060219 cs wnav WGe, new class to open Ge graphs in development environment. 060220 cs wnav New commands: open graph, delete graph, set subwindow and release subwindow. 060220 cs script New script functions SetAttribute, OpenGraph, CloseGraph, SetSubwindow and CheckSystemGroup. 060221 cs ldh Bugfix. Unhandled exception in DeleteObject and DeleteTree if not in edit mode. 060221 cs wnav Popupmenu for object with DevBody only could not be opened. 060223 cs wnav New wizard for configuration of directory volume. 060227 cs wnav Check before creating a toplevel object if class is a valid in the current window. 060331 cs wtt Configuration wizard started when entering an empty directoryvolume. 060331 cs wtt Build methods added. 'Compile', 'create loadfile' and 'create bootfile' replaced by 'build object', 'build volume' and 'build node'. 'build object', 'build volume' and 'build node' also available as wtt commands. 060331 cs wtt Copy with keep references added to wtt menu. 060426 cs plc Bugfix in dataarithm compilation, space at end of line could cause error. 060426 cs plc Bugfix in GetData compilation, error when referenced parameter was a type (not a class) not handled. 060505 cs wtt Separate ld_node file for each node. Possibility to configure a FriendNode object under a NodeConfig object. 060508 cs wtt References in superclass was not displayed in the navigator when option Object Reference or Attribute Reference was selected. 060511 cs wtt Build Node window is not displayed if there is only one configured node for the current volume. Submenu on Build removed. 060519 lw wb Update of instance objects when a class is modified (without reload). 060522 cs wtt Update Class added in menu, and new commands: 'update classes' and 'check classes'. 060524 cs wb StructName in ObjBodyDef inserted in PostCreate method. 060524 cs wtt Bugfix in classeditor. Change of classname caused unidentified class of the template object of the class. 060530 cs wb UpdateClasses also converts the input and output masks in function objects. 060530 cs wtt Bugfix: change text without selecting any text object caused segfault. 060607 cs wb Bugfix in wb_name, segment(0) returned invalid name for root objects. 060615 cs plc Search string didn't search in AttrRef attributes. 060629 cs plc Bugfix: CStoIp, StoIp, StoAToIp and CStoAToIp with In-input not connected, did not fetch the supplied value. 060703 cs plc Bugfix in GetSp: short string could cause compile problems. 060711 cs utl Bugfix in rtt crossreference list. Individual attributes were listed in RttObjectList. 060727 cs plc Execute order was not displayed on aarithm objects and other objects with graphmethod 2. 060822 cs wb Performance improved when opening a node, and displaying the packages in the distributor. 061010 cs pkg Support for bootnodes added, i.e. copying of package to other nodes than the actual process or operator station. 070112 cs wb Gtk version of wb. 070116 cs plc Mouse Scroll events added. 070123 cs wb Connect methods for GetATv, StoAtv, CStoATv, GetDTv etc added. 070123 cs wb Bugfix in trace attribute for GetIpToA. 070124 cs wb Click time increated for MB2 (create object) in wtt. 070124 cs plc 'Create Object' added to the Plc Editor popupmenu. 070124 cs wtt Application build method for Application and PlcProcess objects. 070206 cs wb Bugfix in volumereferences in loadfiles. Casted attributes wasn't always checked. 070221 cs wtt Bugfix in input focus when value input was closed. 070222 cs wb Bugfix in build method for XttGraph. Java was always generated if the javaname for the graph wasn't saved. 070302 cs wtt Bugfix in object editor, Used checkbox affected wrong input in some cases (C Order). 070327 cs wb wb_motif: Window utility object was deleted before License window was closed. 070417 cs wtt Bugfix in plc connect, attribute reference to an object in a mounted voume had incorrect size. 070419 cs wtt Script functions GetClassList and GetNextObject added. 070516 cs wtt New tools menu with Runtime Monitor and Supervision Center (gtk only). could be interpreted as attrref to whole object. 070528 cs wb Bugfix in attrref conversion, attrref to single attribute objects 070528 cs plc Bugfix, DSup and ASup attribute wasn't updated if the connection was changed. 070605 cs distr Bugfix, distribute to specified bootnode didn't work. 070615 cs wb Bugfix, remaining selection clear event after in palette and plant navigator could cause segfault. 070618 cs wb 'Copy Selected Tree'->'Before' and 'Last Child' didn't work. 070712 cs wb Bugfix in Update Classes. All attribute references wasn't updated. 070713 cs wb Bugfix in rttfiles generation. Arrays of attributeobjects larger than 20 elements caused segfault. 070717 cs plc Select next object with Ctrl/Arrow keys. Expand/Compress object moved to Shift/Up and Shift/Down. 070823 cs nav Mounted volumes wasn't displayed in the Ge plant navigator. 070824 cs wb Bugfix in WbEnvironment object, only the first nine pathes were used. 070827 cs wtt Objects in the navigator beneath a MountObject are viewed with classes from their dbs-file. 070905 cs utl Bugfix in listdescriptor. Superclass attributes where not printed. 070905 cs wb Bugfix in ldh_GetClassListAttrRef, success status was returned though list was empty. 070917 cs plc Bugfix, reference connections could not be set in gtk. 070918 cs wb Lost classes replaced with $ClassLost when reading wb_load file. 070918 cs wb More syntax control added to class editor. 070919 cs wb Defaultvalues inserted into template objects when new attribute objects are added to a class. 070921 cs plc Change of template plc wasn't always detected at compilation. 070926 cs utl Listdescriptor search also searches for attribute objects. 071007 cs wb Build button in class editor toolbar builds volume instead of node. 071012 cs plc Bugfix, CArea function object inside CArea could segfault. 071015 cs wb Bugfix in UpdateClasses, references to attributes in attribute objects wasn't updated. 071019 cs wb Bugfix in UpdateClasses, modified object attributes classes wasn't detected if modification date of the main class was later. 071019 cs wb Command 'wb load/noindex' wasn't implemented in V4. 071025 cs wb Command paste/toplevel, to paste a buffer when wb is empty, added. 071025 cs wb Bugfix in paste/keepoid. Nextoix in volumeobject wasn't updated. 071105 cs wb Bugfix in plc plant navigator, attribute objects with disable attribute couldn't be opened. 071105 cs wb Plc plant navigator, objects without children and object attributes can be opened with Shift/Right key. 071105 cs wb Symbolic references are not cleared by copy. 071105 cs wb Copy with the ingnore switch, replaces unknown classes with $ClassLost. 071206 cs wb Objid stored at compilation of Template Fo windows. 071221 cs wb Opening of buffers from menu in gtk version didn't work. 080115 cs wb DataName not reset when ASup, DsTrend or DsFast object moved. 080117 cs wb Graphmethod 12 added, to read functionobjects drawn in Ge. 080222 cs wb Spreedsheet editorn: previous value inserted in input field. 080222 cs wb Locale set to us_EN to avoid comma in floatvalues in wb_load files. 080222 cs wb Check that volumeid is in valid range added to directory volume save. 080226 cs wb Popupmenu in palette wasn't implemented in gtk version. 080304 cs wb Plc with GetXp or StoXp references to objects in other volumes caused compilation errors. 080318 cs wb Bugfix in cast. Internal references wasn't updated correctly. 080403 cs wb New command 'print/pdf/all' to print all plcpgm's to pdf-files. Also a html file with links to the files is written. 080407 cs wb Stolen database lock detected and save inhibited. 080414 cs wb Bugfix in build volume, crossreferences wasn't updated. 080418 cs wb Config file for BerkeleyDb with lk_max_locks and lk_max_objects (db.cnf). 080429 cs wb Problems with lost selection when command input is opened fixed. 080429 cs wb Syntax check in GlobalVolumeList added. 080429 cs wb Default thread object set in PlcPgm object at creation time. 080528 cs wb New crossreference list format. 080529 cs wb New command 'create crossreferencefiles' replaces 'create rttfiles'. 080530 cs wb En_us used for local time formats. 080602 cs wb Template for application file and .opt file automatically created. 080624 cs wb Secure distribution using scp and ssh instead of ftp and rsh implemented. 080626 cs wb authorized_keys file included in distribution. 081009 cs script New script functions GetNextFreeUserVid, CheckNewVid and CheckNewVolumeName. 081009 cs wb New command 'open database' to open the database for a volume. 081009 cs wb Qualifier /quiet added to 'save' command to avoid questions when saving directory volume. 081009 cs wb New pages in Configure DirectoryVolume wizard to register a volume and open the database for a volume. 081009 cs wb New script functions CheckSystemGroup, GetNextFreeUserVid, CheckNewVid, CheckNewVolumeName and GetCurrentVolume. 081110 cs plc Bugfix in execute order for Set/Res/Sto objects without input or output connection. 081218 cs plc Bugfix in flow file. Trace data wasn't stored at change of mode from edit to view. 090218 cs plc Bugfix, activating connect function when nothing was selected could cause X exception. 090218 cs plc Bugfix, connect from local plant navigator on attribute objects didn't work. 090223 cs plc DataArithm, structdef statement added to DataArithm code. 090224 cs plc Handling of unexpected mousekey combinations in plc editor. 090224 cs wb Error message in class editor if Elements > 1 and arraybit not set in $Attribute added. 090225 cs script Script functions GetClassListAttrRef() and GetNextAttrRef() added. 090306 cs wb Crossreferences on Co signals added. 090306 cs plc Default include in ra_plc_user.h added.