Commit 1180d66f authored by Tomáš Peterka's avatar Tomáš Peterka Committed by Tomáš Peterka

[hal_json] Fix bug with query/uid passing

parent ebcdec12
......@@ -189,14 +189,17 @@ if len(listbox_id_list):
query = extra_param.get("query", None)
select_all = int(extra_param.pop("_select_all", "0"))
if query != "" or (query == "" and select_all > 0):
# inject `uids` into Scripts **kwargs when we got any `query` (empty or filled)
if query is not None:
listbox = getattr(context, form_id).Form_getListbox()
if listbox is not None:
kw['uids'] = [int(getattr(document, "uid"))
for document in context.Base_searchUsingListbox(listbox, query)]
log('Action {} should not specify `uids` as its parameters when it does not take object list from the previous view!'.format(dialog_method), level=ERROR)
elif query == "" and select_all == 0 and dialog_method != update_method: # do not interrupt on UPDATE
# early-stop if user selected all documents
if query == "" and select_all == 0 and dialog_method != update_method: # do not interrupt on UPDATE
return context.Base_renderForm(
message=translate("All documents are selected! Submit again to proceed or Cancel and narrow down your search."),
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