############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2002, 2004, 2006 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <jp@nexedi.com> # Romain Courteaud <romain@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## from Products.Formulator import Widget, Validator from Products.Formulator.Field import ZMIField from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import convertToUpperCase from Products.PythonScripts.Utility import allow_class from Products.ERP5Type.Message import translateString from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from types import StringType from zLOG import LOG from Products.Formulator.DummyField import fields from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import get_request from AccessControl import Unauthorized from AccessControl import getSecurityManager # Max. number of catalog result MAX_SELECT = 30 NEW_CONTENT_PREFIX = '_newContent_' # Key for sub listfield SUB_FIELD_ID = 'relation' ITEM_ID = 'item' NO_VALUE = '??? (No Value)' class MultiRelationStringFieldWidget(Widget.LinesTextAreaWidget, Widget.TextWidget, Widget.ListWidget): """ RelationStringField widget Works like a string field but includes one buttons - one search button which updates the field and sets a relation - creates object if not there """ local_property_names = ['update_method', 'jump_method', 'allow_jump', 'base_category', 'portal_type', 'allow_creation', 'container_getter_id', 'context_getter_id', 'catalog_index', 'relation_setter_id', 'relation_form_id', 'columns', 'sort', 'parameter_list','list_method', 'first_item', 'items', 'proxy_listbox_ids', 'size', 'extra_item', ] property_names = Widget.LinesTextAreaWidget.property_names + \ Widget.TextWidget.property_names + \ local_property_names # XXX Field to remove... update_method = fields.StringField('update_method', title='Update Method', description=( "The method to call to set the relation. Required."), default="Base_validateRelation", required=1) jump_method = fields.StringField('jump_method', title='Jump Method', description=( "The method to call to jump to the relation. Required."), default="Base_jumpToRelatedDocument", required=1) allow_jump = fields.CheckBoxField('allow_jump', title='Allow Jump', description=( "Do we allow to jump to the relation ?"), default=1, required=0) base_category = fields.StringField('base_category', title='Base Category', description=( "The method to call to set the relation. Required."), default="", required=1) portal_type = fields.ListTextAreaField('portal_type', title='Portal Type', description=( "The method to call to set the relation. Required."), default="", required=1) allow_creation = fields.CheckBoxField('allow_creation', title='Allow Creation', description=( "Do we allow to create new objects ?"), default=1, required=0) container_getter_id = fields.StringField('container_getter_id', title='Container Getter Method', description=( "The method to call to get a container object."), default="", required=0) context_getter_id = fields.StringField('context_getter_id', title='Context Getter Method', description=( "The method to call to get the context."), default="", required=0) catalog_index = fields.StringField('catalog_index', title='Catalog Index', description=( "The method to call to set the relation. Required."), default="", required=1) # XXX Is it a good idea to keep such a field ?? # User can redefine setter method with a script (and so, don't use the API) relation_setter_id = fields.StringField('relation_setter_id', title='Relation Update Method', description=( "The method to invoke in order to update the relation"), default="", required=0) relation_form_id = fields.StringField('relation_form_id', title='Relation Form', description=( "Form to display relation choices"), default="", required=0) size = fields.IntegerField('size', title='Size', description=( "The display size in rows of the field. If set to 1, the " "widget will be displayed as a drop down box by many browsers, " "if set to something higher, a list will be shown. Required."), default=1, required=1) columns = fields.ListTextAreaField('columns', title="Columns", description=( "A list of attributes names to display."), default=[], required=0) sort = fields.ListTextAreaField('sort', title='Default Sort', description=('The default sort keys and order'), default=[], required=0) parameter_list = fields.ListTextAreaField('parameter_list', title="Parameter List", description=( "A list of paramters used for the portal_catalog."), default=[], required=0) list_method = fields.MethodField('list_method', title='List Method', description=('The method to use to list' 'objects'), default='', required=0) proxy_listbox_ids = fields.ListTextAreaField('proxy_listbox_ids', title='Proxy Listbox IDs', description=('A list of listbox that can be used as proxy'), default='', required=0) # delete double in order to keep a usable ZMI... # XXX need to keep order ! #property_names = dict([(i,0) for i in property_names]).keys() _v_dict = {} _v_property_name_list = [] for property_name in property_names: if not _v_dict.has_key(property_name): _v_property_name_list.append(property_name) _v_dict[property_name] = 1 property_names = _v_property_name_list default_widget_rendering_instance = Widget.LinesTextAreaWidgetInstance def _getContextValue(self, field, REQUEST): """Return result of evaluated method defined by context_getter_id or here. """ context_getter_id = field.get_value('context_getter_id') here = REQUEST['here'] if context_getter_id: return getattr(here, context_getter_id)() return here def _generateRenderValueList(self, field, key, value_list, REQUEST): result_list = [] need_validation = 0 #################################### # Check value #################################### if isinstance(value_list, StringType): # Value is a string, reformat it correctly value_list = value_list.split("\n") else: # We get a list # rather than displaying nothing, display a marker when the # property is not set # XXX Translate ? value_list = [(x or NO_VALUE) for x in value_list] # Check all relation for i in range(len(value_list)): ################################### # Sub field ################################### relation_field_id = field.generate_subfield_key("%s_%s" % \ (SUB_FIELD_ID, i), key=key) relation_item_id = field.generate_subfield_key("%s_%s" % \ (ITEM_ID, i), key=key) relation_item_list = REQUEST.get(relation_item_id, None) value = value_list[i] if (relation_item_list is not None) and \ (value != ''): need_validation = 1 # If we get a empty string, display nothing ! if value != '': result_list.append((Widget.TextWidgetInstance, relation_field_id, relation_item_list, value, i)) if not need_validation: ################################### # Main field ################################### result_list = [(Widget.LinesTextAreaWidgetInstance, None, [], value_list, None)] return result_list def render(self, field, key, value, REQUEST, render_prefix=None): """ Render text input field. """ html_string = '' relation_field_index = REQUEST.get('_v_relation_field_index', 0) render_parameter_list = self._generateRenderValueList( field, key, value, REQUEST) #################################### # Render subfield #################################### html_string_list = [] for widget_instance, relation_field_id, relation_item_list, \ value_instance, sub_index in render_parameter_list: sub_html_string = widget_instance.render(field, key, value_instance, REQUEST) here = self._getContextValue(field, REQUEST) portal = here.getPortalObject() autocomplete_enabled = getattr(portal.portal_skins, 'erp5_autocompletion_ui', None) if autocomplete_enabled: sub_html_string += self.render_autocomplete(field, key) if relation_item_list is not None: #################################### # Render wheel #################################### if not autocomplete_enabled: sub_html_string += self.render_wheel( field, value_instance, REQUEST, relation_index=relation_field_index, sub_index=sub_index) if relation_item_list: #################################### # Render listfield #################################### REQUEST['relation_item_list'] = relation_item_list sub_html_string += ' %s ' % \ Widget.ListWidgetInstance.render( field, relation_field_id, None, REQUEST) REQUEST['relation_item_list'] = None html_string_list.append(sub_html_string) #################################### # Generate html #################################### html_string = '<br/>'.join(html_string_list) #################################### # Render jump #################################### if (value == field.get_value('default')): # XXX Default rendering with value... relation_html_string = self.render_relation_link(field, value, REQUEST) if relation_html_string != '': html_string += ' %s' % relation_html_string #################################### # Update relation field index #################################### REQUEST.set('_v_relation_field_index', relation_field_index + 1) return html_string def render_view(self, field, value, REQUEST=None, render_prefix=None): """ Render read only field. """ html_string = '' here = self._getContextValue(field, REQUEST) portal_url = here.getPortalObject().portal_url portal_url_string = portal_url() if (value not in ((), [], None, '')) and \ field.get_value('allow_jump'): string_list = [] base_category = field.get_value('base_category') portal_type = map(lambda x:x[0],field.get_value('portal_type')) kw = {} for k, v in field.get_value('parameter_list') : kw[k] = v accessor_name = 'get%sValueList' % ''.join([part.capitalize() for part in base_category.split('_')]) jump_reference_list = getattr(here, accessor_name)(portal_type=portal_type, filter=kw) if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = value, for jump_reference, display_value in zip(jump_reference_list, value): string_list.append('<a class="relationfieldlink" href="%s">%s</a>' % \ (jump_reference.absolute_url(), display_value)) html_string = '<br />'.join(string_list) else: html_string = self.default_widget_rendering_instance.render_view(field, value, REQUEST=REQUEST) if REQUEST is None: REQUEST = get_request() relation_html_string = self.render_relation_link(field, value, REQUEST) if relation_html_string != '': html_string += ' %s' % relation_html_string extra = field.get_value('extra') if extra not in (None, ''): html_string = "<div %s>%s</div>" % (extra, html_string) css_class = field.get_value('css_class') if css_class not in ('', None): # All strings should be escaped before rendering in HTML # except for editor field html_string = "<span class='%s'>%s</span>" % (css_class, html_string) return html_string def render_autocomplete(self, field, key): """ Use jquery-ui autocompletion for all relation fields by default, requiring only erp5_autocompletion_ui bt5 to be installed """ # XXX: Allow to specify more parameters to jquery-ui autocomplete widget? import json return """ <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("input[name='%s']").ERP5Autocomplete({search_portal_type: %s, search_catalog_key: "%s"}) .data("ui-autocomplete")._renderItem = function(ul, item) { return $("<li></li>").data("item.autocomplete", item) .append("<a><b>" + item.label + "</b><br><span style='font-size:70%%;'>" + item.description + "</span></a>" ) .appendTo(ul); }; }); </script>""" % (key, json.dumps(map(lambda x: x[0], field.get_value('portal_type'))), field.get_value('catalog_index')) def render_wheel(self, field, value, REQUEST, relation_index=0, sub_index=None, render_prefix=None): """ Render wheel used to display a listbox """ here = self._getContextValue(field, REQUEST) portal_url = here.getPortalObject().portal_url portal_url_string = portal_url() portal_selections_url_string = here.portal_url.getRelativeContentURL(here.portal_selections) if sub_index is None: sub_index_string = '' else: sub_index_string = '_%s' % sub_index return ' <input type="image" ' \ 'src="%s/images/exec16.png" value="update..." ' \ 'name="%s/viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialog%s%s' \ ':method"/>' % \ (portal_url_string, portal_selections_url_string, relation_index, sub_index_string) def render_relation_link(self, field, value, REQUEST, render_prefix=None): """ Render link to the related object. """ html_string = '' here = REQUEST.get('cell', self._getContextValue(field, REQUEST)) portal_url = here.getPortalObject().portal_url portal_url_string = portal_url() if (value not in ((), [], None, '')) and \ field.get_value('allow_jump'): # Keep the selection name in the URL if REQUEST.get('selection_name') is not None: selection_name_html = '&selection_name=%s&selection_index=%s' % \ (REQUEST.get('selection_name'), REQUEST.get('selection_index')) else: selection_name_html = '' if REQUEST.get('ignore_layout') is not None: selection_name_html += '&ignore_layout:int=%s' % int(REQUEST.get('ignore_layout', 0)) # Generate plan link html_string += '<a href="%s/%s?field_id=%s&form_id=%s%s">' \ '<img src="%s/images/jump.png" alt="jump" />' \ '</a>' % \ (here.absolute_url(), field.get_value('jump_method'), field.id, field.aq_parent.id, selection_name_html, portal_url_string) return html_string class MultiRelationEditor: """ A class holding all values required to update a relation """ def __init__(self, field_id, base_category, portal_type_list, portal_type_item, key, relation_setter_id, relation_editor_list, context_getter_id): self.field_id = field_id self.base_category = base_category self.portal_type_list = portal_type_list self.portal_type_item = portal_type_item self.key = key self.relation_setter_id = relation_setter_id self.relation_editor_list = relation_editor_list self.context_getter_id = context_getter_id def __call__(self, REQUEST): if self.relation_editor_list != None: value_list = [] for value, uid, display_text, relation_key, item_key in \ self.relation_editor_list: value_list.append(display_text) if uid is not None: # Decorate the request so that we can display # the select item in a popup # XXX To be unified relation_field_id = relation_key relation_item_id = item_key REQUEST.set(relation_item_id, ((display_text, uid),)) REQUEST.set(self.field_id, value_list) # XXX Dirty else: # Make sure no default value appears REQUEST.set(self.field_id, None) # XXX Dirty def view(self): return self.__dict__ def edit(self, o): if self.relation_editor_list is not None: if self.context_getter_id: o = getattr(o, self.context_getter_id)() portal = o.getPortalObject() relation_object_list = [] for value, uid, display_text, relation_key, item_key in \ self.relation_editor_list: if uid is not None: if isinstance(uid, StringType) and \ uid.startswith(NEW_CONTENT_PREFIX): # Create a new content portal_type = uid[len(NEW_CONTENT_PREFIX):] portal_module = None for p_item in self.portal_type_item: if p_item[0] == portal_type: portal_module = portal.getDefaultModuleId(p_item[0]) if portal_module is not None: portal_module_object = getattr(portal, portal_module) kw ={} kw[self.key] = value.replace('%', '') kw['portal_type'] = portal_type new_object = portal_module_object.newContent(**kw) relation_object_list.append(new_object) else: raise else: relation_object_list.append(portal.portal_catalog.getObject(uid)) # Edit relation if self.relation_setter_id: relation_setter = getattr(o, self.relation_setter_id) relation_setter((), portal_type=self.portal_type_list) relation_setter(relation_object_list, portal_type=self.portal_type_list) else: # we could call a generic method which create the setter method name if len(relation_object_list) == 1: set_method_name = '_set%sValue' % \ convertToUpperCase(self.base_category) getattr(o, set_method_name)(relation_object_list[0], portal_type=self.portal_type_list, checked_permission='View') else: set_method_name = '_set%sValueList' % \ convertToUpperCase(self.base_category) getattr(o, set_method_name)(relation_object_list, portal_type=self.portal_type_list, checked_permission='View') allow_class(MultiRelationEditor) class MultiRelationStringFieldValidator(Validator.LinesValidator): """ Validation includes lookup of relared instances """ message_names = Validator.LinesValidator.message_names +\ ['relation_result_too_long', 'relation_result_ambiguous', 'relation_result_empty',] relation_result_too_long = "Too many documents were found." relation_result_ambiguous = "Select appropriate document in the list." relation_result_empty = "No such document was found." # Relation field variable editor = MultiRelationEditor default_validator_instance = Validator.LinesValidatorInstance def _generateItemUidList(self, field, key, relation_uid_list, REQUEST=None): """ Generate tuple... """ result_list = [] for i in range(len(relation_uid_list)): # Generate a Item id for each value. relation_item_id = field.generate_subfield_key("%s_%s" % \ (ITEM_ID, i), key=key) relation_uid = relation_uid_list[i] result_list.append((relation_item_id, relation_uid, None)) return result_list def _generateFieldValueList(self, field, key, value_list, current_value_list): """ Generate list of value, item_key """ item_value_list = [] if isinstance(current_value_list, StringType): current_value_list = [current_value_list] # Check value list if value_list != current_value_list: # Changes in the order or in the number of occurences # must be taken into account for i in range(len(value_list)): value = value_list[i] relation_field_id = field.generate_subfield_key("%s_%s" % \ (SUB_FIELD_ID, i), key=key) relation_item_id = field.generate_subfield_key("%s_%s" % \ (ITEM_ID, i), key=key) item_value_list.append((relation_field_id, value, relation_item_id)) # Make possible to delete the content of the field. if item_value_list == []: relation_field_id = field.generate_subfield_key("%s" % \ SUB_FIELD_ID, key=key) relation_item_key = field.generate_subfield_key(ITEM_ID, key=key) item_value_list.append((relation_field_id, '', relation_item_key)) return item_value_list def validate(self, field, key, REQUEST): """ Validate the field. """ raising_error_needed = 0 relation_editor_list = None # Get some tool catalog_index = field.get_value('catalog_index') portal_type_list = [x[0] for x in field.get_value('portal_type')] portal_catalog = field.getPortalObject().portal_catalog #################################### # Check list input #################################### relation_field_id = field.generate_subfield_key("%s" % \ SUB_FIELD_ID, key=key) relation_uid_list = REQUEST.get(relation_field_id, None) #################################### # User clicked on the wheel #################################### need_to_revalidate = 1 if relation_uid_list not in (None, ''): need_to_revalidate = 0 relation_editor_list = [] for relation_item_id, relation_uid, value in \ self._generateItemUidList(field, key, relation_uid_list, REQUEST=REQUEST): found = 0 try: related_object = portal_catalog.getObject(relation_uid) display_text = str(related_object.getProperty(catalog_index)) found = 1 except ValueError: # Catch the error raised when the uid is a string if relation_uid.startswith(NEW_CONTENT_PREFIX): ############################## # New content was selected, but the # form is not validated ############################## portal_type = relation_uid[len(NEW_CONTENT_PREFIX):] translated_portal_type = translateString(portal_type) # XXX Replace New by Add message = translateString('New ${portal_type}', mapping={'portal_type':translated_portal_type}) display_text = message else: display_text = 'Object has been deleted' ################################ # Modify if user modified his value ################################ # XXX Does not work when user select a value in a ListField # if (found == 1) and \ # (value != display_text): # relation_editor_list = None # need_to_revalidate = 1 # REQUEST.set(relation_field_id, None) # break if value is None: value = display_text # Storing display_text as value is needed in this case relation_editor_list.append((value, relation_uid, display_text, None, relation_item_id)) # str(relation_uid), display_text, #################################### # User validate the form #################################### if need_to_revalidate == 1: # else: #################################### # Check the default field #################################### value_list = self.default_validator_instance.validate(field, key, REQUEST) # If the value is the same as the current field value, do nothing current_value_list = field.get_value('default') field_value_list = self._generateFieldValueList(field, key, value_list, current_value_list) if len(field_value_list) != 0: #################################### # Values were changed #################################### relation_editor_list = [] for relation_field_id, value, relation_item_id in field_value_list: if value == '': #################################### # User want to delete this line #################################### # Clean request if necessary if REQUEST.has_key(relation_field_id): for subdict_name in ['form', 'other']: subdict = getattr(REQUEST, subdict_name) if subdict.has_key(relation_field_id): subdict.pop(relation_field_id) display_text = 'Delete the relation' relation_editor_list.append((value, None, display_text, None, None)) # XXX RelationField implementation # # We must be able to erase the relation # display_text = 'Delete the relation' # # Will be interpreted by Base_edit as "delete relation" # # (with no uid and value = '') # relation_editor_list = [(value, None, # display_text, None, None)] else: relation_uid = REQUEST.get(relation_field_id, None) # need_to_revalidate = 1 if relation_uid not in (None, ''): # need_to_revalidate = 0 # found = 0 #################################### # User selected in a popup menu #################################### if isinstance(relation_uid, (list, tuple)): relation_uid = relation_uid[0] try: related_object = portal_catalog.getObject(relation_uid) except ValueError: # Catch the exception raised when the uid is a string related_object = None if related_object is not None: display_text = str(related_object.getProperty(catalog_index)) # found = 1 else: ############################## # New content was selected, but the # form is not validated ############################## if relation_uid.startswith(NEW_CONTENT_PREFIX): ############################## # New content was selected, but the # form is not validated ############################## portal_type = relation_uid[len(NEW_CONTENT_PREFIX):] translated_portal_type = translateString(portal_type) message = translateString('New ${portal_type}', mapping={'portal_type':translated_portal_type}) display_text = message else: display_text = 'Object has been deleted' # ################################ # # Modify if user modified his value # ################################ # if (found == 1) and \ # (value != display_text): # REQUEST.set(relation_field_id, None) # need_to_revalidate = 1 # else: # # Check # REQUEST.set(relation_item_id, ((display_text, relation_uid),)) # relation_editor_list.append((value, str(relation_uid), # display_text, relation_field_id, # relation_item_id)) REQUEST.set(relation_item_id, ((display_text, relation_uid),)) relation_editor_list.append((value, str(relation_uid), display_text, relation_field_id, relation_item_id)) # if need_to_revalidate == 1: else: #################################### # User validate the form for this line #################################### kw ={} kw[catalog_index] = value kw['portal_type'] = portal_type_list kw['sort_on'] = catalog_index parameter_list = field.get_value('parameter_list') if len(parameter_list) > 0: for k,v in parameter_list: kw[k] = v # Get the query results relation_list = portal_catalog(**kw) relation_uid_list = [x.uid for x in relation_list] menu_item_list = [] if len(relation_list) >= MAX_SELECT: # If the length is long, raise an error # This parameter means we need listbox help # XXX XXX XXX Do we need to delete it ? REQUEST.set(relation_item_id, []) raising_error_needed = 1 raising_error_value = 'relation_result_too_long' elif len(relation_list) == 1: # If the length is 1, return uid relation_uid = relation_uid_list[0] related_object = relation_list[0].getObject() if related_object is not None: display_text = str(related_object.getProperty(catalog_index)) # Modify the value, in order to let the user # modify it later... value = display_text else: display_text = 'Object has been deleted' # XXX XXX XXX REQUEST.set(relation_item_id, ((display_text, relation_uid),)) relation_editor_list.append((value, relation_uid, display_text, None, relation_item_id)) # relation_editor_list.append((0, value, relation_uid, # display_text, None, None)) elif len(relation_list) == 0: # Add blank line menu_item_list.append(('', '')) # If the length is 0, raise an error if field.get_value('allow_creation') == 1 : user = getSecurityManager().getUser() getDefaultModule = field.getDefaultModule # XXX for portal_type in portal_type_list: try: module = getDefaultModule(portal_type) except ValueError: pass else: if portal_type in module.getVisibleAllowedContentTypeList(): translated_portal_type = translateString(portal_type) message = translateString('Add ${portal_type}', mapping={'portal_type':translated_portal_type}) menu_item_list.append((message, '%s%s' % (NEW_CONTENT_PREFIX, portal_type))) REQUEST.set(relation_item_id, menu_item_list) raising_error_needed = 1 raising_error_value = 'relation_result_empty' else: # If the length is short, raise an error # len(relation_list) < MAX_SELECT: menu_item_list.extend([( x.getObject().getProperty(catalog_index), x.uid) for x in relation_list]) # Add blank line menu_item_list.append(('', '')) REQUEST.set(relation_item_id, menu_item_list) raising_error_needed = 1 raising_error_value = 'relation_result_ambiguous' ##################################### # Validate MultiRelation field ##################################### if raising_error_needed: # Raise error self.raise_error(raising_error_value, field) return value_list else: # Can return editor base_category = field.get_value('base_category') portal_type_item = field.get_value('portal_type') relation_setter_id = field.get_value('relation_setter_id') context_getter_id = field.get_value('context_getter_id') return self.editor(field.id, base_category, portal_type_list, portal_type_item, catalog_index, relation_setter_id, relation_editor_list, context_getter_id) MultiRelationStringFieldWidgetInstance = MultiRelationStringFieldWidget() MultiRelationStringFieldValidatorInstance = MultiRelationStringFieldValidator() class MultiRelationStringField(ZMIField): meta_type = "MultiRelationStringField" security = ClassSecurityInfo() widget = MultiRelationStringFieldWidgetInstance validator = MultiRelationStringFieldValidatorInstance security.declareProtected('Access contents information', 'get_orig_value') def get_orig_value(self, id): """ Get value for id; don't do any override calculation. """ if id in ('is_relation_field', 'is_multi_relation_field'): result = 1 else: result = ZMIField.get_orig_value(self, id) return result security.declareProtected('Access contents information', 'get_value') def get_value(self, id, REQUEST=None, **kw): """Get value for id. Optionally pass keyword arguments that get passed to TALES expression. """ if (id == 'items') and (REQUEST is not None): # relation_item_list is not editable for the RelationField result = REQUEST.get('relation_item_list', None) else: result = ZMIField.get_value(self, id, REQUEST=REQUEST, **kw) return result # Register get_value from Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField import registerOriginalGetValueClassAndArgument registerOriginalGetValueClassAndArgument(MultiRelationStringField, 'items')