From 0421df6f4314a5c485bd1ac457ccdce970c0ea2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?J=C3=A9rome=20Perrin?= <>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 12:05:33 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] remove the implicit set of mirror section, because it makes
 it's to easy to add transactions for another section in multi currency

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
 .../Document/     | 68 -------------------
 product/ERP5/tests/          | 67 ------------------
 2 files changed, 135 deletions(-)

diff --git a/product/ERP5/Document/ b/product/ERP5/Document/
index eb0f2a47b7..4dc3884d70 100644
--- a/product/ERP5/Document/
+++ b/product/ERP5/Document/
@@ -62,74 +62,6 @@ class AccountingTransactionLine(DeliveryLine):
   # Declarative interfaces
   __implements__ = ( )
-  security.declarePrivate('_setSource')
-  def _setSource(self, value, portal_type=None):
-    """ 
-      Set the source Account and implicitely the destination Account
-    using the source's mirror account.
-    """
-    self._setCategoryMembership('source', value, base=0)
-    if self.getPortalType() not in \
-            self.getPortalBalanceTransactionLineTypeList() \
-            and value not in (None, ''):
-      source = self.getPortalObject().portal_categories.resolveCategory(value)
-      destination = self.getDestination()
-      if source is not None:
-        mirror_list = source.getDestinationList()
-      else:
-        mirror_list = []
-      if len(mirror_list) > 0 and destination not in mirror_list:
-        self._setCategoryMembership('destination', mirror_list[0], base=0)
-  security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'setSource')
-  def setSource(self, value):
-    """
-      Set the source Account and implicitely the destination Account
-    using the source's mirror account, then reindex self.
-    """
-    self._setSource(value)
-    self.reindexObject()
-  security.declarePrivate('_setDestination')
-  def _setDestination(self, value, portal_type=None):
-    """
-      Set the destination Account and implicitely the source Account
-    using the source's mirror account.
-    """
-    self._setCategoryMembership('destination', value, base=0)
-    if self.getPortalType() not in \
-            self.getPortalBalanceTransactionLineTypeList()\
-            and value not in (None, ''):
-      destination = self.getPortalObject().\
-                        portal_categories.resolveCategory(value)
-      source = self.getSource()
-      if destination is not None:
-        mirror_list = destination.getDestinationList()
-      else:
-        mirror_list = []
-      if len(mirror_list) > 0 and source not in mirror_list:
-        self._setCategoryMembership('source', mirror_list[0], base=0)
-  security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'setDestination')
-  def setDestination(self, value):
-    """ 
-      Set the destination Account and implicitely the source Account
-    using the source's mirror account, then reindex self.
-    """
-    self._setDestination(value)
-    self.reindexObject()
-  security.declarePrivate('_edit')
-  def _edit(self, REQUEST = None, force_update = 0, **kw):
-    """ 
-      Edit the object and set source/destination using magic methods.
-    """
-    if kw.has_key('source'):
-      self._setSource(kw['source'])
-    elif kw.has_key('destination') :
-      self._setDestination(kw['destination'])
-    DeliveryLine._edit(self, REQUEST=REQUEST, force_update=force_update, **kw)
   def getInventoriatedQuantity(self):
diff --git a/product/ERP5/tests/ b/product/ERP5/tests/
index 744b8c3004..0b16187d70 100644
--- a/product/ERP5/tests/
+++ b/product/ERP5/tests/
@@ -1445,63 +1445,6 @@ class TestAccounting(ERP5TypeTestCase):
                    account_list=self.account_list )
-  def stepCreateAccountingTransactionAndCheckMirrorAccount(self,
-                                          sequence, **kw):
-    """Check that mirror account are set automatically. """
-    account_list = sequence.get('account_list')
-    for account in account_list :
-      self.assertNotEquals(account.getDestinationValue(), None)
-    transaction = self.getAccountingModule().newContent(
-      portal_type = self.accounting_transaction_portal_type,
-      source_section_value = sequence.get('client'),
-      resource_value = sequence.get('EUR'),
-      created_by_builder = 1,
-    )
-    # setting both source and destination shouldn't use mirror accounts
-    destination = sequence.get('receivable_account')
-    for account in account_list :
-      transaction_line = transaction.newContent(
-        portal_type = self.accounting_transaction_line_portal_type,
-        source = account.getRelativeUrl(),
-        destination = destination.getRelativeUrl(),
-      )
-      self.assertEquals( destination.getRelativeUrl(),
-                         transaction_line.getDestination() )
-    # setting only a source must use mirror account as destination
-    for account in account_list :
-      transaction_line = transaction.newContent(
-        portal_type = self.accounting_transaction_line_portal_type,
-        source = account.getRelativeUrl(),
-      )
-      self.assertEquals( account.getDestination(),
-                         transaction_line.getDestination() )
-    # editing the destination later should not change the source once
-    # the mirror account has been set.
-    account = sequence.get('receivable_account')
-    destination = sequence.get('bank_account')
-    another_destination = sequence.get('expense_account')
-    account.setDestinationValueList(account_list)
-    transaction_line = transaction.newContent(
-      portal_type = self.accounting_transaction_line_portal_type,
-      source = account.getRelativeUrl(), )
-    automatically_set_destination = transaction_line.getDestinationValue()
-    # get another account.
-    if automatically_set_destination == destination :
-      forced_destination = destination
-    else :
-      forced_destination = another_destination
-    # set all other accounts as mirror account to this one.
-    forced_destination.setDestinationValueList(account_list)
-    # change the destination and check the source didn't change.
-    transaction_line.edit(destination = forced_destination.getRelativeUrl())
-    self.assertEquals( transaction_line.getSourceValue(), account )
   def getInvoicePropertyList(self):
     """Returns the list of properties for invoices, stored as 
@@ -2286,16 +2229,6 @@ class TestAccounting(ERP5TypeTestCase):
     """, quiet=quiet)
-  def test_MirrorAccounts(self, quiet=QUIET, run=RUN_ALL_TESTS):
-    """Tests using an account on one sides uses the mirror account
-    on the other size. """
-    if not run : return
-    self.playSequence("""
-      stepCreateEntities
-      stepCreateAccounts
-      stepCreateAccountingTransactionAndCheckMirrorAccount
-    """, quiet=quiet)
   def test_Acquisition(self, quiet=QUIET, run=RUN_ALL_TESTS):
     """Tests acquisition, categories and portal types are well
     configured. """