Commit d23c0c33 authored by nateps's avatar nateps Committed by Sindre Sorhus

DerbyJS: Rework to use model filters instead of CSS

parent 7188e3bf
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"version": "0.0.0",
"main": "./server.js",
"dependencies": {
"derby": "0.3.12",
"derby": "0.3.13",
"express": "3.0.0beta4",
"gzippo": ">=0.1.4"
......@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ derby = require 'derby'
derby.use(require '../../ui')
## ROUTES ##
view.fn 'noItems',
get: (list) -> !list.length
set: ->
# Redirect the visitor to a random todo list
get '/', (page) ->
......@@ -11,99 +13,69 @@ get '/', (page) ->
# Sets up the model, the reactive function for stats and renders the todo list
get '/:groupName', (page, model, {groupName}) ->
groupTodosQuery = model.query('todos').forGroup(groupName)
model.subscribe "groups.#{groupName}", groupTodosQuery, (err, group, groupTodos) ->
model.ref '_group', group
group.setNull 'id', groupName
todoIds = 'todoIds' or []
# The refList supports array methods, but it stores the todo values
# on an object by id. The todos are stored on the object 'todos',
# and their order is stored in an array of ids at '_group.todoIds'
model.refList '_todoList', 'todos', todoIds
# Create a reactive function that automatically keeps '_stats'
# updated with the number of remaining and completed todos.
model.fn '_stats', '_todoList', (list) ->
remaining = 0
completed = 0
if list
for todo in list
if todo?.completed
return {
completed: completed,
remaining: remaining,
oneOnly: remaining == 1,
# Do not filter the list by default
model.del '_filter'
page.render 'todo'
model.query('todos').forGroup(groupName).subscribe ->
model.set '_groupName', groupName
# Transitional route for enabling a filter
get {from: '/:groupName', to: '/:groupName/:filterName'},
forward: (model, {filterName}, next) ->
# enable the filter
model.set '_filter', filterName
back: (model, params, next) ->
# disable the filter
model.del '_filter'
model.ref '_list.all', model.filter('todos')
ready (model) ->
model.ref '_list.completed', model.filter('todos')
model.ref '', model.filter('todos')
list = '_todoList'
group = '_group'
all_completed = 'all_completed'
model.set '_filter', 'all'
model.ref '_list.shown', '_list', '_filter'
group.on 'set', 'all_completed', (all_completed, previous_value, isLocal, e) ->
# We only want to react to all_completed being set if it's in response
# to a UI event (as opposed to our checkAllCompleted below checking
# individual items).
return unless e
# Is there a way to do this with one call rather than iterating?
for {id} in list.get()
model.set "todos.#{id}.completed", all_completed
# Transitional route for enabling a filter
get from: '/:groupName', to: '/:groupName/:filterName',
forward: (model, {filterName}) ->
model.set '_filter', filterName
back: (model, params) ->
model.set '_filter', 'all'
get from: '/:groupName/:filterName', to: '/:groupName/:filterName',
forward: (model, {filterName}) ->
model.set '_filter', filterName
ready (model) ->
todos = 'todos'
newTodo = '_newTodo'
exports.add = ->
# Don't add a blank todo
text = newTodo.get().trim()
newTodo.set ''
return unless text
todos.add text: text, group: model.get('_groupName')
list.push text: text, completed: false, group: group.get('id')
all_completed.set false
exports.del = (e) ->
exports.del = (e, el) ->
# Derby extends to support creation from DOM nodes
exports.clearCompleted = ->
completed_indexes = (i for {completed}, i in list.get() when completed)
list.remove(i) for i in completed_indexes.reverse()
all_completed.set false
exports.checkAllCompleted = ->
for {completed} in list.get() when not completed
all_completed.set false
all_completed.set true
exports.endEdit = (e) ->
target =
if target.nodeName == "FORM"
item =
item.set '_editing', false
item.remove() if item.get('text').trim() == ''
for {id} in model.get('_list.completed')
todos.del id
exports.startEdit = (e) ->
item =
exports.clickToggleAll = ->
value = !!model.get('')
for {id} in model.get('_list.all')
todos.set id + '.completed', value
exports.submitEdit = (e, el) ->
exports.startEdit = (e, el) ->
item =
item.set '_editing', true
exports.endEdit = (e, el) ->
item =
item.set '_editing', false
if item.get('text').trim() == ''
todos.del item.get('id')
......@@ -46,14 +46,6 @@ section.empty-list, footer.empty-list {
display: none;
} li.completed {
display: none;
ul#todo-list.completed {
display: none;
section.empty-list #toggle-all {
display: none;
<link href=/base.css rel=stylesheet>
<!-- The following ie inclusion is useless as it'll be stripped
out before getting to the client, but serves as a reminder
that it needs to be sorted out for ie compatability :) -->
<!--[if IE]>
<script src="/ie.js"></script>
DerbyJS • TodoMVC
......@@ -13,57 +7,59 @@
<header id="header">
<form x-bind=submit:add><input id="new-todo" placeholder="What needs to be done?" autofocus value={_newTodo}></form>
<section id="todoapp">
<section id="main" class="{#unless _todoList}empty-list{/}">
<input id="toggle-all" type="checkbox" checked="{_group.all_completed}">
<section id="main" class="{#unless _list.shown}empty-list{/}">
<input id="toggle-all" type="checkbox" checked="{noItems(}" x-bind=click:clickToggleAll>
<label for="toggle-all">Mark all as complete</label>
<ul id=todo-list class={_filter}>{#each _todoList}<app:todo>{/}</ul>
<ul id=todo-list>{#each _list.shown}<app:todo>{/}</ul>
<header id="header">
<form x-bind=submit:add><input id="new-todo" placeholder="What needs to be done?" autofocus value={_newTodo}></form>
<li data-id={{id}} class="{#if .completed}completed{else}active{/}{#if ._editing} editing{/}">
<input class="toggle" type="checkbox" checked={.completed} x-bind=change:checkAllCompleted>
<form x-bind=submit:endEdit>
<input class="toggle" type="checkbox" checked={.completed}>
<form x-bind=submit:submitEdit>
<input class="text" x-bind="focus:startEdit, blur:endEdit" value="{.text}">
<button class="destroy" x-bind=click:del></button>
<footer id="footer" class="{#unless _todoList}empty-list{/}">
<span id="todo-count"><strong>{_stats.remaining}</strong> item{#unless _stats.oneOnly}s{/} left</span>
<footer id="footer" class="{#unless _list.all}empty-list{/}">
<span id="todo-count"><strong>{}</strong> item{#unless equal(, 1)}s{/} left</span>
<ul id="filters">
<li class="all">
<a href="/{{}}" class="{#unless _filter}selected{/}">All</a>
<a href="/{{_groupName}}" class="{#if equal(_filter, 'all')}selected{/}">All</a>
<li class="active">
<a href="/{{}}/active" class="{#if equal(_filter, 'active')}selected{/}">Active</a>
<a href="/{{_groupName}}/active" class="{#if equal(_filter, 'active')}selected{/}">Active</a>
<li class="completed">
<a href="/{{}}/completed" class="{#if equal(_filter, 'completed')}selected{/}">Completed</a>
<a href="/{{_groupName}}/completed" class="{#if equal(_filter, 'completed')}selected{/}">Completed</a>
<button x-bind=click:clearCompleted id="clear-completed" class="{#unless _stats.completed}non-completed{/}">Clear completed (<span>{_stats.completed}</span>)</button>
<button x-bind=click:clearCompleted id="clear-completed" class="{#unless _list.completed}non-completed{/}">
Clear completed (<span>{_list.completed.length}</span>)
<footer id="info">
<h3>Open this <a href="/{{}}">ToDo list</a> in another browser, or share it with a friend to collaborate!</h3>
<h3>Open this <a href="/{{_groupName}}">ToDo list</a> in another browser, or share it with a friend to collaborate!</h3>
<p>Click on a todo to edit</p>
<p>Template by <a href="">Sindre Sorhus</a></p>
<p>Created by <a href="">Michael Nelson</a> and <a href="">László Bácsi</a></p>
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