == sNodeName) { if(g_bIsDocumentCopyPaste) { bAddParagraph = this._Decide_AddParagraph(node, pPr, bAddParagraph); var nWidth = parseInt(node.getAttribute("width")); var nHeight = parseInt(node.getAttribute("height")); if(!nWidth || !nHeight) { var defaultView = node.ownerDocument.defaultView; var computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle( node, null ); if ( computedStyle ) { nWidth = parseInt(computedStyle.getPropertyValue("width")); nHeight = parseInt(computedStyle.getPropertyValue("height")); } } var sSrc = node.getAttribute("src"); if(isNaN(nWidth) || isNaN(nHeight) || !(typeof nWidth === "number") || !(typeof nHeight === "number") || nWidth === 0 || nHeight === 0) { var img_prop = new CImgProperty(); img_prop.put_ImageUrl(sSrc); var or_sz = img_prop.get_OriginSize(editor); nWidth = or_sz.Width / g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; nHeight = or_sz.Height / g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; } if(nWidth && nHeight && sSrc) { var sSrc = this.oImages[sSrc]; if(sSrc) { nWidth = nWidth * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; nHeight = nHeight * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; //��������� � this.dMaxWidth var bUseScaleKoef = this.bUseScaleKoef; var dScaleKoef = this.dScaleKoef; if(nWidth * dScaleKoef > this.dMaxWidth) { dScaleKoef = dScaleKoef * this.dMaxWidth / nWidth; bUseScaleKoef = true; } if(bUseScaleKoef) { var dTemp = nWidth; nWidth *= dScaleKoef; nHeight *= dScaleKoef; } var oTargetDocument = this.oDocument; var oDrawingDocument = this.oDocument.DrawingDocument; if(oTargetDocument && oDrawingDocument) { var binary_shape = node.getAttribute("alt"); var sub; if(typeof binary_shape === "string") sub = binary_shape.substr(0, 12); if(typeof binary_shape === "string" &&( sub === "TeamLabShape" || sub === "TeamLabImage" || sub === "TeamLabChart" || sub === "TeamLabGroup")) { var reader = CreateBinaryReader(binary_shape, 12, binary_shape.length); if(isRealObject(reader)) reader.oImages = this.oImages; var first_string = null; if(reader !== null && typeof reader === "object") { first_string = sub; } var Drawing; switch(first_string) { case "TeamLabImage": case "TeamLabChart": { Drawing = CreateParaDrawingFromBinary(reader); break; } case "TeamLabShape": case "TeamLabGroup": { if(this.oDocument.Is_TopDocument()) Drawing = CreateParaDrawingFromBinary(reader); else { var cur_parent = this.oDocument; if(cur_parent.Is_TableCellContent()) { while(isRealObject(cur_parent) && cur_parent.Is_TableCellContent()) { cur_parent = cur_parent.Parent.Row.Table.Parent; } } if(cur_parent.Parent instanceof WordShape) { Drawing = CreateImageFromBinary(sSrc); } else { Drawing = CreateParaDrawingFromBinary(reader); } } break; } default : { Drawing = CreateImageFromBinary(sSrc); break; } } } else { Drawing = CreateImageFromBinary(sSrc); // oTargetDocument.DrawingObjects.Add( Drawing ); } this._Paragraph_Add( Drawing ); //oDocument.Add_InlineImage(nWidth, nHeight, img); } } } else if (nWidth && nHeight && (/msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent))) { var binary_shape = node.getAttribute("alt"); if (typeof binary_shape === "string") { nWidth = nWidth * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; nHeight = nHeight * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm; //��������� � this.dMaxWidth var bUseScaleKoef = this.bUseScaleKoef; var dScaleKoef = this.dScaleKoef; if(nWidth * dScaleKoef > this.dMaxWidth) { dScaleKoef = dScaleKoef * this.dMaxWidth / nWidth; bUseScaleKoef = true; } if(bUseScaleKoef) { var dTemp = nWidth; nWidth *= dScaleKoef; nHeight *= dScaleKoef; } var oTargetDocument = this.oDocument; var oDrawingDocument = this.oDocument.DrawingDocument; if(oTargetDocument && oDrawingDocument) { var sub; if(typeof binary_shape === "string") sub = binary_shape.substr(0, 12); if(typeof binary_shape === "string" &&( sub === "TeamLabShape" || sub === "TeamLabImage" || sub === "TeamLabChart" || sub === "TeamLabGroup")) { var reader = CreateBinaryReader(binary_shape, 12, binary_shape.length); if(isRealObject(reader)) reader.oImages = this.oImages; var first_string = null; if(reader !== null && typeof reader === "object") { first_string = sub; } var Drawing; switch(first_string) { case "TeamLabImage": case "TeamLabChart": { Drawing = CreateParaDrawingFromBinary(reader); this._Paragraph_Add( Drawing ); break; } case "TeamLabShape": case "TeamLabGroup": { if(this.oDocument.Is_TopDocument()) Drawing = CreateParaDrawingFromBinary(reader); else { var cur_parent = this.oDocument; if(cur_parent.Is_TableCellContent()) { while(isRealObject(cur_parent) && cur_parent.Is_TableCellContent()) { cur_parent = cur_parent.Parent.Row.Table.Parent; } } if(cur_parent.Parent instanceof WordShape) { Drawing = CreateParaDrawingFromBinary(reader); var bounds = Drawing.getBounds(); Drawing = CreateImageFromBinary2(Drawing.GraphicObj.getBase64Img(), bounds.r - bounds.l, bounds.b - bounds.t); } else { Drawing = CreateParaDrawingFromBinary(reader); } } this._Paragraph_Add( Drawing ); break; } /* default : { Drawing = CreateImageFromBinary(sSrc); break; } */ } } //oDocument.Add_InlineImage(nWidth, nHeight, img); } } } return bAddParagraph; } else return false; } //��������� linebreak, ���� �� �� ��������� ������� �������� � �� ����� ��� ������� ������� if("br" == sNodeName || "always" == { if("always" == { bAddParagraph = this._Decide_AddParagraph(node.parentNode, pPr, bAddParagraph); bAddParagraph = true; this._Commit_Br(0, node, pPr); this._Paragraph_Add( new ParaNewLine( break_Page ) ); } else { bAddParagraph = this._Decide_AddParagraph(node.parentNode, pPr, bAddParagraph, false); this.nBrCount++;//this._Paragraph_Add( new ParaNewLine( break_Line ) ); if("line-break" == pPr["mso-special-character"]) this._Commit_Br(0, node, pPr); return bAddParagraph; } } //�������� �� tab if("span" == sNodeName) { var nTabCount = parseInt(pPr["mso-tab-count"] || 0); if(nTabCount > 0) { bAddParagraph = this._Decide_AddParagraph(node, pPr, bAddParagraph); this._commit_rPr(node); for(var i = 0; i < nTabCount; i++) this._Paragraph_Add( new ParaTab() ); return bAddParagraph; } } } //���������� �������� ��� childNodes for(var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; i++) { var child = node.childNodes[i]; var nodeType = child.nodeType; //��� ����������� �� word ����� ����������� ����������� �� ������� //����������� ����������, ������ ������ ������ if(Node.COMMENT_NODE == nodeType) { var value = child.nodeValue; var bSkip = false; if(value) { if(-1 != value.indexOf("supportLists")) { //todo ���������� ��� ������ pPr.bNum = true; bSkip = true; } if(-1 != value.indexOf("supportLineBreakNewLine")) bSkip = true; } if(true == bSkip) { //���������� ��� �� �������������� ����������� var j = i + 1; for(; j < length; j++) { var tempNode = node.childNodes[j]; var tempNodeType = tempNode.nodeType; if(Node.COMMENT_NODE == tempNodeType) { var tempvalue = tempNode.nodeValue; if(tempvalue && -1 != tempvalue.indexOf("endif")) break; } } i = j; continue; } } if(!(Node.ELEMENT_NODE == nodeType || Node.TEXT_NODE == nodeType)) continue; //�������� ������� ��������� ������ �� \t,\n,\r if( Node.TEXT_NODE == child.nodeType) { var value = child.nodeValue; if(!value) continue; value = value.replace(/(\r|\t|\n)/g, ''); if("" == value) continue; } var sChildNodeName = child.nodeName.toLowerCase(); var bIsBlockChild = this._IsBlockElem(sChildNodeName); if(bRoot) this.bInBlock = false; if(bIsBlockChild) { bAddParagraph = true; this.bInBlock = true; } var bHyperlink = false; if("a" == sChildNodeName) { var href = child.href; if(null != href) { var sDecoded; //decodeURI ����� �������� malformed exception, ������ ��� ��� ���� � utf8, � ��������� ����� ����� ���������� url � ����� ���������(�������� windows-1251) try { sDecoded = decodeURI(href); } catch(e) { sDecoded = href; } href = sDecoded; bHyperlink = true; var title = child.getAttribute("title"); bAddParagraph = this._Decide_AddParagraph(child, pPr, bAddParagraph); var oHyperlink = new ParaHyperlinkStart(); oHyperlink.Set_Value( href ); if(null != title) oHyperlink.Set_ToolTip(title); this._Paragraph_Add( oHyperlink ); } } bAddParagraph = this._Execute(child, Common_CopyObj(pPr), false, bAddParagraph, bIsBlockChild || bInBlock); if(bIsBlockChild) bAddParagraph = true; if("a" == sChildNodeName && true == bHyperlink) this._Paragraph_Add( new ParaHyperlinkEnd() ); } if(bRoot) { this._Commit_Br(2, node, pPr);//word ���������� 2 ��������� br } return bAddParagraph; } }; function SafariIntervalFocus() { if (window.editor && window.editor.WordControl && window.editor.WordControl.IsFocus && !window.editor.WordControl.TextBoxInputMode) { var pastebin = document.getElementById(COPY_ELEMENT_ID); if (pastebin) pastebin.focus(); else { // create Editor_CopyPaste_Create(window.editor); } } } function Editor_CopyPaste_Create(api) { var ElemToSelect = document.createElement("div"); = COPY_ELEMENT_ID; = "absolute"; = '0px'; = '-100px'; = '10000px'; = '100px'; = 'hidden'; = -1000; = "text";["-khtml-user-select"] = "text";["-o-user-select"] = "text";["user-select"] = "text";["-webkit-user-select"] = "text"; ElemToSelect.setAttribute("contentEditable", true); var Def_rPr = api.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Styles.Default.TextPr; = Def_rPr.FontFamily.Name; if (!api.DocumentReaderMode) = Def_rPr.FontSize + "pt"; else { api.DocumentReaderMode.CorrectDefaultFontSize(Def_rPr.FontSize); = "1em"; } = "1px"; ElemToSelect.onpaste = function(e){ //Editor_Paste(api, true); Body_Paste(api,e); }; ElemToSelect["onbeforecopy"] = function(e){ Editor_Copy(api,false); }; document.body.appendChild( ElemToSelect ); }