# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#                    Ɓukasz Nowak <luke@nexedi.com>
#                    Fabien Morin <fabien@nexedi.com>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, interfaces
from Products.ERP5Type.XMLMatrix import XMLMatrix
from Products.ERP5.Document.Amount import Amount
from Products.ERP5.Document.Predicate import Predicate
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import cartesianProduct
from Products.ERP5.AggregatedAmountList import AggregatedAmountList
import zope.interface

def isMovement(document):
  """Hides isMovement method or variable complexity"""
  if callable(document.isMovement):
    is_movement = document.isMovement()
    is_movement = document.isMovement
  return is_movement

class TradeModelLine(Predicate, XMLMatrix, Amount):
  """Trade Model Line is a way to represent trade transformation for movements"""
  meta_type = 'ERP5 Trade Model Line'
  portal_type = 'Trade Model Line'

  # Declarative security
  security = ClassSecurityInfo()

  # Declarative interfaces

  # Declarative properties
  property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.Base
                  , PropertySheet.SimpleItem
                  , PropertySheet.CategoryCore
                  , PropertySheet.Amount
                  , PropertySheet.Price
                  , PropertySheet.TradeModelLine
                  , PropertySheet.Reference
                  , PropertySheet.Predicate

  def getPrice(self):
    return self._baseGetPrice()

  def updateAggregatedAmountList(self, context, **kw):
    raise NotImplementedError('TODO')

  def getAggregatedAmountList(self, context, movement_list = None,
      current_aggregated_amount_list = None, base_id='movement', **kw):
    from Products.ERP5Type.Document import newTempSimulationMovement

    # test with predicate if this model line could be applied
    if not self.test(context):
      # This model_line should not be applied
      return []
    if movement_list is None:
      movement_list = []
    if current_aggregated_amount_list is None:
      current_aggregated_amount_list = []

    normal_resource_use_category_list = self.\
    if normal_resource_use_category_list is None:
      raise ValueError('preferred_normal_resource_use_category is not ' + \
          'configured in System Preferences')

    # if movement_list is passed as parameter, it shall be used,
    # otherwise it is needed to look up for movements
    if len(movement_list) == 0:
      # no movements passed, need to find some
      if isMovement(context):
        # create movement lists from context
        movement_list = [context]
        # create movement list for delivery's movements
        movement_list = []
        for movement in context.getMovementList():
          # XXX: filtering shall be in getMovementList
          # add only movement which are input (i.e. resource use category
          # is in the normal resource use preference list). Output will
          # be recalculated
          movement_resource = movement.getResourceValue()
          if movement_resource is not None:
            if movement_resource.getUse() in \

    aggregated_amount_list = AggregatedAmountList()
    base_application_list = self.getBaseApplicationList()

    self_id = self.getParentValue().getId() + '_' + self.getId()

    tmp_movement_list = [q for q in current_aggregated_amount_list \
        if q.getReference() == self.getReference() ]
    if len(tmp_movement_list) > 0:
      tmp_movement_list = tmp_movement_list[:1] # list is needed in case of
                                                # having cells
      update = 1
      common_params = {
        'causality': self.getRelativeUrl(),
        'resource': self.getResource(),
        'reference': self.getReference(),
        'base_application_list': base_application_list,
        'base_contribution_list': self.getBaseContributionList(),
        'start_date': context.getStartDate(),
        'stop_date': context.getStopDate(),
        'create_line': self.isCreateLine(),
        'trade_phase_list': self.getTradePhaseList(),
      update = 0
      base_category_list = self.getVariationBaseCategoryList()
      category_list_list = []
      for base_cat in base_category_list:
        category_list = self.getVariationCategoryList(
      cartesian_product = cartesianProduct(category_list_list)
      # look for cells if categories are used
      if len(category_list_list) > 0:
        for cell_coordinates in cartesian_product:
          cell = self.getCell(base_id=base_id, *cell_coordinates)
          if cell is None:
            raise ValueError("Can't find the cell corresponding to those "+\
                "cells coordinates : %s" % cell_coordinates)
          tmp_movement = newTempSimulationMovement(self.getPortalObject(),
              variation_base_category_list = cell.getVariationBaseCategoryList(),
              variation_category_list = cell.getVariationCategoryList(),
              price = cell.getPrice(),
              quantity = cell.getQuantity(0.0),
        tmp_movement = newTempSimulationMovement(self.getPortalObject(),
          quantity = self.getQuantity(0.0),
          price = self.getPrice(),
    modified = 0
    for tmp_movement in tmp_movement_list:
      if len(self.getVariationCategoryList()) == 0 and \
          self.getQuantity(None) is None or \
          len(self.getVariationCategoryList()) and \
          tmp_movement.getQuantity(None) is None:
        # if the quantity is not defined, take it by searching all movements
        # that used this base_amount
        for movement in movement_list:
          if set(base_application_list)\
              .intersection(set(movement.getBaseContributionList())) and \
              len(movement.getVariationCategoryList()) == 0 or \
              set(movement.getVariationCategoryList()).intersection( \
            # at least one base application is in base contributions and
            # if the movement have no variation category, it's the same as
            # if he have all variation categories
            quantity = tmp_movement.getQuantity(0.0)
            modified = 1
            tmp_movement.setQuantity(quantity + movement.getTotalPrice())
        # if the quantity is defined, use it
        modified = 1
        if tmp_movement.getPrice() in (0, None):
          # if price is not defined, it the same as 100 %

      # check if slices are used
      salary_range_list = tmp_movement.getVariationCategoryList(\
          base_category_list='salary_range') #XXX hardcoded values
      salary_range = len(salary_range_list) and salary_range_list[0] or None
      if salary_range is not None:
        # slice are used
        model = self.getParentValue()
        cell = model.getCell(salary_range)
        if cell is None:
          raise ValueError("Can't find the cell corresponding to those "+\
              "cells coordinates : %s" % salary_range)
        model_slice_min = cell.getQuantityRangeMin()
        model_slice_max = cell.getQuantityRangeMax()
        base_application = tmp_movement.getQuantity(0.0)
        if base_application-model_slice_min>0:
          if base_application <= model_slice_max:
          elif model_slice_max:

      if not update and modified:
        # no movements were updated, but something was modified, so new
        # movement appeared

    return aggregated_amount_list