(function (window, $) { 'use strict'; $.vifib.panel = { carousel: '<article id="slider">' + '<ul>' + '<li style="display: block">' + '<h2>Paas Without limit</h2>' + '<p>c c++ java javascript perl php python</p><p>kumofs mysql mariadb memcached</p><p>apache nodejs flask tomcat zope</p>' + '</li>' + '<li style="display: none">' + '<h2>Iaas broker</h2>' + '<p>xen kvm hyperv vmware openstack</p><p>opennebula amazon eucalyptus</p><p> niftyname gandi rackspace</p>' + '</li>' + '<li style="display: none">' + '<h2>Resilient Cloud Computing</h2>' + '<fieldset class="ui-grid-a">' + '<div class="ui-block-a">' + '<ul>' + '<li>decentralized</li>' + '<li>open-source</li>' + '</ul>' + '</div>' + '<div class="ui-block-b">' + '<ul>' + '<li>10x cost efficient</li>' + '<li>tremendously simpler</li>' + '</ul>' + '</div>' + '</fieldset>' + '</li>' + '<li style="display: none">' + '<h2>Mobile Edge Computing</h2>' + '<p>bsd linux macos windows android tizen</p>' + '</li>' + '<li style="display: none">' + '<h2>Billing</h2>' + '<p>accoutning billing charging crm portal market</p>' + '</li>' + '<li style="display: none">' + '<h2>Saas for free</h2>' + '<p>wordpress drupal erp5 prestashop joomla</p><p>xwiki mediawiki oscommerce sugarcrm</p><p>phpbb facturalux zabbix</p>' + '</li>' + '</ul>' + '</article>', simplelist: '<article>' + '<ul data-role="listview">' + '{{# links }}' + '<li><a href="{{ url }}">{{ name }}</a></li>' + '{{/ links }}' + '</ul>' + '</article>', failed: '<article>' + '<center><h4>This page does not exist</h4></center>' + '</article>', blank: '<article></article>', login: '<article>' + '<h2>Sign in with</h2>' + '<a data-role="button" href="#/login/facebook">Facebook</a><br/>' + '<a data-role="button" href="#/login/google">Google</a>' + '</article>', menu: { main: '<aside><nav><ul data-role="listview">{{# links }}<li><a href="{{ url }}">{{ name }}</a></li>{{/ links }}</ul></nav></aside>', library: '<aside><nav>' + '<ul data-role="listview" data-theme="d">' + '{{# links }}' + '<li><a href="{{ url }}">{{ name }}</a></li>' + '{{/ links }}' + '<li data-role="divider">Categories</li>' + '{{# categories }}' + '<li><a href="{{ url }}">{{ name }}</a></li>' + '{{/ categories }}' + '</ul></nav></aside>' }, categories: '<article><ul data-role="listview"><li data-role="divider">Categories</li>{{# categories }}<li><a href="{{ url }}">{{ name }}</a></li>{{/ categories }}</ul></article>', library: '<article>' + '<form id="search-library">' + '<div data-role="fieldcontain" class="ui-hide-label">' + '<label for="search"></label>' + '<input type="search" name="search" placeholder="Search"/>' + '</div>' + '</form>' + '<ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true">' + '<li data-role="list-divider">Most downloaded</li>' + '{{# most }}' + '<li><a href="{{ url }}"><h4>{{ name }}</h4></a></li>' + '{{/ most }}' + '<li data-role="list-divider">Brand new</li>' + '{{# newest }}' + '<li><a href="{{ url }}"><h4>{{ name }}</h4></a></li>' + '{{/ newest }}' + '</ul></article>', software: '<article>' + '<img src="{{ image_url }}">' + '<p><b>{{ description }}</b></p>' + '<a data-role="button" href="#/login">Buy it for {{ price }}€</a>' + '</article>', softwarelist: '<article>' + '<ul data-role="listview">' + '</ul>' + '</article>', rowsoftware: '<a href="{{ softurl }}">' + '{{# thumb_url }}' + '<img src="{{ thumb_url }}">' + '{{/ thumb_url }}' + '<h3>{{ name }}</h3>' + '</a>', instancerequest: '<article>' + '<form id="instancerequest">' + '<div data-role="fieldcontain">' + '<label for="title" class="ui-input-text">Title:</label>' + '<input type="text" name="title" required/>' + '</div>' + '<div data-role="fieldcontain">' + '<label for="software_release" class="ui-input-text">Software release:</label>' + '<input type="text" name="software_release" value="http://example.com/example.cfg"/>' + '</div>' + '<button value="Submit" type="submit">Submit</button>' + '</form>' + '</article>', instance: '<article>' + '<center><h3>{{ title }}</h3></center>' + '<ul data-role="listview">' + '<li class="ui-li-static">' + '<p class="ui-li-desc"><i>Software release</i></p>' + '<h3 class="ui-li-heading"><a href="{{ software_release }}">{{ software_release }}</a></h3>' + '</li>' + '<li class="ui-li-static">' + '<p class="ui-li-desc"><i>Software type</i></p>' + '<h3 class="ui-li-heading">{{ software_type }}</h3>' + '</li>' + '<li class="ui-li-static">' + '<p class="ui-li-desc"><i>Status</i></p>' + '<h3 class="ui-li-heading">{{ status }}</h3>' + '</li>' + '</ul>' + '{{# start_requested }}' + '<a data-role="button" href="{{ stop_url }}">Stop</a>' + '<a data-role="button" href="{{ destroy_url }}">Destroy</a>' + '{{/ start_requested }}' + '{{# stop_requested }}' + '<a data-role="button" href="{{ start_url }}">Start</a>' + '<a data-role="button" href="{{ destroy_url }}">Destroy</a>' + '{{/ stop_requested }}' + '</article>', instancelist: '<article>' + '<a href="{{ requesturl }}" data-role="button">Create a new instance</a>' + '<ul data-role="listview">' + '</ul>' + '</article>', rowinstance: '<a href="{{ insturl }}">{{ title }}</a>', computerlist: '<article>' + '<ul data-role="listview">' + '</ul>' + '</article>', computer: '<article>' + '<h2>{{ computer_id }}</h2>' + '</article>', allcomputer: '<article>' + '<ul data-role="listview">' + '</ul>' + '</article>', rowcomputer: '<a href="{{ compurl }}">' + '{{ computer_id }}' + '</a>', notfound: '<article>' + '<center><h4>This resource could not be found</h4></center>' + '</article>', badrequest: '<article>' + '<center><h4>Something went wrong, the server receive an incorrect request</h4></center>' + '</article>', payment: '<article>' + '<center><h4>Your account is locked because of non payment/h4></center>' + '</article>', internalerror: '<article>' + '<center><h4>This resource could not be found</h4></center>' + '</article>', nosoftware: '<article>' + '<h4>The software you are looking for, named "{{ name }}", does not exist</h4>' + '</article>', noinstance: '<article>' + '<h4>The instance you are looking for, named "{{ name }}", does not exist</h4>' + '</article>', nocomputer: '<article>' + '<h4>The computer you are looking for, named "{{ name }}", does not exist</h4>' + '</article>' }; $.vifib.header = { main: '<header data-role="header"><a href="#" data-icon="home" data-iconpos="notext"></a><h2>{{ title }}</h2></div></header><div id="loading" style="position: absolute; top: 20px; right: 20px;"></div>' }; $.vifib.footer = { overview: '<footer data-role="footer"><div data-role="navbar"><ul><li><a href="#/library/">Library</a></li><li><a href="http://packages.python.org/slapos.core/">Documentation</a></li></ul></div></footer>' }; }(window, jQuery));