diff --git a/erp5/util/testnode/SlapOSControler.py b/erp5/util/testnode/SlapOSControler.py
index ade1ce2e9b65a241cef7c107748b0cb6ec7583ae..7ef85c2e8ba143606f4b357f0ed2f29abc8e8765 100644
--- a/erp5/util/testnode/SlapOSControler.py
+++ b/erp5/util/testnode/SlapOSControler.py
@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ class SlapOSControler(object):
     # connections
     slap = slapos.slap.slap()
-    slap.initializeConnection(config['master_url'])
+    self.slap = slap
+    self.slap.initializeConnection(config['master_url'])
     # register software profile
     self.software_profile = config['custom_profile_path']
@@ -80,14 +81,16 @@ class SlapOSControler(object):
       # In order to be able to change partition naming scheme, do this at
       # instance_root level (such change happened already, causing problems).
-    os.mkdir(instance_root)
+    if not(os.path.exists(instance_root)):
+      os.mkdir(instance_root)
     for i in range(0, MAX_PARTIONS):
       # create partition and configure computer
       # XXX: at the moment all partitions do share same virtual interface address
       # this is not a problem as usually all services are on different ports
       partition_reference = '%s-%s' %(config['partition_reference'], i)
       partition_path = os.path.join(instance_root, partition_reference)
-      os.mkdir(partition_path)
+      if not(os.path.exists(partition_path)):
+        os.mkdir(partition_path)
       os.chmod(partition_path, 0750)
                                                     'address': config['ipv4_address'],
@@ -116,7 +119,7 @@ class SlapOSControler(object):
     # a SR may fail for number of reasons (incl. network failures)
     # so be tolerant and run it a few times before giving up
     for runs in range(0, MAX_SR_RETRIES):
-      status_dict = self.spawn(config['slapgrid_software_binary'], '-v', '-c',
+      status_dict = self.spawn(config['slapgrid_software_binary'], '-v', '-c','--now',
                  config['slapos_config'], raise_error_if_fail=False,
                  log_prefix='slapgrid_sr', get_output=False)
     return status_dict
@@ -124,10 +127,9 @@ class SlapOSControler(object):
   def runComputerPartition(self, config, environment,
                            stdout=None, stderr=None):
-    slap = slapos.slap.slap()
     # cloudooo-json is required but this is a hack which should be removed
     config['instance_dict']['cloudooo-json'] = "{}"
-    slap.registerOpenOrder().request(self.software_profile,
+    self.slap.registerOpenOrder().request(self.software_profile,
         partition_reference='testing partition',
@@ -138,4 +140,5 @@ class SlapOSControler(object):
       status_dict = self.spawn(config['slapgrid_partition_binary'], '-v', '-c',
                  config['slapos_config'], raise_error_if_fail=False,
                  log_prefix='slapgrid_cp', get_output=False)
+      self.log('slapgrid_cp status_dict : %r' % (status_dict,))
     return status_dict
diff --git a/erp5/util/testnode/testnode.py b/erp5/util/testnode/testnode.py
index 806adf2b50e319a01f3fc4856c6163a2a420ed85..bbddd30891cdcc51c6c565bd450cf7ffbeb1128c 100644
--- a/erp5/util/testnode/testnode.py
+++ b/erp5/util/testnode/testnode.py
@@ -26,129 +26,27 @@
 from datetime import datetime
 import os
-import signal
-import socket
 import subprocess
 import sys
 import time
-import xmlrpclib
 import glob
 import SlapOSControler
-import threading
 from ProcessManager import SubprocessError, ProcessManager, CancellationError
 from Updater import Updater
+from erp5.util import taskdistribution
 DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 120 # time in seconds to sleep
 supervisord_pid_file = None
-# XXX: below section is shared with product/ERP5Type/tests/runTestSuite.py .
-# They are supposed to be merged into a common library/tool someday, until
-# then please keep them synchronised.
-# Depending on used xmlrpc backend, different exceptions can be thrown.
-SAFE_RPC_EXCEPTION_LIST = [socket.error, xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, xmlrpclib.Fault]
-parser, _ = xmlrpclib.getparser()
-if xmlrpclib.ExpatParser and isinstance(parser, xmlrpclib.ExpatParser):
-  SAFE_RPC_EXCEPTION_LIST.append(xmlrpclib.expat.ExpatError)
-  print >>sys.stderr, 'Warning: unhandled xmlrpclib parser %r, some ' \
-    'exceptions might get through safeRpcCall' % (parser, )
-del parser, _
-def safeRpcCall(log, proxy, function_id, retry, *args):
-  # this method will try infinitive calls to backend
-  # this can cause testnode to looked "stalled"
-  retry_time = 64
-  while True:
-    try:
-      # it safer to pass proxy and function_id so we avoid httplib.ResponseNotReady
-      # by trying reconnect before server keep-alive ends and the socket closes
-      log('safeRpcCall called with method : %s' % function_id)
-      function = getattr(proxy, function_id)
-      return function(*args)
-      log('Exception in safeRpcCall when trying %s with %r' % (function_id, args),
-           exc_info=sys.exc_info())
-      if not(retry):
-        return
-      log('will retry safeRpcCall in %i seconds' % retry_time)
-      time.sleep(retry_time)
-      retry_time += retry_time >> 1
-class RemoteLogger(object):
-  def __init__(self, log, log_file, test_node_title, process_manager):
-    self.portal = None
-    self.test_result_path = None
-    self.test_node_title = test_node_title
-    self.log = log
-    self.log_file = log_file
-    self.process_manager = process_manager
-    self.finish = False
-    self.quit = False
-  def update(self, portal, test_result_path):
-    self.portal = portal
-    self.test_result_path = test_result_path
-  def getSize(self):
-    erp5testnode_log = open(self.log_file, 'r')
-    erp5testnode_log.seek(0, 2)
-    size = erp5testnode_log.tell()
-    erp5testnode_log.close()
-    return size
+PROFILE_PATH_KEY = 'profile_path'
-  def __call__(self):
-    size = self.getSize()
-    while True:
-      for x in xrange(0,60):
-        if self.quit or self.finish:
-          break
-        time.sleep(1)
-      if self.quit:
-        return
-      finish = retry = self.finish
-      if self.test_result_path is None:
-        if finish:
-          return
-        continue
-      start_size = size
-      end_size = self.getSize()
-      # file was truncated
-      if end_size < start_size:
-        size = end_size
-        continue
-      # display some previous data
-      if start_size >= 5000:
-        start_size -= 5000
-      # do not send tons of log, only last logs
-      if (end_size-start_size >= 10000):
-        start_size = end_size-10000
-      erp5testnode_log = open(self.log_file, 'r')
-      erp5testnode_log.seek(start_size)
-      output = erp5testnode_log.read()
-      erp5testnode_log.close()
-      if end_size == size:
-        output += '%s : stucked ??' % datetime.now().strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
-      # check if the test result is still alive
-      is_alive = safeRpcCall(self.log, self.portal, "isTaskAlive", False,
-          self.test_result_path)
-      self.log('isTaskAlive result %r' % is_alive)
-      if is_alive is not None  and is_alive == 0:
-        self.log('Test Result cancelled on server side, stop current test')
-        self.process_manager.killPreviousRun(cancellation=True)
-        return
-      status_dict = dict(command='erp5testnode', status_code=0,
-                         stdout=''.join(output), stderr='')
-      safeRpcCall(self.log, self.portal, "reportTaskStatus", retry,
-          self.test_result_path, status_dict, self.test_node_title)
-      size = end_size
-      if finish:
-        return
-PROFILE_PATH_KEY = 'profile_path'
+class DummyLogger(object):
+  def __init__(self, func):
+    for name in ('trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'warning', 'error',
+      'critical', 'fatal'):
+       setattr(self, name, func)
 class TestNode(object):
@@ -227,9 +125,6 @@ branch = %(branch)s
     same_revision_count = 0
       while True:
-        remote_test_result_needs_cleanup = False
-        remote_logger = None
-        remote_logger_thread = None
           # kill processes from previous loop if any
@@ -264,36 +159,21 @@ branch = %(branch)s
           retry = False
           previous_revision = revision
           portal_url = config['test_suite_master_url']
-          test_result_path = None
-          test_result = (test_result_path, revision)
-          if portal_url:
-            if portal_url[-1] != '/':
-              portal_url += '/'
-            portal = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("%s%s" %
-                        (portal_url, 'portal_task_distribution'),
-                        allow_none=1)
-            assert safeRpcCall(log, portal, "getProtocolRevision", True) == 1
-            test_result = safeRpcCall(log, portal, "createTestResult", True,
-              config['test_suite'], revision, [],
-              False, test_suite_title,
-              config['test_node_title'], config['project_title'])
-            remote_test_result_needs_cleanup = True
+          portal = taskdistribution.TaskDistributionTool(portal_url, logger = DummyLogger(log))
+          test_result = portal.createTestResult(revision,[],config['test_node_title'],False,test_suite_title,config['project_title'])
+          remote_test_result_needs_cleanup = True
           log("testnode, test_result : %r" % (test_result, ))
-          if test_result:
-            test_result_path, test_revision = test_result
+          if test_result is not None:
             if config.get('log_file'):
-              remote_logger = RemoteLogger(log, config['log_file'],
-                                           config['test_node_title'],
-                                           process_manager)
-              remote_logger.portal = portal
-              remote_logger.test_result_path = test_result_path
-              remote_logger_thread = threading.Thread(target=remote_logger)
-              remote_logger_thread.start()
-            if revision != test_revision:
-              previous_revision = test_revision
+              log_file_name = config['log_file']
+              log_file = open(log_file_name)
+              log_file.seek(0,2)
+              log_file.seek(-min(5000,log_file.tell()),2)
+              test_result.addWatch(log_file_name,log_file,max_history_bytes=10000)
+            if revision != test_result.revision:
+              previous_revision = test_result.revision
               log('Disagreement on tested revision, checking out:')
-              for i, repository_revision in enumerate(test_revision.split(',')):
+              for i, repository_revision in enumerate(previous_revision.split(',')):
                 vcs_repository = vcs_repository_list[i]
                 repository_path = vcs_repository['repository_path']
                 revision = repository_revision.rsplit('-', 1)[1]
@@ -328,7 +208,6 @@ branch = %(branch)s
             # as partitions can be of any kind we have and likely will never have
             # a reliable way to check if they are up or not ...
             run_test_suite_path_list = glob.glob("%s/*/bin/runTestSuite" %config['instance_root'])
             if not len(run_test_suite_path_list):
               raise ValueError('No runTestSuite provided in installed partitions.')
@@ -356,17 +235,19 @@ branch = %(branch)s
               log_prefix='runTestSuite', get_output=False)
-            if remote_logger:
-              remote_logger.quit = True
-              remote_logger_thread.join()
+            if test_result is not None:
+              test_result.removeWatch(log_file_name)
         except SubprocessError, e:
           log("SubprocessError", exc_info=sys.exc_info())
-          if remote_logger:
-            remote_logger.finish = True
-            remote_logger_thread.join()
+          if test_result is not None:
+            test_result.removeWatch(log_file_name)
           if remote_test_result_needs_cleanup:
-            safeRpcCall(log, portal, "reportTaskFailure", True,
-              test_result_path, e.status_dict, config['test_node_title'])
+            status_dict = e.status_dict or {}
+            test_result.reportFailure(
+              command = status_dict.get('command'),
+              stdout = status_dict.get('stdout'),
+              stderr = status_dict.get('stderr'),
+            )
           log("SubprocessError, going to sleep %s" % DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT)
@@ -384,5 +265,9 @@ branch = %(branch)s
       # Exceptions are swallowed during cleanup phase
       log('Testnode.run, finally close')
-      if remote_logger:
-        remote_logger.quit = True
+      if test_result is not None:
+        try:
+          test_result.removeWatch(log_file_name)
+        except KeyError:
+           log("KeyError, Watcher already deleted or not added correctly")