<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1"> <!-- /** * o------------------------------------------------------------------------------o * | This file is part of the OfficeExcel package - you can learn more at: | * | | * | http://www.OfficeExcel.net | * | | * | This package is licensed under the OfficeExcel license. For all kinds of business | * | purposes there is a small one-time licensing fee to pay and for non | * | commercial purposes it is free to use. 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This is provided in the OfficeExcel Archive.</li><li>Use another browser entirely. Your choices are Firefox 3.5+, Chrome 2+, Safari 4+ or Opera 10.5+. </li></ul> <b>Note:</b> Internet Explorer 9 fully supports the canvas tag.</div>'); } </script> <div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 5px; position: relative; top: -15px"> <div class="warning" style="display: inline; display: inline-block"> <b>Important:</b> The stable OfficeExcel has been updated (30th November 2011) because of a bug with the Pie chart. The bug affects you if you use tooltips and the effect is set to <i>explode</i>. You can either update the <i>OfficeExcel.pie.js</i> file to the one in the current archive, or simply change the effect (to <i>3d</i> or <i>2d</i>). If you downloaded OfficeExcel after this date you won't be affected by this. </div> </div> <p> The November 2011 release of OfficeExcel is now available and has these changes: </p> <ul> <li>Added new animation effects: Bar chart Wave, Pie chart Wave, HProgress bar Grow, VProgress bar Grow</li> <li>The Fuel chart Grow effect has been rewritten - it now "Grows" from the last position instead of from zero all the time</li> <li> The way the Donut chart is drawn has been altered so that the center can be transparent and shadows are drawn correctly. There's an example here: <a href="http://www.OfficeExcel.net/examples/donut.html">http://www.OfficeExcel.net/examples/donut.html</a> </li> <li> Added four new properties to the Gauge chart for controlling color: chart.border.inner, chart.border.outer, chart.centerpin.color and chart.needle.color. </li> <li>IE7 is now supported with ExCanvas.</li> <li> IMPORTANT: The Pie chart .getSegment(e) method now returns angles measured in radians, not in degrees. Roughly, 1 radian is equal to 57.29 degrees (or 180/Math.PI ). </li> <li> IMPORTANT: The Rose chart .getSegment(e) method now returns angles measured in radians, not in degrees. Roughly, 1 radian is equal to 57.29 degrees (or 180/Math.PI ). </li> <li>There's now an example of the Pie chart RoundRobin and Implode effect on the front page of the website</li> <li> The key has been separated out into it's own file. This saves roughly 30k if you don't use it. If you do use it you will need to include this file in your page</li> <li> The chart libraries have a new technique that avoids you getting blurry lines that appear to be thicker than a single pixel. This affects roughly 12 of the libraries. </li> <li>Added the chart.zoom.thumbnail.fixed option.</li> <li>The Rose chart adjusting has been removed.</li> <li>Added an example of financial data represented using the Scatter chart: <a href="http://www.OfficeExcel.net/docs/financial.html">http://www.OfficeExcel.net/docs/financial.html</a></li> <li>Added an example of getting data from an XML file on the server: <a href="http://www.OfficeExcel.net/docs/xml-data.html">http://www.OfficeExcel.net/docs/xml-data.html</a></li> <li> The slide in and slideout have each had the argument used to stipulate the direction renamed: <ul> <li>OfficeExcel.Effects.jQuery.Slide.In(obj, {'from': 'right'});</li> <li>OfficeExcel.Effects.jQuery.Slide.Out(obj, {'to': left'});</li> </ul> </li> <li>Added more punctuation characters to the LED chart.</li> <li> The Scatter chart option chart.boxplot.width is now a SCALE value, not a PIXEL value. Therefore, if your chart.xmax value is 28 (for four weeks) 1 week would be represented by a value of 7, whereas before that would simply be 7 pixels. </li> </ul> <p> Download OfficeExcel here: <a href="http://www.OfficeExcel.net/downloads/OfficeExcel_2011-11-26-stable.zip"><b>OfficeExcel_2011-10-26-stable.zip</b></a> </p> </body> </html>