From 213d6dfe608fb54187e0bb477f40993e56635df8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vincent Pelletier <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2017 15:48:23 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] CategoryTool: Get rid of build{,Advanced}SQLSelector.

Writing SQL belongs to catalog.
 product/CMFCategory/ | 119 ----------------------------
 1 file changed, 119 deletions(-)

diff --git a/product/CMFCategory/ b/product/CMFCategory/
index 3d672aadfd..90759ed9a2 100644
--- a/product/CMFCategory/
+++ b/product/CMFCategory/
@@ -1532,125 +1532,6 @@ class CategoryTool( UniqueObject, Folder, Base ):
         result.append(o.getProperty(property_name, None))
       return result
-    # SQL Expression Building
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'buildSQLSelector')
-    def buildSQLSelector(self, category_list, query_table='category', none_sql_value=None):
-      """
-        Returns an SQL selector expression from a list of categories
-        We make here a simple method wich simply checks membership
-        This is like an OR. More complex selections (AND of OR) will require
-        to generate a much more complex where_expression with table aliases
-        List of lists
-        - none_sql_value is used in order to specify what is the None value into
-          sql tables
-      """
-      result = self.buildAdvancedSQLSelector(category_list, query_table,
-                 none_sql_value, strict=False)['where_expression']
-      # Quirk to keep strict backward compatibility. Should be removed when
-      # tested.
-      if result == '':
-        result = []
-      return result
-    # SQL Expression Building
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'buildAdvancedSQLSelector')
-    def buildAdvancedSQLSelector(self, category_list, query_table='category',
-          none_sql_value=None, strict=True, catalog_table_name='catalog'):
-      # XXX: about "strict" parameter: This is a transition parameter,
-      # allowing someone hitting a bug to revert to original behaviour easily.
-      # It is not a correct name, as pointed out by Jerome. But instead of
-      # searching for another name, it would be much better to just remove it.
-      """
-        Return chunks of SQL to check for category membership.
-        none_sql_value (default=None):
-          Specify the SQL value of None in SQL.
-          None means SQL NULL.
-        strict (boolean, default=True):
-          False:
-            Resulting query will match any document which matches at least one
-            of given categories.
-          True:
-            Resulting query will match any document which matches all given
-            categories, except for categories which are not defined on the
-            document. This usefull for example for predicates, where one wants
-            to fetch all predicates applicable for a given set of conditions,
-            including generic predicates which check only a subset of those
-            conditions.
-            Performance hint: Order given category list to have most
-            discriminant factors before lesser discriminant ones.
-      """
-      result = {}
-      def renderUIDValue(uid):
-        uid = ((uid is None) and (none_sql_value, ) or (uid, ))[0]
-        if uid is None:
-          return 'NULL'
-        else:
-          return '%s' % (uid, )
-      def renderUIDWithOperator(uid):
-        value = renderUIDValue(uid)
-        if value == 'NULL':
-          return 'IS NULL'
-        return '= %s' % (value, )
-      if isinstance(category_list, str):
-        category_list = [category_list]
-      if strict:
-        category_uid_dict = {}
-        ordered_base_category_uid_list = []
-        # Fetch all category and base category uids, and regroup by
-        # base_category.
-        for category in category_list:
-          if isinstance(category, str) and category:
-            base_category_uid = self.getBaseCategoryUid(category)
-            category_uid_list = category_uid_dict.setdefault(base_category_uid, [])
-            if len(category_uid_list) == 0:
-              # New base category, append it to the ordered list.
-              ordered_base_category_uid_list.append(base_category_uid)
-            category_uid = self.getCategoryUid(category)
-            category_uid_list.append(category_uid)
-          if category_uid is None and category != 'NULL':
-            raise TypeError(
-              "Invalid category passed to buildAdvancedSQLSelector: %r"
-                % category )
-        # Generate "left join" and "where" expressions.
-        left_join_list = [catalog_table_name]
-        where_expression_list = []
-        format_dict = {'catalog': catalog_table_name}
-        for base_category_uid in ordered_base_category_uid_list:
-          alias_name = 'base_%s' % (base_category_uid, )
-          format_dict['alias'] = alias_name
-          format_dict['condition'] = renderUIDWithOperator(base_category_uid)
-          left_join_list.append(
-            '`%(alias)s` ON (`%(catalog)s`.uid = `%(alias)s`.uid AND '\
-            '`%(alias)s`.category_strict_membership = "1" AND '\
-            '`%(alias)s`.base_category_uid %(condition)s)' % format_dict)
-          category_uid_name = '`%s`.category_uid' % (alias_name, )
-          category_uid_list = category_uid_dict[base_category_uid]
-          if category_uid_list == [None]:
-            # Only one UID and it's None: do not allow NULL value to be selected.
-            where_expression_list.append('(%s %s)' % \
-              (category_uid_name, renderUIDWithOperator(base_category_uid)))
-          else:
-            # In any other case, allow it.
-            where_expression_list.append('(%s IS NULL OR %s = 0 OR %s IN (%s))' % \
-              (category_uid_name, category_uid_name, category_uid_name,
-               ', '.join([renderUIDValue(x) for x in category_uid_list])))
-        result['from_expression'] = {catalog_table_name:
-          ('\nLEFT JOIN `%s` AS ' % (query_table, )).join(left_join_list)}
-        result['where_expression'] = '(%s)' % (' AND '.join(where_expression_list), )
-      else:
-        result['where_expression'] = \
-          ' OR '.join(['(%s.category_uid %s AND %s.base_category_uid %s)' %\
-                       (query_table, renderUIDWithOperator(self.getCategoryUid(x)),
-                        query_table, renderUIDWithOperator(self.getBaseCategoryUid(x)))
-                       for x in category_list if isinstance(x, str) and x])
-      return result
     security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCategoryMemberValueList' )
     def getCategoryMemberValueList(self, context, base_category=None,
                                          portal_type=(), strict_membership=False, strict=False, **kw):