Addy is a Developer Platform Engineer at Google who originally created TodoMVC. He oversees the project direction, drives expansion and helps lead core development with Sindre Sorhus (by far our most active contributor!).
Addy is a Software Engineer at Google who originally created TodoMVC. He oversees the project direction, maintenance and organizes the planning and development efforts of the team.
#### [Sindre Sorhus]( - Lead Developer
#### [Sindre Sorhus]( - Lead Developer
Sindre is a Web Developer who drives core development, quality control and application design for the project. His contributions have helped us ensure consistency and best practices are enforced wherever possible.
Sindre is a Web Developer who leads core development, quality control and application design for the project. His engineering contributions have helped us ensure consistency and best practices are enforced wherever possible. Sindre also leads up development of the TodoMVC application spec.
Colin is a software consultant at Scott Logic who is passionate about all software - from JavaScript to Java, and C# to Objective-C. His recent contribution to the project has been a fully automated test suite.
Colin is a software consultant at Scott Logic who is passionate about all software - from JavaScript to Java, and C# to Objective-C. His recent contribution to the project has been a fully automated test suite.
#### [Gianni Chiappetta]( - Logo designer