Commit 85a30be7 authored by Pascal Hartig's avatar Pascal Hartig

Merge pull request #575 from troopjs/troopjs

Updated project to TroopJS 2.x
parents 3630eda0 b9756473
...@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ ...@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
<a href="labs/dependency-examples/canjs_require/" data-source="" data-content="CanJS is a client-side, JavaScript framework that makes building rich web applications easy. The AMD version lets you use the framework in a fully modular fashion and will only what you actually need.">CanJS + RequireJS</a> <a href="labs/dependency-examples/canjs_require/" data-source="" data-content="CanJS is a client-side, JavaScript framework that makes building rich web applications easy. The AMD version lets you use the framework in a fully modular fashion and will only what you actually need.">CanJS + RequireJS</a>
</li> </li>
<li class="routing labs"> <li class="routing labs">
<a href="labs/dependency-examples/troopjs/" data-source="" data-content="TroopJS attempts to package popular front-end technologies and bind them with minimal effort for the developer. It includes jQuery for DOM manipulation, ComposeJS for object composition, RequireJS for modularity and Has.js for feature detection. On top, it includes Pub/Sub support, templating, weaving (widgets to DOM) and auto-wiring.">TroopJS</a> <a href="labs/dependency-examples/troopjs_require/" data-source="" data-content="TroopJS attempts to package popular front-end technologies and bind them with minimal effort for the developer. It includes jQuery for DOM manipulation, When.js for promises, RequireJS for modularity and Has.js for feature detection. On top, it includes Pub/Sub support, templating, weaving (widgets to DOM) and auto-wiring.">TroopJS + RequireJS</a>
</li> </li>
<li class="routing labs"> <li class="routing labs">
<a href="labs/dependency-examples/thorax_lumbar/public/" data-source="" data-content="An opinionated, battle tested Backbone + Handlebars framework to build large scale web applications. This implementation uses Lumbar, a route based module loader.">Thorax + Lumbar</a> <a href="labs/dependency-examples/thorax_lumbar/public/" data-source="" data-content="An opinionated, battle tested Backbone + Handlebars framework to build large scale web applications. This implementation uses Lumbar, a route based module loader.">Thorax + Lumbar</a>
"name": "todomvc-troopjs",
"version": "0.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"todomvc-common": "~0.1.4",
"requirejs": "~2.1.5",
"jquery": "<=1.8.2"
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" data-framework="troopjs">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
<title>Troop.js • TodoMVC</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/todomvc-common/base.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/app.css">
<section id="todoapp">
<header id="header">
<input id="new-todo" placeholder="What needs to be done?" autofocus data-weave="widget/create">
<section id="main" data-weave="widget/display">
<input id="toggle-all" type="checkbox" data-weave="widget/mark">
<label for="toggle-all">Mark all as complete</label>
<ul id="todo-list" data-weave="widget/list"></ul>
<footer id="footer" data-weave="widget/display">
<span id="todo-count" data-weave="widget/count">
<strong>0</strong> items left
<ul id="filters" data-weave="widget/filters">
<a href="#/">All</a>
<a href="#/active">Active</a>
<a href="#/completed">Completed</a>
<button id="clear-completed" data-weave="widget/clear">Clear completed (0)</button>
<footer id="info">
<p>Double-click to edit a todo</p>
<p>Created by <a href="">Mikael Karon</a></p>
<p>Part of <a href="">TodoMVC</a></p>
<script src="bower_components/todomvc-common/base.js"></script>
<script data-main="js/app.js" src="bower_components/requirejs/require.js"></script>
/*newcap false*/
/*jshint newcap:false*/
paths: {
jquery: '../bower_components/jquery/jquery',
'troopjs-bundle': 'lib/troopjs-bundle'
}, [
], function Deps(parentRequire, $) {
'use strict';
// Application and plug-ins
], function App(Application) {
// Hook ready
$(document).ready(function () {
Application($(this.body), 'app/todos').start();
/*global define*/
store: 'todos-troopjs'
* TroopJS Bundle - 1.0.7-0-gf886cba
* Copyright (c) 2012 Mikael Karon <>
* Licensed MIT
* TroopJS RequireJS template plug-in
* parts of code from require-cs 0.4.0+ Copyright (c) 2010-2011, The Dojo Foundation
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, newcap:false, loopfunc:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-requirejs/template',[],function TemplateModule() {
"node" : function () {
// Using special require.nodeRequire, something added by r.js.
var fs = require.nodeRequire("fs");
return function fetchText(path, callback) {
callback(fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'));
"browser" : function () {
// Would love to dump the ActiveX crap in here. Need IE 6 to die first.
var progIds = [ "Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0"];
var progId;
var XHR;
var i;
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") {
XHR = XMLHttpRequest;
else {
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
progId = progIds[i];
try {
new ActiveXObject(progId);
XHR = function(){
return new ActiveXObject(progId);
catch (e) {
if (!XHR){
throw new Error("XHR: XMLHttpRequest not available");
return function fetchText(url, callback) {
var xhr = new XHR();'GET', url, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function (evt) {
// Do not explicitly handle errors, those should be
// visible via console output in the browser.
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
"rhino" : function () {
var encoding = "utf-8";
var lineSeparator = java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator");
// Why Java, why is this so awkward?
return function fetchText(path, callback) {
var file = new;
var input = new, encoding));
var stringBuffer = new java.lang.StringBuffer();
var line;
var content = "";
try {
line = input.readLine();
// Byte Order Mark (BOM) - The Unicode Standard, version 3.0, page 324
// Note that when we use utf-8, the BOM should appear as "EF BB BF", but it doesn't due to this bug in the JDK:
if (line && line.length() && line.charAt(0) === 0xfeff) {
// Eat the BOM, since we've already found the encoding on this file,
// and we plan to concatenating this buffer with others; the BOM should
// only appear at the top of a file.
line = line.substring(1);
while ((line = input.readLine()) !== null) {
// Make sure we return a JavaScript string and not a Java string.
content = String(stringBuffer.toString()); // String
} finally {
"borked" : function () {
return function fetchText() {
throw new Error("Environment unsupported.");
var RE_SANITIZE = /^[\n\t\r]+|[\n\t\r]+$/g;
var RE_BLOCK = /<%(=)?([\S\s]*?)%>/g;
var RE_TOKENS = /<%(\d+)%>/gm;
var RE_REPLACE = /(["\n\t\r])/gm;
var RE_CLEAN = /o \+= "";| \+ ""/gm;
var EMPTY = "";
var REPLACE = {
"\"" : "\\\"",
"\n" : "\\n",
"\t" : "\\t",
"\r" : "\\r"
* Compiles template
* @param body Template body
* @returns {Function}
function compile(body) {
var blocks = [];
var length = 0;
function blocksTokens(original, prefix, block) {
blocks[length] = prefix
? "\" +" + block + "+ \""
: "\";" + block + "o += \"";
return "<%" + String(length++) + "%>";
function tokensBlocks(original, token) {
return blocks[token];
function replace(original, token) {
return REPLACE[token] || token;
return ("function template(data) { var o = \""
// Sanitize body before we start templating
+ body.replace(RE_SANITIZE, "")
// Replace script blocks with tokens
.replace(RE_BLOCK, blocksTokens)
// Replace unwanted tokens
.replace(RE_REPLACE, replace)
// Replace tokens with script blocks
.replace(RE_TOKENS, tokensBlocks)
+ "\"; return o; }")
// Clean
.replace(RE_CLEAN, EMPTY);
var buildMap = {};
var fetchText = FACTORIES[ typeof process !== "undefined" && process.versions && !!process.versions.node
? "node"
: (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.navigator && window.document) || typeof importScripts !== "undefined"
? "browser"
: typeof Packages !== "undefined"
? "rhino"
: "borked" ]();
return {
load: function (name, parentRequire, load, config) {
var path = parentRequire.toUrl(name);
fetchText(path, function (text) {
try {
text = "define(function() { return " + compile(text, name, path, config.template) + "; })";
catch (err) {
err.message = "In " + path + ", " + err.message;
if (config.isBuild) {
buildMap[name] = text;
// IE with conditional comments on cannot handle the
// sourceURL trick, so skip it if enabled
/*@if (@_jscript) @else @*/
else {
text += "\n//@ sourceURL='" + path +"'";
load.fromText(name, text);
// Give result to load. Need to wait until the module
// is fully parse, which will happen after this
// execution.
parentRequire([name], function (value) {
write: function (pluginName, name, write) {
if (buildMap.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
write.asModule(pluginName + "!" + name, buildMap[name]);
* TroopJS jQuery hashchange plug-in
* Normalized hashchange event, ripped a _lot_ of code from
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, evil:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-jquery/hashchange',[ "jquery" ], function HashchangeModule($) {
var INTERVAL = "interval";
var HASHCHANGE = "hashchange";
var RE_HASH = /#(.*)$/;
var RE_LOCAL = /\?/;
// hack based on this:
var _isIE = /**@preserve@cc_on !@*/0;
function getHash(window) {
// parsed full URL instead of getting location.hash because Firefox
// decode hash value (and all the other browsers don't)
// also because of IE8 bug with hash query in local file
var result = RE_HASH.exec(window.location.href);
return result && result[1]
? decodeURIComponent(result[1])
: "";
function Frame(document) {
var self = this;
var element;
self.element = element = document.createElement("iframe");
element.src = "about:blank"; = "none";
Frame.prototype = {
getElement : function () {
return this.element;
getHash : function () {
return this.element.contentWindow.frameHash;
update : function (hash) {
var self = this;
var document = self.element.contentWindow.document;
// Quick return if hash has not changed
if (self.getHash() === hash) {
// update iframe content to force new history record.
// based on Really Simple History, SWFAddress and YUI.history.;
document.write("<html><head><title>' + document.title + '</title><script type='text/javascript'>var frameHash='" + hash + "';</script></head><body>&nbsp;</body></html>");
$.event.special[HASHCHANGE] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function hashChangeSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
var window = this;
// Quick return if we support onHashChange natively
// FF3.6+, IE8+, Chrome 5+, Safari 5+
if (ONHASHCHANGE in window) {
return false;
// Make sure we're always a window
if (!$.isWindow(window)) {
throw new Error("Unable to bind 'hashchange' to a non-window object");
var $window = $(window);
var hash = getHash(window);
var location = window.location;
$, window.setInterval(_isIE
? (function hashChangeIntervalWrapper() {
var document = window.document;
var _isLocal = location.protocol === "file:";
var frame = new Frame(document);
return function hashChangeInterval() {
var oldHash = hash;
var newHash;
var windowHash = getHash(window);
var frameHash = frame.getHash();
// Detect changes made pressing browser history buttons.
// Workaround since history.back() and history.forward() doesn't
// update hash value on IE6/7 but updates content of the iframe.
if (frameHash !== hash && frameHash !== windowHash) {
// Fix IE8 while offline
newHash = decodeURIComponent(frameHash);
if (hash !== newHash) {
hash = newHash;
$window.trigger(HASHCHANGE, [ newHash, oldHash ]);
// Sync location.hash with frameHash
location.hash = "#" + encodeURI(_isLocal
? frameHash.replace(RE_LOCAL, "%3F")
: frameHash);
// detect if hash changed (manually or using setHash)
else if (windowHash !== hash) {
// Fix IE8 while offline
newHash = decodeURIComponent(windowHash);
if (hash !== newHash) {
hash = newHash;
$window.trigger(HASHCHANGE, [ newHash, oldHash ]);
: function hashChangeInterval() {
var oldHash = hash;
var newHash;
var windowHash = getHash(window);
if (windowHash !== hash) {
// Fix IE8 while offline
newHash = decodeURIComponent(windowHash);
if (hash !== newHash) {
hash = newHash;
$window.trigger(HASHCHANGE, [ newHash, oldHash ]);
}, 25));
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function hashChangeTeardown(namespaces) {
var window = this;
// Quick return if we support onHashChange natively
if (ONHASHCHANGE in window) {
return false;
window.clearInterval($.data(window, INTERVAL));
* TroopJS Utils getargs module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/getargs',[],function GetArgsModule() {
var PUSH = Array.prototype.push;
var SUBSTRING = String.prototype.substring;
var RE_BOOLEAN = /^(?:false|true)$/i;
var RE_BOOLEAN_TRUE = /^true$/i;
var RE_DIGIT = /^\d+$/;
return function getargs() {
var self = this;
var result = [];
var length;
var from;
var to;
var i;
var c;
var a;
var q = false;
// Iterate over string
for (from = to = i = 0, length = self.length; i < length; i++) {
// Get char
c = self.charAt(i);
switch(c) {
case "\"" :
case "'" :
// If we are currently quoted...
if (q === c) {
// Stop quote
q = false;
// Store result (no need to convert, we know this is a string),, from, to));
// Otherwise
else {
// Start quote
q = c;
// Update from/to
from = to = i + 1;
case "," :
// Continue if we're quoted
if (q) {
to = i + 1;
// If we captured something...
if (from !== to) {
a =, from, to);
if (RE_BOOLEAN.test(a)) {
a = RE_BOOLEAN_TRUE.test(a);
else if (RE_DIGIT.test(a)) {
a = +a;
// Store result, a);
// Update from/to
from = to = i + 1;
case " " :
case "\t" :
// Continue if we're quoted
if (q) {
to = i + 1;
// Update from/to
if (from === to) {
from = to = i + 1;
default :
// Update to
to = i + 1;
// If we captured something...
if (from !== to) {
a =, from, to);
if (RE_BOOLEAN.test(a)) {
a = RE_BOOLEAN_TRUE.test(a);
else if (RE_DIGIT.test(a)) {
a = +a;
// Store result, a);
return result;
* TroopJS jQuery action plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-jquery/action',[ "jquery", "troopjs-utils/getargs" ], function ActionModule($, getargs) {
var FALSE = false;
var NULL = null;
var SLICE = Array.prototype.slice;
var ACTION = "action";
var ORIGINALEVENT = "originalEvent";
var RE_ACTION = /^([\w\d\s_\-\/]+)(?:\.([\w\.]+))?(?:\((.*)\))?$/;
var RE_DOT = /\.+/;
* Namespace iterator
* @param namespace (string) namespace
* @param index (number) index
function namespaceIterator(namespace, index) {
return namespace ? namespace + "." + ACTION : NULL;
* Action handler
* @param $event (jQuery.Event) event
function onAction($event) {
// Set $target
var $target = $(this);
// Get argv
var argv =, 1);
// Extract type
var type = ORIGINALEVENT in $event
? $event[ORIGINALEVENT].type
// Extract name
var name = $event[ACTION];
// Reset $event.type
$event.type = ACTION + "/" + name + "." + type;
// Trigger 'ACTION/{name}.{type}'
$target.trigger($event, argv);
// No handler, try without namespace, but exclusive
if ($event.result !== FALSE) {
// Reset $event.type
$event.type = ACTION + "/" + name + "!";
// Trigger 'ACTION/{name}'
$target.trigger($event, argv);
// Still no handler, try generic action with namespace
if ($event.result !== FALSE) {
// Reset $event.type
$event.type = ACTION + "." + type;
// Trigger 'ACTION.{type}'
$target.trigger($event, argv);
* Internal handler
* @param $event jQuery event
function handler($event) {
// Get closest element that has an action defined
var $target = $($"[data-action]");
// Fail fast if there is no action available
if ($target.length === 0) {
// Extract all data in one go
var $data = $;
// Extract matches from 'data-action'
var matches = RE_ACTION.exec($data[ACTION]);
// Return fast if action parameter was f*cked (no matches)
if (matches === NULL) {
// Extract action name
var name = matches[1];
// Extract action namespaces
var namespaces = matches[2];
// Extract action args
var args = matches[3];
// If there are action namespaces, make sure we're only triggering action on applicable types
if (namespaces !== UNDEFINED && !RegExp(namespaces.split(RE_DOT).join("|")).test($event.type)) {
// Split args by separator (if there were args)
var argv = args !== UNDEFINED
: [];
// Iterate argv to determine arg type
$.each(argv, function argsIterator(i, value) {
if (value in $data) {
argv[i] = $data[value];
// Trigger exclusive ACTION event
.trigger($.Event($event, {
type: ACTION + "!",
action: name
}), argv);
// Since we've translated the event, stop propagation
$.event.special[ACTION] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function onActionSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
$(this).bind(ACTION, data, onAction);
* Do something each time an event handler is bound to a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
add : function onActionAdd(handleObj) {
var events = $.map(handleObj.namespace.split(RE_DOT), namespaceIterator);
if (events.length !== 0) {
$(this).bind(events.join(" "), handler);
* Do something each time an event handler is unbound from a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
remove : function onActionRemove(handleObj) {
var events = $.map(handleObj.namespace.split(RE_DOT), namespaceIterator);
if (events.length !== 0) {
$(this).unbind(events.join(" "), handler);
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function onActionTeardown(namespaces) {
$(this).unbind(ACTION, onAction);
$.fn[ACTION] = function action(name) {
return $(this).trigger({
type: ACTION + "!",
action: name
},, 1));
* TroopJS jQuery weave plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, loopfunc:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-jquery/weave',[ "jquery", "troopjs-utils/getargs", "require" ], function WeaveModule($, getargs, parentRequire) {
var NULL = null;
var ARRAY = Array;
var FUNCTION = Function;
var ARRAY_PROTO = ARRAY.prototype;
var JOIN = ARRAY_PROTO.join;
var PUSH = ARRAY_PROTO.push;
var POP = ARRAY_PROTO.pop;
var $WHEN = $.when;
var THEN = "then";
var WEAVE = "weave";
var UNWEAVE = "unweave";
var WOVEN = "woven";
var WEAVING = "weaving";
var PENDING = "pending";
var DESTROY = "destroy";
var DATA = "data-";
var SELECTOR_WEAVE = "[" + DATA_WEAVE + "]";
* Generic destroy handler.
* Simply makes sure that unweave has been called
function onDestroy() {
$.expr[":"][WEAVE] = $.expr.createPseudo
? $.expr.createPseudo(function (widgets) {
if (widgets !== UNDEFINED) {
widgets = RegExp($.map(, function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "$";
}).join("|"), "m");
return function (element, context, isXml) {
var weave = $(element).attr(DATA_WEAVE);
return weave === UNDEFINED
? false
: widgets === UNDEFINED
? true
: widgets.test(weave.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
: function (element, index, match) {
var weave = $(element).attr(DATA_WEAVE);
return weave === UNDEFINED
? false
: match === UNDEFINED
? true
: RegExp($.map([3]), function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "$";
}).join("|"), "m").test(weave.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
$.expr[":"][WOVEN] = $.expr.createPseudo
? $.expr.createPseudo(function (widgets) {
if (widgets !== UNDEFINED) {
widgets = RegExp($.map(, function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "@\\d+";
}).join("|"), "m");
return function (element, context, isXml) {
var woven = $(element).attr(DATA_WOVEN);
return woven === UNDEFINED
? false
: widgets === UNDEFINED
? true
: widgets.test(woven.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
: function (element, index, match) {
var woven = $(element).attr(DATA_WOVEN);
return woven === UNDEFINED
? false
: match === UNDEFINED
? true
: RegExp($.map([3]), function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "@\\d+";
}).join("|"), "m").test(woven.split(/[\s,]+/).join("\n"));
$.fn[WEAVE] = function weave(/* arg, arg, arg, deferred*/) {
var widgets = [];
var i = 0;
var $elements = $(this);
var arg = arguments;
var argc = arg.length;
// If deferred not a true Deferred, make it so
var deferred = argc > 0 && arg[argc - 1][THEN] instanceof FUNCTION
: $.Deferred();
// Reduce to only elements that can be woven
// Iterate
.each(function elementIterator(index, element) {
// Defer weave
$.Deferred(function deferredWeave(dfdWeave) {
var $element = $(element);
var $data = $;
var weave = $data[WEAVE] = $element.attr(DATA_WEAVE) || "";
var woven = $data[WOVEN] || ($data[WOVEN] = []);
var pending = $data[PENDING] || ($data[PENDING] = []);
// Link deferred
dfdWeave.done(function doneWeave() {
// Set DATA_WOVEN with full names
.attr(DATA_WOVEN,, " "));
// Wait for all pending deferred
$WHEN.apply($, pending).then(function donePending() {
var re = /[\s,]*([\w_\-\/\.]+)(?:\(([^\)]+)\))?/g;
var mark = i;
var j = 0;
var matches;
// Push dfdWeave on pending to signify we're starting a new task, dfdWeave);
// Make sure to remove DATA_WEAVE (so we don't try processing this again)
// Set DATA_WEAVING (so that unweave can pick this up)
.attr(DATA_WEAVING, weave)
// Bind destroy event
.bind(DESTROY, onDestroy);
// Iterate woven (while RE_WEAVE matches)
while ((matches = re.exec(weave)) !== NULL) {
// Defer widget
$.Deferred(function deferredWidget(dfdWidget) {
var _j = j++; // store _j before we increment
var k;
var l;
var kMax;
var value;
// Add to widgets
widgets[i++] = dfdWidget;
// Link deferred
dfdWidget.then(function doneWidget(widget) {
woven[_j] = widget;
}, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.notify);
// Get widget name
var name = matches[1];
// Set initial argv
var argv = [ $element, name ];
// Append values from arg to argv
for (k = 0, kMax = arg.length, l = argv.length; k < kMax; k++, l++) {
argv[l] = arg[k];
// Get widget args
var args = matches[2];
// Any widget arguments
if (args !== UNDEFINED) {
// Convert args using getargs
args =;
// Append typed values from args to argv
for (k = 0, kMax = args.length, l = argv.length; k < kMax; k++, l++) {
// Get value
value = args[k];
// Get value from $data or fall back to pure value
argv[l] = value in $data
? $data[value]
: value;
// Require module
parentRequire([ name ], function required(Widget) {
// Defer start
$.Deferred(function deferredStart(dfdStart) {
// Constructed and initialized instance
var widget = Widget.apply(Widget, argv);
// Link deferred
dfdStart.then(function doneStart() {
}, dfdWidget.reject, dfdWidget.notify);
// Start
// Slice out widgets woven for this element
$WHEN.apply($, widgets.slice(mark, i)).then(dfdWeave.resolve, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.notify);
}, dfdWeave.reject, dfdWeave.notify);
// When all widgets are resolved, resolve original deferred
$WHEN.apply($, widgets).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
return $elements;
$.fn[UNWEAVE] = function unweave(deferred) {
var widgets = [];
var i = 0;
var $elements = $(this);
// Create default deferred if none was passed
deferred = deferred || $.Deferred();
// Reduce to only elements that can be unwoven
// Iterate
.each(function elementIterator(index, element) {
// Defer unweave
$.Deferred(function deferredUnweave(dfdUnweave) {
var $element = $(element);
var $data = $;
var pending = $data[PENDING] || ($data[PENDING] = []);
var woven = $data[WOVEN] || [];
// Link deferred
dfdUnweave.done(function doneUnweave() {
// Copy weave data to data-weave attribute
.attr(DATA_WEAVE, $data[WEAVE])
// Make sure to clean the destroy event handler
.unbind(DESTROY, onDestroy);
// Remove data fore WEAVE
delete $data[WEAVE];
// Wait for all pending deferred
$WHEN.apply($, pending).done(function donePending() {
var mark = i;
var widget;
// Push dfdUnweave on pending to signify we're starting a new task, dfdUnweave);
// Remove WOVEN data
delete $data[WOVEN];
// Remove DATA_WOVEN attribute
// Somewhat safe(r) iterator over woven
while ((widget = woven.shift()) !== UNDEFINED) {
// Defer widget
$.Deferred(function deferredWidget(dfdWidget) {
// Add to unwoven and pending
widgets[i++] = dfdWidget;
// $.Deferred stop
$.Deferred(function deferredStop(dfdStop) {
// Link deferred
dfdStop.then(function doneStop() {
}, dfdWidget.reject, dfdWidget.notify);
// Stop
// Slice out widgets unwoven for this element
$WHEN.apply($, widgets.slice(mark, i)).then(dfdUnweave.resolve, dfdUnweave.reject, dfdUnweave.notify);
// When all deferred are resolved, resolve original deferred
$WHEN.apply($, widgets).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
return $elements;
$.fn[WOVEN] = function woven(/* arg, arg */) {
var result = [];
var widgets = arguments.length > 0
? RegExp($.map(arguments, function (widget) {
return "^" + widget + "$";
}).join("|"), "m")
$(this).each(function elementIterator(index, element) {
if (!$.hasData(element)) {
PUSH.apply(result, widgets === UNDEFINED
? $.data(element, WOVEN)
: $.map($.data(element, WOVEN), function (woven) {
return widgets.test(woven.displayName)
? woven
return result;
* TroopJS jQuery dimensions plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-jquery/dimensions',[ "jquery" ], function DimensionsModule($) {
var NULL = null;
var DIMENSIONS = "dimensions";
var RESIZE = "resize." + DIMENSIONS;
var W = "w";
var H = "h";
var _W = "_" + W;
var _H = "_" + H;
* Internal comparator used for reverse sorting arrays
function reverse(a, b) {
return b - a;
* Internal onResize handler
* @param $event
function onResize($event) {
var $self = $(this);
var width = $self.width();
var height = $self.height();
// Iterate all dimensions
$.each($.data(self, DIMENSIONS), function dimensionIterator(namespace, dimension) {
var w = dimension[W];
var h = dimension[H];
var _w;
var _h;
var i;
i = w.length;
_w = w[i - 1];
while(w[--i] < width) {
_w = w[i];
i = h.length;
_h = h[i - 1];
while(h[--i] < height) {
_h = h[i];
// If _w or _h has changed, update and trigger
if (_w !== dimension[_W] || _h !== dimension[_H]) {
dimension[_W] = _w;
dimension[_H] = _h;
$self.trigger(DIMENSIONS + "." + namespace, [ _w, _h ]);
$.event.special[DIMENSIONS] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function onDimensionsSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
.bind(RESIZE, onResize)
.data(DIMENSIONS, {});
* Do something each time an event handler is bound to a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
add : function onDimensionsAdd(handleObj) {
var self = this;
var namespace = handleObj.namespace;
var dimension = {};
var w = dimension[W] = [];
var h = dimension[H] = [];
var re = /(w|h)(\d+)/g;
var matches;
while ((matches = re.exec(namespace)) !== NULL) {
dimension[matches[1]].push(parseInt(matches[2], 10));
$.data(self, DIMENSIONS)[namespace] = dimension;
* Do something each time an event handler is unbound from a particular element
* @param handleObj (Object)
remove : function onDimensionsRemove(handleObj) {
delete $.data(this, DIMENSIONS)[handleObj.namespace];
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function onDimensionsTeardown(namespaces) {
.unbind(RESIZE, onResize);
* TroopJS jQuery destroy plug-in
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-jquery/destroy',[ "jquery" ], function DestroyModule($) {
$.event.special.destroy = {
remove : function onDestroyRemove(handleObj) {
var self = this;, $.Event({
"type" : handleObj.type,
"data" :,
"namespace" : handleObj.namespace,
"target" : self
* TroopJS jQuery resize plug-in
* Heavy inspiration from
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-jquery/resize',[ "jquery" ], function ResizeModule($) {
var NULL = null;
var RESIZE = "resize";
var W = "w";
var H = "h";
var $ELEMENTS = $([]);
* Iterator
* @param index
* @param self
function iterator(index, self) {
// Get data
var $data = $.data(self);
// Get reference to $self
var $self = $(self);
// Get previous width and height
var w = $self.width();
var h = $self.height();
// Check if width or height has changed since last check
if (w !== $data[W] || h !== $data[H]) {
$self.trigger(RESIZE, [$data[W] = w, $data[H] = h]);
* Internal interval
function interval() {
$.event.special[RESIZE] = {
* @param data (Anything) Whatever eventData (optional) was passed in
* when binding the event.
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
* @param eventHandle (Function) The actual function that will be bound
* to the browser’s native event (this is used internally for the
* beforeunload event, you’ll never use it).
setup : function hashChangeSetup(data, namespaces, eventHandle) {
var self = this;
// window has a native resize event, exit fast
if ($.isWindow(self)) {
return false;
// Store data
var $data = $.data(self, RESIZE, {});
// Get reference to $self
var $self = $(self);
// Initialize data
$data[W] = $self.width();
$data[H] = $self.height();
// Add to tracked collection
$ELEMENTS = $ELEMENTS.add(self);
// If this is the first element, start interval
if($ELEMENTS.length === 1) {
INTERVAL = setInterval(interval, 100);
* @param namespaces (Array) An array of namespaces specified when
* binding the event.
teardown : function onDimensionsTeardown(namespaces) {
var self = this;
// window has a native resize event, exit fast
if ($.isWindow(self)) {
return false;
// Remove data
$.removeData(self, RESIZE);
// Remove from tracked collection
$ELEMENTS = $ELEMENTS.not(self);
// If this is the last element, stop interval
if($ELEMENTS.length === 0 && INTERVAL !== NULL) {
* TroopJS Utils merge module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/merge',[],function MergeModule() {
var ARRAY = Array;
var OBJECT = Object;
return function merge(source) {
var target = this;
var key = null;
var i;
var iMax;
var value;
var constructor;
for (i = 0, iMax = arguments.length; i < iMax; i++) {
source = arguments[i];
for (key in source) {
value = source[key];
constructor = value.constructor;
if (!(key in target)) {
target[key] = value;
else if (constructor === ARRAY) {
target[key] = target[key].concat(value);
else if (constructor === OBJECT) {[key], value);
else {
target[key] = value;
return target;
* TroopJS Utils grep component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/grep',[ "jquery" ], function GrepModule($) {
return $.grep;
* TroopJS Utils tr component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/tr',[],function TrModule() {
var TYPEOF_NUMBER = typeof Number();
return function tr(callback) {
var self = this;
var result = [];
var i;
var length = self.length;
var key;
// Is this an array? Basically, is length a number, is it 0 or is it greater than 0 and that we have index 0 and index length-1
if (typeof length === TYPEOF_NUMBER && length === 0 || length > 0 && 0 in self && length - 1 in self) {
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result.push(, self[i], i));
// Otherwise we'll iterate it as an object
} else if (self){
for (key in self) {
result.push(, self[key], key));
return result;
* ComposeJS, object composition for JavaScript, featuring
* JavaScript-style prototype inheritance and composition, multiple inheritance,
* mixin and traits-inspired conflict resolution and composition
define('compose',[], function(){
// function for creating instances from a prototype
function Create(){
var delegate = Object.create ?
return Object.create(typeof proto == "function" ? proto.prototype : proto || Object.prototype);
} :
Create.prototype = typeof proto == "function" ? proto.prototype : proto;
var instance = new Create();
Create.prototype = null;
return instance;
function validArg(arg){
throw new Error("Compose arguments must be functions or objects");
return arg;
// this does the work of combining mixins/prototypes
function mixin(instance, args, i){
// use prototype inheritance for first arg
var value, argsLength = args.length;
for(; i < argsLength; i++){
var arg = args[i];
if(typeof arg == "function"){
// the arg is a function, use the prototype for the properties
var prototype = arg.prototype;
for(var key in prototype){
value = prototype[key];
var own = prototype.hasOwnProperty(key);
if(typeof value == "function" && key in instance && value !== instance[key]){
var existing = instance[key];
if(value == required){
// it is a required value, and we have satisfied it
value = existing;
else if(!own){
// if it is own property, it is considered an explicit override
// TODO: make faster calls on this, perhaps passing indices and caching
if(isInMethodChain(value, key, getBases([], 0, i), true))){
// this value is in the existing method's override chain, we can use the existing method
value = existing;
}else if(!isInMethodChain(existing, key, getBases([arg], true))){
// the existing method is not in the current override chain, so we are left with a conflict
console.error("Conflicted method " + key + ", final composer must explicitly override with correct method.");
if(value && value.install && own && !isInMethodChain(existing, key, getBases([arg], true))){
// apply modifier, key);
instance[key] = value;
// it is an object, copy properties, looking for modifiers
for(var key in validArg(arg)){
var value = arg[key];
if(typeof value == "function"){
// apply modifier, key);
if(key in instance){
if(value == required){
// required requirement met
// add it to the instance
instance[key] = value;
return instance;
// allow for override (by es5 module)
Compose._setMixin = function(newMixin){
mixin = newMixin;
function isInMethodChain(method, name, prototypes){
// searches for a method in the given prototype hierarchy
for(var i = 0; i < prototypes.length;i++){
var prototype = prototypes[i];
if(prototype[name] == method){
// found it
return true;
// Decorator branding
function Decorator(install, direct){
function Decorator(){
return direct.apply(this, arguments);
throw new Error("Decorator not applied");
Decorator.install = install;
return Decorator;
Compose.Decorator = Decorator;
// aspect applier
function aspect(handler){
return function(advice){
return Decorator(function install(key){
var baseMethod = this[key];
(advice = this[key] = baseMethod ? handler(this, baseMethod, advice) : advice).install = install;
}, advice);
// around advice, useful for calling super methods too
Compose.around = aspect(function(target, base, advice){
return, base);
Compose.before = aspect(function(target, base, advice){
return function(){
var results = advice.apply(this, arguments);
if(results !== stop){
return base.apply(this, results || arguments);
var stop = Compose.stop = {};
var undefined;
Compose.after = aspect(function(target, base, advice){
return function(){
var results = base.apply(this, arguments);
var adviceResults = advice.apply(this, arguments);
return adviceResults === undefined ? results : adviceResults;
// rename Decorator for calling super methods
Compose.from = function(trait, fromKey){
return (typeof trait == "function" ? trait.prototype : trait)[fromKey];
return Decorator(function(key){
if(!(this[key] = (typeof trait == "string" ? this[trait] :
(typeof trait == "function" ? trait.prototype : trait)[fromKey || key]))){
throw new Error("Source method " + fromKey + " was not available to be renamed to " + key);
// Composes an instance
Compose.create = function(base){
// create the instance
var instance = mixin(delegate(base), arguments, 1);
var argsLength = arguments.length;
// for go through the arguments and call the constructors (with no args)
for(var i = 0; i < argsLength; i++){
var arg = arguments[i];
if(typeof arg == "function"){
instance = || instance;
return instance;
// The required function, just throws an error if not overriden
function required(){
throw new Error("This method is required and no implementation has been provided");
Compose.required = required;
// get the value of |this| for direct function calls for this mode (strict in ES5)
function extend(){
var args = [this];
args.push.apply(args, arguments);
return Compose.apply(0, args);
// Compose a constructor
function Compose(base){
var args = arguments;
var prototype = (args.length < 2 && typeof args[0] != "function") ?
args[0] : // if there is just a single argument object, just use that as the prototype
mixin(delegate(validArg(base)), args, 1); // normally create a delegate to start with
function Constructor(){
var instance;
if(this instanceof Constructor){
// called with new operator, can proceed as is
instance = this;
// we allow for direct calls without a new operator, in this case we need to
// create the instance ourself.
Create.prototype = prototype;
instance = new Create();
// call all the constructors with the given arguments
for(var i = 0; i < constructorsLength; i++){
var constructor = constructors[i];
var result = constructor.apply(instance, arguments);
if(typeof result == "object"){
if(result instanceof Constructor){
instance = result;
for(var j in result){
instance[j] = result[j];
return instance;
// create a function that can retrieve the bases (constructors or prototypes)
Constructor._getBases = function(prototype){
return prototype ? prototypes : constructors;
// now get the prototypes and the constructors
var constructors = getBases(args),
constructorsLength = constructors.length;
if(typeof args[args.length - 1] == "object"){
args[args.length - 1] = prototype;
var prototypes = getBases(args, true);
Constructor.extend = extend;
prototype.constructor = Constructor;
Constructor.prototype = prototype;
return Constructor;
Compose.apply = function(thisObject, args){
// apply to the target
return thisObject ?
mixin(thisObject, args, 0) : // called with a target object, apply the supplied arguments as mixins to the target object, 0, args); // get the Function.prototype apply function, call() it to apply arguments to Compose (the extend doesn't matter, just a handle way to grab apply, since we can't get it off of Compose)
}; = function(thisObject){
// call() should correspond with apply behavior
return mixin(thisObject, arguments, 1);
function getBases(args, prototype){
// this function registers a set of constructors for a class, eliminating duplicate
// constructors that may result from diamond construction for classes (B->A, C->A, D->B&C, then D() should only call A() once)
var bases = [];
function iterate(args, checkChildren){
for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++){
var arg = args[i];
var target = prototype && typeof arg == "function" ?
arg.prototype : arg;
if(prototype || typeof arg == "function"){
var argGetBases = checkChildren && arg._getBases;
iterate(argGetBases(prototype)); // don't need to check children for these, this should be pre-flattened
for(var j = 0; j < bases.length; j++){
if(target == bases[j]){
continue outer;
iterate(args, true);
return bases;
// returning the export of the module
return Compose;
})(typeof define != "undefined" ?
define: // AMD/RequireJS format if available
function(deps, factory){
if(typeof module !="undefined"){
module.exports = factory(); // CommonJS environment, like NodeJS
// require("./configure");
Compose = factory(); // raw script, assign to Compose global
* TroopJS Utils URI module
* parts of code from parseUri 1.2.2 Copyright Steven Levithan <>
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true, newcap:false, forin:false, loopfunc:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-utils/uri',[ "compose" ], function URIModule(Compose) {
var NULL = null;
var ARRAY_PROTO = Array.prototype;
var OBJECT_PROTO = Object.prototype;
var PUSH = ARRAY_PROTO.push;
var SPLIT = String.prototype.split;
var RE_URI = /^(?:([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?))?(?:([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/;
var PROTOCOL = "protocol";
var AUTHORITY = "authority";
var PATH = "path";
var QUERY = "query";
var ANCHOR = "anchor";
var KEYS = [ "source",
// Store current setting
var SECURE =;
// Prevent Compose from creating constructor property = true;
function Query(arg) {
var result = {};
var matches;
var key = NULL;
var value;
var re = /(?:&|^)([^&=]*)=?([^&]*)/g;
result.toString = Query.toString;
for (key in arg) {
result[key] = arg[key];
} else {
while ((matches = re.exec(arg)) !== NULL) {
key = matches[1];
if (key in result) {
value = result[key];
if ( === TOSTRING_ARRAY) {
value[value.length] = matches[2];
else {
result[key] = [ value, matches[2] ];
else {
result[key] = matches[2];
return result;
Query.toString = function toString() {
var self = this;
var key = NULL;
var value = NULL;
var values;
var query = [];
var i = 0;
var j;
for (key in self) {
if ([key]) === TOSTRING_FUNCTION) {
query[i++] = key;
while (i--) {
key = query[i];
value = self[key];
if ( === TOSTRING_ARRAY) {
values = value.slice(0);
j = values.length;
while (j--) {
value = values[j];
values[j] = value === ""
? key
: key + "=" + value;
query[i] = values.join("&");
else {
query[i] = value === ""
? key
: key + "=" + value;
return query.join("&");
// Extend on the instance of array rather than subclass it
function Path(arg) {
var result = [];
result.toString = Path.toString;
PUSH.apply(result, === TOSTRING_ARRAY
? arg
:, "/"));
return result;
Path.toString = function() {
return this.join("/");
var URI = Compose(function URI(str) {
var self = this;
var value;
var matches;
var i;
if ((matches = RE_URI.exec(str)) !== NULL) {
i = matches.length;
while (i--) {
value = matches[i];
if (value) {
self[KEYS[i]] = value;
if (QUERY in self) {
self[QUERY] = Query(self[QUERY]);
if (PATH in self) {
self[PATH] = Path(self[PATH]);
URI.prototype.toString = function () {
var self = this;
var uri = [ PROTOCOL , "://", AUTHORITY, PATH, "?", QUERY, "#", ANCHOR ];
var i;
var key;
if (!(PROTOCOL in self)) {
uri[0] = uri[1] = "";
if (!(AUTHORITY in self)) {
uri[2] = "";
if (!(PATH in self)) {
uri[3] = "";
if (!(QUERY in self)) {
uri[4] = uri[5] = "";
if (!(ANCHOR in self)) {
uri[6] = uri[7] = "";
i = uri.length;
while (i--) {
key = uri[i];
if (key in self) {
uri[i] = self[key];
return uri.join("");
// Restore setting = SECURE;
URI.Path = Path;
URI.Query = Query;
return URI;
* TroopJS Utils each component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/each',[ "jquery" ], function EachModule($) {
return $.each;
* TroopJS Utils callbacks component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/callbacks',[ "jquery" ], function CallbacksModule($) {
return $.Callbacks;
* TroopJS Utils unique component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/unique',[],function UniqueModule() {
return function unique(callback) {
var self = this;
var length = self.length;
var result = [];
var value;
var i;
var j;
var k;
add: for (i = j = k = 0; i < length; i++, j = 0) {
value = self[i];
while(j < k) {
if (, value, result[j++]) === true) {
continue add;
result[k++] = value;
return result;
* TroopJS Utils when component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/when',[ "jquery" ], function WhenModule($) {
return $.when;
* TroopJS Utils deferred component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-utils/deferred',[ "jquery" ], function DeferredModule($) {
return $.Deferred;
* TroopJS event/emitter module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/event/emitter',[ "compose" ], function EventEmitterModule(Compose) {
var TRUE = true;
var FALSE = false;
var FUNCTION = Function;
var MEMORY = "memory";
var CONTEXT = "context";
var CALLBACK = "callback";
var LENGTH = "length";
var HEAD = "head";
var TAIL = "tail";
var NEXT = "next";
var HANDLED = "handled";
var HANDLERS = "handlers";
var ROOT = {};
var COUNT = 0;
return Compose(function EventEmitter() {
this[HANDLERS] = {};
}, {
* Subscribe to a event
* @param event Event to subscribe to
* @param context (optional) context to scope callbacks to
* @param memory (optional) do we want the last value applied to callbacks
* @param callback Callback for this event
* @returns self
on : function on(event /*, context, memory, callback, callback, ..*/) {
var self = this;
var arg = arguments;
var length = arg[LENGTH];
var context = arg[1];
var memory = arg[2];
var callback = arg[3];
var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
var handler;
var handled;
var head;
var tail;
var offset;
// No context or memory was supplied
if (context instanceof FUNCTION) {
memory = FALSE;
context = ROOT;
offset = 1;
// Only memory was supplied
else if (context === TRUE || context === FALSE) {
memory = context;
context = ROOT;
offset = 2;
// Context was supplied, but not memory
else if (memory instanceof FUNCTION) {
memory = FALSE;
offset = 2;
// All arguments were supplied
else if (callback instanceof FUNCTION){
offset = 3;
// Something is wrong, return fast
else {
return self;
// Have handlers
if (event in handlers) {
// Get handlers
handlers = handlers[event];
// Create new handler
handler = {
"callback" : arg[offset++],
"context" : context
// Get tail handler
tail = TAIL in handlers
// Have tail, update to point to handler
? handlers[TAIL][NEXT] = handler
// Have no tail, update handlers.head to point to handler
: handlers[HEAD] = handler;
// Iterate handlers from offset
while (offset < length) {
// Set tail -> -> handler
tail = tail[NEXT] = {
"callback" : arg[offset++],
"context" : context
// Set tail handler
handlers[TAIL] = tail;
// Want memory and have memory
if (memory && MEMORY in handlers) {
// Get memory
memory = handlers[MEMORY];
// Get handled
handled = memory[HANDLED];
// Optimize for arguments
if (memory[LENGTH] > 0 ) {
// Loop through handlers
while(handler) {
// Skip to next handler if this handler has already been handled
if (handler[HANDLED] === handled) {
handler = handler[NEXT];
// Store handled
handler[HANDLED] = handled;
// Apply handler callback
handler[CALLBACK].apply(handler[CONTEXT], memory);
// Update handler
handler = handler[NEXT];
// Optimize for no arguments
else {
// Loop through handlers
while(handler) {
// Skip to next handler if this handler has already been handled
if (handler[HANDLED] === handled) {
handler = handler[NEXT];
// Store handled
handler[HANDLED] = handled;
// Call handler callback
// Update handler
handler = handler[NEXT];
// No handlers
else {
// Create head and tail
head = tail = {
"callback" : arg[offset++],
"context" : context
// Iterate handlers from offset
while (offset < length) {
// Set tail -> -> handler
tail = tail[NEXT] = {
"callback" : arg[offset++],
"context" : context
// Create event list
handlers[event] = {
"head" : head,
"tail" : tail
return self;
* Unsubscribes from event
* @param event Event to unsubscribe from
* @param context (optional) context to scope callbacks to
* @param callback (optional) Callback to unsubscribe, if none
* are provided all callbacks are unsubscribed
* @returns self
off : function off(event /*, context, callback, callback, ..*/) {
var self = this;
var arg = arguments;
var length = arg[LENGTH];
var context = arg[1];
var callback = arg[2];
var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
var handler;
var head;
var previous;
var offset;
// No context or memory was supplied
if (context instanceof FUNCTION) {
callback = context;
context = ROOT;
offset = 1;
// All arguments were supplied
else if (callback instanceof FUNCTION){
offset = 2;
// Something is wrong, return fast
else {
return self;
// Fast fail if we don't have subscribers
if (!(event in handlers)) {
return self;
// Get handlers
handlers = handlers[event];
// Get head
head = handlers[HEAD];
// Loop over remaining arguments
while (offset < length) {
// Store callback
callback = arg[offset++];
// Get first handler
handler = previous = head;
// Loop through handlers
do {
// Check if this handler should be unlinked
if (handler[CALLBACK] === callback && handler[CONTEXT] === context) {
// Is this the first handler
if (handler === head) {
// Re-link head and previous, then
// continue
head = previous = handler[NEXT];
// Unlink current handler, then continue
previous[NEXT] = handler[NEXT];
// Update previous pointer
previous = handler;
} while ((handler = handler[NEXT]) !== UNDEFINED);
// Update head and tail
if (head && previous) {
handlers[HEAD] = head;
handlers[TAIL] = previous;
else {
delete handlers[HEAD];
delete handlers[TAIL];
return self;
* Emit an event
* @param event Event to emit
* @param arg (optional) Argument
* @returns self
emit : function emit(event /*, arg, arg, ..*/) {
var self = this;
var arg = arguments;
var handlers = self[HANDLERS];
var handler;
// Store handled
var handled = arg[HANDLED] = COUNT++;
// Have handlers
if (event in handlers) {
// Get handlers
handlers = handlers[event];
// Remember arguments
handlers[MEMORY] = arg;
// Get first handler
handler = handlers[HEAD];
// Optimize for arguments
if (arg[LENGTH] > 0) {
// Loop through handlers
while(handler) {
// Skip to next handler if this handler has already been handled
if (handler[HANDLED] === handled) {
handler = handler[NEXT];
// Update handled
handler[HANDLED] = handled;
// Apply handler callback
handler[CALLBACK].apply(handler[CONTEXT], arg);
// Update handler
handler = handler[NEXT];
// Optimize for no arguments
else {
// Loop through handlers
while(handler) {
// Skip to next handler if this handler has already been handled
if (handler[HANDLED] === handled) {
handler = handler[NEXT];
// Update handled
handler[HANDLED] = handled;
// Call handler callback
// Update handler
handler = handler[NEXT];
// No handlers
else if (arg[LENGTH] > 0){
// Create handlers and store with event
handlers[event] = handlers = {};
// Remember arguments
handlers[MEMORY] = arg;
return this;
* TroopJS base component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/component/base',[ "../event/emitter", "config" ], function ComponentModule(Emitter, config) {
var COUNT = 0;
var INSTANCE_COUNT = "instanceCount";
var Component = Emitter.extend(function Component() {
}, {
displayName : "core/component",
* Application configuration
config : config
* Generates string representation of this object
* @returns Combination displayName and instanceCount
Component.prototype.toString = function () {
var self = this;
return self.displayName + "@" + self[INSTANCE_COUNT];
return Component;
* TroopJS pubsub/hub module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/pubsub/hub',[ "compose", "../component/base" ], function HubModule(Compose, Component) {
var from = Compose.from;
return Compose.create(Component, {
displayName: "core/pubsub/hub",
subscribe : from(Component, "on"),
unsubscribe : from(Component, "off"),
publish : from(Component, "emit")
* TroopJS gadget component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, newcap:false, forin:false, loopfunc:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/component/gadget',[ "compose", "./base", "troopjs-utils/deferred", "../pubsub/hub" ], function GadgetModule(Compose, Component, Deferred, hub) {
var NULL = null;
var FUNCTION = Function;
var RE_HUB = /^hub(?::(\w+))?\/(.+)/;
var RE_SIG = /^sig\/(.+)/;
var PUBLISH = hub.publish;
var SUBSCRIBE = hub.subscribe;
var UNSUBSCRIBE = hub.unsubscribe;
var MEMORY = "memory";
var SUBSCRIPTIONS = "subscriptions";
return Component.extend(function Gadget() {
var self = this;
var bases = self.constructor._getBases(true);
var base;
var callbacks;
var callback;
var i;
var j;
var jMax;
var signals = {};
var signal;
var matches;
var key = null;
// Iterate base chain (while there's a prototype)
for (i = bases.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
base = bases[i];
add: for (key in base) {
// Get value
callback = base[key];
// Continue if value is not a function
if (!(callback instanceof FUNCTION)) {
// Match signature in key
matches = RE_SIG.exec(key);
if (matches !== NULL) {
// Get signal
signal = matches[1];
// Have we stored any callbacks for this signal?
if (signal in signals) {
// Get callbacks (for this signal)
callbacks = signals[signal];
// Reset counters
j = jMax = callbacks.length;
// Loop callbacks, continue add if we've already added this callback
while (j--) {
if (callback === callbacks[j]) {
continue add;
// Add callback to callbacks chain
callbacks[jMax] = callback;
else {
// First callback
signals[signal] = [ callback ];
// Extend self, {
signal : function onSignal(signal, deferred) {
var _self = this;
var _callbacks;
var _j;
var head = deferred;
// Only trigger if we have callbacks for this signal
if (signal in signals) {
// Get callbacks
_callbacks = signals[signal];
// Reset counter
_j = _callbacks.length;
// Build deferred chain from end to 1
while (--_j) {
// Create new deferred
head = Deferred(function (dfd) {
// Store callback and deferred as they will have changed by the time we exec
var _callback = _callbacks[_j];
var _deferred = head;
// Add done handler
dfd.done(function done() {, signal, _deferred);
// Execute first sCallback, use head deferred
_callbacks[0].call(_self, signal, head);
else if (deferred) {
return _self;
}, {
displayName : "core/component/gadget",
"sig/initialize" : function initialize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
var subscriptions = self[SUBSCRIPTIONS] = [];
var key = NULL;
var value;
var matches;
var topic;
// Loop over each property in gadget
for (key in self) {
// Get value
value = self[key];
// Continue if value is not a function
if (!(value instanceof FUNCTION)) {
// Match signature in key
matches = RE_HUB.exec(key);
if (matches !== NULL) {
// Get topic
topic = matches[2];
// Subscribe
hub.subscribe(topic, self, matches[1] === MEMORY, value);
// Store in subscriptions
subscriptions[subscriptions.length] = [topic, self, value];
// NULL value
self[key] = NULL;
if (deferred) {
return self;
"sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
var subscriptions = self[SUBSCRIPTIONS];
var subscription;
// Loop over subscriptions
while ((subscription = subscriptions.shift()) !== UNDEFINED) {
hub.unsubscribe(subscription[0], subscription[1], subscription[2]);
if (deferred) {
return self;
* Calls hub.publish in self context
* @returns self
publish : function publish() {
var self = this;
PUBLISH.apply(hub, arguments);
return self;
* Calls hub.subscribe in self context
* @returns self
subscribe : function subscribe() {
var self = this;
SUBSCRIBE.apply(hub, arguments);
return self;
* Calls hub.unsubscribe in self context
* @returns self
unsubscribe : function unsubscribe() {
var self = this;
UNSUBSCRIBE.apply(hub, arguments);
return self;
start : function start(deferred) {
var self = this;
deferred = deferred || Deferred();
Deferred(function deferredStart(dfdStart) {
dfdStart.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
Deferred(function deferredInitialize(dfdInitialize) {
dfdInitialize.then(function doneInitialize() {
self.signal("start", dfdStart);
}, dfdStart.reject, dfdStart.notify);
self.signal("initialize", dfdInitialize);
return self;
stop : function stop(deferred) {
var self = this;
deferred = deferred || Deferred();
Deferred(function deferredFinalize(dfdFinalize) {
dfdFinalize.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
Deferred(function deferredStop(dfdStop) {
dfdStop.then(function doneStop() {
self.signal("finalize", dfdFinalize);
}, dfdFinalize.reject, dfdFinalize.notify);
self.signal("stop", dfdStop);
return self;
* TroopJS service component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/component/service',[ "./gadget" ], function ServiceModule(Gadget) {
return Gadget.extend({
displayName : "core/component/service"
* TroopJS widget component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, newcap:false */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/component/widget',[ "./gadget", "jquery", "troopjs-utils/deferred" ], function WidgetModule(Gadget, $, Deferred) {
var NULL = null;
var FUNCTION = Function;
var ARRAY_PROTO = Array.prototype;
var SHIFT = ARRAY_PROTO.shift;
var UNSHIFT = ARRAY_PROTO.unshift;
var $TRIGGER = $.fn.trigger;
var $ONE = $;
var $BIND = $.fn.bind;
var $UNBIND = $.fn.unbind;
var RE = /^dom(?::(\w+))?\/([^\.]+(?:\.(.+))?)/;
var REFRESH = "widget/refresh";
var $ELEMENT = "$element";
var $PROXIES = "$proxies";
var ONE = "one";
var THEN = "then";
var ATTR_WEAVE = "[data-weave]";
var ATTR_WOVEN = "[data-woven]";
* Creates a proxy of the inner method 'handlerProxy' with the 'topic', 'widget' and handler parameters set
* @param topic event topic
* @param widget target widget
* @param handler target handler
* @returns {Function} proxied handler
function eventProxy(topic, widget, handler) {
* Creates a proxy of the outer method 'handler' that first adds 'topic' to the arguments passed
* @returns result of proxied hanlder invocation
return function handlerProxy() {
// Add topic to front of arguments, topic);
// Apply with shifted arguments to handler
return handler.apply(widget, arguments);
* Creates a proxy of the inner method 'render' with the '$fn' parameter set
* @param $fn jQuery method
* @returns {Function} proxied render
function renderProxy($fn) {
* Renders contents into element
* @param contents (Function | String) Template/String to render
* @param data (Object) If contents is a template - template data (optional)
* @param deferred (Deferred) Deferred (optional)
* @returns self
function render(/* contents, data, ..., deferred */) {
var self = this;
var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
var arg = arguments;
// Shift contents from first argument
var contents =;
// Assume deferred is the last argument
var deferred = arg[arg.length - 1];
// If deferred not a true Deferred, make it so
if (deferred === UNDEFINED || !(deferred[THEN] instanceof FUNCTION)) {
deferred = Deferred();
// Defer render (as weaving it may need to load async)
Deferred(function deferredRender(dfdRender) {
// Link deferred
dfdRender.then(function renderDone() {
// Trigger refresh
$element.trigger(REFRESH, arguments);
// Resolve outer deferred
}, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
// Notify that we're about to render
dfdRender.notify("beforeRender", self);
// Call render with contents (or result of contents if it's a function)
$$element, contents instanceof FUNCTION ? contents.apply(self, arg) : contents);
// Notify that we're rendered
dfdRender.notify("afterRender", self);
// Weave element
return self;
return render;
return Gadget.extend(function Widget($element, displayName) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT] = $element;
if (displayName) {
self.displayName = displayName;
}, {
displayName : "core/component/widget",
"sig/initialize" : function initialize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
var $proxies = self[$PROXIES] = [];
var key = NULL;
var value;
var matches;
var topic;
// Loop over each property in widget
for (key in self) {
// Get value
value = self[key];
// Continue if value is not a function
if (!(value instanceof FUNCTION)) {
// Match signature in key
matches = RE.exec(key);
if (matches !== NULL) {
// Get topic
topic = matches[2];
// Replace value with a scoped proxy
value = eventProxy(topic, self, value);
// Either ONE or BIND element
(matches[2] === ONE ? $ONE : $BIND).call($element, topic, self, value);
// Store in $proxies
$proxies[$proxies.length] = [topic, value];
// NULL value
self[key] = NULL;
if (deferred) {
return self;
"sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
var $proxies = self[$PROXIES];
var $proxy;
// Loop over subscriptions
while (($proxy = $proxies.shift()) !== UNDEFINED) {
$element.unbind($proxy[0], $proxy[1]);
delete self[$ELEMENT];
if (deferred) {
return self;
* Weaves all children of $element
* @param deferred (Deferred) Deferred (optional)
* @returns self
weave : function weave(deferred) {
var self = this;
return self;
* Unweaves all children of $element _and_ self
* @param deferred (Deferred) Deferred (optional)
* @returns self
unweave : function unweave(deferred) {
var self = this;
return this;
* Binds event from $element, exactly once
* @returns self
one : function one() {
var self = this;
$ONE.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Binds event to $element
* @returns self
bind : function bind() {
var self = this;
$BIND.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Unbinds event from $element
* @returns self
unbind : function unbind() {
var self = this;
$UNBIND.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Triggers event on $element
* @returns self
trigger : function trigger() {
var self = this;
$TRIGGER.apply(self[$ELEMENT], arguments);
return self;
* Renders content and inserts it before $element
before : renderProxy($.fn.before),
* Renders content and inserts it after $element
after : renderProxy($.fn.after),
* Renders content and replaces $element contents
html : renderProxy($.fn.html),
* Renders content and replaces $element contents
text : renderProxy($.fn.text),
* Renders content and appends it to $element
append : renderProxy($.fn.append),
* Renders content and prepends it to $element
prepend : renderProxy($.fn.prepend),
* Empties widget
* @param deferred (Deferred) Deferred (optional)
* @returns self
empty : function empty(deferred) {
var self = this;
// Ensure we have deferred
deferred = deferred || Deferred();
// Create deferred for emptying
Deferred(function emptyDeferred(dfdEmpty) {
// Link deferred
dfdEmpty.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
// Get element
var $element = self[$ELEMENT];
// Detach contents
var $contents = $element.contents().detach();
// Trigger refresh
$element.trigger(REFRESH, self);
// Use timeout in order to yield
setTimeout(function emptyTimeout() {
// Get DOM elements
var contents = $contents.get();
// Remove elements from DOM
// Resolve deferred
}, 0);
return self;
* TroopJS dimensions/service module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/dimensions/service',[ "../component/service" ], function DimensionsServiceModule(Service) {
var DIMENSIONS = "dimensions";
var $ELEMENT = "$element";
function onDimensions($event, w, h) {
$, w, h);
return Service.extend(function DimensionsService($element, dimensions) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT] = $element;
self[DIMENSIONS] = dimensions;
}, {
displayName : "core/dimensions/service",
"sig/initialize" : function initialize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT].bind(DIMENSIONS + "." + self[DIMENSIONS], self, onDimensions);
if (deferred) {
"sig/start" : function start(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT].trigger("resize." + DIMENSIONS);
if (deferred) {
"sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT].unbind(DIMENSIONS + "." + self[DIMENSIONS], onDimensions);
if (deferred) {
* TroopJS store/base module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/store/base',[ "compose", "../component/gadget" ], function StoreModule(Compose, Gadget) {
var STORAGE = "storage";
return Gadget.extend({
storage : Compose.required,
set : function set(key, value, deferred) {
// JSON encoded 'value' then store as 'key'
this[STORAGE].setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
// Resolve deferred
if (deferred) {
get : function get(key, deferred) {
// Get value from 'key', parse JSON
var value = JSON.parse(this[STORAGE].getItem(key));
// Resolve deferred
if (deferred) {
remove : function remove(key, deferred) {
// Remove key
// Resolve deferred
if (deferred) {
clear : function clear(deferred) {
// Clear
// Resolve deferred
if (deferred) {
* TroopJS store/session module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/store/session',[ "compose", "./base" ], function StoreSessionModule(Compose, Store) {
return Compose.create(Store, {
displayName : "core/store/session",
storage: window.sessionStorage
* TroopJS store/local module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/store/local',[ "compose", "./base" ], function StoreLocalModule(Compose, Store) {
return Compose.create(Store, {
displayName : "core/store/local",
storage : window.localStorage
* TroopJS route/router module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/route/router',[ "../component/service", "troopjs-utils/uri" ], function RouterModule(Service, URI) {
var HASHCHANGE = "hashchange";
var $ELEMENT = "$element";
var ROUTE = "route";
var RE = /^#/;
function onHashChange($event) {
var self = $;
// Create URI
var uri = URI($, ""));
// Convert to string
var route = uri.toString();
// Did anything change?
if (route !== self[ROUTE]) {
// Store new value
self[ROUTE] = route;
// Publish route
self.publish(ROUTE, uri);
return Service.extend(function RouterService($element) {
this[$ELEMENT] = $element;
}, {
displayName : "core/route/router",
"sig/initialize" : function initialize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT].bind(HASHCHANGE, self, onHashChange);
if (deferred) {
return self;
"sig/start" : function start(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
if (deferred) {
return self;
"sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
var self = this;
self[$ELEMENT].unbind(HASHCHANGE, onHashChange);
if (deferred) {
return self;
* TroopJS widget/placeholder component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/widget/placeholder',[ "../component/widget", "troopjs-utils/deferred", "require" ], function WidgetPlaceholderModule(Widget, Deferred, parentRequire) {
var FUNCTION = Function;
var POP = Array.prototype.pop;
var HOLDING = "holding";
var DATA_HOLDING = "data-" + HOLDING;
var $ELEMENT = "$element";
var TARGET = "target";
var THEN = "then";
function release(/* arg, arg, arg, deferred*/) {
var self = this;
var arg = arguments;
var argc = arg.length;
// If deferred not a true Deferred, make it so
var deferred = argc > 0 && arg[argc - 1][THEN] instanceof FUNCTION
: Deferred();
Deferred(function deferredRelease(dfdRelease) {
var i;
var iMax;
var name;
var argv;
// We're already holding something, resolve with cache
if (HOLDING in self) {
else {
// Add done handler to release
dfdRelease.then([ function doneRelease(widget) {
// Set DATA_HOLDING attribute
self[$ELEMENT].attr(DATA_HOLDING, widget);
// Store widget
self[HOLDING] = widget;
}, deferred.resolve ], deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
// Get widget name
name = self[TARGET];
// Set initial argv
argv = [ self[$ELEMENT], name ];
// Append values from arg to argv
for (i = 0, iMax = arg.length; i < iMax; i++) {
argv[i + 2] = arg[i];
// Require widget by name
parentRequire([ name ], function required(Widget) {
// Defer require
Deferred(function deferredStart(dfdRequire) {
// Constructed and initialized instance
var widget = Widget
.apply(Widget, argv);
// Link deferred
dfdRequire.then(function doneStart() {
}, dfdRelease.reject, dfdRelease.notify);
// Start
return self;
function hold(deferred) {
var self = this;
deferred = deferred || Deferred();
Deferred(function deferredHold(dfdHold) {
var widget;
// Link deferred
dfdHold.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
// Check that we are holding
if (HOLDING in self) {
// Get what we're holding
widget = self[HOLDING];
// Cleanup
delete self[HOLDING];
// Remove DATA_HOLDING attribute
// Stop
else {
return self;
return Widget.extend(function WidgetPlaceholder($element, name, target) {
this[TARGET] = target;
}, {
displayName : "core/widget/placeholder",
"sig/finalize" : function finalize(signal, deferred) {
release : release,
hold : hold
* TroopJS route/placeholder module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/route/placeholder',[ "../widget/placeholder" ], function RoutePlaceholderModule(Placeholder) {
var NULL = null;
var ROUTE = "route";
return Placeholder.extend(function RoutePlaceholderWidget($element, name) {
this[ROUTE] = RegExp($"route"));
}, {
"displayName" : "core/route/placeholder",
"hub:memory/route" : function onRoute(topic, uri) {
var self = this;
var matches = self[ROUTE].exec(uri.path);
if (matches !== NULL) {
self.release.apply(self, matches.slice(1));
else {
* TroopJS widget/application component
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/widget/application',[ "../component/widget", "troopjs-utils/deferred" ], function ApplicationModule(Widget, Deferred) {
return Widget.extend({
displayName : "core/widget/application",
"sig/start" : function start(signal, deferred) {
"sig/stop" : function stop(signal, deferred) {
* TroopJS pubsub/topic module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
/*jshint strict:false, smarttabs:true, laxbreak:true */
/*global define:true */
define('troopjs-core/pubsub/topic',[ "../component/base", "troopjs-utils/unique" ], function TopicModule(Component, unique) {
var TOSTRING = Object.prototype.toString;
function comparator (a, b) {
return a.publisherInstanceCount === b.publisherInstanceCount;
var Topic = Component.extend(function Topic(topic, publisher, parent) {
var self = this;
self.topic = topic;
self.publisher = publisher;
self.parent = parent;
self.publisherInstanceCount = publisher.instanceCount;
}, {
displayName : "core/pubsub/topic",
* Traces topic origin to root
* @returns String representation of all topics traced down to root
trace : function trace() {
var current = this;
var constructor = current.constructor;
var parent;
var item;
var stack = "";
var i;
var u;
var iMax;
while (current) {
if ( === TOSTRING_ARRAY) {
u =, comparator);
for (i = 0, iMax = u.length; i < iMax; i++) {
item = u[i];
u[i] = item.constructor === constructor
? item.trace()
: item.topic;
stack += u.join(",");
parent = current.parent;
stack += parent
? current.publisher + ":"
: current.publisher;
current = parent;
return stack;
* Generates string representation of this object
* @returns Instance topic
Topic.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.topic;
return Topic;
* TroopJS remote/ajax module
* @license TroopJS Copyright 2012, Mikael Karon <>
* Released under the MIT license.
define('troopjs-core/remote/ajax',[ "../component/service", "../pubsub/topic", "jquery", "troopjs-utils/merge" ], function AjaxModule(Service, Topic, $, merge) {
return Service.extend({
displayName : "core/remote/ajax",
"hub/ajax" : function request(topic, settings, deferred) {
// Request
"headers": {
"x-request-id": new Date().getTime(),
"x-components": topic instanceof Topic ? topic.trace() : topic
}, settings)).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
/*global define*/
/*jshint newcap:false*/
], function ApplicationModule(Application, Router, $) {
'use strict';
function Forward(signal, deferred) {
var services = $.map(, function map(service) {
return $.Deferred(function deferredSignal(deferSignal) {
service.signal(signal, deferSignal);
if (deferred) {
$.when.apply($, services).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject);
return Application.extend({
'sig/initialize': Forward,
'sig/finalize': Forward,
'sig/start': Forward,
'sif/stop': Forward,
services: [Router($(window))]
/*global define*/
], function DisplayModule(Widget, $) {
'use strict';
function filter(item) {
return item === null;
return Widget.extend({
'hub:memory/todos/change': function onChange(topic, items) {
var count = $.grep(items, filter, true).length;
this.$element.toggle(count > 0);
/*global define*/
/*jshint quotmark:false*/
], function EscapeModule($) {
'use strict';
var invert = function (obj) {
var result = {};
var key;
for (key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
result[obj[key]] = key;
return result;
var fallbackKeys = function (obj) {
var keys = [];
var key;
if (obj !== Object(obj)) {
throw new TypeError('Invalid object');
for (key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
keys[keys.length] = key;
return keys;
var keys = Object.keys || fallbackKeys;
var entityMap = {};
entityMap.escape = {
'&': '&amp;',
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;',
'"': '&quot;',
"'": '&#x27;',
'/': '&#x2F;'
entityMap.unescape = invert(entityMap.escape);
var entityRegexes = {
escape: new RegExp('[' + keys(entityMap.escape).join('') + ']', 'g'),
unescape: new RegExp('(' + keys(entityMap.unescape).join('|') + ')', 'g')
var exports = {};
$.each(['escape', 'unescape'], function (i, method) {
exports[method] = function (string) {
if (string === null) {
return '';
return ('' + string).replace(entityRegexes[method], function (match) {
return entityMap[method][match];
return exports;
var i = data.i;
var item = data.item;
var title = data.itemTitle;
var completed = item.completed;
<li class="<%= (completed ? 'completed' : 'active') %>">
<div class="view" data-action="prepare(<%= i %>)">
<input class="toggle" type="checkbox" <%= (completed ? 'checked' : '') %> data-action="status(<%= i %>)">
<label><%= title %></label>
<button class="destroy" data-action="delete(<%= i %>)"></button>
<input class="edit" data-action="commit(<%= i %>)">
/*global define*/
], function ListModule(Escaper, Widget, store, $, template) {
'use strict';
var ENTER_KEY = 13;
var ESCAPE_KEY = 27;
var FILTER_ACTIVE = 'filter-active';
var FILTER_COMPLETED = 'filter-completed';
function filter(item) {
return item === null;
return Widget.extend(function ListWidget() {
var self = this;
// Defer initialization
$.Deferred(function deferredInit(deferInit) {
// Defer get
$.Deferred(function deferredGet(deferGet) {
store.get(, deferGet);
.done(function doneGet(items) {
// Set items (empty or compacted) - then resolve
store.set(, items === null ? [] : $.grep(items, filter, true), deferInit);
.done(function doneInit(items) {
// Iterate each item
$.each(items, function itemIterator(i, item) {
// Append to self
self.append(template, {
i: i,
item: item,
itemTitle: Escaper.escape(item.title)
.done(function doneInit(items) {
self.publish('todos/change', items);
}, {
'hub/todos/add': function onAdd(topic, title) {
var self = this;
// Defer set
$.Deferred(function deferredSet(deferSet) {
// Defer get
$.Deferred(function deferredGet(deferGet) {
store.get(, deferGet);
.done(function doneGet(items) {
// Get the next index
var i = items.length;
// Create new item, store in items
var item = items[i] = {
completed: false,
title: title
// Append new item to self
self.append(template, {
i: i,
item: item,
itemTitle: Escaper.escape(item.title)
// Set items and resolve set
store.set(, items, deferSet);
.done(function doneSet(items) {
self.publish('todos/change', items);
'hub/todos/mark': function onMark(topic, value) {
this.$element.find(':checkbox').prop('checked', value).change();
'hub/todos/clear': function onClear() {
this.$element.find('.completed .destroy').click();
'hub:memory/todos/filter': function onFilter(topic, filter) {
var $element = this.$element;
switch (filter) {
case '/completed':
case '/active':
$element.removeClass(FILTER_ACTIVE + ' ' + FILTER_COMPLETED);
'dom/': $.noop,
'dom/action/status.change': function onStatus(topic, $event, index) {
var self = this;
var $target = $($;
var completed = $target.prop('checked');
// Update UI
.toggleClass('completed', completed)
.toggleClass('active', !completed);
// Defer set
$.Deferred(function deferredSet(deferSet) {
// Defer get
$.Deferred(function deferredGet(deferGet) {
store.get(, deferGet);
.done(function doneGet(items) {
// Update completed
items[index].completed = completed;
// Set items and resolve set
store.set(, items, deferSet);
.done(function doneSet(items) {
self.publish('todos/change', items);
'dom/action/': function onDelete(topic, $event, index) {
var self = this;
// Update UI
// Defer set
$.Deferred(function deferredSet(deferSet) {
// Defer get
$.Deferred(function deferredGet(deferGet) {
// Get the items
store.get(, deferGet);
.done(function doneGet(items) {
// Delete item
items[index] = null;
// Set items and resolve set
store.set(, items, deferSet);
.done(function doneSet(items) {
self.publish('todos/change', items);
'dom/action/prepare.dblclick': function onPrepare(topic, $event, index) {
var self = this;
// Get LI and update
var $li = $($
// Get INPUT and disable
var $input = $li
.prop('disabled', true);
// Defer get
$.Deferred(function deferredGet(deferGet) {
// Get items
store.get(, deferGet);
.done(function doneGet(items) {
// Update input value, enable and select
.fail(function failGet() {
'dom/action/commit.keyup': function onCommitKeyUp(topic, $event) {
var $target = $($;
var keyCode = $event.originalEvent.keyCode;
if (keyCode === ENTER_KEY) {
if (keyCode === ESCAPE_KEY) {
'dom/action/commit.focusout': function onCommitFocusOut(topic, $event, index) {
var self = this;
var $target = $($;
var title = $target.val().trim();
if (title === '') {
} else {
// Defer set
$.Deferred(function deferredSet(deferSet) {
// Disable
$target.prop('disabled', true);
// Defer get
$.Deferred(function deferredGet(deferGet) {
// Get items
store.get(, deferGet);
.done(function doneGet(items) {
// Update text
items[index].title = title;
// Set items and resolve set
store.set(, items, deferSet);
.done(function doneSet(items) {
// Update UI
self.publish('todos/change', items);
.always(function alwaysSet() {
// Enable
"name" : "todomvc-troopjs",
"version" : "2.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
"main" : "index.html",
"dependencies" : {
"todomvc-common" : "*",
"requirejs" : "~2.1",
"jquery" : "~2.0",
"troopjs-bundle" : ""
/** vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4 /** vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4
* @license RequireJS 2.1.5 Copyright (c) 2010-2012, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. * @license RequireJS 2.1.6 Copyright (c) 2010-2012, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
* Available via the MIT or new BSD license. * Available via the MIT or new BSD license.
* see: for details * see: for details
*/ */
...@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ var requirejs, require, define; ...@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ var requirejs, require, define;
(function (global) { (function (global) {
var req, s, head, baseElement, dataMain, src, var req, s, head, baseElement, dataMain, src,
interactiveScript, currentlyAddingScript, mainScript, subPath, interactiveScript, currentlyAddingScript, mainScript, subPath,
version = '2.1.5', version = '2.1.6',
commentRegExp = /(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|([^:]|^)\/\/(.*)$)/mg, commentRegExp = /(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|([^:]|^)\/\/(.*)$)/mg,
cjsRequireRegExp = /[^.]\s*require\s*\(\s*["']([^'"\s]+)["']\s*\)/g, cjsRequireRegExp = /[^.]\s*require\s*\(\s*["']([^'"\s]+)["']\s*\)/g,
jsSuffixRegExp = /\.js$/, jsSuffixRegExp = /\.js$/,
...@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ var requirejs, require, define; ...@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ var requirejs, require, define;
hasOwn = op.hasOwnProperty, hasOwn = op.hasOwnProperty,
ap = Array.prototype, ap = Array.prototype,
apsp = ap.splice, apsp = ap.splice,
isBrowser = !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && navigator && document), isBrowser = !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && navigator && window.document),
isWebWorker = !isBrowser && typeof importScripts !== 'undefined', isWebWorker = !isBrowser && typeof importScripts !== 'undefined',
//PS3 indicates loaded and complete, but need to wait for complete //PS3 indicates loaded and complete, but need to wait for complete
//specifically. Sequence is 'loading', 'loaded', execution, //specifically. Sequence is 'loading', 'loaded', execution,
...@@ -134,6 +134,10 @@ var requirejs, require, define; ...@@ -134,6 +134,10 @@ var requirejs, require, define;
return document.getElementsByTagName('script'); return document.getElementsByTagName('script');
} }
function defaultOnError(err) {
throw err;
//Allow getting a global that expressed in //Allow getting a global that expressed in
//dot notation, like 'a.b.c'. //dot notation, like 'a.b.c'.
function getGlobal(value) { function getGlobal(value) {
...@@ -500,7 +504,12 @@ var requirejs, require, define; ...@@ -500,7 +504,12 @@ var requirejs, require, define;
fn(defined[id]); fn(defined[id]);
} }
} else { } else {
getModule(depMap).on(name, fn); mod = getModule(depMap);
if (mod.error && name === 'error') {
} else {
mod.on(name, fn);
} }
} }
...@@ -571,7 +580,13 @@ var requirejs, require, define; ...@@ -571,7 +580,13 @@ var requirejs, require, define;
id:, id:,
uri:, uri:,
config: function () { config: function () {
return (config.config && getOwn(config.config, || {}; var c,
pkg = getOwn(config.pkgs,;
// For packages, only support config targeted
// at the main module.
c = pkg ? getOwn(config.config, + '/' + pkg.main) :
return c || {};
}, },
exports: defined[] exports: defined[]
}); });
...@@ -840,8 +855,13 @@ var requirejs, require, define; ...@@ -840,8 +855,13 @@ var requirejs, require, define;
if (this.depCount < 1 && !this.defined) { if (this.depCount < 1 && !this.defined) {
if (isFunction(factory)) { if (isFunction(factory)) {
//If there is an error listener, favor passing //If there is an error listener, favor passing
//to that instead of throwing an error. //to that instead of throwing an error. However,
if ( { //only do it for define()'d modules. require
//errbacks should not be called for failures in
//their callbacks (#699). However if a global
//onError is set, use that.
if (( && ||
req.onError !== defaultOnError) {
try { try {
exports = context.execCb(id, factory, depExports, exports); exports = context.execCb(id, factory, depExports, exports);
} catch (e) { } catch (e) {
...@@ -869,8 +889,8 @@ var requirejs, require, define; ...@@ -869,8 +889,8 @@ var requirejs, require, define;
if (err) { if (err) {
err.requireMap =; err.requireMap =;
err.requireModules = []; err.requireModules = ? [] : null;
err.requireType = 'define'; err.requireType = ? 'define' : 'require';
return onError((this.error = err)); return onError((this.error = err));
} }
...@@ -1093,7 +1113,7 @@ var requirejs, require, define; ...@@ -1093,7 +1113,7 @@ var requirejs, require, define;
})); }));
if (this.errback) { if (this.errback) {
on(depMap, 'error', this.errback); on(depMap, 'error', bind(this, this.errback));
} }
} }
...@@ -1605,7 +1625,7 @@ var requirejs, require, define; ...@@ -1605,7 +1625,7 @@ var requirejs, require, define;
}, },
/** /**
* Executes a module callack function. Broken out as a separate function * Executes a module callback function. Broken out as a separate function
* solely to allow the build system to sequence the files in the built * solely to allow the build system to sequence the files in the built
* layer in the right sequence. * layer in the right sequence.
* *
...@@ -1643,7 +1663,7 @@ var requirejs, require, define; ...@@ -1643,7 +1663,7 @@ var requirejs, require, define;
onScriptError: function (evt) { onScriptError: function (evt) {
var data = getScriptData(evt); var data = getScriptData(evt);
if (!hasPathFallback( { if (!hasPathFallback( {
return onError(makeError('scripterror', 'Script error', evt, [])); return onError(makeError('scripterror', 'Script error for: ' +, evt, []));
} }
} }
}; };
...@@ -1772,9 +1792,7 @@ var requirejs, require, define; ...@@ -1772,9 +1792,7 @@ var requirejs, require, define;
* function. Intercept/override it if you want custom error handling. * function. Intercept/override it if you want custom error handling.
* @param {Error} err the error object. * @param {Error} err the error object.
*/ */
req.onError = function (err) { req.onError = defaultOnError;
throw err;
/** /**
* Does the request to load a module for the browser case. * Does the request to load a module for the browser case.
...@@ -1906,24 +1924,31 @@ var requirejs, require, define; ...@@ -1906,24 +1924,31 @@ var requirejs, require, define;
//baseUrl, if it is not already set. //baseUrl, if it is not already set.
dataMain = script.getAttribute('data-main'); dataMain = script.getAttribute('data-main');
if (dataMain) { if (dataMain) {
//Preserve dataMain in case it is a path (i.e. contains '?')
mainScript = dataMain;
//Set final baseUrl if there is not already an explicit one. //Set final baseUrl if there is not already an explicit one.
if (!cfg.baseUrl) { if (!cfg.baseUrl) {
//Pull off the directory of data-main for use as the //Pull off the directory of data-main for use as the
//baseUrl. //baseUrl.
src = dataMain.split('/'); src = mainScript.split('/');
mainScript = src.pop(); mainScript = src.pop();
subPath = src.length ? src.join('/') + '/' : './'; subPath = src.length ? src.join('/') + '/' : './';
cfg.baseUrl = subPath; cfg.baseUrl = subPath;
dataMain = mainScript;
} }
//Strip off any trailing .js since dataMain is now //Strip off any trailing .js since mainScript is now
//like a module name. //like a module name.
dataMain = dataMain.replace(jsSuffixRegExp, ''); mainScript = mainScript.replace(jsSuffixRegExp, '');
//If mainScript is still a path, fall back to dataMain
if (req.jsExtRegExp.test(mainScript)) {
mainScript = dataMain;
//Put the data-main script in the files to load. //Put the data-main script in the files to load.
cfg.deps = cfg.deps ? cfg.deps.concat(dataMain) : [dataMain]; cfg.deps = cfg.deps ? cfg.deps.concat(mainScript) : [mainScript];
return true; return true;
} }
...@@ -1951,12 +1976,13 @@ var requirejs, require, define; ...@@ -1951,12 +1976,13 @@ var requirejs, require, define;
//This module may not have dependencies //This module may not have dependencies
if (!isArray(deps)) { if (!isArray(deps)) {
callback = deps; callback = deps;
deps = []; deps = null;
} }
//If no name, and callback is a function, then figure out if it a //If no name, and callback is a function, then figure out if it a
//CommonJS thing with dependencies. //CommonJS thing with dependencies.
if (!deps.length && isFunction(callback)) { if (!deps && isFunction(callback)) {
deps = [];
//Remove comments from the callback string, //Remove comments from the callback string,
//look for require calls, and pull them into the dependencies, //look for require calls, and pull them into the dependencies,
//but only if there are function args. //but only if there are function args.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
/* base.css overrides */ /* base.css overrides */
#footer, #main {
display: none;
.filter-active .completed, .filter-active .completed,
.filter-completed .active { .filter-completed .active {
display: none; display: none;
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" data-framework="troopjs">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
<title>TroopJS • TodoMVC</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/todomvc-common/base.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/app.css">
<section id="todoapp">
<header id="header">
<input id="new-todo" placeholder="What needs to be done?" autofocus data-weave="troopjs-todos/widget/create">
<section id="main" data-weave="troopjs-todos/widget/display">
<input id="toggle-all" type="checkbox" data-weave="troopjs-todos/widget/mark">
<label for="toggle-all">Mark all as complete</label>
<ul id="todo-list" data-weave="troopjs-todos/widget/list"></ul>
<footer id="footer" data-weave="troopjs-todos/widget/display">
<span id="todo-count" data-weave="troopjs-todos/widget/count"><strong>1</strong> item left</span>
<ul id="filters" data-weave="troopjs-todos/widget/filters">
<a class="selected" href="#/">All</a>
<a href="#/active">Active</a>
<a href="#/completed">Completed</a>
<button id="clear-completed" data-weave="troopjs-todos/widget/clear">Clear completed (1)</button>
<footer id="info">
<p>Double-click to edit a todo</p>
<p>Created by <a href="">Mikael Karon</a></p>
<p>Part of <a href="">TodoMVC</a></p>
<script src="bower_components/todomvc-common/base.js"></script>
'use strict';
var require = {
packages: [{
name: 'jquery',
location: 'bower_components/jquery',
main: 'jquery'
}, {
name: 'troopjs-bundle',
location: 'bower_components/troopjs-bundle',
main: 'maxi'
}, {
name: 'troopjs-todos',
location: 'js'
map: {
'*': {
template: 'troopjs-requirejs/template'
deps: [ 'require', 'jquery', 'troopjs-bundle' ],
callback: function Boot (contextRequire, jQuery) {
contextRequire([ 'troopjs-browser/application/widget', 'troopjs-browser/route/widget' ], function Strap (Application, RouteWidget) {
jQuery(function ($) {
Application($('html'), 'bootstrap', RouteWidget($(window), 'route')).start();
<script src="bower_components/requirejs/require.js" async="async"></script>
/*global define*/ /*global define:false */
define([ define([
'troopjs-core/component/widget', 'troopjs-browser/component/widget',
'jquery' 'poly/array'
], function ClearModule(Widget, $) { ], function ClearModule(Widget) {
'use strict'; 'use strict';
function filter(item) { function filter(item) {
return item === null || !item.completed; return item !== null && item.completed;
} }
return Widget.extend({ return Widget.extend({
'hub:memory/todos/change': function onChange(topic, items) { 'hub:memory/todos/change': function onChange(items) {
var count = $.grep(items, filter, true).length; var count = items.filter(filter).length;
this.$element.text('Clear completed (' + count + ')').toggle(count > 0); this.$element.text('Clear completed (' + count + ')').toggle(count > 0);
}, },
/*global define*/ /*global define:false */
define([ define([
'troopjs-core/component/widget', 'troopjs-browser/component/widget',
'jquery' 'poly/array'
], function CountModule(Widget, $) { ], function CountModule(Widget) {
'use strict'; 'use strict';
function filter(item) { function filter(item) {
return item === null || item.completed; return item !== null && !item.completed;
} }
return Widget.extend({ return Widget.extend({
'hub:memory/todos/change': function onChange(topic, items) { 'hub:memory/todos/change': function onChange(items) {
var count = $.grep(items, filter, true).length; var count = items.filter(filter).length;
this.$element.html('<strong>' + count + '</strong> ' + (count === 1 ? 'item' : 'items') + ' left'); this.$element.html('<strong>' + count + '</strong> ' + (count === 1 ? 'item' : 'items') + ' left');
} }
/*global define*/ /*global define:false */
define([ define([ 'troopjs-browser/component/widget' ], function CreateModule(Widget) {
], function CreateModule(Widget) {
'use strict'; 'use strict';
var ENTER_KEY = 13; var ENTER_KEY = 13;
return Widget.extend({ return Widget.extend({
'dom/keyup': function onKeyUp(topic, $event) { 'dom/keyup': function onKeyUp($event) {
var $element = this.$element; var me = this;
var $element = me.$element;
var value; var value;
if ($event.keyCode === ENTER_KEY) { if ($event.keyCode === ENTER_KEY) {
value = $element.val().trim(); value = $element.val().trim();
if (value !== '') { if (value !== '') {
this.publish('todos/add', value); me.publish('todos/add', value)
.then(function () {
$element.val(''); $element.val('');
} }
} }
} }
/*global define:false */
], function DisplayModule(Widget) {
'use strict';
function filter(item) {
return item !== null;
return Widget.extend({
'hub:memory/todos/change': function onChange(items) {
/*global define*/ /*global define:false */
define([ define([
'troopjs-core/component/widget', 'troopjs-browser/component/widget',
'jquery' 'jquery'
], function FiltersModule(Widget, $) { ], function FiltersModule(Widget, $) {
'use strict'; 'use strict';
return Widget.extend({ return Widget.extend({
'hub:memory/route': function onRoute(topic, uri) { 'hub:memory/route': function onRoute(uri) {
this.publish('todos/filter', uri.source); this.publish('todos/filter', uri.source);
}, },
'hub:memory/todos/filter': function onFilter(topic, filter) { 'hub:memory/todos/filter': function onFilter(filter) {
filter = filter || '/';
// Update UI
$('a[href^="#"]') $('a[href^="#"]')
.removeClass('selected') .removeClass('selected')
.filter('[href="#' + filter + '"]') .filter('[href="#' + (filter || '/') + '"]')
.addClass('selected'); .addClass('selected');
} }
}); });
var i = data.i;
var item = data.item;
var completed = item.completed;
function htmlEscape(str) {
return String(str)
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
.replace(/'/g, '&#39;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
<li class="<%= (completed ? 'completed' : 'active') %>" data-index="<%= i %>">
<div class='view'>
<input class="toggle" type="checkbox" <%= (completed ? 'checked' : '') %>>
<label><%= htmlEscape(item.title) %></label>
<button class="destroy"></button>
<input class="edit">
/*global define:false */
], function ListModule(Widget, Store, Adapter, $, template) {
/*jshint newcap:false*/
'use strict';
var ARRAY_SLICE = Array.prototype.slice;
var ENTER_KEY = 13;
var ESC_KEY = 27;
var FILTER_ACTIVE = 'filter-active';
var FILTER_COMPLETED = 'filter-completed';
var KEY = 'todos-troopjs';
var STORE = 'store';
function filter(item) {
return item !== null;
return Widget.extend(function ListWidget() {
this[STORE] = Store(Adapter());
}, {
'sig/start': function () {
var me = this;
var store = me[STORE];
return store.ready(function () {
return store.get(KEY, function (getItems) {
return store.set(KEY, getItems && getItems.filter(filter) || [], function (setItems) {
setItems.forEach(function (item, i) {
me.append(template, {
i: i,
item: item
me.publish('todos/change', setItems);
'hub/todos/add': function onAdd(title) {
var me = this;
var store = me[STORE];
return store.ready(function () {
return store.get(KEY, function (getItems) {
var i = getItems.length;
var item = getItems[i] = {
completed: false,
title: title
me.append(template, {
i: i,
item: item
return store.set(KEY, getItems, function (setItems) {
me.publish('todos/change', setItems);
'hub/todos/mark': function onMark(value) {
this.$element.find(':checkbox').prop('checked', value).change();
'hub/todos/clear': function onClear() {
this.$element.find('.completed .destroy').click();
'hub:memory/todos/filter': function onFilter(filter) {
var $element = this.$element;
switch (filter) {
case '/completed':
case '/active':
$element.removeClass([FILTER_ACTIVE, FILTER_COMPLETED].join(' '));
'dom:.toggle/change': function onToggleChange($event) {
var me = this;
var store = me[STORE];
var $target = $($event.currentTarget);
var completed = $target.prop('checked');
var $li = $target.closest('li');
var index = $'index');
.toggleClass('completed', completed)
.toggleClass('active', !completed);
store.ready(function () {
return store.get(KEY, function (getItems) {
getItems[index].completed = completed;
return store.set(KEY, getItems, function (setItems) {
me.publish('todos/change', setItems);
'dom:.destroy/click': function onDestroyClick($event) {
var me = this;
var store = me[STORE];
var $li = $($event.currentTarget).closest('li');
var index = $'index');
store.ready(function () {
return store.get(KEY, function (getItems) {
getItems[index] = null;
return store.set(KEY, getItems, function (setItems) {
me.publish('todos/change', setItems);
'dom:.view label/dblclick': function onViewDblClick($event) {
var me = this;
var store = me[STORE];
var $li = $($event.currentTarget).closest('li');
var index = $'index');
var $input = $li.find('input');
$input.prop('disabled', true);
store.ready(function () {
return store.get(KEY, function (items) {
.prop('disabled', false)
}, function () {
$input.prop('disabled', false);
'dom:.edit/keyup': function onEditKeyUp($event) {
var $li = $($event.currentTarget).closest('li');
switch ($event.keyCode) {
case ESC_KEY:
'dom:.edit/focusout': function onEditFocusOut($event) {
var me = this;
var store = me[STORE];
var $target = $($event.currentTarget);
var title = $target.val().trim();
if (title === '') {
} else {
$target.prop('disabled', true);
store.ready(function () {
return store.get(KEY, function (getItems) {
var $li = $target.closest('li');
var index = $'index');
getItems[index].title = title;
return store.set(KEY, getItems, function (setItems) {
me.publish('todos/change', setItems);
.ensure(function () {
$target.prop('disabled', false);
/*global define*/ /*global define:false */
define([ define([
'jquery', 'jquery',
'troopjs-core/component/widget' 'poly/array'
], function MarkModule($, Widget) { ], function MarkModule(Widget, $) {
'use strict'; 'use strict';
return Widget.extend({ return Widget.extend({
'hub:memory/todos/change': function onChange(topic, items) { 'hub:memory/todos/change': function onChange(items) {
var total = 0; var total = 0;
var count = 0; var completed = 0;
var $element = this.$element; var $element = this.$element;
$.each(items, function iterator(i, item) { items.forEach(function (item) {
if (item === null) { if (item === null) {
return; return;
} }
if (item.completed) { if (item.completed) {
count++; completed++;
} }
total++; total++;
}); });
$element if (completed === 0) {
.prop('indeterminate', count !== 0 && count !== total) $element
.prop('checked', count === total); .prop('indeterminate', false)
.prop('checked', false);
} else if (completed === total) {
.prop('indeterminate', false)
.prop('checked', true);
} else {
.prop('indeterminate', true)
.prop('checked', false);
}, },
'dom/change': function onMark(topic, $event) { 'dom/change': function onMark($event) {
this.publish('todos/mark', $($'checked')); this.publish('todos/mark', $($'checked'));
} }
}); });
...@@ -1694,11 +1694,14 @@ ...@@ -1694,11 +1694,14 @@
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"examples": [{ "examples": [{
"name": "Dependency Example", "name": "Dependency Example",
"url": "labs/dependency-examples/troopjs" "url": "labs/dependency-examples/troopjs_require"
}], }],
"link_groups": [{ "link_groups": [{
"heading": "Official Resources", "heading": "Official Resources",
"links": [{ "links": [{
"name": "TODOs Application (latest)",
"url": ""
}, {
"name": "TroopJS on GitHub", "name": "TroopJS on GitHub",
"url": "" "url": ""
}] }]
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